Duration: 30 Minutes
Welcome to your training session for tech share the title of this session is fight fake news and find real facts with Gale In context opposing viewpoints.
My name is Tammi Van Buren, and I am your Gale trainer for the day.
Marion Valentine will be back. But I have I'm lucky to have the opportunity to step in and train you all today, we will be using the q amp a box for any questions so please ask whatever questions you may have.
Just to introduce this session I want you to understand what our focus is going to be today. So, I will be sharing an overview of Gale In context Opposing Viewpoints to start just so you have that background knowledge, and it's very brief, and then I'll
share with you how this resource can help your library fight fake news, and how the wealth of authoritative current and balanced news that's available within the resource will help support patrons students you may have teachers or faculty members also
utilizing the research through your public library.
all of those users and how it can support them, along with the tools and features that are available within the resource to support your patrons and your students
are brief agenda.
First I'm going to talk about access to tech share and Gale In context Opposing Viewpoints I'll start with an overview. We're going to spend the majority of our time together exploring the content and looking at the resource features, and then I encourage
you to ask questions throughout the session using the q amp a box, but I will also stay on the line if there happened to be any questions at the end I'm happy to stick around and answer as many questions that you have.
There are training materials I'll cover that with you where you can find those training materials on the support site, and also contact information so I'll provide you with my contact information during the session.
Um, but again, I'll include that in the follow up email to.
First and foremost, access to tech share resources you may have individual links already living on your library website or you may be accessing through or directing patrons to access through the tech share site.
This is the direct link to all of the tech share databases where you can then log in your users can log in and they will pick, select your library and enter in their login information.
When they do click on link or or access that link they'll be taken to this page, and this at this point once they click into a database like Gale In context Opposing Viewpoints here, then there'll be prompted to login with their information, and I believe
for tech share it is first selecting their library and then it might be a bar code.
I don't think it's a password I believe it's a bar code so their library card bar code.
Alright so let's talk about fake news and and how to identify it right. So in years past, long time ago, really, It used to be really easy to spot fake news.
Here's bad child found in cave right, very easy to identify that this is fake news well, as we all know, now it is becoming a little bit more challenging for users.
That may not have all of those critical thinking skills or really that understanding of reliable content, and they're going to social media, so it was shared on Facebook so it must be true or another one that comes to mind is Twitter right very popular
place that a lot of individuals will go and post information and it's, it's not very accurate. Another one that I don't know about you all but stresses me out especially with kids is tic tac, that's another one too, so not saying that there can't be reliable
information on these social media sites, but check your facts right go to your library, check your facts and how can we help with that how can Gale help with that.
Well, first of all, where do we get our content from, how do we do it, and I want to talk to you about that so you understand yourselves and especially if you're ever asked this question in your library, what it, what we do is we actually create a lot
of our content so Gale provides libraries with original and curated content. Gale also has been respected information provider for over 65 years.
from all over the world. Great for global viewpoints.
We also have subject specialists and product teams.
So I'm sorry, it looks like.
Okay, we're still sharing good.
It looks like it went away there for a second something that blank on my screen just want to make sure it was still working correctly so we do have subject subject specialists and product teams.
Each of our databases has a dedicated team of subject specialists, and they're choosing content for inclusion within the database. we have product teams that work with librarians, teachers and students, and other end users to determine what the databases
need to provide.
And then finally, our content, especially in your in context resources are aligned or related to curriculum standards. So Rn context databases are related to national and state curriculum standards.
So that's where we get our content from variety of places here. Now let's talk about Gale In context opposing viewpoints. Now if you're not familiar with this resource.
It is definitely one that I consider cross curricular it covers all subject areas. It covers our hot topics, social issues, um, some of those areas that may, there may be a lot of questions about and being able to go into Gale In context Opposing Viewpoints
with reliable content to get the answers to those questions so maybe there's areas where things are a little iffy as is a nice way to put it. But they can find some great content within this resource and what you're going to find is trusted reference
top periodicals there were multimedia so videos, images, audio, you'll also find there's great statistics. There's even some great interactive infographics within Gale In context opposing viewpoints and the viewpoint essays so those informed viewpoints
are really important within this resource to, you can explore current event topics. And that's really what you're going to find within this resource So, current social issues, those controversial topics.
and language arts. And then, enhance learning so when you're talking about those students that are coming in or maybe you're looking there's Homework Help that's needed or you have virtual learners that are looking for support public libraries you, you
all different types of learners are academic libraries same thing you have learners there that are looking for support some may be learning virtually right now or some and some in person so you might have a hybrid role, enhance that learning use Google,
Microsoft integration that's within the resources, there's unlimited ability to print and download you can even email content to yourself in our highlights and notes tool is a great feature to annotate to talk about pro con issues to pull quotations from
documents. So, all of those tools are all of those options available with that tool.
All right, let me know if there are any questions about the resource itself. I want to talk to you about ways that you can save and share content to further the user connections.
Google and Microsoft so you can very easily from within the resource send documents audio files and images right to Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive.
Get link is a great tool. So maybe you are doing some programming at your library or you have students that come in and work on a particular project in your academic library, get link is a great tool to use it creates a persistent URL back to any content
within the resource, so this can be shared on your library website, it can be shared on a syllabus a learning management system, maybe in a social media posts a live guide, or even an email you may have a newsletter that goes out and you want to highlight
some content utilize the get linked tool that provides a link back to that content for any of your users.
And then, for those of you that are using Google Classroom not use so much at the public or academic library level but just want to in case we have any k 12 folks on the line.
Google Classroom is available. And if you have any students that are using Google classroom and coming into your library that option is available within the resource too so just wanted to mention that.
Alright. So with that, let's start exploring.
Oh, thank you.
Alright so we're going to jump into this. So, this may be your access point, we've got some white space over here because the image doesn't fit my whole screen behind the tech share site here but you may be accessing through the tech share Databases page.
I'm going to jump right into the resource I do already have it open.
And let's go in and do some additional or do some exploration. So, let's start with thinking about bias, I when I approached this topic and I've done this, this session before and I actually have done it for texture before in the past, but it's been quite
a while and I, but now things have definitely changed since the last time I facilitated this session, and I was really thinking about when when utilizing this resource and combating fake news.
Of course, you all know, going to a database is where you're going to find that reliable content, right, but maybe understanding bias is something you want to point out maybe that is something that will help your users understand why going to a database
so I thought about that and thought about the content and media bias and how those conversations happen a lot. Even in in my house and in my workplace, those conversations come up a lot.
So I did, let's do a basic search here, and let's meet let's think about this if maybe I have a patron, and understanding bias or media bias is really something that should be discussed.
So, if I do a basic search on bias note, and it's making me log back in because I stepped away for a little bit too long.
There we go.
So if I do a search on bias. I do get all of this content back.
Now on the right hand side. What's really nice is I happen to have a few topic pages available, so biased or prejudiced and discrimination or media bias.
Now, I don't have to get to this point to know that I happen to have two topic pages and this would have popped up had that login screen, not interrupted us.
You can see here when I start to type it into just the basic search bar, I can see that I happen to have to topic pages related to the topic, I am typing in or my search term here, so I could quickly jump to just media bias if I chose to.
But you can see all the content we have available for the entire topic or the term of bias. So I am actually going to go into media bias.
Now a topic page if you're not familiar is a collection of information has been curated for you. These are aligned to, we look at curriculum standards, we take a look at searches usage on hot topics, especially when you're talking about Opposing Viewpoints
hot topics and then we curate the information within the database and provide this great topic page. The nice thing is with topic pages, is if this is an interest to your users it's something you want to highlight what you can do is you can utilize the
get link tool. So if you want to direct all of your users back to the topic page. If you select Get link, it creates a persistent URL back to this content.
Just one option of using get link on the topic page you're always going to have an image in an essay overview and then below you have all of these different content types including websites that are available.
And we have some statistics infographics, those are where you're going to find those interactive infographics I mentioned looking for peer reviewed information, go into our academic journals.
So we have a lot of great content here right at your fingertips.
Let's talk about some of these content types and what they actually mean specifically featured viewpoints and viewpoints what's the difference between the two featured viewpoints, is this is hand selected information by our editors.
So our, as I mentioned, we have the content specialists that are working within our databases and they hand select information and put it, or content and organize it here in the future, featured viewpoints section, nice thing is too is with this featured
viewpoints, you're going to see both sides of the issue. So it's not going to be just one sided, you're going to see both sides of issue especially when you're in Opposing Viewpoints viewpoints, are all of our viewpoint essays.
So viewpoint essays and you can see right here the document type is listed viewpoint essays are exactly that they're there an essay, with a commentary starts with the commentary we have some questions to consider.
And then it goes into that viewpoint essay so they're unique, and unique to this resource of our Gale resources. We do have the viewpoint essay specifically in opposing viewpoints.
That's the difference between those two as I scroll down, you can see all of the different content types here. One thing I also want to point out is at the very bottom.
If we happen to have any other related topics, which we have quite a few your users can quickly jump to another subject area maybe media coverage mass media, or they're looking at freedom of speech, you know, so they there's other areas politics in the
media that they can do additional exploration.
All right, let's go to the essay overview, there's a couple unique things I want to point out there. I click read more.
What I love about the overviews is they give you that more higher level overview of the topic, you have information or. This document it is a workable document where you can send it to us, utilize any of the tools here that will go over in a moment, but
one thing that I do want to point out as you may find that the has the ability. And we're adding this more and more to our topic overviews to adjust the Lexile measure, and this one does where I can adjust it from a level five to a level four.
You may be thinking, well, what's a level five what's a level four level four is mainly High School generally high school level five is upper High School and into that higher ed or academic so or undergrad we usually say so that's where those two usually
land, and that may be helpful to as your patrons are coming into your library your students are coming into your, your library that be helpful for them to to understand the difference.
All right. And with that in mind, if I wanted to filter any of my results down which we're going to go to next. I can do that by content level, but I can apply it to all of my content types.
So let me show you that in a moment here I just want to point out in this article, you're also going to see a lot of texts features so fast facts are here.
We're adding more and more critical thinking questions, or vocabulary words to help better that or facilitate that understanding of the content that's available within the resource.
So it's not just a document you are getting some great texts features here too and then also this explore panel I want to point out, so you'll see this explore panel with more like this happens a lot where we here's our users find an article and they
they could just quickly jump to another one that's related. Well we've done that organization for you. So think of it as a little bit of a curation were related to this document, I can quickly jump to another one because I have this more like this section
here, the article contents is kind of is exactly like that a table of contents similar to a table of contents. And then you have related subjects where you can jump to another subject area.
All right, let's go back to our homepage real quick because I do want to point out, you do have the ability to search within, and drill down very quickly, or I can go into.
Let's go into our viewpoints we're going to go into the viewpoint essays.
And I can filter down my content using the filter your results there's quite a few options here, where I can filter by publication date.
I can select a subject document type this is definitely one of my favorites, when we are in the view or in the essays, where we have full of viewpoint essays here in the viewpoints section, you're going to see fewer document types then if you were to
say be in reference. So just a little bit different there, and publication title Lexile measure content level and then we also have search within which would search within these results.
So content level. If I did want to filter out any of the lower level documents so ones and twos are elementary three is middle school I want to stick with just my fours and fives.
Then I can apply that. And it will apply it to all of my content at once, so it doesn't only apply it to the content type I'm in it applies it to everything at one time.
So all of my content has been filtered down. This is another great way to use get link.
If you want to filter down your content to just that higher level information or lower level information if it's available within this resource.
Okay, so let's take a look at one of these viewpoint essays, because I want to point out those that article commentary, and then the following questions so, especially with Opposing Viewpoints especially with fake news, developing those critical thinking
skills or fostering those critical thinking skills are really important, I think, even as we probably know you probably may know some adults in your life.
That didn't fully develop those critical thinking skills and being able to identify that the source is not a really reliable source I've seen that a lot in the last year, and it can be very challenging, but here is the opportunity to share a viewpoint
essay that has those questions to consider to think about as you're reading this document, but you also have a commentary to kick it off so you have that information at the start to kind of understand either it's about the author or maybe about the event
that the article is on so it really depends on and they're all going to be of course different because they are related to the articles.
Okay, so let's go into let's go into a different topic or into a, we're going to switch topics here in a moment, but before we do, I just want to jump into reference real quick.
Because this question came up not too long ago like how do I filter out some of the older content. Well, we like to keep our databases full of because you never know what, what type of research someone is doing right or what kind of work they're, they're
working on and they what content they need, but what you can do if you want the most the most recent information. What you can do on any of the content types is quickly filter to newest now with media bias, there's a lot of these documents are very new,
but as I scroll down, you can see it starts in 21 and now we're going to 2020 and then we jumped to 20 set 1917 that goes back. So that's the quickest way to filter that content down so the ones that are at the top is the newest information, but it is
always defaulted to relevance. So that's the difference I just wanted to point that out to you. And then when you. If we click into media coverage of mass violence.
Let's take a look at some of these. I'd mentioned text features and the Explore panel. Let's look at some of these tools that support accessibility.
So this one does happen to have some main ideas I love the text features for that too. I'm rather than you know you have a blanket of texts you do have some headings here.
This one also happens to have those critical thinking questions I had mentioned.
So you'll find those within a lot of our documents, I did notice that content editors started adding them late 2017. So looking at that publication date and I find them a lot in reference and biographies and also on those.
The topic page essays there. So that's where I tend to see him the most.
Looking at the tools on the, that are available to support all users you do have the ability to translate the article and we are at just over 40 languages, and that's this little translate button.
You can also translate the interface from this point, and that means it will translate all of the navigational tools. I also have that option as soon as I sit down.
It's at the top of the page and we're at 34 languages for the navigational tools, I can decrease or enlarge that text or decrease or increase.
And then I can also listen to the text being read aloud to me that listen feature you just open it up and it starts reading aloud I did pause it. You can also, if you've translated the translated the text, it will translate the listen feature to all at
the same time it's not an additional click you just have to open up and let it play.
Okay, so those are some of those accessibility features, I'm going to highlight some content here.
Just to say we're going to I'm going to show you a different area and a little bit and highlighting content I just click and drag over a chunk of text, I can select whatever color I want, and save it.
Now if I happen to be struggling with the word I don't understand.
I do have the option to define, so that's another feature that that supports all of our users. And that will give me a page from the Webster's dictionary.
Okay, and let's say I want another chunk of text here that's very interesting maybe this is cool, I want to use.
All right, let's change gears we're going to go into.
Well, go into a different topic page I want to do some additional exploration. I'm going to save these, what I highlighted here. One thing I would do best practice of mine is always before I leave the document if I've done any highlighting I've marked
it up at all I've added any notes that I do something with it either send it to Google, Microsoft email download or print. Those are also available here in this toolbar so if I do happen to get down to this point and think, Okay, that's good.
I just want to now keep the whole entire article, then I can send to download, print, are all here, too, so I'm going to send to and click my Google Drive.
And so it is going to land into my Google Drive in a folder that's titled Gale In context opposing viewpoints and it turns it into a Google Doc, everything's highlighted the notes I've taken and the text I've highlighted also live below the citation at
the bottom of my document and it's there, in my folder until I choose to delete it.
All right, let me know if there's any questions on that. Let's go into another topic page and this time we're going to go through the home page, because I want to point out that we've got the subject categories and we have one titled science technology
and ethics.
And you're going to find all different kinds of subject areas here covering sir, or I should say topic pages covering or within the science technology and ethics section or subject categories.
One of the ones that I want to take a look at is the fake news on social media.
So again, this is a topic page where I happen to have an image in an essay overview, all the time, the content types are listed below.
But I love that it's underneath this science technology and ethics section. We've got some great video content available.
And these again these are sorted by relevance, you can sort them by newest this one I did happen to watch from the New York Times of the seven commandments of fake news is extremely interesting and they are short and sweet.
This one happens to be a little bit longer is about 14 minutes. Some are shorter than that, but you do have the ability to turn the closed captioning on and off.
I can make this whole screen also and the transcript is below so if I wanted to read through it. I absolutely could, or maybe I want to highlight some texts that I want to use that it's actually from the video.
I can do that too.
Maybe this is facts that I've learned. Okay.
All right. And I can also send this. If I want to send it download or print, I can send this to my Google Drive printed download and print is going to give you that transcript.
Get link again will take your users right back to the spot so if you wanted to highlight this video by using get link would be a great tool.
We also have we go back to the topic page. you may find that we have some websites available.
So if we happen to have some websites they are websites that we've taken a look at their safe that had websites that if something changes they are removed but they are here and available you can see some of the websites that we do have available here
on this topic page so you may see that content type available on some of the topic pages.
You also are going to find in your academic journals.
There they are peer reviewed So do you see that right here that peer reviewed it's a checkmark you do have the ability to below your filter your results to select peer reviewed journals.
Now that's going to limit it just to peer reviewed journals which are always going to be in that academic journal section, but this is a great tool I know a lot of users are looking for peer reviewed content.
So understanding that it does live here is in your academic journals and you can filter to just peer reviewed journals.
You do have the option available once you click into the content type.
So let me click into fake news on Twitter, and I'm just going to highlight another section
and save it. Okay, so the other thing I wanted to share with you real quick, is the highlights and notes now remember best practice would be to send this document to Google, Microsoft email download or print, but today I'm going to go into view all highlights
notes because I want to point out that this whole section was being built out as I was working through my documents so since I my best practice is to send the entire document to, and I'm using Google Drive today.
I know I have that entire document, but I also have these digital notes running in the background that are being created for me where I can edit the notes.
Before I do something with it I can send these just these notes with the bibliography attached directly to Google, Microsoft email download or print are all options I also have the citation, which gives me all of those because I'm in the highlights and
notes section, it gives me all of the articles that I was highlighting and so it's kind of nice to quickly create a work cited page, or send that to noodle tools are easy babe if you're using those, of course at each document level you have that citation
and the ability to cite just the citation for that individual document video image whatever you're on.
All right, let me know if there's any questions on that, but I do have again that ability to send just my digital notes to Google Drive. If I would like to do that.
All right. I wanted to cover One other area and that I'll do real quick because we are towards the end of our time here, but from the if you're accessing From the homepage, you can go into advanced search.
And you can access topic Finder.
Now Advanced Search is going to give you all of those great tools to do some deeper are, it's some be as simple or as complex as you want, you can add in as many filters as you want.
We're topic finder is more of a visual representation of your search results. And it's also interactive I love it because keywords may not have been there, it may generate some keywords or some additional discussion or definition, additional subject matter
that you may not have covered in, when you were looking at the topic page or your users may not have thought about. So I really like to utilize the topic finer also because it's so visual.
So I just typed in bias again and this time I wanted to show you the search results are slightly different.
I wanted to show you.
When we're in talks with finder and we start to dive into each subject category. I can select one of the subjects, and then click into where I'm limiting the results on the right hand side these are looking at the first hundred words of your documents
so it's kind of the top hits, is what it's pulling back, so maybe I'm looking at research on cognitive bias and it filters, my information or my content down to 14 different search results.
And it could be pulling articles, it could be pulling videos, it could you know it's not limited to just documents, it's limited to all of our, it pulls in all of our content.
If you haven't used topic finder before it is a great way again to really dive into some areas that maybe, maybe politics or, I saw one.
Actually, that's a good one too because journalistic objectivity and media bias.
That is an area that maybe I hadn't thought of that term, when I was doing my search or what I was looking through documents so that's why I love to use topic finder because it really highlight some of those keywords that you maybe hadn't thought about
our users hadn't thought about.
Okay and again topic finder lives under the advanced search tool.
So just some different information be sure to to take a look at our Native American rights and women's rights and those type of topics within opposing viewpoints.
Those I know are studied a lot in the schools. So if you're looking to support those patrons that can be really helpful especially with diversity, equity and inclusion, being subjects of study this year, pretty much across the US side, there's most k
12 are pulling that into what they're teaching in their schools. Be sure to look at some of those topics.
Even diversity in the workplace. They're great topics within opposing viewpoints and we have some fantastic content related.
Just real quick, where you can go for additional support looking for some training materials we have you covered. There's training materials tutorials the tutorials are short, two to three minutes long, we have additional webinars, all available for you
on the support site in the training center texture does have their own Gil support site. And this is where you're going to find all of your webinars both recorded and any that are upcoming, and this will be linked out in your follow up email but for those
that are watching the recording I always like to share this information.
There's also great principal tools resource guides we have some posters available but you're going to find great tip sheets, and even projects and lesson plans scavenger hunts for these resources there's quite a bit for opposing viewpoints.
There's a great document on writing persuasive papers that is available there. So be sure to explore what you have available. And you also have great marketing materials if you weren't aware.
So if you are looking to promote your resources we have web banners and social media posts, we have an email template available. So there's a lot of great marketing materials already created for you You just have to go access them through the support
If you're looking for one on one support walkthrough of that support site, you do happen to have your customer success managers at Gale, and they're your one on one support they can help you with.
Maybe access you want to talk to them about access or usage, or you want to walk through the support site and all the tools that are available. They're there to support you and all things scale.
And again, my name is Tammi Van Buren I'm your Gale training consultant for the day today. If you have any questions, I will stick around and be, feel free to ask them I'm happy to go back to the resource if you want me to go over anything again training
survey I'd love to get your feedback on the survey. It is here, the link is here and it should pop up when we, when you close out of the session to I believe Marion has it set up to pop up that way, but just in case I wanted to add this link and feel
free to leave any comments if you're looking for additional training or if you want texture to know that it'd be really helpful to have training on something that's happening in your library, let us know we'll share that with the folks at texture and
make sure that you get the support that you need to be successful with your resources.
All right, let me know if there are any questions.
Oh, thank you, Jane.
Welcome to your training session for tech share the title of this session is fight fake news and find real facts with Gale In context opposing viewpoints.
My name is Tammi Van Buren, and I am your Gale trainer for the day.
Marion Valentine will be back. But I have I'm lucky to have the opportunity to step in and train you all today, we will be using the q amp a box for any questions so please ask whatever questions you may have.
Just to introduce this session I want you to understand what our focus is going to be today. So, I will be sharing an overview of Gale In context Opposing Viewpoints to start just so you have that background knowledge, and it's very brief, and then I'll
share with you how this resource can help your library fight fake news, and how the wealth of authoritative current and balanced news that's available within the resource will help support patrons students you may have teachers or faculty members also
utilizing the research through your public library.
all of those users and how it can support them, along with the tools and features that are available within the resource to support your patrons and your students
are brief agenda.
First I'm going to talk about access to tech share and Gale In context Opposing Viewpoints I'll start with an overview. We're going to spend the majority of our time together exploring the content and looking at the resource features, and then I encourage
you to ask questions throughout the session using the q amp a box, but I will also stay on the line if there happened to be any questions at the end I'm happy to stick around and answer as many questions that you have.
There are training materials I'll cover that with you where you can find those training materials on the support site, and also contact information so I'll provide you with my contact information during the session.
Um, but again, I'll include that in the follow up email to.
First and foremost, access to tech share resources you may have individual links already living on your library website or you may be accessing through or directing patrons to access through the tech share site.
This is the direct link to all of the tech share databases where you can then log in your users can log in and they will pick, select your library and enter in their login information.
When they do click on link or or access that link they'll be taken to this page, and this at this point once they click into a database like Gale In context Opposing Viewpoints here, then there'll be prompted to login with their information, and I believe
for tech share it is first selecting their library and then it might be a bar code.
I don't think it's a password I believe it's a bar code so their library card bar code.
Alright so let's talk about fake news and and how to identify it right. So in years past, long time ago, really, It used to be really easy to spot fake news.
Here's bad child found in cave right, very easy to identify that this is fake news well, as we all know, now it is becoming a little bit more challenging for users.
That may not have all of those critical thinking skills or really that understanding of reliable content, and they're going to social media, so it was shared on Facebook so it must be true or another one that comes to mind is Twitter right very popular
place that a lot of individuals will go and post information and it's, it's not very accurate. Another one that I don't know about you all but stresses me out especially with kids is tic tac, that's another one too, so not saying that there can't be reliable
information on these social media sites, but check your facts right go to your library, check your facts and how can we help with that how can Gale help with that.
Well, first of all, where do we get our content from, how do we do it, and I want to talk to you about that so you understand yourselves and especially if you're ever asked this question in your library, what it, what we do is we actually create a lot
of our content so Gale provides libraries with original and curated content. Gale also has been respected information provider for over 65 years.
from all over the world. Great for global viewpoints.
We also have subject specialists and product teams.
So I'm sorry, it looks like.
Okay, we're still sharing good.
It looks like it went away there for a second something that blank on my screen just want to make sure it was still working correctly so we do have subject subject specialists and product teams.
Each of our databases has a dedicated team of subject specialists, and they're choosing content for inclusion within the database. we have product teams that work with librarians, teachers and students, and other end users to determine what the databases
need to provide.
And then finally, our content, especially in your in context resources are aligned or related to curriculum standards. So Rn context databases are related to national and state curriculum standards.
So that's where we get our content from variety of places here. Now let's talk about Gale In context opposing viewpoints. Now if you're not familiar with this resource.
It is definitely one that I consider cross curricular it covers all subject areas. It covers our hot topics, social issues, um, some of those areas that may, there may be a lot of questions about and being able to go into Gale In context Opposing Viewpoints
with reliable content to get the answers to those questions so maybe there's areas where things are a little iffy as is a nice way to put it. But they can find some great content within this resource and what you're going to find is trusted reference
top periodicals there were multimedia so videos, images, audio, you'll also find there's great statistics. There's even some great interactive infographics within Gale In context opposing viewpoints and the viewpoint essays so those informed viewpoints
are really important within this resource to, you can explore current event topics. And that's really what you're going to find within this resource So, current social issues, those controversial topics.
and language arts. And then, enhance learning so when you're talking about those students that are coming in or maybe you're looking there's Homework Help that's needed or you have virtual learners that are looking for support public libraries you, you
all different types of learners are academic libraries same thing you have learners there that are looking for support some may be learning virtually right now or some and some in person so you might have a hybrid role, enhance that learning use Google,
Microsoft integration that's within the resources, there's unlimited ability to print and download you can even email content to yourself in our highlights and notes tool is a great feature to annotate to talk about pro con issues to pull quotations from
documents. So, all of those tools are all of those options available with that tool.
All right, let me know if there are any questions about the resource itself. I want to talk to you about ways that you can save and share content to further the user connections.
Google and Microsoft so you can very easily from within the resource send documents audio files and images right to Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive.
Get link is a great tool. So maybe you are doing some programming at your library or you have students that come in and work on a particular project in your academic library, get link is a great tool to use it creates a persistent URL back to any content
within the resource, so this can be shared on your library website, it can be shared on a syllabus a learning management system, maybe in a social media posts a live guide, or even an email you may have a newsletter that goes out and you want to highlight
some content utilize the get linked tool that provides a link back to that content for any of your users.
And then, for those of you that are using Google Classroom not use so much at the public or academic library level but just want to in case we have any k 12 folks on the line.
Google Classroom is available. And if you have any students that are using Google classroom and coming into your library that option is available within the resource too so just wanted to mention that.
Alright. So with that, let's start exploring.
Oh, thank you.
Alright so we're going to jump into this. So, this may be your access point, we've got some white space over here because the image doesn't fit my whole screen behind the tech share site here but you may be accessing through the tech share Databases page.
I'm going to jump right into the resource I do already have it open.
And let's go in and do some additional or do some exploration. So, let's start with thinking about bias, I when I approached this topic and I've done this, this session before and I actually have done it for texture before in the past, but it's been quite
a while and I, but now things have definitely changed since the last time I facilitated this session, and I was really thinking about when when utilizing this resource and combating fake news.
Of course, you all know, going to a database is where you're going to find that reliable content, right, but maybe understanding bias is something you want to point out maybe that is something that will help your users understand why going to a database
so I thought about that and thought about the content and media bias and how those conversations happen a lot. Even in in my house and in my workplace, those conversations come up a lot.
So I did, let's do a basic search here, and let's meet let's think about this if maybe I have a patron, and understanding bias or media bias is really something that should be discussed.
So, if I do a basic search on bias note, and it's making me log back in because I stepped away for a little bit too long.
There we go.
So if I do a search on bias. I do get all of this content back.
Now on the right hand side. What's really nice is I happen to have a few topic pages available, so biased or prejudiced and discrimination or media bias.
Now, I don't have to get to this point to know that I happen to have two topic pages and this would have popped up had that login screen, not interrupted us.
You can see here when I start to type it into just the basic search bar, I can see that I happen to have to topic pages related to the topic, I am typing in or my search term here, so I could quickly jump to just media bias if I chose to.
But you can see all the content we have available for the entire topic or the term of bias. So I am actually going to go into media bias.
Now a topic page if you're not familiar is a collection of information has been curated for you. These are aligned to, we look at curriculum standards, we take a look at searches usage on hot topics, especially when you're talking about Opposing Viewpoints
hot topics and then we curate the information within the database and provide this great topic page. The nice thing is with topic pages, is if this is an interest to your users it's something you want to highlight what you can do is you can utilize the
get link tool. So if you want to direct all of your users back to the topic page. If you select Get link, it creates a persistent URL back to this content.
Just one option of using get link on the topic page you're always going to have an image in an essay overview and then below you have all of these different content types including websites that are available.
And we have some statistics infographics, those are where you're going to find those interactive infographics I mentioned looking for peer reviewed information, go into our academic journals.
So we have a lot of great content here right at your fingertips.
Let's talk about some of these content types and what they actually mean specifically featured viewpoints and viewpoints what's the difference between the two featured viewpoints, is this is hand selected information by our editors.
So our, as I mentioned, we have the content specialists that are working within our databases and they hand select information and put it, or content and organize it here in the future, featured viewpoints section, nice thing is too is with this featured
viewpoints, you're going to see both sides of the issue. So it's not going to be just one sided, you're going to see both sides of issue especially when you're in Opposing Viewpoints viewpoints, are all of our viewpoint essays.
So viewpoint essays and you can see right here the document type is listed viewpoint essays are exactly that they're there an essay, with a commentary starts with the commentary we have some questions to consider.
And then it goes into that viewpoint essay so they're unique, and unique to this resource of our Gale resources. We do have the viewpoint essay specifically in opposing viewpoints.
That's the difference between those two as I scroll down, you can see all of the different content types here. One thing I also want to point out is at the very bottom.
If we happen to have any other related topics, which we have quite a few your users can quickly jump to another subject area maybe media coverage mass media, or they're looking at freedom of speech, you know, so they there's other areas politics in the
media that they can do additional exploration.
All right, let's go to the essay overview, there's a couple unique things I want to point out there. I click read more.
What I love about the overviews is they give you that more higher level overview of the topic, you have information or. This document it is a workable document where you can send it to us, utilize any of the tools here that will go over in a moment, but
one thing that I do want to point out as you may find that the has the ability. And we're adding this more and more to our topic overviews to adjust the Lexile measure, and this one does where I can adjust it from a level five to a level four.
You may be thinking, well, what's a level five what's a level four level four is mainly High School generally high school level five is upper High School and into that higher ed or academic so or undergrad we usually say so that's where those two usually
land, and that may be helpful to as your patrons are coming into your library your students are coming into your, your library that be helpful for them to to understand the difference.
All right. And with that in mind, if I wanted to filter any of my results down which we're going to go to next. I can do that by content level, but I can apply it to all of my content types.
So let me show you that in a moment here I just want to point out in this article, you're also going to see a lot of texts features so fast facts are here.
We're adding more and more critical thinking questions, or vocabulary words to help better that or facilitate that understanding of the content that's available within the resource.
So it's not just a document you are getting some great texts features here too and then also this explore panel I want to point out, so you'll see this explore panel with more like this happens a lot where we here's our users find an article and they
they could just quickly jump to another one that's related. Well we've done that organization for you. So think of it as a little bit of a curation were related to this document, I can quickly jump to another one because I have this more like this section
here, the article contents is kind of is exactly like that a table of contents similar to a table of contents. And then you have related subjects where you can jump to another subject area.
All right, let's go back to our homepage real quick because I do want to point out, you do have the ability to search within, and drill down very quickly, or I can go into.
Let's go into our viewpoints we're going to go into the viewpoint essays.
And I can filter down my content using the filter your results there's quite a few options here, where I can filter by publication date.
I can select a subject document type this is definitely one of my favorites, when we are in the view or in the essays, where we have full of viewpoint essays here in the viewpoints section, you're going to see fewer document types then if you were to
say be in reference. So just a little bit different there, and publication title Lexile measure content level and then we also have search within which would search within these results.
So content level. If I did want to filter out any of the lower level documents so ones and twos are elementary three is middle school I want to stick with just my fours and fives.
Then I can apply that. And it will apply it to all of my content at once, so it doesn't only apply it to the content type I'm in it applies it to everything at one time.
So all of my content has been filtered down. This is another great way to use get link.
If you want to filter down your content to just that higher level information or lower level information if it's available within this resource.
Okay, so let's take a look at one of these viewpoint essays, because I want to point out those that article commentary, and then the following questions so, especially with Opposing Viewpoints especially with fake news, developing those critical thinking
skills or fostering those critical thinking skills are really important, I think, even as we probably know you probably may know some adults in your life.
That didn't fully develop those critical thinking skills and being able to identify that the source is not a really reliable source I've seen that a lot in the last year, and it can be very challenging, but here is the opportunity to share a viewpoint
essay that has those questions to consider to think about as you're reading this document, but you also have a commentary to kick it off so you have that information at the start to kind of understand either it's about the author or maybe about the event
that the article is on so it really depends on and they're all going to be of course different because they are related to the articles.
Okay, so let's go into let's go into a different topic or into a, we're going to switch topics here in a moment, but before we do, I just want to jump into reference real quick.
Because this question came up not too long ago like how do I filter out some of the older content. Well, we like to keep our databases full of because you never know what, what type of research someone is doing right or what kind of work they're, they're
working on and they what content they need, but what you can do if you want the most the most recent information. What you can do on any of the content types is quickly filter to newest now with media bias, there's a lot of these documents are very new,
but as I scroll down, you can see it starts in 21 and now we're going to 2020 and then we jumped to 20 set 1917 that goes back. So that's the quickest way to filter that content down so the ones that are at the top is the newest information, but it is
always defaulted to relevance. So that's the difference I just wanted to point that out to you. And then when you. If we click into media coverage of mass violence.
Let's take a look at some of these. I'd mentioned text features and the Explore panel. Let's look at some of these tools that support accessibility.
So this one does happen to have some main ideas I love the text features for that too. I'm rather than you know you have a blanket of texts you do have some headings here.
This one also happens to have those critical thinking questions I had mentioned.
So you'll find those within a lot of our documents, I did notice that content editors started adding them late 2017. So looking at that publication date and I find them a lot in reference and biographies and also on those.
The topic page essays there. So that's where I tend to see him the most.
Looking at the tools on the, that are available to support all users you do have the ability to translate the article and we are at just over 40 languages, and that's this little translate button.
You can also translate the interface from this point, and that means it will translate all of the navigational tools. I also have that option as soon as I sit down.
It's at the top of the page and we're at 34 languages for the navigational tools, I can decrease or enlarge that text or decrease or increase.
And then I can also listen to the text being read aloud to me that listen feature you just open it up and it starts reading aloud I did pause it. You can also, if you've translated the translated the text, it will translate the listen feature to all at
the same time it's not an additional click you just have to open up and let it play.
Okay, so those are some of those accessibility features, I'm going to highlight some content here.
Just to say we're going to I'm going to show you a different area and a little bit and highlighting content I just click and drag over a chunk of text, I can select whatever color I want, and save it.
Now if I happen to be struggling with the word I don't understand.
I do have the option to define, so that's another feature that that supports all of our users. And that will give me a page from the Webster's dictionary.
Okay, and let's say I want another chunk of text here that's very interesting maybe this is cool, I want to use.
All right, let's change gears we're going to go into.
Well, go into a different topic page I want to do some additional exploration. I'm going to save these, what I highlighted here. One thing I would do best practice of mine is always before I leave the document if I've done any highlighting I've marked
it up at all I've added any notes that I do something with it either send it to Google, Microsoft email download or print. Those are also available here in this toolbar so if I do happen to get down to this point and think, Okay, that's good.
I just want to now keep the whole entire article, then I can send to download, print, are all here, too, so I'm going to send to and click my Google Drive.
And so it is going to land into my Google Drive in a folder that's titled Gale In context opposing viewpoints and it turns it into a Google Doc, everything's highlighted the notes I've taken and the text I've highlighted also live below the citation at
the bottom of my document and it's there, in my folder until I choose to delete it.
All right, let me know if there's any questions on that. Let's go into another topic page and this time we're going to go through the home page, because I want to point out that we've got the subject categories and we have one titled science technology
and ethics.
And you're going to find all different kinds of subject areas here covering sir, or I should say topic pages covering or within the science technology and ethics section or subject categories.
One of the ones that I want to take a look at is the fake news on social media.
So again, this is a topic page where I happen to have an image in an essay overview, all the time, the content types are listed below.
But I love that it's underneath this science technology and ethics section. We've got some great video content available.
And these again these are sorted by relevance, you can sort them by newest this one I did happen to watch from the New York Times of the seven commandments of fake news is extremely interesting and they are short and sweet.
This one happens to be a little bit longer is about 14 minutes. Some are shorter than that, but you do have the ability to turn the closed captioning on and off.
I can make this whole screen also and the transcript is below so if I wanted to read through it. I absolutely could, or maybe I want to highlight some texts that I want to use that it's actually from the video.
I can do that too.
Maybe this is facts that I've learned. Okay.
All right. And I can also send this. If I want to send it download or print, I can send this to my Google Drive printed download and print is going to give you that transcript.
Get link again will take your users right back to the spot so if you wanted to highlight this video by using get link would be a great tool.
We also have we go back to the topic page. you may find that we have some websites available.
So if we happen to have some websites they are websites that we've taken a look at their safe that had websites that if something changes they are removed but they are here and available you can see some of the websites that we do have available here
on this topic page so you may see that content type available on some of the topic pages.
You also are going to find in your academic journals.
There they are peer reviewed So do you see that right here that peer reviewed it's a checkmark you do have the ability to below your filter your results to select peer reviewed journals.
Now that's going to limit it just to peer reviewed journals which are always going to be in that academic journal section, but this is a great tool I know a lot of users are looking for peer reviewed content.
So understanding that it does live here is in your academic journals and you can filter to just peer reviewed journals.
You do have the option available once you click into the content type.
So let me click into fake news on Twitter, and I'm just going to highlight another section
and save it. Okay, so the other thing I wanted to share with you real quick, is the highlights and notes now remember best practice would be to send this document to Google, Microsoft email download or print, but today I'm going to go into view all highlights
notes because I want to point out that this whole section was being built out as I was working through my documents so since I my best practice is to send the entire document to, and I'm using Google Drive today.
I know I have that entire document, but I also have these digital notes running in the background that are being created for me where I can edit the notes.
Before I do something with it I can send these just these notes with the bibliography attached directly to Google, Microsoft email download or print are all options I also have the citation, which gives me all of those because I'm in the highlights and
notes section, it gives me all of the articles that I was highlighting and so it's kind of nice to quickly create a work cited page, or send that to noodle tools are easy babe if you're using those, of course at each document level you have that citation
and the ability to cite just the citation for that individual document video image whatever you're on.
All right, let me know if there's any questions on that, but I do have again that ability to send just my digital notes to Google Drive. If I would like to do that.
All right. I wanted to cover One other area and that I'll do real quick because we are towards the end of our time here, but from the if you're accessing From the homepage, you can go into advanced search.
And you can access topic Finder.
Now Advanced Search is going to give you all of those great tools to do some deeper are, it's some be as simple or as complex as you want, you can add in as many filters as you want.
We're topic finder is more of a visual representation of your search results. And it's also interactive I love it because keywords may not have been there, it may generate some keywords or some additional discussion or definition, additional subject matter
that you may not have covered in, when you were looking at the topic page or your users may not have thought about. So I really like to utilize the topic finer also because it's so visual.
So I just typed in bias again and this time I wanted to show you the search results are slightly different.
I wanted to show you.
When we're in talks with finder and we start to dive into each subject category. I can select one of the subjects, and then click into where I'm limiting the results on the right hand side these are looking at the first hundred words of your documents
so it's kind of the top hits, is what it's pulling back, so maybe I'm looking at research on cognitive bias and it filters, my information or my content down to 14 different search results.
And it could be pulling articles, it could be pulling videos, it could you know it's not limited to just documents, it's limited to all of our, it pulls in all of our content.
If you haven't used topic finder before it is a great way again to really dive into some areas that maybe, maybe politics or, I saw one.
Actually, that's a good one too because journalistic objectivity and media bias.
That is an area that maybe I hadn't thought of that term, when I was doing my search or what I was looking through documents so that's why I love to use topic finder because it really highlight some of those keywords that you maybe hadn't thought about
our users hadn't thought about.
Okay and again topic finder lives under the advanced search tool.
So just some different information be sure to to take a look at our Native American rights and women's rights and those type of topics within opposing viewpoints.
Those I know are studied a lot in the schools. So if you're looking to support those patrons that can be really helpful especially with diversity, equity and inclusion, being subjects of study this year, pretty much across the US side, there's most k
12 are pulling that into what they're teaching in their schools. Be sure to look at some of those topics.
Even diversity in the workplace. They're great topics within opposing viewpoints and we have some fantastic content related.
Just real quick, where you can go for additional support looking for some training materials we have you covered. There's training materials tutorials the tutorials are short, two to three minutes long, we have additional webinars, all available for you
on the support site in the training center texture does have their own Gil support site. And this is where you're going to find all of your webinars both recorded and any that are upcoming, and this will be linked out in your follow up email but for those
that are watching the recording I always like to share this information.
There's also great principal tools resource guides we have some posters available but you're going to find great tip sheets, and even projects and lesson plans scavenger hunts for these resources there's quite a bit for opposing viewpoints.
There's a great document on writing persuasive papers that is available there. So be sure to explore what you have available. And you also have great marketing materials if you weren't aware.
So if you are looking to promote your resources we have web banners and social media posts, we have an email template available. So there's a lot of great marketing materials already created for you You just have to go access them through the support
If you're looking for one on one support walkthrough of that support site, you do happen to have your customer success managers at Gale, and they're your one on one support they can help you with.
Maybe access you want to talk to them about access or usage, or you want to walk through the support site and all the tools that are available. They're there to support you and all things scale.
And again, my name is Tammi Van Buren I'm your Gale training consultant for the day today. If you have any questions, I will stick around and be, feel free to ask them I'm happy to go back to the resource if you want me to go over anything again training
survey I'd love to get your feedback on the survey. It is here, the link is here and it should pop up when we, when you close out of the session to I believe Marion has it set up to pop up that way, but just in case I wanted to add this link and feel
free to leave any comments if you're looking for additional training or if you want texture to know that it'd be really helpful to have training on something that's happening in your library, let us know we'll share that with the folks at texture and
make sure that you get the support that you need to be successful with your resources.
All right, let me know if there are any questions.
Oh, thank you, Jane.