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Last Updated: May 31, 2024

For TexShare: Gale Support Site: Unlocking the Power of Resources and Tools

View our training session recording for TexShare on the Gale Support Site, your gateway to unlocking the full potential of Gale resources. Discover direct access links, descriptions, icons, MARC records, and more to streamline access and management. Explore a wealth of training materials, including resource guides, tip sheets, live webinars, and activities for K-12 patrons. Learn how to leverage marketing materials such as bookmarks, flyers, blog and email templates, and social media posts to promote your library's offerings. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your expertise and leverage the potential of the Gale Support Site.

Duration: 30 Minutes
Thank you for joining us today for our training for tech share. Today's session is Gale Support Site, unlocking the Power of Resources and Tools.

My name is Tammi Burke. I'm your senior training consultant from Gale. And I thank you for joining me today.

If you have any questions throughout today's training, please feel free to use that Q&A box.

It is open and available and I will be monitoring it throughout today's session. Today we will be focusing on the Gale support site.

We've created a unique site for tech share. So we will be diving into that today and also taking a look at the materials on the general support site.

So you're going to receive both the text share specific information and then also our general Gale support site information.

First, st we'll start with access to the tech share gale support site. Then we will explore the content.

There and materials that we have available. Any questions that you have, please feel free to ask any time throughout today's training.

Otherwise, I will also leave you with my contact information and contact information for our customer success managers. They are your one-on-one support and they are there to support you.

And all things scale. So with that, let's get started. First, st the tech share access to the support site that we have designed specifically for tech share is here on the screen for those that are watching the recording and I will add it in the chat box for those that are attending the live session.

And this is how you access your tech share. Sources all of your content, training materials, marketing materials, any texture specific materials are going to be listed here in including your product.

So that link is in the chat box. When you access the link and this is a really good one to bookmark because again you will have once you sign in you're going to have all of your product URLs any upcoming training sessions or recorded sessions live here that we've facilitated for tech share.

Then you again have marketing materials and technical documents and so much more here. So you do have the, once you log in and access your libraries information.

You'll be taken to your product list, on your product list, you'll have direct URLs, those direct URLs will have your location ID built in because you just logged in and entered your library name.

So now those direct UGaleRLs will push you directly to your library. And you also have the ability to export all of the links at one time.

And I'll model this walk through this page or the site for you today. We also have a lot of materials on our general Gale support site and you can access it from the text share site and I will share that with you today but all of you as I mentioned your product URLs are on the tech share site.

And then we have MARC records and database icons and widgets available in the training center. You're going to find tip sheets and tutorials, training decks, lesson plans.

There's activities and scavenger hunts. Our new training toolkits that we've added.

And then in marketing materials, you'll find bookmarks and posters and digital assets. There's also great email and blog templates.

And and also social media posts available. So with that, let me share my other screen and we are going to go into.

That. Support site. So this is the tech share support site that you're seeing on the screen now.

That is the link that I shared with you in the chat. And what I'm going to do is I 1st thing I want to do is step one is I want to sign in so that this takes me immediately to the sign in page.

I want to find my library and I am going to use. Tech share as an example today. The public library access.

Click Proceed and now it immediately my screen will change. It's working there. Where I am taken to all of my product URLs.

Not only that, but I have all this navigation at the top. We're going to talk about the second today.

1st we're going to talk about what we've for you here on the tech share gale support site.

So again, I logged in. Now I have my product URLs, all of my product URLs have my location ID built into them.

So at any time when anyone accesses this link, the usage will roll up to my library. If I would like to export all the links that wants to add on to my library website, I can do that by simply clicking on export links and downloading that list.

If I'm looking for a specific product family, I can filter to that. So let's say I just want all of my one file resources.

It will filter down to that. Or maybe I'm looking for just my literature. I can quickly filter down to that content and then grab those direct URLs.

Or maybe I'm looking for a specific resource and then grab those direct URLs. Or maybe I'm looking for a specific resource and maybe it's you to me because I'm a public library. Or maybe I'm looking for a specific resource and maybe it's you to me because I'm a public library.

Public libraries all have access to you to me because I'm a public library. Public libraries all have access to you to me.

So if you wanted your U to me because I'm a public library. Public libraries all have access to you to me.

So if you wanted your U to be U to be US. You can grab that. If you're not familiar with you to me, it is upskilling DIY learning on-demand learning, great for our public libraries.

So you're going to find, and we have lots of training. Materials available on that, which I'll talk about in just a moment.

Okay, and then we do have some geol links available. Now we don't have geo authentication, geographic authentication for every resource.

These are the ones that texture. Has been working with our team on adding. So this is where they're at with the list and we've added a few others.

Recently, so you can see there, these are the geo authenticated resources that you have available.

So meaning that and you can see the direct the URL is built in here that folks can directly access this resource won't be prompted for a password at all.

When they're used in your geo authenticated link and you can see right in the URL, it says Texas geo.

So you do have some of those available. Your ebook lists are here. And on this list, you have all of your ebooks do have direct URLs, but I wanted to point out here, I can download my MARC records.

Again, I'm logged into my library here on the support site. So all of my MARC records will be personalized for me.

For my library site so I can download those MARC records right here on the from the ebooks tab.

So ebooks tab. Download personalized MARC records. Training materials.

The training materials you have available at the very top of the page, this general training materials section, this is all of your share specific information.

So Training sessions that are coming up as you can see here's the one today. This will drop off after today later on in June, we have support media news literacy coming up.

So you can see the upcoming training sessions at the top. You may and these are typically textures.

Specific, but once in a while I'll add in a session that is open. We facilitate many open training sessions that live on our general gale support site.

But some of them apply to the tech share resources. So what I'll do is, is if there are any that apply to that to your texture resources, then I will add them here too.

But primarily you're going to see our tech share sessions listed. Here on the upcoming webinars.

And then once we record those webinars, they live in our recorded webinar section. So again, these are all for Texas.

Specifically tech share. There are, we do have a material here that was created for both text quest and tech share and it's a short little video tutorial on creating an account in Miss Humblebees Academy.

Also here's a tip sheet, tech share specific tip sheet that we have available. Now below that, you have all of your products.

Now these are viewing training materials by product. So if I was interested in everything that I have available for say opposing viewpoints, when I open a posting viewpoint.

At the very top, this one has activities and these are great for your library programming, for homeschool students.

Our parents to share with them. It's a great way to connect. And your resources to a specific activity.

So if you are working on anything in your library or for our higher ed folks, you have future teachers.

In your in your midst there, you can definitely share this type of content with them that they can utilize with their digital resources that they have access to through tech share.

We have, you'll see some higher instructional tools. There's lesson plans. And lib guides and professional development materials and and it varies.

Depending on which resource I'm in. A lot of recorded webinars. Opposing viewpoints is one of our most used resources, one of our most popular resources, so at every level.

So we see it at K 12 but also a lot at the higher ed and then also at our public library.

So we have a lot of great content available, tip sheets, and here's the training toolkit.

I briefly mentioned this. This is a curated collection of information. These toolkits are designed and curated by our training team for you all.

So what our goal is is to provide you a step-by-step instructions on where to get started and where you can go to find help so that you can facilitate trainings in your own buildings because a lot of times you have to train staff.

You might be the person in charge of that. And this what we've done is we've created these toolkits to empower you and help you.

Do that in your own buildings. And then we have additional tutorials. Our tutorials are, so there might be, let me scroll back up here.

You might find some of our tutorials are resource specific like here this one's on hire for a higher ed users here's a 1 on opposing viewpoints topic pages or they might be it's tool specific.

So Gale Tools highlights the notes or Topic Finder and they're short. Short little video tutorials.

If you have any upcoming webinars related to that resource they would be listed at the bottom. So this is how you find training materials that are product specific.

Alright, I could just close that back up. I'm gonna compare that to say. Let's go into entrepreneurship.

So you can see here we start with professional development materials. We have slide decks for all of our resources along with those toolkits.

So we have PowerPoint slides ready to go, but you can see this one doesn't have those student activities at the top of the page.

But still a lot of great content. Okay, so let's we talked about all of your training materials and again when I'm accessing through the text share Gale's support site.

That's when I'm going to get my text share specific trainings. And training materials. So keep that in mind.

If I'm accessing through our general support site, then they are going to be exactly that. The more the general type training.

And materials we have available, even if you log in with your library through that general scale support site, you'll always see text share over here to the right hand side.

And if you log in with your library through that general scale support site, you'll always see text share over here to the right hand side.

And if you click into any of these tabs, you can go directly to training. So it still lives in the navigation at the top even if you don't use the link I gave you.

You use just the general gale support site link, which is support. Gale. Com. And you leave the text share off.

You can still, once you log in, you will see that texture icon, but you have to log in 1st before you see that information.

Okay, if you're not using the direct link. Just some clarification there so you understand. I don't want you to go in and be like, wait a minute, where am I?

This looks different. Marketing materials.

Marketing materials, we've got a Udemy Press release at the top. Under our general marketing materials and then below it's organized by product.

So if I'm interested in legal forms. Here are all of the. Marketing materials, I have available banners and blog templates and flyers.

We even have some available in Spanish. This one has postcards. Your product description and then all of our social media posts.

So every shape and size and we have. Usually up to 3 different ones for each one. So it's this, it's similar, you know, it's, I'm using this design on Instagram, it's design number one, I have that same design available.

It's design number one for say LinkedIn or Facebook. Okay. And then, you also have some technical documents that we've curated for you, specifically for tech share, including you can not only see, easy proxy information, you've got some Udemy information, single sign-on, but we also have the tech share academic live guides and tech share lib guides available

here at the bottom of the page. So you have some texture specific items. VPAD information is also here.

And then I want to switch gears now. I wanted to talk to you about our general support site.

So all that navigation is at the top here. I don't have to go anywhere else. It's all located at the top.

And I want to talk to you about why you would want to go over to that area for specific things.

One of the things that you might be interested in are the icons. Or the widgets. So if I go to direct URLs, so let's actually let's go to browse products.

If I go to browse products. So again, all I did was go to product support. Browse products.

Let's say I'm interested in business insights. When I select it, because I'm logged in, might see my location is still in my URL, this gives me everything for my product, the direct link, the description, the icon, I have web icon, high res, thumbnail, all available.

Title lists are all here. My MARC records. VPAD information is also here. Okay, so again, I just went to browse products and I selected one of those products.

Now if I wanted all of my icons, I could simply select icons and it would take me to all of my icons.

If I'm interested in widgets.

Again, I can select widgets and it'll take me to all of my widget information.

It's loading those images here. Same with my, if I want any product updates, they're listed here too.

Now, let's go into training the training center. I'm going to select Training Center Home.

Kind of just how I did with browse products for product support.

And I've got some things linked out here on the homepage, upcoming webinars, browse materials, upcoming webinars, video tutorials.

I have upcoming webinars here, any featured themes. My most viewed are also listed here.

But under the navigation at the top is what I want to share with you. So we talked about the browse by product.

This is identical to what you saw on the tech share site. The texture support site that I just shared with you when we went into the product and we looked at the training materials we opened that dropdown menu.

This is the exact same thing. What's a little different here is you have the ability to browse by type.

So what that looks like. Is the ability to browse by a specific training material type. So if I am looking specifically for all of those toolkits.

I can open that up and it'll take me to all the toolkits just for my resources.

So I have 17 materials available. You can always see on the right hand side. Resource guides, this is that step by step through the individual products, tip sheets, our activities.

This is where all of those great activities, if you're working with any students to live.

But we also have some materials like mental health and social wellness book study that might be these book studies might be really good for your ebooks when you're working in public libraries to use as a template so it's not just for students.

And then professional development materials. This is where all of our PowerPoint slide decks live. For each of our resources and they also have training notes you can use a couple slides or you can use as many as you want on each.

Each of those slide decks and then again tutorials upcoming webinars you can you can see the list here I do really enjoy our tip sheets too because they're kind of short and sweet like here's 1 on advanced searching.

This is a newer one. And it takes you through some of that information on the advance search. Really great for our when you're talking about 11th and 12th grade students if you're ever working with them but our higher ed folks also you might have 1st and second your students that might need a little additional guidance.

And this tip sheets really helpful to have in your library. Okay, so we were browsing by type.

We have byproduct, we already talked about. We have browsed by tool and that would be like our usage dashboard or Gale pages.

If I'm looking for specific video tutorials or upcoming webinars, I have that information, recorded webinars.

Also live here. I want to talk to you about those themes I shared with you when we 1st clicked into training center.

The content specific materials. That's what the themes are. So what we've done here is we've organized the content based on the theme.

And then we've also organized the themes by month. So at the top these are featured.

So these usually are featured means new. That we've just added. So you have, then you can see the resources.

You have 2 of these. You have in context biography in high school. That that this topic and these tools work with these training materials work with and on the right hand side it tells you which product.

So the trading cards is for high school and the influential Asian-americans biographical activity works with Gale In context biography.

If I go back. I love to show this one because you have your children's librarians that are working with students over the summer and this is combating interrupted learning.

So really to support to continue that learning over the summer and you have all 3 of these resources through texture.

So you have elementary scale and context elementary. Gale presents Miss Humblebees Academy and Gale presents National Geographic Kits and here's a bunch of activities to go along with them.

Great to go along with any programming that's happening in your library. For example, we even have here a summer learning handout available.

So just know that we have those types of materials available. Again, I went to Training Center. And I went to content specific materials and that took me to this page here.

And you can see at the top I have. All of those featured themes, but then below under each.

Month I have additional themes. And they're available at any time.

But we are currently in May, so maybe I'm interested in National Inventors Month. Or I want to see what's coming up next month.

I can do that too. Our general themes are at the bottom of the page. So you can see those here that are also available.

Okay, so we talked about everything in the training center. Now we can talk about marketing. Now the difference here is marketing when I shared it with you through the tech share gale support site.

It was again browsed by product just like training rows by product, right? But you can also browse by type.

So if I click on browse by type and that's what I want to share with you, that's a little different here.

If I. I am looking for bookmarks that I want to print off, I can see what resources I have bookmarks available for.

So if I'm interested in that Udemy bookmark. This is what it looks like. I can print it off.

I can add my logo, add my URL into the resource or to that. With Spot within my library website, wherever you want your users to go to access you to me, you can add that link.

There so it's you can edit these bookmarks before you print them off.

If I'm interested in let me go back to browse by type or go back one page.

I have all those flyers like I mentioned. Product descriptions, promotional videos, social media posts.

We have so much of available here if I click on flyers. If they're in Spanish, you will see in parentheses on the right hand side that the flyers available in Spanish.

And I have all of my products listed. Or all of the all of the flyers I have available for products are here if I wanted to specifically find a certain product I could put that into.

Oh, and I can use the type over here to the right hand side if I wanted to jump to.

Let's go to blog templates. Here are all the blog templates I have available.

So that was under our marketing. Browse by type, browse by product, and then there's also product updates are there.

Technical support, this is where I can go to access any technical documents. I have my FAQs and then I can see the database status.

If I click on technical documents, I just want to share with you how it's organized. This is a new update.

That just happened recently, but if I wanted my accessibility documents or I'm looking specifically for authentication, You can see Gale.

Admin and the list goes on including learning management systems, MARC records, single sign-on. Are all listed here.

And that again was under technical support, technical documents. Then under tools, this is where I can go to access my library, Gale Admin, Gale Pages, the usage dashboard.

You're interested in utilizing that usage dashboard but would like support. We have great training materials on this or you can connect directly with your customer success manager and they can walk you through that usage dashboard and talk to you about your usage.

And then connect with us. This is where you can connect with your Gale customer success manager or if you need technical support, they are both listed here.

So again, that's connect with us. Gale customer success manager or your technical support team. And then anytime I want to go back to the texture.

Guilt support site, that unique one. It's over here in this purple icon. I click all I have to do is click on the See, okay.

I didn't think it would take me the product URLs. And it'll open it back up for me.

So now I'm back on my tech share. You can see here the information, the logo is there.

I'm back where we started. So, back to my product URLs. So hopefully that helps you as you are moving forward with your Gale resources.

I do want to share with you one more. Actually 2 more slides. Before you leave me today. I want to thank you for your time.

Again, we were on the support site, specifically the tech share one, which I shared that link already.

It's the same here. Just add forward slash and text share. And then your customer success managers, they are your one-on-one support and all things Gale.

So you have your public library. They have their own email address here. Just let them know what library you're coming from.

And then our academic outreach team for our higher ed libraries. There is their email address and these will be included in your follow-up email.

The training survey should pop up when you leave today if you click continue. We would love to get your feedback.

We share that information in internally, especially anything about we that we talked about today, specifically the support site because we are continuously adding materials.

We want to make sure that you have all the tools that you need to be successful with your gale resources that you have from tech share.

So please provide that feedback. I'll share that internally with our teams. And then also with our tech share folks.

So if you are currently using some of our materials on the support site or how you plan to use them.

This is all great. We love your feedback. It really helps impact everything that we do. So please provide that for us.

We appreciate you taking a couple minutes to do that. If you would prefer to use your phone to answer that survey, those survey questions, the QR code is here.

Feel free to scan it and send us that information. Again, my name is Tammi Burke.

I am your senior training consultant from Gale and I thank you so much for your time today. I will stay on the line if there's any questions.

It's been a little quiet. I've been watching. Watching that Q&A box, but it's been a little quiet today.

So I'll say on if there's any additional questions, but I want to thank you all for your time today.

I hope to see you again. On our next session, we have one again coming up in just a couple weeks here.

So I look forward to seeing you all back soon. Thank you everyone and have a great rest of your day.
© 2024 Gale, part of Cengage Group