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Last Updated: March 15, 2023

For VOL: What’s New for Vermont Online Library from Gale (Academic/K-12 Libraries)

Discover the latest resources and updates for academic and K-12 libraries in this recorded webinar. We're excited to announce the addition of new Vermont Online Library resources from Gale that can enrich your library's collection and support your users' learning.

  • Gale LegalForms offers a wide range of legal documents and templates for use in personal and business legal dealings
  • Two new periodical collections: Gale OneFile: Contemporary Women’s Issues and Gale OneFile: Leadership & Management
  • Also available to Vermont public library card holders, Gale Presents: Udemy, an online learning platform with over 19,000 courses across a wide range of subjects

We also provided a refresher on all your VOL resources from Gale including updates to tools and content that improve the user experience that will make it easier for students and instructors to find and access the content they need.

Duration: 60 Minutes
Stacey Knibloe: Right. Hello and welcome. I’m Stacey Knibloe with Gale. Thanks for tuning into our what's new for Vermont Online Library from Gale, let's say to share some new happenings with the collection. I’m. Joined by April Shop and the Department of Libraries, April. Do you want to say Hello.

April Shaw: Hi, Everyone and thank you for joining us for this, Webinar. It's very exciting to promote the Vermont Online library.

Stacey Knibloe: Absolutely. So let's take a brief look at the agenda. We keep it pretty simple here. So we want to give a recap of what's available. You have some months longstanding resources that are still available in addition to the new one. So just want a reminder about what's out there.

And then we are going to focus on what's new. So take a good look at 2 of the new resources, but then also give you some updates on content features for some of the others that have happened most recently.

And then, as always, we wrap up with support. So where can you go when you've got more questions about the scale resources? We have a great support site for you to take advantage of, and lots of good stuff there that you can

Stacey Knibloe: put to work, but also get questions answered as we go through, though we do want you to ask questions throughout, so jump in anytime, use the chat or the Q. A. And that's actually something I’ll kind of ask for right here at the top. If

Stacey Knibloe: there's anything in particular you want to learn about during these sessions, any particular questions you want answered, or any you know features or database you want to see. Go ahead and throw that into the chat or the Q. A. Now and that way, I can, you know, adjust the session Accordingly, we really want to make this

what you want to see. So

Stacey Knibloe: let me just double check the chat that yeah attendees can post. So yeah, feel free to use chat or Q. A. Whichever you prefer. Happy to take questions, but also any feedback to on these resources. Our product managers love to here from our library, so please share any feedback you have as well

Stacey Knibloe: All right. With that I’ll go ahead and dive in with again, Kevin fresher about what's available through Vermont online library from Gale. We are really glad to be part of the program, and it is such a great one. You have a huge collection of resources, something for everybody

Stacey Knibloe: for our K. 12 libraries. The gal and context collection is really popular, lots of great stuff there for certainly students doing research and getting to know research, but also content that can be put directly into the classroom and lesson plans and the like. So

lots of good stuff there. It's all based on looking at curriculums. What you know is being taught in different states. What's being taught, you know nationally and even internationally. But then, of course, feedback. We hear from our teachers our librarians, about what they want to see in those resources.

Stacey Knibloe: You've also got a lot of great periodical content coming from your gale one file collection. So for our academic libraries you may use gale academic, one file most often lots of scholarly publications peer reviewed content. You know the types of things that

students are going to use in their careers throughout. So lots of good stuff there again, Great for research, but you know, using for reserve the readings and courses, and the like. So lots of good stuff there.

Stacey Knibloe: looking for a new book to read the gale. Books and authors recommends books for fiction and nonfiction, adults and children so always good to find your next great read. We've got some resources for your business communities, both small business owners like Yale business entrepreneurship, or maybe students planning to be a small business owner. And then, in general Gale, business insights which got a big update late last year with a brand new interface, really intuitive, all the bells and whistles.

but perfect for business students. It is lots of great company, info industry, info, and country in info, from kind of a business point of view.

Stacey Knibloe: we have, of course, our new resources as well. Gale. Legal forms may not be quite as popular. It's, say the K 12 States, but a lot of really good info for folks again who are maybe going to become small business owners, taking courses.

you know, in college, but also for you know personal needs. We'll take a look at that one. You have 2 new Gale, one file collections. They are both well. Is the gale. One file name always means periodical collections, very subject focus. We're going to talk about those.

And then a new resource that's available through public libraries in Vermont. Gale presents you to be, which you may have heard of you to me before. There is a strong presence out there for their personal subscription, based tool lots of great on demand learning they all partners with them to provide the resource and library, so that there is no cost to the end user

that is available through your public library. So it's not something you'd see installed on your K 12 or academic library accounts. But we're going to talk about how you point your users to it. So that's when we'll take a look at Great on demand learning.

Stacey Knibloe: So I’m just going to check the chat. And Q. A. See if there any questions here about the resources at all. But again, if there's one in particular you want to know more about. Do let me know. Say, for example, Gale, health and well, this is a great consumer health tool, perfect, for, you know, Middle school, high school health courses for our.

Stacey Knibloe: for our more kind of professionals or students in health programs, you know, one file, health and medicine really is more for that type of user someone studying medicine. Someone working in medicine can definitely take advantage of the great peer-reviewed content

Stacey Knibloe: as well. So lots of good stuff all over the place here. But let's go ahead and talk about you. Me it is a really exciting resource, and the first thing I want to talk about, though, is how you'll access it as your students or yourselves through the public library.

Stacey Knibloe: So for me, there we go. So in Vermont. The access for Gale present you to me is set up through your local public library. So users have to authenticate as a public library card holder. They'll use their library card bar code to access.

And then, once they're authenticated. Really, every user has to do this. They create an account inside you to me, and we'll talk about that a little more in a minute. But it is something you will kind of redirect your students. You know your teachers, professors colleagues who want to take advantage of this resource to their local public library and what you'll find if you are a user of the Vermont online library page

is right. Now. We've got you to be up as a feature resource.

Stacey Knibloe: That's really the first thing it will prompt you, for you can use your location to get directed to your local public library, or you could start right out just choosing your library from the list and then entering in your bar, code or password, whichever your library would require. So

Stacey Knibloe: all folks need is a library card which everybody should have right. We want to encourage library card holders in Vermont and everywhere. Really, everybody should get their public library card. But that's how you'll access you to me that again this won't be installed or is not installed on Academic or K. 12 library accounts

all with Gale. It's just been assigned to public library. So again feel free to ask any questions. We've got a little help here on the page. If you're having any trouble you can reach out to our team at Gale to help

Stacey Knibloe: make sure you can get into the resource. But we have

Stacey Knibloe: been up and running for a little bit. Now I haven't run into to any issues. I don't think so hopefully. But let's now go ahead and get eyes on the resource. So with you to me.

Stacey Knibloe: and forgive me Here I’m as I’m not in Vermont. I’m not able to take advantage of the Ge. Authentication. So I've got to come in another path.

So most scale resources. Once you authenticate, once you give your library card number. You pass through your proxy authentication. You get your password, whatever it may be.

Stacey Knibloe: You landed the resource. You can start searching right away. You to me is set up a little different, because this is a resource. Actually, let me back to the sides for a minute and talk about it a little more detail. This is on demand learning. It is video courses. There are over 19,000 of them to pick up a new skill, maybe, to add to your resume, or just for your own professional development.

Stacey Knibloe: it really runs a gamut in the number of courses, and that's really one of the reasons we want to make sure that your users know that this is available as well through the public library, because there is so much here, you know. Let's say you've got an eleventh grade you're working with who wants to develop an app? Maybe they want to write. You know, create video games.

There are courses in here. They can get started.

Stacey Knibloe: you know. You just want to learn to do language. You can do that as well, so there's a lot of great content here relating to skills you may use in a professional sense, but also just things you might want to use for your own personal development.

Stacey Knibloe: It is a collection that is growing all the time, too, so we'll kind of see that in action here in a minute. But it's a great way for folks to add content to their resume. As students, You know, college students are entering the workforce.

Stacey Knibloe: Why not add some new skills to that to that? Resume. It can also supplement any other formal learning. You're doing so. Maybe you don't have time in your schedule, you know, to take a full language learning course, but you can, you know, at your own pace, follow with some online learning and you me. So you want to do some self improvement. You've got that there you can add to your current knowledge. So say this is. I always like to mention this for our folks who work in libraries. You want to build up. Maybe your Grant writing skills or something like that.

Stacey Knibloe: Yeah.

But then folks who maybe want to make a change, You know they've decided

Stacey Knibloe: they want a different career, entering a new stage of life, looking for something to do, lots of ways to find new hobbies and develop those here too, as well. So lots of good stuff

while you're doing that, though you need to be able to keep track of your learning. So that's where the signing comes from here. Folks do need to create a user account. and it's very simple. We keep it, you know, really simple. One thing to know, though

Stacey Knibloe: again in a K. 12 library. You might want to, or you will want to recommend this only to 13 years and older, just in terms of the way the learning works. It's really not going to be for younger users. So

Stacey Knibloe: to create an account, you just click the sign in or create you to the account button here.

Stacey Knibloe: and

Stacey Knibloe: if folks already have a Google account or a Microsoft account they're using, maybe they use gmail. They use hotmail or say, here at Gale we use Microsoft for our email program.

Stacey Knibloe: You can log in with an already existing account. You've probably seen that different websites you visit. You can use, like your Facebook login, to create an account. So same idea here, but much less lower scale. You are all of a sudden going to be getting marketing from Gale or anything. We are strictly

creating your account, so you can keep track of your learning, and we can reset your pad, and you can reset your password if you need to. If you don't. If you don't have a Google or Microsoft account, or you don't want to use them for this purpose we do have a tool, just a simple email and password down below here. There's a sign up buttons. You can just create that account, and

Stacey Knibloe: we ask for 4 things, your email, your password, your first and last name. That's it. Nothing

Stacey Knibloe: again is being captured Here you won't, get marketed to it really is just so. You can reset your password and keep track of your learning inside you. To me. So very simple. Your accounts immediately created, and you're able to log in and use the resource, and then you'll just log in again the next time you visit the resource. Very simple.

Stacey Knibloe: So once you land in the resource. My homepage is going to look a little different than your homepage would. As you use the resource it gets to know what you like learning about, and so it'll start recommending courses. And when you're in the middle of courses, and always let you jump back into them right here at the top of the page, but the homepage just to things you may be interested in. So

Stacey Knibloe: there are again over 19,000 courses here. So a lot to weed through, but the homepage is often a great way to you know. Kind of find something new. See what it's recommending for you. Often it'll show you things that are new in the collection or our

Stacey Knibloe: are popular with others. So.

Stacey Knibloe: my homepage, you might think that I want to be some sort of developer. But that's really because some of the searches I've done. But it's a leading us a little. That's what we have in your trainer. You often look for a lot of different things, maybe, and get recommendations. But anyway.

you we have a nice, simple search up top here, and they are always adding new courses to so responding quickly to things that are, you know, kind of making noise. For example.

Stacey Knibloe: Chat gpt, Chat Gpt has been on

Stacey Knibloe: a lot of folks minds lately, and the news quite a bit. There are courses about how to make it work for you. So it's. It's a really quick responding resource to what's happening out in the world. So lots of good stuff here.

Stacey Knibloe: and if we scroll to the top originally, you to me started around a lot of different. It applications. So it's still really popular in that space. So again, as I mentioned, you know, game development

Stacey Knibloe: programming, there are tons of courses around there, and you can see just from the kind of suggested searches here at the top, underneath the search fire relating to a lot of those the other space. It's very big and is developing business skills. So for folks who are going to work in business.

you'll see a lot of those in the header. But there's really a lot of different stuff you can actually see in. And some of the courses I’m taking right. Now I've got a yoga challenge. So it is a really wide ranging collection.

Stacey Knibloe: But one of the ways I always like to talk about is how it can kind of benefit you in the library and your own work. So say you are looking to find this some extra funding for the library.

Stacey Knibloe: Apply for some grants. Why not take a course about writing brands. It is, you know, something that can come up unexpectedly. Maybe you're on a deadline. You've got to get something written within a week or 2.

Stacey Knibloe: These courses, depending on your needs can be an hour and a half, or there are some that are 20 plus hours. It's really going to vary the Grant rating ones are not usually to that that too long. But

Stacey Knibloe: you can see, for with any search you get a quick, you know. Look at each of the courses that are available. So you can see for this first one. It's an hour and a half long. There are 17 pieces to it. 17 lectures. It's aimed at, beginners perfect, and all of the courses are

Stacey Knibloe: kind of closely reviewed to make sure it's meeting expectations from the end users. So you'll also see a review section. This is looked at closely by the folks that you to me, to make sure they're providing really great courses. And this one we can see is done very well over almost 2,000. Her views about 4.7 out of 5,

Stacey Knibloe: and then, if you scroll, you can, of course, can't just see each of these items for our results. Now this result isn't too bad those first. The courses, probably either any of those will work for me. But when you're working with results for, say something like.

Stacey Knibloe: say, we've got a you know a kid in. Sorry I can't type and talk today. Here we go. See, we've got a you know, a junior in in high school, and she wants to develop video games.

Stacey Knibloe: Almost 3,000 hits here right for the different courses. So what's really going to come in handy again? The quick

Stacey Knibloe: info here, and the result is handy. But if you look over on the left. We got lots of ways to filter this down and narrow what we're looking for. So right away I could select something like beginner, based on, You know, the knowledge they might already have or not. Have

Stacey Knibloe: You've got items like language? One of the great things about this collection is many of the courses are available in multiple languages, and when you select from the language filter, that's what you'll find courses in that language.

Stacey Knibloe: there's also a subtitles option, though so there are some courses that are available in English, but have subtitles in different languages. So that's what the subtitles filters for. So they're kind of related, but do each do something a little different.

Stacey Knibloe: I love the video duration option as well, you know, depending on what I’m learning about again that Grant writing one an hour and a half perfect right. But if depending on how deep you want to go, you can see some of these videos are can be pretty lengthy.

Stacey Knibloe: and you also have things like being able to isolate my ratings and different features of the courses. So along with the videos. Often they'll have quizzes to go along with it. Coding exercises, handouts, things like that, so the features will let you see some of that content out.

Stacey Knibloe: and then they also group things together by categories which you'll explore a little further later. But in this case we can see these kind of break down by different, maybe I missing programming types and not my area of expertise. So this is another way to filter

Stacey Knibloe: now. The courses themselves. If we go ahead. Just grab the second one here.

Stacey Knibloe: When you click in you get a lot of good info about the course. So it is going to give you that quick summary at the top, and as we scroll down, you get a little more like when it was last updated. These are updated frequently new courses as well as updating current courses. We can see the languages it's available in.

Stacey Knibloe: Then some quick hits for what you'll learn. And then the course content which to me is basically like a syllabus. What am I going to, you know, Be learning in this course you can get a preview of some of the lessons. Decide if it's for you

Stacey Knibloe: the requirements. So you know, if you're taking a you know programming class, you're probably going to want to have a computer, but things like that. So if you're learning Microsoft work, you need to have Microsoft work that kind of thing.

Stacey Knibloe: A further description, a more detailed description of the course and the instructor. So who are we learning from? They get really top notch instructors here.

Stacey Knibloe: and then course review. So from people who have taken it, you can get their feedback, and again you'd be pay close attention to these. So that's an important piece of the resource

Stacey Knibloe: you can just enroll with one click enroll now, and you are in the course.

Stacey Knibloe: Okay, it is

Stacey Knibloe: allowing you to access the entire course at once, and you can take it in any order you like. So if I want to skip right to the basics of unity.

Stacey Knibloe: I can do that and jump right ahead in the videos. One thing to know. In Section one of this course I’ll be taking one thing to note.

Stacey Knibloe: If someone wants the official you've completed this course. Kind of bridge out.

Stacey Knibloe: They will need to watch every single video in the in the course. So each of the pieces would have to be watched fully for me, depending on the course I’m taking. I might just want to jump around, you know. But if this is something I want to add to my resume, and I want that kind of proof that I've taken it.

Stacey Knibloe: I would need to watch every single video within the within the course.

Stacey Knibloe: Hmm. So once you've entered enrolled in the course again. It's all on demand. You do it on your own time

Stacey Knibloe: again. You can watch it in any order you'll see over in the and actually let me know there is. This only happens on Zoom. It wouldn't happen to anyone, actually, you know, while they're in their course. But

Stacey Knibloe: some content gets blocked from your view on the zoom. So if you're seeing just a black screen right now instead of a section one with a drawing, that will be Why, I think this case is okay, but that's just it. It only happens on zoom. But

Stacey Knibloe: just to block the content from being recorded and reused elsewhere. That kind of thing. So here is our course, and you'll see the video player X very much like a Youtube. You know it's going to be pretty comfortable technology for everybody. You can speed it up or slow it down. You can move around in the progress by and kind of jump ahead as needed.

Stacey Knibloe: You have transcripts and captions for most videos, the volume, of course, and of course I can have it take over and really be able to focus on the screen and forget all of the extra pieces that are there as well. So

I want to show you a neat feature you can take advantage of when you're learning. So I’m going to jump to one of my other courses.

Stacey Knibloe: The iphone photography course

Stacey Knibloe: is again for me when I kind of hop around and grab the things that I’m interested in.

Stacey Knibloe: But, as you can see, as I hover over the player here, the progress bar and all my options pop up. Notice these little markers here in yellow. This is where I've added notes to myself. So as you're going through, you can kind of

Stacey Knibloe: something you maybe want to revisit and look at again. Or, you know, just market. This is a section I want to jump to, or something like that. You always pick up where you left off when you come back to a course. But you know again, say you want to review something or make some notes.

Stacey Knibloe: The little yellow marker. Long give you the hover over and show you what your note was to create one, though when the video is. we're in the video.

Stacey Knibloe: Yeah, whatever point you're at, you'll notice down below here. There's a there's a menu of things we can get to. One is notes.

Stacey Knibloe: and you'll see, create a new note it o 44. I can make a note here.

Stacey Knibloe: and it will save that for me. and then I can get to all my others as well. So not very invented with my notes here. But you get the idea kind of keep track of your notes for the course within it.

Stacey Knibloe: so there's also a. Q. A. Available here If folks have submitted questions to the instructor and they've responded, You've got your overview again, so you can get to all of that info announcements. If the instructor makes any reviews again, so we can take a look at those. So it's got some great

Stacey Knibloe: tools to go along with it with the learning, but also just as a reminder of what you're taking. So lots of good stuff Here, let's explore some other, some other options. So the

Stacey Knibloe: resource again is really wide. So you can see I've already found a course for yoga, for iphone photography and game development. So it's, you know, to really run the gamut here.

Stacey Knibloe: So let's say we've got someone who wants to self publish a book.

Stacey Knibloe: We have

Stacey Knibloe: collection so something that could be interesting for instructors at your, at your academic institutions, or even teachers, you know, if they want to kind of create their own textbook, to go along with their course, or something like that has lots of people on how to do this again. We've got all those limits so we can isolate.

Stacey Knibloe: But another good way to get to know the content is to go through the categories tool up here in the just to the left of the search box. You're going to be able to kind of get groups of courses together based on subjects. So a little, you know, like subject heading are going to work. You start out with a pretty broad category, something like personal development.

Stacey Knibloe: and then can narrow down arts and creativity, entrepreneurship, health and fitness life skills. And when you select these pages.

Stacey Knibloe: It basically gives you this browse for

Stacey Knibloe: what is popular, what is trending some feature courses. Things that have been well received suggests narrower searches for something like personal finance coding for kids real estate, You know. We can isolate this further, but it's an interesting way to kind of get a sense of what's here using that category browse

Stacey Knibloe: Again, one of the areas. The resources always been really strong is within the it community and helping people get certification. So that costs money, certainly the certification, but also the courses that folks might be taking. There's no cost to your end user here, so these can all

Stacey Knibloe: help them prep for getting Google certified or micro certified, or what Microsoft certified, whatever it may be.

Stacey Knibloe: can really save folks a lot of money. And doing these on demand courses. So it is, you know, a huge opportunity for folks to build up their professional skills, but also their own. You know personal development. So

Stacey Knibloe: learn a language, you know. Learn, Pilates, whatever it may be. We have lots of good stuff for personal development, but of course, a lot of good stuff to make everybody, you know more employable, and you know.

Stacey Knibloe: stretch of it, maybe raise that salary. But if they need to so there, that is a look at you to me. Let me just double check my notes. If there's anything else I want to stick with that we're in great shape. So again, just a reminder. You're going to send your users to this resource through their local public library.

Stacey Knibloe: All right. So do you want to share that this database or sorry this resource. I guess this is a better name, for it is mobile, responsive. You can load it right up on your browser on your phone, and it will just adjust to your screen size. You pass through all the same authentication as you normally would.

Stacey Knibloe: But this is something you can kind of do learning on the go to bring it up on your phone as needed. We also have an app, and the big benefit to the app is that you can actually download content for offline using. So folks maybe don't have a strong Internet connection at home. Don't do a lot of video.

Stacey Knibloe: They come to the library down the course and then watch it at home. So to get the app you're going to go through a few steps. We have a tip sheet on. How to do this plus I’m going to share my slides with everybody in my follow-up email. So

Stacey Knibloe: you'll search for you to me inside the Google play store or apple's app store, and you'll find 2 courses. You to be. Business is the one you want that gets you. The full gale presents you to me experience. They have another

Stacey Knibloe: kind of lesser collection, I think maybe just a 1,000 or so of you To me online video collection, something like that I can, or the full name. You don't want that one. You want the you to be business one. That's the whole shebang.

Stacey Knibloe: and then, of course, you'll open up the app.

Stacey Knibloe: and when you do, you have to go through a slightly different authentication, because with the app it doesn't know that you're using Gale present you to be through the through the library. So there's a sign in section that will ask for your Organization's account name, and you just type in gale there.

Stacey Knibloe: Then it will prompt you with a screen to help you find your institution. So again you would use public library and look at your local public library's name.

Stacey Knibloe: and sorry I think my animations are missing a bit. Here, then you will again use your library of our code or password, whatever your local public library uses

Stacey Knibloe: to get your authentication, and then log in with your Google or Microsoft or scale account

Stacey Knibloe: and whoops. Oh, sorry if I if you think I have a one that shows you what it looks like when you land in, but

Stacey Knibloe: it looks like the mobile version basically once you there. So then you're good to go.

Stacey Knibloe: So it is a couple of more involved steps to get to the app. But again, the benefit of you have not to have that content offline is really important. So there we go. That is you and me. You'll present you to me full name there.

Stacey Knibloe: So up next scale legal forms, which you know. Again, maybe not. Something is popular in a K. 12 setting. But again for our college students. And just personally, this is a resource that can be really handy, and again save you a lot of money.

Stacey Knibloe: So this database is well named. That's exactly what it is it's full of legal forms, State specific and multi-state forms. We have specifically Vermont forms in this collection. But then multi states forms as well and it can help you with just your everyday legal dealings in life. So selling a house, you know, starting a business.

Stacey Knibloe: you know, going through some of the tougher things in life like a divorce or bankruptcy. This can be a really valuable resource. There's also lots of great help within the collection. So back when I was at the reference desk. You know, folks were basically asking for a legal advice, and I, you know we had to kind of redirect them to other sources, because that

Stacey Knibloe: you don't want legal advice for me. So the database has a lot of good support for pointing folks in the right direction to get those questions answered. So we're going to look at that, too. But most recently we've made some updates. So there are now Spanish language Legal forms. Just look for those with the asterisk. It will

Stacey Knibloe: just populate in your results. We also recently updated. Oh, and that's how the Spanish forms will display just an alternate version.

Stacey Knibloe: And then we also recently updated the Law Digest, which is this encyclopedia basically of legal issues. So the Encyclopedia of American law has over 5,000 legal topics to help again the end user like me, understand what I’m reading rather than you know, legalize.

And then we've also created mark records for this collection, so you can, and we have them for you to me as well. Great way for folks to discover this content, although actually just saying that there you probably should install the mark records for you to me just public vibration. So

Stacey Knibloe: all right, so let's take a look. Whoops. Let's take a look at gale legal forms. So of course, you can always access right through the Vermont online library. I’m: again going to have to kind of take another path.

Stacey Knibloe: so pop in there.

Stacey Knibloe: So the homepage is actually a little like you to me. We have a search right there at the top, and then a browsable main Category Section, so that you can get to content. And I am always a fan of the categories.

you know I don't know what I don't know, and just grouping things together by this category can help me discover things I didn't even know. Maybe I needed to look for.

Stacey Knibloe: But of course our end Users typically are fans of the search bar. Right? So we're all used to looking for that nowadays.

So let's kind of going back to our self publisher.

Stacey Knibloe: you know you want to make sure you're

Stacey Knibloe: protected right if you're publishing your own content. So a book copyright might be something I need to look up. and as you pop into these forms you'll see

Stacey Knibloe: what is so handy within this resources. The form itself is going to be.

Stacey Knibloe: Part me in that legal language. But you get a description

Stacey Knibloe: that is written for me. The lay person right, not a lawyer. So it helps you, you know. Understand. Is this really the form I want.

Stacey Knibloe: You also get a quick little preview of it so you can, and instead of downloading it right away, so you can get eyes on it. See what it looks like there, if I need to. I can pop over to the legal definitions tool, and maybe look for a definition, what is assign, or you know. Let me look that up in the legal definitions.

Stacey Knibloe: So it is. I like the previous. You get eyes on it quickly.

Stacey Knibloe: Of course, when you want to download a form, though we usually have them in word and rich text format. Sometimes you'll see Pdf. As well. and if folks are on their own devices, of course they can just put this where they need it. If they are on one of your computers in the library. They may want to, you know, have flash drive handy, because, of course, these are all editable, and if you are printing this out, you can, of course, fill it in, but I can also do that

Stacey Knibloe: just right here, put in the date myself.

Stacey Knibloe: instead of my terrible chicken scratch handwriting. I can, you know, have this nicely done in the word format here, so

Stacey Knibloe: you can download as many forms as you need. There's no limit here, and often you'll find. For example, let's say we're looking for

Stacey Knibloe: a lease for an apartment. You can be pretty specific here if I just search on lease. I find almost a 1,000 forms right? And looking at the results. There are all different types of leases, boats, brood mayors, you know. It's

Stacey Knibloe: to your benefit sometimes to be a little more specific here. So if we want to lease an apartment.

Stacey Knibloe: be a little more specific.

Stacey Knibloe: and along with the actual lease forms, I’m also finding things like this: rental application, Questionnaire. Why recreate the wheel? This is already done for me. The other thing to keep an eye out for

Stacey Knibloe: is each form is assigned to control number, and it's really only recognized, you know, Gale and our partner, Us legal forms.

but something to keep your eyes peeled for is at the beginning of the control number.

Stacey Knibloe: If it has a Vt. That means this forum was created for use in Vermont.

Stacey Knibloe: so the other forms that are us. These are the multi state forms I referred to earlier. So you know, they are going to apply in lots of different places. But since State, you know laws, regulations can vary

Stacey Knibloe: that VT is something to keep an eye out for, and those are always going to float to the top. It's going to be. Your Vermont forms listed first. Then all the multi state forms listed. So

Stacey Knibloe: when they're available you always see them at the top of your results.

Stacey Knibloe: and this kind of content again. You wouldn't normally think of, and it really is, and it's not a legal form, but it's an application questionnaire. So it is something you know you may need. And why go to, You know office, Max, and pay for a pack of them when you can just print one out right here from the resource. So

Stacey Knibloe: this one actually also has its own related definitions entry. So

Stacey Knibloe: that's kind of handy again, giving support for

Stacey Knibloe: the legal thing you're dealing with right?

Stacey Knibloe: So lots of good stuff there.

Stacey Knibloe: The other thing I like to point out, though again we talked about our small business owners right, and getting you out of the Vermont online library. This is another great way. So say we've got against students in school who want to do that, you know. Maybe there's a kid who's going to start their own long morning service and in high school, or, you know, certainly lot of folks in college looking to be their own boss.

Stacey Knibloe: There's lots of support here for business owners. And again save yourself a little bit of money and legal fees. So, looking at the categories. Browse is a way to kind of also discover the things you may need, that you don't know you need. So Say, for example, if we're going to take a look at partnerships

Stacey Knibloe: instead of taking me to a bunch of results listed with partnership. I go to this nicely well done outline where I can get into specifics around a partnership or the different things I may need.

Stacey Knibloe: So there are different types of partnerships out there. I could use the legal tool, the Legal Terms dictionary to look up the difference between a complex service silent partner that could type of thing go ahead and jump in.

Stacey Knibloe: This is one of the other neat things you'll find there are actually packages of forms they put together. So a general partnership package is going to give me a few different things. and if you're planning to start a partnership, you should also plan how that partnership may end. So you discover here in agreement for the des solution of a partnership. So you know things to think about right.

Stacey Knibloe: Folks may ask you for advice. Well, should I use the simple partnership agreement or the general partnership agreement complex. That's going to be up to them again. That's where the preview is handy. Kind of looking at both. You can even kind of create your own happy and paste from whichever to kind of suit the needs.

Stacey Knibloe: So

Stacey Knibloe: there may be more than one option for them in terms of the form they're going to use. But you know they'll kind of can use their best judgment about what they need, and again, to help support that best judgment. There's a lot of support over here on the left. So I've mentioned the legal definitions tool, you know. Just a quick search here on

Stacey Knibloe: partnerships

Stacey Knibloe: gives me a few different, you know legal terms. I can jump in.

Stacey Knibloe: and it's You know, more than your dictionary definition, but gives you a good idea of what we're here. The law digest is that gale Encyclopedia of American Law. This will give you a variety of legal information. There are, you know, Supreme Court Justice biographies here case overviews along with, you know, just defining a lot of different legal issues so

Stacey Knibloe: really valuable to take a look at and again get the sense.

But where I would point someone, I would just say kind of a 101 level kind of introduction to a legal issue is the legal life articles and helpful topics the legal life articles

Stacey Knibloe: take on really the most popular subject areas in this collection. So you know. Not all of them are a lot of, but something like divorce, you know. Bankruptcy

Stacey Knibloe: or something you could take a look at here or sorry no bank in the helpful topics. But you get kind of this

Stacey Knibloe: where to get started, and just so say, for example, a state planning. Hi! What is it? Why do you do it? What are all these different things that may come into play?

Stacey Knibloe: And you know it's that kind of not quite an advice. Well, I guess advice in a way kind of these are the things you need to take care of. So again, a good place to be able to redirect when they're asking you is to give them this, you know, content, and the in gale legal forms.

Stacey Knibloe: So

Stacey Knibloe: lots of good stuff here again, probably more popular with our in our academic spaces than maybe our K. 12. But again, personally, it's a great resource to have available in Vermont, so take advantage.

Stacey Knibloe: All right. So back to the PowerPoint, and we'll talk about your 2 new Gale, one file collection. So these are

Stacey Knibloe: again whenever your gale, one file, pink magazines, academic journals, newspapers. We've got some multimedia and a lot of these. But

really the point of it is periodicals, and you have access to our big mega nail, one file collections, and an academic one file and German one file, and then a collection of about 25 Gale, one file collections we call them

that are subject specific. So maybe agriculture or information sciences right? A great one for us to work in libraries.

Stacey Knibloe: There are 2 new ones in your collection. Contemporary women's, issues which looks at women's issue through throughout history, and both here in the Us. But also globally, and looking all the different

Stacey Knibloe: women's issues, but also just in general, being women say an entrepreneurship and the like. So really great resource.

Stacey Knibloe: You also have now the one file leadership and management, which is a resource for folks that are in management or looking to be a leader. Lots of great content about being a people leader about. You know the skills you may need and developing those lots of great professional development for your leadership career, basically

Stacey Knibloe: and the issues the same interface that the other gale. One file resources do. I’m just going to pop into the contemporary women's issues quickly

Stacey Knibloe: and again Forgive my different paths. Oh, there we go!

Make things a little bigger. So if you've used one of the one file resources before, this is probably a familiar page again, starting out with the search Here we also have our subject guide search, which is a much more guided approach, but a quick Look here. Say, for example, on

Stacey Knibloe: early in out what? Well, you can see it did give me the correct spelling, but again can't type and talk today, apparently. So here we go. So our Gale, one file resources are

Stacey Knibloe: again aimed at periodicals. Right? So we have content here for magazines that are going to be more little kind of general audience. But then academic journals which are going to be more scholarly and academic.

Stacey Knibloe: We've got book results. We've got news, but particularly for, say, you know, students, younger students, middle school high school that are kind of dipping their toll in the water. Of using periodical resources. This type of search can be a little overwhelming. It's a lot of text on the page. But I like to recommend, and I would say even this, for you know, early college levels.

Stacey Knibloe: when you come into the resource we have that basic search. Very? Google asked. But if you look below we have a topic Finder search.

This is

Stacey Knibloe: just to me our visual search tool. If I do the same. Search

Stacey Knibloe: early marriage instead of bringing back a whole list of articles. What you get is this kind of work lab for me to take a minute.

Stacey Knibloe: Hmm. Had a frog in my throat for the earlier session, and I've got a

Stacey Knibloe: catch in my throat. So okay.

Stacey Knibloe: the word cloud takes the key terms from the beginning of these articles the top ranked articles and creates these cells around it. So teenage marriage, child marriage right there! Oh, these are some other search terms I might want to use. What it also lets you do is then dive deeper into these topics. So

Stacey Knibloe: the key terms from within that set and over on the right. It just shows you the articles that go along with it. So this is interactive. It's colorful. It's a little more engaging, but it's also kind of

Stacey Knibloe: filling the student in. So what do we talk about when we talk about this issue, and what's interesting is to do a search like this here in contemporary women's issues, and then go do the same one. But in a you know, say academic, one file, and see how those clouds are different, based on the sources that are in each of these collections. So it's. You know.

Stacey Knibloe: all based on what you're working with here, so the content is, you know, again, kind of depending on the resource you're in. The audience may kind of skew up and down in terms of reading level. But

Stacey Knibloe: I would say, with high school students you could probably pop into most of these resources and find appropriate reading level, some that are going to be maybe a stretch for them. You know the academic journals and the like, but you know the one file resources can be a of information. They're all updated

Stacey Knibloe: throughout the day, adding new content. I really all of our databases are throughout the day, but I think it's especially evident when you're in the long file resources. So the other path, and just quickly

I pop into leadership and management

Stacey Knibloe: again. Same basic search here to start. But I love our subject guide. This work puts our subject headings to work. So instead of going immediately to results.

Stacey Knibloe: you get point into subject headings, and that's what it's suggesting here. It's not suggesting key words. It is suggesting subject headings that we have. So say, employee recruitment.

Stacey Knibloe: and I can jump to 3,000 results, or I can open up my subdivisions and start narrowing down. So topic finder and subject guide in your one file. Resources can really be a lifesaver. There are a way to really 0 in rather than work with, You know.

Stacey Knibloe: I think I could have something like 14 million articles in it, or something.

you know. It's not unusual to have a very Google s result where you've got a 100,000 hint. So using these 2 paths

Stacey Knibloe: is really a great way to 0 in, and then also taking advantage, even if I do select to save you all 3,000 hits.

Stacey Knibloe: taking advantage of those filters over on the right, on a page like this. So maybe even something like publication day. If we want to talk about employee recruitment just since the pandemic, you know, there's been a lot of talk. I could maybe just limit to the past year or put in my own date ranges. You've got things like subject headings to narrow down to

Stacey Knibloe: document types, one of my favorites. But it is really beneficial to be able to take advantage of those filters right here on your search results so, and something people are doing more of. You know your shopping online, and there are always filters to isolate to the color you want or the size you want. People are used to seeing this now, so it's becoming more. You know

Stacey Knibloe: common nature to use this in your research where we've always loved it, you know, as is folks who know libraries

Stacey Knibloe: and users are kind of looking forward to now to in these databases. So lots of good stuff in those 2,

Stacey Knibloe: all right. So moving on to some updates that have happened in your kind of legacy products, we might call them so things you had access to a while, and I am going to share my slides here. So if we spend a little less time on these, you'll have them as a handout.

Stacey Knibloe: So with the various challenges that are happening across the country, we, of course, want you to be prepared. So should questions come up about your gale resources or my online library. Gale has a content curation practices page on our website.

Stacey Knibloe: and it fills you in on basically how we build these databases. We are a publisher. So we develop a lot of our own content. But we also work with third party publishers. So how does that work.

Stacey Knibloe: and what are the things we've been focusing on. So it gives you a lot of good detail, and then, if you need more, you can, of course, always reach out to your Gale team. So we're there for you. Should you start facing any challenges around these resources, so do reach out to your team at Gale.

Stacey Knibloe: We also have want to be able to stay up to date. What's happening in products? What are you know? Some meet things other libraries have done with these resources. Our blog has lots of good

Stacey Knibloe: info, and it's not going to inundate you. If you subscribe, there's probably a poster to a week. It is. It is not going to fill up your inbox, but it's a great way to stay up to date about what's going on with the gale resources.

Stacey Knibloe: And of course we want to reach every learner, so we have a variety of accessible tools in our databases. Things like translate, font size, and listen have been around for a long time, but we've added a display options tool for the most comfortable or needed reading experience, and what it does is let you

Stacey Knibloe: kind of set the way the article looks, so you can change the background color. I have a nephew who has a processing issue. He really needs text to be on a blue or a green background for him to see it correctly, so I can set that. Give him the green background. You can change the fonts. Some folks like Sarah. Some don't

Stacey Knibloe: open dyslexic was direct request from customers. You have the open dyslexic prompt which you kind of weights the bottom of the type face of it. You can also change the spacing between letters, lines, and words, and get again the most comfortable or needed reading experience. And what's nice is, it sets a cookie.

Stacey Knibloe: So the next article I go to it would display the same way, and if I’m on my own device, you know, as long as I leave my cookies alone it'll continue to do that any time I go into the gal resources. So, using this example, this is from an in context, database. But really the one file database is, I’ll do it the business, the health database.

Stacey Knibloe: all are going to have these options.

Stacey Knibloe: and we've added some great new popular materials to Gale. One file

Stacey Knibloe: we have Rolling Stone Readers Digest Team, Black Girls Magazine, Canadian Living Fast company, You know these are things people are buying on the newsstand, and you can actually subscribe basically to these databases inside general, one file. So

some of these are already available. Everything we're adding 110 plus titles, so everything will be loaded by April 23, the next month. So let me pop in quickly. I’m just going to jump into Gale, General, one file.

Stacey Knibloe: So this is our, you know, companion to academic, one of the general interest periodicals. So if you go into the resource and select publication. Search

Stacey Knibloe: you can

Stacey Knibloe: to search on a company. Sorry not company, a publication name.

Stacey Knibloe: and you might see

Stacey Knibloe: these publications listed twice. Some of them. We've had previous agreements with, and have maybe a closed file where we had access to it for a few years.

Stacey Knibloe: The new ones, the new editions, the most recent articles. We are partnering with Zinnio to provide these. So if you do see them twice like I’m seeing here look for the one for the most recent issues.

Stacey Knibloe: and then there it is. So These most of these are starting about a year ago or January 22, I've seen a few.

Stacey Knibloe: so we're getting a bit of a backpack for them, and then we'll continue going forward. You can actually jump in and read the whole issue.

Stacey Knibloe: or, as I mentioned that subscription tool.

Stacey Knibloe: Oh, what sorry for me!

Stacey Knibloe: Scroll up and circle this up in our toolbar, you'll see.

Stacey Knibloe: create journal alert. So this will basically let me get an email or add it to an Rss aggregator like feedly, or something like that. And I can tell it how often I wanted to check for a new issue. I always leave it set to daily, so I got it as soon as possible.

Stacey Knibloe: You do have to be 18 years or older because you're turning over your email address for this feature. But it's a way to stay up to date. Get that new issue delivered in your inbox.

Stacey Knibloe: you know, like that. So

Stacey Knibloe: really neat feature. You can do that in any of the one pile resources. So not only here with these new kind of popular publications, but

Stacey Knibloe: you know, academic, one file has tons of scholarly journals that are expensive to subscribe to. You can sign up for an alert the same way. I've just done here an academic one phone. Just use that publication search to find it. You're good to go

Stacey Knibloe: all righty whoops. Sorry back to the slides here. So we also have created a new feature inside academic one file here, and just keeping an eye on the time I probably won't. Go out and demo this. So I do have a kind of detailed slide about it.

Stacey Knibloe: So just an academic one thought you won't. See this in all of the one file resources. We had a lot of requests to add back a feature that we used to have a bulk download of articles.

Stacey Knibloe: So what you'll do is when you're in academic one you'll notice each of sorry my slides Aren't, advancing Here, there we go.

Stacey Knibloe: You'll notice each of your articles. Have a little check box next to them that you can check off, and then up in the toolbar

Stacey Knibloe: you can choose to download those articles.

Stacey Knibloe: and what it will do is create a zip file of those articles you've selected that you can then download and unzip. It is text based articles.

Stacey Knibloe: It Isn't: Pdf: it's going to be that txt file, but you can download these articles involved instead of one by one, as you go into each of them, which is really handy. So again came from customer feedback. So it is always important to share your thoughts, because you end up sometimes with the feature you want it so

Stacey Knibloe: definitely. Let us know if you're looking for things like that. But again, this is only an academic one. File right now, so could make its way into other one about resources. But for now it's just an academic one file.

Stacey Knibloe: All right, then. The Gale, in context is, of course, our content. That's really popular in K. 12 settings, and like the first couple of years of college, we have these

Stacey Knibloe: 3 that are themed around grade levels, and this is just some of the highlights of some of the most recently updated topics or topic newly added topic pages that have gone into the collection. One of the things they're focusing on in the next couple of months will be a lot more personal finance

Stacey Knibloe: content. So keep an eye out for that. It's starting to feed into the resource. But this past year we had different topics that we're a focus things like native American content, adding more

Stacey Knibloe: pages around different books like the book thief, historic materials. This is again a lot of times guided by what folks are searching in our resources, but also what we're hearing from our libraries and teachers about what they need.

Stacey Knibloe: You also have some of the subject, specific Galen contexts, collections of biography, opposing viewpoint, science, Us. History. These are probably the ones you might see more use of in the academic space as well. Certainly they're popular in in high schools, but reading level wise. It's, you know, usually middle School high School, and up into the first couple of years of college. So posing viewpoints is always a popular one.

Stacey Knibloe: In an academic setting. We have a new disinformation and misinformation Page and anti science Page added in that resource. Recently Gale and Contact Science has done some

Stacey Knibloe: work around the different items, maybe coming out of the pandemic. The biography and history databases have also had some new pages, and

content is always being updated. But save lab your Zelensky's page, work on it, and updating that pretty regularly. So it is, you know again, still great content, always in this resource, but always something we're updating and adding new content to as well, so.

Stacey Knibloe: and we'll continue to. That's another reason to follow the blog, because we often post there about some neat stuff that's been added. So Lastly, get you out here on time. Where can you get support from Gale? You, of course, have great support through the Vermont department of libraries, but we also want you to feel free to reach out to Gale. We've got a lot of great on demand support on the page. You can go there and get all of your access. URL: so lot of libraries use the Vermont online library page. But if you want to link these on your own websites or put them in live guides, or

Stacey Knibloe: really put them anywhere. You can always get your access, URLs from this page they use to authentication. So if folks allow their location to be known, it's a great way to get into the resource. But say, if you're an academic institution. You rather have all your students use proxy servers. We can set up with that way lots of authentication methods.

We've got lots of training materials, tip sheets, Tutorials training. Dax again. No need to recreate the we all this stuff already exist, especially for marketing materials. You know. You want to let people know You've got these resources. We've got things like bookmarks. You can customize and print out to patrons, but also lots of digital signage.

So if we have, you know, if your library has, say, an Instagram page or Facebook account, or something, we've got a lot of cool things you can post.

Stacey Knibloe: We recently added, escape rooms for several of the Gale and context resources so great activity to do in the library with. Say, your middle school is your elementary, you know we've got one for each elementary, middle and high, and then more coming. But it's a great way to engage kids with research and take advantage of the content.

We also again have lots of great marketing material. So the digital signage, I think, is especially handy, you know. Just a copy and paste, and you've got a piece of marketing. So lots of good stuff.

Stacey Knibloe: But of course that's all on demand support. Right? So when you want to talk to a person feel free to reach out. I’m happy to be your go to if I don't have the answer. I know where to get it. Another good person to get to know it. Gale is your customer success manager. They are responsible for helping you Be successful with these resources, and they specialize by library type. So if you're in an academic institution.

that's who they work with all the time, and they're also going to know

Stacey Knibloe: Vermont online library, so they specialize by plates as well as geography as well. So

Stacey Knibloe: okay, keep an eye on the blog. Lots of good stuff there. Of course we're on social media, too, so you can follow us there and then, when you leave the session, say you should be prompted to take our training survey. But I’ll include that link in my follow up email as well, if you don't have time today. But we'd love to know what you thought of the session. Feedback is so important, not just on our products.

but on the services that we're providing you. So let us know what you thought of it. The training today so

Stacey Knibloe: always good to hear from you, April. Anything to add before we wrap up and let folks go.

April Shaw: No, that was great. If anyone has any questions about their school specific links, or any password to log in. If you can't use the Geo of education, just reach out to me.


Stacey Knibloe: All right.

April Shaw: Well, thanks everybody for tuning in. I’m going to stick around and see if any questions should come up. But if you're all set, thanks so much for tuning in today and have a great rest of the week.
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