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Last Updated: March 09, 2023

For WSL: Get to Know: Gale Health and Wellness Resources

The Washington State Library has Gale resources to support health, wellness, and the study of medicine. View this webinar recording to learn more about the medical resources available for your patron that is seeking health or medical information, for the high school student interested in nursing or becoming an EMT, or the medical student or health care professional needing up-to-date information. We explore three resources, Gale Health and Wellness, Gale OneFile Health and Medicine, and Gale OneFile: Nursing and Allied Health with content to support all users!
Duration: 45 Minutes
Hello, everyone, and thank you for joining today. Session for the Washington State Library today's session is, get to know Gale.

Health and wellness resources my name is Tammi Burke.

I'm your Gale trainer. Any questions that you have throughout the session.

Please feel free to use that Q&A box today's session is going to focus on 3 resources that you have available from the Washington State Library through gale resource, looking at health and wellness, health and medicine nursing and allied health with these resources are slightly different one is from our Gale

one file, family or 2, I should say, are from our Gale.

One file, family I mean the other one is our health and wellness, resource.

So I'll talk to you a little bit more about those.

So you have an overview and understanding of what those resources are, and when you would use them, or when you would suggest to use them to your users that are accessing these resources so let's start with a brief agenda, we're going to start with an overview of the gale resources and as I

mentioned, there are 3, so we have today. We will be. I'm looking at Gale.

Health and wellness. Gale, one file health and medicine, and the final resource is Gale.

One file, nursing and Allied health, we will find what you need.

So I'm going to cover search options, topic pages, topic finder and advanced search.

Within this session, and then we will explore, content, and talk about ways to share.

So using our get link tool, we also have Google and Microsoft in integration with the resource.

And then, if you're using a learning management system, you can add these resources to your learning management system and there's also a great way to set up journal alerts and search alerts.

So I'll share that with you today, too. Any questions that you have.

Please, feel free to ask throughout the training. I will also provide you with at the end of today's training, where you can go for training, support, training materials, marketing materials, and then I'll share my contact information.

And you also have one on one support at Gale with your Gale customer.

Success, managers, and I'll be sure to share their information too.

Right at the end of the session. So any questions throughout this session don't forget to use that box.

I will check in periodically today to make sure we aren't missing anything.

But please be sure to use that box. Access to your Washington State Library resources.

You can use this support site. This is a page that we've created.

And I will add this link to the chat real quick.

But those watching the recording it is available there on the screen.

This link will then take you to your direct Urls for your resources.

So it takes you to this page. This is where you can sign in.

Find your library name if you're not seeing your library name, you may need to select to receive these resources, and if that's the case, let me know in the Q. And A.

Box, and I will make sure that the correct person reaches out to you about getting everything squared away so that you can have access to these resources.

You have the product list will then show up after you. Log in and in that product list you'll have all of your direct Urls available and your location id for your library will be built in.

This is a generic one, you can export all of your links.

You can filter by specific product families like, say, our gale.

One file product family, which is all of our periodical custom.

You can filter to that if you like, but once you sign in, you'll get those personalized links for your library site.

There's also ebook information. You'll find all of our training webinars, both upcoming, recorded any that we have that are open and apply to your Washington resources.

You also find additional training materials here under the training section, we have marketing materials available, and then technical documents.

Are you looking for proxy information? Are you needing discover different discovery services and need those technical documents you're going to find those apologize.

You will find those here we have Vpad information, and then this website link will take you back to the Washington State Library site.

Let me know if there's any questions about that. Let's talk about Gale health and wellness, resources.

So the first one we're going to go into today is Gale.

Health and wellness. This resource is, it brings better.

Health begins at the library, it delivers, content with benefits. So it's an extensive collection of purchinent reference works like Gale encyclopedia of Medicine.

We also have Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine available within this resource.

It's a really, it is an essential digital resource, apart from any free online resources.

So I here, you know that you're getting safe. Reliable, authoritative content that is available for all of your users.

Navigate with precision. So there's more than 75 topic pages.

Our topic portals that are pulled together so they've been hand, or they've been curated for you or for your users, right from the homepage.

You can go into those specific topics, you'll find multiple types of content, including reference.

I mentioned the Encyclopedias, you'll find that under reference content, there's great magazine and journal articles, newspaper and all kinds of multimedia, and it really provides that comprehensive overview of each topic guarantee health news from trusted

sources, so both scholarly medical journals and general interest, health magazines are available within this resource.

They're perfect for researchers at all levels. And when I say, all levels, this is even for like, we say, it's, it's more of that consumer health approach.

So the patrons coming into your library that are looking for support, maybe it's they have diabetes, and they're looking for support at your library.

They want some information. This is a great resource to send them to.

This is also great for students at the K. In K. 12.

So you have high school students maybe, that are studying not only for their health classes, but also maybe they have a nuring class or pre-nursing class, I should say, and they need.

This type of information, to supplement their curriculum a lot of times.

There's not textbooks that go with those classes so now why not introduce those teachers to this resource?

And students it's also great for counselors, because they's great information in here on, let's say, anxiety and stress and depression.

So this is a great resource for school counselors, too, hit the higher Ed level.

This is a good resource when you get to those medical students, I have another one that I would suggest, but for your first couple years, students, this is a really good one to get them started.

But then for that next level of research and information and case studies, I have another one I'm going to share with you next.

So present information, with audio and visual content. You're going to find that users consume audio video, or they can download images to bring health topics to life.

Also bring those health topics into their doctors, too, which we've had.

Some folks.

So that's the understanding of Gale health and wellness. Understand?

Too. There's full text medical journals and I had mentioned the other different types of content magazines, reference.

And this is really a comprehensive consumer. Health, resource, that provides that authoritative information of full range of health related issues.

So let's go on to the next resource, and this is the one in our.

It's in our one file product, family. So anything with one file in the title of your Gale resources is going to be period focus more on periodical content.

So you'll see a lot of great academic journals and magazines and newspapers.

There's still some multimedia, but our gale, health and wellness, resource.

I just talked about has more multimedia, and, as I said, it's it's designed for our more of that consumer health approach where health and medicine.

This is a great resource for up-to-date information on the complete range of healthcare topics. And it's really this is a really great resource for our medical professionals.

Our medical students. It's really, specifically designed for and created for students knowledge and created for students knowledgeable. And also, I should say, knowledgeable consumer health researchers.

So you may have researchers that are, we have a lot of folks from different magazines and and new specifies that utilize gale resources.

So this is a great resource for them, and also, like, I said, health care, professionals.

So this is runs more for skews a little bit higher as far as the information that you're going to find here.

So it is those folks that have some kind of medical background.

It's a perfect resource, for, as I said, up-to-date information, you're going to find more than 3,000 full-text periodicals.

They're non embargoed, so there's no wait time.

They're immediately available within this resource. It's being upated throughout the day.

Every day you'll find reference books, pamphlets, and more within gale.

One File, Health and medicine researchers get current scholarly, comprehensive answers to health related questions, another one from our one file family that we are going to touch on is nursing and Allied health nursing and allied health is really it's an essential and

versatile resource for nurses. So this is designed for nurses.

You'll be able to provide access to authoritative content, including full text titles cited in sentinel supporting specialized care, treatment, and patient management.

So this resource is really essential, and it features different tools and features across all of your gale resources, and some of them include highlights and taking highlights and notes there's accessibility to where you can translate the text and this is available through all 3 of your gale resources.

That we're covering today. And really all of your Gale resources that you have access to, we have all the same shared tools and features, and we also have great workflow tools available where you can share information to Google and Microsoft.

And this resource, too, is also updated as daily. It's really helps nursing professionals that are already working in the field as well as nursing students that are pursuing and working through the nursing curriculum at at the higher ed level.

So it's a really great resource for both.

Okay, so with that, if there's no questions, we're going to jump into the resources themselves.

And we're going to start with Gale. Health and wellness.

So Gale health and wellness. A few items. I want to point out some basic workflow items.

I wanna share with you. You do have the ability right at the top to translate the interface.

So what? That means is, it will translate these navigational tools on the page, and we're at over 34 languages here.

This is separate than our translate option at the document level.

So this would be transmitting again the interface or the navigational tools.

I have the ability to sign in with Google or Microsoft since this week is when I use very often.

I'm just going to jump in and quickly sign in with Google oh, it logged me out of the teachable moment.

If you are away from your resources for can't block on too long.

Meaning like it's roughly about 20 to 30 min.

It will log you out. So keep that in mind. I wonder if it hasn't done the other ones yet, and the last one has it did on the last one.

Okay, that's all right. So Gale, health and wellness, you can see all of our resources.

They all have their own unique banner. But we have our basic search and advanced search here at the now, if I scroll down, you're going to see what we have available is topics of interest, and this carousel usually changes about once a month.

But we see 3 topics of interest listed here, and this will take you to if you want to explore the topic on telehealth, you can click on explore this topic, and it'll take you to all of that curated content on that subject.

Below you can see we have these higher level subject areas, diseases and conditions therapies, treatments and surgeries.

And below each one are more topic portals. So again, the topic portals are curated.

Collection of information. They are created with looking. We look at usage, we look at curriculum, we look at what's trending.

We hear from you all, and these topics pages are curated, based on these topics.

We're hearing or seeing that folks need, or that are accessing. Often.

And it is a collection of information. Imagine having a digital book cart full of all the content that you need, based on skin biopsies.

You would have that here digitally, and you have the ability to share those portals to using the get link to a.

So for today, I'm actually going to go into mental health.

We have 56 different topic pages, and I'm going to go into depression today.

Now you can see these new and updated tags.

New means that the image and essay overview have been update, or I'm sorry, newest brand new topic page updated is and we're going to go into meditation, too, is showing you that the image and essay overview have been Updated.

And what do I mean by image? And essay overview?

Well, that's click into depression. This is what I'm talking about.

So some of the topic pages or portals that you find here will have this image and essay overview.

Some will just be a collection of information based on that subject.

So it just really depends. You're going to see both them.

But we have this image, and essay overview. I also on the page, and we'll come back up to this also on the page.

You have all of these different content types. So you can see references where most of your are, where your encyclopedias will live along with other other items.

You'll also have magazine newspaper articles.

There's video content, academic journals, images and audio files available for this topic.

Any related topics will be here linked out, but they're at the very bottom of this page.

I do have the ability to search within the results. So if I wanted to quickly filter down, I can do that.

Maybe I'm looking for depression and exercise when I searches we're going to do.

I can do that. Here you can see I have the reference content magazines, videos, images, audio files, news, academic journals, and then at the very bottom, I have all of the related topics.

Now, when I'm what I'm seeing here like, let's say academic journals is something I'm interested in.

But I want to view all of them, because I know. Once I click into the content type here at the top, or I have the view all at the bottom of the box it'll take me to this page where I can now filter down all of my content.

So I do have to click into one of those content type before I see this filter option.

Alright can I, from the homepage or from the topic page, click directly into a document?

I can. So that's an option, too.

Before we explore some of this content, I wanna share with you this essay overview.

And essay overview is a great place to get started.

You're going to get a lot of information, and it also isn't an easier read.

You might find some great text features here, but these are written by folks at Gale.

Our content specialists at Gale. So you're going to find great information again.

Right on that topic. Page right on the essay overview.

And it's exactly that it's an overview of this topic.

Looking at this document, you'll see this on many documents within the Reese.

Actually all documents within the resource. What's here?

We'll change. You'll find this explore panel, an explore panel is a great way to supplement.

If I'm here within a document, and I really find it interesting.

It's very helpful. Maybe I've sent it to my Google drive Microsoft on drive, email, download or print because I' save this article.

But then I want to jump to another one. Maybe I want anxiety and depression in general practice outpatient.

You can see how the explore panel continues to offer you that additional information.

It also offers you related subjects at the bottom.

When I am at the document level, I do have the ability to change or some accessibility tools.

I have the ability to translate the text here into over 40 languages.

So anytime. You see that little translate icon, you can translate this one happens to be at the article level.

Remember, the one up top is at the is translating the interface, or the navigational tools.

I can decrease or increase the font size. I can also change the displacement.

I remember you have to be at the article level to see these where I can change the background color, change the font, increase the line, letter and word spacing, and the nice thing is, is there's a little tip.

When you change this, the very first article you access, and you change these features and display options, it will stick with you throughout the session.

So, no matter where I go, what articles I'm reading I'm going to get this exact format.

So it's meeting my needs. What I, for reading this information within this resource, if I want to clear those display options, I just select that backup click back to default settings.

I also have the ability to listen to the text being read aloud to me.

Now let's go back. I'm gonna back out twice.

Here because I did go to that article and go back to our topic.

Page. If I wanted to share this, maybe I'm doing some library programming, or I'm working on a course with my students.

My my science students at school, or my nursing students at school, or my nursing students at school or higher.

Ed, and I wanna share this information. How can I do that?

I want to pull this into my syllabus. I can use the get link tool, get link provides a persistent ur URL back to any spot within the resource, so I can be here.

I could be. Let's say I want all of the video content.

I can use. Get link and send my users directly to this video content.

Or if maybe I'm at the.

Video level, I can do all the way down to the document.

Video, image, level, I can grab a link everywhere. I can grab a link.

I can pull that information into Google classroom. Also. All right.

So we covered a lot of the tools and features on this subject.

I do want to mention to our videos, you're going to find transcripts available on many of our videos.

And then I know I want to show you the filter option.

So let's go into. Let's go into magazines because we have 8,000 magazines.

And I want to filter down my results so I can filter by subject document, type, publication, title, publication, title, publication, date.

And I can also use my search within here if I filter by subject.

It's one selection. So if I want depression and women's health, it filters down my magazines, but it filters everything down at once.

So if I'm doing a focus on women's health, then I can filter down to that subject, and I can share using the get link tool share this content on my library website or in my programming or in my courses.

Syllabus wherever I'm sharing this information with students or with my patronage, are coming into my library, or maybe I'm researching.

I'm doing some research. And if that's the case, if you're at the higher Ed level, you're doing research, you need information for your coursework.

Then I suggest the next resource that we're going to jump into, and that is Gale.

Health and medicine. Let me know if there's any questions on health and wellness, I can always go back to it.

Oh, there was one thing I wanted to share with you real quick in health and wellness, and this is available again in all of your gale resources.

But let's say I'm interested in finding information on depression and not in anxiety and exercise.

And maybe exercises. Let's try that one. What I can do is I can quickly.

I've added those terms, I can add some other limiters.

If I want. I'm just going to click search. We have D document type, publication titles, publication, subject.

I'm gonna click, search and it pulls back all of that content that I have.

That's related to depression. And it's.

And then you can see my. This topic. Page pops up again too.

Okay, so just an idea that advanced search can be as simple or as complex as you would like it to be.

And that advanced search tool is really helpful for our advanced researchers.

Also so going into Gale, one file again, one file means periodical.

Just remember that health and medicine. Remember, this is a resource that's designed for health professionals, and also our medical students, or those health researchers right on the homepage. It looks different.

We don't have those topic pages or portals here.

We do have topic, finder subject. Guide, search, and publication, search, and I am going to touch into a few of these, based on some of the top search results.

I saw within this resource, so I can, of course, do a basic search.

It'll pull back all of that content. But today I'm going to go in using topic finder and in topic finder, we're going to do a quick search.

And this one we're going to do a search on mental health.

This is one of the top search terms. In this resource.

Topic finder is a visual representation of your search results.

It's interactive. So I did a basics, or I should say, a topic finder search.

It's looking for those keywords. It looks like the first 100 words and I'm seeing those here in the graphics.

So these are the ones that are found most most often I'm seeing.

This is the visualization I'm in right now is tiles, but I can move to wheel if I prefer the wheel. Each tile.

Once I click into it. So if I want mental health week, it zooms in, I can click again.

Health care. And here it takes me down to 10 different documents.

And these could be videos or images, articles all available. Maybe I want health intervention takes me to 6 different dens.

If I want to reset, I can just quickly reset and go to another section.

Mental health services and maybe I'm looking for children. 13 different documents available.

Okay, so that's a search option. Another one that I'm seeing a lot is publication searches, especially in this resource.

So folks are just doing a basic search on a certain publication for example, they're doing a basic search on Mental Health Weekly Digest, or one we're going to use today is Women's Health Weekly.

So how can I find that information here? And when can I do?

Once I have it so. I have the publication search. And again, publication search is going to be located in advanced search.

But this one also happens to be on the home page. But you'll always find all of your search options, including topic, finder always under advanced search, and any of your gale resources, so I can get a list of all my publications.

I can set some pre limiters pre-search limiters.

So if I just want peer reviewed publications or publications with full-text, I can set those.

Maybe I only want a certain date. I like to start broad and drill down so I'm going to do that search on women's health, and there it pops right up to the top.

Women's Health Weekly search that I can see here.

I have one result.

And then I can see I have coverage.

It looks like it starts in 2 s. So the last 23 years of coverage I have.

I can click on the most current volume. I can also set a journal alert.

So in your periodical resources, your gale, one file resources.

You have the ability to set journal alerts and search alerts extremely helpful for health care professionals, as you can see, because they are getting the most up-to-date information, and it's being delayred.

Set that journal alert. I can have it emailed to me, or I can add an Rss.

Feed and have it right in my browser, and be alerted, and be able to access that great content from my library right on my own device, and we're mobile, responsive.

So if they're accessing from their cell phones or ipads, our, all our resources are mobile, responsive.

But I can set up that Journalert every time anything to Women's Health Weekly is set up great for researchers, too.

So maybe I want this last. I'm going to click into the last issue, and I have 500. Wow!

I have. 500 article magazine articles from this issue on March.


Now from this point, since there's 500 you might wanna filter it down now.

Publication date wouldn't apply because they're all from the March ninth issue.

But let's say you did a different search, and it had all different types of publications from various years you could fillter to the last year.

We'll do that in a second. But I can filter by subject.

Maybe I want women's health and breast cancer. Now it's filtered it down to 155 magazine articles.

If I want document type, maybe I just want brief articles.

Our clinical reports. That's too clinical reports.

It's only 5. Here I have those clinical reports, so you could see just by doing a couple clicks, I'm able to filter down my content.

Now, if I wanted anything really related to women's health, weekly breast cancer and clinical reports, I can set up a search alert so you can get very specific for the information that you're looking for again.

Great for medical professionals, researchers, medical students. This is all great content that they can be alerted by email or Rss.

Feed, every time anything new has been added to their specific searches.

Even with adding these filters, I want to share this content.

Maybe I'm working in a group. I'm at the higher Ed level, and I'm a medical student. I want to share this.

I can use my get link tool. There's certain publications I want to use.

I know I'm already. I'm sorry I did a publication search.

So of course, it's gonna be women's health weekly.

But you do have that ability to filter by publication, laxile measure, which is more for our K.

12 folks, and that I can still search within. So if I wanted to dive in deeper, I can.

Maybe I wanted to do a search on radiation or chemotherapy and I wanted to filter down even more.

I can do that. See if there's any content available if I want to pull this into my visual search results.

Topic finder. I can do that, too. So all those options are available, and you can see how you can find this content.

Set up those great search alerts. Now, what if I just did a basic search? So let's do a basic search on.


Same idea. It looks the results are similar. You can see academic journals are going to be.

You're going to see a lot of academic journals in our one file resources, and especially when you're talking about health and medicine.

So we have a over 300,000 academic journals.

This is where filtering my results is going to be helpful.

And this might be when I want to filter to the last year.

If I want the most up-to-date information, or maybe I'm looking historically at information, and I don't want the last year, maybe I want I'm longer.

I want a certain custom range. I need to know, because things were trend.

This is what was trending, what was happening in medicine at that time.

You know what was trending, or what was happening?

What can I find in this periodical resource? But if I did want to filter to the last year, I can apply that.

And again that the filters are applied to everything. I have that same video type content that I did in the last resource, where I have the this one is from the Washington Post.

I can play that click into it and play that video. I can also save this by using that get link tool.

Whenever I want.

Okay, and then you'll also see one thing I want to point out with our academic journals.

If it's peer reviewed, you're going to see that in the summary there's a lot of great information in this summary.

If I wanted to go to this specific publication I could click on that publication, and it would take me it's everything's hyperlinked out.

The articles hyperlinked out, the publications hyperlinked out.

So I get a bit of a summary. What type of document it is!

An article. When is it? What's the date? I can even sort by over here now.

I've already sorted, sorted by the last year, but maybe I want the newest at the top.

I can do that, too. Okay, again, if I want to. A journal, alert or search alert, I have that option up here at the top.

Alright! So all kinds of information. I wanted to share with you how to do that publication search.

How easily you can find content. We've talked about advanced search and topics.

Finder. So let's talk about our last resource, which is nursing and allied health.

When I click into that, it's gonna make me login again here real quick.

Nope, let me start it again. There we go! So I'm in it again.

Get one file. So we know it's periodical content.

It's nursing and Allied health. So it's a very focused.

This is again great for nursing, professionals, nursing schooling students, a great resource for it's really an essential and versatile resource for nurses homepage looks very similar right. We have topic.

Finders, subject guide, searched publication, search. Let's go into a document and do some marking up and see what we can do.

So for this one, I'm gonna do a search on I'm gonna do 2 2 searches.

One I wanna show you is a little bit more specific. And I want to show you what you're gonna see.


So you can see, even with our very specific searches, we're going to find some content.

This one magazine, some academic journals, one book and newspaper.

When I picked those I usually picked those broader topics and drill down like mental health.

For example, you have that larger topic, and then you can drill down and filter down your results.

But we do have content. Very specific information. If you're looking at diseases and disorders, do those searches take a look at what we have available.

Now something that I did see come up, and it is. There is some information in here if you wanted to do a search on nursing, of course you're going to find a lot of information, and that's for whatever reason is a very top search in this resource.

But if you're looking for something like this.

Nursing, shortage. You are going to find information, even on topics such as nursing sort shortage available within this resource, and I might for this one, I think I would be looking a lot at news, and I would also be looking at my academic journals meazines.

Too, but I really I think that those news articles would be very interesting to read more about it.

Now you will see if it's an editorial, you'll see that information here in that document type, and I can.

Here's a report at the bottom, you can see. So all the different document types are over here, and I can pick exactly what I'm interested in.

There's an interview, maybe not interested in that. Or an editorial, maybe I'm looking for more of those surveys or financial reports or conference news.

Those type of a brief articles, usually a go-to, also okay, so you have those type of topics.

And you also have. I'm looking at diabetes.

Here's all the information I have on diabetes, and I can filter that down even further.

Maybe I want information on, and folks that are older or younger.

Maybe I want children's diabetes. I want more information on.

I can just filter down to.

Children, and submit.

And it filters down that content. I can take it even further if there's something else.

I'm interested in are looking again. Publication date. I can filter to the last year and don't forget you can create those search alerts.

So again a great resource for our nurses. Let me do a quick search on.

I had mentioned Emts in my description there any questions don't forget to ask in that box.

We're right towards the end of our session here.

So, yeah, I mentioned nurses and Emts so doing that search, you can see some of the information that is pulled back.

So great content for our nurses, our student nurses, our professionals, medical professionals.

You're going to find available here, and as I said, it's up to date, it'll be sent.

They can set up Aerts. So that and that really is key sent directly to either their inbox, or if they're using an rss feed on their browser, they can receive that information that way.

The only other thing I wanted to share with you is highlights and notes.

So, since we every researchers that are working with in the resource, and this is a shorter brief article.

But if I was finding information, I want to use in my research, I can click and drag over the text, select a color, add any notes save that information, and then my best practice is to send this.

So send it to Google Microsoft email, download or print.

If I'm scrolling down the page, and I get to this point.

And I'm like, Okay, I change. I want to change the source citation.

And now I'm ready to stick. All those tools are also up here, so I can send it.

I'm gonna send it to my Google drive and it'll land in a folder anytime. I'm at any of the resources.

It'll land in the folder, netitled whatever resource I'm in, so this one is guil one file in their sight, nurse nursing Allied and Allied health of a folder with that, and I'll have this marked up document and the markup, stays

with my document. It turns it. I send it to Google. So it's turning into Google, Doc.

And this chunk of text that's in green. What I'll happen is it'll live below my sour citation and I'll also have any notes I've taken.

Now let's go back to my results. Maybe I'm interested in a newspaper article, and I want to filter by newest.

And let's do this one here and I'm gonna do some highlighting.

Maybe there's some quotes here that I'm interested in.

Or a, and I'm just randomly grabbing it.

I can add in whatever notes I want, and then I can send this so I'm gonna use the quick.

Send and send it. Now, what's happening is on the backside.

My highlights and Notes section is being built on, and this is session based.

So if I go into highlights and notes in the upper right-hand corner, I do have to have some information highlighted on the article.

I'm on to be able to get to this point.

View all highlights and notes. This is session based.

So if I want what I like to call digital notes, if I want just this information again, best practice, send the entire article.

So you have that. But if I would like to send this also, I have that option where I can send.

I can download, or I can print. An email is under this, the little paper airplane.

I can also label. So I think I said something was a quote.

Maybe a fact. I can label the colors and my legend will go with me too.

I can change the format. The bibliography is automatically attached, or I can use my citation tool and it pulls.

The citation tool will just pull if you're on a singular document, it'll just have that single citation.

Here I am on. I have highlighted multiple documents.

So here's my work cited in my bibliography, and I can change that format.

I can choose where I'd like to export it to.

So that's going to be. And I totally love this highlights and notes feature for that purpose, too.

Again across all of your gale resources. You have this option.

You also have the ability to edit your notes before you send them it to your Google. Drive.

Okay, so again, highlights and notes, do you some highlighting on any documents?

Best practice. Send the entire document to your wherever you're sending it.

Let's say Google drive, and then you'll have that full d when you send your highlights and notes.

The nice thing is these articles will be hyperlinked out.

So even from my Google drive. If I want to go back to this article, because this article had an awesome explore panel, and I know I like this.

Article. I can go. I can click on that link, and it'll take me from my Google drive right back to my Artle.

Now it won't be marked up. It's not going to save that information, but you already have that because your best practice was to send the whole document right.

So if you need to mark up the document more, you can do that in Google Drive or Microsoft onedrive, or if you've printed it, you can just grab a highlighter.

But here at least, you're able to come back from those digital notes that you've signed that sent that highlight note section and come back to this article and then explore or explore related subjects.

Maybe want cancer research okay? So that's really nice. It keeps that information you're still able to come back into the resource and kind of pick up where you left off a little bit right?

Okay, okay, so that is the 3 resources that you have available to support health and wellness.

Again, don't forget you have Gale health and wellness for your consumers.

Your patrons, I should say consumer health, patrons!

Your high school students can utilize that resource when you're talking about medical professionals and students, medical students.

Then, looking at oops, so health and wellness, consumer, consumer health, high school students, and also those patrons that are coming into your library.

One File, Health and Medicine, medical professionals, medical students, I'm nursing also, but any medical professionals and those medical researchers, and the last one is that we want to over today is Gale, one file nursing and allied health this is a more focused resource for nurses

nursing students, and a great resource for that. Okay?

And emt is empties. You saw some information in here, too.

Let me go back to my Powerpoint. I just have a few items to share with you, and then we can wrap our session today.

Don't forget to ask me any questions that you have.

You do have a Gale support site on that Gale support site I shared with you the link to the Washington State Library site.

And you'll find this is where you're going to find any upcoming trainings and the recorded trainings.

But I've also added some different documents to that site under that technical section.

You'll find some discoverability tools great for allow of higher edged support there for proxies.

That type of information for access. And there's even more so you'll find a lot of great technical documents there.

But there's also training documents and marketing materials.

What you'll also find again on the support site is those access.

Urls. But mark records are there. Title lists.

Are there, you'll find I mentioned technical documents, the icons, the widgets.

You also have the ability to connect directly with your guail customer, success manager in the training center you'll find tiptoeets and tutorials.

There's training decks. So Powerpoints ready to go with all our training notes.

There's also recorded webinars, and then marketing materials.

You'll find bookmarks, posters, but also great social media templates, blog templates, email templates and social media posts.

We've also been adding more projects. So here is a five-day challenge. Protect your heart.

This is a half sheet a lot of public libraries are really enjoying this.

So we're creating these type of documents in our training center oops.

And I go back, and then here below American Heart month. So we do some, some focuses on different.

It's more celebratory, right? Or those monthly focuses, we have content, specific information.

And this is in our, in the training center you'll find content, specific training materials.

And they're organized by month. So you would find this one in February.

And the second page actually is kind of like a worksheet for folks to go through this journey so they can find content and read more information.

And then they can take that information on that document. It's great, to if they're looking to talk to their medical professional.

So for that health and wellness, resource for your your patrons and your students.

It's a great tool. Again, your support site. Information is here.

You have both A. K. 12 and public customer success manager.

And for those coming from higher. Ed, we have academic customer success managers.

So here are both their email addresses. If you'd like to reach out to them directly again, they are your one on one support, and all things scale my name is Tammi Burke.

I'm your senior Gale trainer, and I thank you so much for your time today.

The training survey should pop up when you leave this session.

Love to get your feedback about this session, and also, if you would like to add in from Washington, I could use some support and training.

With this let us know, because I do take that information back to our contact at the State Library as we plan your upcoming training sessions, and we do have a couple more coming up in the next couple weeks.

I think I'm we're scheduled through.

May, for Washington, so be sure to check out that the support site where and the link that I shared in the chat with the Wsl.

At the end of it again. Here's where you'll find that information, too.

At the Wsl. Training there. So we look forward to seeing you at our next session.

If you'd like to connect and share any success stories, we are on Instagram and Twitter.

Please feel free to do so, and you can reach out to me in 24 h.

You'll receive a follow-up email. My contact information will be there.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask, but thank you for your time today.

Let me know if there's any questions. I'm happy to stay on the line and answer any you have. Thank you.

So much, and have a great rest of your day.
© 2024 Gale, part of Cengage Group