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Last Updated: July 19, 2024

Gale 101- Gale Presents: Udemy

Gale Presents: Udemy is an online learning platform designed for users looking to improve their professional or personal skills. Users can search through more than 26,000 on-demand video courses across 75 categories in business, technology, design, personal development, and more. All courses are taught by subject experts and offer simple course navigation and support so users can focus on learning.

During this webinar we explore the content, workflows, and tools available within this valuable resource.

Duration: 30 Minutes
Thank you again everyone for joining.

We have another gale one on one session today

and this one is focused on Gale Presents: Udemy.

My name is Amber Winters and I'm

a senior training consultant here with Gale.

I'm going to be working with you today.

So a brief agenda here for you. Also, first,

we'll just have a nice little overview of the resources,

but this is going to be handy, especially if

you're new to the resource, just kind of what you can expect

what the goals of the resource are. I

have a few special features. I've pulled out that I want

to mention to you as well. Then

after that, we'll walk through the platform. That's where we're going

to spend the majority of our time today. Just kind of

going through the different workflows that

are available for your patrons as well as some of

the different content.

And then at the very end of the session, we should have a little

bit of wrap up time and I have some contact information

for you. And if there are any questions

I can't answer as we move along through the session today,

we'll hit those at the end as well. But

again, the Q and A box is already open.

So feel free to put your questions in there as

we move forward, we should have plenty of time to answer

questions as we move along today.

So Gale Presents: Udemy provides

on-demand courses for in demand skills.

So this resource provides over 26,000

full on demand online courses

that are going to help your patrons from beginner

all the way to advanced kind of enhance

their skills, either professionally or


And a few of the key subject areas we've highlighted

include technology. So things like A

I and cybersecurity, but also things

like graphic design and other maybe softer

skills. We have quite a few

business resources focused

on leadership management. We

also have a nice collection of entrepreneurship

resources. So if you do have a lot of entrepreneurs

coming into your library,

you know, trying to start their own business and

maybe just not quite sure where to start. We have

a full collection of courses

to help them out with that. I'll show you how you can find

those a little bit later on.

We also have information related to marketing

and again, personal development. We have a nice personal

development section here as well. So if

your patrons are looking to work on their

time management or their organization,

or maybe they want to do yoga or maybe they want

to learn a new language they'll be able to

do that within gail presents you to me here as


And another great feature that I really enjoy

about Udemy is we have both a

nice search and a browse

capability. So, however your

patrons prefer to get their information, you know, if they

have something very specific in mind, they

want to learn about Microsoft Excel,

they can search for that if it's a little

bit up in the air. You know, they're really, they're interested

in graphic design, but

they don't really know anything about it. So they can't really

search anything just yet. They can

just point and click and look through the different graphic

design topics to kind of spark their interest

and maybe get them started in something new that they

never even knew about.

And a couple of key features I want to point out here first

is our badging system.

So our badges, excuse me

are kind of like guides that are helping your

patrons find courses related to different

certifications. So a lot of them are

going to be aws certifications. There are

some Google certifications in here

and these are just designed to make sure your patrons can

access the courses. They need to make

sure they can pass those certifications.

And when they click into a badge, they're going

to see this nice clean page here. It's

telling them what this certificate is,

is letting them learn about the badge and

they can also schedule their certification exam.

This option actually launches them to

the certifications web page. So if it's aws

it's gonna go to that web page again. If it's Google,

it'll go there

and then down underneath is where we've collected

all of the different courses that are going to be applicable

for this particular certification.

so your patrons will be able to go in

and take all of these courses before they get that certification

to make sure they're ready to go. And it's, I

personally think it's really nice that we've decided to

pull these out and collect them for your users.

So they're not kind of having to pick through and run

their searches and browse. It's just all here on this

one nice page ready to go for them.

Also, in this resource, we have a, an extensive

foreign language collection.

So these are fully developed courses,

they're not translated from English, they're

actually fully developed and

recorded in whatever language

your patron chooses. We actually have 15 available

languages including English. So 14

languages other than English,

and we do have a filter within

our resource. On the left hand side of the screen,

we're going to take a look at this in a second, that's

actually going to let your patrons kind of narrow down

to the language they need, so they can run their search

first or, you know, they can click and browse

down to whatever they're looking for. And then they

can choose whatever language they're interested in here.

It does default to just showing, I'm sorry,

it defaults to showing all of the languages.

But of course, they're most likely going to see English

the most on the page because generally that's

the most courses we have,

but they can hit that language drop down

and then choose whichever language they needed you. So

they can actually choose more than one

right here on the left hand side. So if maybe

they want to look at both the English and the Spanish

language courses, they can

do that and be taken directly to those.

Now, that's enough of me talking. Let's actually dive

into the resource. So we can take a look at how this all

functions, how it works together. While

I switch over here. Are there any questions just about

that really quick overview?

OK. I don't see any of her quiet

today. No problem. Let's go ahead and keep going.

So I already signed in just for the

sake of time. Just so you know, when your patrons

sign in, they can choose to either make an account

within Gale Presents: Udemy

or they can choose to sign in using their Microsoft

or their Goog Accounts.

I always recommend having them utilize

either the Microsoft or the Google integration

because then they don't need to worry about having a

separate password for gil persons, Udemy.

They'll just click sign in with Microsoft

Microsoft will just sign them and

they'll be recognized on the computer.

So again, it's up to them, but I definitely

recommend using either the Google or Microsoft

sign in.

But once they do sign in that we take

here, this is the home page of Gail presents you to me

and mine is a little bit built out because as

you can imagine, I've been in this resource a lot,

but you'll see here right on this home page

at the very top. Once I start taking courses

and start getting engaged with the resource, it's

going to give me some stats here. So

we'll see how often I'm in the resource.

How often I actually go through and take

courses as opposed to just clicking through the resource.

I get just these little stats to kind of

get me started and get me motivated. You know, if

I see here

I visited three times, but I actually haven't

taken any courses recently. That

might kind of get me kick started and get me back into

the courses as opposed to just kind of clicking

through here.

We have a question. What's the benefit of signing in with Google

or Microsoft account besides convenience?

Sarah, the convenience is really the main

thing. That's why we've included it in here. Um

I can check to see, I'm assuming the

security on that is going to be about the same,

whether you make an account within G person's uni

verse Google or Microsoft. But let

me go with my project manager to see what else she has to say.

But I would say convenience is definitely going to be kind

of the top factor in using Google or Microsoft.

But I'll send you an email after the session

when I hear back from her.

Ok. So right here in this home page

now, if I start to scroll down,

you'll see again since I've already been in this resource

and started doing courses. I have this nice

pick up where you left off option here. So

you see, I've taken a couple courses

and I can click back into any of these whenever I want

and your patrons can start as many

courses as they want. So they don't have to do, you know, one

at a time and finish the one and start the second one.

So if how they work

is by having four or five different courses going

at once and kind of, you know, toggling between

them, that's completely fine. They can

click into any of them. They want, it is unlimited

use, it's free. So they don't need to worry about,

you know, hitting a maximum or something like

that, scrolling

down from this pick up where you left off. We

also have a what to learn next section.

So this is going to be based on the courses

that your patrons view. So if they

browse through and start clicking into courses to take

a look at the descriptions and things like that.

That's going to inform this home page and we're going to

start making recommendations for them

scrolling down further. You'll see this one is based

on, I ran a search for Microsoft the

other day. So now it's giving me information related

to that search

and look. So we have a question here who creates the course content?

What are their qualifications?

So I'll actually show you Virginia where you

can find that. But the courses are created by subject

matter experts. A lot of them are professors in their

field. Some of them are professionals in their

field, kind of depending on what the subject is.

But I'll actually show you once we click

into a course where you can find that person's information

and kind of learn a little bit more about them, but they are all

created by industry leaders.

A lot of times professors, a lot of times just

business professionals and things like that.

Now scrolling down a little bit more. Again, our top picks

listed here,

I'm gonna scroll a little bit further down here

because we also list here the newest

resources listed. So

as we add new

courses here, we'll also list them

for your patrons to kind of explore this

one. Actually, I haven't seen yet, which is kind of interesting

tap dance master class. So again,

that personal development. If you have patrons

coming in, who want to start a new hobby. This

is a nice place to send them. You'll see, we have tap dancing

but we also have like photography and drawing

and things like that

scrolling down at the very bottom. I like to point this

out as well. Are these nice little bite

size learning? So you'll see, it gives

how long these videos are? Some of them

are, you know, 10 minutes, some are five,

some are even four. These are really

cool. If your patron just wants to get a little bit

of knowledge, you know, they don't have time right now to sit

in front of their course and you know, work through a couple

hours. They just want to know a little bit


encryption. OK? Click into this five

minute video and you'll get a nice brief, little bit of


and then when they're ready, they can come back and take a longer

course. So this is just giving them

almost like a little taste of what they can expect

within this resource here.

I'm going to scroll back up to the home page here

or to the top of the home page because

if we have a few things here that are going

to kind of help enhance

how we walk through this platform. First,

I do want to point out on the top right corner here.

This is where the information about your account

is housed. Um I'm not going to go

through everything today. You can certainly take a look at the different

settings available. But one thing I do want to point out

is this is where you can change

the language of the platform.

It does default to English, but

I can choose to change this out here. If I want Spanish,

let's say

now when I navigate through, you'll see all of my buttons

here are in Spanish, my search is in Spanish

and then all of these little subjects

subject lines on the home page are also

in Spanish.

But we're going to oops,

we're going to keep this on English

cos thats a little bit easier for me to navigate

through. Hm.

So if they need to change anything like that,

they can find that up here under their initials.

Now, the first way they can navigate through this resource

is to use this little browse option down here,

right on the toolbar.

You'll see we break it up into some of the most

utilized sections here. So you'll

find things like cloud computing, language,

learning, marketing productivity,

and these are going to be really broad. So when I click into

one of these, um let's go with cybersecurity

when I click into one of these, now you'll

see, it gives me a second step here. So if I wanna

get even closer maybe defensive

security or security awareness, I can do

that scrolling

down here it's going to show me featured courses.

So these are courses that are, generally

going to be updated most recently.

You'll see this one was updated. June 2024.

Anyone watching the recording right now, it's July

2024. So this was rec record, this was

updated just last month

and then scrolling down from there. We've got some getting

started courses. So these generally are

going to be

kind of your simpler courses to kind of get

going here.

And then at the very bottom of this page, this is

where you're just going to find a list of all of the courses

that have been tagged to the cybersecurity

topic or the cybersecurity section.

What's great is I can hover over any of these. Let me

scroll up a little bit

and you'll see this nice little what you'll learn

pop up. So this is really nice

if they're kind of scrolling through quickly and just want

to see quick bits of information. You know, they

don't want to click into all of these entries

to read what they're about. They can get some, you'll see this

one's got three little checkmarks, telling them what they're going

to learn. And they can kind of

see if this is something they want to actually explore


And on this left hand side here, you'll see we have

all of our filters listed here. I

will mention this defaults to sorting by popularity.

So it's going to be the, the courses

that are the most used,

but they can also sort by highest, right,

highest rated or they can sort by the newest,

so newest to oldest

underneath that with our filters here, you'll see, they can

default by choosing a rating.

They can also choose video duration.

And a lot of these courses are going to be pretty long.

A lot of them have, you know,

different units involved as well as a bunch of different

videos. So

you see some of these are like 17 plus hours.

It's not going to be one video that's 17

hours. It's going to be maybe, you know,

10 videos that are going to span

17 hours. So this is going to

be the duration of the full course

if they need to narrow down by topic. Again. Remember

we just clicked into cybersecurity. So we're going

to see, you know,

a huge amount of content. They can narrow it down even

a little bit further. If they're interested in

ethical hacking, they can just click this topic

and now we've just narrowed it down to that and they can

easily unclick it as well and get back to that main


We also have levels here. So we have beginner, intermediate

and experts. Each of them are,

each of our courses are leveled this way

and of course they not may not be 100%

sure if they're vegan or, or if they're intermediate,

what they could do is check both

and then if they find something interesting hover

over and kind of learn

to see if that is something they'd be able

to take a look at.

it looks like I have questions about prepping for

the GED. I don't believe we have

GED prep courses in here. currently

it's more focused,

um, on kind of professional

growth and personal growth as opposed to educational

growth. I don't believe as of right now, we have GED


now, underneath this level filter, we also

have our language options here.

So you see we have all of them listed and you may notice,

have noticed in a couple of my other filters, we

actually show how many are listed

here as well. So if they want French,

they have the option between 22 different courses

in French here.

Our next filter is the features option. So

if we want to make sure there are subtitles, we can

check that a lot of our courses have quizzes

to kind of make sure they're actually learning what they need

to learn.

If it's a coding course, they'll have coding

exercises and a lot of them

have practice tests here as well.

So practice tests are going to be longer

than quizzes.

You can think of quizzes like a quick check to make sure

everything's going good. A practice test is going

to be longer. You kind of think of that as


the end of a course, wrap up, you take that full

test to make sure, you know what's going on.

And Virginia just has a question about

how our focus is kind of more on professional

growth as opposed to educational growth. So

Virginia, what I mean by that is you're not going to find a lot of

courses for

um standardized tests

or, you know, things like medical

assisting, like vocational prep and things like that.

We're more focused on

building skills for business and for personal

growth. So leadership skills,

you know, maybe building skills related to

coding or building skills related to

graphic design and how to build

marketing strategies and things like that. So as

opposed to kind of those standardized

testing, things like that, you're not

going to find much of that in here. You're going to find more

teaching the skills necessary

for a career or for a new hobby,

things like that.

Now, let's go ahead and scroll back up


because I do want to show you another way we can browse

for content. So again, we took a look,

let me jump back to our home page first

at this toolbar which is giving us kind of those

big buckets of content where we'll most likely

have to browse and filter through.

I can also use this little explorer drop

down, which is found right next to the search bar

and this is kind of giving me a step by step.

It's going to have the same starting

categories as you see in this toolbar.

But now I can kind of scroll over here,

take a look if I wanna hover over personal

development. Now you'll see this is broken

down for me here. As I mentioned, we have

a lot of entrepreneurship topics. So

if you do have small business owners

or those wanting to start a small business coming in,

this may be a good place for them to stop.

I can click directly into entrepreneurship or

you'll see, I can even take it one step further.

And maybe I'm interested in how Shopify works.

I can click right into Shopify.

You'll see at the top here, we do still include

a featured course

underneath. This is kind of an as you

move forward. So students who are learning

about Shopify may also be interested

in Facebook, Facebook, marketing or ads

and they can click in here.

And then again, just like that last option, you'll see

at the very bottom. This is a list of all of the

courses we have. So you'll see this is a lot

shorter list because we really honed

down before we actually got to the list. You know, we

took two separate steps

to get to our list before we started navigating

through it. So you'll see, we have three options here.

The two are English and one is another

language I'm not quite sure about,

but you'll find that here.

Now, also under that explore button, that's

where you're going to find those badges.

That certification prep I mentioned earlier. You'll

see when I hover over. It's the first option

listed here. Certification prep.

And this is really going to be the closest thing we have

to like a standardized test prep.

These are going to be certification, actual

Real World certifications that your patrons

may be getting ready to take

and this is going to help them prepare for those. So

a lot of them are aws because they actually

have a lot of published certifications here.

You'll see some, we have related

to Google

on this left hand side here. If

you or your patrons wanna see what different issuers

are available, we can drop down this show more.

You'll see there's quite a few here

so we can kind of click into those as


But let's close that out here.

Now, when I click into one of these, lets just click

into this one here.

It's pulling me forward a little bit of information

about what the certificate is

scrolling down. This is where I can view badge

details, which is actually going to launch me over

into the AWS website

specific for the certification.

You'll see this little eye icon is letting me know that

when I click on this link, I'm going somewhere else,

I can also set a certification due

date. And what this is going to tell me is,

you know, if I need to prep for my certification

that I'm going to be taking

two months from now, I can put that date in here

and then Udemy is going to remind me, hey, you

know, this is coming up two months. You should be taking this,

you know, this many courses. You should be watching this many

minutes of your video a day. So

it's kind of like a nice little motivator to remind

people that,

you know, they shouldn't wait until a week before their,


certification and kind of cram,

this is going to help them kind of stretch out their learning.

So underneath all of that good


you'll see here, this is a list

of the courses that we think are going to be helpful.

So a list of the courses that are specifically

linked to this certification. Again,

we have our same filters here that we want to filter

out, but we're already down to five results

because again, we have filtered before we took a look

at anything.

And now before I click into a course, I do want to show

you how the search works. It's a nice simple

search. Nothing tricky here. But

if they have something specific in mind, they may

want to run a search. I'm gonna search for Microsoft

because this is something we see a lot people wanting

to learn about. You know,

the Microsoft Suite, things like that, maybe more specifically,

they want to learn a bit about Microsoft Excel.

And you'll notice when I actually hover over this first

entry, it's telling me instead of giving me

those quick facts about what I'm going to learn.

It's telling me I'm actually already enrolled in this course.

I enrolled in it back in 2022. So

if I did click into this course I'd actually still

be enrolled and I'd be able to just

start off from where whenever I left off,

wherever I left off.

If I wanna scroll down here,

maybe I'm interested in this

365 administration

when I click into this. Now, this is going to give me

a few a full view of what this course

looks like before I enroll. So

you see I can scroll down, this is what I'm going to learn

some requirements. So if this is

a more advanced course, it's going to let me know

that if it requires a specific

type of software, it's going to let me know that.

So that's important for things like Adobe

Suite training, you know, if someone wants to learn how to use

Photoshop, most likely for this course,

they're going to want to have Photoshop so they can practice.

So this is going to let them know that

there we go dropping that down a little bit.

This will give another full description. Who

is this class for?

If students took this class, what else they


the course content? So this is almost like a syllabus.

You'll see, we have different modules

and you'll see all of the different videos. Looks like most

of these are pretty short, some are six minutes,

but they're nice and chopped up for

your students. So they don't get overwhelmed.

And then underneath that, we had a question earlier

about who makes these


You'll have instructor information here

on the course page. So it looks

like this is actually a full

program that builds these courses. Sometimes it's

an individual who's built this course, like an individual

professor. But you'll see, you can click in here

and learn more about who this instructor

is. What they do

underneath that. You'll see, we also provide course

ratings. So we'll be able to see what people think about the

course because of course, you know, we

want to know what other people think if they've clicked through this.

Was it helpful for the helpful for them? Was it maybe

a little bit confusing for beginners?

maybe, you know, was it labeled advanced?

But maybe it's a little bit easier than what they anticipated.

You're going to see real course rankings

right here at the very bottom of this page.

And let me scroll back up here.

Now, if I took a look at this and I'm

gonna say, yes, this is exactly what I want

to take a look at, this is what I need to learn. I'll

just hit my purple and roll now button

and I'm good to go. It's going to start this

off. I'm gonna pause this video.

No, it didn't start. So it just gets

me started off right here. This main

screen, this is going to be the videos they're going to watch.

The navigation here is on this right hand

side so they can click through once

they finish a section. So they watch the full

video, it's going to check it off for them. They

can go back and watch it again if they want to. Of course,

if they are maybe a little bit confused or just need to refresh.

but it's going to show them how far they get.

Then down underneath here, we have

kind of the same information we saw on that enrollment

page with the what to learn in the description.

So if it's been a second before your users

were in this resource, they may need to just refresh

what they're actually learning about.

They'll find all of that down below.

We also have here A Q and A. So this is going to show

any questions that have popped up recently.

If there are announcements

again, we have our reviews listed here. If we want to take

a look at those as well. I found

down here under this video

listed here

at the top, you'll see it's actually going to show me my

progress here as well. So right now

I've taken zero of 56 courses.

I can share this if I like

or I can favorite this course or archive

this course. So archiving

this course, it's going to kind

of hide it from my view. So it's not going to be something

where I see when I click into Gale presents

view to me every time it's telling me, hey, don't forget to start

this course again,

so I can archive it. So if I want

to go back and look at it later, I can, but it's

not like right front and center,

I can also un enroll in this course. So if I

know I'm not coming back to this course, I can

unenroll and it's not going to appear anywhere.

Now, all of the courses that I enroll

in, I'm actually gonna jump back to my main

page here.

All of the courses that I enroll in are going

to be found under this mylearning section, which

is found right up top here right next to the search


You'll see. I've, I have a couple that I haven't

started yet

and I have a couple that I did already start. If

I go to the go to my learning option here,

this is where I'm going to see everything

that I'm currently enrolled

in. You'll see, it's also showing me how much I've completed.

So a lot of this, I haven't started

one I have fully completed.

If I rated it, it's going to show that here

as well.

But anytime you enroll for a course is going to appear

here under this all courses.

Now, remember, we do have the option to

archive these. So if I don't really

want this in the act of my courses section

right now, like let's say this Aws

one, I'm, I'm not going to work on right now.

I can hit this little three

dot icon

and I can archive this course.

Now. It's not under my main all courses

section. But if I ever want to take a look

back and maybe find it again. You know, I have more

time now and I want to explore it.

You'll see right up top here in this black

toolbar. I have archived

and this is going to show me any course that

I was previously enrolled in

but didn't touch. So

I am still enrolled in these. If I clicked into

it, it would just send me directly to the course page where

I could start watching my videos,

but it is kept separate. So it's not like

forefront when your patrons kind of click

in if they

are working on certification preparation,

that's actually pulled out separately here as well.

So the all courses is going to be

just courses you selected. Certification

prep is going to be the specific certification

that you're working in. You can click that

and go back to that main certification page

and you'll see what courses you currently have in progress.

I just have this one here.

Ok. Now, that's what we have today for

Gil presents you to me it's a nice clean resource.

really searching and browsing is going

to find your patrons the content they need.

We try not to hide anything. The filters on

the left hand side, I always recommend you point those out

to your patrons. It's much easier than them

having to kind of weed through, you know,

26,000 courses.

So definitely utilize those

filters on the left hand side of the screen. Those are

going to be really vital to make sure your patrons

find the information that they need.

Again, this is unlimited so they can take as

many courses as they want.


It is free. They don't need to worry about paying

once you have your subscription, they can take the courses

that they want whenever they want to.

They are

of course completely virtual and they are asynchronous.

So they are not going to have to, you know, meet with

an instructor, you know, weekly.

These are all just recorded and ready to

go for them. They don't need to worry about any sort of

formal classroom or anything

like that. No,

I haven't seen any questions any more questions,

but please feel free to type in any questions

that you've thought of.

I do want to jump back here and I will

say I know I have one question that I need to

get with my product manager about related

to the

signing in with Google and Microsoft. So I will

get on to that

and email you with an answer.

But for right now, I do want to give you just

a little bit of information if you do have questions, kind

of moving forward

me about the session or about

anything related to the webinar, feel free to reach

out to my email. It's just

[email protected]

If you're interested in learning a little bit more

about how you personally and your learning

community can use this resource, you

can reach out to your customer success manager. If

you don't know who that is, you can just send an email to

[email protected]

We'll forward you to correct the correct individual

who will be able to give you uh quite a bit

of information on best practices. You

know, if you have a specific segment of

patrons, you're trying to reach and trying to support,

they can help you with promoting the resource

and getting that information out to your patrons.

If right now, you don't have Gale Presents: Udemy,

but you're really interested in it. You can reach out

to your sales consultant. If you don't know who that is,

you can just go to

and we'll direct you to the correct individual

if you need additional support materials,

promotional materials, training materials,

anything like that, you can go to our support site,

which is This

webinar will be posted there uh either

later today or early tomorrow

and I have included technical support here as well. So

if you ever have any tech questions, feel

free to send them an email at

[email protected]
© 2024 Gale, part of Cengage Group