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Last Updated: May 21, 2024

Gale Resources Overview: Empowering Washington State Public Libraries

Discover the wealth of Gale resources available through the Washington State Library in this comprehensive training session designed for public librarians. Gain insights into the diverse content and functionality of these resources. Explore the extensive collection of databases, e-books, multimedia, and more. Learn how to effectively navigate and utilize Gale resources to support research, enhance programming, and engage library patrons. Don't miss this opportunity to unlock the full potential of Gale resources and elevate your library services.

Duration: 45 Minutes
Welcome to your training for the Washington State Library. Today's session, Gale Resources Overview, Empowering Washington State Public Libraries.

My name is Tammi Burke. I'm your Gale Trainer. And any questions that you have, please feel free to use that Q&A box and ask away.

I will stay on at the end of today's training if there's any additional questions or you'd like me to go over anything again.

I'm happy to do that so I'll stick around at the end of today's session.

We do have a nice 45 min together and we have a lot that we're going to go through.

So what my goal is today for today's training is I will be sharing what Gale resources you have available to use and when they make sense to use in your public library.

So I'm going to give you an overview of all of them and then we're going to jump into specific resources and talk about them a little bit, or a little bit further, take a deeper dive and talk to you about those features.

And tools that are available within the resources. So my goal is for you all to build your knowledge. But also to provide you with a better idea of which resources to share with your patrons to use and a better understanding of when to use those or when to suggest those resources.

So we're gonna do a little bit of everything today, but again, this is more of that high-level level overview.

So again, if you have any specific questions about any products, we had a couple already come through today.

Feel free to ask and I'm happy to answer those questions for you. Our agenda is starting 1st with access to the resources and then an overview of all of those Gale resources.

I will be spending most of our time today browsing searching content and then those resource features and tools. So we'll look at that functionality of the resources.

The nice thing is with your gall resources is they're consistent and your tools and features are the same across all of your resources.

So if you have, you know, our younger users, our elementary students coming into your library and utilizing Gale and Context Elementary as they build their knowledge with those tools and features, just know that it is the same across all.

So when they go to middle school, high school, they're going to see the same. Tools and features and that goes along with our patrons that are coming in and again we say we're you know available from those youngest users to 100 to those that are 101 years old.

So we have that that consistency across all of your gale resources. So the nice thing is when I train you all is I can go into one, show you one of those tools and then jump into another resource, explore more content, but then build on your tools and feature knowledge because again, it's the same.

Questions I encourage you to ask any time throughout today's training, but you can also follow up with me after I'll provide you with my email address.

It will be in the follow-up email. And then also I'll provide you today with contact information.

For your customer success managers and they are your one-on-one support and they are there to support you in all things scale.

They are post-tail support, so they are just there to make sure that you get the most out of your resources and can help you with walking through everything on the Gale support site to running usage reports.

So they really can help with a lot of those questions that you may have. Or if you just want some one on one support.

So to access all of your direct URLs, your direct links to all of your Gale resources, UE built out this support site specifically for the Washington State Library.

And I did share that link. In the chat, but I'll post it again. This is a really good link to bookmark because once you click into it, you can sign in with your library.

So when you find your library from the drop-down menu or you can sign in, select your library, click proceed, and then that will take you to all of your direct URLs.

These direct URLs will have your location ID built in. I did not log in. That's why you're seeing that blank area there for location ID.

It'll have your location ID built in and every library has their own unique location ID. So that we can help you track usage.

Let me know if there are any questions on that. But with that, let's jump into all of your Gale resources.

And again, I want to provide you with an overview of everything you have. So I've kind of grouped them together.

So to help you as your understanding what you have available. And so for our K 12 classroom homework help and also higher ed and higher ed does really trickle into multiple areas here.

But focusing more on that student and what the student needs. These are the resources that you have. So you do have Gale In context elementary, cross-curricular, general reference for our kindergarten through 5th grade students.

Gale in context middle school, which is cross-curricular general reference. And this is for our 6th through 8th grade students.

And then Gale In Context High School, again, cross-curricular general reference, and for our high school students.

You also have in that In context as you can see the In context in the title on each of these logos.

In the in context suite, you also have Gale and Context College. Which is just like these 3.

We call these the building blacks, elementary, middle school, high school, and then from high school onto college.

Which is also cross-curricular general reference. But also in your in context suite, you have global issues and global issues is that global viewpoint of issues from around the world that you have available through the Washington State Library.

This is used global issues is used at the high school level. It's used at the middle school level, but also at the college level.

It is really, and not just college, but even our public library patrons like I think of myself or my parents.

This is a great resource to get that global viewpoint, safe authoritative content, and again with those great consistent tools across all your resources and also the content that's available is consistent.

You're always going to receive it in HTML and you're also going to have the ability to download it as an as a PDF if that's what you're interested in.

So always on all of your articles you'll have that information available. You'll also have for so on our Gale one file periodical family anything with one file in the title is period focused on our periodicals.

So our in context are do they have periodical content? Absolutely. Of newspapers and magazines in high school, global issues in college, you're going to find academic journals, but they're also very rich in multimedia and their organized with these great topic pages.

So you're going to find videos and images and audio files of available in your in context suite.

And again, you have these great topic pages that start with an image and an essay overview. So it's how it's organized too.

Your one file periodical family like high school edition has periodicals. For our high school students.

So these are publications, academic journals. You'll find some academic journals, newspapers, magazines.

There's some multimedia here, but not. What you're going to find in the in context resources.

So this is the one file resources focus on the periodical content. And then you also have Gale Literature Lit Finder.

And Lip Finder has full-text poems, short stories, plays, speeches, inaugural speeches, essays, and it's great for middle school, high school, and also for our higher ed students.

So it's going to be those full text documents. Full text actual literary works you're going to find in Lit Finder.

Let me know if you have any questions on anything along the way. To support your For so for small business, support your entrepreneurs, business courses, business students, you're going to find 3 great resources that you have access to.

Gale Business Insights is the 1st one here on our on our screen. And Gale Business Insights is it's global.

So you're going to find company profiles and industry overviews, market information, and it's it's global.

So you're going to find companies from around the world and it has in it's been over a year now.

I think we're going on this fall. It'll be 2 years it received enhancements and so the homepage is fantastic.

It's great to for private investors because you're getting financial data, SWAT. Reports.

Plunket reports are available in Gale Business Insights. It really is one of those great resources that supports so many different needs.

And then you have Gale Business Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship is Great for those small business owners or those looking to open a small business even for our our business students.

Marketing students like this resource to where you're going to find the complete series of the business plan handbook available in Gale Business Entrepreneurship and the homepage takes you through.

Like 4 stages, right, where you're starting with a business plan, then you're looking for funding, then you're looking maybe you're looking for trending ideas and then on managing that business.

So now that you have the business, how can you manage it? And you're going to find great industry information available within this resource too.

And then from our one file periodical family talking about industry news, Gale one file business is in that again in the one file periodical family.

So you're going to find great industry information content. Documents, articles available within this resource.

So those are your 3 business resources that you have available from Gale. Health and wellness, so let's talk about our health and wellness suite of resources and some of the differences that you're going to find and these are great for patron health or consumer health and wellness.

Medical professionals and students. So for our more of that consumer health approach, Gale Health and Wellness is a good resource.

So those that are coming into your library. Maybe you have, I know I worked with a group in Florida and in Sarasota and they have public library programming around for caregivers of patients Alzheimer's and dementia.

So those family members, that type of information and health and wellness is a great resource for that. So for those caregivers that are caring for their for their parents or family members.

Also great for if you are working with your schools. Talking to counselors at either the higher ed or also at the K 12.

Great information on Thanks, anxiety and depression and stress and those types of topics you're going to find here.

Or maybe you have, you know, parents that are coming into your library looking for help because, you know, autism is something that they're looking for support with in their family.

So health and wellness is a great resource for all those. Those types of patrons that are coming into your library.

So keep that in mind. We're health and medicine, again, in our one file periodical family, health and medicine is for our medical students, our medical professionals.

That's where I would use health and medicine because again, it's going to have that our all of our periodical resource all of our resources are being updated all day throughout today the day, but the periodical resources are going to have a lot of that information fed in quicker because it's released quicker from our publications that we work with.

So health and medicine is a grand you can set up great search alerts and journal alerts. So if there is a journal that A medical professional utilizes all the time and would like notification as soon as it's available in their in this resource or they've done a specific search and there's certain term or subject that they're looking for.

Anytime new information is added, they can have it sent directly to their inbox. So it's a really great tool to use for that.

And they can choose how often they would like to receive that information. So along that suite of resources, we also have nursing and allied health.

Physical therapy and sports medicine, psychology, all in that Gale One file product family. And then, of course, we have Gale Academic One File, which we're going to talk more about that.

An academic one file is if you think about it, it's it's All of these individual resources have unique information in the one file periodical family, but a lot of that content too, some of those publications are also available in Academic One File.

So keep that in mind and I'm going to go to the next slide because it explains, oh, wait, where did my slide go?

I am missing a slide. I don't know. Oh no, I moved it around and I accidentally think I may have.

Deleted it. So you do have, I'm just going to go directly into, let's, let's explore.

I'm going to go into our periodical resources and talk to you about it in the product menu.

So let me jump over and do that. Cause I had one more slide and I will add it back in before I.

Put this. In the follow-up email. So, our product menu is You know, when you're accessing your resources, you can, however you have it set up.

Maybe you have students going to a lip guide or maybe you're using canvas and you have a place for your library.

Within canvas. You know, you can you can add a page and add your your Gale resources to a page in Canvas for example learning management system.

Or you have direct URLs directly on your library website. It really is depends on how you all have things set up in your library.

No lib guides are used a lot in our public libraries but also at the academic level but maybe you have all of your e-resources in one spot.

So you can have your direct URL set up however you want. The Gale product menu is available in all of your Gale resources.

It's in the upper left-hand corner. I'll show you that in a minute. But I wanted to talk to you about the rest of the periodical content before I do jump into our 1st resource.

So the 1st 2 I wanted to talk to you about are right here. Academic one file, general one file, and then we call this them the big 3.

Where is The last one here it is, Gale One file news. So Gale One file news.

Academic one file and general one file. Now, you're going to find academic one file in general one file.

Academic is focused on those academic journals. Where General One file is more of that general reference.

So academic one file used a lot at the higher ed level, but also in our public libraries where general one file you'll find used more at your public library level.

So it has more of those popular magazines, those types of titles that you're going to find there.

In that resource. And then the rest are subsets. So Agriculture is a subset of academic and general one file, but also has some of its own unique content.

So if you're looking for those specific, you can see quite a few available here. If you're looking for specifically diversity studies.

Then I would come into general, one file diversity studies rather than going into academic or general one file because you're going to get exactly what you need from these larger resources plus that additional unique information.

So I hope that makes a little bit of sense of why you're seeing so many of these available.

There's health and medicine, which we talked about. Another resource I want to mention is in Former Academical.

Inform a Academico is publications but their Spanish and Portuguese publications. You'll find scout scholarly journals and magazines all about Latin America.

So you do have Inform Academical available as some of your resources. And then as I mentioned, one file news is also available.

The only other resource I wanted to talk to you about before we jump into our 1st one. Is your ebooks.

So you also have Gale ebooks. So all of your ebooks, nonfiction reference that you have available from your Gale ebooks available from the Washington State Library will live in the Gale ebooks platform.

Okay, let me know if there are any questions. Again, this was that high-level level overview.

The 1st resource we are going to go into. And I can filter directly to my in contact suite so we can see all of those resources I already talked about.

Is Gale In Context Elementary. So we start, we're going to start with our youngest users and work our way up.

And I just have a few things I want to share. Within this resource. So let's say you have a student that enjoyed a story in your public library that was shared during maybe you were doing a unit are doing a focus on your summer reading and there was a type that they were interested in or they're interested in penguins let's say I'm in Michigan so penguins in the winter something we and it's not

winter here of course but. Something that we study a lot over the winter months in Michigan and students just love to learn all about penguins.

This is a great complimentary or supplemental resource that you can introduce. Students too when they're coming into your public library because you can grow on what they're studying in the classroom.

So we do have topics about animals. Or maybe you've read a story, a certain story that they're interested in, Taki the Penguins one of my favorites and you want to direct them into this resource to find additional information.

And that happens a lot, especially with our younger users. They're so inquisitive and curious and you can't just send them to the open web.

It's just, it's just not safe and it's just the high level reading. This is designed for a kindergarten through 5th grade students.

And there's some tools here to help support them. One of those tools is the ability to toggle the sound on and off and what that is it helps them navigate through the resource.

So this is separate than our listen button. Listen is also an option when they are at the document level.

The But this will help me navigate. So I'm going to turn that sound on so you can hear.

Pictures News.

So it's going to read everywhere my cursor lands. So really it's to help me again.

Arden Music

Work through this resource and to navigate through this resource helps me identify some of these topic pages that I have available below.

Alright, even.

I wonder what was the 1st book Graceland wrote?

Even questions in our I wonder sections here you'd be able to read. So from the home page 2, very 1st thing we see are all of our topics and these we call a topic tree.

So let's say we want to choose animals. And

It loads for us and I can continue to trail down. We have this higher level piece of information for our students.

I click on mammals, again, high-level information there. And then here are all the topic pages below.

So very visual through to get to my topic page. And say dogs, where I have an image, an essay overview, quick facts, and then all of my content organized in these boxes below.

Along with pictures where I have some infographics, we've been adding infographics to a lot of the content here.

And video content we have available. And then any related topics are at the bottom. Our essay overviews, I'm going to go right up to that real quick.

We have both content level one and 2. So you'll feel, you'll see in our in context resources, we have 5 levels.

If you remember, content level 3 is middle schoolers. Everything below elementary. Everything above high school and undergrad, it keeps it really easy.

But we do have these little icons. This is a level one, the green box with the with the one dot and then level 2 is still level one, early elementary level 2 is upper elementary.

And the content will change. Even sometimes the text features like this one has main ideas, the other one had vocabulary words or words to know.

Same content, but it's at a higher reading level.

Okay. Alright, let's go back to that homepage because I want to share with you books.

So the Washington State Library has purchased some k 5 e-books. So you do have some of those titles available here.

They will also show up in your search results. So if there's an ebook related to a search or even through a topic page, they're going to show up in a book section.

So you have book articles. That are coming from more encyclopedia content or published, we publish a lot of our own content at Gale, or you'll also have these ebooks that have been purchased and they will show up in a separate box titled books.

So you'll have those in your search results or you can come directly in here. To view any of these ebooks.

Okay. Also, we have news. We have at the top. Is the ability to search through all of our news articles.

You can see quite a few from Young Zen are showing up, but we have scholastic and and highlights and notes.

Or highlights. I'm sorry. It's notes as a feature highlights. We also have and I'm, I'm John, at some of those publications.

I'll do a search and show you what all we have. But we also have fun facts for May here listed below.

And these change every month. I'll look at that Great Lakes Awareness Day up here in Michigan.

May 6, th I missed it. But we're Eternal Day. Is coming up this week? Did you know it was World Turtle Day?

I love coming into this resource because I always learn something new and there's always something for almost every month.

There's some celebration for an animal and of course kids just absolutely love that. Then you have pictures available.

Again, the ability to filter down a lot of infographics. Looks like we've been adding more infographics lately.

I absolutely love showing the ones on cats and dogs are usually number one and number 2. For students but you can see these are the best breed dogs for service dogs.

And we've got those infographics available in pictures but we also have let me show you in pictures I'm gonna do a quick search on plants.

You can see great information here, including labeled and unlabeled illustrations. So if you ever see an unlabeled illustration like this parts of a plant, We also have a labeled illustration.

Great for checking for understanding. Great for your public library programming, especially if you're ever working with homeschoolers.

And homeschool parents knowing that these tools are available within this resource is a really helpful tool. And then all of our video content.

Let's do life cycle.

That we have available. So you can see all of that video content.

Okay, so we talked about, I just want to touch into, let's see, we talked about the essay overview.

And then you do have the listen feature. So let me go into an article real quick and then we're going to jump into our next resource.

Let's go into animals again. And let's do fish and sea creatures. Sharks Shark Week is that one always pops up to great white shark.

So if I were to click into this article, We do have all our tools to support accessibility, including the Listen feature, which reads the text aloud to me.

So I can click that listen button and it'll start reading the text aloud to me. I also have under this menu I have some options under settings.

I can enlarge the text which you'll Pull out. This box at the bottom.

Great White Shark Great White Shark. The Great White Shark

You can see so that's again I enlarged the text. So I open the listen button and I just clicked in large text and it pulls out this text box at the bottom of my page and I can increase this or decrease it.

I can play or stop at any time too. Used to be called enhanced text visibility if you were ever on a session before.

We just recently updated our listen button. So you still have the download as an MP 3 and then other settings available such as changing the color of the what's being highlighted and the speed those will be available in settings.

We also have the ability to increase or decrease the font size. To change the display behind the text and this happened the other day.

Let me display options. There we go. I can change the color. I can change the font.

I can increase the line letter in word spacing.

So I change it to open dyslexic. I change the color behind the text and this will stick with me throughout my session.

And again, these are available in all of your Gale resources. So everything I'm showing you here in this elementary resource is also available in Academic One File, for example.

So you're going to find these tools and features shared across all of them and these are your tools to support accessibility.

To go back I just opened it back up. Back to default settings and done. I also have the translate option, which will translate the article into I have 50 different options available.

Okay, I'm going to go into the next resource and that is going to be let's quickly hop into.

What's our time? Okay. I'm gonna, I was going to show you middle school, but instead let's go into our periodical resources.

So let's go into general one file. So I'm going to periodical. And again, let me share with you.

I said I would share this in my upper. Actually, I'll go into General One file and show you.

In my upper left hand corner. This is where I can find the product. Menu. And that is this.

So it lives in that upper left hand corner. Of my screen under that library menu. And it'll say, now mine says Washington State Library because I logged in to their account.

Yours will have your library name there. I can sign in with Google or Microsoft. I have the ability to use Google Classroom and also translate.

Again, this is shared across all of my Gale resources. I can translate the text and this is for the navigation.

So this is separate. Then that document translation that I talked to you about in elementary. This is an navigation.

Of all of my my translation of the navigational tools. So I'm at 34 languages here and that would translate all of these tools on the page.

I can sign in with Google or Microsoft and then I can very easily send information directly to my Google Driver Microsoft Onedrive.

Now with our general one file an academic one file those 2 resources we have in general one file it's browsed by topic in academic one file it's browsed by discipline so it really helps our users find content quicker, right?

Because they can go into one of these subject categories. And then drill down by similar to the topic pages I was sharing in elementary.

It's also available in all of your in context resources. They just don't have that image and essay overview that you're going to find in your in context resources.

In entrepreneurship has also that similar to the in context and same with health and wellness. Has that similar formatting.

With our one file, it does take you directly to that periodical content. We also have some search options.

So of course you have basic search and advanced search, which you have topic finder, subject guide search, and publication search.

Now Topic Finder is on the homepage of all of our Gale resources. You will also always find these search options under advanced search.

So we do have all 3 of them available here on the homepage a general one file, but let's say if we were in.

Let's go into global issues.

You'll see in this resource, this is our in context resources. You have topic finder curriculum standards and educator resources.

But If I go to advanced search.

I have publication search here also. I don't have subject search in this one, but I do have topic finder.

So what exactly is Topic Finder? Well, let's start there because that's a fun one to share.

And then we'll go. Dive into one of these subject categories. So if I open topic Finder.

And let's say I'm looking specifically for information on climate change.

It pulls back these tiles. Or the wheel you have 2 visualizations available, tiles or wheel.

It's purely preference. Most folks like tile, that's why it's defaulted to that one.

But it really this is looking at keywords so it's keywords we look at the 100 words from a subset of your top results of your term.

My term was climate change. And then each of these tiles. I can click into drilled down so global global temperature changes the it's large the larger ones are deeper in color and of course you can see all the tiles that are available below but I can drill down by one Maybe I'm looking for new study.

And that takes me to 3 or 23 different documents on the right hand side. If I click into another one like say energy, this is 9.

And these are documents, they could be videos, images, it takes you to all of the content related to climate change.

And, and energy.

Okay, I can reset this. It takes me back to everything at once. You'll see these that have 3 dots.

It just means we could not fit that into that tiny little tile. So, but if we move your cursor around even on the larger ones here, well I'm sorry, on the smaller ones it does pop up at the top of the page, the larger ones you can read because they're right there on the page.

So that is topic finer. You also have publication search. So a question came up at the beginning of the session.

How? How can I find my title list? Well, the title lists all do live on the support site.

I did share that link in the webinar chat, but they do live on the support light site. You'll see title lists available there if you go into your support site and you go specifically to title lists, you'll find all of that information.

And this is something too, if you would like more information on that or would like me to go over at the end of today's training, I'm happy to walk through that process with you.

But you can also find a list of publications here within General One F. So if I were looking specifically for Let's say I want readers digest.

I can see all that I have available. I'm just gonna choose the 1st one. And you can see this is and for this one we have readers digest the 2,019.

Now I know we have this 2 current so it might have been one of the other publications I did not click into But we do have this one dated back and all the way.

Maybe it's this one. Yeah, here it is. So February to current and I can access the most current one for May.

And here are all of my. Articles from Reader's Digest. Something else I can do is I can create 2 things.

From a journal. So if I were to, I went into advanced search and I clicked on publication and I looked specifically for readers.

Digest. I can create a journal alert. And anytime new information is added or a new volume or next month's full text is available.

I can set it up so that I am emailed. I can be emailed once a month and I can choose my format.

And I can create that alert. Something else that happens is If I've done a search, so I'm gonna walk back to that homepage.

And this time, I'm going to do a search on climate change from here.

Because I want to share with you. I can also create a search alert.

Same idea, email or RSS feed and I can create a search alert not only that but let's say I filtered this information down.

I'm looking for specific document types. I only want brief articles. And maybe, and I can add in multiple.

I can search within for a certain term. I can only select if there's certain titles I only want information from certain titles.

I can do that. Publication date. I only maybe I only want information from a certain time period or from the past year or on a certain subject.

Like climate change. I can add in all of these filters and then set up my search alert. And then be notified anytime new information has been added.

And you can see every filter I add, it drills down all of my filters all of my content at once, not just magazines, it filters everything.

Now I was at just last week at the Florida Library Association Conference and I had a for my training session I talked about search alerts and I had an attendee come up after and say you know we set up for our own library and our library director we have Google alerts set up.

But Google Alerts does not look for information in a library journal and they're often their libraries in in the paper and in you know different publications and so what he did is he went in to general one file, created a search alert for his library and his director.

And a bunch showed up that he didn't even know about. And they were in, you know, mainly coming from Library Journal, some he had seen from the Google alerts that he had set up.

Now he's their marketing person so that makes sense why he was doing that but it's a great idea and that's a great idea too for you all how you can use it for your own individual library not even you know this is separate from using it with your patrons. Use it to your advantage.

There are tools available here that you can utilize for your library. So just an idea. I love it.

Love it. Love it when people share those great ideas with us because then I get to share it with all of you.

You weren't at the Florida Library Association Conference, but here you are in Washington and now you're benefiting from that information.

So it's the former teacher and me, I can't help it, but to share all that great information.

And it is a good idea. So just keep in mind that there's all kinds of ways that you can utilize these resources that you have available.

And search alert is one of those tools. So we talked about filtering the information down. We talked about topic finer, finder, advanced search is very intuitive and straightforward.

What I want to share with you, I'm just going to click into this 1st article. Is we talked about our tools to support accessibility, remember, in elementary, but we also have the ability to send information to Google Microsoft, email, download on print.

We also have our Explorer, which is providing you with supplemental information related to the article that you are on.

And then I also have my contextual toolbar at the top. My citations are always attached. To the articles.

They are defaulted to MLA 9th edition. So let's say if I wanted, I needed Chicago 17th edition and I wanted to send this to my Google Drive.

Well, if I send it here, it's just going to send the citation. If I want to send the whole article, I click on the paper airplane or I can scroll back up but this is nice because it sticks with me.

And I can send my entire article to Google. I'm Microsoft email. I can also download and print.

So you can see it's in HTML if I wanted to download this as a PDF, I have that option also available.

We're very consistent across all of your content you're going to find in your Gale resources.

So you're going to find both options available. Now, This is with our full text documents. You also have citations and abstracts available.

You can set it up. That your library is only pulling back full-text document information. I think public libraries like to see both.

Same with academics. It's schools that really prefer just to have full tax, but Just wanted to let you know that that options available.

So I can download it as a PDF. And it'll be this citation will stay in that Chicago 17th edition.

I also have, if I just need the citation, I have that tool available and look it. I change it at the bottom.

It also changed it for me here. So I can if I just need the citation, I have that option available also.

Get link provides a persistent URL back to any spot within this resource. So I would I'm at an article level, but.

Let's go back to that homepage. Let's say I went into news and current events.

And here's that topic pages. And I wanted to go into immigration.

And I want to create a link back to this. I can filter my content down. And grab a link and it'll take me only to my filter content.

But if I grab a link here. Share it with my public library programming. I have that direct URL that'll take folks directly to this exact spot.

And I can do it here at this level with all this information. I could go specifically to say academic journals or Maybe I want to go to all of my news articles.

I can grab a link to that. I can filter down to a certain subject. Maybe I'm interested in policy.

Now I can grab a link. So all these, every little thing you do, every filter you add at any pre limit filters you add and you create a link back to it, it will do the work for you.

So it's a really great tool all the way down to that document level where I can grab a link directly to this content.

So that Get link tools. A great feature that we have available for everyone to use within their resources.

Okay, so we went into general one file and. Gale In Context Elementary. I wanted to, I was going to go into Lit Finder, but here let's go into health and wellness.

I know health is always a popular topic in our public libraries as is the business content. So where would I find my health and wellness.

I have business here. You can see entrepreneurship and insights where that 3rd one I mentioned is going to be under periodicals.

Under Moore is where I'm going to find health and wellness and one more thing before I show you health and wellness.

Cross search, you wanted to cross search through your Gale resources, you have Gale Power Search.

Gale Power Search gives you the ability to cross search through your one file, your in context, and your ebooks all at once.

So you do and you can select or deselect as many databases as you choose. And this will cross search through everything at one time.

So let's stick with our global warming.


And you can see here it pulls everything back at once. I have a lot of information, so I might want to filter my results down.

I also have topic finder here if I wanted to pull it into that visual representation of my search results.

It's interactive. I can create those search alerts. Here's the get link option.

So all those tools are still available even in our cross search tool.

Jump into health and wellness real quick.

And you can see topics of interest. Our contextual toolbar, we have all of the tools available here as we do in the other resources.

Nice here into topics. So if I was specifically looking for maybe therapies, treatments and surgeries.

And I can drill down looking specifically at maybe I'm interested in exercise. Here's my image and essay overview.

Like my in context resources, you'll see this in middle school, high school, global issues in college where you have all of the content types.

In the center of the page. Related topics is going to be my related topic pages that I have at the bottom, but we have reference magazines.

I have the ability to search within my results to drill down. Maybe I'm looking specifically for

Depression and exercise like how does it help, right? So here I have all of that. This is coming from my reference content, but I have magazines and news and academic journals, videos, audio files available.

Okay. Alright, let me know if you have any questions on anything I went over. You'd like me to go over anything again.

I know this was a high-level overview of that information. I'm gonna go back to our PowerPoint and I want to share with you where you can go for additional support.

We talked a little bit about the Gale Support site already.

We have support. and I put this in this link specifically in the chat. But you will find all of your access information, your access URLs, your title list, Mark records, all of your database icons and widgets.

We also have a huge training center, tip sheets and tutorials. We recently have been adding and we have it for I think we're on to probably our last toolkit.

Training toolkits for every resource along with PowerPoint slides, tip sheets, you'll find some of our resources like our in context have student activities and projects and scavenger hunts available.

Our training toolkits take you from the basics all the way to go if you need to go for help.

If you need to, you know, get connected, here's a tutorial. So what we've done is we've curated all of our training content for a specific product and put it on to a 1-page document.

So it really helps you, especially if you're training anybody and you're building. This is a great place to get started because we do provide you with a quick link to the PowerPoint slides and they have all of our training notes attached to them or to short video tutorials or tip sheets that we have available.

So this is a place to get started. So that you can handle or do some of your own training in your buildings because we get asked that a lot.

Like where can we go for help? Here you go. We've provided that those training toolkits for you.

And then we also have great marketing materials. So if you're looking to promote your Washington State Library resources, we have bookmarks and posters, digital assets, every shape and size for social media you can think of.

We have them there and multiple choices. Here's 1 example here. And this is for health and wellness.

So you can directly link them back to your library website directly into the resource. So we have social media posts and blog posts.

We have templates for blogs and emails available for your resources. We have everything. Ready to go for you all, you just need to access it on the Gale support site.

Your customer success managers are your one-on-one support. I did provide them in the follow-up email that this email will be there, along with my email.

So if you have any questions or we would like to talk through anything or you want to cover anything that I went over in this session, please feel free to reach out to myself or your customer success managers.

We're happy to help. The training survey should pop up when you leave me today. Please click continue.

We would love to get your feedback. I do share that with internally, but also with the folks at the Washington State Library so that they know.

It's great for us to know what you all are thinking, how you're going to use the Gale resources, and just, you know, move forward with everything that you've learned today.

So if you'd like to use your phone, you can use the QR code. It's right there.

And let me, I see a question came through, so I just want to thank you all for your time today, so right at the end of our time, don't forget about the Washington State Library.

And then the training center is where you're going to find great materials. Does Gale ever plan to refresh the marketing content?

It would be really great to have regularly fresh source. I'll take that to our marketing team. We do have a brand new VP there.

So I will reach out to them directly. And see. So you've been using our social media images, but you're ready for some new stuff.

Is what you're saying, right? I will share that with them. Let me know if there's a certain product that you feel that you utilize a lot in your library so that they be good to know where to start.

So let us know. But, we do. I know they have quite a few choices available and I know that some I noticed too I can't remember which resource I was in was more kind of pandemic facing I guess you could I don't have to say that but you know what I'm saying so let us know if you want to put a comment in the Q&A or follow up with me after.

I'm happy to help with that, but I'll inquire about that too and see where we're at.

In that process about updating some of those images. But thank you for asking and it's I know they have been working on it but it might not be the resource that you're interested in.

So if there's 1 i can get bumped up on the list, let me know and I'm happy to help with that.

Okay, let me know if there's any other questions that you may have. I will stay on the line and otherwise thank you all.

You have more sessions this week, but tomorrow's is focused on academic and then Thursdays is on K 12 and it's you're going to get a lot of what you learned about today.

So this was, again, specifically for our public library patrons. I thank you all for taking time out of your day to join me for this training.

And again, any questions that you have just let me know and be on the lookout, we'll be adding more training sessions throughout the year.

Thanks everyone.
© 2024 Gale, part of Cengage Group