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Last Updated: May 13, 2024

Gale Presents: Excel Adult High School Onboarding Part Two- Program Promotion

Duration: 30 Minutes
Welcome to part two of your Gale

Presents: Excel Adult High School onboarding.

During this session, we'll be discussing program

promotion. So strategies to

help get the word out to your community

and ways to reach adults who might be interested

in applying for Excel.

I'm Allie Everett, your senior customer success

manager here at Gale. And at the end of

this training today, I'll share my contact information.

Should you have any questions?

Our marketing team here. A Gale has

built a comprehensive marketing and

recruitment plan to help your library

achieve success with Excel Adult High

School. We are here every

step of the way. So please don't hesitate

to reach out as you're planning your launch

and down the road too as you continue

your outreach.

So let's talk about your student recruitment website

on the screen. Here is Boston

public libraries

and yours will look similar. Although

of course, it will have your logo and contact

information at the top, please

check your email for the URL to

this site and please make sure that you link

this recruitment site to your library's


Here is where potential students can

browse and learn all about the program.

Before applying,

prospective students will use the get started

button to submit an application.

Then as soon as they submit the application,

you'll be able to see their application

on your admin dashboard.

Since this website is the only way

for new applicants to apply, we

recommend making it easily and readily


Mark records are available for this

site and by adding mark records

to your library catalog, it will

be easily discoverable. Please

look for mark records in your email

for a more in depth tour of

your recruitment site. Please check out

the tutorial on the gale support site.

So how will potential students find

your program information

making it easy to locate is key.

An example here

it takes two simple clicks to access

Boston Public Library Excel

student recruitment site from

their home page. You click services

then earn your high school diploma online

and you're there

other libraries have listed Excel

under online learning resources,

adult learning careers

and continuing education.

We also recommend adding Excel to

your A to Z list. If you have one,

if you currently offer a GED

task or high set program,

we recommend including Excel near

those as well.

When preparing to launch the program,

consider promoting Excel on your landing


Feel free to use one of our social

media images on your scrolling carousel

as a banner or perhaps

as a sidebar link.

Be sure to include the link to your recruitment

site. So that applicants can

submit an application

a few more ideas here. Uh Rosenberg

Library used one of our Facebook

images of a working parent at their computer

on the sidebar of their landing page

prior to launching the caption said

coming soon

to generate interest and after

launching, they changed the caption to accepting


Newark Public Library used one

of the web icons available on the gale

support site on the bottom of their landing

page next to some of their other adult

learning resources.

Another option is creating an

additional header or drop down

specifically for Excel on your

landing page.

This allows the user very easy

access since it just takes one click

to access your student recruitment

site. So

let's talk about some ways to get

the word out.

We recommend collaborating with your team

and having an internal discussion about

local organizations that you want

to, to connect with.

You might already have some established partnerships

with businesses and organizations in your

community. Please leverage

these partnerships to promote Excel.

Don't be afraid to ask for student referrals.

You never know who is looking for an opportunity

like this.

Some suggestions here consider

partnering with nonprofit organizations,

job centers, local government

agencies, education

and career focused organizations

and the business community as well as they're always

in need of an educated workforce.

The bottom line is that your library

is now offering a chance of a lifetime

for those in need of a high school. Diploma.

So please don't be shy about getting the

word out.

I wont cover all of these because most

are pretty intuitive. But ID like to call out a

few when trying to

reach patrons, making sure your

front line staff is informed about

the program is really important.

They don't need to know all of the details

but enough to answer high level questions

and where to point potential applicants.

Please take advantage of the library

training tip sheet that we've provided

on the gale support site.

Another impactful way to promote the

program is to highlight an excel student

and certainly your first graduate,

many of them have compelling stories

that other potential candidates can relate

to interviewing

them for a newsletter or social

media post or even do a short

video. When

it comes to marketing outside of the library,

you need to be a little bit more creative.

We talked about leveraging community partnerships.

You can also try to get

additional free exposure with

public service announcements,

press releases on the

gale support site, we have press release templates

available for you to copy and paste

and then consider reaching out to your local

radio or TV stations to see

if they'll partner in some media coverage.

Most libraries that have had a successful

launch have implemented a number

of strategies geared towards reaching

both patrons and non


Gail provides a stipend for

you to use when ordering printed marketing

materials and we use Motown

press a third party printing company.

Please check your email for this dollar amount

after watching this training. Be

sure to place your order and you'll receive

the items within two weeks via

fedex ground

instructions on how to submit your order

are available on the gale support site.

We offer an assortment of printed

promotional materials including

an oversized bookmark

11 by 17 posters

and three designs

11 by 17 tabletop banners

and three designs. These include

a small stand and work well for a desktop

and a 6 ft tall banner stand in

two designs.

Please feel free to choose whichever

items resonate with you and what you think

will work well at your library.

All materials will need to be customized

with your library logo. A

QR code for easy access

and contact information. Before

submitting the order

while waiting for your materials to arrive,

you can use the flyer available on the

Gale support site which you can download

customize and print.

In addition to printed promotional

materials, we offer a large library

of social media images for Facebook,

Instagram and X

formerly Twitter

all available on the Gale support site.

Most libraries have seen a lot of success

promoting Excel on their social media platforms.

Each image is formatted for that specific

social media platform

and all images are high resolution

and include the Gale presents Excel Adult high

school logo.

Each image also includes a recommended

caption so no need to think

about what you wanna write when you're getting ready

to post it. We've already done the leg work for

you. We recommend thinking

beyond your library socials as

well. In the past, we've had libraries

post on their city or county


Um And program interest was off the

charts. We've also seen city officials

repost social media posts which

has led to a greater number of applicants.

We love to partner with libraries for

media coverage and we would be delighted

to work with your communications team on a joint

press release at launch.

This program attracts great coverage

for the library.

If this is something you're interested in, we'll

bring in our pr director Kayla

Siefker to take the lead on

deploying a joint press release to

your media market.

If you'd prefer to do a press release

on your own, please feel free to use

the communication templates on the gale

support site

for your launch. We'd suggest

the launch pr template which includes

a high level overview of the program.

Simply copy and paste, then

edit the highlighted sections with your

library's information.

This template could be used in a media

release or a newsletter blog

e blast. Really. However, you'd like

to utilize it.

You should have received an invitation

for our private Facebook group.

And if you haven't joined already, please become

a member.

It's a safe space for libraries to

share ideas, best practices,

graduation photos and we

will often post product updates as well.

If you'd like me to resend your invite, please

reach out

know that this is the primary way we

communicate with Excel libraries around

the country, so please join

so that you can stay updated.

This is the gale support site which is where

you can find everything to help make Excel

a success at your library. From training

tutorials for your staff to

helpful resources for your students.

This is also where you can find all

digital marketing materials like

the communication templates and social media

posts. I mentioned earlier,

we recommend that you share this site with

your marketing team and that you bookmark

this site for future use.

Please know that you have a team behind

you to help both at Gale

and at Excel Adult High School.

This is your Gale team. I'm Allie Everett,

your senior customer success manager. There's

my phone number and email. Kim

Martin is our senior marketing manager and

her job is to create all of the ready

made marketing resources discussed today.

Casey Anderson is our product manager

and she works mainly behind the scenes to

make sure that everything is running smoothly.

So please feel free to reach out to any of us

with any questions at all. And congratulations,

you're now ready to launch Gale

Presents: Excel Adult High School. Please

watch out for an email outlining next

steps to prepare for your launch.

We sincerely thank you for choosing Gale

and for making the decision to offer this life

changing program to your patrons.
© 2024 Gale, part of Cengage Group