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Last Updated: April 20, 2023

For WSL: Get to Know: Gale In Context Resources

Gale In Context Resources from the Washington State Library make it easy to explore class or course topics, and find sources for assignments that are sure to impress. Videos, articles from premium publications, encyclopedia entries, primary sources, and more allow users to investigate everything from global issues and science to literature and history in one easy-to-use platform. View this recorded webinar session to learn how the Gale In Context resources can support classroom learning, homeschool and homework help, and coursework. The training session is for K-12 librarians, public librarians and will also cover higher education focus of study for specific resources.
Duration: 60 Minutes
So welcome to your training for the Washington State Library today's session is, get to know Gale and context resources.

My name is Tammi Burke, and I'm your Gale trainer.

If you have any questions throughout the session, please feel free to use that box.

It is open and available for today's training. We will be looking at all of your in context, resources.

So you actually have 5 different resources available from the Washington State Library and we're going to talk about how to implement those resources into classroom studies into the public library and then higher.

Ed also we do have a resource that supports. Well, I would say, 2 resources that support higher.

Ed, so we will touch into those a little bit today to the nice thing is with your gale resources, the tools and features I'm going to share with you today are the same across all resources.

So we call them shared tools and features. So you're going to see those I'm going to talk about them in one resource, a few of them, and then we'll jump into the next resource, and I'll expand our knowledge and talk a little bit more about those additional tools. But again.

Remember they are shared across all of your Gale resources.

So our agenda today we will start with access to the Washington Id.

See a typo here. Access to the Washington State Library resources.

Will start with an overview of Gale in context, resources explore the content, features and workflow tools, and then any questions I encourage you to ask throughout.

But training materials and contact information I will leave you at the end of the session.

So access to your Washington State Library resources, you can go to this site and let me put that in the let me grab it real quick.

I'm gonna add that link to the chat. If you don't have this link, it's a good one to bookmark and this is the easiest way to find your direct Urls for your Washington State library resources.

Not only that, but you're able to access training and marketing materials.

There's also great technical documents available. You can go directly to the Washington State Library's website from this link.

So everything you need for your gale resources is here and available for you.

What you will find is you will want to access your library, sites.

So if you enter your library, name, or and use that dropdown menu, you can quickly click on your library.

Name, click, proceed, and it will take you to all of your links.

Your direct links to all of your resources. From the Washington State Library on the right hand side.

You do have the ability to export those links into an excel file, and then you can add them directly to your library website.

It's great to use your own individual links, because if you are looking to track usage, or you want to see, look at trends.

Maybe tap searches, see what resources maybe need additional promotion, or which ones are using being used a lot in your library.

You can take a look at that. All that information you can pull in the Gale usage dashboard, and we actually have in the training center.

We have a recorded webinar on using the Gale usage dashboard but we have folks at Gale that are one on one.

Support, your customer success, managers. So if you are looking for that one-on-one support, want to talk to them about access or pulling usage reports.

I'll share their information at the end, and it's also included.

Their email address is also included in your follow-up email.

So let's talk about your Gale and context resources.

And I'm going to start with an overview of a few of them to start, and then we are going to jump right into the live demonstration of those resources.

What you'll find with your in context resources is you have the ability to search or browse.

You can easily extore content, and then you can also write from within the resource you can view and share your results.

You can save your results also to Google or Microsoft.

So the resources you have available. And I'm gonna talk through these a little bit on the next couple of slides.

But I wanted to show you. These are again, just your in context, resources.

So these are in the in context, product family. You see that right in the icon in the title.

So we have Gale in context, elementary Gale in context, middle school Gale In context, high school.

We have Gale in context, global issues. And also Gale in context, college.

Let's talk a little bit about Gale in context, elementary.

And this is designed for our kindergarten through fifth grade students, where you're going to find rough reference, content and periodicals.

There's also videos images. And you have books. So you have book articles, but also ebooks available because the Washington State Library is also book articles, but also ebooks available but also ebooks available because the Washington State Library is also purchased ebooks for you all so you're going

to see those available within your gale and context library resource. So it's nice because it's a one stop shop for our younger users.

To support curriculum standards. We have frequently studied topics such as animals.

Our animal, life, nature, History, Geography, science, Health, literature, and more to enhance teaching and learning.

You will find that this is a very safe place for students to find answers.

So students that are coming into your public library, your elementary students, home schoolers.

But also this is a great resource for any of our higher Ed folks.

You have any students that are going into teaching as a former educator, this resource would have been extremely valuable, not only in my coursework, when I was in college, but especially after I graduated and taking that into the classroom, so being had understood digital resources, what you have available on building lesson plans

utilizing these resources there, are even lesson plans available within these resources.

So a lot of great content for our future teachers and current teachers.

So, but for our students to finding answers and practicing those research skills, especially at this young age and exploring interests, we do have new documents available.

The document that was created. For this resource about developing those research skills, it's been a little going on almost 2 years that it was created. I think.

Or year and a half here now, but it really is, has a graphic organizer, and talks and walks students through with a tip sheet for teachers student activities on developing those research skills.

So we have developed new materials to help support learning with our users in in the classroom and outside of the classroom Gale.

In context, middle school discover premium resources. Again, we have reference, content and periodicals, rich multimedia.

This one also has primary sourceces and creat works and statistics available.

You're going to find frequently studied topics such as history and cultures, science, government, literature, just to name a few then, to enhance teaching and learning.

You have the Google Microsoft Integration Unlimited print download email and highlights and notes are all available within this resource.

And those again, are shared across all of your gale resources, even Gale and context, elementary.

We also have our gale and context high school. So Gale and context high school. What you're going to find here similar to middle school.

But we also have academic journals available to support curriculum standards.

You're going to find those similar topics as we do in middle school.

But this is for our ninth, through twelfth grade students, and then those enhancing teacher enhanced teaching and learning skills.

We have the integration of Google and Microsoft.

We also have the integration within your learning management system.

So if you're using schoology or at your district, or at your academic library, or deeper, I know, is a popular one at the higher Ed.

Also we do have your gale resources, all of your guil resources can be integrated into your learning management systems some tools I want you to keep in mind to share content.

You have the get link tool. If you're using Google classroom, you can share directly to Google classroom.

You can also send this to Google Drive, or Microsoft onedrive download.

An email are also available to support accessibility. We have the translate tool font size, the listen, or our read speaker and display options.

One thing about our listen, button that I just received an email about about 5 min ago is on Saturday that's the 20 s right on Saturday the voice is going to be slightly Updated.

You aren't going to be slightly updated. You aren't going to see.

You might not notice much of a change, but we've been receiving a little bit of feedback that they would.

More natural voice would be would be helpful, so that actually is being added over the weekend.

So you'll see if you're in that check it out again on Monday, and listen to it, and see if you can notice a difference.

I'm excited to hear this new voicemail that is named Sophie.

So we are excited about this new feature display options is also available, and this is where you're users can change the font also.

The background behind the text and increase the line, letter and word spacing, and I'll model all of these for you today to encourage analysis.

Highlights and notes is available. It really promotes that deeper learning.

But it really isn't helpful for annotation to that color coding.

I'm pulling out just specific or main idea information.

And sending, you can actually send just your highlights and notes to your Google drive Microsoft onedrive.

You can also print and email those, too, to develop research skills or to use a browsable option within your resource.

Different search options. You have top pages. You also have topic finder, which is a great search option and then, of course, your citation tool, where all of your documents, images, videos have the citation.

Attached, but you also have that separate citation tool that you can utilize within the resources too.

I mentioned learning management systems. I wanted to share with you what it looks like when you embed artles or embed multimedia on the left.

We have canvass on the right. We have schoology, and this is a great way to embed content directly into an assignment discussion.

A page, and this is a great way to embed content directly into an assignment discussion, a page. Of course you can add a link also that's an option that's available.

If you are using a learning management system, I'll talk a little bit more about that. During the session.

If you want to share a large amount like a topic page, a collection of information, how? That would be a little different than when you're sharing an individual document or any multimedia.

So with that, let's just jump into the resources. If you have any questions.

That box is open, and I will check in periodically to see if you have any questions.

First let me start with your access to your gale resources again.

This link, I shared in the chat box again. This link I shared in the chat box, and it will also be included in your follow up email.

But you can quickly sign in using your library name, and once you do, and let me use Washington.

There we go. Washington State Library, and I can click.

Proceed, then, all of my direct Urls are available, taking a little bit to load here available.

You can see here my location id is built into them, so my usage will roll up to my library.

I can very easily export those links. If I wanted to filter by product family, like in context, like we are talking about today, I could do that.

And here are 3 building blocks that I talked about elementary middle school, high School.

And you also have global issues and Gale in context, college.

Let me talk a little bit about global issues in college. So global issues is looking at those social issues across and that coming from a global viewpoint.

So we are getting because we are also a global company we work with a lot of great publishers.

And but also publish a lot of our own content. We do have great content available within this resource, but it is looking at those hot topics, those social issues.

But from a global perspective, Galeen contexts or Gale in context, college is in your building blocks.

You have elementary middle school high school, and then the next step is college, and this is cross-curricular general reference, just like elementary middle school and high school.

But this is for our college students. It's really use very well at the first couple of years of college we have a lot of students that utilize this resource, because, especially, they're comfortable with the in context resources. They've used them at the high school level so they are comfortable.

With those tools and features and a lot of the content. Again, we have a lot of great multimedia available within this resource, but it is cross-curricular, so you'll find a little bit of something for everyone available within that resource alright.

So let's go into. We are going to start with.

G in context, elementary. So we'll start with the resource that's for kindergarten through fifth grade and I'm going to talk about now, remember, if I share a tool and feature in this resource, it's also available in all the rest, so we're just going to share

with you some of the content you're going to find here the layout of the resource, and just a brief overview of what you're going to find within this resource.

I'll talk always weave in best practices to when I'm talking about your in context.

Resources using them in the classroom or in the public library space.

And again, don't forget about those future teachers that you have within your academic libraries.

So all of our resources have a unique banner to each resource, and you are going to find your basic search and advanced search at the top to the right.

We have what we call the contextual toolbar. So no matter where I'm at, within the resource, the tools that I need will be located here.

So they do change because I don't necessarily need the browsse topics.

When I'm at a document level, I would want to see the citation tool here instead.

So this will adjust the 2 that always remain are the get link and highlights and notes, and we're going to talk about these 2 features in your elementary resource, something that is unique to this one compared to your other in context.

Resources is, I haven't the ability to toggle on and off the sound, and that sound is wherever my mouse is.

It will read that text. So it's off right now.

If I turn it on, let me see, I have to turn up my volume here, so let me turn it on.

Pictures. News. Okay? So you can see it will read what's below the text.

Now this is different than our read speaker, our listen, button when you're at the document level, the listen button is going to be a great feature for all users of variing needs, especially our elementary students.

So, but this helps them navigate this toggling the sound on and off.

Will help them navigate through the resource itself, and you can see all of these topics, these, these areas of the browse areas, I should say, are here in this toolbar.

I also have, I wonder? Questions. And these change every time you click in, and you'll also find them on your individual subject. Category.

2. I'll share that with you in a moment. You can see all of the subjects that we do have available, and we do have large like animals as one of our top search dogs and cats are always the ones that are the most popular within animals.

But we have some smaller topics, like plants, too, because this is something that isn't just about in every elementary curriculum.

So we have pulled that content out and put it right here on the home page at the very bottom.

You have some educator resources available. So if we have any K 12 folks, I encourage you to check out that information.

You're going to find some helpful content there. Okay, let's talk through some of these.

The subjects that we have here above are the browsse options that we have. So we are in topics.

We're gonna go into books, and you can see all of the ebooks that you have available from the Washington State Library are listed here.

I should say Gale ebook from the Washington State Library, and I can go directly into one of these titles if I wanted to.

I can click on the cover, and it takes me past the cover.

It takes me into the book itself, and I have the ability with these e-books.

I have the ability to turn the page. I on the left hand side had some different options, where I have a table of contents.

I can search for a certain word or phrase I can search for a term in the Webster's Dictionary, and this is the Elementary dictionary.

I can go to all of my ebooks in this bookshelf, so imagine this is a shelf in your library.

I can go to another title here, and then my full citation is the last option at the bottom.

I am always right when I click into the cover of a book.

It takes me right into that ebook, but I do have a text view of available which will look like this.

So you have both options. The book view is going to give you those images and texts together.

I have the ability to zoom in, zoom out. Make this whole screen, and also listen to the text being read aloud to me, the nice thing is with Gale In context, elementary.

I don't have to be in texts view to listen.

The text view here to listen to the text being read aloud, I can click this.

Listen, button, and it will read the text allowed to me so, even though I'm looking at a Pdf version of my print book that I could have in my library, digitally here, it will still read it aloud to me something we've added for our elementary students going back oh, let me go back

to that main page. News. You can filter and look for different news articles.

You can see some of the publications here, but this is also where our fun facts live.

I always love to take a peek in here, and I have not been guess I haven't been in here for I know it's national poetry month, but didn't know national farm animals.

Day happened, and international, Astronomy day is coming up next week, so always some fun facts.

I like to utilize this when a students are first logging in, especially if you're in a whole class or in a computer lab type situation for elementary it's helpful to send them go to news and look at the fun.

Facts to send them to do something, to take a look at.

You also have pictures available, and I can quickly filter down and look for.

Certain pictures. So I filter to life cycles, and I'm seeing all of these great images.

I would say great but there's spiders, and I really really don't like spiders.

So. But there's some great videos with spiders, too. I have to tell you.

I've done my exploration within this, and they really are good.

Otherwise I wouldn't even show them my training. I just really don't like.

So they. I know they they have a job, and they're very important.

I, just they. It's not my thing so, but anyhow, you also are going to find great content in the video section. So again, I'll look.

Let's look for life cycle, since we're talking about that video and you can see some of the video content that we have available.

On life. Cycles. Okay, alright. Let's go back to topics.

Let me know if there are any questions and we're going to explore some of our topics in our topic tree, and then we're going to dive in a little deeper.

So we're going to quick click into animals here, and I'm going to share with you, just looking around at some of those topics.

This is how your students can find content and filter down and look for specific titles or look for specific items, subjects.

We always give a little bit of an overview at the top, and then this high, level, high level overview. When I click and demand, you can see below here our topic pages.

They each have an image. I'm going to click into dogs, and we have an image and an essay overview on our topic.

Pages. We have quick facts, book articles, magazines, biographies, news pictures, videos, all of available, including related topics.

Something I want to quickly share with you here, within this topic page is when you are.

Haven't that the topic? Page, the essay overview?

You do have the ability to switch from a level one to a level 2, you'll see, even in the book article section.

If you, if it's published from Gale and you're seeing the same title like dogs showing up more than once in that section, then that means it's something that we've published from Gale, and you're seeing the same title like dogs showing up more than once in that

section then that means it's something that we publish. And we've been able to manipulate that text and change the reading level from a one to a 2.

And your elementary content levels level one is early elementary level 2 is upper elementary.

If it's level one is early elementary. Level 2 is upper, elementary.

If it's level 3 or above level 3 is middle school, and it you might find a little bit of that content within the newspaper.

Maybe some magazines. So just be aware that it is there.

But the nice thing is you have these tools to support accessibility, and even at that higher level, if we happen, you have a student that comes across that and is interested.

They can listen to the text being read aloud to them, and we'll talk about these tools in the next resource.

I just wanna make sure that you understand that they do live here at the document level within Gale In context, elementary.

Okay. I'm gonna do a different search this time. And majority of your elementary students, actually, let's go to the homepage majority of your elementary students are pointing and clicking they're not doing a lot of basic searches.

And we're going to go into plants and types of plants.

And the reason why I'm taking you in this path.

See those, I wonder? Questions they change. This is a question about plants, because we're in the topic page of plants is because if you have ebooks related to the topic.

So here's my I'm in the topic. Page of types of plants.

I happen to have 2 ebooks available, they will also show up in your search results.

Here you can see those book articles, this is what I was talking about.

The level one and level 2 it's been published by Gale.

So that is, chances are that is a topic page or an essay overview.

But it could be something that we've just published, and we're able to give you both levels.

Okay, if I wanted to quickly filter my content down. I see I have one level level 3 here.

But if I wanted to filter my content by content level, I can do that, using my filter.

The filter, my results. So I clicked into book articles.

Any of these content types, I could click into. And then I can filter by any of these options and we'll talk a little bit more about these 2.

But content level is here, and you can see the different content levels and the Luxle measure.

Remember one's in 2 is our elementary. If you just remember level 3 is middle school, then you'll it'll keep it.

Keep it simple for you all middle school, above or below, you'll find that content available and have that ability to filter down.

Everything. So not just my book. Articles, but it filtered my magazine and news and videos all at once.

If I wanted to share this, I could use the get link tool in my contextual toolbar.

I have the get link tool. It provides a persistent URL back to any spot, so it could be the topic. Page on dogs.

It could be here where I filter down, content, or it could be to an article.

If I want to. This one on Wetlands, if I' to share a link directly to this article, all I have to do is click that get link, button.

You'll always see it in the upper right hand corner, and all of your gale resources.

Okay, let's go into the next resource, and we are going to.

I'm gonna use the product menu which actually lives in the upper left-hand corner of your resources.

If I click on library menu, view gale product, menu.

I'm going to filter to my in context resources.

This is a quick way to jump between resources. Let's go into middle school now.

Middle school, again, unique banner to middle school advanced and basic search are their contextual toolbar.

And I have Google Microsoft ability to sign in.

I already signed into Google, and I am set up as a teacher.

So anytime I want to pull content from the resource into Google classroom.

I just click on the icon and make my selection of.

I'm sorry I have to choose a class first. It doesn't always share this screen, but choose a class first.

Let's try this again. There we go. Choose my class.

Social studies and choose an action. Okay? So if I were pulling in a topic page, maybe I'd wanna make an announcement in my class.

Just an idea for you. There!

Okay. Scrolling down. We do have these images also available.

But once I click into one of these topics like, let's do us history.

It takes me to all of the topic. Pages.

The this has primary sources, great primary sources available, also periodical content.

Just like we had in elementary. You're going to find both of those here.

The only thing middle school does not have is academic journals, that is, for high school global issues and college you're going to find those academic journals.

Okay. And here are all the topic pages. If I wanted to filter to a different topic.

That's from the homepage. I can do that here.

I don't have to go back to the homepage.

I have my drop-down menu, and let me show you a little trick.

If I am using in middle schoolers about 50, 50, 50% of the time they're pointing and clicking and jumping into topic pages and 50% of the time they're doing a search.

If they're doing a search in any of your in context resources.

And I want to know if there's a topic page available for that search, you'll see it bolded, and at the top of my list.

So I know that endangered species, my search assist helped me out, and it brought that topic page to the very top of my list.

Here we have our topic page on endangered species.

If I wanted to share this again, I could use the get link, tool, or I could pull this into my Google classroom.

Now, those using a learning management system. If you want to share a collection of information like a topic page, or you've curated by content type like I did in elementary.

Then you'd want to use the get links. Okay, you can only embed individual documents or articles or images videos.

You can only embed those individually items into your instance or your assignment, discussion or page of within your learning, management system.

Okay, so keep that in mind. That's the little difference. There.

If you want to pull a lot of content in use, our get link tool.

Okay, now, we do have reference content. You also have the ability to search within your results.

So if I wanted to filter down that content, I could do that very quickly.

You're also seeing here biographies that we have available there's magazines, videos, images, news at the very bottom.

We have any related topic. Pages also.

So I might be looking at invasive species might be something I'm interested in, too.

Let's talk about the tools to support accessibility and where I'm just going to select.

Well, let's go into reference first couple things I want to share with you here.

So we talked about the filtering your results by content level, and you can see we have luxle measure, publication, date, document, type.

I absolutely love document type when you're talking about primary sources and any of your gale resources, because you have memoirs and daries and letters, and that type of information with primary sources.

But I like it, too, when your need just brief articles a lot of times.

Teachers will ask for brief articles, and this is a very quick way to filter down all of your content.

To just brief our articles along with a long list of other items.

Publication titles are here, and then that search within still exists.

But we also have topic for so I'm just pointing it out here because I want to show you how to use it from going through the advanced search and talk to you about best practices there.

But if I wanted to pull this content even if I filtered it down by, say, content, level or document type I could pull it into topic finder, which is that visual representation of your search results and like I said, we're going to touch into that in a moment.

But I want to share with you at the document, level the tools that you have available.

So in the title or in the topic page of endangered species.

I found this great document. It's a topic overview is my document type.

It's a level 4, and it is coming from the Encyclopedia of Science.

It's about about instinction, and I can find words to know in this article.

Sometimes you may find in some of our, especially if we've published it.

You'll find critical thinking questions. We may have main ideas.

It really depends on what content we're sharing in, or what information in the article.

So let's talk about those tools to support excessibility.

We have the ability to translate the text into over 40 languages, that's a little translate icon, and if you notice, I have the translate icon here, but also in my upper toolbar, because I can translate these navigational tools in my contextual toolbar say here into over 34

languages. Okay, so both options are available. I can decrease or increase the flow size for display.

Options. I can change the text behind or the color behind my text.

I can change the font, increase the line, letter, and word spacing, and the nice thing is, once I set this up on one article.

It will also go with me it sticks with me throughout my session, so until I close out of my session, I'll have this setup available.

So that's a great tool to have for your users.

I'm gonna go back to my default settings in the bottom.

And just open that box back up again, and then I also have the listen feature which will read the text allowed to me, and highlight as it's being read.

If I have translated to say Spanish, and then click the listen feature, it will read the text in Spanish to me.

Now we are at over 40 languages here, translating the text.

We're at 24 for the listen, button, but the listen again.

We're at the more popular results I shouldn't say more popular.

The mold more used, more often used length languages that we have available, and don't forget it's getting a little bit of an update.

So it will sound a little different. Come next week. You have the ability to quickly send information to Google Microsoft email, download or print and then our explorer panels here on the right hand, side, you may find a more like this panel with additional articles or there's related subjects here, too, now, our

quick send options. If I get to a point where I'm at this mark, and I want to send it to my Google drive.

I don't have to scroll all the way up, because my contextual toolbar has the sun to option.

So I can send it to Google Microsoft or email.

Let me show you some hidden content available within this resource.

So we're gonna go into advanced search and do a little exploration and then I'll talk to you a bit more about highlights and notes and some of those additional features we're going to cover everything today.

But I like to share some hidden gems when we're in these resources.

So advanced search can be as simple or as complex as you want.

It's a great way, especially in middle school, definitely in high school.

These are skills that students need to learn before they go on.

Maybe they're going on to a 2 year, 4 year college, and if we have any academic librarians they're probably not in their heads.

Yes, please teach these research skills. Because these are some basic research skills.

But understanding, how to when they get to that higher level understanding.

How do use the advanced search? I have a lot of academic libraries that as soon as you click into your gale resource, this is what you see.

They have the ability to change it to from that homepage and take users directly into advanced search, and that is completely their preference at their university.

What they like to. I do wanna point out that you do have some search Tips.

So if maybe this is a mini lesson, there's a couple many lessons that I think are great within the resources.

But maybe talking to them about understanding what our operators, what our special characters we have quotation marks.

We have examples of that, and why you would use it when you would use it.

We also have pre search limiters that your students or your users can select.

Even patrons coming into a public library. They may be doing research, needing research.

I'm thinking specifically of global issues and this is a very easy way for them to find exactly what they're looking for.

But let's say I'm looking for my primary sources, and I'm not going to search for well, no, I'm not going to.

I was going to filter to a document type. But I'll do that once we get with to all that content.

And I'm not gonna put in any special terms. I just wanna take us to all the primary sources, and you can see we have well, over 3,000 primary sources.

Now at this point, document type, this is where I can filter down.

I could have on my last granish could have set that limiter.

But I kind of wanted you to see what content we have available here.

If I go into letter and apply it takes me down to 319.

So we have 319 letters. I'm going to search within now, and I'm going to select one of my favorites.

And that is a letter from an 11 year old girl to Lincoln. I don't know if any of you are familiar with this.

The author is Grace Bettle, and it starts with a commentary. Our primary sources.

You have that nice commentary, and then it goes right into that primary source.

And this is a letter to Abraham Lincoln.

While he was running for press, and you can see her letter here.

What I love about this letter is a variety of different things.

One of them is. She thinks he's going to be a great President.

And but she did suggest that he grow some whiskers.

Let your whiskers grow because she's said that the ladies really like whiskers, and that they would tease their husbands and to vote for for him as President.

So love this letter for that reason, and then she asked a couple other questions, and then below, you have Abraham Lincoln's responsible and he does ask her question like, wouldn't it be silly to have to do that now?

So anyway, it's a great one of those primary sources those letters are in here.

The diary entries are extremely interesting. You've got all kinds of great content in that primary sources, and for Lary, we have elementary students that are looking for primary sources.

You can. They can always access that information here within gale and context, middle school.

So keep that in mind. We don't have primary source content in elementary.

It's hard, because the reading level is a little bit higher, and we can't change that obviously can't change that content.

So do keep in mind that it is here available in gale and context.

Middle school. Let's go back to advanced search. I want to show you a unique document type.

So I'm gonna clear that list. Let's see.

Let me remove letter and remove primary sources, and I wanna share with you.

Experiment activities. Now, these experiment activities are also available in gal and context, high school.

Oh, I did something wrong. Hold on a second. Here, let me I'm gonna clear this out.

There we go!

Experiment activities. There we go. Okay, that's more like it.

We have 211 different experiment activities available within this resource experiment activities can have up to 3 different experiments, and sometimes the design design. Your own.

You can see some of the topics that are here. Let's go into cells.

And this one does have 3 projects or 3 experiments, and it has all kinds of great information to start.

So we're giving a little bit of a forward here, and to start. So we're giving a little bit of a forward here and then some instructions, but also then it starts with a hypothesis to start. So we're giving a little bit of a forward, here. And then some instructions but also then it starts with

a hypoth, you have level of difficulty materials needed approximate budget.

Here's some safety tips, and then your step-by-step instructions.

So, if you notice on that right hand side in that explore panel, I have that article contents, and here, at the very bottom, this one has the design.

Your own experiment, too. And again, these experiment activities are also available in dealing context, high school.

Okay, so one of those hidden gems that's available within the resource itself.

Alright. Oh, the last thing I wanna share with you in advance search, and then we're gonna go into Gale In context.

High school is topic finder. So topic finder always lives right now it lives under advanced search.

There is just little, snippet of insight, information.

There is a talk of pulling that out onto the homepage, but we don't have any details.

It's just we're just talking about it. So we'll see over the summer what what may happen.

But talk of adding that right to the homepage.

But is it a? It is a great way for users to kick off their search, and again, this is that shared tool and feature from middle school.

G context, middle school on up through the resources. So we will find.

Let's do a search on Rowsa Parks.

It pulls back. These tiles. It's visual.

And it's interactive. You have the tiles or the wheel and it's a great search option for students.

If I wanted to click into the Civil Rights movement zooms in and helps me to drill down.

Now I'm from Michigan, so I'm going to click on the Detroit tile, and here, on the right hand side, it filters down that content.

And I can quickly access any of these 6 documents could be image video.

Everything that we have available. It's searching through the entire resource for content on Rosa Parks.

So using those tiles, I can again great keywords will also, with students, our users.

They may not really be thinking like there's some cute terms in here that they may not have considered when they were doing this this search.

So this could be really helpful to the.

Alright. Okay. So those are one of the tools and features that are available within your in context, resources.

Let's go into high school to finish off our building blocks.

Gale. In context, high school, similar layout. The only thing that's going to be different here is, wow!

We have updated a lot of topics. Pages are your top.

You don't have the images at the bottom. We just have the topic pages listed, and we have over a 1,000 topic pages.

Now remember the topic. Pages are curated collections of information, the information that's here has been curated by our content editors, and I'll show you another area of of content that they also curate for you all.

And we're gonna go. Let's go into science, or actually, I'll go to climate change.

So I'll just do a quick search. Global warming and climate change.

Actually, that's not what I want to go into. I want to save that one.

For the next resource. We're going to go into ancient Greece.

Because there's something special here. I wanna share with you.

So you have your again image essay, overview, content.

Now, here's the difference in high school global issues and gale and context, college.

You're going to have this featured content section, this box of information is hand selected by our content editors.

So we call it the best of the best. It's a great place.

The essay overview and the Featured content are great places to have your users take a look at first, especially if you have home schoolers or students at the college or high school level that are working on a project paper argument of essay whatever the case, may be have them start there.

Too, because it really gives them that that overview. And and it's showing like in global issues, it'll show sides all sides of the issue. There.

It's not going to just be one or the other.

So really helpful information. And then also our academic journals.

So, if I SW, you can see primary sources, we have available images, audio files, our audio files.

How in all of your Gale resources have Trs, so they have the closed captioning also available.

Our news magazines, and then when I get to academic journals, what I want to point out is we do have Peer reviewed.

So you're going to see that little check, mark. If it is a peer reviewed document, you'll see that available right in within the summary.

Even though this one has a plot, summary, and critical essays, if we have any safe vetted websites, they are here too.

And then again I can go from ancient Greece to Greek mythology.

If I wanted to.

Okay, we the only tool I wanted to still talk to you about is the highlights and notes tool.

Before I do. Well, let's use it on this one.

So you will see this one has fast facts available, and I'm looking specifically for I'm not seeing it in this one.

May have critical things, questions are created, thinking questions, live. Maybe it's at the lower.

There it is. So we do have 2 lectures, as you can see, the 1420, the lower one has main ideas or fast facts.

Sorry, and the 1140 has those critical thinking questions. I find critical thinking questions it's in what we've published.

So if you're looking specifically for, and it's we started late 2017 is, when we started, adding that to our our articles we were getting feedback from from teachers that needed that support.

They wanted to assign a close reading. Didn't have time to write the questions, so we're doing it for them, and you're going to find these critical thinking questions.

I see it in reference, and our reference content. So in that bucket or that content type, and I'm also seeing it in biography.

But again starting late 2017, and look for anything published from Gale.

So there's another little hidden gem for you.

Explore panel is really helpful when students are looking or when your users are looking for supplemental information, we have researchers that found an article that they really like.

They need additional content the explore panel iss that found an article that they really like. They need additional content. The explore panel is available in your in context, resources, critical thinking questions.

Let's say I assign this as a close reading. I have the question.

I maybe I am going to use Microsoft's and my highlights in notes for yellow.

This is question one.

I'm going to save that. And then I'm going to.

What are the what were the 3 errors of ancient Greece, and their importance?

And these are questions to consider critical thinking questions. I'm going to just pretend that the answer is somewhere in here to save time.

I'm going to also choose yellow. And then maybe these are my notes.

Well, depending on what my teacher assigned to me.

These are my notes rather than just listing them off.

Maybe I also want to summarize that information. Okay, so highlights and notes anytime, you click over a chunk of text and drag you get this box that pops up.

Also, you can see you have the define button. So if there's a term that your users are struggling with, they have that option to pull information from the Webster's Dictionary in I'm gonna choose blue this time.

This is question 2, save, and then I can scroll down and find the answer.

To question. 2.

Okay. Now, something is happening in the background. As I'm highlighting my highlights and notes section is being built out.

My best practice is, if you've marked up a document like this, send it. Send it to your Google.

Drive Microsoft onedrive email, download or print.

So you have the entire article that you've marked up your citation is at the bottom of each article.

You can change the format of that citation. Choose where you'd like to export that citation. Choose where you'd like to export that citation, but you also have your citation tool citation, but you also have your citation tool. Here where you can change the format and also choose where you'd like to send it

or but they are automatically attached. So if I'm sending this to my Google drive, and when I do, I get this notice that says the documents will appear shortly.

What happens is it's going to land in a folder titled gale.

In context, high school and I will have this as a Google Doc, all marked up exactly as I have it here.

And what will happen is below my citation. I'll have these 2 chunks of text in yellow and blue, with my notes that live right there in my Google dot.

But what's also happening is on the backside. Let me go back to my homepage, and this time let's go into Greek mythology.

This one also has critical thinking questions, maybe I'm just gonna highlight a little bit here at the top.

And these are facts I'm interested in, and I'm going to send again. Send this to somewhere.

So I have it because I've marked it up.

And I wanna keep this document, my highlights and notes are being built out.

Let me know if there are any questions about anything that I'm going over view all highlights and notes, so that again, let me go back I clicked in it and didn't talk through it up in the upper right hand corner right neck to the right of my get link option I have

highlights and notes. Now you do have to highlight on an article first, before you have any information.

There, and you'll get a little notice that says you need to hlight.

So once you do, though, you can view all your high-level and notes, and it'll take you to both articles.

So I was in 2 different articles. If I was in 5 different articles, it would have all that information here.

What I love about this is I can just send these notes.

I like to call them digital notes to my Google, drive my Microsoft onedrive email download or print.

But what I also love is my bibliography is being attached, but also here's my work cited.

So if I've done some highlighting I've highlighted on some documents.

I sent those documents somewhere, so I haven't forever to like choose to delete them.

But I can also come in here, but I need to come in here before my session ends. If I don't.

This information will be lost, and we have a disclaimer at the top.

For you know all of our users. It's a warrant to let them know they need to come in here before they leave their session, otherwise that information will be lost.

So this is another great tool that's why best practice send the whole article.

So you at least have that. But here's a best practice to, and that's you know.

Make sure before you get up and walk away, even for 2030 min, that you send your information to somewhere and again.

Source. Citations are here on the citation tool, and you can choose where you'd like to export it to.

So here's your work cited, or your bibliography page, too.

Alright, so again shared tool and feature across all of your gale.

Resources. We talked about the accessibility tools, highlights, and notes get linked, and all of your search options.

So let me share with you a hidden gem. Within this resource, going to go through advanced search, and this time we're going to do a publication search.

So, if we have any English users, this is poetry, month.

So I wanna highlight this. That's one of my favorites, too, to share.

I'm gonna change the field to publication title.

And we have a publisher that works with, and they are they're called exploring, and we have exploring poetry.

Short stories, novels and Sheakespeare and I'm going to choose exploring poetry I'm not going to put in any other information.

I like to keep it broad and filter down. That's my personal preference.

But again, if I were a researcher and I needed to find my information quickly, I would definitely be using those limiters before I did my search.

Okay. So I've pulled everything back from exploring poetry.

What I'm going to highlight to you all is the audio and also the creative works.

Okay. The audio files. These are either readings by a local drama department, or you may find a reading from the actual author like Nicky Giovanni.

This one Knoxville, Tennessee. This is her reading.

Her poem. So being that it's poetry month you're going to find this great content available if it is.

And I let's do. I love Kc. At the bat?

But let's do the bells today. This is been read by, as I mentioned, we there's they use the local drama department at a university, and so let me play his text for you real quick, or his poem.

If you're Ellen. Oh!

So what I love about this is that you can share these audio files again.

I went into advanced search. I just typed in. I I'll go through this process one more time for you before you leave today.

But so let me share with you why else I I really enjoy sharing this and thinking about poetry, because poetry is tough.

So you have these audio files. You hear how the poems being read aloud to you.

Don't forget you have short stories, and Shakespeare available to.

But then, in creative works, you're going to find, let me see if we have.

The bells.

Oh, Captain, my captain, that's great one, too. You're going to find the line notes.

So here's the poem. Here's the line notes, and you're listening to the text being read aloud to you with that audio file.

So really helpful for. And again you can download or print this off if you want, share a link to it, send it to your Google, drive.

All those options are available. Okay? So again, how did I find that content?

I went into advanced search, I changed my field to publication, title.

And I put in the term exploring. So we have exploring poetry, short stories, novels, and Shakespeare. Let's choose Shakespeare this time.

And where you're going to find those audio files is in the audio section.

All creative works, all poems, short stories, any novels that we have, any of that type of information, speeches inaugural speeches.

If you want the actual document, look in creative works, in, in middle school and high school, and you're going to find that information there.

Not just from this this publisher in general, keep that in mind when you're looking for those literary texts your literary works, you'll find them in creative works.

Okay, so that's how I went through that process. Alright, we're right.

Towards the end of our time, the last I do want to share with you where you can go for support.

I do want to touch into in case we have any academic folks.

Gale. In context college. Don't forget to look. It's cross, curricular, general reference.

I was going to do a search on personal finance, something about student.

There's some great documentuments about student loans within that resource.

I haven't in college, so they use this resource, but that's something that we have been talking about a lot lately.

But global issues talk about high school college, our public library patrons, even middle school, you're going to find this global look at issues that are happening around the world.

And it's all up to date, all of your guil resources are being updated throughout the day.

Every day. And don't forget this one, too. We'll have all that great periodical content.

So if you're looking for, maybe you're looking for articles.

I love articles from U.S.A. Today. I like to find that type of content because they're more middle of the road.

But you are going to see left and right also in here, too.

But you will find again. This is from a viewpoint from around the world.

So animal testing, for example.

I'm going to find. Here's a viewpoint from England.

This one's coming from London, England, one from Wales. Here's the global.

This is coming from our own. We publish this content so, looking at that publication information that you're going to find great video content, we have, like the New York Times available here within our video client.

And also those groups audio files, all things considered, is one of our many publishers we work with there, too, and you'll find that in those broadcasts again.

Don't forget that the transcripts are also available.

Okay, so things to walk away with your in context resources, as you have options, different options to search advanced search topic, finder.

You also have the topic pages to browse through you're going to find rich, multimedia content available within these resources along with your reference, your periodical content, and also any like I said website save betted websites that we have available.

So I hope that helps you with that overview of this resource.

Let me just share with you the last couple slides of the Powerpoint, and that is, if you're interested.

If you're not, don't, aren't a part of the program.

And you're interested I do have this Bitley URL.

You can send me a quick message if you want to. Let's say you went to the support site, and you're like, Oh, no, my library isn't here.

I can help you with that I can pass you along to the great folks at the Washington State Library and share that information, and where you can go for additional support.

You can go to your Gale's support site and I also shared that in the chat earlier today it'll also be in your follow-up email.

And again. We talked a little bit about this already. You will also find your mark records there great technical documents in the training center is where their tip sheets and tutorials and training decks ready to go.

We also have scavenger hunts and student projects. We have new student projects that are being added on a regular basis.

We just had a bunch that just launched I think they're launching within the next day or 2, so we're all connected to your in context resources.

Are available marketing materials, you'll find bookmarks and posters.

There's also social media posts and images ready to go for you.

Okay? And you can see some of that information here. These are some of the documents that we have available.

We also added a escape route. Template. This is no.

This was on financial literacy. We have an escape room template.

And we have escape rooms already built also within. That's a newer feature or newer tool that we just added.

Looking for one on one support. You can go to either of these email addresses. K.

12, and public will want to go to our gale. Dot customer success email and send them an email message, academic customers will want to go to global academic outreach and reach out to those folks if you are going through the support site and logging in with your site and logging in with your

site if you are going through the support site and logging in with your site your individual library name when you click on the home.

Button. There you'll be taken to our home button, and it'll automatically take you to your customer.

Success manager, and you can send them an email right within the support site, too.

So all those options are available. Training survey should pop up when you leave today.

But here's a QR. Code. If you would like to use your phone and send a message and let us know what you think about the session.

My name is Tammi Burke. I'm yours senior trainer from Gale, and I thank you so much for your time today.

I hope you join us again in the future. I will stay on the line if there's any additional questions. Thank you.

© 2024 Gale, part of Cengage Group