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Last Updated: May 23, 2024

Gale Products and HTTPS Support

Gale strives to protect the right to privacy for library users. We updated our products to require HTTPS. As a result, patron traffic is now encrypted, ensuring that the transfer of data between a patron's browser and Gale's products cannot be comprised.

You do not need to update your existing URLs. All existing URLs will automatically redirect to the new location. (HTTPS / *

Does your library use EZ-Proxy?

If your library hosts its proxy server locally, you must update your Gale configuration stanza to reflect the changes. EZ-Proxy Configurations documents the updated configuration. If your library uses a hosted version of EZ-Proxy from OCLC, OCLC will update the Gale stanza automatically for you.

Does your library use Innovative WAM proxy?

Please contact the support team at Innovative (800-878-6600 or [email protected]) for help with configuring your Gale resources.

Similarly, libraries using other proxy servers should work directly with their proxy providers for advice and support to ensure continued product access.

Does your library use a Firewall Allowlist?

Some libraries configure their firewalls so that patrons can only access approved websites (for example, the domain * Libraries must allow the HTTPS protocol and the* domain name through their firewall to access Gale products.

Gale cannot support firewall allowlists based on IP addresses instead of domain names. Gale improved hosting, security, and performance, so Gale services are now delivered from a larger range of IP addresses. Therefore, Gale cannot provide a list of the IP addresses used by our servers. For a list of host names, see Configuring Firewalls.

If you use linking features within Gale products (for example, OpenURL, Links to Holdings, or Interlibrary Loan) ensure that you point to the HTTPS versions of these features. You can access/modify these settings in Gale Admin under Discovery Services. Contact Gale Technical Support for help with Gale Admin settings or generating HTTPS-compatible URLs.

The American Library Association provides additional resources to help your library improve privacy.

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