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Last Updated: May 05, 2023

For TEL: 15 Minutes to Mastery: Growing a Green Business

Business Training Series Part 2 of 3. Discover company insights on green businesses and explore industry resource information. In this session we will walk through content and features within Gale Business: Insights from the Tennessee Electronic Library.
Duration: 15 Minutes
Welcome to your training for the Tennessee Electronic Library today we were, we are covering 15 min to mastery, growing a green business.TEL

This is the second part of the Business Training series that we are facilitating for the Tennessee Electronic Library.

A green business. This is the second part of the Business Training series that we are facilitating for the Tennessee Electronic Library today's session.

We will be focusing on one of your gale resources that you have available, that provide you with company information, industry, information, resource, and all kinds of great content.

When you're looking at different businesses and swot analysis.

And that type of information if you are looking at different businesses and swot analysis and that type of information, if you are looking to start or grow a business, this session is great for your patrons that are coming into your library, both your small business onto your entrepreneurs your students, at the maybe

high school, and also the academic or higher Ed level. A great resource for our faculty members at the academic level.

Our agenda today we will start with an overview of Gale business insights.

This is the focus of our session today is this one resource and what you will find within this resource.

And again, we are focusing on Green Business company insights.

We'll explore that the resource and that content specifically, and also talk about different search options, that you have available within this resource any questions that you have, I will leave you at the end of this session, where you can go to connect with folks at gale and also where you can find additional training

materials and marketing materials.

First, let's talk about access to your Tennessee electronic library resources.

You can go to the Tennessee website here. That's on the that you're seeing on the screen on the homepage of the site.

You will find articles about TEL, so there'll be updates, information on resources that you'll find there any new databases that are available.

They'll also be featured resources. Also on that website you'll find a section for library staff if you use the top navigation at the on the website at the top of the page.

There you'll find marketing materials, training information. If you need to request a TEL training, you have that option there's also the TEL link generator.

So if you're looking for your direct Urls, you have that link generator available along with usage reports, you can find that all on your Tennessee electronic library website.

So let's first talk about Gale business insights and start with an overview of the resource.

So you're familiar with it. It did receive some updates.

So you will find that if you're if you're not familiar with this resource, then it's all new to you.

But if you've been in this resource before, you'll see that we have made some updates and what you're going to find within this resource.

Just so you fully understand, we are focusing on a specific topic within.

Gil business insights, but you'll find reference content from over 4,000 periodicals, full text periodicals.

There's more than 430,000 detailed company profiles, and with these company proiles you're going to find financial data there's in-depth country overviews and also comprehensive industry profiles.

And we are going to take a look at some of those industry profiles and some company information over a thousand industries with industry reports, competitive landscapes.

The Plunkett reports are also available, and so much more you'll find swat analyses and financial statements in case studies and articles.

Within this resource, and then top industry information by country and territory, and the companies based there with relevant article content.

So you'll find article content at the bottom of each company.

Profile related to that company so very helpful information, all in one spot.

So with that, let's explore the resource itself.

And let me share that screen with you. So we are going to go into Gale business insights now.

A few things. I want to point out before we dive into this content is if you want to save this, any of this information within this resource, you do have the ability to send information directly to Google and Microsoft.

And those are options that you have available. If we have any K 12 folks, you can utilize Google classroom also to pull content into your classroom.

Of course we have some great tools to support accessibility, as you do across all of your Gale resources, and I'll touch into those a little bit today.

But again, we're focusing on specific content. Now, looking at the homepage, of course, we have the basic search and advanced search here at the top.

But I want to point out our contextual toolbar. You do have the ability to compare different companies and also browse.

And you can see the dropdown menu there. I can browse companies, industries, countries, territories, and you can see the list goes on.

I also have glossary. And so if I'm looking for certain terms, that glossary is available, it's just underneath that browse section if you scroll down the page, you're going to see that we have in the first section, we have company information.

So what we always pull out is the most search for companies here, but I can browse all companies here on the left hand side.

Of course I can always do a basic search. Also on our homepage.

We have the ability to read through top publication business publications.

Here's the most use that you're seeing, like the economists and New York Times, for example.

But we are a global company. So you will see content or publications from other places like the Guardian, which is coming from England so scroll down the page, I can research by topic.

So if I am looking for entrepreneurship, or I'm looking for small business information, I can find that here and there's different topics, and you'll find content related to those topics most relevant articles to we are going to use some of these industries.

Are exploring by industry, and these are the most searched for showing at the top.

But I can browse all industries here. I'm going to take you through a different path rather than going directly into the industries, because I want to show you some different options that you have available, and maybe not the maybe to broaden your horizon a little bit there as to what you're going to

find to understand major markets. You can see the most searched and searched in countries and Territories listed here. So if I click into United States, I'm going to find the country and territory profile and on the right hand, side here are the top companies by revenue.

Lot of great information, especially if you're looking to. If you maybe you have your users that are coming in, and they're looking to grow their business and we're talking about green business in particular.

But maybe they're looking to grow their business, and they want to they're based in the United States, and they're looking at growing in Australia, which is definitely known for their green industries.

So that's an idea that you may have that might be an option, and they can take a look at that country and the territories within that country.

Okay, so for today, we're going to do a general search using our basic search.

And we're going to take a look for environmental companies. And then we're going to drill down from there.

So environmental companies.

And then this will provide me with all the information that I have on environmental companies.

So companies is our first section here, and then you can see I have market share rankings, case studies.

There's academic journals, magazine articles, associations, market research reports, and the list goes on.

So you're even some trade journal articles here over 22,000.

You also are going to find some multimedia. But a lot of periodical content and rougherence, resource content available.

Now I can revise my search at anytime, or I can filter down my results on the right hand side.

It's defaulted to look for full text documents, but you can see I have a lot of information here on the right hand side.

The company type, the index again, looking at a certain country or territory publication date subjects, you can see all the items I have here on the right.

I can search within. If I want to search for a certain company.

I was doing a couple different things today when I was doing filtering down my content, I was looking at subjects.

I was looking at industries, and I did find one company in particular.

I wanted to take a look at and happen to land here in my top companies that I have listed.

So again, I have a hundred, 39, but the one I'm actually interested is here on the homepage, and you can see right away that this is a public company, public or private, will be listed here, and you have the option to filter by public or private also using your filter.

Options. But this is a public company. I can see the revenue, and I can see what country it's based in.

I also have some icons here to the right. If you look over here below your filters, I can see that these icons aligned to what I'm seeing in my search results.

If I wanted to filter down my company information by companies that just I have a company history and swat analysis, I could do that.

I could very easily filter down these 139 by just selecting a few items here.

Now I do want to select this one. It has everything that I'm looking for, and something I want to show you today.

So you can see our company profiles provide you with some information, some financial information.

You can very easily go to the full balance sheet, or look at the income statement.

I have investment reports also available, great for those looking to invest.

We have this great graph that shows the revenue and all the also gross profit, net profit, margin below.

I can see the competitors in the electric power, power, industry.

What I wanted to point out, and we're going to spend some time here.

Looking at the industry. So we are in utilities. But you can see we're under the electric power generation, transmission and distribution and all the different industries we have available.

As I scroll down, you have industry, classification, and then here are all of those company articles.

Now, if I wanted to filter down this content articles. Now, if I wanted to filter down this content, I could search within my results.

So if I were looking for a specific term, for example, maybe I'm looking for wind energy.

I can do a search within those results.

And again, this is going to give me that great trade. Maybe it's trade or industry information.

You're going to find. You can see here in some of our content types.

We have some magazine articles, but also there's some research street market research reports and market share rankings.

All great information to have. Now, if I wanted to. So do a different search.

Maybe I wanted to search by industry and I could do that from the homepage, but I can also do it. From this company Profile.

So if I'm interested in companies that have solar electric power, I can quickly click on solar electric power even from within a company profile.

And here I can see in industry over overview the annual revenue of this Green Company.

Or these, this green industry, and then I'll the right hand side. I can see all of the different company names.

So you can see how you can go in through a different path and find additional content, and do some exploration within those companies.

Now some of these are public, and then you'll see some of these are private.

We have, course, have a lot more information. The public companies, but we do have quite a bit of information also on the private companies.

If I wanted to find out industry, industry reports. I have that information.

Here's my Plunkett reports on these industries, but you have all of this great industry.

Report content. So if this is something you're interested in, if this is a small business or you're looking to grow your green company.

This is, these are tools and information within your field, within your industry that you can find here within Gale business insights.

Also a great way to model your company after a successful company, because you would see very easily what their revenue is, and of course you can do some additional deeper diving into that company I can browse all industries also.

So if this is, I wanted to go a different path. I could.

But what I love about doing a search as I didn't even clicking into a company profile.

It does take me to all of the the abilities to jump to the specific industries that are related. Industries.

So if I again wanted to click into wind and electric power.

Here's the one of the companies that I was looking at.

But you can see alternative end energy. Let's utilize that report, and it takes me to some reference content.

You get a snapshot of the industry. This one has organization and structure.

Now let's say this is a article I find very helpful, and it's something I want to keep.

What I can do is I can quickly use my quick send options, or I can send it to Google.

Drive Microsoft onedrive email, download or print.

I also have in my contextual toolbar those same tools. Or I can send it to Google, drive or print. I also have in my contextual toolbar those same tools.

So if I am scrolling down the page and realize Yup, I definitely want to send this to my Google drive.

I did already sign in before this session, so I can send it to my Google drive what'll happen is it'll land in a folder titled gale. Business insights.

And anytime I send any information from this resource to my Google drive.

It will land in that same folder, and it will take this document and turn it into a Google Doc.

Same thing with Microsoft, turns it into a word, Doc, and of course you can download or print this information off or email it maybe you're working with a colleague.

You have a partner in your company or you're looking at working with someone that is going to fund our help.

You fund your company, or your new new venture. Capital! And you're looking for a venture capitalist, or you're working with someone on that side and you need to share this information.

Look at this is what's trending this and you need to share this information. Look at. This is what's trending. This is what can happen, because that should be a part of your business plan.

Where you're doing this type of industry, looking at industry, information and pulling this content together, having examples of what other successful companies, what their revenue is, can be really helpful within your business plan.

So keep that in mind. If you have users or patrons coming into your library that are looking to build their business plans.

That was part one of our business training series. This is the next step.

So, finding that information to help them build that business plan out a little further, finding that specific industry information, this can be very helpful to find those additional company profiles to.

Alright! So we are towards the end of our session today, as I shared with you, and let me go back, you have a couple different paths.

The route that I took, I went in and did a basic search on environmental companies, found a company.

I was interested in, did a little bit of research on that company.

But then also took that path into different industries that are related to alternative energy or environmental companies or green energy.

You'll find all kinds of different terms that you can utilize or green energy. You'll find all kinds of different terms that you can utilize when doing these searches.

Okay. And then from there, as I explored, I would send information directly to any of my, you know, if I wanted to send it to Google or Microsoft.

I have that option available, of course, print download or email are also all available.

So utilizing this scale business insights, gives you.

Or your users exactly that. It's insight on companies.

It's also insight on industries and you'll also find reference content and top business publications.

So this is a great resource for those users that are coming into your library that are looking for those that type of information, and specifically, today, we were talking about green businesses and how you can utilize this resource to grow your green business.

So with that, let's go back to our Powerpoint.

Let me share that screen with you, and where you can go for additional support.

And that's your Gale support site.

On the Gale support site. You're going to find all of your access information, but also Great Training Center.

You'll find content there. Tip sheets and tutorials recorded.

Webinars. There's also marketing materials. If you're looking to promote your business resources in your library, or with your faculty members with your students and teachers, you have bookmarks and also communication templates, we have great social media posts ready to go over here to the right hand side

we have a new document that we created, and it is the gale business insights find an analyze your industry.

So we were talking about our green industry or environmental companies and utilizing bit gale business insights.

Here's a great tool that can be utilized if you're doing any type of programming in your library.

Or again, you have students if you're at the higher Ed level, and you know that faculty members may benefit from having these tools available here's a resource that can connect that this digital resource you have from the Tennessee electronic library to your learners or your researchers or your

small business owners.

Connect with us. If you'd like to connect with your Gale customer, success manager for that one on one support you can find their information here, and then my name is Tammi Burke.

I'm your senior trainer from Gale. I thank you so much for your time today and joining me for this 15 min to mastery session.

I hope you come back and join us for the third part of our Business training series.

We look forward to seeing you again at our next session, and you can see here on the bottom of the page.

You can go directly to the training that we have available for the Tennessee Electronic Library.

That would also include any recorded training sessions. Thank you all.

And have a great rest of your day.
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