Duration: 45 Minutes
Welcome to your tech share training session. Today's session is, build a better business plan for success with Gale resources.
My name is Tammi Burke. I'm your Gale trainer.
Any questions that you have throughout the session. Please feel free to use that box.
Today's training will focus on how your Gale business resources from text share can support small business owners, business students, and also investors.
We will focus on the content and features within 3 resources that you have access to to get us started.
Let's take a brief look at our agenda.
We will start with. I always start with showing you access how to access the tech share resources.
But then we'll move into an overview of the 3 business resources that we're covering today.
We will explore content features and workflow tools within those resources.
Any questions please feel free to ask. I will also stay on the line at the end of today's session.
If there's any additional questions, and then also I will leave you with where you can go for one-on-one support.
You have customer success, managers at Gale that are available for those one-on-one questions, even if it's an access question, or you want to learn how to run usage reports, they can help with all that information I'll also leave you with where you can go for additional training.
Materials, your Gale's support site has great training materials that on demand and ready to go, you can just access and filter by product and find all of the training materials or marketing materials.
You may need and I will leave you with the support site.
Information at the end of the session, and then also it is included in the follow-up email.
And then in that follow-up email, you'll have contact information.
But I'll also provide it for you within this training session, just in case folks that are watching the recording, we'll need that information.
Oops. So let's talk about accessing your tech share resources.
We have a support page for texture directly on the support site, and you can see that link here, and I will also add it in the chat.
Let me just pull it up real quick. So this link is a great one to bookmark.
You can easily find your your library site. So if you go to that link, it will take you here.
You can find your library site from the Dropdown menu, or you can type in your library name, and it'll take you once you click, proceed.
It'll take you to all of your direct URL's, to all of your products.
Your ebooks, and then you, of course, have training materials, marketing materials.
There's great technical documents and VPAT information I just want to mention within that technical documents.
If we have any extra librarians on the line today, you're going to find a lot of great tools available there for you all.
We have our academic folks that do our training for academic libraries and you may have worked with them one on one, but they have selected information and tech documents that are being asked for them, one on one. But they have selected information and tech documents that are being asked for in Texas so please feel
free to check that out. You'll find some great information there.
So let's talk about our Gale business resources.
The first one we're going to talk about is Gale business, entrepreneurship and what you're going to find within this resource are real-world business plans.
So they're providing overviews competition, analysis, market analysis and review of risk factors and so much more.
You'll find reference work like encyclopedia of small business, providing essays on all matters related to establishing, maintaining, or otherwise managing a small business.
You'll find great directories related to establishing, maintaining, and again otherwise managing, a small business.
But such as trade, publications. Also, if you're looking, if you have folks coming into your library looking for, can't consultants, or also local and regional organizations are great to find within those directories, there's over 300 full texts and industry specific magazines and
journals to keep you updated in your industry. So this is a great starting.
If you're thinking about these individual resources. This is a great resource for anyone starting a business, we have some planning options, you know, some tools or content available when you're talking about planning, funding and then also maintaining your business or starting your business.
So we haven't organized. Very well. This is a great starting point for those folks.
They're looking for that information, but also industry, specific or directories are available within Gale business entrepreneurship.
Now Gale, business insights is slightly different, and let me share with you what you're going to find within this resource.
So this resource provides global business intelligence designed for business professionals.
It's also for entrepreneurs, business students and general researchers.
Also, it's really great for folks that do any type of personal investing, because you can take a very good look at individual companies.
So you're going to find reference content with over 4,000 full text periodical journals there's more than 430,000 company profiles and you're going to find in those company profiles you're going to find financial data country overviews also comprehensive industry
profiles. There's case studies that you'll find here available within this resource.
There's over a 1,000 industry reports, competitive landscapes.
The Plunkett report. We have Swat reports available all within this resource.
Swot analyses. I just mentioned financial statements in case studies and articles for individual companies, and then, if you're looking for top industry information by either country or territory, and like the companies based there with relevant article content, then this is the resource for you so comparison charts.
by company industry, country territory. There's also competitor and industry information available within this resource.
Now, if you're looking for periodical content, any resource that you see with one file in the title.
So Gale one file business is the one we're looking at, but you have a huge collection of one file.
Resources these resources are focused on periodical content. So academic journals, magazines, newspapers, they're being updated all day throughout the day.
So new content is constant, being added, and what you're going to find within this resource is full-text coverage on all business disciplines, including account economics, finance, marketing, management, and strategy, as well as business theory and practice.
Again, I mentioned. It's periodical content. There's over 4,000 business and trade publications available in Gale.
One file business. And if you're looking for a business resource for company news making for personal investment decisions or a student majoring in business administration, this is a great resource for them to use.
So now let's see how each of these works and what we're going to find.
I gave you an overview of each individual resource.
But now let's dive in to those resources. So let me share that screen with you. And we are going to start with Gale business entrepreneurship.
Okay. Thanks. Kristen just mentioned that it would be great to see how to access. Now I can start.
Let me start with that tab real quick.
So this is what I shared in the Powerpoint.
This link, just taking a couple seconds here to load, and this is again.
It's the support site, and I shared that in the chat and also on the slide itself.
But when you go to this site you can sign in with your library name, and it takes you directly here.
Now I'm just going to select from the drop-down menu.
And click, proceed.
And then it'll take you to your product list. And that product list has all of your direct Urls.
It also has the option to filter down. If you're looking for a certain product on the right hand side here, or product family, as I mentioned, one file product, family has all your periodicals, but since a lot of these resources are new to you you may want to export your entire list of links, so
all those options are available, but you can see, I the library that I selected is over here in the upper right-hand corner.
It's Ablene public library. And at the end of each of these Urls has their location.
Id so next year, when Abilene is looking at their usage, reports for their gale resources, all of that will roll up into to their account because they are using their direct Urls.
But all of that information you can find here. And again I mentioned those technical documents that are really helpful, that we get a lot of questions about, especially again new to adding gale resources.
You've had a few already from texture for a number of years, but if you're looking, you want information about your proxy, URL, are you looking at discoverability options?
Here we have a lot of great and lib guides. There's a lot of great content available on that tech document.
Page, and then at the very top of the support site, is where you're going to find everything for your products, your training center, your marketing material.
S so all of that. Isn't that top navigation now, if you would like a one-on-one walkthrough of the Gale support site, we did do a training a while back, and there is a recorded webinar, but if you would like that one on one support your customer.
Success. Managers can help when I click on the home button here.
It's not going to take me back to that first page.
It's going to take me to the home page of the support site, and Kevin Teller is my customer success manager for my public library.
So I can email Kevin or make an appointment right on his calendar and get that one on one support.
Very, very helpful to have customer success. Managers available to you all.
Okay, let's go back to our resources. Let me know if there are any other questions I'll be happy to answer those, and I can also again stay on the line.
If you need me to go over any of those support tools at the end of today's session.
So we're first talking about Gale business, entrepreneurship.
So if let's say we want to start exploring different.
Oh, well, before I jump in, let me talk to you about the I like to jump right in, but let me talk to you about what you're seeing here on the homepage, and hopefully.
You're familiar with, because you've had opposing viewpoints for a number of years.
You hopefully are familiar with the tools and features, because they are very similar to what you're seeing in your.
In context resources. But if this is all new to you, then let me just quickly go over what you're going to see at the top of your page.
You do have the ability to translate the navigational tools.
So here in the container toolbar into over 34 languages, right at the top, I have the ability to sign in with Google or Microsoft.
I am going to sign in with Google.
And that way whenever I send information let's say I want to send an article that I've marked up using highlights and notes directly to my Google drive, I can do that because I'm signed in now, the very first time any of your Users.
Sign into either Google or Microsoft. We do ask permission to put information into their Google drive, or Microsoft onedrive.
And once they leave this session, or log out or close the browser, then that connection is severed.
But while they're working in here it makes it very simple to just put information directly into the's.
Say their Google drive. And what happens is a folder is created.
So we ask permission. Can we put this information in your Google drive and we create a folder titled gale business entrepreneurship?
So anytime they're within this resource, even if they come back again every time they send information from this resource or any individual.
Gil resource to their Google drive or Microsoft onedrive.
It'll always land in that same folder so it's a great tool to have.
And, as I said, for privacy reasons, we do, as soon as they leave this session. That connection is severed.
So we don't keep any information. They're not creating an account within the resource.
They are sending information directly to their Google driver, Microsoft, onedrive. And we have other ways to save information.
You can download. You can email, you can print information off, too.
So all those options are available. But using these cloud services and sending information it makes it very, very simple, for our students, our researchers, our public library patrons, to save that information and review it at a later time, if that's something they're interested in doing or they just need to keep that for their
growing business, now, you do have a contextual toolbar here, and we're going to talk about a few items within this toolbar.
But you can see we have a glossary browse topics, title lists, and then search history. This is session.
Based. So this will only show me my search history for the session.
Get link and highlights and notes. I, of course, have the basic search and advanced search over here on the left-hand side in the banner, and then I have topics of interest that are scrolling here on the main page.
We happen to have 4, and this will take me. If I were to click on explore this topic for trending small businesses, it would take me to the topic page that I have, which is a curated collection of information by our content editorors on trending small businesses and nice as I mentioned
there are 4 different ones so look very similar. If you've been in your in context resources at all that you have from Gale.
It looked very similar to that now below is a little different, because we are in a business resource.
So you have the ability to browse by the subject categories. Now we have topics.
Already organized. So when you have a user coming into this resource, if they're looking to plan their business, we have some suggested topic pages.
They're looking to fund their business, and we have some information here for each type, for each subject category.
And then we have some of those top pages listed below like angel investors or self funding.
Now they're ready to start their business. So here are some topics.
What's trending small businesses? That's the topic page we saw at the top, or minority veteran and women owned businesses, and then, on the right hand side, you haven't established business.
You're looking to manage your small business moving forward. How can you expand your business?
How can you manage your employees? That's probably the and especially now we get that question a lot we get that question a lot.
Too. We have a lot of small business owners looking for.
How do I keep my employees? How do I manage them?
How do I? How do I eliminate this turnover that I'm seeing?
What can I do? So that's the type of questions that we are getting.
And you're probably receiving in your libraries, too.
And also again great for business students to think ahead. It's not just deciding on.
Okay, this is a business. I want to start what do you? What do you do from there?
Where can you get started so something you can do is in this planning section.
So we're going to first talk. The first thing we're going to talk about.
We talked about the 4 main topic areas. We are going to go into business plans before I jump into this category.
I do want to click into glossary real quick, because this is something important for everyone to see, especially when you're talking about business.
You do have this glossary section here, and this is really helpful when you need to look up unfamiliar business terms, you can quickly type the copy and paste or type them directly into the glossary to look for those terms so really helpful information to have at your fingertips and have that
Glossary, just in case there are any questions that you're you're users may have.
Now let's go back whenever you want to go back to your homepage. Just click in the banner, and it'll take you directly back to that spot.
So let's go into. We're going to go directly to business plans.
I sometimes like to go into business ideas, but let's go to business plans.
We're going to jump ahead because we have 3 resources to cover today.
So business plans. This is a topic page I'm seeing an image and an essay overview.
But what I am finding is, I have over a 1,000 business plans available now.
These are coming from our business plans, Handbook, and we have all the way up to and I'm going to click into business plans.
If you look at the newest, which is, I usually like to filter sort by newest.
Here, then I can see the most recent one is coming from 2023.
This is volume 56. So you have from one to 56.
These may be on your shelves, in your library. You may have these business planes, the business plans, Handbook.
I'm yourselves in your library here. You have them digitally, and when you have them digitally, share them very easily.
You can translate the information that's there. You can save download.
You can quickly filter and find content via quick, using our filter options over on the right hand side.
So I filtered to news. This is something I typically like to do, because I like to see what's trending.
Now, what you'll find with our business plans is the name of the company has been changed and then, if there's an address, you'll see that the address has been changed.
But besides that, these are successful business plans, they've been proven.
Businesses are using them, or they are a business plan from a successful business and you're going to find them here.
But I like to take a look at this kind of helps me to understand what exactly is trending.
It was interesting. During Covid the things that I saw here that started to trend, and then things that you see at, you know for a while we saw a lot on breweries.
There's a lot of breweries that we're we're opening up well, that is shifted. Now you can see we have upholstering carpet cleaning business, which we see a lot motor boat maintenance health content broker have not heard of that before
underwater photographer. So these you could see all different types of areas.
Here's a volunteer recruiter, a wind analysis underwater underwater welding service.
Alright, I have to click into this one. So let's take a look at this underwater welding service and your business plans are going to be.
They're not all going to have the exact same article contents.
It really depends on that business and their business plan. But you're going to have the major areas.
You know, the executive summary. Some may have more than others like this.
One has looks like growth, strategy, valuation, and adjustment.
So personal. He has some personnel information here, but here's the article contents.
I can quickly jump to if I wanted to look at. There's services that are offered I can, or I can scroll down and find that information.
This one has some organizations linked out which is fantastic.
Information about the local market services that are available, services, breakdown.
Okay. Oh, wait. What's this down here? Project Sizes?
Small, medium, large, very large. So there's your scope and tasks.
So let's say, this is a business plan. I'm really interested in underwater welding service is something that that I do.
I work for another business, but I want to branch out on my own.
I want to start my own business, and this is something I want to do.
I've been successful at it for a number of years.
I want to tackle it on my own and start my own company.
So what can I do? Well, I can send this. I can send this to Google Microsoft.
I can email it. I can send this. I can send this to Google Microsoft. I can email it.
I can also download or print this information off. Now, these are always in my contextual toolbar.
That's at the top, but I do have the same option here when I'm at the top of the article.
It's really simple to just click on. Send a Google drive if I were to scroll down to this point, and I got down to that great graph.
And I have decided. Yup, this is when I want to keep.
I don't have to scroll all the way back up, because my toolbar has stuck with me so I can choose that.
Send to and send this document just a tool I wanted to share with you within your gale resources, and then you have all kinds of great tools to support accessibility, like the translate tool where you can translate the text into over 4 languages, you can decrease or increase the font size, you have display.
Options where I can change the color behind the text. I can change the font.
I can increase the line, letter, and word spacing, and I'm I set it to open dyslexic, and this will stick with me throughout my session.
So once I set it up in one article it'll stay with me when I access any additional articles.
Speaking of additional articles, I have this more like this section.
My explorer. Panels always going to give me more information, so I may be in a business plan, but I can find great industry.
Information, available in my explore panel. And then you'll also find related subjects.
So here's a section on. Welders. Here's underwater.
Welding here. Small business. So I can find some related subjects too.
The last tool to support accessibility is my listen feature, and that will read the text allowed to me I'm gonna go back to my default settings.
There we go. Okay, we covered some tools and features with this resource.
Now let's go back to my results.
And we're going to take a look at. So when you have startups, there are a lot of times pitfalls right, that folks experience.
So if I were to go into recommended resources, I was started in business plans here right?
But I'm in recommended resources, and I want to take a look at.
Use my filter option.
And I'm going to click into startups.
And then from there, maybe I want to look through. If there's anything that I need to know.
Is there any pitfalls or anything I need to worry about calculating your startup costs raising capital so you can see additional information is provided, even though we clicked into the business plan section.
We've got a lot of great recommended resources available.
We have magazine and journals, some newspapers, websites, I added that filter of startups.
So it is going to filter everything down at once. Even my business plans.
Whenever you add any filters from your filter results. Section, it's going to filter all of your content down at one time.
Now, if I wanted to share this information a great way to do that.
Maybe I have some library programming coming up, or I know I have.
I'm courses at my at my university that students say my business students.
They have some end of your projects coming up, and this is part of their project startups, and they need business plans.
Well, I can use the get link tool, get link provides a persistent URL back to any spot within the resource, even filtered information.
So it keeps it very simple where you can filter that information down.
But maybe you don't. Maybe you want to share with your with your users.
You want to share. Let me go back.
And go back to the results here. I want trying to get to my topic.
Page! Let me go back to all my business plans. There we go.
I wanna share this. I filtered so far down that I had to go all the way back out.
But I want to share this topic. Page same idea. I can use that.
Get link, tool.
Okay, and really helpful to have a direct link into content within the resource.
Okay. So I talked about and looking at our time, I do need to switch gears and go into another resource.
But I do, want to just point out the few other I mentioned funding.
I do want to point out those the angel investors category is very, very helpful for a lot of our small business, or those that are looking to start a small business.
I mentioned business plans, but coordinating business plans and what's most recent with trending small businesses is really helpful for those folks that are maybe have an idea and aren't really sure.
Maybe it's a broad idea, and they're trying to drill it down a little bit.
You can focus or help them find this type of content. So maybe you're doing some programming in your library.
On trending small businesses, and you want to grab a link to this topic.
Page, you can see this one has a directory. There's some audio files and video files available, and also some safe vetted websites are here, too.
Let me know if there are any questions on this resource.
Again if I were getting started. This is where I would send my users to.
This is a great place to get started, because it gives you a little bit of everything now let's go into our next business resource, and we are going to go into Gale.
Business insights. Now, this is focusing more on in this is global.
So it's looking at companies around the globe, and you're going to find all kinds of information.
Now I can see right on the homepage one of the ones we're going to go into, and these are the most search companies that are being pulled out here.
We are going to go into, probably going to apple today.
But as I scroll down, so I can browse all of my company profiles that I have available, I can go into publications and read top business publications here's the ones that are being accessed.
The most I can research by topic. So if I am looking at business management or cybersecurity, I can go right into that topic, and then I can explore industries.
So we have that segmented out too. So if I am looking at the coffee and tea manufacturing industry, I can click into that.
And then here, understanding major markets, so exploring countries and territories, as I mentioned in the Powerpoint, this is how you can browse through all those kind and territories.
Alright! Let me know if there are any questions on that homepage.
You do also have a contextual toolbar here, and you have all the same tools at the top that I mentioned in our last resource.
And then, of course, basic search and advanced search. So from the homepage, let's go directly into apple when we have these great company profiles this is what you're going to see.
You can go directly to their website. Social media. You can see a real a snippet of information about this company right as soon as you click into it.
So the revenue. I can see where their headquarters is they're in located in the United States who's their chief executive officer?
As I scroll down. I have a company overview, but I also have some articles and company details.
Over time, to the right is where I can read the full swot analysis. Not really sure.
Maybe you have, like, I said, some business students. This is a really helpful tool understanding. What is swat stand for?
When I click into that swot analysis, it gives me from global data.
It gives me that report.
If I wanna keep this information. Remember, I can quickly send it to Google.
Microsoft email download or print, and then here's that great explore panel to take me to more information, or I can go back to my previous page.
So we're gonna do today. And I can take a look at financial performance.
Here's a full balance sheet.
I have some filter options. I want quarterly.
This is annual reporting period. Compare with another company.
Do I want to show all the metrics? Do I want to download the data?
Now I'm on the balance sheet.
I can go to the income statement. I have cash flow ratios, investment reports, sec filings, all here available in that financial performance.
I want to go back to my company profile. I just click that back button.
And there we go. So I clicked into full balance sheet.
But you can see I was very easy. I didn't have to come back out here to click into each of these individually.
I could access that information from that financial balance sheet that navigation showed up at the top of my page.
So I made it really simple for me to find that I can open my compare tool, and you can see over time what has happened with the financial performance.
As I scroll down. Here's the major competitors.
The industry which remember, that was on the homepage, too.
Then, here's some great article information now with our company articles I can search within my results.
So over to the right. I have that search option, or I can filter just like I can.
I did in entrepreneurship. I had content types, same idea, just like you're seeing different things like case studies or market share and rankings.
So I can thinkter all of that content Tom. But all of these content types are listed below.
So I can see. I see 3 market research reports, but there's 436 available.
Same academic journals, trade, a journal, articles, market share.
So you can see how easy it is to find great content on an individual company.
Even from the homepage of the resource. I can compare multiple companies.
If I wanted to, and it would give me that image here.
I get started by adding a company, I can add an industry.
I can add a country or territory using the tools on the left hand side.
So it first one is company, second, one is industries, country territory.
I have options to see it in a chart or a table.
Both are available. So if I wanted to put like, you can see, I can add, in 3 public companies that's the Max.
I can compare here on this page. So if I wanted to stick with apple.
Let's go here. No data. Okay? I'm gonna get lost in Louise here.
You can easily. But when I want to share with you, if you were to type in 3 different companies in it, you on the right hand side, you have the ability to send that information download print, I can browse, or I can grab a link back to this content too.
Okay, so let's do, okay. I went into apple.
We looked at the company profile and let's go into an industry.
So I'm gonna go back to the homepage.
And we're gonna browse all industries.
And I do. I have the code. I do. Let's use this code.
So I happen to have the code 3, 3.
Electronic computer manufacturing. And here this is. If I now, I went into the industry now, I could have use my list and filter down that information or done a search and found what I was looking for, I happen to know the code that I needed so I was able to quickly type that in and find what
I'm looking for, and that may happen a lot with your users that are accessing this information.
And it may not, but both options are available. So here you can see on the right hand side.
I wanted to point out. Here are the top companies by revenue in this industry of electronic computer manufacturing apple is, first, we have HP, Naomi, I think, is the next one.
But you can see that list here on the right hand side.
So if I were to look at 5, maybe I wanted to compare those top 3.
I can put in that list here on the right hand side. So if I were to look at 5, maybe I wanted to compare those top 3, I can put in that information.
Remember, on that comparison over here on the right hand side and compare these top 3 companies.
If I wanted to look within a certain country. This is how I can filter down by country or territory.
So if I're looking at China, these are the companies in China, which that's where I thought this company was coming from.
I can switch it back to globally. I can go just to the United States.
I also have all of my industry reports here's an overview of this industry.
Here's specific industry reports you also. Here's your Plunket report is available here, and then related industries are listed below, and then always at the bottom.
You're going to find those articles.
A great place when I'm talking about articles a great place to find up-to-date information on industries is the Trade Journal articles.
Also the news. So newspapers, trade, journal articles, we're going to go into trade journal articles.
And again this one's automatically filters in most of your gale resources.
It will sort by relevance this one sorts by newest.
We're finding the most up-to-date information.
There's over 96,000 trade journal articles at this point I may want to filter down my results because, scrolling through that is going to be a lot or maybe I'm just looking for like the top 5.
And I can find those really quickly here because it does filter to the newest if I wanted to fillter by the maybe I want the past month, I want to filter down my publications.
I can quickly do that. It's looking at March sixth to April sixth to the day, and I have now 7 Trade Journal magazines or trade journal articles that happen that have been published in the last month.
So, using your filters on the right hand side is going to be really helpful for your users.
I'm going to remove that filter because you do have subject and document type, publication, title.
We have revenue, and then that ability to search within.
Alright, let me know if there are any questions on this resource.
I know I'm giving you a nice sampling of each one for today's information, and we do already go into the swot analysis so that you could see that for apple but I do encourage you taking a look at Apple. But I do encourage you taking a look at maybe Microsoft.
Or maybe you want to look at Trader Joe's.
So you public, as compared to private companies, I will let you know that our public companies, obviously, we're going to have a lot more information.
But you are going to find information within this resource on private companies, too.
And don't forget that you have that great swat analysis, but you also have the financials, for on those company profiles you're going to find financials.
You're going to be able to check out news, any any new products that are coming out are the sales up or down, and then you can compare individual resources or individual companies.
Okay, so let's take a look at our last resource.
And that is Gale. One file business if you want me to go back into any of these resources, I'm happy to do so.
We have one more to cover today, and that is Gale.
One file, business Gale, one file. Business looks very different on the home page.
Again, great periodical content. I'm going to find here now.
I do have topic finder, subguide, search and publication.
Search right on the homep topic. Finders of a visual representation of your search results.
If you're not familiar with topic, finder within your other guale resources, I'll share it with you.
Now. So I was going to do a basic search. But let's do oh, it logged me out.
So give me 1 s. Here!
So again I was on the home page. I clicked into topic, finder, topic finder also always lives under advanced search.
So if you don't see it on the homepage, you will find it under advanced search in your gale. Resources.
So topic, finder and topic finder is a visual representation of your search results.
It's also interactive.
Let's look at Cryptocurrency.
It's looking through all of the information within this resource and what it does is it pulls back these great tiles you have to viewing options.
You can view the tiles which it's defaulted to or you have the wheel.
Both are available. So just another search option. You, of course, have basic in advance.
And then we had showed you all the great topic pages.
But now you can also use topic finder. So if I wanted to take a look at cryptocurrency exchanges it, zooms in and on the right hand side it starts to populate those documents.
If I'm looking for trading, I can see on the right hand side.
Is this the endgame for cryptocurrency?
Cryptocurrency disputes, all consumer arbitration.
The next installment, so you can see great information on the right hand side, and it does filter it down quickly.
I'm at 19 different articles maybe I wanna take a look at.
Let me reset this. Go back out, and I wanna look at the market.
And again, maybe I want to look at market research.
And any of these will take me directly into an article you can see here in red.
That is what topic finder was looking for, and you can see how often it was mentioned in this article.
So this is a top hit. It's looking for those keywords in terms.
It's looking at the when it does it, searching.
It looks at the title, but it also looks at content within the article.
So just a little bit of that functionality. So you understand but let's say I've done a basic search.
Maybe topic finders of the way I want to go. I want I sit right down.
And I've done a basic search, maybe topic finders in the way I want to go.
I want. I sit right down and.
I'm gonna use search, assist.
And you could see. Takes me to all of my academic journals, magazines, books, news, and videos.
I happen to have some videos available. There's some multimedia available in your one file resources on the right hand side.
Maybe I I wanna drill down. Maybe I'm looking for anything related to Bitcoin.
And now it has filtered all of my content down.
To cryptocurrency, and specifically looking at Bitcoin.
Now, in our academic journals, you will see if the journal is peer reviewed.
You will see that in the summary here.
And then again I can click into these articles and continue down that path.
If I use the explore panel I can continue my research on that topic.
But find great information. And again I'm in cryptocurrency, so I can filter.
I can remove the Bitcoin, or maybe I'm looking at.
There's 58,000 news articles. Maybe I want to drill this down a little bit more.
Maybe I want to take a look at subjects here, and I'm looking at.
United States.
And again. Any filters, I add, will filter all of my content at once.
So I went from what was I at 58,000 to a little over a 1,000 articles in news?
Now my books, magazines, academic journals, those numbers have dropped to, because the more filters you add to quickly drill down and find that content.
The the more focused your search results will be. And again, if I wanted to share this information, I've added these filters.
I want to share this information. I can use my gitlink tool.
I want to share this information. I can use my get link tool. I can also create search alerts.
So within your one file resources, you have these search alerts. So within your one file resources, you have these 2 different search alerts.
You can set up. One is for journals the other one is for a search.
So I did a basic search. Excuse me on cryptocurrency.
I have added these filters if I wanted to set up a search alert, which would be very specific, I can click on, search, search, alert, and set up an email, or if I'm using an Rss feed in my browser, I can grab that code and then anytime that information has been added based
on my filters, I'll get an alert, and the search alerts for email.
Oh, boy, okay. Mouse!
Hold that there we go. Sometimes I swear this mouse has a mind of its own email.
Little bit of psychedelic there going on. Okay? So email is an option for search alert so Rss feed was the first one emails, the second.
Or I should say first, and then Rss. Feed was the second.
But I can set this up. I can choose my frequency, and how the format I would like it to show up in my email and create that alert.
I also mentioned that you have journal alerts. Okay, so this again, search a alert.
I have to do a basic search first, to find that content, whatever it is, and then I will have that option to schedule a search alert.
And that's available in any of your one file resources.
To schedule a search alert if I wanted to journal alert that actually, if I go into advanced cert, so advanced search always lives. Next to my basic search bar, you can see here I have publication search.
This is where let me go to. I'm gonna list all publications.
And let's just choose this one today. Once I select a publication, I can create a journal alert.
Same idea email, or rss, feed. Now, I think what was one of the I think the economist was a really popular one, right?
We saw that in our business insights. So here's the economist.
I can also access that journal. So April eighth, I have the publication already available here, which is for this what over the weekend right April eighth is coming up here, but I can set up a journal Alert.
I can also search within my publication. So for those researchers or those those patrons or students that are looking for specific information, you're small business owners.
They want industry, specific information. There is a publication that they need access to, or they want to read on a regular basis.
They can set up a journal alert. They can also search within the publication and find content very quickly.
So don't be afraid of that impression, so be afraid.
You all are all looking ahead at different things. You're so innovative in Texas.
I love to come down and train to because you do. Have you tackle things, and you approach that information, and you're always looking for new content to share with your users.
So share that with them show them in that advanced search, share.
This is an option that you have available in your one file resources.
So the looking for that industry, specific information get one file business is a great resource for that type of content.
Alright! We're right. At the end of our session.
So I just want to share real quick the last where you can go for additional support, and that is your support site.
And I shared that link with you already. I also showed you how to get to the site that the texture page that we creators tech shared site.
We created. But you have the ability to access all of your product information, and I already shared that process with you.
But don't forget. You also have great materials in the training center.
You have tip sheets, and there's short tutorials.
There are 2 to 3 min long. You also have great recorded webinars and training decks, so we have Powerpoints already ready to go and lesson plans.
And you know, projects and scavenger hunts, which is a little bit more geared towards that K.
12, or if you have home schoolers coming into your library, are you looking for homework? Help?
You're coming from a public library. Don't forget that we do have these tools available.
Looking to promote your resources that you have from texture, bookmarks, and posters.
We have digital assets and communication templates social media posts, email templates, blog templates, ready to go for you for your individual resources.
And this is just you're seeing just a few of those items here that we have available.
So the support site again, I just mentioned that your one-on-one support is your Gale customer.
Success, managers send an email this will also be included in your follow up email, the link to that email address and send them an email and let us know what library are coming from.
And we will connect you to the customer success Manager, that covers your territory or you can bypass that, go directly to the support site.
Find your library, and then make an appointment on their calendar, and they can call you directly training session survey should pop up here at the end.
But here's a QR. Code. If you'd like to answer it that way.
And again my name is Tammi Burke. I'm yours senior Gale, trainer.
I thank you so much for your time today. Do you have any additional questions?
Please feel free to ask. But thank you, and I hope to see you again on our next session.
Thanks everyone, and have a great day, and have a great great weekend.
Welcome to your tech share training session. Today's session is, build a better business plan for success with Gale resources.
My name is Tammi Burke. I'm your Gale trainer.
Any questions that you have throughout the session. Please feel free to use that box.
Today's training will focus on how your Gale business resources from text share can support small business owners, business students, and also investors.
We will focus on the content and features within 3 resources that you have access to to get us started.
Let's take a brief look at our agenda.
We will start with. I always start with showing you access how to access the tech share resources.
But then we'll move into an overview of the 3 business resources that we're covering today.
We will explore content features and workflow tools within those resources.
Any questions please feel free to ask. I will also stay on the line at the end of today's session.
If there's any additional questions, and then also I will leave you with where you can go for one-on-one support.
You have customer success, managers at Gale that are available for those one-on-one questions, even if it's an access question, or you want to learn how to run usage reports, they can help with all that information I'll also leave you with where you can go for additional training.
Materials, your Gale's support site has great training materials that on demand and ready to go, you can just access and filter by product and find all of the training materials or marketing materials.
You may need and I will leave you with the support site.
Information at the end of the session, and then also it is included in the follow-up email.
And then in that follow-up email, you'll have contact information.
But I'll also provide it for you within this training session, just in case folks that are watching the recording, we'll need that information.
Oops. So let's talk about accessing your tech share resources.
We have a support page for texture directly on the support site, and you can see that link here, and I will also add it in the chat.
Let me just pull it up real quick. So this link is a great one to bookmark.
You can easily find your your library site. So if you go to that link, it will take you here.
You can find your library site from the Dropdown menu, or you can type in your library name, and it'll take you once you click, proceed.
It'll take you to all of your direct URL's, to all of your products.
Your ebooks, and then you, of course, have training materials, marketing materials.
There's great technical documents and VPAT information I just want to mention within that technical documents.
If we have any extra librarians on the line today, you're going to find a lot of great tools available there for you all.
We have our academic folks that do our training for academic libraries and you may have worked with them one on one, but they have selected information and tech documents that are being asked for them, one on one. But they have selected information and tech documents that are being asked for in Texas so please feel
free to check that out. You'll find some great information there.
So let's talk about our Gale business resources.
The first one we're going to talk about is Gale business, entrepreneurship and what you're going to find within this resource are real-world business plans.
So they're providing overviews competition, analysis, market analysis and review of risk factors and so much more.
You'll find reference work like encyclopedia of small business, providing essays on all matters related to establishing, maintaining, or otherwise managing a small business.
You'll find great directories related to establishing, maintaining, and again otherwise managing, a small business.
But such as trade, publications. Also, if you're looking, if you have folks coming into your library looking for, can't consultants, or also local and regional organizations are great to find within those directories, there's over 300 full texts and industry specific magazines and
journals to keep you updated in your industry. So this is a great starting.
If you're thinking about these individual resources. This is a great resource for anyone starting a business, we have some planning options, you know, some tools or content available when you're talking about planning, funding and then also maintaining your business or starting your business.
So we haven't organized. Very well. This is a great starting point for those folks.
They're looking for that information, but also industry, specific or directories are available within Gale business entrepreneurship.
Now Gale, business insights is slightly different, and let me share with you what you're going to find within this resource.
So this resource provides global business intelligence designed for business professionals.
It's also for entrepreneurs, business students and general researchers.
Also, it's really great for folks that do any type of personal investing, because you can take a very good look at individual companies.
So you're going to find reference content with over 4,000 full text periodical journals there's more than 430,000 company profiles and you're going to find in those company profiles you're going to find financial data country overviews also comprehensive industry
profiles. There's case studies that you'll find here available within this resource.
There's over a 1,000 industry reports, competitive landscapes.
The Plunkett report. We have Swat reports available all within this resource.
Swot analyses. I just mentioned financial statements in case studies and articles for individual companies, and then, if you're looking for top industry information by either country or territory, and like the companies based there with relevant article content, then this is the resource for you so comparison charts.
by company industry, country territory. There's also competitor and industry information available within this resource.
Now, if you're looking for periodical content, any resource that you see with one file in the title.
So Gale one file business is the one we're looking at, but you have a huge collection of one file.
Resources these resources are focused on periodical content. So academic journals, magazines, newspapers, they're being updated all day throughout the day.
So new content is constant, being added, and what you're going to find within this resource is full-text coverage on all business disciplines, including account economics, finance, marketing, management, and strategy, as well as business theory and practice.
Again, I mentioned. It's periodical content. There's over 4,000 business and trade publications available in Gale.
One file business. And if you're looking for a business resource for company news making for personal investment decisions or a student majoring in business administration, this is a great resource for them to use.
So now let's see how each of these works and what we're going to find.
I gave you an overview of each individual resource.
But now let's dive in to those resources. So let me share that screen with you. And we are going to start with Gale business entrepreneurship.
Okay. Thanks. Kristen just mentioned that it would be great to see how to access. Now I can start.
Let me start with that tab real quick.
So this is what I shared in the Powerpoint.
This link, just taking a couple seconds here to load, and this is again.
It's the support site, and I shared that in the chat and also on the slide itself.
But when you go to this site you can sign in with your library name, and it takes you directly here.
Now I'm just going to select from the drop-down menu.
And click, proceed.
And then it'll take you to your product list. And that product list has all of your direct Urls.
It also has the option to filter down. If you're looking for a certain product on the right hand side here, or product family, as I mentioned, one file product, family has all your periodicals, but since a lot of these resources are new to you you may want to export your entire list of links, so
all those options are available, but you can see, I the library that I selected is over here in the upper right-hand corner.
It's Ablene public library. And at the end of each of these Urls has their location.
Id so next year, when Abilene is looking at their usage, reports for their gale resources, all of that will roll up into to their account because they are using their direct Urls.
But all of that information you can find here. And again I mentioned those technical documents that are really helpful, that we get a lot of questions about, especially again new to adding gale resources.
You've had a few already from texture for a number of years, but if you're looking, you want information about your proxy, URL, are you looking at discoverability options?
Here we have a lot of great and lib guides. There's a lot of great content available on that tech document.
Page, and then at the very top of the support site, is where you're going to find everything for your products, your training center, your marketing material.
S so all of that. Isn't that top navigation now, if you would like a one-on-one walkthrough of the Gale support site, we did do a training a while back, and there is a recorded webinar, but if you would like that one on one support your customer.
Success. Managers can help when I click on the home button here.
It's not going to take me back to that first page.
It's going to take me to the home page of the support site, and Kevin Teller is my customer success manager for my public library.
So I can email Kevin or make an appointment right on his calendar and get that one on one support.
Very, very helpful to have customer success. Managers available to you all.
Okay, let's go back to our resources. Let me know if there are any other questions I'll be happy to answer those, and I can also again stay on the line.
If you need me to go over any of those support tools at the end of today's session.
So we're first talking about Gale business, entrepreneurship.
So if let's say we want to start exploring different.
Oh, well, before I jump in, let me talk to you about the I like to jump right in, but let me talk to you about what you're seeing here on the homepage, and hopefully.
You're familiar with, because you've had opposing viewpoints for a number of years.
You hopefully are familiar with the tools and features, because they are very similar to what you're seeing in your.
In context resources. But if this is all new to you, then let me just quickly go over what you're going to see at the top of your page.
You do have the ability to translate the navigational tools.
So here in the container toolbar into over 34 languages, right at the top, I have the ability to sign in with Google or Microsoft.
I am going to sign in with Google.
And that way whenever I send information let's say I want to send an article that I've marked up using highlights and notes directly to my Google drive, I can do that because I'm signed in now, the very first time any of your Users.
Sign into either Google or Microsoft. We do ask permission to put information into their Google drive, or Microsoft onedrive.
And once they leave this session, or log out or close the browser, then that connection is severed.
But while they're working in here it makes it very simple to just put information directly into the's.
Say their Google drive. And what happens is a folder is created.
So we ask permission. Can we put this information in your Google drive and we create a folder titled gale business entrepreneurship?
So anytime they're within this resource, even if they come back again every time they send information from this resource or any individual.
Gil resource to their Google drive or Microsoft onedrive.
It'll always land in that same folder so it's a great tool to have.
And, as I said, for privacy reasons, we do, as soon as they leave this session. That connection is severed.
So we don't keep any information. They're not creating an account within the resource.
They are sending information directly to their Google driver, Microsoft, onedrive. And we have other ways to save information.
You can download. You can email, you can print information off, too.
So all those options are available. But using these cloud services and sending information it makes it very, very simple, for our students, our researchers, our public library patrons, to save that information and review it at a later time, if that's something they're interested in doing or they just need to keep that for their
growing business, now, you do have a contextual toolbar here, and we're going to talk about a few items within this toolbar.
But you can see we have a glossary browse topics, title lists, and then search history. This is session.
Based. So this will only show me my search history for the session.
Get link and highlights and notes. I, of course, have the basic search and advanced search over here on the left-hand side in the banner, and then I have topics of interest that are scrolling here on the main page.
We happen to have 4, and this will take me. If I were to click on explore this topic for trending small businesses, it would take me to the topic page that I have, which is a curated collection of information by our content editorors on trending small businesses and nice as I mentioned
there are 4 different ones so look very similar. If you've been in your in context resources at all that you have from Gale.
It looked very similar to that now below is a little different, because we are in a business resource.
So you have the ability to browse by the subject categories. Now we have topics.
Already organized. So when you have a user coming into this resource, if they're looking to plan their business, we have some suggested topic pages.
They're looking to fund their business, and we have some information here for each type, for each subject category.
And then we have some of those top pages listed below like angel investors or self funding.
Now they're ready to start their business. So here are some topics.
What's trending small businesses? That's the topic page we saw at the top, or minority veteran and women owned businesses, and then, on the right hand side, you haven't established business.
You're looking to manage your small business moving forward. How can you expand your business?
How can you manage your employees? That's probably the and especially now we get that question a lot we get that question a lot.
Too. We have a lot of small business owners looking for.
How do I keep my employees? How do I manage them?
How do I? How do I eliminate this turnover that I'm seeing?
What can I do? So that's the type of questions that we are getting.
And you're probably receiving in your libraries, too.
And also again great for business students to think ahead. It's not just deciding on.
Okay, this is a business. I want to start what do you? What do you do from there?
Where can you get started so something you can do is in this planning section.
So we're going to first talk. The first thing we're going to talk about.
We talked about the 4 main topic areas. We are going to go into business plans before I jump into this category.
I do want to click into glossary real quick, because this is something important for everyone to see, especially when you're talking about business.
You do have this glossary section here, and this is really helpful when you need to look up unfamiliar business terms, you can quickly type the copy and paste or type them directly into the glossary to look for those terms so really helpful information to have at your fingertips and have that
Glossary, just in case there are any questions that you're you're users may have.
Now let's go back whenever you want to go back to your homepage. Just click in the banner, and it'll take you directly back to that spot.
So let's go into. We're going to go directly to business plans.
I sometimes like to go into business ideas, but let's go to business plans.
We're going to jump ahead because we have 3 resources to cover today.
So business plans. This is a topic page I'm seeing an image and an essay overview.
But what I am finding is, I have over a 1,000 business plans available now.
These are coming from our business plans, Handbook, and we have all the way up to and I'm going to click into business plans.
If you look at the newest, which is, I usually like to filter sort by newest.
Here, then I can see the most recent one is coming from 2023.
This is volume 56. So you have from one to 56.
These may be on your shelves, in your library. You may have these business planes, the business plans, Handbook.
I'm yourselves in your library here. You have them digitally, and when you have them digitally, share them very easily.
You can translate the information that's there. You can save download.
You can quickly filter and find content via quick, using our filter options over on the right hand side.
So I filtered to news. This is something I typically like to do, because I like to see what's trending.
Now, what you'll find with our business plans is the name of the company has been changed and then, if there's an address, you'll see that the address has been changed.
But besides that, these are successful business plans, they've been proven.
Businesses are using them, or they are a business plan from a successful business and you're going to find them here.
But I like to take a look at this kind of helps me to understand what exactly is trending.
It was interesting. During Covid the things that I saw here that started to trend, and then things that you see at, you know for a while we saw a lot on breweries.
There's a lot of breweries that we're we're opening up well, that is shifted. Now you can see we have upholstering carpet cleaning business, which we see a lot motor boat maintenance health content broker have not heard of that before
underwater photographer. So these you could see all different types of areas.
Here's a volunteer recruiter, a wind analysis underwater underwater welding service.
Alright, I have to click into this one. So let's take a look at this underwater welding service and your business plans are going to be.
They're not all going to have the exact same article contents.
It really depends on that business and their business plan. But you're going to have the major areas.
You know, the executive summary. Some may have more than others like this.
One has looks like growth, strategy, valuation, and adjustment.
So personal. He has some personnel information here, but here's the article contents.
I can quickly jump to if I wanted to look at. There's services that are offered I can, or I can scroll down and find that information.
This one has some organizations linked out which is fantastic.
Information about the local market services that are available, services, breakdown.
Okay. Oh, wait. What's this down here? Project Sizes?
Small, medium, large, very large. So there's your scope and tasks.
So let's say, this is a business plan. I'm really interested in underwater welding service is something that that I do.
I work for another business, but I want to branch out on my own.
I want to start my own business, and this is something I want to do.
I've been successful at it for a number of years.
I want to tackle it on my own and start my own company.
So what can I do? Well, I can send this. I can send this to Google Microsoft.
I can email it. I can send this. I can send this to Google Microsoft. I can email it.
I can also download or print this information off. Now, these are always in my contextual toolbar.
That's at the top, but I do have the same option here when I'm at the top of the article.
It's really simple to just click on. Send a Google drive if I were to scroll down to this point, and I got down to that great graph.
And I have decided. Yup, this is when I want to keep.
I don't have to scroll all the way back up, because my toolbar has stuck with me so I can choose that.
Send to and send this document just a tool I wanted to share with you within your gale resources, and then you have all kinds of great tools to support accessibility, like the translate tool where you can translate the text into over 4 languages, you can decrease or increase the font size, you have display.
Options where I can change the color behind the text. I can change the font.
I can increase the line, letter, and word spacing, and I'm I set it to open dyslexic, and this will stick with me throughout my session.
So once I set it up in one article it'll stay with me when I access any additional articles.
Speaking of additional articles, I have this more like this section.
My explorer. Panels always going to give me more information, so I may be in a business plan, but I can find great industry.
Information, available in my explore panel. And then you'll also find related subjects.
So here's a section on. Welders. Here's underwater.
Welding here. Small business. So I can find some related subjects too.
The last tool to support accessibility is my listen feature, and that will read the text allowed to me I'm gonna go back to my default settings.
There we go. Okay, we covered some tools and features with this resource.
Now let's go back to my results.
And we're going to take a look at. So when you have startups, there are a lot of times pitfalls right, that folks experience.
So if I were to go into recommended resources, I was started in business plans here right?
But I'm in recommended resources, and I want to take a look at.
Use my filter option.
And I'm going to click into startups.
And then from there, maybe I want to look through. If there's anything that I need to know.
Is there any pitfalls or anything I need to worry about calculating your startup costs raising capital so you can see additional information is provided, even though we clicked into the business plan section.
We've got a lot of great recommended resources available.
We have magazine and journals, some newspapers, websites, I added that filter of startups.
So it is going to filter everything down at once. Even my business plans.
Whenever you add any filters from your filter results. Section, it's going to filter all of your content down at one time.
Now, if I wanted to share this information a great way to do that.
Maybe I have some library programming coming up, or I know I have.
I'm courses at my at my university that students say my business students.
They have some end of your projects coming up, and this is part of their project startups, and they need business plans.
Well, I can use the get link tool, get link provides a persistent URL back to any spot within the resource, even filtered information.
So it keeps it very simple where you can filter that information down.
But maybe you don't. Maybe you want to share with your with your users.
You want to share. Let me go back.
And go back to the results here. I want trying to get to my topic.
Page! Let me go back to all my business plans. There we go.
I wanna share this. I filtered so far down that I had to go all the way back out.
But I want to share this topic. Page same idea. I can use that.
Get link, tool.
Okay, and really helpful to have a direct link into content within the resource.
Okay. So I talked about and looking at our time, I do need to switch gears and go into another resource.
But I do, want to just point out the few other I mentioned funding.
I do want to point out those the angel investors category is very, very helpful for a lot of our small business, or those that are looking to start a small business.
I mentioned business plans, but coordinating business plans and what's most recent with trending small businesses is really helpful for those folks that are maybe have an idea and aren't really sure.
Maybe it's a broad idea, and they're trying to drill it down a little bit.
You can focus or help them find this type of content. So maybe you're doing some programming in your library.
On trending small businesses, and you want to grab a link to this topic.
Page, you can see this one has a directory. There's some audio files and video files available, and also some safe vetted websites are here, too.
Let me know if there are any questions on this resource.
Again if I were getting started. This is where I would send my users to.
This is a great place to get started, because it gives you a little bit of everything now let's go into our next business resource, and we are going to go into Gale.
Business insights. Now, this is focusing more on in this is global.
So it's looking at companies around the globe, and you're going to find all kinds of information.
Now I can see right on the homepage one of the ones we're going to go into, and these are the most search companies that are being pulled out here.
We are going to go into, probably going to apple today.
But as I scroll down, so I can browse all of my company profiles that I have available, I can go into publications and read top business publications here's the ones that are being accessed.
The most I can research by topic. So if I am looking at business management or cybersecurity, I can go right into that topic, and then I can explore industries.
So we have that segmented out too. So if I am looking at the coffee and tea manufacturing industry, I can click into that.
And then here, understanding major markets, so exploring countries and territories, as I mentioned in the Powerpoint, this is how you can browse through all those kind and territories.
Alright! Let me know if there are any questions on that homepage.
You do also have a contextual toolbar here, and you have all the same tools at the top that I mentioned in our last resource.
And then, of course, basic search and advanced search. So from the homepage, let's go directly into apple when we have these great company profiles this is what you're going to see.
You can go directly to their website. Social media. You can see a real a snippet of information about this company right as soon as you click into it.
So the revenue. I can see where their headquarters is they're in located in the United States who's their chief executive officer?
As I scroll down. I have a company overview, but I also have some articles and company details.
Over time, to the right is where I can read the full swot analysis. Not really sure.
Maybe you have, like, I said, some business students. This is a really helpful tool understanding. What is swat stand for?
When I click into that swot analysis, it gives me from global data.
It gives me that report.
If I wanna keep this information. Remember, I can quickly send it to Google.
Microsoft email download or print, and then here's that great explore panel to take me to more information, or I can go back to my previous page.
So we're gonna do today. And I can take a look at financial performance.
Here's a full balance sheet.
I have some filter options. I want quarterly.
This is annual reporting period. Compare with another company.
Do I want to show all the metrics? Do I want to download the data?
Now I'm on the balance sheet.
I can go to the income statement. I have cash flow ratios, investment reports, sec filings, all here available in that financial performance.
I want to go back to my company profile. I just click that back button.
And there we go. So I clicked into full balance sheet.
But you can see I was very easy. I didn't have to come back out here to click into each of these individually.
I could access that information from that financial balance sheet that navigation showed up at the top of my page.
So I made it really simple for me to find that I can open my compare tool, and you can see over time what has happened with the financial performance.
As I scroll down. Here's the major competitors.
The industry which remember, that was on the homepage, too.
Then, here's some great article information now with our company articles I can search within my results.
So over to the right. I have that search option, or I can filter just like I can.
I did in entrepreneurship. I had content types, same idea, just like you're seeing different things like case studies or market share and rankings.
So I can thinkter all of that content Tom. But all of these content types are listed below.
So I can see. I see 3 market research reports, but there's 436 available.
Same academic journals, trade, a journal, articles, market share.
So you can see how easy it is to find great content on an individual company.
Even from the homepage of the resource. I can compare multiple companies.
If I wanted to, and it would give me that image here.
I get started by adding a company, I can add an industry.
I can add a country or territory using the tools on the left hand side.
So it first one is company, second, one is industries, country territory.
I have options to see it in a chart or a table.
Both are available. So if I wanted to put like, you can see, I can add, in 3 public companies that's the Max.
I can compare here on this page. So if I wanted to stick with apple.
Let's go here. No data. Okay? I'm gonna get lost in Louise here.
You can easily. But when I want to share with you, if you were to type in 3 different companies in it, you on the right hand side, you have the ability to send that information download print, I can browse, or I can grab a link back to this content too.
Okay, so let's do, okay. I went into apple.
We looked at the company profile and let's go into an industry.
So I'm gonna go back to the homepage.
And we're gonna browse all industries.
And I do. I have the code. I do. Let's use this code.
So I happen to have the code 3, 3.
Electronic computer manufacturing. And here this is. If I now, I went into the industry now, I could have use my list and filter down that information or done a search and found what I was looking for, I happen to know the code that I needed so I was able to quickly type that in and find what
I'm looking for, and that may happen a lot with your users that are accessing this information.
And it may not, but both options are available. So here you can see on the right hand side.
I wanted to point out. Here are the top companies by revenue in this industry of electronic computer manufacturing apple is, first, we have HP, Naomi, I think, is the next one.
But you can see that list here on the right hand side.
So if I were to look at 5, maybe I wanted to compare those top 3.
I can put in that list here on the right hand side. So if I were to look at 5, maybe I wanted to compare those top 3, I can put in that information.
Remember, on that comparison over here on the right hand side and compare these top 3 companies.
If I wanted to look within a certain country. This is how I can filter down by country or territory.
So if I're looking at China, these are the companies in China, which that's where I thought this company was coming from.
I can switch it back to globally. I can go just to the United States.
I also have all of my industry reports here's an overview of this industry.
Here's specific industry reports you also. Here's your Plunket report is available here, and then related industries are listed below, and then always at the bottom.
You're going to find those articles.
A great place when I'm talking about articles a great place to find up-to-date information on industries is the Trade Journal articles.
Also the news. So newspapers, trade, journal articles, we're going to go into trade journal articles.
And again this one's automatically filters in most of your gale resources.
It will sort by relevance this one sorts by newest.
We're finding the most up-to-date information.
There's over 96,000 trade journal articles at this point I may want to filter down my results because, scrolling through that is going to be a lot or maybe I'm just looking for like the top 5.
And I can find those really quickly here because it does filter to the newest if I wanted to fillter by the maybe I want the past month, I want to filter down my publications.
I can quickly do that. It's looking at March sixth to April sixth to the day, and I have now 7 Trade Journal magazines or trade journal articles that happen that have been published in the last month.
So, using your filters on the right hand side is going to be really helpful for your users.
I'm going to remove that filter because you do have subject and document type, publication, title.
We have revenue, and then that ability to search within.
Alright, let me know if there are any questions on this resource.
I know I'm giving you a nice sampling of each one for today's information, and we do already go into the swot analysis so that you could see that for apple but I do encourage you taking a look at Apple. But I do encourage you taking a look at maybe Microsoft.
Or maybe you want to look at Trader Joe's.
So you public, as compared to private companies, I will let you know that our public companies, obviously, we're going to have a lot more information.
But you are going to find information within this resource on private companies, too.
And don't forget that you have that great swat analysis, but you also have the financials, for on those company profiles you're going to find financials.
You're going to be able to check out news, any any new products that are coming out are the sales up or down, and then you can compare individual resources or individual companies.
Okay, so let's take a look at our last resource.
And that is Gale. One file business if you want me to go back into any of these resources, I'm happy to do so.
We have one more to cover today, and that is Gale.
One file, business Gale, one file. Business looks very different on the home page.
Again, great periodical content. I'm going to find here now.
I do have topic finder, subguide, search and publication.
Search right on the homep topic. Finders of a visual representation of your search results.
If you're not familiar with topic, finder within your other guale resources, I'll share it with you.
Now. So I was going to do a basic search. But let's do oh, it logged me out.
So give me 1 s. Here!
So again I was on the home page. I clicked into topic, finder, topic finder also always lives under advanced search.
So if you don't see it on the homepage, you will find it under advanced search in your gale. Resources.
So topic, finder and topic finder is a visual representation of your search results.
It's also interactive.
Let's look at Cryptocurrency.
It's looking through all of the information within this resource and what it does is it pulls back these great tiles you have to viewing options.
You can view the tiles which it's defaulted to or you have the wheel.
Both are available. So just another search option. You, of course, have basic in advance.
And then we had showed you all the great topic pages.
But now you can also use topic finder. So if I wanted to take a look at cryptocurrency exchanges it, zooms in and on the right hand side it starts to populate those documents.
If I'm looking for trading, I can see on the right hand side.
Is this the endgame for cryptocurrency?
Cryptocurrency disputes, all consumer arbitration.
The next installment, so you can see great information on the right hand side, and it does filter it down quickly.
I'm at 19 different articles maybe I wanna take a look at.
Let me reset this. Go back out, and I wanna look at the market.
And again, maybe I want to look at market research.
And any of these will take me directly into an article you can see here in red.
That is what topic finder was looking for, and you can see how often it was mentioned in this article.
So this is a top hit. It's looking for those keywords in terms.
It's looking at the when it does it, searching.
It looks at the title, but it also looks at content within the article.
So just a little bit of that functionality. So you understand but let's say I've done a basic search.
Maybe topic finders of the way I want to go. I want I sit right down.
And I've done a basic search, maybe topic finders in the way I want to go.
I want. I sit right down and.
I'm gonna use search, assist.
And you could see. Takes me to all of my academic journals, magazines, books, news, and videos.
I happen to have some videos available. There's some multimedia available in your one file resources on the right hand side.
Maybe I I wanna drill down. Maybe I'm looking for anything related to Bitcoin.
And now it has filtered all of my content down.
To cryptocurrency, and specifically looking at Bitcoin.
Now, in our academic journals, you will see if the journal is peer reviewed.
You will see that in the summary here.
And then again I can click into these articles and continue down that path.
If I use the explore panel I can continue my research on that topic.
But find great information. And again I'm in cryptocurrency, so I can filter.
I can remove the Bitcoin, or maybe I'm looking at.
There's 58,000 news articles. Maybe I want to drill this down a little bit more.
Maybe I want to take a look at subjects here, and I'm looking at.
United States.
And again. Any filters, I add, will filter all of my content at once.
So I went from what was I at 58,000 to a little over a 1,000 articles in news?
Now my books, magazines, academic journals, those numbers have dropped to, because the more filters you add to quickly drill down and find that content.
The the more focused your search results will be. And again, if I wanted to share this information, I've added these filters.
I want to share this information. I can use my gitlink tool.
I want to share this information. I can use my get link tool. I can also create search alerts.
So within your one file resources, you have these search alerts. So within your one file resources, you have these 2 different search alerts.
You can set up. One is for journals the other one is for a search.
So I did a basic search. Excuse me on cryptocurrency.
I have added these filters if I wanted to set up a search alert, which would be very specific, I can click on, search, search, alert, and set up an email, or if I'm using an Rss feed in my browser, I can grab that code and then anytime that information has been added based
on my filters, I'll get an alert, and the search alerts for email.
Oh, boy, okay. Mouse!
Hold that there we go. Sometimes I swear this mouse has a mind of its own email.
Little bit of psychedelic there going on. Okay? So email is an option for search alert so Rss feed was the first one emails, the second.
Or I should say first, and then Rss. Feed was the second.
But I can set this up. I can choose my frequency, and how the format I would like it to show up in my email and create that alert.
I also mentioned that you have journal alerts. Okay, so this again, search a alert.
I have to do a basic search first, to find that content, whatever it is, and then I will have that option to schedule a search alert.
And that's available in any of your one file resources.
To schedule a search alert if I wanted to journal alert that actually, if I go into advanced cert, so advanced search always lives. Next to my basic search bar, you can see here I have publication search.
This is where let me go to. I'm gonna list all publications.
And let's just choose this one today. Once I select a publication, I can create a journal alert.
Same idea email, or rss, feed. Now, I think what was one of the I think the economist was a really popular one, right?
We saw that in our business insights. So here's the economist.
I can also access that journal. So April eighth, I have the publication already available here, which is for this what over the weekend right April eighth is coming up here, but I can set up a journal Alert.
I can also search within my publication. So for those researchers or those those patrons or students that are looking for specific information, you're small business owners.
They want industry, specific information. There is a publication that they need access to, or they want to read on a regular basis.
They can set up a journal alert. They can also search within the publication and find content very quickly.
So don't be afraid of that impression, so be afraid.
You all are all looking ahead at different things. You're so innovative in Texas.
I love to come down and train to because you do. Have you tackle things, and you approach that information, and you're always looking for new content to share with your users.
So share that with them show them in that advanced search, share.
This is an option that you have available in your one file resources.
So the looking for that industry, specific information get one file business is a great resource for that type of content.
Alright! We're right. At the end of our session.
So I just want to share real quick the last where you can go for additional support, and that is your support site.
And I shared that link with you already. I also showed you how to get to the site that the texture page that we creators tech shared site.
We created. But you have the ability to access all of your product information, and I already shared that process with you.
But don't forget. You also have great materials in the training center.
You have tip sheets, and there's short tutorials.
There are 2 to 3 min long. You also have great recorded webinars and training decks, so we have Powerpoints already ready to go and lesson plans.
And you know, projects and scavenger hunts, which is a little bit more geared towards that K.
12, or if you have home schoolers coming into your library, are you looking for homework? Help?
You're coming from a public library. Don't forget that we do have these tools available.
Looking to promote your resources that you have from texture, bookmarks, and posters.
We have digital assets and communication templates social media posts, email templates, blog templates, ready to go for you for your individual resources.
And this is just you're seeing just a few of those items here that we have available.
So the support site again, I just mentioned that your one-on-one support is your Gale customer.
Success, managers send an email this will also be included in your follow up email, the link to that email address and send them an email and let us know what library are coming from.
And we will connect you to the customer success Manager, that covers your territory or you can bypass that, go directly to the support site.
Find your library, and then make an appointment on their calendar, and they can call you directly training session survey should pop up here at the end.
But here's a QR. Code. If you'd like to answer it that way.
And again my name is Tammi Burke. I'm yours senior Gale, trainer.
I thank you so much for your time today. Do you have any additional questions?
Please feel free to ask. But thank you, and I hope to see you again on our next session.
Thanks everyone, and have a great day, and have a great great weekend.