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Title Lists

Archives title lists. These lists are not suitable for linking. If you need title lists suitable for linking please contact [email protected].

Title File
Amateur Newspapers from the American Antiquarian Society Thumbnail Amateur Newspapers from the American Antiquarian Society
Amateur Newspapers from the American Antiquarian Society XLSX
American Fiction, 1774-1920 Thumbnail American Fiction, 1774-1920
American Fiction, 1774-1920 XLSX
American Historical Periodicals from the American Antiquarian Society Thumbnail American Historical Periodicals from the American Antiquarian Society
Series 1-5 XLSX
Series 6 XLSX
Series 7 XLSX
Series 8 XLSX
Archives of Sexuality and Gender Thumbnail Archives of Sexuality and Gender
Community and Identity in North America XLSX
International Perspectives on LGBTQ Activism and Culture XLSX
L'Enfer de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France XLSX
LGBTQ History and Culture Since 1940, Part I XLSX
LGBTQ History and Culture Since 1940, Part II XLSX
Sex and Sexuality, Sixteenth to Twentieth Century XLSX
Associated Press Collections Online Thumbnail Associated Press Collections Online
European Bureaus XLSX
Middle East Bureaus XLSX
News Features and Internal Communications XLSX
U.S. City Bureaus XLSX
Washington, D.C. Bureau, Part I XLSX
Washington, D.C. Bureau, Part II XLSX
Brazilian and Portuguese History and Culture Thumbnail Brazilian and Portuguese History and Culture
Oliveira Lima Library, Monographs XLSX
Oliveira Lima Library, Pamphlets XLSX
British Library Newspapers Thumbnail British Library Newspapers
Part I, 1800-1900 XLSX
Part II, 1800-1900 XLSX
Part III, 1741-1950 XLSX
Part IV, 1732-1950 XLSX
Part V, 1746-1950 XLSX
Part VI, Ireland, 1783–1950 XLSX
British Literary Manuscripts Online Thumbnail British Literary Manuscripts Online
British Literary Manuscripts Online, 1660-1900 XLSX
British Literary Manuscripts Online, Medieval and Renaissance XLSX
Chatham House Online Archive Thumbnail Chatham House Online Archive
Part I, 1920-1979 XLSX
Part II, 1980-2008 XLSX
China and the Modern World Thumbnail China and the Modern World
Diplomacy and Political Secrets, 1869–1950 XLSX
Hong Kong, Britain and China, Part I, 1841–1951 XLSX
Hong Kong, Britain and China, Part II, 1965–1993 XLSX
Imperial China and the West, Part I, 1815–1881 XLSX
Imperial China and the West, Part II, 1865–1905 XLSX
Missionary, Sinology, and Literary Periodicals, 1817–1949 XLSX
Records of Shanghai and the International Settlement, 1836-1955 XLSX
Records of the Maritime Customs Service of China, 1854-1949 XLSX
Crime, Punishment, and Popular Culture, 1790-1920 Thumbnail Crime, Punishment, and Popular Culture, 1790-1920
Crime, Punishment, and Popular Culture, 1790-1920 XLSX
Declassified Documents Online: Twentieth-Century British Intelligence Thumbnail Declassified Documents Online: Twentieth-Century British Intelligence
An Intelligence Empire XLSX
Monitoring the World XLSX
Decolonization: Politics and Independence in Former Colonial and Commonwealth Territories Thumbnail Decolonization: Politics and Independence in Former Colonial and Commonwealth Territories
The Politics of Independence in Former Colonial Territories XLSX
Eighteenth Century Collections Online Thumbnail Eighteenth Century Collections Online
Environmental History Thumbnail Environmental History
Colonial Policy and Global Development, 1896-1993 XLSX
Conservation and Public Policy in America, 1870-1980 XLSX
History of Disabilities Thumbnail History of Disabilities
Seventeenth to Twentieth Century XLSX
Indigenous Peoples of North America Thumbnail Indigenous Peoples of North America
Part II, The Indian Rights Association, 1882–1986 XLSX
Nineteenth Century Collections Online Thumbnail Nineteenth Century Collections Online
Asia and the West XLSX
British Politics and Society XLSX
British Theatre XLSX
European Literature, The Corvey Collection, 1790-1840 XLSX
Photography The World Through the Lens XLSX
Primary XLS
Women and Transnational Networks XLSX
Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers Thumbnail Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers
Nineteenth Century UK Periodicals Thumbnail Nineteenth Century UK Periodicals
Empire PDF
Part I, Women's, Children's, Humor, and Leisure XLSX
Political Extremism and Radicalism Thumbnail Political Extremism and Radicalism
Far-Right and Left Political Groups in the U.S., Europe, and Australia in the Twentieth Century XLSX
Far-Right Groups in America XLSX
Global Communist and Socialist Movements XLSX
Power to the People Thumbnail Power to the People
Power to the People: Counterculture, Social Movements, and the Alternative Press, Nineteenth to Twenty-First Century XLSX
Refugees, Relief, and Resettlement Thumbnail Refugees, Relief, and Resettlement
Part I: Forced Migration and World War II XLSX
Part II: The Early Cold War and Decolonization XLSX
Sabin Americana: History of the Americas, 1500-1926 Thumbnail Sabin Americana: History of the Americas, 1500-1926
Coverage List XLSX
Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Burney Newspapers Collection Thumbnail Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Burney Newspapers Collection
Newspapers XLS
Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Nichols Newspapers Collection Thumbnail Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Nichols Newspapers Collection
Newspapers XLSX
Slavery and Anti-Slavery: A Transnational Archive Thumbnail Slavery and Anti-Slavery: A Transnational Archive
Part I, Debates over Slavery and Abolition XLS
Part II, Slave Trade in the Atlantic World XLS
Part III, The Institution of Slavery XLS
Part IV, Age of Emancipation XLS
Smithsonian Primary Sources in U.S. History Thumbnail Smithsonian Primary Sources in U.S. History
Primary Sources XLSX
The Making of Modern Law: American Civil Liberties Union Papers Thumbnail The Making of Modern Law: American Civil Liberties Union Papers
American Civil Liberties Union Papers, Part I, 1912-1990 XLSX
American Civil Liberties Union Papers, Part II, Southern Regional Office XLSX
The Making of Modern Law: Foreign Primary Sources, 1600–1970 Thumbnail The Making of Modern Law: Foreign Primary Sources, 1600–1970
Foreign Primary Sources, 1600-1970, Part I XLSX
Foreign Primary Sources, 1600-1970, Part II XLSX
The Making of Modern Law: Landmark Records and Briefs of the U.S. Courts of Appeals Thumbnail The Making of Modern Law: Landmark Records and Briefs of the U.S. Courts of Appeals
Landmark Records and Briefs of the U.S. Court of Appeals, 1950-1980, Part I XLSX
Landmark Records and Briefs of the U.S. Court of Appeals, Part II, 1891-1950 XLSX
The Making of Modern Law: Legal Treatises, 1800–1926 Thumbnail The Making of Modern Law: Legal Treatises, 1800–1926
Legal Treatises, 1800-1926 XLSX
The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources Thumbnail The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources
Primary Sources, Part I, 1620-1926 XLSX
Primary Sources, Part II, 1700-1970 XLSX
The Making of Modern Law: Trials, 1600–1926 Thumbnail The Making of Modern Law: Trials, 1600–1926
Trials, 1600-1926 XLSX
The Making of the Modern World Thumbnail The Making of the Modern World
Part III, 1890-1945 XLSX
U.S. Declassified Documents Online Thumbnail U.S. Declassified Documents Online
Annual Supplement 1 XLSX
Annual Supplement 2 XLSX
Annual Supplement 3 XLSX
Annual Supplement 4 XLSX
Annual Supplement 5 XLSX
Annual Supplement 6 XLSX
Annual Supplement 7 XLSX
Annual Supplement 8 XLSX
Annual Supplement 9 XLSX
Women's Studies Archive Thumbnail Women's Studies Archive
Female Forerunners Worldwide XLSX
Issues and Identities XLSX
Rare Titles from the American Antiquarian Society, 1820-1922 XLSX
Voice and Vision XLSX
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