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Support NGSS: Analyze Human Impact on the Environment with Gale In Context: Environmental Studies

Gale In Context: Environmental Studies provides secondary-leveled content focused on current events, technological advancement, and various scientific disciplines and topics surrounding environmental studies. Through detailed reference materials, multimedia content, statistics, news reports, and more, instructors can design lessons and activities to support NGSS Disciplinary Core Idea HS-ESS3: Earth and Human Activity.

View this session to understand the topics, content, and tools available to support educators and students in their exploration of humans and the environment.

Duration: 30 Minutes
Hello, thank you for joining our session.

Support NGSS, analyze

human impact on the environment with Gale

in Context environmental studies. My

name is Amber Winters and I am a senior training

consultant here with Gale

and I've got a brief agenda for us today.

So first we're going to talk about some of the supporting

content you're going to find within Galen

context environmental studies that's going to support

learning about human impact on the environment.

And we're going to walk through the resource and really dive

into how your students and your teachers can

find this content, the different tools

we have available and just how this is going to

really integrate into the classroom.

And then at the very end of the session, we'll have time

for questions and have up some

wrap up information as well. If

you do have questions as we move along today, feel

free to put those into the Q and A box

and I will be able to answer them kind of as we move

along. So

first, I want to point out when I'm talking about supporting

next gen standard, the one

I'm talking about today is going to be the core

idea HSE S S3,

which is Earth and human activity.

And this is specifically for the high school

level students gal and context.

Environmental studies is general speaking

developed for high school and above

level students. If you are

already having your middle school students use it with

success. Of course, you can continue doing

that. But for our session today, since this

resource is generally designed for

high school level students and up we're

going to be focusing on that type of content.

No, I won't get too much into GA and context

environmental studies just on the basic level.

Since this is a more advanced session, if you

need kind of the base information

about GA and context environmental studies,

I suggest taking a look at our gal

and context environmental studies introductory

webinar and that will give you kind of the basics

of the resource. But today we're going to jump right

into some more advanced information.

So first I want to talk about our subjects

brows and this is a screenshot taking a taken

actually right from the home page of Galen

context environmental studies. And

this has broken down some different key issues into

different categories that your

teachers and your students are going, going to be able

to browse through.

And I've pulled forward and highlighted a couple here

that are going to be really helpful when we're talking about


humans impact on the environment So

things like energy, land and water

use, pollution, legislation,

and organizations, populations

and states and provinces. Those are

all sections that you may want to point out to your

teachers or if you are an educator on the line,

that you may want to point out to students as

excellent places to start when we're talking

about how humans are interacting

with the world around them.

And each of these different issues that you'll see listed

here are actually built into topic pages

which are going to be really helpful, helpful

for just general learning and general studying

purposes. So at the very top

of all of our topic pages, students

are going to find a brief overview of whatever

the topic is. So it's a great way to introduce them

to whatever they're going to be learning about,

you'll see here. The screenshot is climate

change and small islands. So they have this

nice overview

underneath that. They have an on this page

section which is going to show them the different

content types we have available with results

related to this topic here.

And then down below that

they have those actual content buckets listed

below. So your students will be able to access

that content directly from this page without

even having to run a search. So

if they really prefer that kind of point

and click browse functionality, these topic

pages are going to be a great way for them to easily

find organized content ready to go for

them. So specifically

when we're talking about humans impact

on the environment, we have a couple

different topic page,

we'll call them categories that are going to be really beneficial

for students. So the first one is going to be topic

pages about background science. So

as you're starting off a unit with your students,

you have to make sure of course they understand the

science of whatever you're going to be learning about. Before

we even talk about human impact. They need to know

the basic science context.

They're going to find topic pages related to

those basic topics here on the platform

to get them started.

Some popular topics that they may see that you

may want to highlight for them climate variability,

drought weather, food

chains and wild economics, economic

ecosystem structures and

things like that. So these are again, really the

basic topic pages that are going to help

kind of propel your students forward with their learning.

And once they do understand that background science,

they've got their footing kind of on that side of things,

then they can start to take a look at some of the different

human technologies that we've started creating.

Again, this is kind of the next step. So now

they know the basic science. Now they need to know what we're

doing to interact with that science. So

they can take a look at some different human made technologies

some popular topics in this field are things

like industrial agriculture, renewable

energy, electronic vehicles

are starting to become more and more popular. And we're seeing

more and more content added relating to that

topic, plastics, oil drilling,

really all of the different technologies that you could

think that are going to impact the environment. We've

tried to include in our resource here

and taking another step further from this. Once

we know what humans are doing,

we can start to kind of take a look at some different current

and historical events that have already happened related

to the environment. So

we know about oil drilling. Now we

may want to know about oil spills.

So again, we're taking another step forward.

Now, we know

what the environment is, we know what humans are doing.

What are some different things that are kind of

results of the technologies that we've created

here. So again, a huge

list of popular topics. some

students may already be familiar with like

the three Mile Island nuclear incident. The

BP oil spill is a very common,

common subject that's studied,

but they also find things like the Great smog of

London that they'll be able to take a look at.

And I do want to point out here, you notice a lot of

these different topics aren't um

focused it within the United States,

this is a global resource. So of course,

they'll find quite a bit of content.

related to the US and incidents

and you know, topics that are going on in the US

right now. But we also include a huge

collection of global issues

and global bits of content. So

students are going to get kind of a holistic view

of what's going on with the environment, not just how

the United States is interacting with it, which I think

is really beneficial because students

can kind of start to compare and contrast how the US

is working versus how other countries are working

to mitigate

the impact of humans on the environment.

Now. Moving forward from there, we

can also take a look at some different environmental policy

and legislation topic pages. So

again, another more detailed step that we're

taking, we're going to be able to see

again globally how governments

are working to mitigate

human impact on the environment.

Some great topics, Green New Deal

has a really nicely built out topic page.

It's going to help students understand that

the United Nations Climate Change Conference

students can learn about that. The Paris Climate

Agreement, we even have topic pages

related to different government

entities like the EPA or the World Health


So that would really be able to drill down to

all aspects of human environmentalism

to really get an understanding of what's being done.

And if it's helping and if

it's not helping how we might be able to change it, manipulate

it to make it. So it does benefit the world.

And finally one last topic page type

that I want to point out are going to be our topic

pages related to states and provinces.

So we do have all 50 states

have their own prede developped topic page.

You'll see, I've just pulled out California here.

same as the other topic pages, a brief

overview about the state or the Canadian

province. We do include Canadian provinces

as well. Some quick facts listed

here and then all of our content

is listed down underneath here. That's going to be related

to California. So they'll find

news reports and reference articles specific

to what's going on in California.

If they are really trying to fine tune

what they're learning about that's happening directly around

them. Now,

moving forward from topic pages, of

course, we wouldn't have topic pages without our great

content types. So the first

is kind of what you would expect from an in

context resource. It's going to be reference

and news reports. So of course, these are

designed to support the basic understanding

of different ideas, different

events, things like that.

Um And kind of show how that's

being integrated within society. So bringing

the classroom to the real world is

kind of the point of those reference and news articles

moving forward from that, we also have

a huge collection of statistics

and infographics and those infographics

are actually


interactive, sorry, I completely lost my train of thought,

they're interactive. So students will be able to kind

of click and hover over different

parts of graphs and charts to understand

what they're actually telling them. This is

a great feature, especially if you are kind

of working on SAT prep and you want to get

students engaged with graphs and

charts and understanding how to read them. They'll find

a lot of that content right here on our platform,

we have a huge collection of multimedia materials

as well. So your students will find things like images

and videos, audio files, like podcasts

even. And these are great for struggling readers,

but also great for teachers who are maybe looking for

a quick bell ringer activity. You know, we could pull

up a picture and have students analyze

that picture, tell the teacher how they feel

about the picture, what they can kind of gain from it.

It's a great way to add some

some variety into lessons

is to have this great multimedia content

and finally, a little bit more advanced content,

we do include case studies conferences

and academic journals within this resource.

So if you're teaching maybe an A P environmental

studies course or just a higher level

course, this material is going

to be really helpful for your students

and what I love with having the academic journals

and this resources if they start to kind

of take a look at those and they're a little bit overwhelmed

by that level of content. They

can just back out back to the topic page

and take a look maybe at a reference work instead.

So they have that kind of safety net of

lower level content. So they

can kind of dip their toes into that academic

level materials without feeling completely overwhelmed

and like they need to shut down and turn off the resource.

Now, I wanna jump right into the resource here so you

guys can see how the your students

are going to be able to find this content, the tools

they can use to really kind of engage

their learning. Before I move

over though, do we have any questions? I haven't

seen them come into the Q and A, but I do want to make

sure I answer anything that comes up.

Ok. Well, I don't see anything. So

let's go ahead and keep rolling then.

So this is our home page here of Gale in

context environmental studies. If you haven't been

on it recently, I'll just point out

scrolling down here. We pull forward a few different

issues of interest. Generally

these change monthly. for

anyone watching this recording, this is actually

recorded in December. So you'll see, we've pulled

forward some topics that are

pretty relevant for the month of December, things

like packaging,

fast fashion

and food security. So of course, we're around the

holidays and we're ordering a lot of things online.

So packaging is a huge thing that you may want to teach

your students about, you know, you're ordering these

things and you get £20 of packaging for your

£5 of whatever you bought.

it's an interesting topic. So we've chosen

to pull it forward at the top here and again, those generally

change monthly. If there is some sort

of ongoing

event happening that we think needs

attention for more than just one month, then it may

stick here in the carousel for a little bit. But

generally they generally, these are going to be changed


Now, let me scroll down here. So as you remember,

I took a screenshot of this section

to show you the different browse issue

sections here. So students

can click directly into any of these topic pages

or they can click to view all of the,

the different topic pages that fall under these categories.

So let's just click into

we'll do pollution.

And when I click into pollution here, if I start to scroll

down, these are all of the topic

pages that we've

kind of tagged to the pollution category.

And I do want to mention if students are kind

of browsing through this and they don't find exactly what they're

looking for. You know, sometimes students have

a really, really specific topic

that maybe isn't studied as frequently.

They may not see a premade topic page

for that topic. So all they need to do

is run a search instead and they'll still pull content.

It's just that we don't have one of these curated


If they don't find what they're looking for here, but they do

still want to kind of point and click, they can

also choose to change their topics here.

So remember initially, we clicked into pollution.

I could change to earth systems here.

I could also change to view all

I will just warn, you'll see when I scroll down here.

Viewing all gives a pretty hefty

list of content. So I would just

warn students, um, if they are planning on viewing

all, then they should probably be ready to weed

through a little bit because we do have a lot

of content listed here.

And students can also find topic pages by

searching. So if they decided to run

their search first and their search topic

does have a topic page, they can actually click

right into that. So they still get that kind of organized

page. So I'm gonna search for

solar energy today.

You'll see when I start typing in here. I have a few

different bolded options that appear

here under my predictive text. Anything

that's bold is going to be a topic page

so students can click directly into those bolded

options and be pulled to those pages

down underneath there. Those are just predict predictive

texts that are going to run basic searches

for your students. But let's click into

solar energy here. Today.

There we go.

So again, on our topic pages at the very top,

they're going to have an overview of whatever the topic

is. Of course, with solar energy, this is really

kind of the background

topic page, given the background about

what solar energy is. Of course, it's going to start


some of the different technologies humans have

made as well. So it's going to give your students

a few different steps in learning about human

impact on the environment,

scrolling down, you're going to see all of the

different bits of content we have related to this

page. So something I didn't mention

previously is we do also include biographies.

So if we have individuals that are

really um you know, important to a specific

topic or really relevant to whatever

topic they're looking at a lot of times they'll

see different biographies for individuals as well,

so they can learn about individuals in the field

scrolling down under this. Now, you'll see, I have all

of my results listed in these nice different content

packets. So students will be able to find

things nice and easily and simply.

And I also want to point out here you'll see under

our academic journals and also under

a lot of our case studies,

we have a peer reviewed flag. So if you are

working with students who have that higher level

lesson in mind and

they need to have peer-reviewed content. We

do have a flag already created for them.

So they'll just have to look for those as they start running

through their searches. But of course, they're going

to find those mostly in the academic

journals section and in the case studies


I'm gonna scroll down just a little bit more here

because I do wanna show you our infographics and

sta statistics sections.

These are really great again for students

who may be just trying to get some information on their

own. But also for teachers who are maybe

trying to pull stats to incorporate into their

lessons instead of kind of running through

a you know, a Google search and finding a billion

different things that may not actually be super relevant

or super current.

They can take a look here at

excuse me, our different infographics

and statistics that might give them some information.

So let's take a look at one of our infographics

which are going to be those

excuse me, which are going to be those

interactive pieces here.

So once I scroll down now and this one is talking

about solar PV, cost and capacity

in the United States.

So when I start to scroll down here, you'll see it's

giving me these great stats and I can hover

over these and it's going to tell me

what these bars or what these points

on this line actually mean,

which is going to be really great for students

who are struggling with reading charts

and with comprehending charts, we're really trying to guide

them to understand what this all means. You'll

see, I can also hover over these

little bits down here. So it'll kind of blur

out the other part of the graph. So they'll only

see maybe the price here

or the installed capacity here.

And a lot of times we'll have more than one

interactive section within an entry. You'll see this

one has two.

So the second one is cumulative

solar installation. So you will see

the solar installations

kind of moving forward from 2010 to


And again, I can hover over any of these. This

one is just telling me the actual number.

So I'll be able to hover over this and see in 2018,

it was 12,845


Another great feature is students

can kind of compare each of these graphs. They may need

to make this a little smaller to see both on the page,

but they may notice that as the cost

is going down,

the installations is going up. So

they can start to kind of maybe research that is that

actually something that

could be a a causative relationship or

is that maybe just a correlation is maybe

something else kind of

increasing the speed of solar

installations. It's a great way to get them

started thinking critically about what's going

on in the world and about how different

factors are interacting with each other.

So I'm gonna hit the back button to go back here to

our topic page.

And now I want to show you some of the different

tools we have available. Let's scroll

back up here on a document. So

once your students or your educators find

a document, they think is really beneficial. There's a lot they

can do with it.

So I'm just going to open up the over overview

today and use that document

so quickly, I'll point out you'll see on this right

hand side, we have an explore panel that's

going to help your students move their learning forward.

It's going to give articles that are similar to this

one and it's also going to show

the article content. So if this is a long

article may be broken into

you know, four or five sections, they'll find each

of these sections here and they can click to

one specifically. So they don't have to read all

the way through a long article.

And at the very bottom of all of our articles, we

do include our source citations.

So if your students are using this for a project, then they

need to cite their sources. We have them premade

for them here. You'll see, we have a few different

options. We have Mlaap, a Chicago or


If they want to, they can export the citation

to one of these tools, they can send it over to

their drives or if they're using noodle tools

they can use that.

And they also have the option to find the citation

in our toolbar at the top of the page here as well.

So you'll see, we have a little side button.

This is providing them with the same citation.

We've just included it in two separate places.

So hopefully they'll see one

or the other. Of course, a lot of times students aren't

going to scroll all the way down to the bottom

of an article, they're probably going to read through,

find what they need and then stop.

So in that case, we have the citation

button readily available for them. So they won't

need to scroll all the way down

and again, the functions the same, I can select

copy and paste it or I can send it to one of

these great tools.

They can also choose to save this document.

They won't be able to save it on the platform,

but they can send it out somewhere to kind of

save it for themselves and they can do that using the

send to button up top here. So

when they click into this, you'll see they can send over to

their Google drive their Onedrive or their

email. So if this is something they may need,

you know, to work in a group for

a project on and they wanna share it out with their group,

they could save it over to their drive

and they could share it with their group that way

or they can email it to their group members as

well. A great way to

save this content. They also have the

option to download or print this document

if they would prefer to have it saved that way.

And these tools are also found down here

and these little buttons. So students, again,

there's a little bit of redundancy with where we've put

our tools. So hopefully, students will see

if they don't see the send to button, hopefully they'll

see their drive buttons and they'll be able to choose which

one they want to use.

And this resource is integrated with Google

Classroom as well. So many educators on the line

who are using Google Classroom, if

you find a piece of content, not just an article,

but if you find like a video or a podcast that

you think it's going to be really helpful for students,

you can actually use our Google I

Google classroom icon

up top here

and you can do just what you would normally do

within Google classrooms. So you can create an assignment,

ask a question.

And when you do that, it's going to link here whatever

page you're on. So this is a great way to assign

content directly from this resource.

You don't even have to get off the page, you'll have it here

ready for them. So you'll fill it all out with, assign

close out and you can continue on with whatever you're

doing. So if you're maybe planning for more lessons,

you can just move right on forward and that's ready

and live for your students.

Another way we can share content is to

use this get link feature up top here

and this provides a persistent URL to whatever

page you're on. So if you are

an educator, maybe you're building a lesson about solar energy

and you want students to read this kind of introductory

article before they start kind of diving

in on their own,

you can copy and paste this link to

the syllabus

or in a discussion board post or

an announcement and this link is never going

to break. So you don't need to worry about, you know, checking

it yearly.

This thing is going to be ready to go for them.

Now, we also have a few different ways we can manipulate

the text here. So if students are interested

in this, but maybe they're struggling

readers a little bit and they're having trouble reading through

this content, we've got some great tools that are going to

help them out and they're all found here on

this left hand side.

So the first is going to be our translate button, you'll

see students will be able to translate this article into

whatever language they need

and they can also set an interface language

which is going to change the language of all of the different

buttons and tools that you see here.

So to change those to whatever language they choose,

choose Spanish here. There we go.

You'll see all of these buttons now and all of these

tools have changed and they do need

to translate the article separately

from the interface. I recommend if

they are planning on using both of those translations,

right? When they click on the session, if they come

up to this gray bar, you'll see they have the option

to choose a translation here that's

going to change their interface. Then

as they start to click through, they'll be able to

go directly here to this translate and

translate their article as they move along

right next to that translate button. We do have options

to increase or decrease the font size.

And next to that, we've got some great display options

here as well. So I could change the background

colors on my screen.

I can change the font here. We do have a dyslexia

font available. So if you have students

who prefer to read with that font,

they can click into that directly here

and then they can also change the line letter and word


So again, really trying to make this a lot more accessible

for students who may be struggling readers or who just,

you know, have a hard time looking at a computer screen

for a long time. I think we all have that problem

sometimes. So this is really going

to help them customize how they see the content.

I'm just going to change it back to my defaults today

though. So

right next to those display options, I also have

my listen button.

I'm just gonna open it up here. And

my listen is going to read the full text to me and it

does read in whatever language this article

is translated to. So if your students

prefer to have this article in Spanish, but

also want it read to them,

they'll just translate first and then hit play and

it's going to read to them in Spanish.

They do have the option to download this. So if

they want to maybe save

this for later, they can certainly do that. You'll

see, I've got this little settings gear here

that's going to give a few different options for

when it's reading through, it can read through faster

or slower, it can scroll

as it's reading. And you'll see, we've got a few different colors

listed here for highlighting as it's reading through.

Now. One final tool I wanna go over before

we end off, our session is going to be our highlights

and notes tool. This is gonna be really

handy for any students who

are you know, building research for a project

or who are just trying to point out key points also

great for teachers if they're trying to pull out key

points for students, they can do that as well

just to click and drag

and then we will choose the highlight color, they can add

a note

and then they just save it

and they'll be able to go through and kind of hover

over anything. They want to a great way

to use. This feature is if students are preparing


write their own claim, evidence, reasoning

articles or papers

projects a great way to do

that is to have teachers find an article

that's um

that's making a claim and then have

students choose three different highlight colors

and have them highlight the claim of the

article, the evidence of the article and the

reasoning of the article

and then send it over to teachers, they can use

the send to and send it over through Google or Onedrive

or they can email it

and teachers will be able to see if students

really understand what a claim versus piece

of evidence versus a reasoning is.

So as students start to write their own claim, evidence

reasonings, they've got that basic

understanding of it.

So a nice way to just integrate that

highlights notes. But of course, these highlights

zones are just great for students to use on their own as well.

So they don't forget where they are. They'll be able to really

simply highlight and find the content that they need.

Now, those are the topics I have for you today

and those are the tools we're going to take a look at.

I'm going to jump back over to my slide booth.

I do have some wrap up information. But does

anyone have any questions about the content?

We went over how we can

best support learning about the human

humans impact on the environment?

OK? I don't see any. So let me

give you just some quick wrap up information

in case you need to reach out to us, looking for more

information. So you all have access to

a customer success manager who's really

here to help you best implement

these resources in your learning community. You've got

some great best practices

and great support materials that can help you out. If you

don't know who your customer success manager is,

feel free to send an email to [email protected]


we'll forward you to the correct individual. You can

set up a time with them. Kind of go over

how exactly you can get this to your learning

community specifically.

If right now, you don't have access to gale in context

environmental studies, but you like what you

see and you want to learn a little bit more about it. Reach

out to your sales consultant. If you don't know who that

is, just go to,

you'll put in your information and you'll see who you

should reach out to

and we do have some great premade materials

available for you related to gale in context

environmental studies. We have things like lesson

plans and scavenger hunts, tip sheets,

flyers, Welcome letters

all of that pre created for you to make sure you can give this

information to your learning community and use the resource

successfully. So if you need any sort

of material like that, just go ahead and go to,

you'll be able to pull all of that content

and I do have a link for a session survey

here. So if you have the time, I would really appreciate

you take that. It is just


or you can scan the QR

code here and it will launch that for you on your phone

as well. Now

again, I haven't seen any questions come

in, so I'm going to go ahead and end the session today.

I do appreciate everyone for being on the line.

If you think of questions. Once we're

off the session today, feel free to respond to my

follow up email and I'll be able to answer those for

you. Ok? So please enjoy your day and

hopefully we'll see you in future sessions. Bye

bye now.
© 2024 Gale, part of Cengage Group