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Last Updated: July 22, 2024

Gale Analytics: Utilize the Patrons/Non-Patrons Map

Gale Analytics provides a user-friendly interface that allows libraries to general customizable reports, visualize data through charts and graphs, and export data for further analysis. It empowers library administrators and staff with the tools they need to make data-driven decisions and enhance the overall patron experience. During this training, we explore the Patrons/Non-Patrons Map, learn how to create a custom subset of households, look for areas of opportunity, and filter for various demographics. Additionally, we explore how to create a custom mailing list for targeted outreach.
Duration: 30 Minutes
Hello and welcome to today's

Gale Analytics webinar. I'm

Allie Everett, your senior customer success

manager here at Gale. And if you have

any questions during today's training,

feel free to use the Q and A box

and I will leave a few extra minutes at the

end of our session today to answer any

additional questions.

Our topic for today is utilizing

the patrons and non patrons map

within your gale analytics report.

So hopefully after today's session,

you'll walk away with some actionable ideas

on how to use the map in your

own report.

Quick tip too. If you haven't run

a Gale analytics report in a while,

we recommend creating a new one

every quarter, that's when experian

data is updated. So that will

give you the most current information to

work with.

So for our agenda today, we'll start

with a quick overview of what Gale

analytics is and what you can do

with it. Then we'll dive into

a sample report and we'll walk around the

various features and functionalities

available on the patrons and non

patrons map itself.

And then finally, I'll show you what support

resources are available on the Gale

analytics. Support site and I'll also

share my contact information

if you have any questions specific

to your library. So questions about

your service area or maybe

how your report is laid out. Really

anything at all pertaining to your library

itself? Always feel free to reach out to

me. So

quick overview of what gale

analytics is as a refresher here.

G analytics is a

internal library resource.

So non uh not patron fing

but internal that allows you to view

your community through a whole new lens.

It combines your patron data from

your ils with external data

from Experian, creating a powerful

robot report with information on

uh demographics, lifestyle

insights. And so

so much more within this report, you'll

find lots of different charts

and graphs and really all of the data

found can help your library with everything

from strategic planning to

grant writing. Um to

so much more

you have access within your report

to three different maps and the capabilities

within each map really encourages

you to better understand your service area

from a geographical standpoint.

Perhaps you would like to grow

your patron account or you're

opening a new library branch.

Um Maybe you'd like to dive deep

into a certain zip code or a census

tract. Whatever your specific

goals are, the data within your report

specifically in the maps will help support

your library's goals and initiatives.

So we're gonna head to Gale analytics

community insights and this is a report

um that is used uh

with some sample data from

um from just

some, some sample data that we have, but also

we are using a fictitious library.

So the data is real. However, the library

is um is not a real library.

It's near, this data is

in our um headquarters near our headquarters

in Farmington Hills, Michigan.

Now, this is Tableau Reader and Tableau

Reader is the free version of Tableau.

If you don't have Tableau Reader downloaded

on your computer, um You'll need

that in order to run a report and it's just

a simple free download

Ok. So this

is the home page here that you're

looking at now.

And if I go to the patrons

and non patrons map, that's one of

the tabs along the bottom here. This is

the purple tab. So now I'm in the patrons

and non patrons map,

like I mentioned, you have access

to three maps. Um

And all of these are available on different

tabs. So we have the patrons and non patrons

map, which we'll go into in just a moment.

You also have access to

this heat map here. So this

is especially useful for larger

urban areas where you might find

lots of apartments, condos

and high density areas. So

high density areas will um

have this yellow color, low density

are going to be this dark blue color

here. And then you also have access

to the demographic reach map as well.

So this looks just like the patrons and non

patrons map. Although now it

has a colorful overlay.

Um and this includes race and ethnicity

data here.

So I can look at the legend at the top

high density is gonna be in

this red color. Lower density

is all the way in this blue color and you can

change the race and ethnicity up

here in the top left hand corner.


So I encourage you to play around

with these two maps um on your own

time. But today we're really gonna focus our

time and attention in this patrons and non

patrons map which is on this tab

at the bottom. So if you are following along,

um please make your way to the patrons and

non patrons map.

First. We're gonna take um a look

at some of the capabilities

we have on this tab. Ok.

So you can of course click

and drag and pan

the map all around.

Um You can zoom in and out so

you can click the plus arrow

and the minus arrow to zoom in and out. Now, if

I zoom in,

I can actually zoom in pretty far.

Um So I can get a good look

at um different neighborhoods,

businesses, obviously,

highways and then of course,

um it's nice as well to see all

of the various uh you know, organizations,

churches, parks, shopping

centers, movie theaters, schools.

Um And if I hover over each one

of these uh dots here, this is showing

me a different household. So if I hover

over each household, it's gonna automatically

give me a pop up with some information,

estimated household income. How long

they've lived there? Do they have Children?

Are they a patron, a non patron

and so on and so forth?

So I'm gonna go ahead and just zoom back

out so we can see the full service


Um The legend in the top right hand

corner will indicate what each color

on the map means. So my branch

boundaries um are in this light

blue color and you can see that my service

area here is a square shape

and then I have uh one

dividing line that goes straight down the middle

and that divides my north branch

from my south branch.

So that's what that light blue means.

Then I also have all of my

non patron households in

this gray color and my patron

households in this blue color here.

So right off the bat before even

really diving in, I can already tell that

most of my patrons live

kind of in this uh area right

around here in my north branch

service area.

So that's your le uh your legend at the

top right hand corner,

you can also change your map measure. So

it automatically defaults to patrons

and non patrons.

But uh I can really change that

to whatever I'd like from this drop down

in the top left hand corner So if

I wanna, let's say, take a look at presence

of Children,

I can go ahead and click on that measure

and it changes the colors.

And now I can kind of get an idea of

where I might have, you know, a higher

density of families.

Um So the legend will change families

that yes, do have Children or likely

do have Children are gonna be these

um these red and, and orange

colors on the map. So I can automatically

kind of see where those pockets

might be.

Go ahead and change it back to patrons

and non patrons.

I have lots of filtering capabilities

and all of these filters are over here on

the right hand side. Now, these

filters, there's no limit to

the number of filters that you can place

on your map. Um And these filters

are the same as the filters

that are on this tab here.

So you actually have a designated tab

for your filters. They're a little easier

to read on the filters tab, but you can

also um apply them on

the patrons and non patrons map itself.

One thing that's important to note about

Tableau is that any time you place

a filter on any tab

and you pan to another tab that

filter persists from tab to tab

to tab.

So if I place the filter here and then I go

to my map, I will then see that filter

on my map. So no need to reset your

filter when you travel from tab

to tab. Last

thing I want to point out here is

the numbers that you're seeing in the

bottom left hand corner of the screen

underneath the map.

So these metrics um will change

depending on what filters and parameters

you place on the map. So those are

gonna update automatically and

it's nice because it gives you a penetration

percentage to reference to.

So I wanna share um a couple of scenarios

in which libraries have used

their specific map data to help

assist with some of their goals.

Ok. So the first is

a library who set up book

vending machines at a few places around

town. I believe it was the fire station

grocery store and a fitness center.

And in order to find where to place

these vending machines, they used a few

filters to look for areas of opportunity.

They wanted to specifically target low

income households who did not have

a library card.

So those two filters um are

gonna be estimated household income by

using a low income filter and then

the source filter down here which

um filters out either your patrons

or your non patrons.

So I'm gonna go ahead and go in

and show you how they did this. So if we

go to estimated household income,

now, of course, low income is gonna vary

depending on where you're located in the country.

Um But for the purpose of today's training

we'll go ahead and say, uh $50,000

or less. And that's an annual

estimated household income, so not

individual but total household.

So I would deselect all

and then I would reselect you always

wanna reselect, show library and service

area. So you can see your service area

and then reselect the income

ranges that you're hoping to take a look

at. So I'm gonna go all the way up to 50,000

here. As you can see,

a lot of the households disappeared from my map.

And now I'm only looking at households

that fall into that low income


Now, this library also wanted

to focus on areas with non patrons.

So we're gonna go to source

and then we're gonna go ahead and just

leave the non patrons option selected


deselect patrons and patrons

non exp which means non


This is an interesting one. It basically

means that your patrons are included

within your file. We're counting them as patrons.

However, for what some reason they weren't

able to be matched to experian data, they still

count as patrons. But we're gonna go ahead and deselect

for now since we're only looking at non patrons.


So with those two filters, now

I'm looking at my service area with

the filters, non patrons and

estimated household income of less than 50,000.

So right off the bat, I can see

that there is, you know, quite

a uh dense cluster

over here in kind of my bottom

right hand corner of my map,

I can target that area as an area

of opportunity.

Um So I'm gonna go ahead and

zoom in

and of course, when you're thinking about,

um you know, placing book

vending machines around this area

you would want to look for. Uh

here's a shopping center, a

movie theater, a couple of schools,

a dog park,

um hospital, a market

I think I saw, yeah, a couple of churches

in here. So this is the area

within my my service area, this

sample service area um that

has the highest number of

households that fall into those two categories,

low income and non patron households.

I could also um include

a lot of these stops as a part

of our uh mobile services route,

um a bike route, something like that.

Um set up lockers, of

course, anything to really

um you know, get them to sign up for

with the library card, obviously

have them utilize um everything

that the library is offering. So this looks like

a really good area for reaching out to

um in terms of library outreach,

knowing that this area has a dense population

of non patrons and low income households

is useful for me. Um

as I target this area,

so that's how the library determined

really where to place their new um

book vending machines. And of course, there's other

areas within this specific

service area as well. Um But that's

kind of the one that jumped out to me uh


So if I wanna reset my filters, I can

go to the filters tab and then go ahead

and click the back arrow

that's gonna click

all of my filters back to what they

were. So now my map should look like how

it was when we started out.

So the second scenario here,

this library was applying for

a grant and wanted to find specific

metrics that would support a grant application

um or perhaps support their strategic

plan and overall initiatives.

So like I mentioned, the metrics

in the bottom left hand corner will

automatically change

um depending on the filters that you place on

the map.

And then from these numbers, you can form a percentage

to include in uh end

of year reporting, stakeholder reporting grant

application really whatever you are using

these numbers for.

So even just from the numbers right

here that you can see without any filters

on my map,

I can see that um

I have a total number of

about 30,000 households

to be exact 30,436

total households in my service area.

And then I also get a patron and non patron

breakdown as well. So of those

households, 2200

and 30 are patron households and the

rest are non patron households.

That gives me a percentage right there.

If I do the math, then I

know that about 7% of

the service area are members of the library

and 93% are not members

of the library. So this library has

a big opportunity to grow their patron

count since they have um quite a high

number of non patron households.

For grant applications. Specifically,

you could utilize the estimated household

income filter.

You could utilize the census track

filter. If you're looking at census tracks,

those will automatically populate depending

on your um geographic location

and education level attained as well.

So that's another filter over here that could

be useful.

So let's go ahead and place a couple

of education level filters

on the map and then look at the

um metrics in the bottom left hand corner.

So if I wanted to figure

out um how many households

in my service area

uh maybe had less than a high school

diploma or maybe had a high school diploma,

but no college degree

I could come in here and deselect

the all

and reselect show library

and service area.

I'm gonna do less than a high school diploma

likely and less than high school

diploma. Extremely likely.

I'm also gonna click high school diploma,

likely high school diploma, extremely likely.

So these are households within my service

area, both patron and non patron

that currently um do

not have a college degree.

Now, once I place those filters, of course,

my map will change, but these numbers

at the bottom left hand corner will change as Well,

so I can see that there's


households that fall into these

categories here. So if I do the math

out of the total number of households

that lets me know that about

28% of

my service area has

either less than a high school diploma

or has a high school diploma, but

no college degree.

So that's an example of how you can use those

numbers really quickly and easily.

Um, to figure a percentage there,

I could of course change things up,

play around with the data a little bit. I

can deselect um, high school


likely and extremely likely. And now

I'm looking at households that have

less than a high school diploma, either

likely or extremely likely.

So now I have even fewer households,

of course. Um The map changes

a bit and then this number changes

as well. So 3825

total filtered households out

of my roughly 30,000 households

gives me 13%. About

so 13% have less than

a high school diploma. So this is great information

to include

in an education grant. Um I could

certainly include all of these figures.

Um I could also create, uh really

quickly create a mailing list for these households

to promote um, if you have a high school

completion program or a GED program,

um, you could just simply head right over to the

mailing list tab. It's as easy as clicking

mailing list. And then we have all

of these addresses. Um, right

there for direct mail and outreach.

Uh You wanna make sure the number matches which

it does.

Um But that's, it's as simple as that

to create a mailing list. So

when thinking about educational attainment,

it's handy to have those numbers readily

available for a grant application

and reporting. There's really no limit to

the number of filters you can place on your map.

So I could even go in and combine

estimated household income education.

Uh really any of these filters over here.

OK. I'm gonna

go ahead and go to the filters tab reset

my filters once more,

come back to my patrons and not non

patrons map. OK?

So in this last example, um

the library was planning a walk

to the library day for Earth Day.

So they wanted to create a custom mailing

list for households, both

patron and non patron households

who lived within about

a one mile radius of their

main library branch location.


in order to do this, I would use

um a tool up here in the top

left hand corner. And this tool

creates a custom sub collection

of households within your community.

It kind of looks like a play button, little

triangle. So if you hover over

this uh button in the top left hand

corner, you can either click the square

selection, rectangular selection,

radial selection or lasso selection

and Lasso just means like a custom

shape. Um So you can choose

whichever you'd like. Now, since this library

wants a one mile radius

from their library branch location, I'm

gonna go ahead and select the radial selection.

Once I click on that

I can click and drag anywhere

within my service area and it's

gonna focus on just those households.

So my main library location,

if I hover over it, it's telling me right now again,

this isn't a real library, but we've plotted

it right here gale public library and

it's gonna be there in red.

So I'm gonna go ahead and

click and drag.

Oops, I'm gonna try that one more time sometimes if

you land right on the dot

It won't do it. We'll just do


Oh, ok.

And you'll discover too. The map is very,

um, sensitive. So sometimes you have to get

it just right.

But I'm gonna go ahead and click on radio


Ok. We'll do here.

There we go. All right. So once I click

and I drag,

it's gonna give me a distance. So

right now, um, I'm at about

there we go a mile. So hopefully you can

see it. It's a little tricky to see. Um,

but you can go all the way out, you know, two

miles, three miles. Um,

we're gonna stick around the one mile mark

right here.

Ok. And now once I get to one mile,

I'm gonna go ahead and let go

once I release the mouse,

everything else disappears and I

only have those households now.

Ok. So all of these numbers at the bottom

have changed. I can see that there's


households, there's the patron

and not patron breakdown too. So I can

see how many of them are patron households, how many

of them are non patron households? But

now I know where those households

are, who they are. Um

so that I can reach out to them and

let them know about our walk to the library

day for Earth Day.

Easy to create a mailing list

as well because all you have to do is

go right over to the mailing list. Tab.

Click that

and now I have um all of

these addresses for targeted outreach

in order to um export

this mailing list for your marketing team.

You would just simply go to worksheet

at the top export

cross tab to Excel that

will generate an Excel spreadsheet.

Um Then you can use it for targeted


If you have um email addresses

included in your original file for

your patrons,

I do not, which is why they're not appearing

here, but all of your email addresses

for your patrons will appear here as well.

So this can act as a direct mail

list and also an email list

if you're doing newsletters and e blasts

and things like that. So mailing

list is great for creating

any type of um, custom

outreach list for your patrons

and your non patrons.

So I'm gonna go back to my map

and then in order to, um,

like I said, in order to reset

all of your filters, you click this arrow. However,

the one thing it doesn't reset is the map.

So you'll just want to, um, go

ahead and click anywhere on your map

once and it should reset.

So there's my map again without any features

or filters on it.

OK? So the possibilities

really are endless and I encourage

you to further explore the maps

available to you, get in there

and play around with the filters, play

around with those custom selections.

Um It's a great way to view

your community with fresh eyes.

Um And all of the customizations and filters

are really pretty easy to use.


Please know that we are here

to help make the most out of scale

analytics at your library.

We have a support site and if you haven't visited

it, I highly encourage you to

um take a look at it and bookmark if you'd like

to. It's

standing for um analytics

on demand.

This is where you'll find an assortment of

training resources from printable

tip sheets to pre-recorded

webinars and tutorials on

many different topics related to Gale analytics.

Um So once this webinar is available,

it'll also be up on that support

site as well. And in addition to any future

Gale analytics, webinars we have.

So here's my contact information as well

as my calendar link if you have any questions,

like I said, specific to your library,

um Please don't hesitate to

schedule a one on one meeting with me.

Ok. And so I'll check the Q and A box,

see if we have any questions so far.

All right. And it looks like we don't have any questions

in the chat at the moment. Um

But hopefully today, you're walking away with

a few new ideas on how to utilize

your patrons and non patrons map.

And like I said, the possibilities really

are endless. Um I'll stay

on for a few minutes for any remaining questions.

Otherwise, thank you for being here today

and I look forward to seeing you at

a future Gale Analytics webinar.
© 2024 Gale, part of Cengage Group