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Last Updated: March 11, 2023

For TexShare: New! Gale Presents: Miss Humblebee's Academy

Discover Gale Presents: Miss Humblebee's Academy from TexShare! This interactive and highly visual resource is perfect to support learning for children aged three to six. Cross curricular lessons aligned to preschool and elementary standards include music, math, art, language and literacy, social studies and science. Mobile responsiveness and printable materials allow learning to extend beyond the computer, to help teachers and parents build a learning schedule and support early learning. View this session, to explore the content and features available in Miss Humblebee’s Academy, as well as best practices on how to leverage it in the library, at school, and at home.
Duration: 45 Minutes
Welcome to your TexShare training session today. Session is on your newest gale.

Resource, and that is Gale presents Miss Humblebee's Academy.

This resource is the or I'm sorry. The talk a little bit about the resource I should introduce myself first.

My name is Tammi Burke. I'm your Gale trainer, and any questions that you have throughout the session.

Please feel free to use that Q&A box. My goal for today's training is to provide you with an overview of this award-winning.

Miss Humble, Bees. Academy resource. The resource is designed for 3 through 6 year olds, but we do find that even kids in so sixth grade can be kindergarten even at a first grade, even some second graders can benefit from this resource especially with our early literacy

and supporting reading. I know that the schools are having to do a lot of extra work the last couple of years after Covid.

So think of this resource when you have those younger users coming into your library to access this information or homeschoolers this is another great resource, for so I'll talk a little bit more about the resource overall.

But really under that it is, we did design it for 3 through 3 year olds, through 6 year olds, and it does offer a comprehensive curriculum-based thematic approach, and to really developing those early literacy skills the resource is online.

So it is that digital access. But about 40% of the learning is also offline.

There's printables, and then there's additional extension activities, and I'll show you where to find those within the resource.

So you can share that with your patrons that are coming into your library.

So let's start with our agenda. I'll first talk to you about what exactly is Miss Humblebee's Academy, and then we're going to spend the majority of our time exploring the contents.

The tools and the features that are available. If you have any questions again, please ask in that. Q.

And a box, and I will also stay on. At the end of the session if there's any additional questions I'll leave you today with where you can go to find our training materials.

We also have great marketing materials available, and then contact information.

For myself, and also your customer. Success, managers, customer, success.

Managers are one-on-one support, and they can help you and support you and all things. Kate.

First, let's talk about access to the text share resources.

You can go to this site, and for those of you that are attending the live session I will put that in the chat box.

This is a great site to bookmark, because it is designed for texture.

It does live on our Gale support site. But you're going to find all of your direct.

Urls, there to all of your new TexShare resources, including this one so if you're adding those direct Urls to your library, website, including this one, so if you're adding those direct Urls to your library website, then that is the site you can go to simply find your school or your library site from the

dropdown menu. You can type it in also. Once you find your library site, select it, and then click, proceed.

And when you do it will take you to all of your product.

You Urls, and built into those Urls? Are your location Id.

This is a generic one, because I just grabbed a quick screenshot.

But if I had logged in I would see my location.

Id for my site, which is great, because then, when I want to look at my usage reports I'll have usage track up and roll up to my account to my site line library, and I can useize all those great tools in the usage dashboard if you haven't added any of your

texture resources to your library website. Yet you can export export that entire linked list here, or if you wanted to, sort by family, of course you can.

Filter by product very quickly. So if you were to type in Miss Humblebee'ss, it will pop up, and you can grab, copy that link and paste it wherever you're having your users.

Access, this resource.

So let's talk a little bit about Ms. Humblebee's Academy.

I want you to have an understanding of what's here before we jump in, and I start exploring this resource with you.

So it really is a great resource for fostering early liters skills, and it is standard-based preschool to elementary, thematic-based curriculum for 3 to 6 year olds.

The key concepts you're going to find. And you can see some of them here.

I don't know the bottom of that screenshot, but art, music, fitness, or we call it, be fit language and literacy. Math.

Science and social studies, and then social, emotional learning or character traits.

I know something that is being taught in Texas schools, and we have it there available to support your your users coming into your library.

So the standard basis is preschool to elementary, and then you will find also I mentioned, printable lesson plans also preschool the elementary principle, lesson plans, and extended activities are available.

There are multiple paths to learning. So you can choose from 3 different learning paths based on the child's needs.

There's a guided learning my learning, which is customized learning, or choose a lesson.

There are interactive books which offer a read aloud option and also include prediction and comprehension questions, and then progress reports.

So parents will receive a weekly email notifications to view their child.

Their child's progress, and libraries will receive 3 monthly reports this is the my lesson approach, or my learning.

So what happens is and that you're gonna see this screen a lot when we're exploring the resource, I, as soon as I select any of the lessons that it will land in my learning section, which is the second second.

Button here once you're in a lesson there's a variety of different lessons.

Some are videos, some are point and click, some are the ebooks that I mentioned, where you can either read them aloud or listen.

There's predictions, questions available there, too. But they're going to look similar to this.

Some of them will. And then you also have. Here's one of the e-books, and these ebooks live in the library, but they also land in some of these subject categories, too.

There are great assessments and checklists. So when you leave the classroom for parents, they can look at the assessments and checklists.

So we have the cognitive skills and aessment reports available.

And this is once you have a student set up within this resource, you'll be able to look at those assessment reports after they've completed lessons.

You'll see developmental milestones in progress.

Reports available, and the Progress reports show their progress. So a little bit different than the assessment reports.

Assessments are to the specific activities or the specific lessons and progresses that overall.

Look, and then we also have a kindergarten readiness checklist.

So if you have those younger users coming into your library, maybe you're doing.

You have a family library, or maybe you have some early literacy classes or programming that you're doing at your library.

Consider this resource because it really does support all of those skills.

And the kindergarten readiness checklist can be very helpful to parents as they're getting ready to send their kids off to school within the next year.

So keep that in mind that all those tools are available and ready to go.

You don't have to do anything but log in and access that information.

There's also a reward system which we know that our younger users always love rewards, especially at the preschool.

Elementary age. But the reward system it really helps keeps the students engaged and motivated. As they're working through these lessons, you'll find coins in a sticker room and a puzzle room all available within the resource.

Last one. There is puzzles.

So with that, we're gonna jump into the resource.

So I'm first gonna start with sharing real quick with you again.

How you can access your link, because I know that question has come up often.

But let me share that screen, if there's any questions, please remember to ask them in that box.

So again. This is the link I shared with you in the chat.

It was also on the Powerpoint for those watching the recording.

You have your texture site, I can enter my library, name, or I can scroll down.

Let's go to Abilene. Public Library. Click! Proced.

And it's going to pull those direct Urls.

Taking a little bit to load. Here, Zoom tends to bog things down a little bit.


There we go. So if I were coming from this public library, all I would have to do is select my library.

Here is my entire product list, all of my direct Urls, to find Miss Humblebee'ss.

There it is right here. So I just did a quick product search for Miss Humblebee's.

I didn't even have to type the whole thing in.

And here is my product and my direct URL. I can copy that copy the link.

URL. I can access the product from here. Now, I wouldn't suggest ever directing your users to this site, but you know you can quickly access the product this way.

Again our custom that link, and then also on the site, you'll find your ebooks all of the training, both upcoming training sessions and recordings, are listed here along with additional training materials like tip sheets.

And Powerpoints, and all of that information. So we've got a lot of training materials.

There you have marketing materials for all of your TexShare resources.

And then the State links, technical documents and Vpad information.

All right. I do have the resource opened already, and I already have an account.

So when I log in, I'm not going to see you're not going to see it when you log in.

It's going to look a little different than what I do, because you do have the option to take this learning path and answer some questions.

For your, for your students, or for your children that are accessing this resource so it's going to look a little different.

But it's very intuitive. It's not difficult.

So it's I don't feel like you really need that extra step for me to show you it.

But do know that there is one more step before I access and I can skip that step if I want to.

But it is a great way to really support that guided learning.

Now in the upper right hand corner you can see I have the ability to select the language.

Now this will just help me with navigating the site.

And it is using Google translate. So you can see all of the different languages that are available.

This is going to be separate. Then, when you are in the lessons that those are in English right now, we did recently hear that there will be a Spanish lessons being added.

I don't know when I don't know how many, but I just heard that this week I think it was on Tuesday or Wednesday, so know that that is coming.

But we do have this area here, the home, the curriculum, the resources, the blog is fantastic, that I do suggest exploring as a as a librarian at a public library.

But also as a parent, and then, if we I don't know if we have any academic folks on the line today.

But this is another great resource for any future teachers that are learning in your at your college.

This is a great resource for them to, because there's so much support and connected to thematic units, but also that curriculum connect.

Ions, if you have any that are going into early elementary.

This is a great resource I suggest, for for those folks too.

Okay. Now, we have 2 ways to access information here on the home page.

I'm going to sign in and register. But before we do, let's talk about the access.

So this is I'm on my texture on the texture account.

On the left-hand side. I can create my own account.

Now, this is what I suggest for parents that are working with their students, that they create an account because they can, after they create an account with an email address.

Because, remember, you're getting those progress reports. So you want to use an email address that you act that you, you know, are viewing often so that you can receive those reports plus if you ever forget your password it helps to have that email address so you can create your own account as a parent that's

coming into your library, I would suggest that they do that, and then they can add as many students as they'd like, so they can.

And you'll see I have 3 students, or, I should say, 3 children in my account, and they happen to be.

I chose my kids names, my 3 kids, names. So. But they each have their own account.

They are out of college and college, age, so they don't use this resource anymore.

But as a former elementary school teacher and a parent of 3 kids.

This is one of those resources that I would have loved to be able to send my kids to, to do some independent learning on their own, or to work with them if they were really young.

I could work with them through this resource, because it really does have that kind of game effect, and we know kids love that.

And they're learning along the way. So you can create your own account.

Or if you're just checking it out for the first time, you don't wanna create an account right away.

You can use the guest account at any time, it just will not save any of your progress.

So keep that in mind. Now I have an account so I'm going to sign in and thankfully, my computer remembers me.

And since I have an account, and I created 3 or added 3 students to my account, and when you add a student, it's first and last name, their birth date, and then I think you pick if they're you know their gender. That's it.

So that the avatars kind of show up correctly.

But but there's also, if you don't want to, or if you you have more of a general you want, you can put. You can select.

Make that selection too. But so, anyway, I picked 3 avatars, and for 3 different children.

And so what happens is, once you log in, you're student, or your child can select their person I'm going to choose Bella.

I'm in her account the most.

And let me.

I mean adventure.

So there was a message at the beginning. I wanted to share my computer audio with you.

I will be muting the cues, because it is very distracting.

During a training. But you do have that ability to listen to the queues as you work through this resource, which is really helpful for our younger users.

So? And that how I do that is, in this upper right hand corner.

I have this more button, where I can mute the sound queues.

I'll leave them on for a little bit, but I will come up here and mute it.

I can also switch students. And I can change my navigation here at the bottom.

Let me do that real quick.

About my learning library.

To Spanish. You can see it's distracting.

So I can change that language there to Spanish at the bottom I'm gonna go back to English.

So the guided again. Let me move my cursor so you'll hear the guided queues.

Guided Learning, Mind, learning.

Those are the queues that you're going to hear.

So let me exit that. So you're not hearing that me having I'm having to tack over it.

So I just muted those queues. Now let's talk about what we're seeing so here's the guided learning path that I can take.

And as I work through it I go down this path until I get to the very end, and then I'm done with the all of those fantastic lessons so that's one option.

So one learning option is to take that guided learning path and go down that path which would be this progress.

So when I click on this very first one it will. I have the ability to select from the lessons that I have available to complete.

So when it takes me, it doesn't give me all of them to select from.

I just would click mindfulness next. And then, when I completed that one, then math would come up.

And social science and social studies, the categories. So there might have multiple lessons available in each one.

You can see here, I have one less 0. I'm sorry.

0 of one lessons completed. If I had 3 math lessons, then I would have the first time 0 of 3 lessons completed.

So just under that category, I could have multiple lessons that I am learning the my learning section.

We'll give you a list of all those lessons. So you can see here, here's the ones that I completed.

And then you can see the ones that don't have that green check.

Mark. I have an completed yet anytime I click into a lesson, either through a subject category or through the choose a lesson section.

It will land in my learning, so it will save that for me, so I can come back and learn that information.

I have some filters at the top. If I wanted to filter by subject, I wanted to filter by theme, or I wanted to filter if they're completed or not.

So if I just wanted the ones that were not completed, it will adjust my list.

And here are my lessons.

Okay. And I can select from, I think oh, no, let's go back to this.

I can select from any lesson on the list and there's quite a few lessons available, or if I don't want to go through this route where I'm scrolling and clicking lessons, I can.

I'm sorry it could go to my learning, or I can go to choose a lesson which gives me again that option to filter that content down very similar to my learning.

You have all of the lessons here, and this is another way to just quickly select those lessons so that they land in your mindle the about me.

I can adjust my avatar. So 3 learning paths guided learning my learning.

Choose a lesson about me is might be where you want your users to start.

You. They want to start by picking their avatars and selecting their color and their hair color, and the clothing, and they want wings or shoes, or what color the Piggy bank is.

All those options are available here. You parents can see the progress report from this screen.

There's also a dashboard I'm gonna share with you.

So if I wanted to see those progress reports.

This is one view that I can have, and this is helpful for the kids, too.

So I have a weekly report, and this is the progress that I've made.

Including my rewards. So I'm seeing those rewards here, too.

I can go to the Progress report before this one. If I wanted to go back a week.

Also under the about me section, we have rewards. So I have honeycomb coins where I can shop and shop, I mean in in this resource, where I can buy a fish to put in my fish tank, and I can save that work I go back to I'm gonna go to shop I wanna go to rewards. There we go so when I'm back in

reward. I can go to the Puzzle Room.

I have to earn the puzzle pieces. There's also bonus, and then here's my saved work.

Lessons I've completed 8 lessons, and I can view that progress report again, which is the same thing I showed you over here, and then stickers on.

Can go to the sticker room.

It's working there.

Here's my scene. I can grab the sticker and move him wherever I would like.

Maybe I want him out here on the Silent, and you can see some of the stickers I've had available that I've earned, and some I have not earned yet.

So as I keep working, I have the ability to use my rewards and do some fun things with them.

Now you will wanna make sure if they are using stickers or setting up this picture.

However, they want that they want to save their work. That's always in the bottom right hand corner.

Okay, instead of going back to the reward section, I want to share with you some of the information that you're seeing over here.

So you also can see art music. Here we have music videos, songs and lyrics.

So let's click into some of these, so I can take a look.

And again, this is under the about me section. So art, music!

I have a bunch of different lessons to choose from, music videos.

This will take me to just the music videos. And I have music videos for art, music, for math and for language and literacy.

Now will I find these music videos under language and literacy.

Yes, I will songs and lyrics. It's just this is giving me a quicker jump into that information songs and lyrics.

I have animals, numbers, letters, numbers, and shapes, people, places, and things.

Let's go into letters, numbers, and shapes, and let's do 10 in bed.

Well, there were 10 in the head, and the little said, Roll over, roll over!

So you're going to find this type of information available.

Fun song songs, and lyrics that you can see how it was highlighting as it was singing the song.

The vowel song is here, and I filtered to numbers, letters, numbers, and shapes.

Here's some places, people, places and things. So again, that's in the sames and lyrics in the seam section.

You're going to find you're going to find these offline extension activities in a variety of places.

One of them is here on your about me in that left hand navigation.

You're going to find those offline extension activities.

But they're in a variety of other places, too, and I'll share with you.

I do like how they're organized here. Though. So if I'm looking for, maybe I want recycled crafts, I can quickly filter down and find that content and it's just a very visual. The way that it's shown here and the nice thing is let me click

into this one, it gives you the messiness level, always good for parents to know materials needed age level, how long it should take.

Here's a list of materials needed, and then the subjects are skills used.

Okay? And then printables. Let me go to that section.

And again you're going to find printables in another area.

I'm going to share with you, but I have coloring pages of available here, and there's so many other printables.

This is just some of them, and then, of course, we have that sticker room, and then our saved work.

So again. That's in that about me section. Once you start clicking and jumping into the information that's there, you're going to find those different categories.

Now, let's start with some of these subjects. So we have art and music when you're looking at art music, here's the all about me.

I'm gonna go into that one first here, but you might have if you see this, which we've recognized.

But students may not recognize this. Ipod here below. We know that that's going to be some music that I that we can listen to.

And you. It does say it on the left hand side, but the image helps.

Your students or your younger users out. The children figure out that that's going to be music or a song.

You can see the art because we're in art and music.

So it's either art or music that we have available.

Music I shared with you a music just a moment ago.

But this is all about me, and it takes you in.

Click on start lesson to begin watching the video.

Gives you an option to start the lesson or replay the instructions.

5 cents.

So that is one of the music lessons that are available.

Let's go into the bfit section. Now, beef, it's a little different.

It has video content. These are shorter videos. But we have this whole B fit section move of the day.

You can see you could do this every day. It could be part of your lessons where you're doing a a move every single day.

Here's a warm up. Here's a cool down just to get some movement happening in.

Maybe you have some summer programming or you have some programming in your library where you are doing some outreach with kids, and you want some kind of short videos that are designed for kids.

Why not utilize what we have available in the section?

I miss Humblebee'ss, language, and literacy, so developing those early literacy skills, you're going to find all kinds of lessons available here.

So here, with language and literacy, watch what which letter comes before.

So this is more interactive. The alligator verse, crocodile.

This is an ebook. So when you see these covers, or it says, this one says, story, you're going to know that these are ebooks which annual made that sound.

So let's do that when I haven't done that one yet.

Which animal made that sound press play to hear the answer, then click on the animal that made that sound.

Start lesson.

And you could see, this is a point and click.

You're great.

So identifying animal songs.

You got it.

Oops! Try again!

If I select the wrong one it gives me, let's do. It gives me a red X, and it gives me the opportunity to try again.


So again, language and literacy you have all different types of lessons to choose from.

And again it is more of that interactive game type, feeling.

So students are really engaged and enjoying what they're finding here within the resource in the library is where we have all of the library books listed, and you can see the reading level in the bottom right hand corner.

But these are all books that can that you can listen to. So Lily's first day of school.

I can read to to myself. I can read by myself, or have it read to me.

And choose. Read to me.

Based on the cover of this book. What do you think this story is most likely about?

Now I don't have my queues on. I turn that off.

Remember, if I unmute my sound queues and use my cursor.

Starting, school, summer break.

So this in the books, I really suggest, especially if books are being read aloud.

You have your emergent readers. These younger users are going to benefit from those cues.

I just turn them off during my training because it's hard to talk over the resource when it's talking in headset. So.

Starting school.

But you can see how it can be really helpful, and how student or how younger users can really work through this resource on their own.

So what does this look like? It looks like starting school.

You got it. Lily's first school day.

And you can see how it highlights. Let me stop reading it.

Today is Lily's first day of school. Lily waited a very long time to go to school.

Highlights as it's reading the text allowed.

I can skip to the next page. I can go back a page.

I can start over and again those books live in our library, but they also live in some of these other subject categories, too, as we saw in language and literacy the alligator versus crocodile.

Now math! I love the math lessons because it is. It's numbers.

It's counting. It's, you know, writing numbers.

So let's go to how many. Let's do sports, how many balls?

Let's count. How many bars do you see? Click on the correct answer below?

Let me know if there are any questions.

So here, how many balls do I see? I see 2.


And they're all different. But still I'm counting how many, not how many of one kind.

Way to go!

Super, job.

Okay, so you get the idea of those lessons. And again, let's go back to math because you have those types of lessons.

As I said, you have some writing. The numbers animals click and drag on the animals.

Here's writing again. How many mammals fill in the blank so you can, you know, and then check.

You can check your answers on some of these 2.

Okay, in our social science and social studies.

We have a couple of different things. So this teacher here does a lot of great experiments.

This one is a experiment on chemical reaction. So the theme is chemical reactions.

You can see the subject. We already know we're in science and social studies.

We put that subject on the left hand side, because if you're in the choose a lesson then you'll be able to see right what subject category is coming from.

But maybe you just want to jump directly to the science and social studies.

We have learned the parts of a body, let me show you that one.

Click on the body parts to hear the name.

Head, neck, shoulders.

So you can see I can work through. This. It tells me the parts of the body that's that lesson.

Let me go back to science studies. I want you to share this teacher real quick, and there are, I.

We just heard. I think there's 4 new teachers that are going to be added.

So we'll have more content coming within this resource.

Click on start lesson to begin watching the video.

So this one happens to be a video similar to that be fit.

But here this one is on an experiment.

Hi, I'm Miss Magda. And today we're going to be inflating a balloon using a chemical reaction. So I'm gonna need this empty water bottle, a balloon, some baking soda, a funnel and some vinegar so let's get started first.

Okay. So you can see, those types of videos are also available.

In our science and social study. Section.

And then again, if we have any books, they'll be popping up or populating here, too, in that list of lessons.

Last section of lessons is the Scl. Or character traits where you're learning information or helping helping your users, your younger users or patrons that are coming into your library or homeschool students with that social and social emotional learning, or that their character traits which I

know, is a part of the curriculum there in elementary in Texas, and you could see all of these. These are mainly videos.

Let me see, I haven't seen the meet most. This is a video, too, but not yeah.

Click on start lesson. To begin with, the video.

It's a little different, because it looks more like a cartoon.

Hello! I am another one of the group leaders or counselors here at Camp Timber.

My name is Moosisi.

So you can see some of those lessons that are available, and I do encourage you to explore and see what all is available.

Lesson-wise within this resource so that's an overview of what you're going to find.

And you can see all of the information here on the bottom.

But if we were looking on the left, so we're in.

Once we clicked into Cl, we have this teach me with all of that video content.

So if I wanted that section, I have music videos. And again, these are related to character traits or social emotional learning.

Happy, my happy place, any ebooks that are related to this.

Any steam projects. So sensory activities that are related to that social, emotional learning.

So I have that additional information on the left hand side, with all of my topics.

So I'm sorry I was focusing on this section and wanted to point this section out.

But same idea. If I wanted to filter quickly, filter visually.

This gives my younger users that ability to quickly filter.

Using these icon. So if I want all of the science videos again, steam is available, and these are all of those extension activities.

Principles are also here.

So again with each of these sections below, be sure to remember that area on the left hand side.

Okay, let me know if there are any questions, what I am going to do now is now that we've gone through all of these sections on the bottom.

This navigation. On the bottom of this resource we're gonna exit.

Exit the classroom, and I want to show you the additional tools that are available.

So I go up again to the more button. Here, click!

The exit classroom, and this takes me to the dashboard.

Now this is obviously for parents. This is not something that students would use.

And this is where your account options are, where you can change your password up date your preferences, update your name and email, address.

So preferences are when you know if you wanted that alert to when you're stupid needs to take an assessment, and you have some options here.

Email me when it's time for my student. Take an assessment email.

Me when it's completed, and then how often do I want those lesson?

Notifications, and I can save that managing students, customizing, learning, assessment reports and lesson reports so managing students.

Here are my students. This is the information that's needed.

You can see. I can select the pronouns here.

I even have the option for custom. I can add a student, and it's just name birthday.

And then from and I don't. I guess I don't need the last name.

I just need the first name, and be sure to click, save when you add that student or that child, you can delete at any time customizing learning.

I can go into each child's account, and I can customize our learning.

So this is great which really allows parents or caregivers to select specific lessons that they want them to focus on.

And then those lessons will appear in the my learning area of the classroom.

Now with Bella Joey, and Sophia. I did not remove anything, so it's defineded to everything.

So that's why we saw all of those lessons in the my learning section.

If I wanted to remove, I can remove, or just maybe I just want them to focus on the social, emotional learning I can remove all of the other sections here.

Art, music, math, science, and social studies, and then submit.

But I it's defaulted as soon as you create an account to turn everything on.

But I can customize that learning the assessment reports are by child.

I can see that one lesson was completed. I can view the performance details.

When it was completed. View the questions, Bella answered.

And I can even see how long was spent on each question.

I can test the questions myself, too.

So a lot of information is captured. From this. The work that students are doing with these lessons.

This, the cognitive skills assessment it really talks to you about what it evaluates.

So this is really helpful information to when you're looking at these assessment reports.

And we really want parents to understand. You know this, if their student is, you know, struggling in this area, what if are are we looking for?

What are we assessing? And that also goes along here with these additional resources?

There's also lesson reports.

Before I jump to that next section, so I can view the lesson reports.

So this is how many lessons Bella has, how much time has been allocated, where her performances land.

And you can see number of lessons completed. I can filter this by time spent or weekly average time within this resource.

Questions asked. I could have a lot of filtering options available.

And again, that is under lesson reports now under resources.

These are additional resources that we have available, like shorcharts, which is always really helpful, as parents are looking for that information.

Maybe they're looking online. But here is that connection. If they're working within this resource, why not provide them with some charts?

We also have all kinds of printables, and you'll see another section lower on this list of resources that has this list of principlesals also that have that are available.

But we call this one caregiver resources under chore charts.

Developmental milestones. So I can see for a child that is age 4 in English or Spanish.

These are available. I can look at where they should be, what they should be.

What skills are socially emotional where they're at cognition and general knowledge.

Milestone, age, 4. Language and literacy. I have that information here which gives you a little bit of a guideline.

We know students don't when they're going into school they don't fit into a box, and we don't want them to, but at least gives parents an idea of where they should be at what they should be learning, and where they can support them.

There's this offline curriculum which I had mentioned multiple times where you have those extension activities, and they're organized again.

This one, you know, by science experiments, cooking with kids.

And you can see all of them. So cooking with kids, for example, I can see all of those extension activities, and I shared the one in the science section with you all already.

But they also live here in this dashboard, and that's in the offline curriculum flash cards are going to land in principles, but they're also pulled out here because they are used a lot.

So if I wanted to print off any of these flashcards, I have that option available.

We have learning schedules. So kind, like the chorus chart.

Same idea. Here's a caregivers, educators, and librarians.

Section. So giving you some information referring you to that offline, curriculum which I've shared with you.

A lot of that. But this is a great one, too, to take a look at, because it does pull it here all into one screen where you can access the flashcards in the reward system, similar to that dashboard. It's just another view of that information.

And then again, printable practice worksheets. And you've got that long lists.

So we have letters and numbers and math, science and social studies.

You get the idea, and then there's flashcards again.

So again, it lives in a couple different places, and then we have reading charts, reading levels.

Reading lists. A reward system are all available here, too, at the very bottom I can return to the classroom or switch to another student.

All right. So if I return to the classroom, I have the option at the bottom of the screen.

I also in the upper right, where I can return to the classroom, and I'm still in Bella's account.

I know that, because let's click on the about me.

Here's Bella, so I never switched out a Bella's account.

So I'm still in Bella's account but you can always check by going to the about me.

So again, that my learning now you saw when I clicked into and showed you everything was defined and checked, so that my learning section that's what I'm that's why I'm seeing so many lessons is because they have been selected.

There in in the dashboard on the backside.

So everything was selected. So I'm seeing every single lesson available. You can pick and choose.

So they're not seeing everything that you have available.

All right. Let me go into back to that Powerpoint.

Let me know if there are any questions, or you want me to go over anything again.

But I'll go back to the Powerpoint and share with you a bit of information as to where you can go to find additional support.

And additional support materials. And that's the Guill support site.

Now I shared with you this link already. If you are when you're in this link, if you go to, if you scroll up to the top and click on or product support, then you'll be able to let me share that real quick.

So if I click into product support or training center or marketing materials as a librarian media specialist, this is where you're going to find a lot of great helpful tools.

So you're going to find the icons under browse products.

Your or you can go right to the icons looking for your direct Urls.

You need mark records. We have that information here, too. Training Center is going to have materials by by type.

But I would go into product and see everything that we have available from a Humblebee'ss.

Academy, and it will take you to every training material for that resource.

Same idea with marketing. If you browse by product, it'll take you to all of the marketing tools that we have available.

Let me go back to my Powerpoint and share with you.

So this is what you'll find on the support site I shared with you. How you can get there.

But some of the things you'll find. As I mentioned, those access Urls, the mark records, there's the technical documents I mentioned earlier, not only database icons, but the Widgets are also available, and if you log in to your account you'll be connected directly with your Gale

customer, success manager. So you can go to the home section on the support site and you'll see their image pop up and you can send them an email, or make an appointment on their calendar. The training center.

You'll find tip sheets and tutorials recorded. Webinars.

There's also some training decks available on the calendar, the training center. You'll find tip sheets and tutorials recorded. Webinars.

There's also some training decks, available resource guides, and any upcoming webinars. So here's one.

So we have a Miss Humblebee'ss general session, just like I provided for you today an overview of the resource.

But we have a 15 min to mastery, increase family engagement with, Gale presents Miss Humblebee's Academy, that you may want to check out.

We also have great marketing materials. You're seeing some of those here bookmarks and posters.

This happens to be a flyer. We have email templates and blog templates and a lot of social media posts.

You're seeing 2 of them here, too, that you can post that and also provide a link to your resource in your library.

So you can connect Miss Tumbleby's. Maybe you're sharing on Twitter or Facebook or Instagram.

Your library has an account. Why not utilize the marketing tools on already created for you?

Just link them out to your resource.

So that wraps our session again. If there's any questions feel free to ask in that Q&A box I shared the support site with you already.

Your one-on-one support your Gale customer, success, managers.

If you're looking for that, maybe you want to talk about your access.

Urls, or you want to talk about usage reports.

You can reach out to your Gale customer, success manager, and they can support you with that.

The email address is here. It'll also be included in your follow-up email.

So you'll have that information there, too. Training, session, survey.

Since you're attending the live session, should pop up when you leave, but if you'd like to use the QR.

Code, please, feel free to scan it and give us your feedback. In that comment.

Section 2. If you're interested in adding, we could use some additional support from texture on this, with Gale.

So let me know, because we are planning training. We are scheduled to have a bunch of sessions scheduled here through May, but we are looking into the summer, and next year, so let us know how we can.

Support you and where you need some support with learning. Again, my name is Tammi Burke.

I'm your Senior Gale training consultant.

Thank you for taking some time out of your day today to spend it with me as I train you on this brand new resource that you have from texture.

Gale Presents Miss Humblebee'ss Academy, and thank you for your time.

I look forward to seeing you on the next session I'll stay on the line if there's any additional questions.

Thank you. Everyone.
© 2024 Gale, part of Cengage Group