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Last Updated: March 31, 2020

TexQuest Gale High School Resources

This set of videos provides a tour of TexQuest Gale high school resources. Click play, and then use the playlist icon in the upper right hand corner of the video player to jump to videos of interest. To download a transcript of the entire playlist, please visit

Hello and welcome. This training video

is for Gale high school resources

which are part of TexQuest,

a statewide program providing high quality

resources like those from Gale to

Texas K through 12 public schools and open

enrollment charters.

After completing this module, you'll be able to

demonstrate basic features and functions

of the Gale In Context collection, including

Gale In Context: High School,

Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints,

Gale In Context: Environmental Studies, and

Gale In Context: Science,

as well as Gale Literature, which

allows you to search all four of your Gale

literary databases in a single interface.

TexQuest is supported by appropriations

from the Texas State Legislature,

a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services,

and member fees.

First, let's go over how to access the

resources available.

Start by Visiting

You may also have access through your campus or district webpage.

From you can access your TexQuest resources

and find training and support.

To get started, select your campus level-

high school, or provider.

Today we'll be looking at Gale's resources.

Select a resource

and enter your district name and password.

Contact TexQuest support for help with district

usernames or passwords.

Now let's go over the Gale resources that are

available to you.

All Gale In Context databases start

students off with topic pages to quickly.

access frequently studied topics.

In addition, they offer critical thinking questions,

viewpoint essays, and related subjects

to help students understand the context

of the subject.

Gale In Context: High School offers

cross-curricular content, aligned to national

and state standards,

and presents that material in the way most useful

for students,

with critical thinking questions, viewpoints,

essays, line notes, and more.

Gale In Context: High School provides support

for assignments while reinforcing the development

of critical thinking and problem solving skills

in a variety of curricular areas.

Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints is the

premier online source covering today's hottest

social issues,

from capital punishment to immigration to marijuana.

Its informed, differing views present

each side of an issue and help students

develop information literacy, critical thinking skills,

and the confidence to draw their own valid conclusions.

Gale In Context: Environmental Studies focuses

on the physical and social aspects of environmental

issues, from global warming

to food safety, to access to health care,

to the impact of economic development on

international relations.

Today's environmental issues are covered in depth

in Gale In Context: Environmental Studies

with portal overviews of essential

information, academic journals, news

case studies, conferences, statistics

and rich multimedia.

Gale In Context: Science is an engaging

online source providing contextual information

on hundreds of today's most significant

science topics.

Integrating authoritative curriculum-aligned

reference content with headlines and videos,

Experiments and simulations.

Gale In Context: Science draws students into

the subject matter, showing how scientific

disciplines relate to real world issues.

Gale Literature brings together all the content

of your Gale literary resources

Gale Literature Resource Center,

Gail Literature: LitFinder,

Gale Literature: Scribner Writer Series,

and Gale Literature: Twayne's Author Series

into one easy-to-use search interface.

With Gale Literature students can find

author biographies, work summaries,

literary criticism, and reviews

alongside full-text works

including poems, short stories,

essays, speeches and plays.

This integrated research tool allows

discovery and analysis of authors,

works, and literary movements in entirely

new ways.

These resources share a very similar interface,

so it's easy to move between them when doing research.

Now our trainers will demonstrate these resources

and their top features.
© 2024 Gale, part of Cengage Group