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Last Updated: March 17, 2021

For TEL: Workforce Support - Career Assessment and Job Search

Gale Presents: Peterson’s Career Prep from the Tennessee Electronic Library supports users that may be looking for their first job, job hunting for their next opportunity, or searching for their new career. In this webinar series, we will explore the user-friendly tools available to discover career paths using career assessments, job searching, and career application materials.
Duration: 30 Minutes
Hello and welcome to your for TEL your Tennessee Electronic Library training workforce support career assessment and job search is our focus today.

My name is Tammi Van Buren and I'm your Gale trainer, please use that q and a box throughout the session to ask any questions that you may have. This is the second webinar in our workforce support series, we did a session on resume building that lives

in the on the support site you'll find a Tennessee electronic Library link, I'm going to share that with you during the session, but to there's a, and I believe also in your training center on your Tennessee electronic Library website you'll find the

archived webinars that we've done in the past so if you'd like to watch all of these if you're watching this recording or if you're new to this webinar and you didn't realize there was a previous webinar in the series, we do have one that we've done before,

just just two weeks ago and we have another one coming up with a different focus next month. So, this is number two in the series, we're going to start with access to your Gale resources from the Tennessee electronic library, and then I'm just going to

start with a brief overview of Gale presents Peterson's career prep. Now we're going to spend our time in that resource in the career prep resource, but you will find the tools and this feature that I'm going to go over the career assessments and job

searching available in also your Gale presents Peterson's test and career prep so this tool, no matter where your users are learning. It is available in both resources but we're going to focus on it in career prep because the nice thing with career prep

especially if you're coming to us from a public library, it is an easy resource to for patrons to jump in and quickly work with specific tools for work for support or job searching, or career assessment resume building those types of tools, it's really

quick and easy and and doesn't have all the other stuff that the test, and Career prep does.

So we're going to explore those tools and features, and then talk about I'm create. Oh, this is, I didn't update that section so we're going to talk about the career assessment and job search, and then we're going to spend time at the end, I encourage

you to ask questions throughout the session. But if you have any questions, I will stay on the end and I will leave you with training materials and contact information.

So access to your Tennessee electronic library resources, you can go to the fabulous website that is available, there's always new information on there on that homepage there's articles about TEL.

I'd love to take a peek and see what's being highlighted, but featured resources and it really provides a nice path into all of those resources that you have from the Tennessee electronic library Gale presents Peterson's career prep.

This is a resource that supports individuals that are searching for building or changing careers. There are three workflows, the one that we did that we covered in the previous webinar session was exporting our building a resume and Today's focus is looking

at an individual's interests so the career assessment and the job searching so that's the focus of today's session.

And we go there we go, looking at, I'm going to show you a few screenshots so that you're getting a preview and then we're going to go right into the resource I'm going to model that content for you.

So career assessment career exploration and job searching. So the career assessment. So, with this resource, your users will create an account on the resource itself.

So, the reason why they want to do that is if they are building a resume or they are working within this career assessment, or they want to save some job jobs that they've done in their searching all of that will live here in the resource because they've

created that account and every time they log back in, it will still be there ready for them to pick up where they left off with the career assessments, you do have to take two assessments to then enter in because those assessments, apply there's four

total so you do have to take at least two of them to apply them to your career matches to apply them to jobs that are available in your area so it really is helpful guidance along that path.

It's there. When I did the career assessment I was kind of surprised that a few matches career matches that were made based on the assessments and I took them as truthfully as, as I could and found some interesting careers related to what I was interested

in my interest my values, my personality and workplace preferences. I was kind of surprised I hadn't even thought about some of those careers so really it is a great tool for that approach for especially if you have folks that are looking, maybe they

want something different. They want to look at a different career that provides them after they take the assessments and connects them to career matches here's, for example the career matches by subject.

And what I'm going to see in my results after taking the assessment.

And then it takes you down this guided path where you can then do some career exploration. So now that I found some career matches well here's one child family and school social workers, and then I can take that and apply it to the job board and do some

searching for jobs and what it'll do is the, the job search is actually, it's completed or it's done by indeed, but you you live in, in the resource itself.

Once you click the Learn More button, then it'll take a user out to the indeed site. And at that time they have the option to apply. And, you know, save that to all those types of things that you can typically do on indeed, but it everything lives here

in the resource first so they can really explore those matches before they decide if they want to, you know, take it to that next step and actually apply for the position.

Okay, so that's it that's the brief PowerPoint today. I really want to spend all of our time since we have such a short amount of time together within the resource itself.

So looking at your Tennessee electronic Library website, you're going to find under all resources here at the top, you'll find all again, all of the resources so you'll find Gil presents Peterson's career prep there.

But under career tools, is going to be the easiest path for your users to access this resource, because it's right here at the top, you'll find under general public, you'll find a section there to where you'll find the resource.

Now I already do have it open here at the top.

And I did already login. So when you, when you are creating an account I'll show you what that looks like, well then we have a question here.

Yes, exactly. Kimberly that's a beautiful way to put it, I may quote you moving forward so Kimberly said it's as if the customer is tailoring jobs to fit their personalities, exactly what they're doing and and there's this, the thing is with the career

assessment, and you're going to hear me say this a couple times is. You really, there's areas with that assessment that you don't think about even myself when I was taking I was like wow I never really thought about that, that way and it's interesting

to apply those your personality or workplace preferences.

Some of the questions in there it's just like, kind of taken aback and I really had to think about what do I really expect out of my workplace if I if I were going to enjoy spending a lot of time.

Right. My goal is to get this great job and then spend a lot of time there. What, what would be really helpful for me. You know when I'm working that I would want in a workplace so really interesting approach.

So the first thing your users will have to do is create an account.

And I'm going to click on my account so you can see the types of questions, or the, I should say the areas that need to be filled out first name, last name, email address, password secret word now, do they have to use their email address No they don't.

But if they do, then if they ever forget their password it's really easy to reset it if they choose not to use their email address and choose a different user username here, then the secret word comes into play.

So if they again forget their password, they'll be asked for that secret word. Either way, if they're working with the support team and they need help with their password.

If to reset it they'll be asked for that secret word so be sure folks pick something that they are really something they'll remember for their secret word and then at any time if they want to delete their account that option is there too.

Okay, let's go to that homepage. so where we're going to find all the tools that I'm going to share with you today is under find a career, we just simply click on find a career, and you will be prompted to and I'm already logged in, but you will be prompted

to login again real quick when you enter into this, this section. This is actually, it is presented by Peterson's, but because it's this really cool virtual tool pathway you is the is the company that actually creates this tool for us to use within the

resource. So there is that that second level of security to make sure that the right person is logging in, and it does take you to this my journey to start on that path, as you're thinking about your career, and you can see how you can jump to the view

assessments or explore career so even from this first page, you can jump to different sections, my suggestion is when users are utilizing this resource is to go to definitely explore the my journey so they can see that timeline or the path, when you are

looking and doing that career searching. But to start in the assessments and begin with those, like I said, two assessments, a minimum of two assessments to need to be taken before they can apply anything to those career matches you would need those assessments

right to apply them to your career matches as Kimberly says you are really taking into account those personalities and and really customizing your jobs that you will, that you will have access to or the career exploration.

So I did to you have interests, values personality and workplace preferences and this account. I happen to do two of them at any time you You can retake that test or assessment I should say is that test but retake that assessment, you have a summary real

quick quick here on the homepage, and when I click into interest, it gives me more information about my results. I can print or download that information retake it if they are working with someone maybe they're working with someone that looking at different

careers or they're looking at working, it could be a student even we have college students that like this resource because they if they're doing looking at that next level they're getting ready to graduate and go out into the work workforce looking at

this information, they may be have a course I know a lot of colleges will sometimes have that one course before they leave the before they leave the university, that kind of helps them with this, where they have career folks from the university come in

and talk to students, this would be a great tool to share with them where they can print or download the information from these assessments go over them as a group talk about them in small groups, whatever the case may be.

Also see it being used with high schoolers too, because some high schoolers are going into the workforce, they're not going on to college to her four year schools, and this is really helpful for them and you do have courses or CTE courses that are being

taught at the high schools, and this is a great tool for them, our patrons that are coming into public libraries, great information for them to have if they want to print and download it maybe they have access to this resource they are able to come into

your library, and they're accessing their. They want to print and take it home they can do that or if they're at home and virtually are digitally accessing this content, again, they have that if they want to print it off and review it later.

So, just some tools that are there.

And also the ability to retake, you have primary interest social enterprising This is what based on my test results. What I'm seeing in my summary.

On the right hand side you have some reflection questions to consider if you need to need additional help, there are some worksheets that are here and they actually live under this tool section, but we've also see them on the right hand side so right

away. When I see the assessment results, I have additional tools on the right that can help me.

And then again, there's that retake assessment.

Okay. And the same thing they'll show up for values because I did take that assessment now I did not take personality yet so this is what I'm going to see where I can start that assessment.

Now I'm not going to run through all these assessments, but I just want to show you, and they interest in values. They look, there's two tests, so you'll see this format.

I'm going to show you the format so you may see this format when you're taking the test or the assessment.

I'm going to cancel. Oh, wait. Exit assessment, go back one more.

There we go, or the workplace one

looks like this. So, there are two different, we only have two, two different assessments, but for for assessments, makes sense on that thing right two different types of assessments for four different assessments, so it's either one or the other.

You're either seeing that list view or these, I like to call them cards where you're selecting a card. I found this one personally a little bit more challenging, just myself I don't know if everybody else does, but this one I really was where I was scratching

my head. This type of assessment, and I'm a visual learner so it really had me like really thinking about, oh wow I only you know how many, this question is the four least important in your ideal organization and it you keep drilling down all of these

squares, or these cards you keep drilling down those, the two the exact exactly what you're looking for so different, different two different types of assessments, even though there's four.

Four here available. Okay, let me know if there's any questions on those assessments if you would like me to model one or not.

It does. Well, you know what, let me just do that since that's the focus of the session, I'm just going to pick.

I will be.

Oh goodness I'm picking some that really aren't being innovative is definitely important to me. Next question so you can see great you've selected for most important now.

Here we go to the next one, or the least important now we're on to the most the four most important. So, being team oriented,

there are there's four, so you can see how it drills down. Sounds good now six most important so you keep going and it keeps drilling down that content, and then it will apply to my, my career matches.

Let's see if I can get out of this I have never there we go back out of an assessment like that. Okay, so that's when your users access the assessments, they'll have to take two of those tests they can retake them at any time.

They can print or download that information. And then the next step is, all of this is applied to my career matches. Now I have two options I can use the navigation at the top, or I can select the explore career matches.

I'm going to go through the top.

And it's pulling in my assessments. So, again, using Kimberly's world words tailoring this to my personality.

On the left hand side we have some information on using the career matches on right away on the in the center of the page, we have the subject areas that the, the overall subject areas of the careers once I click on on view careers for the subject area

of education, then I'll get more detailed information as you go down this path. That's how the, the career exploration moves through, so you'll see more content, if you're drilling down to that certain career, or maybe it's a larger area of of a career

that you're looking at. And you can see on the right hand side, I have, there's 44 careers that are very strong matches and maybe, and there's also strong here in this human services.

I have four or 18 that are very strong and 12 that are strong and as you go down these two areas will change you'll move more into that good night. Here's an example marketing and sales.

I could see marketing but I am not a salesperson I'd rather be a trainer. So, but there I still there's good matches here in this subject area. And as you go down you can see them the week starts to grow so you going down the list.

It definitely I think the last one for me is financial Probably, yeah finances down at the bottom, they're not a very good good match for what I've picked in my assessments.

Now let's go into human services, education makes sense because I am a trainer but let's go into human services.

And then this is what our next step looks like. So again we're taking moving into that smaller section of information where I can really explore these careers and find my strong matches.

I have the option to search through the selections here on the right hand side, or filter down my content based on my education or the match strength very strong strong good fair can add an industry, or if I'm looking for a military crosswalk I have that

option here too so if you have folks that are coming out of the military, and they are looking for a new careers or source civilian careers. This tool is great for that because you have that option there that military crosswalk.

I can also favorite if there's, there's some that I feel are very interesting because I create an account on this resource. I have the ability to favorite.

Some of these very strong matches.

So maybe I want to favorite this one I'm going to favorite a couple here.

I can also view the programs now this area is something that is being continuously being updated. So you may see new information they're not going to spend some time in there today, but you want to, if you want to do some exploration, the programs is

something that that they're working on adding more information to.

But let's go the fun part is going into these career matches, because then you takes you to this cool page. And here you have general information. So, what exactly would a social worker.

Do I have the description. I have so before I'm even applying before I'm even looking at a job, because those job descriptions as, as we've all been there, at some point in their life, looked at job descriptions on a job board and applied to positions.

They give you, you get some information but really when you want to learn the responsibilities are the the duties or the what the actual social worker would do.

This is really going to be helpful. You can see here to where this could be really helpful in our schools with our high school and even our college students because they could use some extra guidance, this can really help them out, or anyone making a

career change, really helpful information so you have that job description. What you would do on the job, even some alternative job titles are here.

You can see more job activities.

And that's just general, then you have the programs, knowledge that's needed, skills, and abilities are all here to explore. On the right hand side, there are career videos, you have an average salary.

And if you click on show local information then you can drill down to your area.

The outlook for this career. Moving forward, what type of education is usually required. And then here is where you can jump right to searching for available jobs.

You can also do that at the at the top and that's how we're going to enter in, but you do have that ability right here from this career exploration page.

And then these, these boxes are really great because they kind of give just a little snippet. Here's explore more and then want to learn more, is also here to at the very bottom, from the owner online.

Okay, so that's how you can do some exploration into that career. Now if I want to do a job search.

I want to pick my zip code and I thought I had Nashville in here.

But I'm just going to choose my area here in Michigan, and put in social worker.

And then I have some filters do I want to only pull back the very strong and strong matches my distance, I'm looking for full time.

And let's search jobs.

You can even search by date added to.

That's always especially if you're working in here a lot date added of course is always really important.

And here we have positions, near where I live.

Looks like we've got some at the schools, US Department of Veteran Affairs in Ann Arbor.

And once I click the Learn More so you can see these are jobs by indeed so this is this information is generated by indeed.

Once I click the Learn More that's when it's going to take me out to the indeed site.

So I have a little bit of information but if I find something that really interests me, that's when I'll click that learn more.

And I'll open in a new tab, and here I have that ability to it's taken me to Brighton, since oh no it's Helen Michigan. Okay. Oh, this is just an example of put in Brighton New York I thought, because we Brighton I'm not far from Brighton, Michigan, so

that threw me off for a hot second there. But here is the school social worker pathway. So, this is the position where I can apply on the company site save this job, all the things that you can typically do indeed are here I could even sign in if i if

I want to.

If I have an indeed account. So you can see that link to actual careers or jobs or postings in your area but it's all based on the information that you've already put into this resource so you've already figured out what exactly you want out of a career,

what do you want out of your workplace or your personalities or what's important to you, with your new job so it really applies all of that to your job searching so that career exploration piece is where those assessments become really helpful.

You also have one other area and I go over here and that is tools and there's some really cool features within tools so when you are to that point where you're ready for additional support with your careers, writing a resume, cover letters discussion

about learning more about networking, or you're to that point where you're doing ready to interview. Here's some guided help interview preparation commonly commonly asked interview questions anybody searched for that online I know I have in my lifetime.

Here it is built into the resource where you can your biggest weakness your biggest strength I think people still ask those questions.

Where do you see yourself in five years. Tell me about your last job. Do you have any questions for me this is really important for folks to remember, especially if you have folks that are newer to the workforce is to remember to have those lists of questions.

I tell me about yourself so it's some guidance to answering those questions and not answers to but guidance into answering those questions. Different types of interviews, evaluating a job offer Oh that's a great one to have right, they've used your resource

in your library and now they are looking for additional support here they have now they have multiple job offers in front of them right or negotiating a job offer that's that's the end goal for our users.

Also below we have some worksheets. So here's a worksheet for the career match number one.

Here's an exercise that can be completed. And this is a five page document.

But here are where your career match so it takes you through your matches. So, if you want additional information you can see how this can support all users maybe this is something that you want if you're coming from a public library.

You want to have this printed off as a tool that's available to your users, if they're accessing this resource or, you know, something you want to just show in this example and something they can filter or print off themselves because here they can do

some, you know, some work within this worksheet and and work and work through as they're working through those careers and taking some notes and jotting them down and having them later to refer back to.

So you have a couple of those understanding your assessment results is also here, and then we there's even a workbook that's available.

Okay, so we had some things come in.

Kimberly mentioned well keep the Military Cross work in mind, I live nearby military installation and soldiers and come to our library every day. Kimberly I have to tell you, so I used to be when it was in my territory I used to work with and train, the

Department of Defense and the librarians there and that was one of the questions that came up probably most often is, how do we help our folks in the military transition into civilian jobs, and what resources are available for that and I would train them

on those resources because it does come up quite a bit. So having that tool available within this resource is really helpful and we find our users find it really helpful in career transitions you could track which jobs you applied for is that available

within Peterson's career prep great question

that came from anonymous. So, with your jobs.

Can you track which ones. So,

honestly, this one doesn't have that same feature, it does because now career transitions also linked you out to indeed. And when you apply for those positions within indeed you have that ability to keep that information, but within this resource once

you apply.

I don't think we have that option anymore haven't.

Because as soon as you click that learn more, it takes you out to indeed so saving that content or those positions. The only thing that you can do so.

You may not be able to save the job that you applied for because you're applying outside of the resource you're applying in indeed so you're actually saving that job within, indeed, to make note that you did apply for the position.

But what you can do in career PrEP is, if you are interested in any of these matches that you've made. You can favorite them. So, your favorite being that career match, but the actual position that you apply to you are literally going out to indeed to

apply for that position, you would save that job. Indeed, that you to show that you did apply for that position because again it's generated outside of this resource itself.

I hope that makes sense. Great question. And so definitely if you're interested in a position users are interested in a position they want to favorite that career match.

Once they get to that portion after the assessment, when they're exploring those career matches, they'll want to favorite that position. But once they are actually applying for the job.

Then that would live here, and indeed when you actually apply to the company site.

Okay, but great question.

Let me go back to the PowerPoint right towards the end of our time here, there's any questions I will stay on the line and answer those additional questions, we do have the final webinar in our series workplace or workforce support practice exams.

Within one of your resources that you have from the Tennessee electronic library, it is the Peterson's test and career prep, you have a lot of practice exams certification practice exams for, let's say you have someone that is looking to take the firefighters

exam we have that or you have someone that's going into the medical field that we have practice exams for nursing or the medical field we have the real estate exam so we have all of those practice exams and I'm going to share those with you in our next

session which is on April 7 at noon central time.

There's also great training materials on the support site. There is a really great tool it's a tip sheet. It's on the gill support site at support at gmail.

com forward slash training and I will share that link with you right now in the chat box. But what you can do is if you are interested in using this tip sheet.

There's two pages to it I'm just showing you the first page, and it takes you through this resource career prep which again like I said for most of our users especially our patrons that are coming to public libraries, it's a great tool for them to quickly

do what they need to, for a job create a resume, write a cover letter, find that career take that career assessment and do that career exploration. And then we also have additional Virtual Training within that resource when folks are doing, looking at

careers and job exploration so it's a great resource to just get your users and when they want to get in and get out and get that stuff done that they want to do when they're doing their job searching.

It's a great resource for that. And this tip sheets really helpful because on the second page. There's actually an area where you can customize it and add in your link to this resource from your library.

So it's a nice one to have out if you have it printed off or you want to share it digitally with folks, it is on the support site.

And I'm actually going to what I'm going to do now is I'm grabbing a link to all of the training tools that we have for this resource, including some printable tools, which is the tip sheet I mentioned and we have a few videos that are available.

So this is going to put this into the chat box and share this with you all. This is to all of the, the training materials that we have and, as more are being added they'll be added to this page you don't have to worry about the link being updated it'll

stay the same.

So all of the information that we have right now for this resource is available, using that link if you want all of the training information and marketing information that we have on the support site.

You can go to, I just shared that link with you.

And then we also have specific information. If you're looking for that webinar that I had mentioned on the first one in our series on the Tennessee electronic library support page that we have for you.

You'll find a training page, and that not only has our recorded webinars but upcoming webinars too so you can register for the next one in our series.

So all of that is available in those links I just provided they're here also on that I'm showing you in the PowerPoint, but I wanted to share them with you so you could grab them real quick out of that chat box.

Oh, and then Andrea from TEL just shared I'm working on getting posters and bookmarks for Peterson's career prep, I'll send info about it and send the materials via the career.

So watch for that.

Thanks Andrea for sharing that.

What we. I can also share. If you're interested, definitely those, of course, use your TEL resource or the materials that Andrea is going to be sharing with you, those are going to be the best ones because they're going to have all your information that

you need for the Tennessee electronic library, you may want to share some, and let's see if we happen to have them in a look real quick.

You may want to share an email template to connect with. Maybe you have a newsletter that goes out, so I do have some marketing materials that have those types of tools on them.

So on top of what Andrea is going to be sharing with you all. I'm going to share this link real quick.

This is on again on the support site underneath the marketing materials, you'll find information.

With the communication templates that we have available. There's also some social media posts for this resource and, and we have everything Twitter.

We have, I think we have Twitter, use LinkedIn, great one for LinkedIn Instagram, Facebook so if you're doing any social media blast or post. We do have some of those already created for you, and a few printable materials but watch for the ones from Andrea,

those are going to be great ones to use with the Tennessee information there too.

All right. If there are any other questions let me know. But with that, that wraps, our session again my name is Tammi Van Buren I'm your Gale trainer, watch for that follow up email since you attended the live session.

To access the recording for this session. Also, there'll be a few other helpful links in there but that takes about 24 hours to generate customer success manager so you have Gil Customer Success managers that are there for that one on one support.

So if you would like someone to walk you through all the tools that are available on the support site you have a customer success manager that's there to work with you.

Or maybe you want to pull usage reports for your site they can help you. You can always reach out to the Tennessee electronic library and they can connect you to the folks at Gale but if you'd like to start working with your customer success manager right

away, feel free to reach out to them, their email address will be in the follow up email to that you'll receive in 24 hours, but it is also here on the screen, just send them a quick email with your site and will connect you to the customer success manager

that covers your territory. And then if you ever have any technical issues, Gale technical support is available, but that wraps our session so thank you for your time.
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