Duration: 15 Minutes
Welcome. Thank you for joining
today. So our session is another 15
minutes to mastery session
and we're focused on finding hidden gems
within Gale Business Plan Builder.
My name is Amber Winters. I'm a senior training consultant
here with Gale and I'll be walking you through our session
today. So anyone who's just
brand new to Gale Business Plan Builder, I
just have one very quick slide because we're not
really digging into the resource itself
today, but just want to remind everyone
this is an interactive resource that
is going to give a step by step guide for
your users looking to build a business plan.
So this could be entrepreneurs, this could be current
business owners. This could even be students who
have a business plan project
that they need to do. Your users will be
able to enter their content into each of our sections
on this left hand side here and then we'll
spit out a full business plan for them that they'll be
able to download or print
or whatever they want to do with it.
Now, let's talk about the gem. So that's what we're going to
go through with the basics. But let's go ahead and get started
with the five hidden gems that we're going
to look at today. What we're going to
do is I'll give you just a brief description of the gem.
Then we're actually going to click into plan builder
so you can see them in action and then we'll
bounce back to our slides to take a look at,
take a look at the next one. So again, we're going
through five hidden gems today and the first one
is going to be our integrated resources
Now, this is available if you have access to
a few other gale resources in your collection.
So if you have Gale Business: Entrepreneurship,
Gale LegalForms or Gale Business:
DemographicsNow, plan builder
actually has them integrated onto the platform.
So as your patrons are going through
and you're filling out the different sections, if they get
maybe a little bit confused about something we're asking
them or they see a vocabulary
word that they just have absolutely no idea what it means. They
need some additional support, they can click
into our integrated resources and be drawn
to that resource. So if it's g business
entrepreneurship, maybe they want to
read an article about
their industry. If it's gill business demographics.
Now, maybe they need to pull some population
information about their city where their business
is in. If it's Gill legal forms, maybe
they just need a document for an agreement for
a third party vendor, they're going to be working with
that's actually integrated on our platform.
So they'll be able to click right in and they get
right back to plan builder to do whatever they were doing.
So let's take a quick look at how that functions.
What's nice is, it's right on the home page rights.
The first thing you see in the banner. So I've already
signed into my account here.
So they have to sign in before they see any of this good
stuff, but
I'm already signed in here. My integrated resources
are just right up top here. You'll see. I get a nice little drop
down and your users
are only going to see the resources you
have access to. So if right now, maybe you only
have in addition to Gale Business Plan
Builder, you have Gale LegalForms when
they hit that drop down, that's all they're going to
see is Gill legal forms. I have all
So they see each option but
when I click into one of these here,
as I mentioned, it opens into a new tab for me
and this is just the native gale business entrepreneurship
platform. I'll be able to do whatever I want
in here, find articles about whatever I'm trying to learn
about and then I can just click out of this
and boom right back here
on my platform. And what's nice is this will follow
you along. So if I decided to click into
my first section here, my entrepreneurial profile,
I still have my integrated resources. So again,
as they're clicking through, entering their information,
if they get stuck on something, they don't quite know
how to answer a question we have included in here.
or they just need some additional information.
They'll always have integrated resources
here at the very top of the screen, which is a really
nice thing to have up there.
And again, I believe I forgot to mention at the very beginning
of this, if there are questions, please
put them into the Q and A and I'll answer them at the end
of the session. I wanna make sure we get through everything
so we won't be stopping for questions until the end.
So our next hidden gem that we're going to take a look at
is going to be our translation option
and we do translate the platform into 15
different languages available at any time.
They can translate
at any step of their business plan, building
journey and all of the buttons, the
content and all of our workflow will be translated
into their selected language.
So let's jump back again. So we can see how that functions here.
So just like our integrated resources,
our translation is found up top here in our blue
toolbar. You'll see it shows English
initially, I can click into this drop
down to find my language. Let's do Spanish
is going to confirm that I do want to change.
There we go.
And you'll see now everything is translated over to Spanish.
I will say I entered all of my information
in English. So everything I entered,
if I click into my profile here
is still going to be in English. It's not going
to translate the stuff that I entered. But what
it's going to translate is everything
that's already on the platform. So all of the questions
we're going to ask them, you'll see all
of my options on this left hand side here
are now translated to Spanish
as well as my tools to download
or print or email my information. They'll all be
in Spanish here and this does follow them
along throughout the session. So they won't need
to keep changing it.
Um If they ever need to change it back, we just
go back up top here where it says Spanish now
and we'll click back to English.
There we go.
And we're back here in English
really simple feature. So if you have
patrons who need a language other than
other than English, I suggest
showing them this tool right away so
they can change before they even get started. They'll
know where to navigate to and they'll know what questions
are being asked of them.
So now our third hidden gem
is going to be our learning library
and this is very similar to our integrated resources
option. But this provides
individual supplemental articles and
videos related to different topics that
your users may be interested in.
So, as opposed to clicking all the way into another resource
and kind of having to search through the resource, they may
want to take a look at our learning library. Instead you'll
see it does have a search option here or just a
and they'll just be taken to individual articles
where again they'll look at them they'll read through
or they'll watch the video, whatever it is
and be able to come right back to the platform here.
And what's nice is this learning library is
found on the home page and it's
also integrated into each of the individual
sections depending on the materials needed.
So let's jump back
again, just starting here on my home page.
So learning library is also
in our toolbar up top here. Honestly, this
toolbar itself is a hidden gem. I probably
could have just made them all one. But this
is a, this is a really nice feature that sometimes gets
a little bit overlooked because of course, when you're on the home
page, what you're going to see immediately is
you need to enter the information about your business,
you need to enter the information over here.
But this shouldn't be overlooked.
This is really helpful. So our learning library is the
second option of tap here.
And again, you'll see we have a search or
I can just scroll down and this is everything
in our learning library. So you'll see it's quite a bit.
So searching will definitely come in handy for your
users, but they can click in here.
This one is a glossary. So again, if
they see a, you know a question with a vocab
word, they have no idea what it is totally
fine. They can take a look, use our glossary
right here again, it opened in a new tab.
So I can just close this out when I'm done
and then back to whatever page I was on.
Now, as I mentioned, those learning library resources
are not only found here, but they're also
integrated throughout our different business plan
building sections here. So you see anywhere
where it says resources. So entrepreneur
profile, resources,
business, business ideation, resources,
break even analysis, resources, business
mind resources
and financial projection resources. These
are all going to launch me to something that
looks very, very similar to that learning library
on the home page.
But now you'll see there's a lot less available here
because we've narrowed it down to just
what's related to them building their, their entrepreneur
profile, which is kind of them um
figuring out who they are as an entrepreneur,
their skills, their weaknesses,
what they're trying to do. So
they'll be able to pull that up here and same deal click
into it, pull it up to a new section or
a new tab. I'm sorry.
And they'll be able to read through.
Now. Let's look at our next option here
and this is our second to last hidden gem
that we have for the day.
It's going to be our pitch decks. So we
actually have two full sample pitch
decks available for your users. So
if they are planning on pitching to an investor
or maybe a potential partner and
they're not maybe the best at building presentations.
It's a, it's a hard skill to learn.
We have some premade samples
for them where they get the direction we tell them what
they need to include
and they'll just be able to edit it themselves. It's a powerpoint,
they'll be able to change whatever they need to put in their
own personal information
and take it with them where they, wherever they want to
go. In addition to
that, your users can also upload
their own decks. So if they have a pitch deck
already established and they want
to kind of house it in the same place as their
business plan that they're building up right now,
they can do that on the platform as well.
So let's jump over here
and those are going to be found, let me collapse all of these
sections I opened up here. So we have
a nice clear view here. So our pitch
decks are found under the business plans
If I drop this back down. You'll see. Pitch Deck is
my second option.
And now we have our two examples here.
You see when I hit my little drop down again is
going to ask me if I want to download it.
Um I can download it in a PDF if I want
to. But if I want to edit this and kind of add my
own information, we're going to want to download it
as a powerpoint.
You see, we just give the introduction
and then they'll go through and enter in
their own information. And of course, they can change
you know, the formatting that we've included here. So
if they don't like how this looks, of course, they could change
it up. But we're just giving them the basics
with this here
underneath that, let me collapse this again.
This is where they can select a pitch deck to
add. So this is going to pull up
here, we go,
their files and they'll pick their file and
upload it here and it will always be saved
here under this pitch deck section.
So they can always click back. Um They
can upload a different pitch deck. If they made
a new one, whatever they wanna do, they'll
have all of that listed here under our pitch deck.
And now we have our last but
certainly not least hidden gem is
the add users feature
and this is found actually under settings.
So an individual settings after they build
their account
and this lets them add a user to
attach to their personal account. So this
is great for those who have mentors
or business partners who want
to get feedback or want to collaborate
on their business plan. This gives them
control to decide what
their users see and what their users can
So if they
if they only want, let's say a mentor
looking at two of the sections, they're building out maybe
their business ideation and their break even
analysis, they can make it. So they only
see those two sections.
They can also make it so that that individual
can edit those sections if they want to. So
it's a really a nice way to kind of control
how additional users see and manipulate
the business plan that your user is working on.
Mm Just gonna jump back
to home here and again, just like
quite a few of our other hidden
gems. This is found in our toolbar
of top here. It's actually found when
your users sign in, they'll see their name populate
up top here. It's going to be under this,
the click into account settings.
Now they'll switch over from my information
to users.
And you see, I do have a user already added here,
but I can add as many as I want. So if I have,
you know, two business partners and an investor
and a mentor and I want all of them to see what
I'm doing. I can add them all here,
but let's just hit new user.
So it defaults just to including my
current user name and password. So we're going
to want to change that up. Of course,
you can give them
whatever user name you want them to have.
but you have to have a user name, password,
a display name and you do have to include an email
here as well.
Once you do that underneath, you'll see the permissions
that we have here. Now, I'm not going to go
too much into detail about um
different company creations, but you'll see,
I actually have two companies attached
to this account. So right now it defaults
in having no access to anything. So
if your patrons mentor
here, business per business partner
signs in, they won't actually be able to see or do
anything. So down here,
they're going to have to figure out, ok,
in Neptune coffee, I want them to have full
access which lets them both
read and edit or I want them to
read it only. So if I just want them to see
not to do,
I can do that and I can do it. However I want to,
some may have no access. Some,
I want them to read some, I want them to
be able to edit as needed
and then go through and change all of them. I'll
hit save, I can't save it. Right. Now because I haven't
entered a user name.
But I'll hit save and then all I
have to do is let my business partner or my mentor
or my investor know they'll click
into business scale business plan builder
and then they'll put in that information in the sign in. Just
like if they had their own separate account,
it works the exact same, they'll use the
same sign in. But once they sign in now
they're going to see
you back here to this home page,
they're gonna see the information that your user
has already entered as opposed to seeing
a fully separate
the situation here.
So kind of a nice hidden feature that allows for more
collaboration, right on the platform.
Of course, they can always print or download
their business plan and collaborate that way.
Um But sometimes it's nice to be able to just click
into the platform itself and they can both, you
know, make edits, type out different things.
And they'll both be able to see it right away
Now, those are our five hidden gems for the day.
We're just at our time here. So let me give
you a little bit of wrap up before we leave
for the day. If you have any questions
about this training, feel free to put
them in the Q and A now or you can send
me an email once the session is complete.
Again, my name is Amber. Winters and
my email is [email protected].
If you want to go into a little bit more detail about
Gale Business plan builder, maybe how
you can use it specifically with your patrons,
You can reach out to your customer success manager.
If you don't know who that is, you can go to Gale.customer
or sorry, send an email to
[email protected]
and we'll forward you to the correct
If you don't have Gale business plan builder right now
or any of the integrated business resources
and you want to talk about it with someone, reach
out to your sales consultant. If you don't know who that is,
you can go to support.gale.com/repfinder
and we will direct you to the correct
And I do also want to point out our support site. So
if you need any additional information about
Gale business plan builder or really any Gale
resource, you can go to our support site,
which is just support.gale.com,
you'll find additional training materials, recorded,
webinars and tutorials as
well as marketing materials. So things like posters
and flyers and bookmarks and all that good stuff.
So if you need any additional support, I suggest
taking a look at that support site and
I appreciate everyone for being on the line
and hopefully we'll see you in future sessions. Enjoy
the rest of your day.
Welcome. Thank you for joining
today. So our session is another 15
minutes to mastery session
and we're focused on finding hidden gems
within Gale Business Plan Builder.
My name is Amber Winters. I'm a senior training consultant
here with Gale and I'll be walking you through our session
today. So anyone who's just
brand new to Gale Business Plan Builder, I
just have one very quick slide because we're not
really digging into the resource itself
today, but just want to remind everyone
this is an interactive resource that
is going to give a step by step guide for
your users looking to build a business plan.
So this could be entrepreneurs, this could be current
business owners. This could even be students who
have a business plan project
that they need to do. Your users will be
able to enter their content into each of our sections
on this left hand side here and then we'll
spit out a full business plan for them that they'll be
able to download or print
or whatever they want to do with it.
Now, let's talk about the gem. So that's what we're going to
go through with the basics. But let's go ahead and get started
with the five hidden gems that we're going
to look at today. What we're going to
do is I'll give you just a brief description of the gem.
Then we're actually going to click into plan builder
so you can see them in action and then we'll
bounce back to our slides to take a look at,
take a look at the next one. So again, we're going
through five hidden gems today and the first one
is going to be our integrated resources
Now, this is available if you have access to
a few other gale resources in your collection.
So if you have Gale Business: Entrepreneurship,
Gale LegalForms or Gale Business:
DemographicsNow, plan builder
actually has them integrated onto the platform.
So as your patrons are going through
and you're filling out the different sections, if they get
maybe a little bit confused about something we're asking
them or they see a vocabulary
word that they just have absolutely no idea what it means. They
need some additional support, they can click
into our integrated resources and be drawn
to that resource. So if it's g business
entrepreneurship, maybe they want to
read an article about
their industry. If it's gill business demographics.
Now, maybe they need to pull some population
information about their city where their business
is in. If it's Gill legal forms, maybe
they just need a document for an agreement for
a third party vendor, they're going to be working with
that's actually integrated on our platform.
So they'll be able to click right in and they get
right back to plan builder to do whatever they were doing.
So let's take a quick look at how that functions.
What's nice is, it's right on the home page rights.
The first thing you see in the banner. So I've already
signed into my account here.
So they have to sign in before they see any of this good
stuff, but
I'm already signed in here. My integrated resources
are just right up top here. You'll see. I get a nice little drop
down and your users
are only going to see the resources you
have access to. So if right now, maybe you only
have in addition to Gale Business Plan
Builder, you have Gale LegalForms when
they hit that drop down, that's all they're going to
see is Gill legal forms. I have all
So they see each option but
when I click into one of these here,
as I mentioned, it opens into a new tab for me
and this is just the native gale business entrepreneurship
platform. I'll be able to do whatever I want
in here, find articles about whatever I'm trying to learn
about and then I can just click out of this
and boom right back here
on my platform. And what's nice is this will follow
you along. So if I decided to click into
my first section here, my entrepreneurial profile,
I still have my integrated resources. So again,
as they're clicking through, entering their information,
if they get stuck on something, they don't quite know
how to answer a question we have included in here.
or they just need some additional information.
They'll always have integrated resources
here at the very top of the screen, which is a really
nice thing to have up there.
And again, I believe I forgot to mention at the very beginning
of this, if there are questions, please
put them into the Q and A and I'll answer them at the end
of the session. I wanna make sure we get through everything
so we won't be stopping for questions until the end.
So our next hidden gem that we're going to take a look at
is going to be our translation option
and we do translate the platform into 15
different languages available at any time.
They can translate
at any step of their business plan, building
journey and all of the buttons, the
content and all of our workflow will be translated
into their selected language.
So let's jump back again. So we can see how that functions here.
So just like our integrated resources,
our translation is found up top here in our blue
toolbar. You'll see it shows English
initially, I can click into this drop
down to find my language. Let's do Spanish
is going to confirm that I do want to change.
There we go.
And you'll see now everything is translated over to Spanish.
I will say I entered all of my information
in English. So everything I entered,
if I click into my profile here
is still going to be in English. It's not going
to translate the stuff that I entered. But what
it's going to translate is everything
that's already on the platform. So all of the questions
we're going to ask them, you'll see all
of my options on this left hand side here
are now translated to Spanish
as well as my tools to download
or print or email my information. They'll all be
in Spanish here and this does follow them
along throughout the session. So they won't need
to keep changing it.
Um If they ever need to change it back, we just
go back up top here where it says Spanish now
and we'll click back to English.
There we go.
And we're back here in English
really simple feature. So if you have
patrons who need a language other than
other than English, I suggest
showing them this tool right away so
they can change before they even get started. They'll
know where to navigate to and they'll know what questions
are being asked of them.
So now our third hidden gem
is going to be our learning library
and this is very similar to our integrated resources
option. But this provides
individual supplemental articles and
videos related to different topics that
your users may be interested in.
So, as opposed to clicking all the way into another resource
and kind of having to search through the resource, they may
want to take a look at our learning library. Instead you'll
see it does have a search option here or just a
and they'll just be taken to individual articles
where again they'll look at them they'll read through
or they'll watch the video, whatever it is
and be able to come right back to the platform here.
And what's nice is this learning library is
found on the home page and it's
also integrated into each of the individual
sections depending on the materials needed.
So let's jump back
again, just starting here on my home page.
So learning library is also
in our toolbar up top here. Honestly, this
toolbar itself is a hidden gem. I probably
could have just made them all one. But this
is a, this is a really nice feature that sometimes gets
a little bit overlooked because of course, when you're on the home
page, what you're going to see immediately is
you need to enter the information about your business,
you need to enter the information over here.
But this shouldn't be overlooked.
This is really helpful. So our learning library is the
second option of tap here.
And again, you'll see we have a search or
I can just scroll down and this is everything
in our learning library. So you'll see it's quite a bit.
So searching will definitely come in handy for your
users, but they can click in here.
This one is a glossary. So again, if
they see a, you know a question with a vocab
word, they have no idea what it is totally
fine. They can take a look, use our glossary
right here again, it opened in a new tab.
So I can just close this out when I'm done
and then back to whatever page I was on.
Now, as I mentioned, those learning library resources
are not only found here, but they're also
integrated throughout our different business plan
building sections here. So you see anywhere
where it says resources. So entrepreneur
profile, resources,
business, business ideation, resources,
break even analysis, resources, business
mind resources
and financial projection resources. These
are all going to launch me to something that
looks very, very similar to that learning library
on the home page.
But now you'll see there's a lot less available here
because we've narrowed it down to just
what's related to them building their, their entrepreneur
profile, which is kind of them um
figuring out who they are as an entrepreneur,
their skills, their weaknesses,
what they're trying to do. So
they'll be able to pull that up here and same deal click
into it, pull it up to a new section or
a new tab. I'm sorry.
And they'll be able to read through.
Now. Let's look at our next option here
and this is our second to last hidden gem
that we have for the day.
It's going to be our pitch decks. So we
actually have two full sample pitch
decks available for your users. So
if they are planning on pitching to an investor
or maybe a potential partner and
they're not maybe the best at building presentations.
It's a, it's a hard skill to learn.
We have some premade samples
for them where they get the direction we tell them what
they need to include
and they'll just be able to edit it themselves. It's a powerpoint,
they'll be able to change whatever they need to put in their
own personal information
and take it with them where they, wherever they want to
go. In addition to
that, your users can also upload
their own decks. So if they have a pitch deck
already established and they want
to kind of house it in the same place as their
business plan that they're building up right now,
they can do that on the platform as well.
So let's jump over here
and those are going to be found, let me collapse all of these
sections I opened up here. So we have
a nice clear view here. So our pitch
decks are found under the business plans
If I drop this back down. You'll see. Pitch Deck is
my second option.
And now we have our two examples here.
You see when I hit my little drop down again is
going to ask me if I want to download it.
Um I can download it in a PDF if I want
to. But if I want to edit this and kind of add my
own information, we're going to want to download it
as a powerpoint.
You see, we just give the introduction
and then they'll go through and enter in
their own information. And of course, they can change
you know, the formatting that we've included here. So
if they don't like how this looks, of course, they could change
it up. But we're just giving them the basics
with this here
underneath that, let me collapse this again.
This is where they can select a pitch deck to
add. So this is going to pull up
here, we go,
their files and they'll pick their file and
upload it here and it will always be saved
here under this pitch deck section.
So they can always click back. Um They
can upload a different pitch deck. If they made
a new one, whatever they wanna do, they'll
have all of that listed here under our pitch deck.
And now we have our last but
certainly not least hidden gem is
the add users feature
and this is found actually under settings.
So an individual settings after they build
their account
and this lets them add a user to
attach to their personal account. So this
is great for those who have mentors
or business partners who want
to get feedback or want to collaborate
on their business plan. This gives them
control to decide what
their users see and what their users can
So if they
if they only want, let's say a mentor
looking at two of the sections, they're building out maybe
their business ideation and their break even
analysis, they can make it. So they only
see those two sections.
They can also make it so that that individual
can edit those sections if they want to. So
it's a really a nice way to kind of control
how additional users see and manipulate
the business plan that your user is working on.
Mm Just gonna jump back
to home here and again, just like
quite a few of our other hidden
gems. This is found in our toolbar
of top here. It's actually found when
your users sign in, they'll see their name populate
up top here. It's going to be under this,
the click into account settings.
Now they'll switch over from my information
to users.
And you see, I do have a user already added here,
but I can add as many as I want. So if I have,
you know, two business partners and an investor
and a mentor and I want all of them to see what
I'm doing. I can add them all here,
but let's just hit new user.
So it defaults just to including my
current user name and password. So we're going
to want to change that up. Of course,
you can give them
whatever user name you want them to have.
but you have to have a user name, password,
a display name and you do have to include an email
here as well.
Once you do that underneath, you'll see the permissions
that we have here. Now, I'm not going to go
too much into detail about um
different company creations, but you'll see,
I actually have two companies attached
to this account. So right now it defaults
in having no access to anything. So
if your patrons mentor
here, business per business partner
signs in, they won't actually be able to see or do
anything. So down here,
they're going to have to figure out, ok,
in Neptune coffee, I want them to have full
access which lets them both
read and edit or I want them to
read it only. So if I just want them to see
not to do,
I can do that and I can do it. However I want to,
some may have no access. Some,
I want them to read some, I want them to
be able to edit as needed
and then go through and change all of them. I'll
hit save, I can't save it. Right. Now because I haven't
entered a user name.
But I'll hit save and then all I
have to do is let my business partner or my mentor
or my investor know they'll click
into business scale business plan builder
and then they'll put in that information in the sign in. Just
like if they had their own separate account,
it works the exact same, they'll use the
same sign in. But once they sign in now
they're going to see
you back here to this home page,
they're gonna see the information that your user
has already entered as opposed to seeing
a fully separate
the situation here.
So kind of a nice hidden feature that allows for more
collaboration, right on the platform.
Of course, they can always print or download
their business plan and collaborate that way.
Um But sometimes it's nice to be able to just click
into the platform itself and they can both, you
know, make edits, type out different things.
And they'll both be able to see it right away
Now, those are our five hidden gems for the day.
We're just at our time here. So let me give
you a little bit of wrap up before we leave
for the day. If you have any questions
about this training, feel free to put
them in the Q and A now or you can send
me an email once the session is complete.
Again, my name is Amber. Winters and
my email is [email protected].
If you want to go into a little bit more detail about
Gale Business plan builder, maybe how
you can use it specifically with your patrons,
You can reach out to your customer success manager.
If you don't know who that is, you can go to Gale.customer
or sorry, send an email to
[email protected]
and we'll forward you to the correct
If you don't have Gale business plan builder right now
or any of the integrated business resources
and you want to talk about it with someone, reach
out to your sales consultant. If you don't know who that is,
you can go to support.gale.com/repfinder
and we will direct you to the correct
And I do also want to point out our support site. So
if you need any additional information about
Gale business plan builder or really any Gale
resource, you can go to our support site,
which is just support.gale.com,
you'll find additional training materials, recorded,
webinars and tutorials as
well as marketing materials. So things like posters
and flyers and bookmarks and all that good stuff.
So if you need any additional support, I suggest
taking a look at that support site and
I appreciate everyone for being on the line
and hopefully we'll see you in future sessions. Enjoy
the rest of your day.