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Last Updated: March 22, 2023

For WSL: 15 Minutes to Mastery: Tools to Support Accessibility

Support the varied learning needs of your users with accessible user-friendly tools available in your Gale resources from the Washington State Library! In this webinar recording, we will explore how tools such as display options, text-to-speech, and translate can meet the needs of all your users. We will share best practices to help users engage with content to meet their personal, professional, and academic goals.

Duration: 15 Minutes
Welcome to your training session for the Washington State Library.

Today's session is 15 min to mastery tools, to support accessibility.

And these tools are within your gale. Resources. My name is Tammi Burke.

I'm your Gale trainer. Any questions that you have?

Please feel free to use that box anytime throughout the session the today's session is going to focus on our tool tools that are available to support accessibility.

And I'll briefly show you them here in the Powerpoint, and then I will model them for you.

Live, and this is a very short 15 min session.

So let's jump in and get started we'll start first with an access how you can access your Washington State Library resources and then's jump in and get started. We'll start first with an access how you can access your Washington State library resources and then an overview of the tools that we are going to cover today.

We'll explore the tools and features live within one of the resources, and then I will leave you today with training and support information. At the end of the session, along with contact information.

To access your Washington State Library resources. You can go to this link here on on the page or on the Powerpoint, and I will also add that in the chat I will share it again.

If you're watching the recording at the end of this session, so you'll find you'll have this access to this information a couple of times today.

So there it is in the chat when you access that link, you will be taken to this page on the support site, where you can find your library name, and then once you click, proceed.

It will take you to this screen within the website, and you can access all of your product information and export all of your direct Urls plus, there's a lot of other helpful information there, such as training materials, marketing materials and technical documents so let's talk about Gale tools to support


We created these tools to meet the varying needs of all of your users.

You will find when you're at the document level, you have the ability to translate the documents into over 40 languages.

You can increase or decrease the font size to raise readability.

There are display options for document, customization.

And we have our text to speech for grater comprehension.

So these are the tools that are available. Again, these are at the document level.

And now let me show you how they work. So we are going to go into one of your resources.

And I did select one of the in context resources.

Gale In context global issues. So on all of your Gale resources, you will find those tools that I just mentioned at the document level before I go into a document I want to share with you at the very top.

As soon as you log in. You do have the ability to change the interface or the navigational tools into over 34 languages.

Again, this will translate and put your cursor over top.

It tells you, it translates the interface. But that just basically means the navigational tools here on the resource.

So let's select, we're going to select from our issues of interest.

We're going to go right into this topic. Page and women's rights.

And again, I need to be at the document level. So let's utilize this essay overview on our topic. Page.

And now that I'm at the document level, here are those tools.

I just shared with you. So let me model how they work.

You do have the translate options. So whenever you see the little transit, icon, you know that you can translate something.

Either the interface up here at the top of the screen, or also the document.

Now, at the document level, we do have the ability to translate the text into over 40 languages.

I'm going to choose Spanish, and it starts that transation for me.

Now I do have to complete the translation, to translate the entire document.

It does stop, at some point. Here it is. It changes back, or it is in English.

Below this blue bar, so I can complete the translation, so that option is available.

I can also let me cancel that.

I can also from the translate button here at the document level.

I can also translate the interface. So I know I shared with you that you can translate at the top of your screen right when you log in, but it's also available here.

So we did leave them together. If you would like to translate the interface if sometimes it's messed up at the top of the resource.

So we did leave it here also, I can decrease or increase the font size and this will stay with me throughout my session.

I can change the display options, the color behind the text.

The font. If I want open dyslexic I can increase the line, letter, and word spacing.

And this is also a feature that will stay with me throughout my session.

So if I set it up, and this document it'll remain like this as a search and browse through all of my additional documents that I will be viewing to go back.

I just click on display options to go back to my default settings in the bottom left-hand corner of that box.

I clicked back to default.

And then the last feature here is the listen, button. Now listen!

Let me share this with you. You can listen to the text being read aloud, and I can change.

Let me turn the audio on so that you can hear this.

Women's rights. The term Women's Rights refers to the extension of fundamental.

So you can see the sentence, and the word are being highlighted in 2 different colors, and we use blues and greens, because those are the most easily seen.

And under this little settings gear.

You're going to find some additional features. I can turn the text highlighting on or off.

I can make some selections as to what's being highlighted.

I can choose or change my word, color or sentence, color.

I can also change my text color. Here we have enhanced text visibility, and I'm going to turn that on.

It is defaulted to off. I'll share with you what that means and what it looks like.

I can change the reading speed. So for my English learners I can slow this down, or we have a lot of students that like to speed it up and listen to the text being read aloud to them, I have automatic scrolling, meaning that I can turn that on and as the text is being read down the page it will automatically

scroll for me, and then the popup button button.

Let me turn that on. I will share that with also, and that happens when I do some highlighting.

So I did turn on again under the settings Gear!

I changed the enhanced text visibility here in the center of the page, and then.

When I click, play now!

Fundamental human rights, including.

2 things. You see, the enhanced text visibility here at the bottom of the screen.

Their rights, to live.

And did you notice the little pop-up button? This popup button will also show up when I do any highlighting on the text?

I have that ability to click the listen button. The reason for that is because I could just highlight a chunk of text such as this one.

Let's do this paragraph, and you can see my highlights and notes.

Feature pops up, but also my listen. Button did so.

It gives me both options. It goes away because I didn't click on it.

So it is making the assumption that I am going to be using my highlights and notes feature.

But again, let me share that with you. I highlight over a chunk of text, and there's my little popup button.

I don't.

From the mid twentieth century until the twelfth.

And it will just read that paragraph. So that's another feature within the listen, Button.

So you have quite a few different options there available. And again I set that up using my settings.

This is the enhanced text visibility, where it pulls that text out onto the page which can be really helpful to our users.

And then also let me close this out also under that.

Listen, Button. I have the ability to download this as an Mp.

3. So if I want to listen to it later, I want to listen to it on my own device.

I can download it as an Mp. 3.

So to review. We have translate at the top of our resource, and this translates all of the navigational tools.

When we are at the document level. Then I have the ability to translate the document.

Makes sense right into over 40 languages. Once I select that language, I will, if I want to continue and complete the translation, because sometimes it's clicked on by accident, or we haven't our younger users who like to see different languages and that's why we pause it to make sure do they

really want to complete the translation. So we do give that option here, and you can see the tools do disappear when I am waiting, when my resources waiting for me to complete the translation or to cancel, and I can also translate the interface language here.

I can decrease and increase the font size, display.

Women's Rights.

Options are here, and then the listen button with all of my features under the settings, and also the ability to download as an Mp.

3. One thing you may notice is that this information I that setting, I set up the enhanced text visibility, does stay with me throughout this session.

One other feature I want to share and talk to you about.

When I said that. Listen, Button. If I have translated my document, I was translating into Spanish, and then click the listen button.

It will read the text in Spanish to me out loud.

We are at 40 languages for translating the text, and we are at 24 languages the the ones that are most often used under the listen Button.

So again, I translate to Spanish. Then I click the listen button.

It will read the entire document.

Okay, let me know if there are any questions about any of the tools.

I went over the last thing I want to share with you, and this wasn't in our Powerpoint. But I do want to share that.

You do have the ability to support your learners. And this is another accessibility, feature where you can change the reading levels.

So on many of our topic. Pages our essay overviews will have the ability to change the reading level.

So these are in lexile measure, and this is in our in context, resources.

You have that ability, you have other capabilities when it comes to lexile measures in your one file resources.

But today we're in our in context. So I just wanted to share that feature with you.

You also have the ability. If you're supporting those learners, and you want to filter content down.

So I just clicked into reference. I want to filter down by content level.

So you can see you have lexile measure and content, level and content, level.

I will tell you. Level 3. If you remember. Level 3 is middle school.

Then you will be all set, because ones and twos are elementary, fours and fives are high school into undergrad.

So just remember level 3 is middle school, and go up or down from there I can filter down my content, apply.

And then here is my content on that topic. Page all filtered down for me, and now I can share it with my students, using, or I can share it in Google classroom.

So just another feature to support the varying needs of your users. Please let me know if there are any questions. I'm going to go back to our Powerpoint.

And share with you I said I'd share it again.

This is that link on the support site for the Washington State Library, and this is where you will find all of your product information, your access, Urls, mark records widgets.

You have the ability to contact your customer success manager directly right there from the support site.

Once you log in the training center is going to have tip sheets and tutorials there are short video tutorials on what I just went over today.

So you'll find those if you want to share those with your users.

Maybe you want to put them on your library website. They're short.

They are under 3 min. So roughly, majority of them around 2 min long.

We also have recorded webinars and training decks.

So we have your Powerpoint slides ready to go if you need to train folks at your library resource guides upcoming.

Webinars are all available. We have tip sheets on the externive, on some of the tools that I went over today.

You'll find tip sheets available to within the training center, looking to promote your resources.

We have great marketing materials already created for you. Email templates, social media posts.

We have some print options like bookmarks and flyers, and posters available, too.

So that wraps our session. Thank you for your time today I will stay on the line.

If there's any additional questions, don't forget you have that Gale support site for all of your support and training tools.

If you are looking to reach out directly to your customer.

Success, managers K. 12. And public libraries. You have a specific group of customer success.

Managers that support you, and academic has their own groups.

So academic customers, customer success managers. Their information is here.

It will also be included in your follow up email training.

Survey should pop up when you leave today's session.

I'd love to get your feedback if you'd like to use a QR. Code.

It is right here on the screen my name is Tammi Burke.

I'm your senior senior training consultant from Gale, and I thank you so much.

Please let me know if there's anything else I can help you with, and I hope to see you again in the future.

On one of our future trainings. Thank you. Everyone have a great day.
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