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Last Updated: August 18, 2023

15 Minutes to Mastery: New! National Geographic Virtual Library from TexShare

New Gale resource from TexShare! Public and Academic libraries now have access to over 1,500 magazines from National Geographic dating from 1888 to 2020. National Geographic Virtual Library provides a simple and powerful platform designed for all users. View this 15-minute training session recording to explore content and tools found within this valuable resource.

Duration: 15 Minutes
Welcome to your TexShare training. Today's session is 15 min to mastery. Gale presents National Geographic Virtual Library.

This is a new collection of National Geographic magazines that have been purchased by Tech Share for you all.

And I'm going to share with you real quick how to walk through the resource and some of the tools and features.

So if you have any questions throughout the session, please feel free to use that Q&A box. My name is Tammi Burke.

I'm your senior trainer from Gale and I'm happy to answer any questions that you may have today.

Our session today will focus on the content you have available within National Geographic Virtual Library. From tech share, you now have over 1,500 magazines from National Geographic dating from 1,880 to 2,020.

We will explore the content and also the tools found within the resource. Our brief agenda today we will start with talking about how to access your tech share resources and I will give you an overview of National Geographic Virtual Library.

We'll spend the majority of our time searching and browsing content, talking about the tools and features and also the workflow tools that are available.

If you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer those at the end of our session. And I will leave you with where you can go to find training materials and also contact information for myself.

And also your customer success managers that you have available. For that one-on-one support in all things Gale.

To access your tech share resources, you can go to the site. It is also included in the follow-up email and then I share it again at the end of the session, but you can access all of your tech share resources through this link or you can also pull your direct URLs.

So if you're looking for all of the direct URLs for all of your Gale resources that you have from tech share, you can go to this site, find your library, and then use those direct URLs on your library website or in your Discovery services wherever you access all of your digital databases.

So let's talk a little bit about National Geographic Virtual Library as I mentioned, over 1,500 magazines from 1,880 to 2020 is the subscription that was purchased by TexShare.

The resource brings your magazine collection into a cross searchable platform. It fits the way researchers conduct their research.

And now GL Virtual Library is a powerful tool. It has research through over a hundred years of publications.

So now let's explore those the resource and talk about the publications that you have available. I'm going to talk to you about 3 different ways to find content.

Our first one is the basic or advanced search here on the homepage. The next one is just simply clicking on the magazine and browsing through it.

You have the option to click in the cover or we also have the browse magazine section over here to the right.

And the last one is explore topics. So that's what we are going to discuss today. We also have the ability to sign in with Google or Microsoft.

I am going to sign in with Google. And it took me right in because I'm on my own computer.

So it makes it nice and simple. You can also see that from the National Geographic Virtual Library, you still also have the ability to access National Geographic Kids.

Now that is a separate URL that you can put right on your library website. It is as I mentioned on the GIL support site.

You can grab that information and I do highly suggest that for our younger users, but both are also accessible through National Geographic Virtual Library.

The collection you have as I mentioned is from 1,880 to 2,020. And this tool will cross search through all of your magazines at once.

So we have 3 different options. I mentioned the advanced or basic and advanced search. We are going to go just to do a quick basic search so you can see what we have available.

So I'm going to do a search on space race. Actually, let me do a search on space first so you can see all of the results.

And whenever you do a search, all the results we've pulled back this way where you have in the bar here towards the top you have all of your different content types and you can see this one has featured articles brief articles, map supplements, magazine covers, and advertisements, and they are organized into these boxes below.

So, 442 featured articles. I'm seeing the top 3, but I can click on featured articles or view all 442 view featured articles here and it'll take me to all of those individual articles.

As I scroll down you can see the other boxes.

And I did including advertisements also available. I did a search on space. Now this will include a lot of the space information.

As far as our planets and solar system, and you're going to find that type of content available.

But it also may include articles or documents on space like I'm spit maybe looking at spatial areas or looking at space with in like for example in architecture or in a room if you're doing any kind of design.

So it might include a little bit of that too. So keep that in mind when you are looking through this information.

Now what you can do is you can filter down your results. You can filter by subject. Publication title.

Publication date. So if I wanted something more recent, I could utilize that. If I'm looking for a certain document type.

So if I do want just articles, I can filter down to just that information, but you can see all of them that are available.

And I can also search within. So if I wanted to drill this down a little further, I could use another search term or I could use one of the subjects that I have available here.

So maybe I want space and astronomy. And now I have filtered that content down. By adding a filter.

It filters down everything at once.

Okay. So that's one search option through basic search, advanced search is also available. Under advanced search we also have topic finder.

So advanced search, very intuitive. We have some search tip help here in the center, but it'll end a lot of great pre limiters.

At the bottom. We also have topic finder. So if I wanted to look up, let's say I want to look up ancient Greece.

My tiles are brought back. I have both 2 different visualizations, tiles or wheel.

I can quickly click into. If I wanted to click into Greece, Greek history. It will zoom in and I can continue to drill down so it's visual and it's also interactive as you can see on the right hand side.

It's populating with some of that content. So I have 5 articles on culture here within this or within my search results.

And again, my search results were on ancient Egypt. Another search option is to browse by magazine.

Now I can do that one of 2 ways. I can use the browse by magazine icon in my contextual toolbar.

Or I can simply click into the cover.

From here, I can filter down all of my content. So if I wanted to filter. Maybe I wanna filter to let one particular decade.

I want to filter to 1980. And let's go back to January. To December of 19.

90. And it will filter down all of my magazines. You can see all those covers here. I could simply select a cover.

Here's one that you see a lot in not only the advertisers, but if you remember National Geographic from the eightys that that image that haunting image really has been a part of a lot of not only that magazine but also as I said a lot of different publications and marketing materials and so on and so forth.

So if I wanted to select one, let's go to 1988. And let's select.

From April, 1988. It takes me right into that magazine. If I wanted to share this magazine.

I can simply use the get link tool. And it'll take anyone back to this cover point where they can explore this magazine.

I also have the citation tool where I can cite. I can change the format of the citation and choose where I'd like to export it.

I also have the print option and here I can choose how many pages within this magazine I want to print from page one to page.

Maybe 20 I want. I can print those off.

A couple other features I have. Is I can make this whole screen.

I can fit it to my browser using this up and down arrow fit to height. And bye tapping or swiping.

I can work through this. The advertisements always hit me because especially from the eightys I remember some of these and I remember those types of cars and so the advertisements always jump out at me a little bit too.

But you can see advertisements and also the entire magazine covered a cover. With all of that great information, fantastic images that we have available.

Articles, brief articles, editorials, you're going to find all of that available here within. This magazine or within National Geographic Virtual Library.

I'm going to remove the full screen. Option here. It's in the upper right hand corner.

I do wanna also share with you that you have the ability to zoom in and zoom out. So let's say.

I am on an image. I want to let me go in here a little bit further. I'm gonna jump to page, let's say, 25.

So I'm just putting in jumping to page 25. I'm just putting in a number.

Clicking go.

And maybe I wanna zoom into this image a little bit, the one on the right. I just can use the magnifying glass and then I can drag.

This over. So again, magnifying glass. And drag it over to the look at it a little closer.

Okay. Alright, so let me go back out. So again Basic Advanced Search, Topic Finder Lives Under Advanced Search, I can click into the magazine here or if I wanted to browse all magazines, that option is here where I can filter down.

My content. The third option for searching is Explore Topics. And that's here in my contextual toolbar.

I can click Explore Topics. I can find information based on a topic. So I have animals, environment, history, people and cultures, science and technology and travel.

I am going to choose environment. And what this provides me with is a curated collection of information based on environment, the term environment or the topic environment.

And I have, as you can see if I look up towards the top, You could see I have featured articles, brief articles, magazine covers, and advertisements available.

If I wanted to look at those featured articles, I have over a thousand. So I'm going to view all and I can select here.

On the bottom or also featured articles right by the total number there. Once I do, then I have all of my filters back.

So I can select a certain subject if I wanted to. If I wanted featured articles on the environment and national parks.

I can filter down my content. To remove any of those filters, I can remove that by clicking on the X.

It'll remove that filter. I also have the ability to search within. Or filtered to a specific publication date.

If I wanted this first one. So great, so fragile. This is about the Great Lakes.

I clicked into it, but you can see some of my search terms. Hit on different pages within this.

This magazine. So I have that option available. And then I want to talk a little bit about plain text OCR.

So let me go, let me see if we have some here. So we don't have it for everything, but what it does is this one does have one.

It takes the text on the page. It takes from this this PDF because this is essentially this is a, you know, print you can order national geograph magazines.

We pull it into the digital format here, but it's a PDF of that print. And then OCR provides text.

So great for text readers. If you're curious as to a little bit more about OCR, which is optical character recognition.

If you click on learn how this was created, it'll give you some of that information. But what it does is it's technology that converts images of text into usable text.

So great for text readers that are screen readers that you're users may have.

Okay, so we talked about utilizing. That this information utilizing that plain text, you also have the table of contents here on the left hand side where I could go to specific.

I wanted to go to a specific advertisement. Let's go to Kchow. In this magazine.

And let me. There we go on the right hand side. I fit it to my browser. I have the advertisement on Ketchel.

If I wanted to look for a certain department, I could do that. So celebrate note, let's do tighting up in fly cells.

And here you have information. On that up here this isn't is where the article is and then I also have feature articles I can filter by.

We were in this so great so fragile. So let's go back there. And this is my featured article.

So you can see how you can quickly walk through this resource. I also have illustrated works. If I wanted to go to a specific illustrated work and also my full citation.

Are there? So we talked about all the explore options. We talked about utilizing a topic and also utilizing Gitlink to get back to that magazine.

You can share that URL wherever you are accessing the information. So we covered everything. If there's any questions, let me know.

I see there's a question about OCR. Hopefully I answered that. Let me know if you want more definition around that or if you.

Would like to see me model it again. I'd be happy to do so, but I have a feeling you may have asked that question.

Before I got to that point of explanation. So let me know if you'd like me to go over that again.

I am going to go back to my PowerPoint.

And share with you where you can go for additional support and that's our GIL support site. What you will find there is and you can use this link here at the top.

You will be able to find all of your access URLs, your Mark records. There's icons and widgets for your gale resources also available and then the ability to contact your customer success manager directly.

You can access great training materials, tip sheets and tutorials. We just recently added the National Geographic Virtual Library.

Tip sheet. So we have to 2 page here as you can see in the screenshots and it will basically walks you through everything that I walked you through.

You have here so you can provide that for your students if you're coming to me from the higher ed library or your patrons if you're coming to me from.

A public library. So we have great resource guides. We also have great marketing materials as you're seeing here.

These are great for social media posts but we also have bookmarks and blog templates and email templates.

And then we also have short little video tutorials. As you're seeing in the upper right hand corner, as you're seeing in the upper right hand corner, and here's one on Gale tools and how to get link.

And they're usually on Gale tools and how to get link. And they're usually under 2 to 3 min long at the most.

So that wraps our session. I will stay on the line if there's any additional questions. The support site again is support. Gale.

Calm below you can see we have customer success managers if you're coming to me from a public library you have a customer success manager email address if you're coming from a higher ed or academic library.

Then your customer success manager email is listed there if you want to take a screenshot of the screen.

It also is included in your follow-up email. And these are great folks for that one-on-one support in all things Gale so they can walk you through the support site help you with your direct URLs or discovery services.

They can help with all of that type of information. Training session, please feel free to scan the QR code and fill out the training survey.

But it should also pop up when you leave today's session. So it should pop up on the screen for you since you attended the live session.

Again, my name is Tammi Burke. I'm your senior training consultant. If you have any additional questions I'd be happy to stay on the line.

Otherwise, thank
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