Duration: 30 Minutes
I'm just going to hit my record button and then we'll go and get going.
Hello everyone, today we're taking a look at part 2 of our dynamic business series. We're going to be taking a look at gale business insights and I'm actually not Tammi Burke I know we've got Tammi's information here but my name is Amber Winters and I'm actually taking the session over for Tammi.
So I do think everyone for being on the line and just as Tammi said here, please use the Q&A box for any questions that you may have.
As we move through our session today.
I've got a quick agenda here for everyone. So first we'll just have a brief overview of what Gale Business Insights is, some of the different content and features you're going to find within the resource itself.
Then we'll spend the majority of the time, I'd say, probably 20 min at 20 of the 30 min of our session.
Actually exploring the content and we'll walk through how your users can find content in different ways both by browsing and by searching, as well as some other different kind of tools and features we have available for them.
We'll take a look at those workflows as well. And then at the very end of the session, we will have some time for questions if you have any.
And I have some wrap up contact information for you as well. So moving forward, if you need additional support, additional information, I'll give you that.
Info at the very end today.
So let's go and get started here. Let's talk about Gale Business Insights.
So one of the the big chunks of content found within Gale Business Insights is going to be our reference content.
And we have over 4,000 full-text periodicals. So they are often focused on specific industries, our specific countries, things like that, but you'll find over 4,000 full text periodicals.
That are searchable, browsable, and very simple to find. In addition to that, something that's very unique to Gale Business Insights as a pair to the other as opposed to the other Gale resources are our company profiles which are really like profile pages that we create for a huge collection of public and private companies more than 430,000.
And it's going to give financial data, country overview of the different countries that these companies conduct business in.
We'll find different profiles and things like that. So it's really a holistic view of an individual company that your users can point and click directly into and just see all of that content in one place ready to go for them.
In addition to the company profiles, we also have industry profiles, which you'll see in a second when we click into the resource, look almost identical to company profiles, but they include content that's going to be specific to industries.
So things like industry reports, plunket reports. As well as key companies within that industry. So it's giving us the view of industries as opposed to just that very small company level.
We also have a really large collection of SWAT analyses, financial statements, and case studies.
These are really beneficial if you have, you know, business students coming in who are maybe running their own case study or who maybe have to build their own SWAT report for an activity that the activity that they're doing.
We have some pre-built real-world examples within this platform to kind of get them started and get them thinking.
And finally, we do have profiles for countries and territories within this platform as well. So again, if you have even a general researcher, but if you have a student or a general researcher coming in wanting to know more about, let's say Japan, you know, Japan's economy has been a little bit rocky as of late.
So if they want to learn more about what's going on they can click into Japan's country profile page and they'll see all of the great financial information we have.
They'll see articles related to Japan and their economy and they'll see key companies within Japan as well.
So a nice again really holistic way to view content all organized in one clean page. So. The platform itself, I like to say is developed into pages to just point and click through.
So as opposed to having to continuously search and things like that, users can really just navigate by browsing and find some really great information.
Now again, I want to spend the
Today actually clicking through this fantastic resource because it is pretty hefty. But while I switch out my screen here, does anyone have any questions?
It's almost locked out.
About the very basics of gale business insights.
Okay, I don't see any questions. So let's go ahead and get started then I'm starting
A homepage of Gale Business Insights. Just want to go over some of the landmarks of this page before we really dive into the content.
So right here on the homepage, you' This is where your users will find their search history.
We also have a get link tool that's going to follow us around that will give us a persistent URL to whatever page we're on.
So you'll see this on a lot of our different people.
Relates to notes section. So if your users are taking highlights and notes, they'll be aggregated here. Again, we'll take a
Scrolling down on the homepage, you'll see we organized the homepage based on content or subject type was a subject type.
So we start off with companies here, so we've got our
Can see some of the most searched and most utilized. Of course, a lot of these are going to look very familiar because these are what students and what general researchers are most likely looking at, you know, they're trying to learn about Amazon or Apple or
Because they're in the news a lot and they're
They're popular topics of study. We also have a browse all companies button here as well.
So they don't see what they're looking for here. They can.
And we'll take a look at our browse feature. It's just a bit later.
But scrolling down, you'll see we also have a section dedicated to our publications. Again, we pull out some of the most used publications.
And they can click into any of these here. They get kind of a publication overview. So this is what the publication is.
This is the content we have available. And they can click in if they like. For every anyone watching this recorded we are actually in February so you'll see it is very up to date here February thirteenth
Let's go ahead and jump back. Scrolling down here, they can also research by business topic if they want something like that And then the very bottom, we have our Explore Industries section, which is similar to our companies and then underneath that we have our major markets which is going to be our countries and our territories.
Again, on this right-hand side, we're always going to have the most commonly looked at, commonly clicked.
And then on the left they have the option to browse all if they need to do that.
But let's go back up to the top of the page. I first want to run a search.
So we can kind of see what searching looks like because a lot of the times You know, your users are gonna come in and just run a search.
They're gonna have something very specific in mind. So let's take a look. Let's say I want to search for a company today and I'm coming in and I have a project where I need to you know provide a full detailed outline about a company.
You know, the problems they're facing, their position in their industry. So I want to take a look at a company profile here.
Let's just do Amazon. Again, that's one that's used a lot, but you'll see when I start typing in here I have predictive text that pops up to give me some different suggestions.
Something I absolutely love about this is you'll see my suggestions are actually broken up here. So I have come to profiles are pulled forward, some different countries.
Course if my search was a little bit different and had interest related industries that kind of matched the search they would pop up here as well but it separates it out for us to make it really simple to find the content but we want to take a look at the Amazon company profile so you'll see we've got that here.
I mentioned you see they do have the ticker symbol attached here. I always recommend if possible to use that ticker symbol when searching or if they're searching for an industry use the industry code just because it's a little bit more specific, especially with large companies.
Sometimes they have, you know, smaller offshoots or subsidiaries or things like that. That can pop up in here a separate entities as well.
So you just want to make sure you're getting the most accurate information. So if it is a public company, I recommend using that take your symbol.
But let's click on the Amazon here.
And I'll take a quick second to load the financials, but this is going to be the company profile.
And I do want to mention here that we do include profiles for both public and private companies. And you'll notice if you are clicking through on your own or if you, you know, click through after the session.
Your users are going to find a lot more information on, generally speaking, on the public company profiles as opposed to the private.
Just by the nature of those companies public companies have to publish a lot more than private companies do So just be aware if your users are clicking through trying to find private companies, they may not see as much as they'll see with a public company who actually has to publish that information.
But what's great is we actually tell everyone what company type it is up top here. So if they're looking through and they're like I don't understand why I'm not seeing exactly you know there's no swap report what's going on they want to take a look if it's a private company they may want to find a public one instead and they might find more content there.
But at the top of our company profile, see we get the company background here, so we'll get their revenue and their employees.
Company hierarchy again the hierarchy is usually for public companies headquarters and all that good stuff.
Scrolling down it gets a little bit more detailed so we'll have a company overview. If we have a SWAT analysis, the SWAT will appear here next to the overview.
Again, not every company has a SWAT analysis, especially those private companies. A lot of those won't have them.
Scrolling down we'll have all of our financial information here. You'll see we've got some nice interactive graphs that they can click through as well.
Scrolling down here, you'll see we do list competitors and these are actually direct links those competitors company profiles as well.
So if they maybe want to see how Walmart is. Is working against Amazon. Or reading with Amazon or just how they're how they're competing.
They can click directly into Walmart and see the same information as we're looking at right now for Amazon.
We also include the industry here for the company. As you would imagine, a lot of different companies are linked to multiple industries.
If you're thinking about Amazon. I don't know exactly how many link too, but it's gotta be at least 10, right?
They do a lot Amazon does, but but they have them listed here. So this is the primary industry is retail trade and we can also take a look at their secondary industries as well.
So some of the other industries they're working in.
Then down at the very bottom of our profile, and this is on all of our profiles, so the company profiles, the industry, and the country territory profiles are going to have all of our reports, all of our articles, all that good stuff.
It's going to be down here at the very bottom and you'll see we've broken it into different content pockets.
And these are actually very similar to other Gale resources. So you'll see we pull forward all of our academic journals into one content bucket.
Of our videos are going to appear here if we've got case studies related to a company or an industry that case study is going to be under this article section as well.
So we can kind of scroll down here and see what information might be helpful for us. And a lot of this is going to be in the format that's originally published in so if it's like a plunket report or something like that it'll retain that formatting so they'll get like a PDF view as a set instead of just a standard HTML view.
But I'll be with a click through and find things of interest. They can really easily click through this one.
It looks like it's a And industry overview of specifically digital media and Australia, but you'll see we've got all this great stuff here.
And I will mention here we do have a citation tool. So if your users are pulling articles, not just looking at those company and industry profiles if they have a need for articles and research like that as well.
They can cite this document here up top. And they can also save the document. So saving it's sending over to their Google or Microsoft drives.
They can email it or they can download and print it to hold onto this information. But let's go ahead and the back button.
Cause I do for now want to stay on my company profile here.
Now as I mentioned, this get link is kind of following us around a little bit and this is really great for users who are coming in and maybe found a lot of information and then have to go, you know, so they don't have time to really work through everything.
If they copy and paste this get link wherever they need it or if an educator comes in looking for content and wants to share this particular page, they can copy and paste this URL.
It's persistent so it's not going to break they don't need to worry about that at all and they can share it with with whomever maybe they want to put it in a syllabus for their students.
Maybe this is a general researcher really interested in Amazon and they want to take a look back at it later.
They can just save it for themselves. So they'll get this persistently and be pulled right back to whatever page they're on.
That's a nice feature within this resource. Now are there any questions at all about the company profiles?
What they look like, what your users can expect to see, anything like that?
No. Okay. Required today, that's not a problem. I'm going to jump back to the homepage.
I can do that either by hitting the back button in the browser or I'm just gonna hit the banner, the Gale Business Insights button here.
And it's going to pull me back to home. So in addition to searching, again on this one page we have a really powerful browse kind of work flow.
So let's do that now instead. So let's say instead of looking at a company, maybe I want to take a look at an industry here.
So I know we were talking about Amazon. Maybe I wanted to take a look at the industry Amazon is involved in.
If I don't see it here, I could actually click in and browse all industries here.
And you'll see this is pretty extensive. If they have the industry code, again, a lot of times that's the best practice instead of pointing and clicking to enter in that industry code.
But if they don't, they can just kind of point and click down to whatever they're looking for.
So let's do, manufacturing. And you'll see there's quite a bit here, but we can start to scroll down here.
Let's say we'll do this and we'll go here. So eventually we're going to navigate all the way down to the the very precise industry code here and we'll take a look at electronic computer manufacturing.
That's pretty hot topic right now. So now we're on a company profile, which again looks very, very similar.
I'm sorry, an industry profile, which looks very, very similar to a company profile. At the top here, again, we give very basic information here.
So we'll see the largest company. Probably not a shock to a lot of you that it's Apple, number of employees, annual revenue, all that good stuff.
Then scrolling down, again we have our industry overview just like we had a company overview.
On this left hand side here though we pull forward all of our industry reports which I think is really powerful.
So if your users are looking for a say something like a Punket report, we actually pull those out and keep them really highlighted pretty Pretty obviously on these industry profiles so they can really easily click into those and again since this is the pocket report we get that kind of native plunket look.
So you'll see here it's a PDF as opposed to just like an HTML text.
So any times we have graphs or anything like that, it's going to be included. Drop back here.
Next to that we also have our top companies by revenue. You'll see it defaults to showing just globally, but they can also narrow down if they just want to see US companies.
But they can see those top companies. Scrolling down here, again, you'll see our industries.
Then at the very bottom, this again is where we keep all of those articles. So just like with companies, if I were looking for academic journal articles about industries, I could take a look at that.
Market share reports, our case studies. Another great feature is our associations section. I click into this here.
You'll see I have 2 associations listed for this industry. This is really helpful if you're users know they're going to be involved in this industry.
This is really helpful if your users know they're going to be involved in this industry for a while and maybe want to start, you know, getting a little bit more involved, getting into these associations, building connections and things like that.
We provide them with a little bit of information. A little directory entry for them. So that could certainly come in handy as well.
Now I'm going to jump back to home just one more time here. Kind of using home as our landing point so we all know where we are in the platform here.
So another way to access content in addition to searching and to using the browse kind of in the middle of the homepage.
Is using this little browse drop down. What's really nice about this dropdown is it gives a little bit more, a little some more options to browse.
So in addition to what we already see on the homepage here, browsing through companies, the industry is that good stuff.
They also have the option to click here into a glossary. So if they're running it to a lot of terms they're not familiar with, this is a nice place for them to go so they don't have to, you know, click out of the resource and then come back and lose their spot, whatever.
They can click right into the glacier here and be able to take a look at that. We also pull forward our different report types here as well.
So if they are looking for financials, they can click directly into those so they won't be bogged down by, you know.
Academic journals and things like that, investment reports, our industry profiles are here as well as our plunket reports.
Now another feature that is used frequently in this resource are our completed SWAT analyses. Again, just because these are used frequently by business students who are either building their own for a practice business or who are evaluating another business.
Also great just for entrepreneurs coming in. If you're at a public library and they they want to one run their own swell report they want to figure out their strengths and weaknesses it's really helpful to compare to what's already been done so they can kind of see what they might be missing just thinking on their own.
And to find those, we have them listed under companies because of, so of course a SWAT analysis is analyzing a company.
So if I decided to click into companies here under browse.
I have this really great option to see my available company data. You'll see here we can narrow it down or filter down by 3 different things.
If they have a swat nalysis, if they have a company history, and if they have a chronology.
And This again is going to vary here. If it's a public company, you're going to see more again than private companies because public companies actually have to make their information public.
So we can narrow it down here. So maybe we just want SWAT analyses. I can apply this.
And that's scrolling down here. We're going to see all of the companies that have that.
You'll see listed on this right-hand side here, it's showing me that available data.
You'll see if they have something it's kind of colored in as opposed to this grade-out option.
You'll notice now a lot of these are listed here as public. So you'll see under the titles they have public.
They do have some private here. But for the most parts, the ones that are going to have the most data are going to be those public there.
So once we find what we're looking for we can click right back in and we're going to see that same type company profile that we saw before.
Swat listed right here. I can click read full swat
Again, it's going to come forward in the. Kind of a original formats when that PDF look as opposed to the HTML.
And I can go through and read. Read the full swat report here. They're not crazy long.
This one's 4 pages, which I think is beneficial, so they're not getting too much into the weeds here.
They're getting a nice kind of straight to the point swat analysis. And you'll see right here in the first page is where they get the bare bones of the SWAT analysis.
Of course, they're going to go into it more in the following 4 pages. But if they really just want to see how they filled out each of these quadrants.
They can do that right there on the homepage. They're going to get this nice little view.
And they can actually hold on to this if they want to they can choose to download this or send it over to their drives to use for news later as well.
And if they're using this again, if it's a student, they're using it for project.
We have the citation for these as well so they can Pull the citation to put into whatever project they're working on.
I've got one more feature I want to show everyone before we sign off for the day. So again, one more time.
Don't be back to home. But do we have any questions at all about what I covered so far?
Okay. Alright, so let's take a look at my last future. I want to show you guys and that's our comparison tool.
So if we have you know 2 companies, 2 industries or 2 countries in mind that we want to compare, I can hit my compare tool right here in my toolbar.
It is going to pull me to this little option here. And you'll see I can enter in either companies, industries, or countries slash territories on the left hand side here and I can start to compare them using this graph so you'll see I could search by name or take or symbol if I'm using companies.
I'm using industries I can search by the name of the industry or the industry code. Or if I am taking a look at countries, I'll take it, I can enter by name or code.
But let's do countries. We already looked at companies and industries. Let's look at countries today.
Let's compare the United States.
You see when I start typing in, we have my predictive text here. I want to do United States.
And we'll compare to let's do, I don't know, China.
So I've got my 2 options listed here. Now I need to choose what metric I want to take a look at.
And you'll see these are Multiple clicks so I can click as many as I want to.
But let's just we'll take a look at gross domestic product here. So when I check this off You'll see here now it's telling me what each line means down here, which I think is handy for, you know, your users who may not be as comfortable reading graphs.
You'll see they give you kind of the legend down here and they can also hover over. And see exact numbers.
So it's telling them this is the United States line and then it's giving them the exact number.
So it's a nice way. For them to really easily visualize this content. And this can also be downloaded.
You'll see I can download or print this up top here. So this can be something again that can be added into a project.
Or a presentation or a business plan even. Like they could add this. They probably won't using a country profile, but they may want to compare companies and use that in a business plan or something like that.
And they can certainly do that. They also have the option to view this as a table. You'll see a default.
To showing this nice chart view. But we do have a table view here as well, so it's going to give the date range and all that good stuff.
And again on the left hand side we can choose if we want to take a look at companies industries or countries and you'll see the metrics do change.
So for companies, it's just revenue or employees. For industry, they can compare revenue. Revenue number of companies are employees and then Of course countries you have a whole host of options to take a look at.
Now again, I haven't seen any questions, so I'm going to go ahead and jump back here.
To my slides just because I have a bit of wrap up that I want to give to you before we go.
So first is our Gale support site. So if you need some additional information now that this session is over, we have a lot of information on our support sites and to access the tech share part of our support site.
It's support.gale.com/texshare And that's why you'll find your finder things like your access URLs if you need those, your MARC records, if you need icons for the databases.
And we also have a really nice training center there as well. So any recorded webinars are going to be posted there, shorter tutorials, training slide decks, lesson plans, things like that.
I are going all going to be found under that training center. And this is also where you're going to find marketing materials.
So now that we took a look at Gale Business Insights today, if you want to forward it on to your users, maybe, you know, your, your staff or your patrons.
You can do that with the marketing materials. You'll find things like bookmarks and posters.
We also have email communications and social media posts. So a lot of different ways to get it out there.
So want to make sure you don't reinvent the wheel. So if you need something like that, take a look at our support site before you make it on your own.
Because you, you may not even need to worry about it.
Now again, I wanna thank everyone here for being on the line today. I've got some wrap up contact information.
Again, our support site is support. Dot com. If you want to talk a little bit more about how you can use this in your learning community specifically, you can reach out to your customer success manager.
If you're not sure who that is, you can send an email to Gale that [email protected].
Cand will forward you to the correct individual. And I've also left Tammi Burke's information on this slide as well.
Again, my name is Amber Winters. I actually am covering for her today, but Tammi is actually your go to trainer for everything Texas training.
So if you have questions about upcoming webinars, feel free to reach out to her. It's Tammi.Burke@ cengage.com.
And if you will have a second, we've got about 4 min left. So if you have those 4 min that you can spare me, I would love for you to take our session survey just to make sure we're covering everything you're looking for when we run these sessions.
I have a QR code right here on my screen. If you don't mind just scanning it and you'll be able to take that.
We'd love to hear the feedback to make sure we're covering what you need.
Now I will ask before I end, are there any questions? I know I don't see any in the Q&A, but are there any questions at all before we end our session today?
Okay, I don't see any. We'll go ahead and then I appreciate everyone for being on the line and hopefully we'll see you in future sessions with us.
Bye now.
I'm just going to hit my record button and then we'll go and get going.
Hello everyone, today we're taking a look at part 2 of our dynamic business series. We're going to be taking a look at gale business insights and I'm actually not Tammi Burke I know we've got Tammi's information here but my name is Amber Winters and I'm actually taking the session over for Tammi.
So I do think everyone for being on the line and just as Tammi said here, please use the Q&A box for any questions that you may have.
As we move through our session today.
I've got a quick agenda here for everyone. So first we'll just have a brief overview of what Gale Business Insights is, some of the different content and features you're going to find within the resource itself.
Then we'll spend the majority of the time, I'd say, probably 20 min at 20 of the 30 min of our session.
Actually exploring the content and we'll walk through how your users can find content in different ways both by browsing and by searching, as well as some other different kind of tools and features we have available for them.
We'll take a look at those workflows as well. And then at the very end of the session, we will have some time for questions if you have any.
And I have some wrap up contact information for you as well. So moving forward, if you need additional support, additional information, I'll give you that.
Info at the very end today.
So let's go and get started here. Let's talk about Gale Business Insights.
So one of the the big chunks of content found within Gale Business Insights is going to be our reference content.
And we have over 4,000 full-text periodicals. So they are often focused on specific industries, our specific countries, things like that, but you'll find over 4,000 full text periodicals.
That are searchable, browsable, and very simple to find. In addition to that, something that's very unique to Gale Business Insights as a pair to the other as opposed to the other Gale resources are our company profiles which are really like profile pages that we create for a huge collection of public and private companies more than 430,000.
And it's going to give financial data, country overview of the different countries that these companies conduct business in.
We'll find different profiles and things like that. So it's really a holistic view of an individual company that your users can point and click directly into and just see all of that content in one place ready to go for them.
In addition to the company profiles, we also have industry profiles, which you'll see in a second when we click into the resource, look almost identical to company profiles, but they include content that's going to be specific to industries.
So things like industry reports, plunket reports. As well as key companies within that industry. So it's giving us the view of industries as opposed to just that very small company level.
We also have a really large collection of SWAT analyses, financial statements, and case studies.
These are really beneficial if you have, you know, business students coming in who are maybe running their own case study or who maybe have to build their own SWAT report for an activity that the activity that they're doing.
We have some pre-built real-world examples within this platform to kind of get them started and get them thinking.
And finally, we do have profiles for countries and territories within this platform as well. So again, if you have even a general researcher, but if you have a student or a general researcher coming in wanting to know more about, let's say Japan, you know, Japan's economy has been a little bit rocky as of late.
So if they want to learn more about what's going on they can click into Japan's country profile page and they'll see all of the great financial information we have.
They'll see articles related to Japan and their economy and they'll see key companies within Japan as well.
So a nice again really holistic way to view content all organized in one clean page. So. The platform itself, I like to say is developed into pages to just point and click through.
So as opposed to having to continuously search and things like that, users can really just navigate by browsing and find some really great information.
Now again, I want to spend the
Today actually clicking through this fantastic resource because it is pretty hefty. But while I switch out my screen here, does anyone have any questions?
It's almost locked out.
About the very basics of gale business insights.
Okay, I don't see any questions. So let's go ahead and get started then I'm starting
A homepage of Gale Business Insights. Just want to go over some of the landmarks of this page before we really dive into the content.
So right here on the homepage, you' This is where your users will find their search history.
We also have a get link tool that's going to follow us around that will give us a persistent URL to whatever page we're on.
So you'll see this on a lot of our different people.
Relates to notes section. So if your users are taking highlights and notes, they'll be aggregated here. Again, we'll take a
Scrolling down on the homepage, you'll see we organized the homepage based on content or subject type was a subject type.
So we start off with companies here, so we've got our
Can see some of the most searched and most utilized. Of course, a lot of these are going to look very familiar because these are what students and what general researchers are most likely looking at, you know, they're trying to learn about Amazon or Apple or
Because they're in the news a lot and they're
They're popular topics of study. We also have a browse all companies button here as well.
So they don't see what they're looking for here. They can.
And we'll take a look at our browse feature. It's just a bit later.
But scrolling down, you'll see we also have a section dedicated to our publications. Again, we pull out some of the most used publications.
And they can click into any of these here. They get kind of a publication overview. So this is what the publication is.
This is the content we have available. And they can click in if they like. For every anyone watching this recorded we are actually in February so you'll see it is very up to date here February thirteenth
Let's go ahead and jump back. Scrolling down here, they can also research by business topic if they want something like that And then the very bottom, we have our Explore Industries section, which is similar to our companies and then underneath that we have our major markets which is going to be our countries and our territories.
Again, on this right-hand side, we're always going to have the most commonly looked at, commonly clicked.
And then on the left they have the option to browse all if they need to do that.
But let's go back up to the top of the page. I first want to run a search.
So we can kind of see what searching looks like because a lot of the times You know, your users are gonna come in and just run a search.
They're gonna have something very specific in mind. So let's take a look. Let's say I want to search for a company today and I'm coming in and I have a project where I need to you know provide a full detailed outline about a company.
You know, the problems they're facing, their position in their industry. So I want to take a look at a company profile here.
Let's just do Amazon. Again, that's one that's used a lot, but you'll see when I start typing in here I have predictive text that pops up to give me some different suggestions.
Something I absolutely love about this is you'll see my suggestions are actually broken up here. So I have come to profiles are pulled forward, some different countries.
Course if my search was a little bit different and had interest related industries that kind of matched the search they would pop up here as well but it separates it out for us to make it really simple to find the content but we want to take a look at the Amazon company profile so you'll see we've got that here.
I mentioned you see they do have the ticker symbol attached here. I always recommend if possible to use that ticker symbol when searching or if they're searching for an industry use the industry code just because it's a little bit more specific, especially with large companies.
Sometimes they have, you know, smaller offshoots or subsidiaries or things like that. That can pop up in here a separate entities as well.
So you just want to make sure you're getting the most accurate information. So if it is a public company, I recommend using that take your symbol.
But let's click on the Amazon here.
And I'll take a quick second to load the financials, but this is going to be the company profile.
And I do want to mention here that we do include profiles for both public and private companies. And you'll notice if you are clicking through on your own or if you, you know, click through after the session.
Your users are going to find a lot more information on, generally speaking, on the public company profiles as opposed to the private.
Just by the nature of those companies public companies have to publish a lot more than private companies do So just be aware if your users are clicking through trying to find private companies, they may not see as much as they'll see with a public company who actually has to publish that information.
But what's great is we actually tell everyone what company type it is up top here. So if they're looking through and they're like I don't understand why I'm not seeing exactly you know there's no swap report what's going on they want to take a look if it's a private company they may want to find a public one instead and they might find more content there.
But at the top of our company profile, see we get the company background here, so we'll get their revenue and their employees.
Company hierarchy again the hierarchy is usually for public companies headquarters and all that good stuff.
Scrolling down it gets a little bit more detailed so we'll have a company overview. If we have a SWAT analysis, the SWAT will appear here next to the overview.
Again, not every company has a SWAT analysis, especially those private companies. A lot of those won't have them.
Scrolling down we'll have all of our financial information here. You'll see we've got some nice interactive graphs that they can click through as well.
Scrolling down here, you'll see we do list competitors and these are actually direct links those competitors company profiles as well.
So if they maybe want to see how Walmart is. Is working against Amazon. Or reading with Amazon or just how they're how they're competing.
They can click directly into Walmart and see the same information as we're looking at right now for Amazon.
We also include the industry here for the company. As you would imagine, a lot of different companies are linked to multiple industries.
If you're thinking about Amazon. I don't know exactly how many link too, but it's gotta be at least 10, right?
They do a lot Amazon does, but but they have them listed here. So this is the primary industry is retail trade and we can also take a look at their secondary industries as well.
So some of the other industries they're working in.
Then down at the very bottom of our profile, and this is on all of our profiles, so the company profiles, the industry, and the country territory profiles are going to have all of our reports, all of our articles, all that good stuff.
It's going to be down here at the very bottom and you'll see we've broken it into different content pockets.
And these are actually very similar to other Gale resources. So you'll see we pull forward all of our academic journals into one content bucket.
Of our videos are going to appear here if we've got case studies related to a company or an industry that case study is going to be under this article section as well.
So we can kind of scroll down here and see what information might be helpful for us. And a lot of this is going to be in the format that's originally published in so if it's like a plunket report or something like that it'll retain that formatting so they'll get like a PDF view as a set instead of just a standard HTML view.
But I'll be with a click through and find things of interest. They can really easily click through this one.
It looks like it's a And industry overview of specifically digital media and Australia, but you'll see we've got all this great stuff here.
And I will mention here we do have a citation tool. So if your users are pulling articles, not just looking at those company and industry profiles if they have a need for articles and research like that as well.
They can cite this document here up top. And they can also save the document. So saving it's sending over to their Google or Microsoft drives.
They can email it or they can download and print it to hold onto this information. But let's go ahead and the back button.
Cause I do for now want to stay on my company profile here.
Now as I mentioned, this get link is kind of following us around a little bit and this is really great for users who are coming in and maybe found a lot of information and then have to go, you know, so they don't have time to really work through everything.
If they copy and paste this get link wherever they need it or if an educator comes in looking for content and wants to share this particular page, they can copy and paste this URL.
It's persistent so it's not going to break they don't need to worry about that at all and they can share it with with whomever maybe they want to put it in a syllabus for their students.
Maybe this is a general researcher really interested in Amazon and they want to take a look back at it later.
They can just save it for themselves. So they'll get this persistently and be pulled right back to whatever page they're on.
That's a nice feature within this resource. Now are there any questions at all about the company profiles?
What they look like, what your users can expect to see, anything like that?
No. Okay. Required today, that's not a problem. I'm going to jump back to the homepage.
I can do that either by hitting the back button in the browser or I'm just gonna hit the banner, the Gale Business Insights button here.
And it's going to pull me back to home. So in addition to searching, again on this one page we have a really powerful browse kind of work flow.
So let's do that now instead. So let's say instead of looking at a company, maybe I want to take a look at an industry here.
So I know we were talking about Amazon. Maybe I wanted to take a look at the industry Amazon is involved in.
If I don't see it here, I could actually click in and browse all industries here.
And you'll see this is pretty extensive. If they have the industry code, again, a lot of times that's the best practice instead of pointing and clicking to enter in that industry code.
But if they don't, they can just kind of point and click down to whatever they're looking for.
So let's do, manufacturing. And you'll see there's quite a bit here, but we can start to scroll down here.
Let's say we'll do this and we'll go here. So eventually we're going to navigate all the way down to the the very precise industry code here and we'll take a look at electronic computer manufacturing.
That's pretty hot topic right now. So now we're on a company profile, which again looks very, very similar.
I'm sorry, an industry profile, which looks very, very similar to a company profile. At the top here, again, we give very basic information here.
So we'll see the largest company. Probably not a shock to a lot of you that it's Apple, number of employees, annual revenue, all that good stuff.
Then scrolling down, again we have our industry overview just like we had a company overview.
On this left hand side here though we pull forward all of our industry reports which I think is really powerful.
So if your users are looking for a say something like a Punket report, we actually pull those out and keep them really highlighted pretty Pretty obviously on these industry profiles so they can really easily click into those and again since this is the pocket report we get that kind of native plunket look.
So you'll see here it's a PDF as opposed to just like an HTML text.
So any times we have graphs or anything like that, it's going to be included. Drop back here.
Next to that we also have our top companies by revenue. You'll see it defaults to showing just globally, but they can also narrow down if they just want to see US companies.
But they can see those top companies. Scrolling down here, again, you'll see our industries.
Then at the very bottom, this again is where we keep all of those articles. So just like with companies, if I were looking for academic journal articles about industries, I could take a look at that.
Market share reports, our case studies. Another great feature is our associations section. I click into this here.
You'll see I have 2 associations listed for this industry. This is really helpful if you're users know they're going to be involved in this industry.
This is really helpful if your users know they're going to be involved in this industry for a while and maybe want to start, you know, getting a little bit more involved, getting into these associations, building connections and things like that.
We provide them with a little bit of information. A little directory entry for them. So that could certainly come in handy as well.
Now I'm going to jump back to home just one more time here. Kind of using home as our landing point so we all know where we are in the platform here.
So another way to access content in addition to searching and to using the browse kind of in the middle of the homepage.
Is using this little browse drop down. What's really nice about this dropdown is it gives a little bit more, a little some more options to browse.
So in addition to what we already see on the homepage here, browsing through companies, the industry is that good stuff.
They also have the option to click here into a glossary. So if they're running it to a lot of terms they're not familiar with, this is a nice place for them to go so they don't have to, you know, click out of the resource and then come back and lose their spot, whatever.
They can click right into the glacier here and be able to take a look at that. We also pull forward our different report types here as well.
So if they are looking for financials, they can click directly into those so they won't be bogged down by, you know.
Academic journals and things like that, investment reports, our industry profiles are here as well as our plunket reports.
Now another feature that is used frequently in this resource are our completed SWAT analyses. Again, just because these are used frequently by business students who are either building their own for a practice business or who are evaluating another business.
Also great just for entrepreneurs coming in. If you're at a public library and they they want to one run their own swell report they want to figure out their strengths and weaknesses it's really helpful to compare to what's already been done so they can kind of see what they might be missing just thinking on their own.
And to find those, we have them listed under companies because of, so of course a SWAT analysis is analyzing a company.
So if I decided to click into companies here under browse.
I have this really great option to see my available company data. You'll see here we can narrow it down or filter down by 3 different things.
If they have a swat nalysis, if they have a company history, and if they have a chronology.
And This again is going to vary here. If it's a public company, you're going to see more again than private companies because public companies actually have to make their information public.
So we can narrow it down here. So maybe we just want SWAT analyses. I can apply this.
And that's scrolling down here. We're going to see all of the companies that have that.
You'll see listed on this right-hand side here, it's showing me that available data.
You'll see if they have something it's kind of colored in as opposed to this grade-out option.
You'll notice now a lot of these are listed here as public. So you'll see under the titles they have public.
They do have some private here. But for the most parts, the ones that are going to have the most data are going to be those public there.
So once we find what we're looking for we can click right back in and we're going to see that same type company profile that we saw before.
Swat listed right here. I can click read full swat
Again, it's going to come forward in the. Kind of a original formats when that PDF look as opposed to the HTML.
And I can go through and read. Read the full swat report here. They're not crazy long.
This one's 4 pages, which I think is beneficial, so they're not getting too much into the weeds here.
They're getting a nice kind of straight to the point swat analysis. And you'll see right here in the first page is where they get the bare bones of the SWAT analysis.
Of course, they're going to go into it more in the following 4 pages. But if they really just want to see how they filled out each of these quadrants.
They can do that right there on the homepage. They're going to get this nice little view.
And they can actually hold on to this if they want to they can choose to download this or send it over to their drives to use for news later as well.
And if they're using this again, if it's a student, they're using it for project.
We have the citation for these as well so they can Pull the citation to put into whatever project they're working on.
I've got one more feature I want to show everyone before we sign off for the day. So again, one more time.
Don't be back to home. But do we have any questions at all about what I covered so far?
Okay. Alright, so let's take a look at my last future. I want to show you guys and that's our comparison tool.
So if we have you know 2 companies, 2 industries or 2 countries in mind that we want to compare, I can hit my compare tool right here in my toolbar.
It is going to pull me to this little option here. And you'll see I can enter in either companies, industries, or countries slash territories on the left hand side here and I can start to compare them using this graph so you'll see I could search by name or take or symbol if I'm using companies.
I'm using industries I can search by the name of the industry or the industry code. Or if I am taking a look at countries, I'll take it, I can enter by name or code.
But let's do countries. We already looked at companies and industries. Let's look at countries today.
Let's compare the United States.
You see when I start typing in, we have my predictive text here. I want to do United States.
And we'll compare to let's do, I don't know, China.
So I've got my 2 options listed here. Now I need to choose what metric I want to take a look at.
And you'll see these are Multiple clicks so I can click as many as I want to.
But let's just we'll take a look at gross domestic product here. So when I check this off You'll see here now it's telling me what each line means down here, which I think is handy for, you know, your users who may not be as comfortable reading graphs.
You'll see they give you kind of the legend down here and they can also hover over. And see exact numbers.
So it's telling them this is the United States line and then it's giving them the exact number.
So it's a nice way. For them to really easily visualize this content. And this can also be downloaded.
You'll see I can download or print this up top here. So this can be something again that can be added into a project.
Or a presentation or a business plan even. Like they could add this. They probably won't using a country profile, but they may want to compare companies and use that in a business plan or something like that.
And they can certainly do that. They also have the option to view this as a table. You'll see a default.
To showing this nice chart view. But we do have a table view here as well, so it's going to give the date range and all that good stuff.
And again on the left hand side we can choose if we want to take a look at companies industries or countries and you'll see the metrics do change.
So for companies, it's just revenue or employees. For industry, they can compare revenue. Revenue number of companies are employees and then Of course countries you have a whole host of options to take a look at.
Now again, I haven't seen any questions, so I'm going to go ahead and jump back here.
To my slides just because I have a bit of wrap up that I want to give to you before we go.
So first is our Gale support site. So if you need some additional information now that this session is over, we have a lot of information on our support sites and to access the tech share part of our support site.
It's support.gale.com/texshare And that's why you'll find your finder things like your access URLs if you need those, your MARC records, if you need icons for the databases.
And we also have a really nice training center there as well. So any recorded webinars are going to be posted there, shorter tutorials, training slide decks, lesson plans, things like that.
I are going all going to be found under that training center. And this is also where you're going to find marketing materials.
So now that we took a look at Gale Business Insights today, if you want to forward it on to your users, maybe, you know, your, your staff or your patrons.
You can do that with the marketing materials. You'll find things like bookmarks and posters.
We also have email communications and social media posts. So a lot of different ways to get it out there.
So want to make sure you don't reinvent the wheel. So if you need something like that, take a look at our support site before you make it on your own.
Because you, you may not even need to worry about it.
Now again, I wanna thank everyone here for being on the line today. I've got some wrap up contact information.
Again, our support site is support. Dot com. If you want to talk a little bit more about how you can use this in your learning community specifically, you can reach out to your customer success manager.
If you're not sure who that is, you can send an email to Gale that [email protected].
Cand will forward you to the correct individual. And I've also left Tammi Burke's information on this slide as well.
Again, my name is Amber Winters. I actually am covering for her today, but Tammi is actually your go to trainer for everything Texas training.
So if you have questions about upcoming webinars, feel free to reach out to her. It's Tammi.Burke@ cengage.com.
And if you will have a second, we've got about 4 min left. So if you have those 4 min that you can spare me, I would love for you to take our session survey just to make sure we're covering everything you're looking for when we run these sessions.
I have a QR code right here on my screen. If you don't mind just scanning it and you'll be able to take that.
We'd love to hear the feedback to make sure we're covering what you need.
Now I will ask before I end, are there any questions? I know I don't see any in the Q&A, but are there any questions at all before we end our session today?
Okay, I don't see any. We'll go ahead and then I appreciate everyone for being on the line and hopefully we'll see you in future sessions with us.
Bye now.