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Last Updated: May 24, 2024

For WSL: Gale Resources Overview: Unleashing the Potential for K-12 Students

Unlock the power of Gale resources available from the Washington State Library in this comprehensive training session designed for school librarians. Explore the wealth of content, tools to support accessibility, and the functionality of Gale resources. Learn how to effectively utilize these resources to support research, foster literacy, and enhance learning outcomes. Don't miss this opportunity to elevate your library services and provide valuable resources to support student success.

Duration: 60 Minutes
Is I'll share at least one student activity to go along with that resource. So you'll see me going into the support site to share all of that with you today.

So let's start with our agenda. Again, we're starting with an overview, but I always start with access of your Gale resources.

We'll be spending the majority of our time browsing and searching content and then covering those resource features and tools.

Any questions that you have, please feel free to use the Q&A backs. I'll also stay on at the end of today's training session if there's any additional questions and then contact information I will share at the end of today's training.

My contact information but also your Gale customer success managers. They are your one-on-one support in all things, Gale.

They are there to help you with usage reports or if you're looking for your direct access URLs or you just want to walk through the support site.

There they again are there for that one on one support. Very helpful folks that we have at Gale.

To access your Washington State Library resources, we built a support page specifically for the Washington State Library.

You can utilize that link. I will put it in the chat for those of you that are attending the live session, but those attending the recording or I should say watching the recording, you can see that link right here on the screen.

It is a really good one to bookmark because not only will it take you to all of your, direct library URLs but it'll also take you to all the training materials and marketing materials.

We have available for each of those resources and information on your e-books too. And technical documents.

So you got a little bit of everything there. What it looks like is you'll 1st log into the site and what you'll want to do is find your library name.

So you can start to type it in, searches this should help you out. Next to the right of your library is your location ID.

So each library or school has their own location ID. So you'll see that to the right. That location idea is always good to know, but you can always come into the support site and look it up if you need to because when you log in with your location, you will only see resources that you have access to.

Where if I were to go to the general support site and not use my location ID, I would see everything.

Gale has available, which is fine. You don't have to log in to get to the training or marketing materials, but if you do want your direct URLs, and you want usage to roll up directly to your school, then you would definitely want to use your location ID.

So keep that in mind as you're looking at that support site. We also have, I'm sorry, once you access your school name, then your product list will look like this.

You'll have your direct URLs to the right. Your location ID will be here. This one is blank because I just wanted to keep it blank for the training session.

But you would have your location ID built in. Again, this is going to track usage for your site and we have a beautiful usage dashboard that you can utilize to look at usage and top searches and create a word cloud and so much more.

The product family list is on the right hand side, so if I wanted to filter to a specific product family to just upload those or just to grab those URLs I could do that or I could export all of my links at once, which makes it very simple to add those to your library.

So now that we talked about access, let's talk about your Gale resources. So let's jump into an overview.

Again, any questions, please feel free to use that Q&A. Again, any questions, please feel free to use that Q&A box.

We have what I like to call the, well, we all like Gale like to call the building blocks.

And that's what you have access to the 3 in context building blocks and also one additional in context resource.

So let's talk through those. So when we talk about the building blocks in the Gal and context suite of resources, we're talking about context elementary, which is cross-curricular general reference, it's designed for our kindergarten through 5th grade students.

And you're going to find information on animals and plants and music. Science sports and so much more.

You also will have access to Gale In context middle school which is designed for our 6th through 8th grade students.

And again, cross-curricular, general reference resource. It also has primary sources and science experiments.

And poetry and so much more available and all of the most studied topics within and curriculum aligned content. And then for our high school students, Gale In Context High School.

So the 3rd one in our building blacks is G and Context High School designed for our 9th through 12th grade students.

Again, cross-curricular content, a general reference, and on topics within geography and history, science, literature, social and so much more.

And then the 4th in your in contact suite is Gale In Context Global Issues.

And Global Issues supports global awareness. It's exploring issues within government and health, science, society, culture, and more.

And this is a global point of view. Looking at issues around the world and you're going to find that organized in your in context in that same in context platform.

So rich multimedia organized by topic pages. It's very K 12 user friendly. All 3 of, I should say the 3 building blacks and you also have access to Gale In context global issues from the Washington State Library.

Something else you have access to is Gale ebooks. Okay, I got a question come in is Gale available for private schools.

I'm in the arch. Seattle. Marianne, let me double check. Real quick for you, cause off the top my head I Can't remember if you are.

Private schools. So let me just check and see what it says on my site. As I do that, so bear with me, I will talk to you about your Gale ebooks.

Gale ebooks are available. 24 7 you're going to find. This is also cross-curricular general reference content.

Where you have unlimited simultaneous access. No holds or returns. So there's no check in or check out.

All all of our resources are mobile responsive.

Unlimited downloads. Intuitive search and browse features. Search option, and we're going to cover topic Finder today.

It's available in Gale ebooks and it's available in your other gale resources too.

You can translate into over 40 languages. We're actually at 50 languages now, so it used to say 40 plus, but now it's over 50 languages.

And You can take the text and turn it to speech. And you can also download it as an MP 3.

And we are integrated with Microsoft Onedrive and Google. So a lot of these features, the thing is with your Gale resources is you will find that your gale resources are you'll find consistency across all of your gale resources.

So that consistency is in our tools and features. It's in how our content is available, for example, in HTML format.

So you'll find that type of information available within the resources. And I have one more I want to talk to you about, but I wanted to address Marion's question.

And the last one we're going to talk about before we do the larger overview of what other resources you have and jump into the resources is Gale Literature Lit Finder and Marianne I am seeing as what I thought it just says K 12 it says K 12 public K 12 and then it's for public libraries Cooney colleges academics special libraries.

So I'm not saying it's usually it says. No private schools, so I don't see that listed.

It just says all. So I. Unless, let's see, Jude may be on here, I may be able to weigh in on this too.

And I can double check for you, but I don't have it on our accounts at Gale.

It's usually specifies when it is. Not available for K 12 private schools so it looks like according to my records and I you know these I could be wrong but looks like it's available for all markets that would include private.

Thank you for asking that question. Kristen asked the question, do we have to have purchased an ebook suite to have this access or does have a standard collection.

Okay, so the state library does have a collection that they have already purchased. If you have purchased ebooks additionally, additional gale ebooks, they would all be loaded on your, sing your location ID at your account.

So those purchased by the state and those that maybe your your school or your district has purchased. So no you don't have to make an additional purchase to see those ebooks because the state library already has a collection that they purchased for you.

Okay, thanks Jude. So clarification on the private schools. The belief is that private schools should work through the ESD in their area.

So. Contact your ESD in your area and work with them to get access to your Gale resources.

Thanks, Jude, for weighing in then that. All right, any other questions? Let me know.

I'll, again, monitoring that area. Yale literature lit Finder. I want to talk to you a little bit about this resource.

You're going to find original literary works. There's over 130,000 poems, poetry citations, 11,000 over 11,000 short stories, 4,000 essays, speeches, inaugural speeches, plays.

There's, novels available too and so much more in Lit Finders. So if you have some ELA folks looking for a great resource to support their curriculum.

Lit Finder is fantastic to support those those classes and that are being offered at your schools. And it's really good too for a middle school.

It's a little too high level for elementary, but you may be able to like as a teacher, if a teacher were sharing this information and needed to to utilize some of that content.

It might be helpful some of the poems, but there's a lot of great lit information like poetry and plays within Gelin Context Elementary.

So this is really more of that middle school high school resource.

Okay, and thank you, Kristen. I'm gonna post this, Mary Ann, take a look at the Q&A.

You've got some information there. Thank you all such a supportive group. Always, always, always.

So thank you for that.

So the additional Washington State Library resources, I just want to make sure that you're aware what else you have available.

And you do have quite a large periodical. Content. So anything with one file in the title as you're seeing in the center.

So you have a large periodical collection here. These are your periodical resources. So they're going to be newspapers, magazines, academic journals.

And some multimedia where you're in context does have newspapers, magazines, academic journals for our high school resources.

You'll find also quite a bit of multimedia available audio files, images, videos within your in context resources.

So our one file is focused more on that periodical content. But one of the resources I want to point out from this group, actually there's a couple high school additions.

So if you are looking for current events type information, high school edition is a great periodical resource for our high school students.

So keep in mind. That you have that outside of the In contact suite you have Gale one file high school edition.

For our teachers, we have Gale One file educators reference complete. Also great for those coaches that are working with teachers or any mentors that are working with teachers.

This is a fantastic resource to find that up to date information or maybe you're looking for new ideas related to project-based learning.

This is a great resource to take a look at. We also have some Spanish and Portuguese publications in Informe Academico.

And you can see. Academic one file, general one, file and news. Economic one file, great for any of those accelerated programs that you may have.

I don't know if you have AP or IP IB programs in Washington, but Academic One File is a great resource for those programs because it is those scholarly journals.

And it is used at that higher ed level, where general one file is more of that general reference. But it is still magazines newspapers because it's a periodical content used a lot at the public library level and then you have one file news.

But if I was having students go into a resource I would have them go in to start with g 1 file high school edition and then maybe one general 1 5 would be my next step.

To the left, we started in the middle. Let's look at the left business resources that you have available.

Great for any business classes or students. You have Gale Business Insights looking at company profiles, looking at that global perspective too, you have industry insights.

SWAT analysis, Plunket reports, information like that. And Gale Business Entrepreneurship, this is designed for our small business owners or entrepreneurs.

It starts with the beginning steps of planning. So you have you're going to find the full complete series of the business plan handbook that's published by Gale, but you have it digitally available in Gale Business Entrepreneurship.

You also have suggestions on funding. Your business and maintaining your business managing your business those types of topics they're going to find here.

One file business great for up to date industry specific information because it is in that one file periodical family.

And then we also have in the in context family, and this is great for 1st and second year college students.

So any of those courses, if you have any students that are working outside of outside of their high school classes and need that again.

Next level I talked about academic journal, Gal and context college would be a good one too for them. How often a news is news updated?

Thanks for asking Linda. Every day throughout the day. All of our resources are being updated every day throughout the day.

It's sometimes we have the lowest embargo rate of all periodicals compared to all vendors.

Plus, we have really, our, Not only that, but with your one file. You're going to find that you have, and let me double check my notes.

So lowest embargo rate for full text titles. And then we also have the most accurate indexing on the market.

With over 1.2 million articles are manually indexed each year making Gale very unique in that respect.

And we have quicker load times on certain publications like the New York Times Library Journal, U.S.A. Today are just some examples.

So thanks for asking and you can see when you click into any of the ones file resources. In the bottom right, you can see how many titles and when the last it has been updated and it you'll see it changes every day.

Okay. And then our health. Resources on the right hand side for those health students. CTE is an I think of CTE, but I also think of counselors and I think of even physical education, any type of health classes that are being taught.

Maybe you have more vocational classes like we have a health, I think it's a health class here in Michigan, but that health and wellness, this is a great resource for that, but also introduce it to your counselors because it has great information on stress and anxiety and depression and things that kids are dealing with, we've got support here for not only the students but for the parents.

So health and wellness is a great resource for that. Or looking for more information on autism, things like that.

This is a great resource for parents and counselors to utilize in your schools. And then we have to round out our health suite.

We have health and medicine, nursing and allied health, physical therapy and sports medicine. Again, very focused for some of the classes that are offered in your school.

So I just wanted to make sure that you're fully aware of all the Gale resources and there are even more in the one file collection.

I couldn't list them all here, but you do have even more available that have very specific titles like diversity studies and computer science for example.

Alright, I just wanna keep you, have you keep in mind some tools that we're going to touch into today.

You have the ability to share content. You have the get link tool which supplies or provides a persistent URL or we call it a Pearl.

Back to any spot within the resource. You also have the ability to share to Google Classroom. And then you can send content directly to your Google Driver Microsoft Onedrive.

Okay, so quick question, Deirdre. Thank you. Yes, I can. So she just asked if I could refer her to.

The correct person to assist in uploading the site to your district's platform. Your customer success managers.

And I'll share their information at the end and their email inbox will be listed in your follow-up email.

So I'll share all that at the end. They are your one-on-one support and can help with access.

Regarding ebooks, they seem centered on Native American perspective. So we do, Gale has quite a bit of, let me talk to you about Native Americans and look at your in context resources

Your ebook collection is based on the ebooks that the Washington State Library selected when they purchased all of these resources.

So keep that in mind. You might want to add to that e-book collection or you might want to go directly into your in context resources to find more of that Native American because there's some great topic pages available in your resources on A of Americans.

Thanks for asking Renee. You're welcome, DJ. Thank you all for being so engaged.

I really appreciate it. Usually I am talking to myself a lot. So it's so great to have questions.

So thank you all for asking so many great questions. And I will. When we go into the resources, we'll take a look at those Native American topic pages, but I do, let me know what level of your elementary middle school or high school too in that Q&A.

I'd appreciate it. There is, there is not great content. Okay.

Okay, you know what Renee? I will talk to you a little bit about it further.

Let me know what resource you're into. Okay, let me go back to my PowerPoint and then we'll go into the resources.

So to share content, you have, we talked about this already. Let me go to the next one.

Support accessible learning. You have translate, font size, listen, and display options all available.

I'm going to model all of these tools to support accessibility to encourage analysis. You're going to find highlights and notes is a great tool to promote deeper learning.

Color coding and annotation. And then to develop those research skills, we have topic pages and topic.

Finder as a search option and the citation tool, all available to advance that ability to define topics and use sources responsibly.

So Kristen, you do not have opposing viewpoints. You do, it would be a separate purchase.

That is something I hear a lot from. Folks asking for opposing viewpoints. It is a fantastic resource.

But if you do purchase it, know that it cross searches with global issues that you do have from the Washington State Library.

Alright. And finally, to embed links or content directly in within your learning management system. So if you're using Canvas or Schoology or D twol, we are integrated with learning management systems.

And so it just takes a little bit of setup on the back side of things and that's where customer success managers can help.

They can work directly with your tech team at your school this district and make sure that those resources are available within your learning management systems.

All right, so let's go into the resources. We'll come back to looking at the support information at the end of the session.

So let me.

We're going to start with Gale In Context Elementary.

Alright, let me do this again. There we go.

Okay, so, Gale in Context Elementary, Renee, again, let me know what resource you're looking at now, and I'll take a deeper dive into it too.

Gale In context elementary, we're going to talk about a few things here within this resource. Again, your tools and features are shared across all of your resources, but there are a few unique items.

To elementary that you have one of them is having the ability to turn the sound on and off. So before I jump to that, let's look at the top of the page where you have the ability to translate the interface and this is the same across all your Gale resources.

Into over 34 languages and this will translate the navigational tools. So these navigational tools, it will translate.

I can sign it in with Google or Microsoft. I'm set up as a teacher. So it automatically signs me into Google Classroom.

On the homepage, I have topics which is my where it lands me and almost a hundred percent of the time from our analytics students.

The kindergarten through 5th grade level. Are pointing and clicking. So we made this site as user friendly as possible for them so that they can just use our topic trees to find content.

And we also pulled out here at the top of the page certain content types that students are interested in and that we heard from user feedback because we do a lot of user testing what is important.

So your books are integrated so all of the ebooks that the Washington State Library purchases for you all.

They live here in Gale and Contacts Elementary. And these are just the K 5 ebooks.

So they live here, but they'll also show up in your search results. So we did try to make it again as easy as possible for our students.

Especially our younger users to access that information. So the books are here.

And you can see the titles. Everything's moving a little slow today for me.

And again, these are going to show up in your search results. And these are the ones that were purchased by the state library.

You of course may have additional titles that you've purchased separately so you would have a more robust collection there.

News articles are at the top. Below are your fun facts. And did you know it was World Turtle Day today?

I always come in here and I'm always learning something new and I was excited because I did a training for the public library on Tuesday and for Washington and notice that it was May, the 23rd is World Turtle Day.

So. We get to celebrate it on your training day. But you're going to find that in your new section. And then pictures is exactly that.

And these pictures you'll find are, again, all of these are integrated into your search results. We added them here on the Homepage because it was something that was asked for.

So you have a lot of great pictures of. What you're seeing at the top right now is all the infographics.

We started adding a lot of infographics. Hello. I would say a year and a half ago, maybe it's been almost 2 years.

But infographics and timelines you're seeing. That we've been adding to Gale In Context Elementary.

But if I wanted to, let's say I'm looking specifically for plants, I like lifecycle, although I hate spiders.

It just it does show. Quite a few spider images, but we do have these types of images available and you're going to see some drawings or Let me see what did we title this as.

Let's say.

This is a poster. So they're sometimes they're drawing, sometimes they're listed as the document type as a poster.

This does look like a poster. So if that makes sense. Okay. Also I like to let me go back to that homepage.

So pictures so you can quickly filter by pictures and then you can see the interactive info or not interactive.

The infographics we have available like here's 1 bus breeds for service dogs.

And then if I go back to that homepage, we also have video content. Video content is really great.

I don't know if any of your classes your teachers are using videos for brain breaks in the classroom.

I know that's done a lot here. But in in many states too, but this is really nice too to introduce and great for tech sets.

So if your teachers are over creating tech sets Consider, have them consider utilizing the videos within your resources because you can very easily create a link.

Back to any spat within the resource. So if I'm interested in with life cycle. I'm interested in any video content on the lifecycle, like what is a life cycle?

It does start right away. The volume doesn't start. You have to turn the value on. It's automatically muted.

But I can create a link back to this specific video and pull this into my tech set or project based learning.

It's a great way to kick off. That conversation with students as they're doing their research pulling them into this video content you will see closed captioning is available and also we do have the transcript there.

Okay. All right. Let's go into some of additional content. So we have these I wonder questions and I mentioned the toggling the sound on and off.

We have a contextual toolbar. Let me show you what the sound on and off is.

Pictures. News.

So what it does is it'll read the text below my cursor.

I wonder how many hemispheres is Earth divided into?

So it's great to help. Students navigate through the resource. This is separate than our listen feature that's at the document level that'll read the entire document to students.

So this isn't more of a navigational tool to help aid them as they work through the resource.

And then you have all of these topics below. Topic such as animals, people, plants, animals.

I'm going to start with, but we're going to jump into plants. Because I want to share with you this high level piece of information that we have or content and then when I jump into mammals I get another.

Selection of information here again where that high level on mammals and then below are all of our topic pages.

Okay, below and at the very bottom these have images. Some we have, we have quite a few.

We do have some that we have topic pages for. We just don't have an image for They're not accessed this often, but they are there and our I wonder questions will change depending on what topic I'm in.

So I'm in mammals, so my I wonder questions are geared towards mammals.

That you saw at the bottom of the page there. Now I want to go into plants. The reason why I wanted to show you mammals is because these topics, these larger topics, are going to have all kinds of in that topic tree all kinds of sub topics where plants is something that's being studied at all schools.

It's a part of your curriculum. So we did pull it out here, but you're not going to see as many of those topic pages, right?

This is a very specific topic.

Okay, so Missy, I will save your question for the end of the session. Thank you for saying that after the webinar.

I'd be happy to help you with that. So types of plants you You can see Bush's and shrubs cactus carnivore plants.

I'm going to go into types of plants. Again, my I wonder question related to the topic I'm on.

So we're going to go into types of plants. And this is a topic page. All of our topic pages haven't in our in context resources have an image and an essay overview.

Elementary we have these quick facts. And then we scroll down and you can see each backs for each of the content types.

So book articles, magazines, biographies. Pictures, videos, and then we have all of the related topic pages at the bottom.

I want to start with that image and essay overview because We have 5 different content levels. I'm going to share with you where you can see the Lexel measures and how you can filter by Lexel measure if that's something you're interested in.

Of course we have those features available in advanced search if you wanted to limit add some pre limiters before you do a search and then share content with students using the get link tool.

Always a great option if you're trying to scaffold information for your students. It's a helpful tool to do that, but I'm going to show you how to do that from a topic page also.

So level one is lower elementary. Level 2 is upper elementary. We have 5 levels. What I tell folks is if you remember level 3 is that middle school level, then twos and you can understand that ones and twos are elementary.

So we have, we're in level one, words to know is what our text feature and then we have text at that level one.

Reading level. Level 2. Different image, main ideas are available, and then we have that reading.

All of that content. So it's just at a higher reading level. The nice thing is This with your Gale resources if you have all these tools to support accessibility.

So even if this is a higher reading level for your students, they can listen to the text being read aloud to them by just simply clicking that listen button.

It'll highlight the text as it's reading it allowed to them. And we'll go over this again in another resource.

I'll model it for you. But I wanted to point it out. You can make the text smaller or larger.

You have display options available which we're going to jump into in middle school and then translate where you can translate the text into over 50 languages.

So we'll touch into these a little bit further in the next resource because There's a few other things I want to share with you in this resource.

And we'll keep building your knowledge. So that's the image and essay overview. If I go into one of the content types like book articles.

I can see mainly everything's a level one and 2, but sometimes we'll see some threes in here, especially and I probably don't have to tell all you this because you know magazines and newspapers tend to skew a little higher.

It might be a word that's just throwing that up to the next content level or lexile level.

So keep that in mind that you may see that feature. But what I can do is if I want to eliminate anything like that, which I pause that because again, I know it might just be a word that's throwing it up to that next level, but I can filter down my content all at once.

So I have some filter your results options where I can filter by publication date by subject by document type.

Publication titles and you can see some of the publication titles that we have available here. Content levels, or search within.

And I can add as many of these filters as I want and it will filter down all of my content at once.

So let's say I wanted to filter to just level ones and twos and apply that. It applies it to all of my content at once.

I wanted to share this with my students. I can use the get link tool. And share this directly with my students.

Or I can pull this into Google Classroom.

And let me make sure you are. Seeing, let me know if you're not, yeah, doesn't look like you're seeing Google classroom.

Okay, let me share that screen. I can pull it into Google Classroom where I can choose my class.

Choose my action. Maybe I'm creating an assignment. Click go. Here's my assignment title.

Now these are types of a plant. Sorry.

I can add any instructions.

Article make it for all my students to decide on the points. What is it do? What topic?

So on and so forth, right? And then I can click assign. And then I have the option to view.

So let me go back to sharing my other screen.

And then where did it go? There it is.

When I click View.

Here's my class, my assignment, the types of a plant.

When I click into instructions, it takes me directly to that exact spot within the resource. So I can do think about that.

You can utilize this. I filtered my content down, but if I wanted students to go directly to this topic page, I could use the get link tool or pull this information directly into Google Classroom.

I filtered my. That's what I modeled for you. Or I want to just share with them a specific document.

I can do that by clicking on this document and then pulling that into Google Classroom or using the Get Link tool.

Okay, so keep in mind you have both Gitlink and Google Classroom available within your resources.

All right, with that, I'm going to jump into another resource. And talk to you. Oh, before I do, I said I would share with you activities that you have available.

Okay, so we are going to go to. The link I shared with you at the beginning, the support site.

And we're going to go directly to training.

And at the top of training from this site, you're going to see our upcoming, which is this is our session today.

It'll fall off at the end of today. Any upcoming sessions are at the top. Here's all the recorded webinars.

That I've done for the Washington State Library. And then below, we've got information organized.

By product. So, Gale In Context Elementary, I open that up. Here are all my student activities I have available.

So it really depends on what I'm looking for. Am I looking for a scavenger hunt?

Am I looking for an escape room? Do I want a here we have a puzzle available? Here's a template for an escape room.

We also have an escape room that we built. We have trading cards, graphic organizers, novel studies available.

Here's 1 on developing research skills. It's this one is a multiple, multiple page document.

So the 1st page is for the teacher. It's a tip sheet to kind of talk through things.

And then you have a activity. So starting with choosing a topic. Next step is investigating that topic and the final step is planning.

Okay, so we have that those types of materials. These have been created by teachers. I should say former teachers because they trained for us now, including myself.

So you're going to find these teacher created documents available in to connect your Gale resources to the classroom.

So again, all I did was I went into the link I originally shared with you. The support site link.

That we created for Washington State Library. I went to training and scrolled down to the resource, opened that resource up.

And the nice thing is, is once I, I access something, there's a direct URL.

So I can either download this document or share a URL back to this document. To open up within this resource.

So just know that you have that. Available.

Okay, let's go back to. Go in context elementary. Now I am going to go into middle school.

I am accessing through the product. You, I would suggest using direct URLs on your library site, but it's a quick way to jump between resources for me as I'm training.

Looking at Gale In Context Middle School cross-curricular general reference designed for our 6th through 8th grade students.

I'm going to do an actual search because I want to talk to you about a couple things. You can see contextual toolbar is the same.

We have the login information is the same. Difference here, we have some images, but once I click into an image.

Then it takes me to all of my topic pages. So we don't have that topic tree look like we did in Gale In contact elementary because that one's designed for our younger users.

So this one is bridging. It's helping us bridge. Between elementary and middle school. We're talking about Native Americans.

I just looked real quick here. Native American struggles, Native Americans, Navajo code talkers.

So we've got some right here on the homepage and then there's more that you're going to see.

Trail of Tears throughout the resource. So we have great topic pages available on those subjects. Just need to, that's why I wanted to talk a little bit more about it as we moved forward.

If you're taught again, Renee, if you're if you're talking about ebooks, the e-book collection is far more limited.

Go into your databases, go into your Gale In Context Elementary and I will be happy to share your feedback about the e-books with our contact at the Washington State Library and then they can look at ideas for, you know, if there's funding for other titles.

They can look at that down the road so thank you for doing that deep dive into your e-book collection but i do highly suggest looking at your in context resources outside of the e-books because we do have so much more information there.

The e-book collection is limited to what was purchased for you all. So keep that in mind, okay, where your databases, your in context databases, they are being updated every day throughout the day.

So that's the content that I would love you to take a look at and let me know what you find there.

Because I have a little bit more for that to where I can reach out to our content editors and our subject matter specialists if you're seeing like it would be nice if this was beefed up a little bit.

Let me know because I can take that back to our internal team.

Okay, Linda, we have direct links set up in Class Link. Is there a way to make the sign in with Class Link prompt larger, Gale is.

Underutilized because in part people think they need to log in with credentials. Oh, that's about, well, here's a thing, Linda.

Did you all or did someone at your district or your school? Work with our customer success managers to make sure that that single sign-on with Class Link is set up correctly because we do have icons that we've created.

I and you'll have to talk to your customer success managers but we do have icons for class link.

That maybe someone isn't using, maybe it didn't get set up, right? So this is where your customer success managers can help.

So thanks for asking. That question because I think we have an easy solution to that.

Okay. IT set it up with the icons. Yeah, this you shouldn't have they didn't then okay if you're still being prompted to sign in they didn't go through our customer success managers that can help with that single sign-on.

Yet so it's so much easier. To have that set up and we want as few clicks as possible for students, right?

We want them in the resources, utilizing the information. And we have that single sign-on capability with Class Link and Clever, Google and Microsoft all available.

Plus we have the integration with your learning management systems. We work really hard to make sure that our resources work very well in the sandbox with all the other resources and other vendors.

So keep that in mind if you are running into a wall. Ever with your gale resources, your customer success manager can start that conversation or probably have that solution for you.

Look at your account and be like, oh yeah, this is why it's just not set up correctly.

We have a solution for you though. Okay, you're welcome. Thank you for asking.

Okay, back to middle school talking about the topic pages. I wanted to share with you when I do a basic search.

Because these, our analytics show about 50, 50, 50% of the time students are clicking into a topic and 50% of the time they are doing a search.

So if I'm doing a search on ancient Greece, Search assist pops up and at the top of the list it shares with me anything bolded means I have a topic page for that.

Subject or that term. So if I select ancient Greece, It takes me to the topic page similar to what I saw in elementary.

The difference is this is geared towards our middle schoolers. So you have an image and essay overview.

You still have that ability to. Sh the. The lex or the content level just as we did in elementary.

We do have on this page, so here's all the content types that we have available. We have the ability to search within our results for a certain term and then you can see each of these boxes below.

Reference has 352 different documents available. We show 3 here on the homepage, but you can click here at the bottom.

Or write into the reference title and it'll take you to this to all of those titles. Video images.

Magazines, audio files, news, primary sources, creative works, and then any related topics will be at the very bottom.

So if I wanted to go from ancient Greece to Greek mythology, I can very easily do that.

All right, so I wanted to talk to you about, we talked about the topic page and searching, let's search within.

Maybe I'm looking specifically for, let's, we're talking about mythology. So let's say.

Zoo. And you can see it filtered down all of my content at once. So it looks through my articles.

My documents I have available. 1, st 100 to 200 words. It's looking for that term that I put in.

So it drilled down all of this content at once for me. And If I wanted to remove it, I just simply remove it or I can continue to add more.

Filters so if I'm looking for a certain document type maybe I'm interested in topic overviews and I can multi select.

An event overview. Character overview and apply. I'll filter down my content again and now it's just this reference content.

So you can see how quickly I can find exactly what I'm looking for by just being a little bit more specific, which are research skills that students should learn.

Within their any of their resources, digital resources that they have available. When I remove those filters, it takes me back to everything I have available.

We talked about videos having transcripts and closed captioning. We have great primary sources that start with a commentary and then they move into the actual article.

Creative works are going to be those literary works that we have available within on that topic. You also again have this ability to filter down your results and do that search within is still here.

So it's on the top on the homepage of the topic page, but also here. And here are those content levels.

So content again, ones in twos are elementary. If you remember 3 is middle school, it makes it very simple.

So again, if I wanted to create text sets, maybe I want threes and fours because I need some more challenging.

I can filter to all of my level threes and fours. Pull that into Google Classroom or use the get link tool.

Topic Finder, you're seeing here. And also here in my contextual toolbar.

So I'm going to remove this filter. And go into topic finder. And I'm going to use the pi shaped here at the top.

Now what this is going to do, because I'm on a topic page, it is going to pull in the All of that content on ancient Greece into this visual representation of my search results and it's also interactive.

So if I were to do a search on this, I might pull back different information because our our topic pages are.

They're created and designed by our subject matter specialists. And our content editors. So you're going to find that it's a curated collection of information and we look at curriculum, we look at usage to create those, and then we pull that content together.

Here's Greek cities and it takes me to 6 different documents that I have available.

Okay, so topic finder from the topic page is this is what it looks like. We all I talk to you about those tools to support accessibility.

Let me go back to my results since we talked about our search results. Let me just click into I'm going to choose Greek mythology here.

Make sure I don't have any other questions. Okay, perfect. I wanted to talk to you about these tools.

A little bit further. We have the ability to translate into over 50 languages. Increase or decrease the text we already covered.

Display options. You have the ability to change the color behind the text. Change the font, increase the line letter, and word spacing.

And this will stick with me throughout my session. So I move to another document.

Even in another area like by let's go into biographies. It sticks with me. So once I set it up in my 1st document until I leave my session, I have that.

Customize feature available. For I also can listen to the text being read aloud to me.

Underneath this. This button here to the left. The menu. We do have the ability to make some changes to the settings or download it as an MP 3.

Aristotle about this person.

I want to share with you what in large text. So in large text is what I just turned on.

That pulls the text out onto the page. And do this text box.

Or in 384 before Christ in Staggera.

And it reads, pulls that text out and puts it on the page. Great for emergent readers, great for students who need that support.

They have it here on the homepage. They can make it as large as they need to. I'm sorry, large as they need to and they can stop it at any time also.

Alright, so that's our listen feature. If I wanted to clear my display options, I just opened that box back up and go back to my default settings.

I also have the ability to quickly send this to Google Microsoft email download and print. You'll also find those tools in our contextual toolbar.

The reason why we have them in 2 spots is as I'm scrolling down, this one has critical thinking questions too.

Rolling down and if I choose to send this article to my Google Drive, I can click on that paper airplane.

See that right here. That opens up Google Drive One Drive email. And it'll land in a folder titled whatever resource I'm in so I'm in Gale In context middle school it'll land in it'll create a folder 1st the 1st time I use it I have to give permission to create that folder and then anytime I'm in this resource it will send all of that information into

that folder on my Google Drive. Same Onedrive works the same way. So it's really nice for students to or it organizes it for them and keeps it simple.

So every time they're in here, they can. Put information into their folder. Now, a little tip and trick.

Let's say you're working on a project. On ancient Greece and decide to at the end of that project, you're done, right?

You, the, again, the folders titled, G in context middle school, you're done with the project.

You have your students change the folder name to ancient Greece. Then what happens is the next time they're in this resource, let's say they're on a new topic, maybe maybe they're looking at, you know, I did parts of the plant earlier.

Maybe they're looking at climate change. They can send information to into their Google Drive and a new folder will be created titled.

G in context middle school because what happens is the resources looking for that folder with that title name. So if students change that title name.

It's going to create a new one because it can't find it because they changed the name.

So it's kind of a tip and trick. To utilize and help students organize their research and information that they have, but to also let you all know, even if they put, maybe they put an asterisk at the beginning of that that folder and now they're like, wait a minute, why isn't it going it? Because they changed the name. They can't change the name of that folder.

Otherwise a new one will be created, but it'll still land in there in their Google Drive.

So either way, they'll have access to all that information. But you will find some of these critical thinking questions also added into our.

Some of our documents and it's the, we started late, 2,017, so we published a lot of our own content.

So we did add those critical thinking questions to our contents. Again, starting late, 2,017, and I am seeing it mainly in our reference and biographies is where I'm seeing those questions showing up.

Okay, student activity. That we have available, we actually have an escape room. For this resource. I've got too many tabs open here.

Here we go. So, in context, middle school, we have an escape room. We have, again, we have the template.

Available, but we have What am I doing here? Oh, I went right by it.

I'm looking at the M for the M part. We do have. We do have a template available for an escape room, but we also have this one we have ancient Greece, we have the actual room available somewhere here on this page.

I just, those searching skills we also have available. But you will find that. Template here.

Here it is, ancient civilization. So not ancient Greece, but ancient civilizations escape room for middle school.

It is downloaded as a PowerPoint, but it has absolutely everything you need. From beginning to end, it has examples.

It has table tents. It has, it's really fantastic, again, designed by one of our fabulous teachers that are, we're former teachers, now trainers at Gale, and she did such a great job and she did one for elementary, middle school and high school.

In fact, I think elementary has 2 escape rooms available now. And again, we have templates.

So if you want to design your own on a different topic, You can absolutely do that and it takes you through that process and gives you all of those tools.

Okay, so let me go to our next resource and our final resource and that is Gale In Context High School.

I just want to point out a few things within this resource. The homepage looks a little different as you can see.

No images. This is designed for our 9th through 12th grade students. All this information, if you see these orange tags, it means that the image and essay overview on that topic page have been updated, or if you see it's new, it's a brand new topic page.

You can see how many topic pages we have available at the bottom. We can kick off our search with Topic Finder.

We have curriculum standards, so content directly connected to our curriculum. And we also have some educator resources available there.

On this one I'm going to do a quick search on the American Revolution.

Actually, let's do the recon.

That's what I have. You can see the image in essay overview, but look at the content.

So we have a lot more because again, this is for higher levels students. We have academic journals now available.

In our academic journals, you'll see that they're peer reviewed. They have a a little, me scroll down and share with you right here if it's a peer reviewed which the majority of them are peer reviewed you'll see that peer reviewed with a check mark.

So I know that's something that is important. I know at the higher ed, but it's also at the school level.

Our featured box here featured content. This is hand selected by our content editors and we call this the best of the best.

So in global issues, it's great because you're getting all sides of the issue. And here it's feature content.

So this is important stuff that I'm content editors pulled out to make sure students are aware of.

So this is also a great starting point. The essay overview and also this featured content is a great start point for students as they're accessing or exploring this information.

I'm gonna click on this 1st one. Because I want to point out the explore panel. So a lot of times our students will find an article they like, but they need 3 more.

So to supplement that, we have added this explore panel. So here's an article that they found.

Here's some additional articles that they can find really helpful. This article is quite long, so you can see it has a table of contents, but they can also jump to related subjects.

So this explore panel offers a lot of opportunity for them to continue looking for content for their project or for their paper.

And again, these. Resources are great to supplement your curriculum to supplement what you're finding in the text.

So please think of that as your accessing the information within these resources or modeling it. And sharing it with your students.

I'm going to click in on a chunk of text just because I want to show you highlights and notes where I can click and drag.

And I'm just gonna use a notes as a term. I can go down a little further. And this remember how I showed you in the last resource in middle school how there were those critical thinking questions.

This is a great tool to use for the critical thinking questions highlight in one color find the answer in a second put your information or your notes or summary below.

A great tool to use. So highlights and notes, I can mark up my document. I can send it directly to my Google Drive.

It'll again land in a folder titled Galing Context High School. Cause that's what we're in.

And it'll be marked up. It turns it into a Google DAC. With Microsoft, it turns it into a Word doc.

It remains marked up for me. Not only that, but my highlights and notes up here is being built out.

What do I mean by that? Well, I could be in multiple articles highlighting a way and this will continue to build out throughout my session.

It is session based. So if I want to keep what I like to call, these are digital, I call them digital notes.

So if you ever hear anyone at Gale say digital notes, they got it from me. I'd coined that praise. Years ago.

But it is, they are, they really are. They're digital notes. So you can access this information, but you can just send your digital notes to.

Google, Microsoft, email, download print. Here's your work cited page so if I are multiple documents I would have My citations available.

My works, my works cited page or bibliography, but they're also attached here at the bottom.

I can edit my notes before I send them to my Google Drive.

I also can change the format of that citation. And the nice thing is, is when I send these, this article will be hyperlinked out from my Google Doc or My Microsoft Word doc.

And I can go back to this article. Now, won't save my highlights. I already have that though because I have my highlights and notes and hopefully I also as a best practice.

Sent my entire document to my Google Drive. That's always the best practice I share. But the nice thing is if I come back to this article, maybe I want to explore some of these.

Supplemental articles. So keep that in mind that you have that back and forth with your Google Drive and you can save all that great information there.

Alright, we're right towards the end of our time.

Okay, where can it translate? Translate is right here under this icon.

I can translate it to Spanish. And if you send this document, if I translate it to Spanish, I download it, I have to complete the translation

When I download it or send it to my Google Drive, it'll remain in. Spanish or I'm sorry if I print it off if I print it off and send it to my Google Drive it'll remain in the language I selected Once I complete that translation, all of my other navigational tools or I should say tools to support accessibility will pop back up.

But this is over 5,000 words, so I really don't want to take the time to translate it, but you do complete that translation.

It gives you a sample to start with.

Okay, thanks for asking that question, Kim.

All right, let me go back to our PowerPoint because we're right at the end of our time.

And I want to share with you, we went into some of those, the training documents already that are available and your access product information.

We already covered that during the beating of this session. But I like to mention it again. It all lives on the support site.

So you need those access URLs or Mark records or database icons, you can find it there.

The training center has tip sheets and tutorials. There's recorded webinars, training decks.

I shared with you, I didn't share with you, Savage or Hunt. I share with you that getting started the with the younger kid.

Is developing research skills and then our escape room templates but you will also find all kinds of other student activities and projects and lesson plans and scavenger hunts available there along with PowerPoint slide decks.

If you're looking to train on any of these resources, you're in charge of that. We have slide decks with all our training notes ready to go for you.

And we have training toolkits. Which we've curated our training materials for each of the resources, put it into a 1-page toolkit, hyperlinked some stuff out, take you from the basics all the way to where you can go for help.

And we've provided these guides for you all too to help you if you are doing trainings or you just want to get started with the individual resources.

We have those available. And then we also have great marketing materials, bookmarks, and posters and social media posts all available on the Gale support site.

And they're organized by product. So again, that support site, one on one support, your Gale customer success managers.

Now this came up a couple times about Classlink today. I mentioned them at your learning management systems.

This is the group you want to reach out to. Send an email, let them know what school you're coming from.

And your customer success manager will reach out to you and set something up. And to meet with you and talk further through.

Any questions that you may have? And then the training survey should pop up when you leave me today. If you click continue, please feel free to leave some feedback.

We do share a lot of that information internally and I do also share it with our folks at the Washington State Library.

And we love to hear if you're looking for additional supporter, it'd be great to have a training on XYZ.

Let us know because we're looking to build out the summer or into the fall what you all need especially your school so looking into the fall right back to school. What do you think would be helpful?

Let us know because you all We just want to make sure that you get the most out of your resources and you understand how to use them.

Again, my name is Tammi Burke. I'm your senior training consultant from Gale.

And I thank you all so much for your time. And if you have any questions, don't forget that follow-up email goes out in 24 h.

You'll be able to connect with me directly. I'm happy to help. You would like to share your success stories.

We have Instagram and it looks like my icon for. Not Twitter, now it's. X, it didn't come through when I when I put this on.

So, but this the at Cengage here at the bottom that's for XI have a hard time calling it X for Twitter here at the bottom of the page there.

So if you'd like to share your success stories, tag us. We'd love to hear about them.

Alright, let me know if you have any questions. There was one question that was asked earlier. So I will make sure.

That we go back to that question that was a non-urgent question. Would you please let me know what is my next step if I am at a k 5 public elementary school in Washington state, but my school is not listed in the drop-down menu.

Okay, so Missy, I will send you an Jude, are you still on here? Would you like a direct email?

I don't know if she's still on here.

Oh, there you are. How would you like folks to reach out to you? Did you like them to reach out to you directly?

Is there a separate email now that you would like to use? I know in the past we took a different, we went directly to our previous contact.

So let me know in that Q&A. And then what I'll do to Missy is I can follow up with you.

And thanks for asking. You can always contact your ESDs too, but I think.

There we go. Thanks. Oh, here we go. Yes, Missy.

I have an email for you, so hold on. So anyone that doesn't have access contact this fabulous person at your state library, this is Jude Gussy.

Let me put her email address in the chat.

We would absolutely love to get you set up with the resources. And. Missy, I will share your information also with Jude privately I'll send her an email after the session.

I'd like an email with info. Okay, teacher. So that if you contact Jude, if you want more, if you would like to, you know, get your school signed up.

Then you can reach out directly to Jude and she can help you out. How did the kids search for something?

More complex than just an event like American Revolution. What if they need to do a psychological assessment of Jack and the Lord of the flies.

Okay, so I would start with Kim, fantastic question. I would start with and tell me which age group I would start with Lord of the Flies.

And then drill down. So always start. Broad. So yes, we started with American Revolution.

I was showing you the the topic pages, right? So if you start with that larger topic, Lord of the Flies, and then if you search within.

For Jack specifically, then the content will filter down to any mention of Jack. So keep that in mind too.

So if I'm, let me go back and I'll share. And for those of you that have to jump off, Thank you for your time today. I appreciate it.

I'm going to model this real quick. If you'd like to stick around. Feel free to do so.

But thank you all for your time and I hope you join us again in the future. So let's answer to answer this question, Kim.

I would go to Lord of the Flies and you could go to, I think, We might have a topic page, but I'm just it's gonna do a quick search.

We do have a topic page. So I would go to Lord of the Flies. Then I would search within the results.

So another there's a few options here. So I can search within the results. I could look in critical essays, plot summary, sometimes we have work overviews, another resource that would be really good would be I'm in high school right now, so let me just look and see.

Okay, so I have a lot of content where Jack is mentioned, but it could be quite vague. So be careful with this when you're looking at these results.

Because it's looking through the entire, it's looking like again, looking at those 100 to 200 words.

For the term jack. So I. I might want to look more at the plot summaries. Or again, any of those actual documents, as literary works.

And I mentioned Lit Finder in our PowerPoint. Let me go into Lit Finder.

It is in your literature.

And I'm going to do Lord of the Flies.

I'm gonna do the, I'm gonna select the novel. I used to keep it broad, but let's select the novel.

Yeah, and this one, it really drilled it down. So. Topic and work overviews.

I might not want to be that specific. So I might not want to use my search results. That way, cause it's only going to give me that information.

I might want more biography. Yeah. So this gives me more literary works to choose from biographies and topic overviews.

So again, I can use my search within and search for Jack and that might help. Drill it down some for me.

So I would go that route. Start with that larger topic with your students and then, you know, help them.

Direct them to using the search within feature or it might be a subject that they're looking for that might be helpful too.

I hope that helps answer your question. Thanks, for asking such a great specific question. Oh, you're welcome.

You're welcome.

Okay. Thanks. Thanks again for asking, Kim. Okay, where did we find the activities?

Like the escape room? Kathleen. Okay, Kathleen, you will find them on the support site.

So let me figure out which tab. Here it is, it's at the front. So let me go back.

So if you open this link.

I'm gonna, it'll take you to the sign in.

I'll put it in the chat real quick. So if you open this link and you go directly to training.

And this link will be in your follow up email too. So if you go directly to training. These are all the trainings at the top are all the ones that are specific to the Washington State Library.

But then all of the materials are located below each of the resources. So if I were to go into high school, we have all of the student activities are listed

And we have quite a few lesson plans. Here's those professional development materials I was talking about, the training toolkit, the slide deck.

Looks like we just added a welcome sheet not too long ago. And then all of the recorded webinars related to That topic, we even have.

Webinar for build your own escape rooms by the actual person that built the escape rooms for us. Hannah, she did a great job.

We have resource guides, tip sheets that are available. We started adding curriculum corners this year. And those are, you're gonna find a link to specific information in your in context resources.

There's a toolkit that I mentioned. Let me click into that so you can see. This is again starting with the basics going to where you can go for help.

We've curated all that information. So this is more for you all rather than, your students.

The student activities are at the top, but we do have short tutorials. These are great too for students.

They want you on a quick tutorial on how to use highlights and notes. They're under 3 min long or how to use.

Topic finder for example is a popular one i know we show a lot

So that's how you find it. Go to that site. That link I gave you, again, it'll be in the follow-up.

It's on this, it's not on the screen. It's on the, was on the PowerPoint.

And you'll see it again in your follow up email and just open up. The resource and you'll find that information.

Thank you for asking, Kathleen.

Okay, anybody else have any other questions? Did I cover? Yes, I did cover everything. I see in the QA.

Alright, well thank you all for your time today. I will stick around. I'm just going to end the recording.

And oh great, I can't wait for you to share share with your staff too Kathleen.

I'll stick around if there's any additional questions. Feel free to ask. I'm here to help.

Otherwise, have a great rest of your day, everyone. And those messages in the chat, I will again share if you shared an email or you shared some feedback on ebooks I will share those with our fantastic contact at the Washington State Library and just keep them in the loop.

So that they're aware of your thoughts and if they need to reach out to you directly, that kind of thing, you're all covered.

But thank you all for leaving that information in the Q&A and being such a great engaged group. I really appreciate it.

Have a great rest of your day and I hope you join us again soon. If not, I hope to see you in the fall and have a great summer everyone.

Thank you.
© 2024 Gale, part of Cengage Group