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Last Updated: June 14, 2024

Gale 101-

Gale’s Support Site,, provides you with access to pre-made training, marketing, and technical support materials designed to aid you in learning, promoting your resources, and stretching your Gale skills. In this session we will explore the layout and workflows found within the Support Site, as well as the content available to you.
Duration: 30 Minutes
Ok, again, welcome in everyone.

Today, we have another Gale 101 session.

This one is going to be looking at our support

site, which is

My name is Amber Winters and I am a senior training

consultant here with Gale.

So today we're first going to kind of overview

the support site, what you can expect

what we built it for. Then we're going to take

a look at some of the different features and content

that are going to be available for you. We'll

spend a good amount of time actually in the platform

walking you through it. So you can see the best ways to

find different pieces of content to

make sure you can easily access whatever support

you need. And then at the end of the session,

we'll have some wrap up contact information.

We should have a little bit of time left over for questions,

but don't feel like you need to wait until the end of the session

for your questions. You can put those into the Q and

A at any time and I'll be able to answer

them. So

let's go ahead and get rolling. So

or the support site. I will probably use both

of those terms throughout the session. They're the same thing.

It's really our one stop shop for everything

gale support.

So anything you need to kind of help you

best utilize and leverage your resources

in your learning community, we've included

here on the support site. So that includes product

support. If you're looking for your direct

URL S, maybe you need to add an icon onto

your websites. If you need your mark

records, if you want to look at title lists, those

are all going to be on the support sites. So

kind of the initial setup content

you'll find under our product support.

This is also where we have our training center.

So all of our free on demand materials

including things like the webinar that you're on today

tutorials for K 12

schools, you'll find lesson plans and activities. We have

tip sheets, resource guides. Any

sort of training is going to be found in the

training center on the support site.

We also have a full marketing materials

section. So if you need to get this information

out to your learning community, you'll find

that information within the marketing materials

area. So things like flyers

bookmarks. If you prefer to market

electronically, you'll find things like social media

posts and blog and email templates

all under the marketing materials section.

And this is also where we house our technical

support. So we have contact

inform, contact information if you need to reach

out to technical support. But we also

have a huge kind of set of documents

and Q and A answers

that you're going to find for some of the more popular

technical support, things like authentication.

You know, if you want to change your password or set up IP authentication.

If you're working to get your resource into

your learning management system, we've got some great

information there as well.

Again, all of that found directly on our support

site. So I always recommend if you're

using Gale have the support site bookmarked.

Again, it's because

really whatever you're going to need, you're

most likely going to find it on the support site.

So let's talk about a couple of the key features.

The first one I want to mention that sometimes actually

skipped over when some people use the resource,

but I like to mention it is our location

ID sign in.

So your location ID is a unique identifier

that we use for you, for your learning community.

So if it's for your school, for your library,

for your academic institution, whatever it is,

you all have a location ID

that we use to identify you.

If you don't know what your location ID is,

you can actually find it on the support site homepage

with this little blue find your location

button and we'll be able to give you that

information. But

when you choose to sign in with your location

ID on the support site, we really tailor

your experience because each of your location

I DS is tagged with what

type of institution you are. So if you're a K 12

school, if you're a public library, if you're

an academic institution,

we know that when you put in your location

ID, and we tailor what content you

see. So you're only seeing things that are relevant

to you. You know, if you're in a public library,

you may not be interested in seeing some of the

materials made for academic

institutions because they may not be applicable

for your current situation.

And we also limit your experience to only

the resources that you have. So

you can actually navigate the entire support

site top to bottom without

signing and using your location ID.

But when you do that, you actually see every material

we have for every gale resource available.

So it's

um it can be overwhelming to have all of those

resources kind of sitting there staring

at you, especially if you only subscribe to,

you know, two or three of our resources. Sometimes

it's easier to have that narrowed down. So you're only

seeing that content. So I always

recommend if you're using the support site,

enter your location ID again, if

you don't know what it is, you just hit that blue,

find your location button right there on the home page

and you'll be able to enter it in and you'll be ready to go.

Another great feature I want to mention is right

at the top of the page in the banner here. So what we've

done is we've pulled out the the different

support types all into their own

tabs. So this kind

of toolbar here at the top of the page

will take you to every section of the support

site. You won't have to go digging into weird places.

Um The like I mentioned on a couple

of screens back, our product support,

training center, marketing materials, tech

support. We also have a tool section

that will link you to some gale tools.

We'll take a look at it a little bit later and to connect

with us are all found right here on this home page.

So it's a nice kind of landing point.

You'll be able to get to anything you need to right here

from this home page right here from this drop down up top

here. Another

key feature that's a little bit newer that I like

to point out. This is specific for K

12 educators, professionals

who are on the line is our browse by K

12 subjects section which is found under

our training center. This is especially

handy if I have any librarians on the line who

are directing teachers to the support

site, maybe to look for premade lesson

plans or activities,

they can actually browse by K 12 subjects

here and they can take a look at

the different subjects we have available. You'll see, it shows

how many results we have.

So it's really kind of tailoring to what they're looking

at. So they'll be able to just see, maybe they just want

to see all of the social studies supplemental

materials we have created, they can do that by

using this browse by K 12 subjects.

Another feature found under our training center

that I want to point out because sometimes it is skipped

and I think it's a really beneficial

section is our content specific

training materials. So what we do

for quite a few different observances and holidays

and things like that celebrations is

we make featured themes and featured content

for those. So you'll see, I've pulled up

on this left hand side here. What

that looks like when you click into the section, you'll see we

have information for

inventors month, mental health awareness.

Um If you look down further here, you can

look by month here national reading

Month, Arab American Heritage Month.

so we make these different collections

for some of the different observances.

You see when we click into those, you'll see all the different

bits of content we make here. So this is really great

if you have something going on in your library.

You know, we did something on book banning. So

if you're running some sort of programming around book banning,

you want to see what we have available. You'll

find that under our content specific materials

and a lot of times we'll have a kind of curated

list for you. You'll see it shows what resources

we're using

and you can click in and use any of those materials

that we have created.

Again, this is another feature found under the

training center that we'll take a look at in a little

bit. So

one final key feature that I like to point

out is our tools section which again

is on our kind of tool bar up top here,

just listed as tools.

And this is giving you direct links to some

of the supplemental resources that

we offer you to help you kind of

engage with your resources and

get your resources out to your patrons. So

you'll have access to the access my library

app also to gail pages.

So if you're a Gill page user, I know a lot of times

that's in the K 12 field are, are

Gale Pages users, you

can access Gale Pages from the support site.

You also have a link to your usage dashboard

here, which is a really important link to

have. And it's a really simple way to click over

to check your usage to see how your

learning community is doing with your resources.

And we also linked to gale admin from here as well.

So what I prefer to do

instead of bookmarking each of these pages

individually. You know, you're using Gale Edmund

to adjust your accessibility or your

authentication features. You're also using

usage dashboard to check your usage and then you're

also using Gale Pages. instead

of having all of those, you know, bookmarked separately,

you can bookmark this tools page and

now you boom, have access to all of these tools

and you only have one bookmark to

look at and to remember

and moving forward from our features. I do just

briefly want to go over the content that you'll find

in this resource and we'll dig deeper into the content

once we are actually clicking through. But

under training materials, we've actually organized

our content types into four

different sections.

The first being getting started. So

if you are new to a resource or maybe

you have a teacher or a staff member

who's new to the resource and you need to just kind of

get started engaging with it.

Our get started section is going to have

resource guides as well as introductory webinars,

which are generally going to be the gale 101

webinars to kind of get you started.

Moving on from there, we have a train your staff

section. This is going to help you get

the word out to your staff. So we have fully

developed training tool kits that

you see pictured here that's going to

include different links to documents and materials

that could help you as you're presenting this information

to your staff,

we also have fully made training slide

decks, so you don't need to make your own. If

you're planning on introducing

Gale Business: Plan Builder to your

staff, we already have a slide deck

ready to go for you. You can download it, make

the edits you need, so it better fits your audience

and present. We want to make sure you don't have to kind of

re invent the wheel every time you need to make

a slide deck. So we have those on the support side

as well. And you also find quite a few different

best practice documents that are going to really make

sure that your staff understands

all of the kind of features and hidden

gems and things like that within our resources.

Moving forward from train your staff.

We also have a continued

learning section and this is really

the biggest section in the training materials

kind of content bucket. This is where

you're going to start learning more advanced bits of

information. So you're going to find recorded

webinars about more specific topics like

the science of reading or maybe

using your in context resources

for claim, evidence, reasoning, arguments,

and writing.

And you'll also find tip sheets, maybe about finding

specific content types, maybe about how

you best use the advanced search feature.

So more in depth and more specific

bits of content, we also have all of

our shorter tutorials loaded up here as well.

And those tutorials are usually about one

minute, two minutes. So they're nice little bite

size bits of information that are good to take a look

at. And

finally we have a fine lessons and activities

section. So this, um, a lot of

times is kind of tailored to the K 12 Arena.

We also have some great stuff that are helpful for

public libraries who have different programming going.

But under this section, you'll find fully

made lesson plans, scavenger hunts. We

have things like trading cards, graphic organizers,

escape rooms, as well as some different

activity templates.

So if you're looking for a way to get gail

into the classroom, as opposed to just

kind of hanging out in your library, you know, you want to get teachers

and students more engaged.

I recommend taking a look at this fine lessons

and activities section because most likely you're going to

find something that, you know, you can hand out to

your teachers. It's done, it's ready to go.

They don't have to pay for it, they don't have to search for

it. It's right there in front of them.


So that's under the fine lessons and activities section

and we'll take a look at that quickly

under our marketing materials section, we

have, I like to break it up into two different categories.

So we have some premade electronic materials

available. So

you'll have those that you can pop into your social

media we also have web banners if you want to

promote on your actual website.

And we also have print materials. So if

you want a fire or a postcard or a bookmark,

you'll find those on those reports. It as well. You can easily

just download and print them out so you

can save them to your computer. So you don't have to go back

looking for them again. They're just ready to

go right on your computer for you.

Now, I want to actually click through the resource so

we can all kind of see where to find this

stuff to make sure everyone's ready to go. Um

I haven't seen any questions pop up, but

while I'm switching over, does anyone have any

questions here?

Ok. I don't see any. So

let's go ahead and get started. So this is the support

site again at

And as I mentioned is the best practice. I always

recommend signing it. So that is going to appear

right here

in the middle of the page again. If you don't

know your location ID, you'll hit find your location

and enter your information.

I am actually going to use my personal location

ID today, which was just a winters

and I'll just give it a quick second to load here. But once

I sign into this, there we go.

Now this is going to be tailored to me. So once

I start to click through, I'm only going to see materials

related to the resources that I have

kind of loaded onto my account, you could say.

So the resources that I currently subscribe to

and once you sign in with your LOCA location

ID will also mention on this right hand

side here, you're actually going to see

your contact information for your customer

success manager and it looks like we have a quick

question here. Um I'm a small public

volunteer based library. Is there only one login

per site or can I have my own login? Um

So Susan, there's only one location ID

per account or per site. So,

um so your library will have

one location ID again, if you don't know what

it is, you can use that find your location um

option. But every location has

just the one location ID as an identifier.

Ok. And again, everyone, please let me know if

my speaker starts to go out again

and I will try to fix it again. But

hopefully we don't have any more issues moving

forward here. Ok. So again, I'm

signed in now to the support site. You'll see

this shows my name for you guys. It'll show

your library name or your school name,

whatever is attached to your account.

Mine just looks a little bit different because I'm an

internal user and not kind

of a customer user.

But let's take a look at how we can find all of this great

content. So again, the first tab available

at the top of the page here is going

to be our product support. You'll see when I drop

down, it shows you all of the different product materials

that you may need access to.

So if you want to browse the ebooks, you currently have

access to or if you want to take a look at

icons or direct URL S,

you can do all of that here. This is also where V

pats are located

or I can choose to browse my products so

I can do that here. And this is what I have access

to yours will look different. Of course, depending on your


It could be a long list like this. It could be two or

three. But if you're signing with your location, you're

only seeing what you have access to. Let's click

into one though.

Um We'll click into gal and context elementary

today. So when I click

into a product now you'll see it's giving me my

direct link and I will say if you're not

signed in with your location ID, we can't give

you the direct URL

who you are.

But if you're signed up with your location, IED, you'll

have your direct URL. We have a quick

description, maybe if you want to put that on a website

or send it out in a social media post,

we also have your database icon listed here

as well. We have a few different options here. If you need

a thumbnail version, we have that

we have different icons for apps

and we also have hires icon and a web

icon here.

And then on the right side of this page here, you

could also click directly into either the training

or the marketing materials related to this resource.

So if you go into these materials

through this way, you're only going to see content

related to gale and context elementary,

even if you have access to other resources,

since you're coming in through this way, it's automatically

limiting what you see to this one resource.

Now, moving on from our product support section,

we also have here our training center

in the training centers. We're going to find really

anything you need to learn how to

use the resources, to teach other people how to use their

resources and to engage with your

resources. So again, you'll see we break

it down different ways for you to browse

to make it as simple as possible. So

the first option is to browse by type.

This is going to be helpful if you are on the

support site, you know, you want a

lesson plan, that's what you want.

You don't care what resource the lesson plan is from.

You just want to see the lesson plans we have available,

we click the browse by type.

Boom. I can just look at all of my lesson plants

and I will mention here while we're in the training center.

If you decided not to sign in with your location

ID, this little drop down

here and this blue bar is going to say,

view all materials.

If you did sign in with your location ID, this is already

going to be filled with the appropriate option

here. So if you're a school, a public library or if you're

in higher education,

so you can choose this manually. So I'm

just going to put in school here. So

if you don't sign in with your location ID,

but you do only want to see school content, you

can change, change that in the training center.

But again, I always recommend just using your

location ID,

but now I have it set the school materials. So

as I click through, I'm only going to see school

material content. Anyone calling

in from an academic institution or

a public library, you're going to see different content

because yours is going to be filtered differently.

But now I can click into any of these. So I know I mentioned

lesson plans before

I can click in. And now I can see all of the lesson

plans. I have related to

the resources that I currently have access to

and I can easily click into any of these. Now,

this one is a DB Q project about the

American revolution using gal in context

high school and I can

download this content right here using my download

button or I can print it out.

Now, going back to my training center drop down,

I can also browse by product. So

this is helpful if you want to take a look at

everything we have related to


Children library. If you're a public library

and you're looking for material, training,

materials for Children library, you can choose to browse

by product and do it that way.

But let's click into another in context resource

just because they're pretty popular. A lot

of people have those. So let's click.

Let's say I want to see everything we have available for

Gale In Context: High School. I'm gonna start

a training program around Gale In Context:

high school and I just need all this stuff and I

don't want to see anything else when I click into

Gale In Context: High School. Now you're going to see those

different kind of organizational levels that I mentioned

before. So we're getting started is always

going to be at the top with our recorded one

on one webinar and our resource guide

underneath our train your staff materials.

So excuse me, we have

some professional development materials

training tool kits as well as a couple tip sheets.

Scrolling down our continue learning

section. Again, this is generally going to be

the largest section on all of our pages because

it's including all of the more advanced

information. You'll see. We have things like finding

level documents or finding statistics.

So getting a little bit more in depth in those

recorded webinars

finding primary sources, things like that.

And then right down here at the bottom

is going to be the fine lessons and activities

section. So anyone joining me

from that K 12 Arena, this is a nice

place to look, you're going to find activities

and lesson plans here.

And the difference is I will say between activities

and lesson plans, lesson plans have a fully built

out lesson plan template created.

So it's really something you could copy and paste

and even send over to admin as a fully

completed lesson plan.

while activities are just going to have maybe a

quick set of directions and then the activity.

So the difference is lesson plans are a little

bit more structured and a little bit more


and back up to the training center here. Again, I mentioned

you can browse by K 12 subjects earlier.

So if you want just wanna take a look at maybe a social studies


you can do that here.

We can also browse by tool which is just

kind of looking at some of the supplemental tools like

Gale pages that we have available.

We've pulled our video tutorials out separately.

Those are our really short videos that are

generally like 1 to 2 minutes.

We also have our upcoming webinars pulled out

separately and this is where you can register

for upcoming webinars as well. So this is updated

continuously with any new webinars that are scheduled,

you'll be able to register here. We have

all of our recorded webinars pulled forward in

a separate section as well. That is searchable.

You'll see you can narrow it down by product.

And you can also choose if you want to look at something new

or updated. And what I love is we have this

duration option here as well. So if

you just want like a quick bite of information, you

can narrow it down to a 15 minute webinar.

Um If you know, you want something more in depth,

you can, you know, choose to look at things

that are 60 minutes long that are really going to dive into

a topic.

Finally, on our training center again, we have

our content specific materials listed here

and we'll be able to click into any of these themes

and kind of take a look at what's going on here,

see what we've done in the past

and click into that content.

Now, moving forward from our training center,

we also have our marketing materials

here in this toolbar.

You'll see when I hover over marketing materials, I can

choose to browse by type, browse by

product or I can click into the product

update section which is going to take us to

the product updates blog. So if you want

to see what's new and improved in gale,

you can do that under the marketing materials section

and you'll see when I click into browse by type,

it looks very similar to the training center.

You'll see, I can just choose whatever type I'm interested in.

If I just wanna see flyers, I click

in here

and see the flyers related to my resources

and the browser product looks the same as well. I'll just

choose whatever product I want to take a look

at moving

forward from marketing materials is our technical support


And here we've chosen to break out the

technical documents and the Fa Qs.

So our technical documents have this nice little tile

formatting, which I think is really handy

and it shows you the different types of documents, documents

we have available. So our accessibility

here, you'll see. We have two documents. This has

our full Gale VP directory. If you need

that, we also have information

on authentication. L MS if you need

some help with MARC records, Gale

admin, if you want to look at some information about usage,

all of that is found under the technical document

section here,

our FA Q looks just like

you would expect as a question and answer


You'll see. We have tabs for general access

Neals and then gale admin in account

settings. So if you need to edit your account, you'll find

that under our technical support

and we also give information about database

status. So if something happens, you know, we're working

on fixing something, we'll let you know on the support site,

this is updated real time. So

if anything ever happens, we always let you know

here on the support site under technical support.

Next to the technical support option, we have

this nice tools drop down.

And again, the tools are kind of those supplemental

resources that you have access to for free

that are going to help you utilize your resources.

So let's jump to the tools home here.

You see, I can click into any of these. So if I want

to take a look at usage dashboard, I'll just

click into my usage dashboard tile. I

can sign in here and it's going to bump me over

in a new tab to the usage dashboard platform.

And I can click here to view the usage

dashboard training materials.

You'll see, we've got quite a few tip sheets, a

couple recorded webinars about

using the usage dashboard.

And finally, the last section is going to be

the connect with us section. So

whoever you need to access, whoever you need

to talk to, we have your information, their

information here.

Academic outreach is for anyone

working um in a higher ed institution

or an academic institution, everyone

has access to a customer success manager

as well. So K 12 and public libraries

if you don't know who your customer success manager

is, you can find that information here.

We also have find your rep. So if you need to contact

your sales representative for whatever reason

you don't know who that is, you can reach out right here

on this, find your rep section.

We have customer support here. So if you have

questions about you know, billing invoicing,

anything like that,

you can reach out to customer support directly from

our support site as well. And then the very

bottom, we have technical support. So if

you have a tech question, their information is

there for you as well.

Now, that's a brief overview of the support sites.

There's a lot of content found within

the site. So I definitely recommend if you can

maybe steal away 30 minutes of your time.

and just kind of dig in,

you know, and browse through different pathways, see

what sort of information that you can kind of pull

forward and share it with

your colleagues, you know, share it with your teachers

if you're in a school, share it with your staff members. If

you know you have different staff members,

you know, promoting your resources to different

audiences, let them know about the support

site because they most likely find

a lot of content that'll save them some

time when they're doing this stuff. They can just easily

find it, print it, download it, send

it electronically and they're good to go.

Now again, I haven't seen any questions come in, but

I do want to ask if we have any before.

I give some wrap up information.

If you have any questions for me about this session

or about the recording, you can

reach out. It's [email protected]


If you want to talk to your customer success manager

about best practices with the support site,

or maybe you want to dig in deeper to one of the support

site sections.

You can either reach out to them directly or you can send

an email to [email protected]


Again, your sales consultant. If you don't know who

that is.

is how you'll find their contact information.

And then technical support. I do always like to include

it on here just in case you have any tech related questions.

Their email is [email protected]

They'll be able to

answer any sort of tech question that you have.

And I also have a survey here that I would love for you

to take if you have time for it,

the QR is here for you to scan or you can just go to



you'll be pulled forward to that survey

as well. Again, I don't see any questions,

so I'll go ahead and end the session today. If you

think of questions after we're done for the day,

feel free to send me an email otherwise,

hopefully we will see you on future sessions.

Bye everyone.
© 2024 Gale, part of Cengage Group