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Last Updated: February 16, 2024

15 Minutes to Mastery: Talk to the Text with Gale In Context

Gale In Context: For Educators includes a powerful Highlights and Notes feature that you can easily incorporate into your teaching strategy to ensure students are engaging critically with the text they are reading. View this 15 minute session to see the Highlights and Notes feature utilized in a talk to the text model, and explore options for students to export their notes.

Duration: 15 Minutes
Hello, everyone. Welcome into our 15

minutes to mastery session today, we're

going to be talking about how your students

can talk to the text with their Gale In Context

resources. My name is Amber Winters

and I am a training consultant here at


So first, I do just want to point out that what we're going

to talk about today is going to be available

in all of the in context resources. Your learning

community has access to. So that

includes our three cross curricular resources.

So these strategies will work at the

elementary level all the way up to the high school

level and it will also be found beneficial

for the different subject specific resources

we have including our social studies

resources, our two current events,

our science resources and our newer

el A resource which is Galen context

literature. Each of these resources

has the same highlights and notes functionality

that's going to allow your users to

kind of go through that talking to the text


And I do want to quickly talk about that highlights and

notes tool because that's what your students are going to use

as they're talking to the text within the resource.

So it's a really nice and clean layout. Your

students will be able to just click and drag over any

piece of text that they want to remember

they want to ask a question about whatever it

is within their article and they'll get

this nice pop up that's gonna let them choose a highlight

color. And then here they can ask

their question or make their comments or

whatever they're trying to do. They'll be able to

do that right here under this uh little

text box and they'll be able to save that content.

And once they do get all of that sorted out,

we do save all of those highlights and notes for the

duration of the session. So as long as they're signed

in under our highlights and notes button

up top here,

you see your students get this nice clean organized

page that's going to have everything they highlighted

with the color they highlighted in.

They're going to have a link back to whatever article

they were looking at, they're going to have a bibliography.

So this highlights a notes tool is really what we're featuring

today when we're talking about getting your kids,

you know, physically engaged with the text.

So you're not printing it out and

handing them highlighters and things like that. They're

doing it on the platform itself, they're getting

engaged without having to waste all that paper

and all that time.

So a few strategies for success. If you're planning

on using these highlights and notes, the first

as always model the tool, we'll take a look

at the tool in a second and I'll model how to do

it. But you definitely want to work

as a group with your students. Pull up whatever

article you want, whatever is interesting to you or to

your students that day and show them how to

use the highlights and notes tool. It is a fairly

simple tool, but I always suggest

just walk them through it first. So then they're not worried

about making sure they,

they're doing the proper

proper walkthrough of the tool. And

you also want to make sure they know where

their highlights and notes are stored on the platform

because once they're done talking to their texts

and annotating the text, most likely

they're gonna want to take those annotations with them

either to keep future reference or maybe to

send to you. If this is something that you're going to be graded,

you're going to be grading. So make sure

they know how to access that highlights and notes section

before you get started as well.

Once you have that ready to go and your students know how

to find an article and how to highlight it.

Have them choose different colors. So a lot

of times when we physically talk to

the text and you are writing on an actual physical

piece of paper, we'll use different

symbols and things like that to

denote what we're writing. So we can really easily go

back and look and say, OK, this is this symbol. This means

I had a question here here, here and here.

Obviously, we don't have symbols available

within our resource. So the best way to do

that virtually is to have them choose different

highlight colors for different

ideas. So maybe they're highlighting

every, every bit that they have

a question on in orange. And then

if they're making comments that maybe their

comments are going to be purple, um

maybe they're highlighting an, an individual's

opinion is an opinion piece and they're going to highlight

any opinion in pink and then any

evidence in green,

the list goes on and on. But have your students

choose colors before they get started. So

that way they know this is how I'm going to keep myself


Of course, the step is pretty obvious, but allow time

for reading. So give your students time to

read through their article either individually

if you want them just talking to the text by themselves

or in a group. If you'd prefer a group setting, you

can have them read through that way as well

and have all of them just talk to the text

on one computer. So have them all sharing

a computer and, and marking up that individual


and then once all of that's done, they've read the full

article and they're ready to go, you would want

them to get the highlights and notes out of the

platform form because their highlights and notes are

session based. So if your user

signs off or if you know they're signed off

due activity, you know, they go to lunch and they come back and

they're signed off, all of their highlights and notes

are gone. So they're going to need to get the highlighted

notes out of the platform and I will

show you how they can do that in two different ways to hold

on to that content.

So let's go ahead and take a look at this. Now, I haven't seen

any questions pop up, but as I'm switching

my screen here, does anyone have any questions

for me? OK,

I don't see any. So I went ahead and just pulled

up an article already. This is from Galen context

high school. But again, all of our in context

resources including Galen context elementary,

use the same process as well. So this is going

to work no matter which resource you're in.

So I found my article here and now I'm going to start

to look through and I'm just going to find bits that I think

are important here and I'm just gonna click

and drag over them. So maybe I have a question

about this.

Hopefully your students have much more

engaged and better questions than me, but

they can ask their question or make their comment, whatever

it may be and they can choose their color.

Ok. Maybe they don't quite

know a word,

systemic biases, maybe they're not

quite sure. So maybe they'll highlight any

words they don't know in yellow

again, hopefully much better at

not taking the me,

but they'll be able to go through and they can highlight in whatever

colors they want

as many times as they want. So they'll be able

to go through and mark up this full text

here as much as they want.

And I will mention especially um within

this article and within a lot of articles you'll see

things like critical thinking questions.

So even though this isn't technically part of the article,

these are nice to bring forward for your students

as well, just as they're reading through, oftentimes,

it's helpful for them to read through and you'll see they can

even click and highlight over these questions.

And they could answer them right here if they wanted to,

you know, that could be something really simple for

you to do kind of as a quick formative

assessment, have them answer these critical

thinking questions by highlighting them and typing

out the answer

and then they'll be able to send it over to you.

So once your student has their texts,

all um all written up,

all noted up, they're good to go, they read the full

article, they're going to want to hold on

to this information and they can do that in a few different

ways. If they want to keep the full

article itself with the highlights

included on there, they can do that by

sending over to their drives, either Google or Microsoft,

they could email it to themselves, they could download

it to their desktop or they could print

it. So either any of these options

are going to hold on to those highlights and those notes

for students, the highlights are going to appear

in the text and then the notes will appear

at the very bottom of the page. You'll have the actual

notes they took with those highlights.

We also have the option for students to

just save the highlights and notes that they

took. So again, that's found

under our highlights and notes button up top

here, you'll see. I've got this little highlights and notes

icon. When

I click it, it's going to show the text

that I highlighted on this article as well

as any notes that I took. If

I hit my view, I'll highlight the notes button here.

This is going to pull it forward in a little more

detail. And what I love about this page

is it's very clean for your students. So

they're going to see exactly what they highlighted the

full text of their highlight.

They have their notes here, they can edit their notes.

So I just wrote, what does this mean? Maybe

I need to elaborate on that a little bit more.

I can hit edit

oops and

save it right here. And that will change for me

at the very bottom of the page. We also have a running

bibliography. So if students are

going to need this citation for something,

if they save this page, they already have

a citation premade for them. Which

for me as a former teacher, I love the idea

of not having to

kind of walk students through how

to cite each individual thing. They'll be able to

pull their citations off of this page


And they also get links to the articles here

on this page as well. So they'll get this persistent

URL. So if they wanna go drop back

into this article later on, they'll have access

to it right here.

And I mentioned previously that the best

practice when they're using these highlights is to use

different highlight colors for different things.

If they do decide to do that, they can actually label

them on this page here as well. If I go

up to my toolbar up top, you'll see. I have this labels

button here

and these are the colors I've used. It's only going to show

me the colors that I've used. So I may

have this big questions,

comments, maybe let's say evidence

is the last one

so I can label these

and you'll see. Now I have a highlight legend at the top

here. And this is helpful for

me going back so I can just skim through

all the questions that I have in this article. Let

me just look at all the purple. So this one and this one

I know those are my questions. It's also helpful

for you as an educator. Again, if you're planning

on having your students submit something like this

to you, you may want them to label this.

So it's a lot easier for you to explore, you know, a lot

easier for you to

evaluate your students. If

this is all ready to go and

labeled for you.

And with this page, again, it's only

saved for the session. So if your students

sign off, you know, again, they

go to lunch and they signed off student activity or they just close

out of the browser, this will disappear.

So we have a few different options to get this out

of the platform as well. With this, you'll see, I have

my send to option which just

like the article itself, lets me send

over to Google Drive onedrive

or I can email it.

I can also download it again to my desktop

or I can print it out. I

realized I forgot to mention while

I was on the article itself. But if

I send over to Google Drive or onedrive,

it does actually go over as a workable

document, both the article as well as this highlights

a notes page. So if your students choose

to do that. Once they click back into their drive,

they can actually edit their highlights and edit their

notes there as well. So they can really take

the full customization with them. If they do need

to change it up, once they're off of the platform,

they'll be able to do that within their drives.

And it does say they're permanently in their drive.

They don't need to worry about, you know, the article disappearing,

you know, after 30 days, 90 days, it's

always going to be in their drive in a dedicated

folder. So they can always go back and take a look

at what they were thinking previously.

Maybe they've learned you know, new

information. They want to compare that to what they thought

previously. They're always going to have access

to that under our highlights and notes section

here. And

I will also mention these highlights, notes work

for any entry that is

text based. So of course

our basic reference articles, but

also news reports and magazines.

if you're in a resource that has primary sources,

your students can talk to a primary source

right here on this platform. So it's

not just your standard reference articles, any

article within this page can utilize these

highlights and notes functionalities.

So your students can really talk to talk to

a wide variety of texts that we offer them

within the resource.

Now again, I've not seen any questions at all

today. So I'm going to go

ahead and jump back one more time here to my slides.

And while I do again, I'll please ask that

you enter in any questions you have into

the Q and A and I'll make sure to answer those for

you while you're doing that. I have

some quick wrap up information for

you. If you need more information about

future webinars or about this

webinar in particular, you can send me

an email. again, my name

is Amber Winters and it's just

[email protected]

If you want to talk a little bit about how this

is going to be implemented

specifically in your learning community, you wanna

talk about how you can get engaged

with it.

You can reach out to your customer success manager.

If you don't know who that is, just send an email

to [email protected]

and we'll forward you to the correct individual.

If you want to talk about gaining access to any

in context resource that you don't currently have access

to reach out to your sales consultant,

you don't know who that is. It's

you'll find that information there

and we do have other pre-recorded webinars,

training materials, short tutorials

activities, less of plans, all that good stuff

on our support site, which is

So if you're looking for additional training materials

or even marketing materials or technical

documents, take a look at that support

site and you should be able to find what you need there

and we have about two minutes left. So if you don't

mind spending that two minutes to answer

our survey, you'll see, I've got a QR code

on my screen or you can go to


It would be greatly appreciated to make sure

that we're always covering the content you

need in these webinars.

And again, I haven't seen any questions pop

up, so I'm going to go ahead and end for the day

and I do appreciate everyone being on the line

and hopefully we'll see you all in future sessions.

Bye bye now.
© 2024 Gale, part of Cengage Group