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Last Updated: October 03, 2024

Develop Scavenger Hunts with Gale In Context

Scavenger hunt activities provide students with a guided research experience designed to increase their subject matter knowledge through exploration of a wide range of content types including textual, multimedia, primary sources, and statistics. View our session to learn how you can develop scavenger hunts to guide students through your Gale In Context resources, as well as where to find our pre-made activities.
Duration: 30 Minutes
Hello, everyone. Thank you for joining our session.

Today is focusing on how you can develop

scavenger hunts for your students using Gale

in context. My name is Amber

Winters and I am a senior training consultant

here with Gale.

So our agenda for today's 30 minute webinar

is first going to just talk why scavenger

hunts, what they are, why

we've chosen to use this type of activity

within Gillen context. Then we'll

talk about the development process.

how we like to do it here at Gale as trainers

build quite a few different scavenger hunts.

So we'll go through how we like to do it some

best practices as you start to build out your

own. And we'll actually walk through

what the process looks like live as well.

So we're going to get into one of the gal and context

resources kind of explore how

you can really build out these scavenger hunts to

best fit your students in your classroom


At towards the end of the session, I'll show

you where you can find our premade scavenger hunts. As

I mentioned, the training team builds

a lot of scavenger hunts So you may not even

need to make one on your own. We may have a scavenger

hunt for your topic already

created and listed on our support site. So we'll take

a look at that a little bit later on.

And then at the very end of the session, I have some contact

information for you if you need to reach out to

us for anything.


Again, feel free to ask questions at any time

using the Q and A box. And if we get a little

bit overwhelmed with questions, we'll hold

off until this wrap up and I'll answer any

remaining questions for you.

So let's go ahead and get started. So, what

are scavenger hunts? Exactly. So

scavenger hunts are guided activities

that are designed to support students as they explore

one specific topic

within these scavenger hunts. Each of the questions

is a new step in the scavenger

hunt. It's looking at a new piece of content.

So the goal here is to guide

students, help them click on their own and kind

of navigate the resources on their own, but

guide them to specific bits of information

you want them to know about.

And we also want students engaging with different

content types, which is a great way we

like to use these scavenger hunts within Galen context

is if you take a look at this screenshot I have here,

we have them reading a reference article. Of course,

that's something you would expect out of a gal in context

resource. But we also have them

listening to an audio file. I believe this is

a podcast. Don't quote me on that, but we

have them listen to an audio file and we also have

them going here to the images section.

So Scavenger Hunts are really designed to

take students through

a wide variety of content in a really

simple way. So they're still building

their own research skills because they are navigating

through the platform. You know, you're not

printing out four articles, have them read,

you're still having them navigate, but you're really

providing a step by step to make

it seem more accessible and make it seem

a little bit more safe. Of course, the research

research process

can be a little bit frustrating, a little bit confusing

for students. So we kind of use this as a step by

step, help for students to kind of navigate

through when

we were talking specifically about using scavenger

hunts within gill in context. But we

really like to use this kind of formatting

because we have these nice topic pages.

If we have a screenshot here on this left hand side

that are curated for different topics.

the most studied the most used terms

and topics within each of our resources.

And these are found within all Galen context,

resources all the way from Galen

context, elementary up to high school

as well. As all of our more subject

specific resources like

us, history, world history, environmental

studies, things like that.

So we really like to use these topic pages when

we're building our scavenger hunts because each

of these pages have a summary

kind of at the right, right at the top of the page here. So

this is a good way to start off the scavenger

hunt is have students read this quick

summary, find a, a question that you

think would be helpful to get them started.

But then underneath that, we also have content

buckets here that list all of the different

content types we have available for this particular


So you can actually direct students to these

different topic, or sorry content

buckets, instead of having them,

you know, run search after search and hopefully they

find the, the articles that you found. Of

course, students are going to search differently.

This is really going to help them point and click to find

those different bits of content.

And this is what you see. This is what

students see. It's something I like to point out as well.

So, as you work through and

build out your scavenger hunt, you're going to see

how your students are going to click through. So

if you decide to tell them to click into a viewpoints,

right here, this viewpoint bucket

you're going to see

how they're going to click into that, you're going to see the articles

they see. So it's a nice way to make sure

again, students are discovering

the information they need, they're still discovering

it on their own, but you're guiding them,

you're helping them with that discovery.

Now, let's just talk about the process here.

So how we get started before we even get going

with these scavenger hunts, especially

if you have a lot of in context, resources.

Sometimes that can be a little bit overwhelming.

So just first what you want to do, of course,

this is optional, but we actually have a premade

template on our support site ready to go for

you. So if you don't want to have to kind of re invent

the wheel, you just want to kind of plug

in the information that you have.

You can do that. Give me one second here. I'm

posting this link into

our chat if anyone needs it.

There we go.

Um So again optional,

but you might want to consider downloading this template.

It's actually saved on our support site as

a powerpoint, which makes it a little bit easier

to kind of edit and move these

texts and these numbers around to best suit

your scavenger hunt.

Once you have your template or you make your own,

you know, if you want to tweak a little bit,

make sure you choose what in context resource

you want to use. We always recommend when

you're building these scavenger hunts to only use,

one resource just because

it's sometimes difficult to have students clicking

back and forth between, Gale in context,

middle school and gale in context science

and maybe trying to navigate back and forth. We

always recommend just choose the best

fit resource

if you're not quite sure what the best fit resource


Um, I would suggest taking a look at our support

site, which we'll go over a little bit later to see

what's included in each resource. But

another way to see if the resource is going to be

a best fit is to check for a topic page.

Our scavenger hunts don't require a topic

page. Of course, you can just pull content by running

searches and browsing and things like that.

But as a best practice, the trainers

here, we really prefer to use these topic

pages because that ensures every

student is starting on the same exact spot

and they're going to see the same information

here. So really again, to

get started,

have you, your template ready to go

choose your in context resource? You may do

that just because you know it, you've

been using gale in context forever or

you may want to jump into a few different resources

and see which one has a topic page and which

one has a topic page that covers

your topic and the way you want it to be covered

if that makes sense because of course, if we're looking

at something like gale in context, opposing

viewpoints versus gale in context science,

you know, if you're looking at a science topic, but maybe

you're really trying to get it from that science

point of view, from the facts, from the

statistics, things like that

you may want Gale In Context: Science. But if

you're learning about a scientific topic from

a current event standpoint, you know how

global climate change is affecting us, you

may want to take a look at

Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints. So

just make sure you

know where you want to go ahead of time, have

your resource, try to find a topic

page if you can and then you'll go ahead

and get started.

So let's work through this together. Now, I'm

going to actually kind of

double up my screen here a little

bit. I

prefer to use this, this over


Um I prefer to use two monitors. So if you have

two monitors available to you, I would suggest

using them as you move through this

this activity here.

But I'm going to keep everything just on the one

today. So it'll look

a little bit smushed and I'm sorry about that. But

I want you guys to kind of see

how we navigate through building

these scavenger hunts. So I've already

pulled up the template. If you download the template

with the link that I shared

in the chat, this is what you're going to see

here. Again, we've made it just an editable powerpoint

to make it simple to navigate through. If

you're using Google slides, it's gonna easily be exported

to Google slides as well.

So first thing we want to do on the left side of

the page of the screen here, I just chose

to use G and context opposing viewpoints today.

But if you don't have this resource, this

walk through that we're going to go through works. The exact

same for all of your resources.

I will say Gil in context elementary looks

slightly different because of course, we've built

it out for young students.

So it's a little more kind of point and

click a little more user user friendly in that

sense. But

the navigation in the platform still functions

the same. So whatever resource you're planning on


you're going to do it the same way here.

So you'll see on my scavenger hunt here.

It first asks me to enter my topic. So

you wanna make sure you have a clear topic in mind

as you start to click through this. Of course,

you want to try to make it as specific as possible.

You know, if you're learning about hurricanes, you'll

see. We have our presidential elections

topic page fold forward here today.

Um For anyone watching this recorded, we are

currently in October, so we're really

kind of gearing up towards that election. So we

have that highlighted here,

you'll enter your resource name here

and then we'll go through. And with these

templates, we do have our templates designed

to use a topic page,

um, with the Scavenger hunt.

So if you're not going to use a topic page, if you're just

going to search and pull content, that way you

will need to edit this because you won't be guiding

your students to a specific topic page.

You know, you may just give them instructions

um on how to run a basic search or maybe

your instruction is, you know, click this link

to access the resource. But

for our templates, we always include here that

they're going to be navigating into a topic page.

Now, let's click back over here to g in context,

opposing viewpoints

and I want to scroll down. If you are planning on using

a topic page, there are a few ways you can find

it. You can of course, look at

our issues of interest if you don't have anything in mind.

And I will actually pause here. I didn't mention it

before. But um, these scavenger hunts

are great for sub plans, especially

if your students are comfortable within the gal

and context resources. These are nice

to hand out and have ready to go because they can click

into whatever topic and navigate

on their own. So just a quick aside there,

but again, if we're looking

for a topic page, we can look at our issues of interest.

I can also scroll down here

and you'll see we have these different, issues.

We have them called within Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints

and each of these different

issues is a topic page.

So if I don't know exactly what I want, but I know

whatever I want is kind of in the realm of science

and tech. I can click here

and browse through the topic pages. I have available.

Of course, these lists get pretty extensive because we

have a lot of topic pages here within

each of our in context resources. So a lot

of times it's easier to run a search. So

you can still find topic pages within our search.

I'm going to go today for artificial

intelligence, something we talk about

frequently, right?

So when I start typing in my search here,

you'll see this first predictive

text I have tells me it's a topic

guide, you'll see, it gives me this little picture

that kind of differentiates it from the rest of


pre predictive texts.

So anytime there's a topic page that's related

to the search, I'm starting, it'll pop

up up top here.

And with this nice picture which I think is really nice for

students to have this visual. So they know

if they click on something with a picture

which we're going to do artificial intelligence,

they're going to be pulled forward to the topic page instead

of just a standard search results page.

And I'm actually going to just decrease the

size of this screen just a tiny bit just

so we can see everything.
sorry, it's

probably a little bit small. But, since

we're kind of splitting our screen here,

so now we're on a topic page here

and you can direct students to topic pages in

a few different ways. You'll see, um,

on our templates, we actually

tell them how to click onto the browse topics

and then open the topic page with the

topic of your choice. You

can also choose to use get link instead

and post the link here instead of

these step by steps. So this get

link is found at the top of the page here

and it's a persistent URL. So you can copy and

paste this here and tell you just tell your students, you know,

you're starting here. This is the password.

If your students don't already know how to sign into G and

context resources,

you know, you can give them the password here.

but they can just click right into this and they're

going to be pulled to this same

topic page that you're currently on.

Now, once we're on the topic page here, just a little lay

of the land if you haven't seen a topic page recently,

Again at the very top is our

overview and then underneath are all

of these different great content. Buckets.

And for me, these are really what

makes scavenger hunt development so easy

within gill in context,

I'll start off. Generally, I'm going

to click, read more in this overview

and I'll usually have students read through this


and then I'll find

one or two questions. I want to ask them on the scavenger

hunt you'll see here. we could have

just one question. So if I just want to ask,

you know, what is artificial intelligence, I

can do that or I can put two. And

then we always have here a spot

for students to include their source

because we want to make sure that they

understand how to cite the materials they're

pulling. Even though technically you walked

them to where they are, they still

need to know how to pull that source citation. So we always

include source here

and what's great is within all of our in context

resources. They can actually pull the citation

right off the platform

right up top here in our toolbar is our citation


and they can choose their edition Elaap, a

Chicago or Harvard.

And then they can copy and paste it right here

into the source section.

Of course, if they are doing this written,

then they'll write down the source, but they'll still

have it here.

And as you walk through, I recommend filling

out an answer guide as well as

you walk through each question instead of kind of trying to do

the answer guide at the end.

you'll see at the end of our scavenger hunt

template here

is our answer guide

or our, um, answer sheet.

So you can put in your own answers and put in your own


It's easier to do it as you walk through the questions

as opposed to trying to go back and do it at the very end.

So again, generally the first one I

I will say select the blue read more button

under the title. So that's

you jump back here

right here. That's going to open up that overview

for them. And that's almost always my

first stop for students that's giving them

the base of this topic

to kind of get them to understand what they're going to be learning

about from there.

It's really up to you what you want

students to click into.

And of course, these content buckets are going to vary

based on the topic you're looking at as

well as based on the resource

itself. So these viewpoints sections

you're not going to find in our other resources

because they're specific to Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints

and Gale In Context: Global Issues


So if you have your students within Gale In Context: High School

let's say you

won't see these viewpoints, but you'll see reference articles.

So you may start them on a reference article,

but it's really up to you. So I recommend

kind of scrolling down,

you can click directly into the content bucket here

to see all of the different resources.

Just click one you think is interesting, ask

your question

and you'll pop it in here.

You'll see right here. It's telling you to enter

directions for students to find materials.

So generally, what we like to do is

we jump back to our main

topic page here.

It will tell them, click into the viewpoints

content bucket,

click into the article titled

um Employers must develop Smart A I policies

to avoid workplace discrimination. So

you are guiding students directly to the article,

you're making sure they're getting the content that you

want them to have. But again,

they're still clicking on their own. So they're still getting that

kind of feeling of being able to do it themselves.

If you have more advanced students,

you may want to start using filtering options

here. So you may say, you know, click

into the viewpoints content bucket limit

down to

um we'll say a publication limit down to

robotic technology publication and

click into this article. So it's giving them like another

step of having to discover this piece

of content.

But again, of course, that's going to be free of more

advanced learners who understand how filters

work and who can kind of do those extra


Another great way to use this is to have

students decide what piece of content

they want to read. So if I go back here again

to just the main topic page,

let's scroll down here. Let's say I want them

to look at an infographic.

These are interactive statistics. They can

kind of hover over to get information from.

So let's say I want them to interpret one, but I don't

want to tell them which one. I'll just

give my directions. Click into the infographics

content bucket,

choose an infographic and describe

it to me or give me your opinion on it, whatever

you want it to be.

And then again, since they have to include

their source on the scavenger hunt,

you're going to be able to easily click in to see

what's infographic. They

actually chose to make sure they, you know,

they actually choose an infographic to take a look

at. So there's another great way to do that.

If you want students to have a little bit more autonomy,

you can direct them to a specific

content type, but then have them choose

their own

entry within that kind of spectrum.

And again, our content buckets scroll

back up here.

also includes separate spots

for images and videos which are

really great if you want students to,

you know, interpret an image on their own.

Maybe it's a political cartoon, maybe

it's a, a

scientific diagram or something

like that. They'll find those in the images

section here as well.

And if you were looking at maybe a social studies

topic, maybe a history topic. And

you wanted students to take a look at a primary

source, primary sources have their

own content buckets as well. We don't have any

currently attached to artificial intelligence,

which is make a little sense. You

know, artificial intelligence is a newer topic.

But if you were to look at something more historical

or something that just has a longer history in general,

primary sources may pop up here

as a content bucket

as well. So you can have your students click in and

find a primary source to kind of click

through with a scavenger hunt as well.

And our template has room for

five questions.

Of course, you're going to dictate how

many questions there need to be. if

you want there to be, you know, 10 steps, if you want this

to be kind of a longer scavenger hunt that's really

comprehensive and covering a lot of information.

You can certainly do that. but we default

to the five. So it's generally

going to be a little bit shorter. You'll see if I add multiple

questions to each of these sections.

you can bulk it up that way as well,

but we start with five and kind of go from there.

So if you are using

the template, that's where we're going to start off.

Now, are there any questions about scavenger

hunt development about, topic

pages, how they work things like

that? Ok.

I don't see any. So I, we have about 10 minutes.

Oh, we have a you use topic

finder with this? Amy? You certainly

can. topic finder is

not going to necessarily

pull students to a topic page


so if you are using topic finder,

I would just warn you that it

may require a little more research skills for students

to find the content they need

as opposed to starting right on topic page landing point.

But, um, yes, if you're having your students

use topic finder more frequently than you

are them clicking into topic pages and

things like that.

you can certainly do it that way. Yeah. You

know, instruct your students to run a

topic finder search on a specific topic,

and maybe have them navigate through the different

tiles to a specific spot.

We have another question here, how you created

this. So

the question is, have we created any scavenger

hunts where the students are?

The students need to find a resource instead of

directing them there.

Um, on our support side

are premade scavenger hunts. We don't have

a lot that are kind of student led.

Like you're, um, suggesting,

a lot of ours just since they're

pretty broad and we're kind of

handing them out nationally are a lot more,

kind of teacher directed as opposed to

student directed. But,

um, that's definitely something you can do if you want this

to be kind of student led and maybe you

want them to develop their own scavenger hunt or

something like that.

We don't have one premade, but that's definitely

something you can do even if you want to start out with

our template and just kind of edit it for your students.

Ok. So I'm going to close out of my template


bring this up full screen and

bump this back up. There we go because I

do want to show you where you can find

our premade scavenger hunts. So if

you don't really want to make your own just yet, you want to see

what we have available. They're all listening on our support

site, which is just


And once you are clicked into the support

site here, you have the option to

enter your location ID right here on

this, at the right side of the page,

it's not required. But if you know your location

ID and you put it in, we're actually going to

filter out the content you see to just include

the products that you have available. So

right now, if you only have two or three in context,

resources, you probably don't want to see scavenger

hunts for the rest of them. A way

to avoid that is to enter in your location ID

here, you can use the find your location if

you don't know it.

but again, it's not required if you just want to see

every scavenger hunt we have available. You

can certainly do that. how you're gonna do that

is go up to the training center and the toolbar

of top here

and you can find it two different ways. You can browse

by the type or you can browse by

product. So if you know, you're going to be using,

let's say gal and context environmental studies,

and you just want to find information just

for that, go on by product if you're

not so sure, and you want to see everything we

have go on by type. So

I'm going to go on by type.

And all of our scavenger hunts are listed

under activities here. So it's the first

one on top

and I warn you, we have a lot of activities

built out within our support site

as you can see here and not all of them are scavenger

hunts. We have quite a few different activity types we've

built out. But if you're looking for a scavenger

hunt, what I suggest is under this

search, just search scavenger

or, you know, start typing scavenger and

it's just going to show you just the scavenger hunt

here. What's really nice is

when you click through this here, you'll see what the topic

is. So we say this one's about advertising

and you're also going to see the resource that we use.

So for this one, we're using Gale and context opposing


Now if you're looking through this and you really want

to use an advertising scavenger hunt, but you

don't have access to scale and context opposing viewpoints.

Click into this. Anyways, take a look

at what we did. You may be able to use a

different resource. You'll have to edit the questions,

of course, to, um,

to relate to content found within that different resource.

But it still may be a good starting point for you even

if you don't have access to the resources utilizing.

So if you see the topic, I suggest

clicking in and you can edit for

whatever resource you do have access to.

But you see we have quite a few here scrolling

down. This is also where you're going to find

our scavenger hunt template. Again,

links in the chat if you just want to have the link,

but you will find it listed here

on the activities section

as well.

You see we try to make at least

one for all of our resource, excuse

me for all of our resources. So

gel and context middle school, we have

some for gal in context, elementary high school,

the histories, the sciences.

We're trying to include scavenger

hunts for all of our resources here.

And if you do find one, you like, you just click into

it, you'll

see it listed here. So it's premade

for you

and you can download it or you can print it, have

it ready to go

and each of our scavenger hunts do

include answer sheets. So you won't need to build out

your own answer sheet. We already include those for

you. so just make sure when you're handing

these out, you don't accidentally,

hand out the answer sheets to your students.

That's the one thing to watch out for. I can say, as

a former teacher, I have been guilty of almost doing that

a few different times. So,

each of these do come with answer sheets at the very end.

So make sure you keep those answer sheets to yourself

and just hand the activity out to your students.

But again, to find this, we just go

under training center.

I decided to browse by type and I clicked

into activities to see the scavenger hunts

if I decided to go by product here,

let's find it in context

I didn't sign in. So you see, I have a lot going on.

So let's say I decided to go into Gale In Context: Middle School.

I chose school materials here. If

you were to sign in with your location ID, you won't

need to change this. It's going to recognize you

and change it for you.

Um, but I changed it here just because I'm not signed in

and all of our activities are going to be found towards

the bottom here in this fine lessons and

activities section.

Again, you'll find activities other than scavenger

hunts, you see we have for this an escape room, a tic

tac toe activity. but this is

where you'll find the scavenger hunts just for

Gill and context middle school.

Ok. We've got about three minutes. Let me jump back

just to give you some wrap up contact information.

If anyone thought of any questions while I was talking,

please go ahead and pop those into the Q and A now

and I'll be able to answer them for you

while you do that. Let me give you some contact

and wrap up info. If you think of any

questions once we get off the line today or just have

a question about just the webinar in general,

you can feel free to send me an email again. My

name is Amber Winters. My email is just

[email protected].

If you want to talk a little bit more about

how you can use this in your learning community, maybe you

have a specific topic in mind and you want to talk

to someone about uh the best resource

to use or just, you know, best practices.

Uh You can reach out to your customer success manager.

If you don't know who that is yet, send an email

to [email protected]

we'll forward you to the correct individual.

Uh If you want to talk to your sales consultant

about in context resource, you don't have access

to, you can feel free to either email

them directly or go to


and we'll forward you to the correct individual.

And then finally, I've included again here,

the support site for all of you. So if

you do need any on-demand support material,

I will mention all of this material is free

and ready to go for you. You don't need to worry about purchasing.

This isn't, you know, uh you're not paying

for this, it's all free and ready to go. Again,

our support site is

You'll also find our recorded webinars there.

Marketing materials, information

about kind of the technical side of things.

A lot of good stuff on our support site.

Ok? No, I haven't seen any questions come up.

So I'm going to go ahead and end our session again,

if you do have questions, reach out to any,

any method you see on the screen

here and we can all help you out. But thank you for

joining in our session today and hopefully we will

see you in future once everyone enjoy

the rest of your day.
© 2024 Gale, part of Cengage Group