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Last Updated: January 10, 2024

Support Financial Literacy with Gale In Context: Middle School and Gale In Context: High School

To support financial literacy at the secondary level, Gale In Context: Middle School and Gale In Context: High School provide curated topic pages on key financial topics like credit, loans, banking, and economics to encourage simple student discovery and lesson integration. View this session to explore how to find and utilize topic pages to better engage your students in financial learning.

Duration: 30 Minutes
Hello and welcome today. We're going to

be talking about how you can support financial

literacy with Gale In Context: Middle School

and Gale In Context: High School.

My name is Amber Winters and I am your training

consultant here for the day.

And our agenda is a pretty simple one. First,

I want to talk about some of the key content

and topic pages. You're going to find within

both of the resources to help you as you're building

your financial literacy lessons and

to help your students as they start to learn on their own.

After that, we're going to walk through the resource. So

we can see some of the different workflows that are

going to support your learning community as

well as some of the different tools that are going to help you

really get this ingrained into your students


And then at the very end of the session, we should have time

for any questions that I'm not able to answer as

we move through the session and I'll have some

wrap up contact information for you.

So as a reminder, we're using the Q

and A feature for questions as opposed

to the chat. So if you do have questions

as we move along today, feel free to put them in

there. I've got it opened up on my screen, so

I should be able to answer them as we move along.

If we get a little bit backed up with time, then

I will wait until the end of the session to answer your questions.

But please type them in when you think of them and

I promise they'll be answered at the very

latest at the end of the session.

So if you're not familiar with Galen context,

middle school and Galen context high school,

these are our two cross curricular

and context resources designed

as you would guess it specifically for both

middle and high school level students.

So they do cover everything from social

sciences to science to el

a current events

kind of the the whole gamut of information.

And we do have a huge variety of content

types within these resources that are going to be

particularly helpful for you as you're trying

to create a more diverse

learning curriculum

with different types of resources. So we have

our basic reference articles, but we also have

news and magazines that we keep current.

You'll find a great collection of primary sources,

videos and images are really helpful. If you

are trying to get some multimedia

content within your lessons, we

also include some great statistics that are found

in our images bucket. So as you're

getting students more comfortable with reading

charts and graphs and things like that. You can

find a lot of that within these two resources

that can support your financial literacy teaching.

We also have great biographies and

for those of you who are working with more advanced

high school students, we do have academic

journals within Galen contacts, high School.

In addition to all of that content, we'll have tools

that we're actually going to go over today. Things like highlights

and notes, our citation feature,

we have the ability to translate both documents

and the platform tools themselves.

We have a list and feature, a text manipulation

that's going to make this resource really accessible

for all of your students with all of their needs

and a nice Google and Microsoft Integration

that we're going to take a look at as well.

And I do want to just pause here quickly to mention

if you learning community, your school

district has access to both Galen

context, middle school and Galen context

high school.

I would encourage you to promote

either to your students. So if you're at a high school

level and you have some students who are struggling readers

or maybe not quite at that high school level,

you may want to have them access scale and context

middle school where they're going to find a lot of similar

information, but at that lower reading level

and same goes for those of you working with middle school

students, if you have some students, maybe who are in eighth grade,

but are really ready to take that jump into

a higher level content,

direct them to Galen context high school and they

may find some material that's more suited

for them at that higher level. So even

though they're labeled Galen context middle school

and high school, if you do have access to both consider

what your students need. If you have higher

or lower achieving students, they may benefit

from cooking into one resource or another

because you'll find a lot of the same content

in each

but at those different levels.

And today I want to talk specifically about

our topic page organization.

It's a really nice clean way for you to find

content really quickly and to kind of have it all

house on one page.

So if you're not familiar with topic pages, we

have them created for some of the most studied

and most used and most searched

topics within the resource. So you'll see,

I've pulled forward here. Our financial literacy

topic page is one of the, the key

topic pages that you're going to want to take a look at

within Galen context, middle school. But

the top of all of our topic pages, we're going to

have a topic overview and this is going

to give you and your students kind of the background

and the base knowledge about whatever topic you're going

to be looking at.

So this is really handy to have if

you're just starting off your financial financial

literacy unit and you want to give students just

that intro, they may want

to take a look at this topic overview.

Also on the topic pages you're

going to have on this page section and

this is going to show them what content types

we have available for them. So you'll see here on this

page, we've got things like reference

works. We've got some news reports, some video,

audio files, those are usually podcasts

and magazines here as well. So this is going

to show them what they're going to be able to find on this topic


And then at the very bottom, we have all of our content

organized and content buckets. So they're going

to see the first few entries in those buckets

and they can click directly in. So if they want to look

at all of the reference material, we have

specifically linked to financial literacy,

they'll be able to do that here.

And at the very bottom of our topic pages, you can't

see it just because I didn't have enough room on the screen.

We have our related topics and this

is going to help especially

your students who have trouble building their own search

terms. Move forward with their

learning and move forward with their research. You'll see

they'll be able to click directly into other topics

that have topic pages So after

they take a look, kind of at just the general financial

literacy, they may now want to take

a look at the different economic systems or maybe

they want to go deeper into money and

banking or something like that,

they'll be able to point and click right on our topic

pages and not even have to worry about building

their search terms. So this is great for really

those beginner researchers who aren't ready

to run more

sophisticated searches yet or

for students who are coming in and

have absolutely no idea what they want to look

at. Instead of trying to figure out what they should

search, they can really point and click all

the way through both of these resources and find some

valuable financial information.

Now, let's talk specific topic pages

that you may want to take a look at. So if you are planning

on working within Gillen context, middle school,

I've highlighted here. Of course, our main

financial literacy topic page is going

to be probably the place you're going to want to start

before you take a look at anything else.

But you also will have topic pages on things

like economics. We have one specifically

for money and banking

and we also have one specific for entrepreneurship.

So not only helping students

understand, you know how to save money, how credit

cards work, how bank loans work.

If you're teaching your students how

to have kind of that entrepreneurial mindset

or maybe you have an entrepreneurial class.

We have a topic page created for that as

well and I'll show you a bit later

how you can find each of these where we have them


But if you're planning on using gel and context high

school, you'll find some of the same

topics but we do have

a few different ones. So instead of financial

literacy, we have a topic page

related to personal finance. And that may

be the starting point that you want to take a look at.

Moving forward from there, they'll find a topic page

on credit. If they want to move into looking

at how again credit cards work, how loans work,

things like that.

We also have an economics topic

page here within Galen context high School

where they'll find more advanced information than what they'll

find within Gale In Context.

Middle school, same for entrepreneurship

and money and banking. You see the topics

are the same, but they're going to be at that deeper

level that more advanced content.

We also have a great Cryptocurrency topic

page within Galen context high school. So

if you're going that step further and having students

look at more advanced information,

the Cryptocurrency topic page is a really

fun one to look at and to show students just

because it is so popular right now.

You know, we hear about Cryptocurrency all the time

and this resource is going to give them some

good background knowledge. So um they

can cut through the noise that they may be hearing online

that might not be very accurate and really

get the facts about Cryptocurrency.

Now, as we go through, I want you all to consider

using this get link feature, especially if

you're planning on pulling content. If

you're a librarian, media specialist on the line

and you're going to be pulling content either for teachers

or for students to get them engaged with this

resource. Our get link option

is really handy. It gives you a persistent

URL to whatever page you're on, you'll

see as I click through, it's going to be on the majority of

the pages we look at today

and you can get a link to one of these topic pages

and send it out. You know, you know, your

sixth grade social studies teachers

are planning on starting their financial literacy unit.

You get the link for the financial literacy

topic page, send it over and here

you go. You have great materials that are going

to help support your lessons. Nice and simple.

So always consider using our G link. We'll take a look

at that here in a quick second when

we jump into the resource before

we move over to walking through the platforms

though. Are there any questions or anything

you want me just to quickly cover? Besides

what we just looked at?

Ok, don't see anything. We're nice and quiet

today. Not a problem. Let's go ahead and

jump over here,

almost signed me out. Let me make sure we're signed

in. There we go.

so let me first show you where those topic

pages are housed, you will be able to

find topic pages by searching.

But if your students prefer to browse instead

of search, if they're in Galen context,

middle school

and they scroll down here.

We keep all of our financial literacy topics

housed under the social issues

tile here so they can click in and find

all of those if they're within Gillen

context high school, which is the resource I'm

actually going to use for our walk through

today. When they scroll down

here, the financial literacy topics

are actually going to be found under business and


So let me click into that here and when

I click and you'll, I don't know if you noticed, let me jump

back here, but we have 78 topic

pages related to business and economics.

So if your students have decided to kind

of click and browse, just warn them that they're going to

find a lot on this page

not all will be directly related, of course

to um

financial literacy. Some of them you'll see

here are about you know,

agriculture, the alternative energy business

and things like that. But as they start to

browse through, they're going to find things that may

come in handy. So again, economics

is listed here. We've got credit down

below here. Consumerism is listed,

scrolling up and down minimum wage,

money and banking. So they have a lot of different options

to take a look at here. They'll even see different,

businesses listed. So maybe mcdonald's,

they can click in and take a look at what's going on,

related to mcdonald's.

So again, they can point and click to find exactly

what they're looking for. If they want to,

they can change their topics listed here.

So maybe they want to focus more on social

issues surrounding finance.

So again, things like minimum wage or,

you know, unions or things like that, they

can go here to social issues instead

if they do know exactly what they're looking for,

of course, they can run a search instead.

And what's great is if their search term has

a topic page attached to it. So let's go to that

personal finance.


by page that I mentioned previously. When

they start typing in their search, you'll see we have these

pre predictive text options

here and you'll notice that

the first three here are bolded.

So any results that are bolded

are going to launch students to topic pages

as opposed to just a standard search results

page. So let's click into that personal

finance one.

There we go.

And now I will point out that get link that

I mentioned before. It's in my toolbar up

top here. So if I wanted to save

this again, if you're a librarian pulling content

for teachers and you wanted to save this for

teachers, you can send out this link if

you're a teacher and maybe you want to use this topic

page for an activity you're doing in class or you

want to pop it into a project syllabus. This

is a nice way to do that. Just copy and paste

this link. It is a persistent URL

and it launches them directly to this page.

So scrolling down here

again, you'll see this is going to show us what different

types of content we have available here.

Since this is Galen Context High School,

you'll see, we've got a few, 100 and

64 academic journal entries that they

can take a look at

images, videos, all that good stuff.

So let's go ahead and keep scrolling here

and you'll see, we do pull out featured content

that's focused on whatever the topic is.

It could be any type of content. Sometimes you'll see

reference works, sometimes you'll see interesting

videos and we do pull some of

those forward under the featured content.

We have our reference works listed here as well.

And I do want to scroll to the bottom here

to show you where you're going to find those related

topics. So again, this topic page,

I like to consider this as the very basic

financial literacy topic pages, just personal

finance and as they move forward,

they can get more specific. So we do have

that credit option here. If we want

to look at entrepreneurship, money and banking

in general, if they're ready to look at the stock market

and investing, we've got a topic page

for that here as well.

Now, let me go ahead and scroll up today. I'm going

to click into our reference

works because a lot of times that's what

teachers and students are looking for is just

articles to support whatever they're learning

about. So when I click into my reference

here, you'll see, I've got a whole suite

of different articles related

to personal finance

and I've got some great filters here that are going to be

helpful, especially since we have 34

reference articles, that's a fair amount of articles.

We try to narrow it down when

they're on a topic page. So they aren't inundated

with, you know, a huge number of, of articles,

but 34 is a fair number. So

they can use our filters here on this right

hand side, maybe they want to filter based

on subject here. So goal setting

is a great one. If they want to learn a bit about interest

rates, they can narrow the subjects there.

They can also narrow based on document

type. So within our our content

types, we have more specific document types. You'll

see here. We have some topic overviews,

an event overview, a couple of tables listed

here so they can narrow it down that way. Sometimes

we'll have brief articles listed

here. So that's a nice way if they just want something quick

to take a look at, to narrow it down based

on the document type,

you'll see, we also have a search was all search

with an option here as well if they

want to search through these articles

and we have a topic finder. I'm not

going to click in topic finder just yet. I will if we

have a little bit of time at the end of the session,

but this can help students make connections

between different topics. So if they get

a little bit stuck, you know, they

need to

look for something a little more specific, but they don't know what

that thing is. Topic finder comes in really


but let's click into one of these articles


Let's look into budgets and financial goals.

This is a nice one.

I mean, I think personally it's a nice one

and we've got a quick question from

pa all of these full articles

or abstracts


the majority of our content is going to be full articles.

There is a small number of abstracts.

But for the most part, you're going to see

full articles only when we're talking about

abstracts and things, you're most likely going to see those

in the academic journal section as we'll

find the majority of those but, um,

I don't know the exact percentage, but

I would say upwards of 80 90%

are going to be full text,

right. So now I've went ahead and clicked into one

of our articles here. You'll see this is a shorter

1, 900 words here.

First I want to show you this sidebar.

So these sidebars vary. Sometimes

you'll get key terms, sometimes

you'll get you know, talking

points or, you know, main topics of the

article. This one's got critical thinking


and I love this because this is a great bell

ringer for students. You know, if you're just trying to

get students engaged while you're taking attendance

or whatever you need to do at the beginning of your class.

If you find an article with these critical thinking

questions, you can send this over to them,

you can send it over using get link if you want

just forward it that way or if you're using

Google classroom at the very top

here, you can actually send it over to

your classroom. So if you maybe want

to make an announcement and have students click into this

article, answer these critical thinking


you can certainly do that great for homework and again,

great for a bell ringer activity,

you can have them answer them together.

You also have the option to send any article over

to either your Google or Microsoft Drive.

This is great for you as educators, but also for

students, especially if they're planning on maybe

working in a group. And you want

to make sure that everyone in that group has access

to the content, they can share the content,

they can hit the send to button

and then send over e either to their Google drive

their onedrive or they can email it and

they'll be able to collaborate on this document together.

So it's a great way to save this information.

These documents can always be downloaded and

printed as well. If you or your students prefer

to have

the content, that way they'll be able to do that

scrolling down here. We also have this great explore

panel so this can help students move forward again

if they're not comfortable building search terms,

if they clicked into this article and you know what

it a it was actually really handy and they want to

kind of move forward with it,

they can find more articles that are similar

to this one

or they can find subjects that are related

to this. So if they don't need another article like

this, you know, they already got this down. Maybe

they want to learn more about goal setting, you know, they,

they kind of understand budgeting, but how are they going

to set their realistic goals?

They can click into this related subject

and move forward there. So just another step

in making sure it's simple for them to find

their content.

Now, if you do wanna share this out with your students and you have

students with a variety of different needs, a variety

of different um

access requirements. We have a lot of tools

that are going to help you with that. So if you

have students that need this work translated,

they'll find a translate button right here under

our kind of

article information here, they have this translate


they can choose whatever language they like.

And this will translate the article for them.

They also have the option here to set an interface

language. So this is going to change

all of the tools and all of the navigation

into whatever language they need. So if I change

this to Spanish here,

you'll see my tools up top here are in Spanish,

my search bar, my explore

panel here, all of the different tools here

are listed in Spanish as well. So

students can actually have this whole platform

switched over to their language and it will

follow them along throughout the session

and then they'll be able to go in and just translate

each article as they move forward.

But let me switch this out because

I don't know Spanish, let's go back

to English here.

So we'll be able to translate that here. They

can also increase or decrease the font size.

So if they are a bit visually

impaired and they need that increased size, they

can do that here.

We've also got some other great display options

that'll help them out. They could choose the background color

for their page, whatever works best for them.

They can also choose a different font. We

do have a dyslexia font available.

So if you have students who prefer

to read with this type, they have that here

and we can also change the line letter and word

spacing again to make this really as accessible

as possible.

And what's great is this will follow students along throughout

their session. So once they set it up, how

they can best read it, it's going to

follow them along as they click through different articles.

But I'm going to jump back to default settings here

today. So

in addition to kind of those access accessibility

tools, we also have a listen feature. So

if students really just want this read to them,

they're having trouble reading it, even with these

kind of enhancements that we have here.

If they hit our listen to, I'm just going to pause this,

it's going to read through the full article for them

and it does actually read in whatever language

they chose. So if they translated this article

into Spanish,

when they hit listen and they hit play,

it's going to read to them in Spanish. So

they have that option here, they can also download

the, the AUD audio file if

they want to take this with them later and take

a look.

And they've also got a few settings listed here as

well. You'll see, they can choose what's

being highlighted as things are being red.

They can choose different colors for the words

and they excuse me, sentence

all that good stuff. They can also change

the reading speed. So it defaults to a medium

speed or they can speed it up or slow

it down

quite a few different ways for them

to access this content.

And another great feature is our highlighted notes

tool. So if you want students to

talk to the text or just to take some notes

as they're reading through, they can do it virtually,

you won't need to print out the document and hand them

highlighters and then try to collect the highlighters

after they can click and drag over anything

they think is important. When they do that, they can

choose a highlight color, they can

add any notes they want to maybe this is just

use this for my project.

You can save that and they can click and drag

and highlight over anything they think is important

again. Really nice. If you want them to talk to the

text and maybe highlight the main ideas that they're

going to be looking at. Or if this is an

opinion piece, maybe you want them to highlight

what the individual's opinion is in one color

and maybe their evidence in a different color.

There's a lot of different ways you can use these highlights

and notes to really engage students

and these highlights and notes are session based.

So if your students are planning on using these later,

you want to make sure they get this document out of the

platform. They can do that by sending

it over to their driver, emailing it, they can

download or they can print and it will bring

the highlights and notes along with them

and we have about five minutes. So I do want to show you

our topic finder that I mentioned previously.

that was found, let me click back to

just our reference materials

here. that's found on

our search results page or our documents

page. It's also found under advanced


If students just prefer to go directly to topic

finder, they can do that by clicking into

advanced search and then topic finder.

And this is going to help them kind of narrow down

what they're looking for. So let's

just search finance here to see what comes

up when they run a search within topic finder.

They have this little interactive

piece here

that's going to give them some of the top

terms related to finance.

So they can start to click through because as you would

expect, finance is a huge search. And you'll

see, we've got a huge variety of

information, anything from companies.

So, you know, business finance to personal

finance, campaign finance, dancing,

of course, is usually a pretty big one. But since we're talking


financial literacy. They may want to

click into personal finance.

When they do that, we narrow down the different results

they're going to find. So they've got 34

results related to finance

and personal finance and they can take

it one step lower.

maybe they want to help. Just look about,

look at money,

they can click into money and now we've got here six

results as opposed to,

um, you know, the, the thousands, maybe tens

of thousands they would have gotten if they were to just run

a basic search for finance. So

this is a great way for them to click down

to exactly what they need. Maybe this

is really interesting to them. Eight easy steps to

set your finances up.

There we go. They've got this nice short

article. And again, they've got all

of those great tools now that they have that material.

And I will say a lot of educators have

students actually start with the topic finder.

So instead of running a search, they

have them

into advanced search, writes, topic finder

and that just helps them narrow down their results

instead of them, you know, searching, getting a huge

list. That's a little bit daunting. They have to

go directly that way. So that's one great workflow.

Again, I think when we're talking about financial


utilizing those topic pages

and directing students to use topic pages

comes in really handy because it's that

nice, clean organized one stop shop

and it allows students to explore

on their own, but kind of in a controlled

environment. They still have one landing point

that you direct all of the students to.

so they have kind of that base

of where they need to be and then they can explore

on their own. It's a really nice feature

that I definitely recommend if you're planning

on starting a financial literacy unit is to

use those different topic pages.

Now, that's what I have for you all today, we've got about

four minutes left. So, are there any questions

on something I didn't, didn't cover or something

you want me to take a closer look at?

But type those into the Q and A. If there are,

I'm just going to

jump back to my slides here

and while you all are typing, if you are typing,

I've got some wrap up information for

you. So if you want to talk a little bit more

about your specific financial

literacy lessons or how you want to

implement this resource with your,

with your learning community,

you can reach out to your customer success manager

and they can speak with you one on one to really

go over what's going to work best for you some

different best practices

that they've found that they've developed over time.

If you don't know who your customer success manager

is, just send an email to

[email protected] and we'll forward

you to the correct individual.

You also have access to a sales consultant, of course.

So if you don't currently have Gale In Context: Middle School

or Gale In Context: High School

and you want to access, feel free

to reach out to them. If you don't know who that is,

you'll go to

Finder and you'll be forwarded to that

correct individual or I'm sorry, you'll be given the correct


If you need more support, more training,

we have

premade webinars activities, lesson

plans, tutorials, flyers,

all that good stuff on our support site,

which is This

webinar will also be posted there like

all of our other live webinars.

So if you need some additional training materials,

kind of in that side of things,

is the way to go here.

And now I do have a session survey. If you

all have the time to take it, you'll see. I've got a QR

code pulled up on my screen or you

can just go to


eval. I appreciate everyone for being

on the line and hopefully we'll see you

in future sessions and please enjoy the rest

of your day.
© 2024 Gale, part of Cengage Group