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Last Updated: May 23, 2024

For WSL: Gale Resources Overview: Supporting Academic Librarians in Washington State

View this webinar recording for a comprehensive training session designed for academic librarians, providing an overview of the extensive Gale resources available through the Washington State Library. Explore the wide range of content, including discipline-specific resources, and gain insights into the functionality of Gale resources. Learn how to effectively browse, search, and utilize these resources to support research, enhance instruction, and empower academic success. Don't miss this opportunity to optimize your library's offerings with Gale resources.

Duration: 45 Minutes
Thank you everyone for joining today's training for the Washington State Library. My name is Tammi Burke.

I'm your senior trainer from Gale. If you have any questions today, please feel free to ask those in the Q&A box.

But I'm really excited to talk to you about the Gale resources that you have available from the Washington State Library.

So we are going to talk about an overview of those resources. My goal is for you all to build your knowledge of not only the resources you have available, but also to provide you with a better idea of the content and functionality of those resources.

Will be including cross searching using power search. And then I will also be sharing where you can find a additional support like title lists and technical documents.

That are very important to our academic libraries. So I'll share that information with you at the end of today's training.

Those Support materials. So our brief agenda to get us started, we're going to start with access and overview of the Gale resources.

And then we will be spending our time browsing searching contents, resource features, and also tools that are available.

And then any questions again, please feel free to ask in the Q&A box or I will stand at the end of today's training if there's any additional questions.

Or feel free to follow up with me after you'll have an email that you'll receive in 24 h.

From me, feel free to send an email back and I'm happy to help with whatever I can.

And if I don't know the answer, I know who to ask or where to go within the company to get that answer.

So access to your Washington State Library resources. We built a support site specifically for the Washington State Library.

And this is a really good one to bookmark. I will. Those of you attending the live session today, what I will do for you all is I will add it into the chat hold on a second my Other screen keeps freezing up with the Zoom today.

So I have to click on plug it, plug it back in.

I may have to pivot to another monitor. There we go. Okay, so here's the link.

I will put that in.

The chat for everyone. And again, this is a really good one to bookmark. When you access this link, what you will find is the ability to enter yours your library name so you can use the dropdown menu or enter your library name and you'll have your specific location there listed and your location idea.

That's what is grayed out next to each of the different libraries or in this case the 1st one is a middle school.

So You'll see that location ID. This what the reason why you really want to use your direct URLs is of course for usage.

So all of your direct URLs will have that location ID built in when you select your account.

What you're seeing here, I didn't select a specific account because I wanted to leave that area blank, but you would see your location ID built in.

So if you're using these direct URLs, if you've exported the link, you can or if you want to filter to certain products or product families, you can do that too.

But those direct URLs will take your users from your site into those resources and give you the ability to track your usage.

So keep that in mind. And you have that support site available. Not only that, but you will have your ebooks, all of the training materials including this session and any upcoming training sessions specific to Washington State Library along with every training material for each of your products will be listed in the training section.

You'll have marketing materials available and then also let me go back there. Sorry, one more. You'll also have technical documents and for our academic libraries, I know that there's a lot of questions sometimes around some of those technical documents like using If you're using a proxy or if you're looking for you know mark records or if you're interested in maximizing your discoverability.

Those are the types of documents, technical documents that you'll find. Vpat information is also available and then this website link will take you to the Washington State Library site.

So let's talk about your Gale resources. The 1st section of resources that we are going to that I've organized here into different collections is our periodical and academic journals.

So to support research, you have quite a few resources available. I will talk about these 3 in just a moment and we like to call these the big 3.

But you, I want to touch into some of these below So you do have in form a academical and form a academical is full it's periodical content so anything with one file so you see it Gale general one file academic one file Gale one file news anything with one file in the title is periodical content.

So for example, General One file. Is our largest general interest periodical database and academic one file is Gale's largest academic journal, aggregation.

So, and then you also have one file. News available, focusing more on the newspapers. But we also have these smaller collections available like Informa Academical, which has Portuguese and Spanish publications available.

And then we have educators reference complete, which is great for our future teachers. So if you have a teaching college, you this is a great way for those future teachers again insights on issues in administration funding policies for educators administrators education students it early has a lot of great content also if you're looking for.

For example, for our future teachers, if they're looking for, there's a lot of magazines that are sometimes used and referenced here, but also great.

Content not just periodical but reference content that can be helpful to them. Maybe they're looking at what's trending or they want to learn more about project-based learning, for example.

This is a great resource for them to use. You also have research starters, which is Gale ebooks platform.

So you have some ebooks available there with unlimited access, no check-in or checkout.

And it is they also are interlinked. So what do I mean by that? When I go into any of my one file resources, if I have additional ebooks available, you'll see that interlinking happening.

You'll see terms hyperlinked out where you can go to find additional information. So you're essentially kind of cross searching through your one file and pulling in your ebooks at the same time if you utilize that interlinking.

And then of course you have your one file collections. I pulled out 2 and former academic co-educator reference complete, but you have quite a few other collections available.

We're going to touch in a few of those. Today when I talk about health and and medicine.

So let's talk about the big 3 up top. I want to talk about these a little bit further.

So general one file, this is Gale's largest general interest periodical resource. It provides access to more than 204 million articles from 14,000 magazines, newspapers, reference books, and multimedia sources.

It is updated daily. Academic one file. So since we're in an academic session, academic one file is a resource that is a premier source for peer reviewed full-text articles for for academic research and academic courses.

It includes a hundred 10 million articles across 19,000 publications. With 9,500 plus in full text as far as those articles and again updated daily and then the final of the 3 the big 3 is news and this provides access to over 1,100 major US regional, national and local newspapers as well as 1,700 leading titles from around the world.

We are a global company and we work with publishers. From around the world, but we also publish our own content too.

It also includes thousands of images, radio and TV broadcasts and transcripts. And again, updated daily.

All of your resources are updated daily, but I wanted to stress that with the periodicals because I know it's really important.

So I just wanted you to be aware of that. So that's to get us started the support research periodical and academic journals.

The next section I want to talk about or collection I want to talk about is business. So these are great business resources for entrepreneurs, for business courses, business students, and then these are used at our public library for small business owners.

Gale Business Insights, this is a great one for higher ed. Gale Business Insights is And I'm on the, there we go.

Gale business insights company and industry overview. You're going to find market information, SWAT analysis, plunk it reports.

You'll find all of that available and it's organized. It's beautifully organized.

The company profiles are fantastic for access, but you're also going to find great industry news too.

Globally, you can look at companies globally. It's not just limited to companies here in the States where gear Gale business entrepreneurship, this is a great resource for industry-specific information, but also for business plans.

You're looking at finding funding or you're managing your business. And some of those things that business owners are looking for, Gale business entrepreneurship is a great resource for that.

So insights is looking more at the companies where business entrepreneurship is supporting the entrepreneurs. But do entrepreneurs go into Gale business insights?

Absolutely, absolutely. So, but used the same, they're used by similar. Users but the They are a different approach.

The information of course is different. And then to round out the business is Gale one file business. In our one file business in our one file periodical family.

So you're finding business is Gale one file business in our one file periodical family. So you're finding business or industry specific publications that you'll find here and periodicals in Gale One File Business.

The next group I want to talk to you about the apply to our higher ed is health and medicine. So what you're going to find with your health and medicine collection is these 2 at the top I want to talk about

So health and wellness is geared more towards that consumer health. So those maybe your, this is a good one for any counselors or therapists that are on your campuses.

I would direct them and share that they have access to health and wellness. It's very easy to link out content and share it.

With students. I know at one of the local universities here, there was a student that worked really hard, especially during COVID, to create a health and wellness page.

And they actually put it on Canvas, the university put it on Canvas, and they were as a collection information from their library, information from the therapists and counselors on campus, and they put it in one spot so that's students were able to access all of that information in one page on there in Canvas.

So it was a great tool that was available. Prior to that and I thought it was a brilliant idea so of course I like to share it all the time.

So health and wellness is a good one looking at stress and anxiety and depression. But also, you know, our public library patrons will use this for working with parents or look caregivers.

So the it's a good consumer health resource where for our higher ed health and medicine is the g 1 file health of medicine.

This is designed for medical professionals. Medical students, nursing students. This is a great resource with all of that type of content and again specific information that is being updated every day.

So that's why our medical professionals love it. With our one file resources too, you're able to set search and journal alerts.

So again, a really helpful tool to find that up to date information. Along those same lines, g 1 file nursing and allied health for our nursing students, physical therapy, and sports medicine, psychology are all available.

And then of course I included Gale Academic One File, which goes along with all of these also.

You're going to find with our subject specific one file resources. You'll find some of that same content in one file resources.

You'll find some of that same content in Academic One file resources. You'll find some of that same content in Academic One File because these are subsets.

These are subsets of Academic One File, but you'll also find unique content and specific publications for that subject.

So that's why if you do have a medical student, health and medicine would be the route I would suggest that they take rather than going to academic one file, they're gonna find what they need quicker.

It's very simple, although economic one file is really easy to navigate to, but it's more focused on what their interested in or what they're studying in school.

And then just so you're aware again for those those students that are your future teachers. That are on your campuses, which hopefully you have a good amount because I know we are in need of them.

K 12 classroom homework help but also some higher ed. So for your 1st in second year students, especially if they're coming out, you know, coming out of the schools here or in Washington, the in context suite, they have the 3 building blocks, elementary, middle school, and high school.

Global issues in Gale In Context College. Gale In Context College, great for again those 1st and second year students, they're familiar with the in context resources.

The beauty of your Gale resources is they're consistent. You're going to find the same tools and features across all of your Gale resources.

It's just that the in context resources are set up a little differently where they have topic pages and so we've designed that also for Gale and Context College.

So cross-curricular general reference you're going to find here. Global issues is great to use at the level also because you have content global viewpoint from around the world.

So it's talking about those issues that, again, are affecting us globally. And our being discussed in your going to find great multimedia, but also documents articles, reference materials here in and context global issues.

And then one in the one file collection there is a high school edition and then finally Gale Literature Lip Finder.

Lip Finder is used at the college and high school level because of what's in in available within Gale Litfinder.

Litfinder is full-text poems, short stories. You'll find some novels here.

Speeches, inaugural speeches. Place. So you're going to find full text literary works available in Gale Literature Lit Finder and still have all of those tools and features to support.

Accessibility so the translate tool for example, you'll be able to utilize that in Gale literature Lip Finder for those users that may need that support.

So keep that in mind that you have that resource available. All right, so with that, let's go directly into the resources.

Hi, Bridget. Did I? No ice. Sorry, you asked a question about Gale publishing its own news.

Gale published. We do publish our own content. As far as newspapers, That's, I'm sorry, if that's how it was interpreted, Gale publishes its own content.

So, especially you'll see a lot of our content published in the in context resources. You'll see that Gales, it's in the publication information.

So if you're looking for Gale-specific, plus we've in published, you know, encyclopedias, the business handbook, we have a lot of publications.

We don't just, we're not just an aggregator, we also publish our own content too.

So I hope that makes sense. And thank you for asking. So I had the opportunity to clarify that.

Alright, let's go into our resources. Again, let me know if you have any questions. At all whatsoever.

The 1st one we are going to go into is Gale Academic One Files. Let me share that screen real quick with you all.

Gale Academic One files. So some things I want to point out with this resource. We're in the one file family, so it's periodical resource, but you're going to find a lower embargo rates for our full text titles versus other aggregators.

It's the most accurate indexing on the market. We have over 1.2 million articles. That are manually indexed each year.

Making Gale very unique with the most accurate. Ding on that market. Again, robot's robust indexing and discoverability.

We have a quicker load time for like a 4, and these are just some publication examples. The New York Times Library Journal, U.S.A. Today, and then you're on this user friendly platform.

So you have Again, the same tools and features consistent across all of your Gale resources. And what I love about Academic One File when we're talking about higher ed is the ability to browse by discipline.

So, and I'm gonna give you an example of why this is important and why it can be really helpful to your faculty and your students.

So each discipline is hand selected by our subject matter experts. It's curriculum related for targeted results. Consistency of tools is very important again in this resource and I'll talk a little bit more about that and those accessibility tools.

But browsing by discipline, so let's go into looking at the homepage, you're gonna have some basic information that I don't really need to cover.

It's very intuitive. You've got a basic search and advanced search on the homepage too you have topic finder.

Now topic finder is a visual representation of your search results. It's also interactive, so I'll talk a little bit more about this.

You have your subject guide search and also your publication search all available. But we're talking about browsing by discipline.

So I'm going to go into psychology. And I'm specifically going to go and you can see I can start drilling down at any time I can go back to any of these other subject areas or other disciplines, but I'm going to go into memory.

So I took the path of psychology. To memory and I'm finding specific information related to memory as it as it's connected to psychology.

If I were to have done a basic search if that were my only option to do just a basic search, on memory, I may pull back information about computer memory.

So it's not exactly what I'm looking for so you can see by using that browse by discipline feature that's available in academic one file.

It helps your users find the content that they're looking for without having to search through or filter or click further.

This is just 2 clicks and I'm exactly where I want to be. Okay, so keep that in mind.

It does simplify things a little bit. Not only that, but we give the ability to use the get link tool.

Get link provides a persistent URL back to any spot within the resource. So if I wanted to share this in my syllabus, I could share this information with students or I know some of our faculty members will use social media and share content with their students.

Or again, using a learning management system, which we are integrated with all of the learning management systems too.

It's a little bit of setup on the backside, but that's where our customer success managers can support.

So you have that ability to use the get link tool. I also, when I'm at the article level, so let's click into an article real quick and then I'm going to go back out and do a different search so you can see some of the results.

When I'm at the article level, I have all of the tools to support accessibility available here.

All of my documents are The site citations are automatically attached. They're defaulted to MLA.

9th edition. Let me scroll down and. Oh, this is a really long article. I'll show it to you in a minute, but I can show it to you here too.

So they're at the bottom of the article and you have the ability to change the format. Just as you can hear.

The So MLA 9th edition is what they're set to, but I can change it to APA, Chicago, or Harvard.

I also have options to export or I can simply copy and paste. And this feature is available at the bottom with my source citation also.

Why would I want to do that? Well, if I were sending this document to Google. Microsoft Onedrive, email, download or print.

I would want to make sure that the source citation is in the format that I need. So I can change it before I send it.

And 2, you will always have all of your documents will be available in HTML. So when I click into it, I'm seeing that HTML formatting.

Not only that, but I can download it as a PDF. Not one or the other and you don't it's not like you're not going to know which one it is you will always have that PDF format.

Available in your Gale resources. Now we also have abstracts and abstracts available and citations if you don't want to limit to your resources to just full text, you can do that and have that option available too.

So you'll see that in your search results. Plus we have peer reviewed articles available and they are marked clearly marked to within our academic journals.

You'll see that peer reviewed checkmark. So all kinds of helpful tools. That are available and I can of course filter to all of those options.

So keep that in mind. Some tools to support accessibility I want to share with you. I do have the ability to translate the text into over 50 languages.

I also can decrease or increase the font size. I have under my display options and this is a feature that will stick with me through out my session.

So I can change the color behind my text. I can change the font. We have open dyslexic, increase the line letter and word spacing.

I should say of the 4 we have one of them is open to dyslexic. And now when I go to any of my other articles, so if I go back to memory and let's say I'm interested in I want to go to the academic journals.

Here's that peer reviewed I was just talking about.

And select this one. You can see it sticks with me. So once I set it up on my 1st document, I have it available the entire session.

And then when I leave my session, it will be clear that information will be cleared. Anytime I want to go back to my default settings, I just open that back up and click back to default settings.

I also have the list and features so I can listen to the text being read aloud. Now, we're at 50 languages.

Actually over 50 languages to translate the text into. We are at, I think the last count was 25 for listen.

So I can listen to the text being read out, write out loud to me in up to 25 languages and we're adding more regularly so it was just 24 a couple months ago.

So we're up to 25 and they are the ones that are the most often used. But I can translate and then listen and then again it'll read that text aloud to me in that language.

But also a few other features with our Listen button. It does highlight the text. Let me. Share my computer sound here.

As it loads.

Loss of GDE 2 leads to complex behavioral changes including memory and

So it will read the text aloud to me. What I have. Turned on and it cooked it, it remembered it.

Under this more button, so you're seeing this feature at the bottom where I can enlarge the text.

What happens is, is I can, let me turn that off. Typically when you 1st log in and click play.

Hairment. Background. Alzheimer's disease, A. A.

It will read, highlight the. It will highlight the sentence and the word that's being read aloud.

If I turn on the enlarged text, that's when you see the text box at the bottom of my screen.

I also have a lot of features under settings that are available where I can change what colors are being used for that text highlighting or turn it off altogether.

You can see here text color sentence color all available. Automatic scrolling, it's defaulted to on.

And these I have some shortcuts, so if you need these keyboard shortcuts, those are available.

And then at the top. We have speed where I can slow it down. I can enlarge the tux.

This enlarged text here is for what's happening in the settings box. It's not.

For my screen. If I want to enlarge the text. In my document, then I would use these tools here.

So we just give another option to enlarge the text in another area. I turned on that in large text.

Am Iatrophic lateral sclerosis slap.

And you can see it reads that text aloud to me. I can also decrease this font here or increase it.

Okay, let me get out of this one. And again, my screen.

Having tech difficulties today.

Here we go. Let's try that again. Let me share that. Still sharing.

Good, perfect. Okay. Hopefully you did did not see a blank screen and you saw. Still the article.

Alright, let's keep moving forward. So again, accessible are you're going to find this in HTML and also PDF and I went over the tools to support accessibility.

And then you have if we have any of those the original PDFs. You'll see when you download that document, if we have that original source PDF, you'll see it in that format.

So that with our ebooks, you'll see that a lot where it's a PDF of the actual print title.

So the pages will look just as they do in the print titles. Okay, let me know if you have any questions on anything I went over.

I do want to touch into Advanced search, a few features here. So advanced search, we do have information on operators and special characters.

Search limiters as I mentioned if you wanted to limit to full text or you didn't want to if you wanted to see those abstracts and citations.

You could remove that full text, research limiter. Care review journals, document contains images and you the list goes on.

It's pretty self-explanatory there. Subject guide search, I do want to point out a few things here.

And then I'm going to do a basic search for you all. So let's do subject guide search.


And the reason why I to share this with you is because you're going to see subdivisions.

And related subjects. So subdivisions of this topic, I can go to all. What is it?

222,000 documents. Or I can drill down here. So if there, you can see how you can get a little bit more specific with some of this information and use that subject.

I search very helpful to researchers, especially academic researchers, but also for our higher ed students. So understanding that that feature is available under advanced search, you have that subject guide search showing the related subjects and subdivisions that are available.

And then again, I can quickly jump to if I wanted to follow up the case studies. It'll take me to all the case studies.

Here's information like this is a citation only. I know also important to academics to have both.

Alright, something else I can do and you can see the feature here is the search alert and I'm going to actually do Well, I'll just use this one as an example.

Anytime you do a basic search, advanced search, subject guide search as we did, you'll have the ability to create a search alert that great for our researchers and especially faculty members because if they want to set it up so that they're getting alerted anytime new information is added daily weekly monthly.

We Plain text or HTML, they can set it up with for their email or as an RSS feed and have any time any information is added on a certain topic, even if they filter down that topic by subject or document type or publication title, they'll still get that.

Search alert letting them know that information is available or new content has been added. And that also works with our publication search.

Let me go into that one real quick.

And let's say I'm interested in the New York Times.

You can see all that we have available there. It just it's in the same area. It's here at the top.

I can create a journal alert. Really helpful tool. And again, this is available in your one file.

You have search alerts and journal alerts available. Okay, let me know if you have any questions.

I did want to share with you topic Finder. Before we jump into business insights. So topic Finder, again, available on the homepage available here.

Under advanced search and then also after you've done a search in your search results it lives below your It lives below your filter.

So let's say I'm interested in.

Isotope analysis.

This is my visual representation of my search results. It is interactive. I have either the tile visualization or I have the wheel.

It's completely up to your user. And you can see as I, the larger the tile, the deeper the color, the more information we have under that subject.

I click in, I can drill down. On the right hand side, I have a hundred 10 results.

I can filter that to 31 by 2 clicks. So you can kick off your search using topic finder.

Again, it's interactive. Our users really like it. It also, there's keywords that maybe they hadn't necessarily thought about and it's why I love to use it especially when you're doing research or working on projects.

Because there are terms there that maybe your user hadn't thought about prior to working within the resources that you have available from the Washington State Library.

Okay, let me know if you have any questions. I am going to switch gears and go into Gale Business Insights and I'm going to actually do that through the product.

Menu in the upper left hand corner. You can see library menu and I'm on the Washington State Library's account.

If I click view product menu. It opens in the same tab.

And I can go to all of my products. And I am interested in business. And specifically Gale Business Insights.

So Gale Business Insights has this great user friendly homepage available. It's intuitive.

It's interlinking. The company files are fantastic. That's what we start with here at the top of the page.

You have company profiles. I'm going to click into one in a moment. But we also have publications.

You're going to see the most used publications listed here on the homepage. The ability to research by topic, but I can browse all topics if I would choose to.

I can explore specific industries. And understand major markets. So again, this is global, not just US.

Let's go into a company profile. We're going to go into Amazon.

What you're going to find on these company profile pages is basically everything that you need to understand this company.

This is great for our public libraries too. We talk about private investors and how this is a great source for them.

So you have the website information. You can see the revenue, all of this information at the top. Any subs, I'm going to just skip it here in the company hierarchy.

You have your SWAT analysis, read full SWAT analysis here over on the right hand side, a little bit of information.

You could see how this could be helpful for your business students. Read full SWAT analysis. It takes me to this document, which I can download, send to my Google Drive, Microsoft Onedrive, in large, read it right here, print it off.

It's all here, available coming from global data.

And it does open. In the same tab. So I do have to use that back menu.

Or the back tool, in-depth articles specifically related to our company of Amazon, but I also have my financial performance.

So I have the full balance sheet, the class, the cash flow, income statement ratios here. I also have a tool where I can compare the financial performance over time.

If I click into one of these like the full balance sheet.

I have a few other you can see here. I'm in the balance sheet, but I can quickly jump to any of those other options that were on our previous page.

And I can do a little bit more of a deeper dive. So. Am I looking for quarterly?

This is annual. It's defaulted to what reporting period am I interested in? Do I want to compare this with another company?

Show all the metrics. Do I need to download that data? So once I click into from that company profile page, I have more and more opportunity to do something with the information and I get a bigger picture.

Of that information.

Okay, go back to the company. Profile. I'm going to continue to scroll down.

You also have the competitors. Oops, there we go. It's competitor information, industry-specific information.

And then below that is all of the article. So you're going to find those academic journal articles again, but we also have market research.

Trade journal articles available. Some case studies are here, market share ranking. So you're going to see additional information specific to this company, this company profile or this industry could be a lot of that information below too is industry specific information.

Another feature I really like from this page is if I'm interested in specifically Let's say I was just actually ordering.

Some stuff from Chewy today and compared it to Amazon. So pet care. Very, very lucrative.

Business here. But you can see globally on the right hand side, companies by revenue. And what territory they're coming from.

So I can look at not only Amazon, but I, cause Amazon is a global company. So you can look at all of that information here.

Here's some information on my Plunkett reports. So So really that deep dive from one page, you can get so much great information from that company.

Okay, let me know if you have any questions. I want to jump into another resource and share it with you and we're actually going to go into, there's 2 i want to go into, but I'm going to see.

Let's go into one. It's a little bit quicker. So to support your English classes, I'm gonna go into Lit Finder.

And then I wanna share with you the cross search tool. And if we have time, we'll hop into health and medicine, but I think we may run out of time here.

So Lip Finder. Again, let finder is for your full text poems, short stories, novels, speeches, plays are all available within this resource.

If I'm specifically looking for Maybe I'm looking. I love to do. I'll just stick with Maya Angelou.

You can see it takes me directly to 1st and foremost my primary sources and literary works. These are your full text documents that you're going to find.

So you can see these are written by, I'm going to see the Definitely literary works that are written by the author because I looked for an author not a work.

Bye, Maya Angelou, but I may also find full-text poems written by other people.

About my Angela or about her poetry. I do also have the majority is going to be in this primary sources and literary works, but I do have biographies.

Topic and work overview is always really helpful and some multimedia available.

When I click into an article, I have all of those same tools available, one tool I want to point out to you is the highlights and notes tool.

If you click and drag over a chunk of text. You can choose your color. I'm just going to use a quick term there and save.

I can go to a little bit lower here and grab another chunk of text. Choose a different color.

Maybe I want to use this as a quote. Okay, now if I have and this also has related information, so now that I have this document that I've marked up, my best practice is to send it.

Send it to your Google Drive Onedrive email. Download or print so you have it.

If I click Google Drive, it will land in my Google Drive in a folder titled Gale Lit Finder and it'll be there and it'll turn it into a Google Doc and it'll be there until I choose to delete it.

Not only that it will remain marked up in that Google Doc below my source citation. I'll have those 2 chunks of text that I've highlighted in any notes I've taken.

Something else is happening as I'm working through. I'm gonna go back to my results and this time click into.

A poem. I select a chunk of text again. Orange. Okay, so what's happening is my highlights and notes is being built out here on the right hand side.

When I click view all highlights and notes. This is, I like to call these digital notes. So I am actually in every article, this is being built out for me during this session.

It is session based. That's what this warning is. But I can send these directly to Google Onedrive email, download print.

Also, here's my work cited page. How easy is that? So I've done some, again, best practice.

Send the whole document. I always, always stress, send the whole document and then come in here and you can send your highlights and notes.

If by chance you forget to come in and send your highlights and notes to your Google Drive or download or email them or print them off.

It's okay because you have that whole document that you've already sent. But it is session based.

So sometimes, and it's more, I see it more at the K 12 level where students forget to come in here and just send their notes but they still have them because They sent that whole document over, but you can also edit your notes.

Which is a great tool to have, especially if you're doing research and you want to take some quick notes, send just this to your Google Drive, makes it Microsoft One Jive makes it super easy to do for our researchers.

Bibliography is also attached and not only that but from your Google Drive you can go back to this article document this poem here in this case it's a poem and I'm I'm It won't be marked up.

It doesn't save that information because you're not creating named user accounts on your Gale resources, but you already have it in your Google Drive.

So if you want to mark it up further, just do it in your Google Doc or Microsoft. Word DAC, but this at least takes you back to article and if you wanted to use the Explorer panel for example you would be able to do that or do a little bit more digging.

Okay. And along the lines of that explore panel, I am going to go into into your periodical resources.

I am going to go into health and medicine because I want to share with you. The explore panel a little bit more.

So if I'm doing a basic search.

Let's see a search on physician assistant. You can see academic journals, magazines, books, newspapers, images, videos, all that I have available.

If I go into, let's choose this Cool. And of course, it doesn't have. Oh, there we go.

This explore panel on the right hand side. It's great for supplemental information. You might have students looking for brief articles and they need multiple.

They find one they're interested in. This explore panel gives them an opportunity to explore more. Titles, documents, images related to the ones that they are on.

So I know this is great. Our higher ed students love this feature because it does help guide them a little bit, but also gives them that supplemental information.

In such a clear, easy format to access. And again, if you've sent information, let's say you've sent this document or just the highlights and notes to your Google Drive and you come back to this article from your Google Drive.

You have that more like this panel to continue exploring. So keep that in mind as an option. When you're working with your students and your faculty members.

Okay, we touched into a lot of resources. Now I want to talk to you about the support tools you have available.

And specifically some related to our academic folks. So let me just quick jump back to my PowerPoint.

Because I want to share the link I shared at the beginning, the support. forward slash WSL.

That is where you're going to find again all of those access URLs, MARC records, database icons in the training center.

There's tip sheets and tutorials. We have full training decks available, including training toolkits.

This is something new that we've been creating that take you from the basics all the way to where you can go for help.

So if you are in charge of training folks in your library or you're working with faculty members. This is a great toolkit.

We've curated our training materials for you all. So you're going to find some webinars.

That might be helpful or resource guide. PowerPoints as I mentioned, all ready to go for you.

Plus, you're going to find short little video tutorials. And then some tip sheets.

So you'll find all of these on your Gale resources in the training center and then there is also marketing materials.

So if you are looking to promote these resources on campus. With your faculty members, you can utilize our marketing materials, social media posts, blog.

We have blog templates, email templates, all available. The Gale support site. We also have, and I'm going to go back to sharing my screen here.

We also have technical documents available. So let me go. Let me share my screen. Okay.

Okay, so again, sign in. You find your library name. I am going to skip that step.

I wanted to share with you. I just talked about training materials so you can see upcoming Washington State Library sessions.

Here's all the recorded ones. And then everything else is organized by product.

Okay. So those are, and marketing is set up the same way. Organized by product. But what I wanted to share with you all is the technical documents that we have.

We've linked some out that we've heard from you all that are important. So you're going to find those technical documents here.

And again, we're right here in technical documents, VPAD information and website. Now, if I click on this support button up here.

I didn't log in with my account. You can, you don't have to, but it is helpful if you sign in with your account.

If you're not sure, you can find your location here. If you don't know your location ID, but if you're using that previous link, you should be able to find all that information.

It's going to be right next to your name. Your library name but you do have the technical documents.

And this is where you can find. Discovery, which is what I wanted to share with you all.

So we have even more listed here. Another tool that our academic folks have created for you all is this lib guide.

And I'm going to put this in

The chat so you have it. Case this is something that you need. So using Gale, import files to populate your A to Z database list. And we've got some hyperlinked information here.

I will also include this link in your follow up email. And for those that are watching the recording, you can see the URL up here at the top.

It is a live guide that we've created for for our academic libraries and it is available our academic folks did a fantastic job on this one.

And just wanted to share it with you all since I have your attention today. But that we are at the end of our session.

Let me hop back to my PowerPoint real quick.

And again, support site we talked about, Gale customer success managers, they are your one-on-one support.

My name again is Tammi Burke. I'm your senior training consultant. Training survey should pop up when you leave me today if you could click continue and give us some feedback and I share that information internally and also with our folks at the Washington State Library.

So please give us your feedback on not only the session, but how you plan to use the resources or if you already are or what you're planning to do or any successes you have and you also have the opportunity if you would like us to reach out to you to further conversation.

We're happy to do that too. You can leave your information there, but otherwise it's an anonymous.

Survey. So thank you so much for your time today. I look forward to seeing you at our next session.

And if you have any questions, I'll stay on the line. But thanks everyone and have a great rest of your day.
© 2024 Gale, part of Cengage Group