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Last Updated: June 20, 2024

Gale Usage Reporting Overview


This document provides an overview of Gale usage reports including available reports and a FAQ.

Gale electronic product usage reports provide an accurate count of how your Gale subscriptions are being used by patrons both inside your library and remotely.

Gale standard reports can be accessed through the Gale Usage Reports portal available through Gale Admin and the Gale Usage Dashboard.

COUNTER tabular reports can be accessed through the Gale Usage Reports Portal available through Gale Admin. Gale makes SUSHI usage reporting available for supported COUNTER usage reports.

Gale Standard Usage Reports

Gale electronic product usage reports provide an accurate count of how products are used by patrons. Gale Standard usage data is displayed in Gale's standard format.

Standard reports include the following:

Gale - eBook Retrievals: Number of retrievals from individual eBook titles for a specific timeframe

Gale - Journal Retrievals: Number of retrievals from individual Journal titles for a specific timeframe

Gale - Usage by Database: Usage by database for a specified timeframe

Gale - Usage by Location, Date, and Time: Pinpoint specific time users are accessing resources

Gale - Usage by Session Time: Session count based on day and time

Gale - Usage Summary: All Gale Usage from a specific timeframe rolled up into one number for searches, sessions, retrievals and full text retrievals.

Location Details: Use this if you are an institution with more than one location and would like a breakdown of location usage.

For definitions of metrics and terms that appear on all reports available to Gale customers, please see the Glossary of Usage Terms.


The COUNTER Reports follow usage reporting standards and formatting developed by COUNTER (Counting Online Usage of Networked Electronic Resources).

Gale provides new COUNTER 5 reports compliant with the latest COUNTER standards.

COUNTER 5 report coverage begins with January 2019 usage. COUNTER 5 covers databases on the main Gale platform, including OneFile, In Context, Literature resources, Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL), Gale Directory Library (GDL) databases.

Beginning with January 2020 usage, Gale Primary Source collections that are part of the main Gale Platform will be part of COUNTER 5 usage reports.* A current schedule of Gale Primary Source collections moving to the main Gale platform from legacy platforms is available here: Please note Making of Modern Law first full month of usage availability begins January 2021.

Gale continues to provide COUNTER 4 (R4) reports for historical usage and to support the transition to COUNTER 5 (R5).

For information about the differences between R4 and R5, please see the COUNTER organization's Changes from Previous Releases.

For additional information, COUNTER had made available training resources and documentation such as the Code of Practice, and a glossary on

For definitions of metrics and terms that appear on all reports available to Gale customers, please see the Glossary of Usage Terms.

COUNTER 5 Reports

Platform Master Report

A customizable report that summarizes activity on the main Gale platform and allows the user to apply filters and select other configuration options.

Platform Usage

A standard view of the Platform Master Report offering usage on the main Gale platform summarized by key metric types.

Database Master Report

A customizable report that summarizes activity across databases on the main Gale platform and allows the user to apply filters and select other configuration options.

Database Search and Item Usage

A standard view of the Database Master Report reporting on key search and request metrics needed to evaluate a database.

Title Master Report

A customizable report detailing activity by title that allows the user to apply filters and select other configuration options.

Book Requests (Excluding 'OA_Gold')

Reports on full text activity for non-Gold 'Open Access' books as 'Total_Item_Requests' and 'Unique_Title_Requests'.

Journal Requests (Excluding 'OA_Gold')

Reports on non-Gold 'Open Access' Journal content as 'Total_Item_Requests' and 'Unique_Item_Requests'.

Journal Requests by YOP (Excluding 'OA_Gold')

Breaks down the usage of non-Gold Open Access journal content by year of publication (YOP) providing counts for the metric types 'Total_Item_Requests' and 'Unique_Item_Requests'

For definitions of metrics and terms that appear on all reports available to Gale customers, please see the Glossary of Usage Terms.

*COUNTER 5 reports are not available for Business Insights: Essentials or Business Insights: Global.

  • Session: A session is anytime the product was successful logged into.
  • Unique Usage: This metric is the actual number of times that a test was taken.

ChiltonLibrary: Detail Report

  • State | Country – Location where the user accessed Chilton.
  • Location Name – The account name will now appear in the report.
  • Login Success - The user successfully connects to Chilton and ends:>
    • The session by either leaving the service through exit
    • Logs out
    • or a default timeout of 60 minutes
  • Print – The number of times a user clicks the print button within Chilton resource. (Not web browser print option).
  • Date – Date the user successfully logged into Chilton
  • Time - Time the user successfully logged into Chilton (EST)

Gale Presents: Udemy for Business

  • Active Users: An aggregation of 'Users active this month.' We shouldn't think of these as unique users.
  • Courses Enrolled: An aggregation of 'Courses enrolled this month.' These represent new enrollments each month.
  • Courses Started: An aggregation of 'Courses started this month.' (Users can enroll in courses in Udemy without starting the video lectures. Because the courses are delivered asynchronously, many will enroll in courses they intend to take but don't start them right away.
  • Courses Completed: An aggregation of 'Courses completed this month.' Courses are completed when all lectures/activities are marked as complete. Courses can be started in one month and completed in another, so 'Courses Started' and 'Courses Completed' will not have a 1:1 relationship.
  • Video Minutes: An aggregation of 'Video minutes consumed this month.' The vast majority of Udemy lessons are video lectures, so this metric reflects the number of minutes that were viewed.
  • Lectures Completed: An aggregation of 'Lectures completed this month.' Includes video lectures and 'other' lectures, which are composed of written material.
  • Practice Activities: An aggregation of 'Practice Activities completed this month.' Not all courses have practice activities, but some do. It's just one metric of engagement with the courses.

Gale Business: Demographics Now

  • Downloads Details: An authenticated user selected to download the search results they requested via summary view or detail view.
  • Downloads Summary: An authenticated user selected to download the search results they requested via summary view or detail view.

Third Party Databases Usage Reports & Retrieval Instructions

Third-party databases include:

  • Chilton Library**
  • Demographics NOW
  • Gale Presents: Peterson's Career Prep**
  • Gale Presents: Peterson's Test and Career Prep**
  • Gale Presents: Peterson's Test Prep**
  • Gale Presents: Udemy for Business
  • LegalForms**
  • Miss Humblebee's Academy

**Usage for these resources can be viewed through the Gale Usage Dashboard.

To obtain scheduled usage reports for third-party databases, please send an email to: [email protected].


1. How do I access Gale electronic product usage reports?

2. What is the Gale Usage Reports Portal?

The Gale Usage Reports Portal, available through Gale Admin, hosts Gale and COUNTER reports. This portal allows you to:

  • Run reports on-demand
  • Run reports in the background/Email Reports (Recommended for lengthy reports)
  • Schedule Reports

The Gale Usage Reports portal includes Gale standard reports and COUNTER reports.

For more information, access the Gale Usage Reports Portal user guide.

3. What is the Gale Usage Dashboard?

The Gale Usage Dashboard provides reports on demand, sortable tabular data and new ways to visualize usage output. This new dashboard provides you with an easy and fast way to track usage trends, compare tabular data, and gain deeper insight into how your users are using your Gale resources.

The Gale Usage Dashboard includes Gale standard reports and select third-party database usage (see FAQ 4).

4. How do I schedule reports for third-party databases?

To obtain scheduled usage reports for these third-party databases, please send an email to: [email protected].

  • Chilton Library**
  • Demographics NOW
  • Gale Presents: Peterson's Career Prep**
  • Gale Presents: Peterson's Test and Career Prep**
  • Gale Presents: Peterson's Test Prep**
  • Gale Presents: Udemy for Business**
  • LegalForms**
  • Miss Humblebee's Academy

**Usage for these resources can be viewed on-demand through the Gale Usage Dashboard.

Additional Questions:

Please contact Gale Technical Support.

© 2024 Gale, part of Cengage Group