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Find a Career- Gale Presents: Peterson's Career Prep

Gale Presents: Peterson's Career Prep provides

you with access to detailed career assessment

and discovery tools.

To get started, sign into your personal account.

You can access the find a career section in

two ways, by selecting explore

career options on the home page or

by scrolling down on the home page and selecting

find a career.

Upon accessing the find a career section

for the first time you will be prompted

to take a career quiz to organize your interests.

Once you complete your quiz, you can see your top

interests under the results section

moving forward through the preparation section

allows you to decide what job levels you want to see

in your career matches based on preparation

requirements, like experience, schooling

and job training.

Next, navigate to career matches to

see your results. Each career entry

includes a brief description, median salary,

educational requirements and job outlook.

You can also view the career matches section

without completing the career quiz by selecting

browse careers now. this will provide

you with a full list of careers found within

the resource.
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