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Last Updated: June 27, 2024

For UOPL: Exploring Gale Business Resources: Empowering Entrepreneurs and Business Professionals

Discover the power of Gale Business Resources available through Utah's Online Public Library in this comprehensive training session. Dive into three essential business resources: Gale Business: Entrepreneurship, Gale Business: Insights, and Gale OneFile: Business. Explore the wealth of content and features designed to support entrepreneurs, small business owners, business students, and investors. Learn how to effectively navigate and utilize these resources to gain valuable insights, conduct market research, and make informed business decisions. View this webinar recording to learn about the resources available to support patrons on elevating their business expertise and driving success.
Duration: 45 Minutes
Welcome everyone to Exploring Gale Business Resources, empowering entrepreneurs and business professionals. This training today is a Gale training for Utah's Online Public Library.

My name is Tammi Burke. I'm your senior training consultant from Gale and I'm excited to talk to you about these business resources.

Any questions that you have any time throughout today's training, please feel free to use that Q&A box.

I will be monitoring it throughout today's training. And I will also stay on at the end of the session to answer any additional questions that you have.

I just want to make sure you get the most out of this training. And have all your questions. Answer before you leave me.

But if you think of things after today's training, it you'll have my contact information. So you'll receive a follow-up email with my contact information.

I'll share it also during today's training. We want to make sure that you are have everything you need and had all your questions answered so that you are finding huge success and hit the ground running with these new resources.

So today's training will focus on how your Gale business resources from Utah's Online Public Library will support small business owners, business students, and private investors.

We will focus on content and features within 3 different resources today. So with that, let's look at our brief agenda where we're 1st going to talk about access to the resources I do have some new information that I can share about access and direct URLs.

But I will also share an overview of the individual Gale business resources. We're going to spend the majority of our time exploring content, tools, and features.

And then any questions that you have, please feel free to ask in the Q&A box. If it is hidden on your screen, check under the more button.

Zoom just did some updates and for my at least for myself. It is hidden under that more button and you can just pop that Q&A box out.

So I will again be monitoring that and if you have any questions, please feel free to ask. I will leave you with not only my contact information, but your customer success manager at the end of today's training, customer success managers at Gale are there for your one-on-one support.

They are there to support you in all things Gale. So they are post sales support and really just want to make sure that you have everything set up, your access set up, if you want to walk through any of our support materials, we will be doing additional training sessions throughout the month of July, including our Gale support site.

That's 1 of our sessions we have planned. But if you'd like that information, right away.

Ally can help you with that. She's your customer success manager. And also usage reports and understanding all of that.

So this is an ongoing partnership. With your customer success manager and Gale as Gale is with Utah's Online Public Library.

So again, we wanna make sure that you have all the tools that you need to have a smashing success right from the beginning.

So let's jump into talking about access. If you're familiar with this website, the Utah's Online Public Library website.

I suggest that you take a look there to get any updates, any information that you may need. They are going to be posting information there to the site.

As you can see, they have what's coming soon, which is July You can learn more when you click on that second page.

This gives you additional information below this message you'll see. All of the resources they posted all of the icons.

There so you can see if you would like a Gale crosswalk, to your previous Ebsco resources, we have that information linked out there.

It's in a multi-page PowerPoint that you can take a look at and see the connections, you know, how the how the resources are related there.

So we have that. Crosswalk for you. And I did cover this information in our overview.

Session that we had on Tuesday. So that is already posted on the Gale support site, which located here and I'm going to put this link in the chat real quick so let me send that to you all.

This is a great support page to bookmark. It is going to provide you with not only your direct URLs, for each of your libraries or library systems, you'll have a direct URL.

Now, I will say. Don't use them yet because there I believe it's happening this morning.

The state library is meeting with easy proxy that is also looping in one of our fantastic tech.

Experts, he's actually director of his department. So they're meeting this morning to finalize in those links.

So hold tight. They will be updated soon, but please bookmark this site because you can come back and take a look.

Again, check with your state library. They will add, I'm sure, messaging to their website when everything is available and live.

There were just some technical questions they were working out this week before the launch on July So just wanted to let you all know they will be posted soon.

And those links for each library and library system will be available. On this site. Not only that, and then what it'll look like to once you access the site, what you'll see is.

This page where you can log in and click you'll log in find your library name and click proceed it just recently had an update and I just realized I didn't update my screenshot but it you once you click proceed it'll take you to all of your products.

And all of your direct URLs and the location ID for each individual library or library system will be added in here, which then you'll be able to track usage.

So you really want to use those direct URLs. If you'd like to export your entire list, you have that option over here on the right hand side to export it.

And that'll give you a spreadsheet of all of those links. So you'll have all that information.

But again, hold type because they will be adding additional information to these links so that they are using easy proxy, which will help with your authentication and login.

It'll keep everything consistent across all of your resources, including your new ones that you have from Gale.

So they're working on getting all of that information added. So check back because it will be there.

I hopefully by the end of today, but I would give it until tomorrow so they have time to meet and work out those details.

So these are the resources we're going to talk about today. We're going to take a deeper dive into the 3 business resources.

These are great for entrepreneurs, small businesses, business students. It's great for courses. And, and anyone doing type any type of business research or investors, private investors, so your patrons can get great information from all 3 of these resources.

And with that, I want to dive into each one so you have a better understanding of them. So the 1st one we're going to talk about is Gale Business Entrepreneurship.

Gale Business Entrepreneurship is a comprehensive database that covers all aspects of starting and operating a business.

You'll find that it both authoritative periodical content with reference content. And it's supports perspective and also current entrepreneurs.

As well as business students. So you're going to find real-world business plans and these are great for providing overviews, competition analysis.

Market analysis, review of risks and factors and so much more. So you'll have the complete plan of the business plan is handbook.

I don't know if you have those on your library shelves but now you have them the digital access here and Gale business entrepreneurship.

That's 1 that we publish at Gale. So we do publish a lot of our own content and we also work with fantastic publications from around the world.

We're a global company. So you'll find the business plans handbook complete series available within Gale Business Entrepreneurship.

You're going to find reference works like encyclopedia small business, which provides essays on all matters.

Related to and establishing, maintaining or otherwise managing a small business. Great directories are available. And they're great for, you know, establishing or maintaining, again, otherwise managing a small business, but their trade publications you'll find consultants there.

Local and regional organizations are all going to, you'll find in those within those directories. And then there's over 300 full text entrepreneurial and 3 specific magazines and journals.

So this does have some of those full-text documents. You also have access to 2 other resources that have additional business articles and industry information available that I'm going to share with you today.

So this is just one of the 3 that you're going to find. But it really keeps you up to date on those.

On. Information or data that's happening within your industry. The second resource that we are going to jump into and I did touch on this one in our overview session.

So if you were there. Attended on Tuesday. This one was touchdown briefly. We're going to take a deeper dive into it today.

And that's Gale Business Insights. Gale business insights you're going to find is.

A great resource for that provides a global business intelligence that's designed for business professionals, entrepreneurs, students, and general researchers.

There are over 4,000 full-text periodical resources or content available here, journals for example.

There's more than 430,000 detailed company profiles and I the company profiles are fantastic.

They're organized on one page. Their information is linked out. And it really is a great tool to find that financial data on a company.

There's in-depth country overviews and comprehensive industry profiles that you'll find on those business profiles.

There's over a thousand industries with industry reports, competitive landscapes, and you'll also find plunket reports.

Also SWAT analysis. So on those company profiles, you'll find the SWAT analysis.

And then again, those Plunkett reports are also available. And I just mentioned SWAT analysis, but great for those financial statements in case studies and articles or maybe you're looking at a business in want to know what threats are approaching that business or that business is dealing with.

So SWAT analysis is a great resource for that. And then you're going to find top end industry information by country, territory, and the companies based there with relevant article content.

So again, you'll be able to compare companies and industries like certain territories even so you can.

In certain countries you can compare those different countries. Then this is a great tool that compare tool within the resources also.

A helpful tool that our users really like to utilize. And then the last resource we're going to touch into is from our one file product family.

So anything with one file in the title is focused on periodicals. Academic journals, newspapers, magazines.

You'll find some multimedia here, but really focusing on those periodicals and it's a great place to find that industry, specific information, up-to-date information.

These resources are being updated every day throughout the day. So you're going to see new content added all the time.

But this is in Gale One File Business is in that one file periodical family. Again, finding, it's a great resource for company news making personal investment decisions or a student that's majoring in business administration, this is a great resource for them.

It does provide full-text coverage of all business disciplines. So you can find accounting economics, finance, marketing, management, and strategy as well as business theory and practice.

And then the content on the activities of companies and industries worldwide you'll find available in this resource nearly 4,000 business and trade publications that are updated daily.

And then also, like I mentioned, we're a global company, so it's international and US.

Plus you'll have regional news publications available within this resource. So again, it's a 1 file.

So focusing more on that periodical content.

All right, so with that I want to jump right in and get started. If you have any questions, don't forget that Q&A box is open and available.

We are starting with Gale Business Entrepreneurship. So let me share my screen and get us started.


So, Gale, this is let me make sure. There we go. Okay. Gale business entrepreneurship.

Right on the homepage, you have the ability to sign in. With Google or Microsoft at the very top.

If you have, you're working with any schools and they're using Google Classroom as soon as they sign into any of your Gale resources, that's 1 thing you'll find is the consistency across your Gale resources.

So you're going to find that ability to sign in in the same place. The tools and features in the same place.

You're also going to find that your content is always available in HTML format. And then also you have the ability to download it as a PDF.

So it's not either or, you always have it available. So you're going to find great.

Consistency not only with the tools and features across all your Gale resources, but also with the content and how your users are viewing that content.

So keep that in mind that that consistency is there. So you'll see that the difference between them is of course content.

You might have additional items like we have a business glossary here in the contextual toolbar for this resource.

The banners are going to look a little different. But again, you're going to log in here if you are using Google or Microsoft, you can sign in right away.

And then if you need to translate the navigational tools, that always lives at the top also.

And then if you need to translate the navigational tools, that always lives at the top also.

We're at over 34 languages, that always lives at the top also. We're at over 34 languages to translate those navigational tools.

We're at over 34 languages to translate those navigational tools and that's separate, and, and, we're at over 34 languages to translate those navigational tools.

And that's separate then our translation that happens at the document level. Okay, so you have both options available.

Our basic search and advanced search both live here and these are intuitive. So I'm not going to dive into those too much.

We'll cover advanced search in one of the other sessions, but it is very intuitive and we do have some tips to help users with.

The different. Search operators that you have available with examples. Also, on our contextual toolbar, the tools will change depending on what we need and where we're at within the resource.

All of your Gale resources are mobile responsive. So no matter what type of device you're on, the screen will automatically adjust.

We can see topics of interest scrolling here at the top of the page. And then in this resource, we have 4 categories.

So or 4 topics where we take you from planning your business and we have some topic pages. That are linked out here, those that align nicely to the subject of planning a business and topic pages are curated collections of information.

We take a look at and these are, this, these are created by our subject matter specialists. Our content editors.

They create these topic pages and curate the information so it gives you that organized look at content. So you're being taken to a topic page.

It starts with an image and essay overview. So it's a really helpful tool and very similar to our Gale In resources that have that similar setup.

So health and wellness is another one that is has those topic pages. So Again, topic pages, these are some of the subjects for those topic pages.

We go from planning to funding to starting to managing. So it really takes a small business owner, entrepreneur, business student through that process.

Step by step. Okay, so looking at the homepage, we talked about the 4 main topics and the topic pages.

I want to go back up to the toolbar and share with you the glossary because glossary is always a helpful tool, especially with some of the business terms that might be unfamiliar.

So I can search through my glossary for a specific term. Or you can see it's all been alphabetized here.

So again, just a helpful tool that you have in your contextual toolbar there. Anytime I want to go back to the homepage in any of my Gale resources, I just need to click into the banner and it'll always direct me right back to that homepage.

You also have the ability to browse all the topics. So if you don't want them organized like this, and again, we have more than just these.

5 topics that are listed for plan, we just, again, curated them under that topic. If I go click on browse topics, it takes me to all the business topics and I can go to any of those topic pages.

Now, do we have more than this available within the resource? Absolutely. These are some of the business topics.

You also will find business types. We have topic pages for. We have how to section. And then additional resources.

Okay. And that again lives in my Contextual toolbar here. We're all find that information.

All right, so let's jump right in. And go to Our 1st topic and we're going to start with and I'm going to try to touch into each of these with the time that we have of available.

So 1st we're going to start talking about business plans. I'm going into planning business plans and I'll talk to you about a way that I like to utilize our business plans.

One thing again, image and essay overview are here on this topic page and these are a great place to get started.

On any of the topics, but you're going to find this topic pages heavily focused on business plans.

But we do have some recommended resources, a couple directories, magazines and journals, news, websites, audio and video available.

Anytime on any of my topic page if I want to search within my results to quickly find a certain term, I can do that.

It's listed here, and then it is also listed on under my filter your results box so let me show you where that is because we're going to go directly into business plans before I do I want to scroll down and share with you you can see each of the boxes here.

The contents, contents, information, the content types are all here at the top still. So I can quickly jump.

We do have some websites that we've linked out if we've linked out websites, they're safe vetted websites.

So know that that information again has been checked by our folks at Gale. Let's go directly into business plans.

And you can see we have. Over 1,200 business plans and these are coming from the business plans handbook and you have the most recent so the 2024 addition has already been added so volume 60 you have digital access to that a lot of times we hear that these business plan, have digital access to that.

A lot of times we hear that these business plan books, the business plans. A lot of times we hear that these business plan books, the business plans handbook, at the library is one of those business plan books, the business plans handbook at the library is one of those books that doesn't always get returned.

I know what you're talking about because it just is it's a popular book. So now you have digital access to all of that content and all of the tools and features that go along with using the digital resources.

So this is a great one to highlight with your public library patrons. One way I like to use this is to filter.

I sort by it's already sorted sorted by newest because I like to see what's trending.

Some of these business plans that are trending and these are coming from successful businesses. We've changed the name and usually the address are both been changed.

So that type of information has been changed, but it's their successful business plans from successful businesses. So we do give a great sample of that.

The filter your results is over here to the right hand side. I mentioned that already in our previous screen and where you have the ability to filter by publication day subjects, document type, publication title, search within is also here.

As I mentioned, the search within on the topic page, it does live here. So I can drill down again from this point.

Filters that I add, anything I select from any of these sections or these subject areas will filter everything down at once.

If I wanted to highlight business plans in my public library programming and I wanted to share it but I wanted folks to come directly into the spot.

What I can use is the get link tool. Get link provides a persistent URL back to any spat within the resource.

So. If I want to take them to the topic page, I can do that. If I want to take them directly into the business plans, then I can use the get link that way.

If I've added a filter, like let's say I'm changing my publication date to everything from the past year.

I can use my link to. Directly back to this filter content too. So you can use it in a variety of ways, but you can definitely link back to any spot within the resource.

Alright, I've selected this coffee truck, cobblestone coffee company. I go to the local farmers market on the weekends and there is a coffee truck there and I've always been curious like I wonder how they you know how business is you see food trucks all the time but I don't know in your area if you have coffee.

Trucks available, but this one, there is always a line like wrapped down the sidewalk.

And now mind you, not even a block away, there's another coffee shop. That's the one I go to because they have frozen coffees and I love them.

A little local coffee shop. So last stop in there, but this one, this this coffee truck, I tell you, it people are lined up to get coffee at the farmers market every weekend.

So I've found this business plan I thought, oh my gosh, how exciting I want to read a little bit more about it.

A couple things I want to point out. You can see publication information at the top of the page.

You also can see we have this explore panel. And what the Explore panel does is it provides supplemental information related to the content that we're on.

So you can see this more like this. Is here. I can jump to additional content or additional documents.

I also this. This document because it is a business plan and it is a longer document, it has its own table of contents here.

So you can see all the parts. It starts with an executive summary. It also gives me operation information, personnel, growth strategy, always important.

We have financial analysis. But then below we have related subjects. So in this explore panel, I have a lot of additional information.

As I scroll down the document, you can see each of those parts that I just shared with you, organization, here's my market analysis.

Target markets. Street fairs. I don't see farmers markets on here. I would have added that one.

Maybe that's what considered the street fares is maybe along that line. Here's the competitors.

And then menu that they're offering. It looks like a fairly simple menu.

Electrical plumbing. Hours of operation. Here's the cost breakdown. So it really is the business plans are a great jumping off point.

This one even has looks like it has some organizations linked out here too. So each business plan is going to the components will might be slightly different.

We try to make sure that they have a lot of the same, but you might have additional or something in in lieu of because it doesn't really apply to that business plan, right?

Okay, so this is one of the tools that you have available. I'm going to now go back.

And go back to my results.

And I'm going to go into recommended resources. Because let's say I want to filter this down.

Maybe I want to know what are the pitfalls? Of opening a business at all, right? It doesn't have to be the coffee business.

It just, just what are the pitfalls that I need to avoid? So I'm going to search with in and I'm going to look for.

Oh my stuff around here.

Pitfalls to avoid.

And here you go. 4 tips for scaling your business, defining your business purpose and structure. Here's developing a business.

You've got a lot of information on developing a business plan, starting a business overview. So all of this great content is available.

Just with the simple search that I found. So if I say maybe I want to.

And my screen locked up here. Bear with me. Oh, I did have a question come in.

Is Gale business? Plan builder included in any of the tool sets. Lee, thanks for asking, unfortunately.

Gale Business Plan builder is not part of any of the tool sets or it's sort of the business program, but if you wanted to purchase that separately, it does work well with these resources that I'm sharing with you today.

I can connect you with someone, but it is not part of your state resources. That you have. Let me go back to my PowerPoint real quick because I'm having a My screen is frozen real quick.

Let me fix that.

Zoom has been doing this lately no matter what my updates I do. Let's see, that should fix it.

There we go. Okay, go back to sharing that screen. So if we go back to.

There it is.

Sharing this information here. I, am I clicking into this 1st article. That's not a good one.

Let me go back. Sounds good title, but I need more information to share with you. There we go.

I wanted more text on the page because I want to share with you these tools to support accessibility. Again, another tool and features shared across all your Gale resources.

You do have the ability to translate the text into over 50 languages. We are using Google Translate.

That question comes up sometimes, so wanted to let you know. You have the ability to increase that font size or or decrease it.

Our display options, you have the ability to change the color behind the text. You can change the font.

Maybe I need open dyslexic and I would like to increase my line letter and word spacing.

Once I've set this up. It will stick with me throughout my session. So I will have all of these, every article, every document I look at will have this same setup.

So that's a nice thing with this feature. If I want to go back to my default settings, I just open that back up.

And click back to the default settings. I can listen to the text being read aloud to me by just open that up.

It'll start reading the text and you should be able to hear this. Through your audio. I set it up that way.

Starting a business overview One of the most frequently asked

There we go. So as you can see, not only does it highlight the sentence, but it highlights the word as it's being read aloud and it will Move down the page with you so it scrolls the page for you.

Now, under this More button. A few things I want to share with you. There are additional settings.

You can choose what's being highlighted. The sentence color, what's, you know, if you want it on or off, you want to change the word color, text color, you have those options available.

You have few other options up here at the top, the speed. You can in this this these features here are increasing the text on this pop out, you have that in your display options.

So these settings here are for this this popup box. Automatic scrolling is on, but if you don't want that on, you can turn it off.

You have some keyboard shortcuts. And you can restore your default settings. Okay. If I.

Close this out. Also under that more button, enlarge text. So let me show you what that is.

And I can download this as an MP 3 and listen to it later. But let And enlarge the text and then click play.

Questions I receive from my readers.

So you can see it pulls. The text out on the page. I can even enlarge this text.

So it really helps support the needs of your users. And again, I can click play from here.

Is what kind of business is easy to start and guaranteed to be successful?

If I've translated the document. And then click the Listen button, then it'll read it to me in that translated language.

Now, we are at 50 languages for the text. We for the listen button, we're at 25.

So about half of that and they are the ones that are the most used. But you can listen to the text being read aloud in the language you've translated to.

It's 1 of those 25. Which typically it is. Anytime I want to remove this, I just click the X and it'll remove all of those listen features.

Let me know if you have any questions on that.

I already answered the question in the Q&A box. Okay, so with that I want to, we spent the majority of our time there in the business plans and business plans handbooks.

I just want to jump back to that homepage. And just point out a few things. In funding, if you're looking for angel investors, I want to point out that here the directories is a great place to take a look.

The directories for those that contact information. So let me just select.

I think it was this top one. So you can see information. If you're, what do they do?

Here's a description what they provide. Here, this is an invasion, angel investor group supporting startups in early stage high growth business in Southeast.

So you can contact folks directly from your resource. Our starting a company maybe you have someone that's looking minority veteran or women own company.

And this is a great. Topic page to take a look at. You have a couple directories but really looking at those either business plans or recommended resources.

You have great news and magazine and journal articles also available. This one has quite a few audio files also available talking about.

And here's like magazines and journals, overcoming challenges. When you're opening a business.

Here's women owned business startup information. That's a great directory to to guide folks too.

The last one I'll touch into. This one for managing. So one thing that we hear a lot from our small business owners is They need help keeping employees.

So managing your employees, what if you have a difficult employee? What are some tips and tricks? Utilizing this resource for that type of information is also available.

Here's outsourcing as compared to offshoring or and offshoring. Difficult employees.

Here's an article on difficult employees. So great tools available in here. And like I said, it covers a little bit of everything for our.

Our small business owners, our entrepreneurs, our business researchers and especially also our students that are taking these types of courses.

All right, let's dive into our next resource. I am using my product menu to jump between resources.

That lives, let me show you, in the library menu, so whenever I'm in a resource library menu.

View Gale product menu. So that's how I quickly jump between resources is utilizing this product menu.

Some libraries will link this out. Others. Do with each individual product. I think each individual product is great especially if you have some great organization on your library website.

That I had a librarian reach out to me just recently asking me, okay, where should I put this and where should I put that?

And this is to information that Ally can help with when you're organizing your resources on your library page.

So. Keep that in mind that you have support at Gale. We can help you. You don't have to do this alone.

But we're gonna jump into the next business resource and that is Gale Business Insights.

And we did touch into this already this week, but again, tools and features are the same so we don't really have to touch into that information.

We'll see a little bit different here. We have a compare tool. So if I wanted to quickly jump into and compare different territories or countries.

I can do that along with businesses or industries that information you can do all those types of things here with that compared to.

But we're going to spend our time looking at the homepage where we have we start with our company profiles.

Then we also have business publications and we too show the most used publications are listed here on the homepage.

But we have the ability to browse all publications. Certain topics that are trending and are being searched for.

So you can see those listed, but I can browse all my topics. We have the industries that are the most searched for right now, but again, We have over a thousand industries that we can look through and then major markets.

So here's the most searched markets. But again, if I wanted to look at all my countries and territories and compare them, I have that option available.

So today, let's say I'm interested in buying stocks and I would like a big tech company but want to dive into reliable, accurate reports about the company before I make my decision.

And one of those big companies is Apple. I really like my iPhone and along with my Mac I I am bought into the Apple products.

I do enjoy them very much. But I want to see, okay, how are they doing?

How do they compare to say Samsung? Right? So there's some options we have here.

The company profiles, you start with information, you have the website, you have social media, you can see the revenue, so it gives you a bit of a snapshot at the top.

Here's a company overview with some additional information, additional company details, in-depth articles specifically on this company.

Over to the right we have the SWAT analysis. So let me open that up so you can see and I can download this or print this off, but here's the SWAT analysis.

And it takes you through, I always like to take a look at the threats. That's the section at the end here to see, okay, what, you know, it's stiff competition.

I get that, right? What other threats are they facing right now? So understanding that is really helpful.

And again, we have our explore panel so we can continue and look through more information if we wanted to.

As it loads the financials here. We'll give it a second. You can, there we go.

Financial performance is the next area on our company profile pages. And of course we have all kinds of company information in here even if we don't have a company profile for a specific.

Profit or or not for profit company, you'll find those private companies are also listed here. We don't have the public companies, of course, we're gonna have far more information, but the private companies we do have some information on, just may not have as much details as we do in our.

Public companies because they have to publish this information, right? So you have the balance sheet, the cash flow, income ratios, investment reports are all here.

Anytime I click into any of these, I can still access all of the others at the top. So these are the other income cash flow ratios that we're on that company profile page.

I can quickly jump to each of those here. So I don't have to go back and forth, which is really helpful.

I can choose what I would like, what reports I'd like to see. Do I want to annual?

Do I want quarterly information? What reporting period am I interested in? Do I want to compare it with another company?

Then I do. I do want to compare it with another company. We're going to compare it to Samsung.

Other options, if I want to show all metrics and then I can download this data. Now I can also take a look before I start comparing those companies at the income statement cash flow ratios.

I also have investment reports and SCC filings. Always really important if you're getting ready to invest in a company to make sure that there are not any SCC filings or if there are what are they.

I'm going to now jump into comparing this to another company and I do actually have the ticker symbol.

To keep it nice and quick for us today.

To find Samsung Electronics. And you can compare, it's usually it's up to 3, it might be more in this in this.

Scenario. The compare tool here gives you 3 options so you can see them all on one screen. But now I can take a look at Apple as compared to Samsung.

And this is 2,023 information so we don't have the full information for all of 2023 yet they haven't reported it all in yet so that will you know that's being added as soon as it's it's available but it hasn't you'll see in some of the graphs like we have this information but some of the graphs you'll see a change in 2,023 because we

don't don't have all that information yet because it has it isn't available. As soon as it is, we'll add it.

So, Apple information is compared to Samsung. Now, this is just a true picture.

Samsung has so many other you know, they have appliances outside of TVs and so much more than just phones.

And Apple isn't really in the compliance industry yet, but they're doing Apple TV. So you have that type.

So it's somewhat of a comparison, but if you look, Samsung is just a giant, right?

You can see how much money they bring in, the assets, the liabilities as I go down the screen here.

But it is an interesting view to take a look at this and then, you know, think about. Hmm, which one do I want to invest with?

And then you can go through again each of these areas and compare. Those 2 companies. Below, we have our major competitors, Samsung Group, as you can see, is right here, but Microsoft and Dell are also, let me go back.

Also competitors so I can compare companies again. Here's my financial performance over time. So they're doing really well for 2,023.

Industry information is here. I can browse all industries. We are going to go into that next.

But before I do, I just want to point out that you do have these company articles available. These are documents related to this company.

We have some. Economic journals. You can see market research reports. There's trade journal articles along with some multimedia associations.

Case studies are over here too. Let's go into this industry.

And I want to point out a few things. So on the left hand side, I can find industry reports.

But here's where you'll find the Plunkett reports. So if we go into industry information, if we're looking for industry reports, the industry reports, the plunket reports would be here.

So all I have to do is go into those. That area on the if I'm accessing through the company profiles and that's where the plunket reports will list and they do download as a PDF.

On your computer. Over to the right is where I have company top companies by revenue. And you can see these countries are Hyperlinked out.

So I can see the top 2 in the US, but maybe I'm interested in looking at China.

I can click directly on that and it will take me to that country or territory profile.

You can see the information here. I can also compare this. If I want to compare to the to the US.

I can really manipulate that information and drive down and look at that content. Okay, so let me know if there's any other questions about this resource.

We're going to jump into our last one. We have a couple minutes left here and I apologize we might go just a couple minutes over because the last one is a quick jump into by sharing with you the, and it lives in the periodical resources, and that is Gale one file business.

And what I just want to share in here briefly, briefly with you is this is going to be those publications as you can see in the bottom right how much it contains and it has been updated already today.

It will be updated throughout the day. So that is in the bottom right hand corner what all it contains on the homepage we have some search options like topic finder, subject guide search, publication search, which will dive into these a little bit.

Let me jump into Topic Finder to just show you what that looks like. It's visual and interactive.

I'm interested in cryptocurrency.

So topic Finder always lives under advanced search, but in our one file resources, you'll find it on the homepage.

Also in our in context resources it lives on the homepage. But it does take a look at those top results, the keywords.

If I'm looking at Let's say I'm looking at the cryptocurrency market and I'm Definitely interested in Sheba.

So the right hand side, it's showing me everything under the subject category. Of cryptocurrency market, I can drill down.

And it takes me to 7 different articles that I can access. To find more information.

I can reset that. So that's an option. I can do a search there. I can do a basic search at the top.

Again on crypto.

And it'll take me to all of my content academic journals, magazines, books, news, videos.

At this point I might want to search by change my sort by or what I like to do is filter my results.

You also can pull this directly into topic Finder and I can also create search alerts. So if I choose a search within, maybe I choose Bitcoin.

I want to put Bitcoin in here. So I want to filter. Cryptocurrency down to Bitcoin.

Submit that. Of course you have your get link tool to share this if you wanted to share it, but I also can create a search alert.

I can set up that search alert to be emailed or in an RSS feed. If you're using that in your browser, I can choose how often I would like to receive it.

Do I want it in plain text or HTML and create that alert? Then every time anything is added, I will be alerted with that.

Information, not with that information, but that knowledge that new information has been added and I'm able to go back to my search results and take a look at, you know, what do I have?

What's of available? So I'll be alerted to new information. You can also in advance search there's a through the publication title and we'll cover this in another training.

You can set up journal alerts. So when we do the one file product. Family, I'll dive deeper into that.

But just know that that search alert option is really helpful. Especially to investors because they get that notification of information that's been updated.

Okay, and the last thing I want to share with you before we jump into the PowerPoint is you do have the ability to send any content to Google Microsoft email download or print the quick send options here but they also live in our toolbar the reason why they do is because let's say I get down to this point and I'm like I definitely want to send this to my Google Drive.

I don't have to scroll all the way back up to the top. I just click on that paper airplane.

So that's right here in my contextual toolbar.

Google Drive One Drive email. If I want to download this article as a PDF, I already have it in my HTML format, but I want to download it.

I have that option available. I want to print it off. I have that option available. And of course, get link and highlights and notes are both there.

Highlights and notes is a great tool that you can just click and drag over text. And it will highlight that text.

You can choose your color, add your notes. Save that information. I can mark up a document and then send it to my Google Driver Microsoft Onedrive and it'll remain marked up.

It turns it into a Google Doc or a or into a Word doc and it is marked up exactly as I have it.

What happens to is these chunks of text will live below my citation. And they will, my notes will be there too.

So when I send, after I send it, I'll have that information. I also, my citation tool is here where I have the ability to change from MLA.

A 9th edition to APA Chicago or Harvard. I also have options of where I'd like to export it to.

So that lives at the top of the page and also This is a really long article. I'm not going to use this one.

Let me click into a shorter one. Let's go into books because those will be a little bit shorter.

Yep, let's use this one. So at the bottom of my document. I have the source citation.

It's always defaulted to MLA 9th edition. So if I send this to my Google Drive.

It'll be defaulted. It'll be at the bottom and I will have it available. If I need it in APA, I would suggest the best practice come down and change it before you send it or if you just need the citation.

You can always pull that information using the citation tool. Alright, thank you for hanging with me these last couple minutes.

I'm gonna go back to my PowerPoint and share with you a few additional slides. Where you can go for support.

I shared this link with you already. The Gale support site that we've created for Utah's Online Public Library.

That is where again, as soon as those URLs are the easy proxies been added, the access URLs will live there, but you also have title lists and mark records.

You can get all of your database icons. Your widgets, everything you need to get started.

With your Gale resources. The training center is where you're going to find this recording to this webinar and you'll also find tip sheets and tutorials.

There's recorded webinars, training decks. We have PowerPoint slide ducks available for all of your Excuse me, all of your resources.

And then we do have, you know, for, which we'll cover in the, in contact suite, but some of those projects, student activities and scavenger hunts.

Marketing materials, always really important to know that we have bookmarks and posters and we have flyers available.

We have some flyers available in Spanish. You'll also find you're looking to promote this and want to send out an email.

We have email templates, blog templates. We have every shape and size for social media posts.

So they'll, you'll see images like this for your social media post so you can share this information.

We've also been adding training toolkits that take you from the basics to where you can find help for each individual resource.

So you can find those or organized by the resource itself. So all the training materials when you go to the resource, there's a drop-down menu and you will find all of your training toolkits there.

So that wraps our session. Thank you so much for your time today. A training survey should pop up when you leave me.

If you could click continue and give us some feedback. In the comments, feel free to let us know how you plan to use the resource.

I share that information internally. We want to learn from you all, but I'll also share it with your state library.

You don't have, it's anonymous so you don't have to put your name on there unless you want to be contacted for something.

Just let us know. You have that option available. But also let us know if there's additional training you're looking for or what you think would be helpful.

Related to this training, you know, the business resources. Let us know. Because I will be sharing that as we're planning sessions throughout the year.

We've got a lot started here in like I said through the month of July but then we'll have you know one a month.

Moving through the rest of the year. So we want to make sure that you all have success with your resources.

Again, my name is Tammi Burke. I'm your senior training consultant from Gale.

One-on-one support in all things, Gale, your customer success managers. This information will all be linked out on your follow up email too.

But I thank you so much for your time today. Please let me know if you have any additional questions.

I'm happy to stick around and answer those. Thanks everyone. Have a great rest of your day.

Okay, good question, Lee. If there for your titles, so least specifically asking about embargo dates.

As far as when full full text is available. I will share with you with our periodical content what you'll find with your Gale resources is that we have one of the lowest embargo rates for full-text titles versus any other vendor.

Not only that, but we have you know, the most accurate indexing on the market with 1.2 million articles that are manually indexed each year.

So Gale really is unique in that respect with our indexing and also our really quick load times and lower embargo dates.

What you will find is, is that the title list lives on the support site. So let me share my screen.

I'm gonna go back to my screen. I'll share with you where you can find that information.

Real quick, but it does live on your support site. And. This is the one I want. Okay.

So if I go to, and this is the support site I shared at the beginning of today's session.

And, and Mariah, this is also where you'll find those promotional flyers.

So here you have your. Resources, your ebooks, your training materials and your marketing materials.

Marketing materials is where you'll find that. And I'll put this link again. In the chat since you both are still here.

Let me add that real quick.

So if you go, Mari, if you go to marketing materials, that's where you're, where this is a quick question.

So I'll answer that 1 This is where you'll find all of your marketing materials for each of the resources.

So let's say I want elementary. You can see all of that here. Now, Lee for the title list.

I can sign in and it does help when you do sign in. Again, don't use those direct URLs that you're going to see here.

I'm gonna use an example. I don't know what library you're coming from. I'll just use Beaver Public Library today.

And what it's going to do is it's going to give me these product URLs.

And I don't see the easy proxy in there. Yet, so they haven't been updated just yet.

But what you can do if you go to product support. Title lists. I click on title lists.

And I will tell you go to additional. Okay, you have the Kboard files but go to additional.

And then general one file. This is our largest periodical resource, but if we were talking about one file business, but this is your largest general reference.

That you'll find academic one file is focused more on those academic journals, but this will give you that spreadsheet and on there you'll find the dates.

So start date, you'll find if there's an embargo date. So if you really need that detailed information, you'll find it here on the title list page.

Okay, and let me link that out. I'm going to share that in the chat real quick with you too so you can go directly to that page.

All right, another question. Let's see. So let me know, Lee, if you want, if you have any other additional questions, same, same Mariah.

Let me know. And then. Where patrons are usually able to access material with their barcode.

Do they still have to log in separately with a Google Microsoft account? So to access the resources, the process is going to stay the same.

That's what your state library is working on right now is to make sure that that process stays the same.

If they want to save information, so if they want to send information or save it, send it to their Google Jive or Microsoft Onedrive at that point, yes, they would have to let us know where they want us to send that information, right?

So they would have to access that through the resource itself. But no, to access the resource. You don't it's the same process that you've had in place but to save and information from the individual resources.

If you want to send it to Google or Microsoft at that time, yes, you would have to log in with that information.

So that we know where to send it. Really is a great tool because what happens is we ask permission the very 1st time, you know, is it okay for us to send in information and put it on your Google Drive and then once for granted permission, then a folder is created for whatever resource they're in.

So we keep it nice and organized on their Google or Microsoft Onedrive. So you will be able to see like if I'm in Gale Business Entrepreneurship, a folders automatically created and anything.

Anytime I'm in that resource today or next week or a month from now and I send information directly to get that that folder it lands in that folder so if I'm in Gale business entrepreneurship I access a document.

I want to keep it. I click on that Google Drive Sun to Google Drive. It will go directly into that folder.

I just have to. Let our resources know what account. I'm sending it to and then as soon as they leave the session that connection is severed.

We don't keep any information. You know, that information, that information is private. It's very important for us to keep it private and safe so we don't keep that information.

I don't on my own computer, so it's really easy for me to send information directly to my Onedrive or Google Drive because it logged me right in.

But. You know, folks that are accessing from your public library, they will probably have to share that information.

And then again, they leave the the resource that connection is severed. So we don't keep anything.

But you Here, let me know if you have any more questions about that. Or if you'd like to see how it looks.

Oh, you're welcome. I'm glad that was helpful. And we have lots of little on-demand tutorials available too on the in the training center so you can find If I go to Training Center and you go to Video tutorials?

By product, you're going to find all of those.

Tips and tricks like how to use a citation tool using downloading and sending to Google Drive and Onedrive.

So we have these short little video loaded on every single. Product. So this is 2. These are great to share with patrons because they're under like they're usually around 2 min long.

And it kind of takes them through that. So you can link in each of these have their own individual link.

So when I click on this tutorial, I I have the link at the top that I can share and put on my library website.

So if that you want to include that type of information, we've already done all the work for you.

Please utilize our support site and all those tools that we have available.

Great questions. Thank you all for asking. Again, if there's any additional, I'm happy to stay on the line and answer those.

I'm going to go back to sharing my final screen. Where I thank you again for your time today.

I hope you join me after the holiday. I have a bunch of sessions planned throughout the month of July.

So I hope you come back and join us again for the next round, which I believe let me double check what that is coming up.

I think we're looking at the in context. It's either in context or one file that I had planned next.

So you'll see those those coming up when I and this I went right back out. Oops.

There we go.

Extra letter in there.

Okay, so we do have, yeah, the in context resources are coming up next and then periodicals are on the

And then we go into additional. There's the support site is on the So we'll dive deeper into the support site and all the tools and features you're gonna find there.

But I thank you all again for your time today. If you have any other questions, let me know.

Don't forget, you'll get my follow-up email. You'll have my contact information.

Please feel free to ask. I'm happy to help. But thank you everyone and have a great rest of your day.
© 2024 Gale, part of Cengage Group