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Last Updated: June 27, 2024

Gale 101- Gale In Context: Science

Gale In Context: Science is an online learning resource designed to support secondary science subjects including Biology, Earth/Space Science, Chemistry, Physics, Health, and more. Varied content types including reference articles, interactive simulations, news reports, images, experiments, and statistics provide an engaging and wide-reaching experience.

View this beginner webinar to explore the content, tools, and workflows found within this valuable resource.

Duration: 30 Minutes
Thank you again everyone for joining me today.

Today, we have another Gale 101 session.

This one is focused on Gale In Context: Science.

My name is Amber Winters and I'm a senior training

consultant here with Gale.

So today we're going over really the basics

of Gale In Context: Science. So you all have

a nice foundation to get started as

you kind of dig deeper into the resource. So

first we'll have a brief overview of

what we made the resource for what you're going to

find in the resource. A quick

mention of the tools that we have available.

Then we're going to take a look at some of the different key

content types that you're going to find within this resource.

And what's great about Gale In Context: Science is

we actually have some really unique and interesting

content types that are going to be available to

you here. So we're going to take a look at those today.

We'll spend the majority of the time actually looking

at the resource though. So walking through the workflows,

seeing how we can best surface content and things

like that.

And if you have any questions, you can feel free to

put those into the Q and A at any time.

Otherwise, we will have time at the very end of the session

to answer anything that I wasn't able

to answer as we move forward. And I do

have some contact information for you as

well. So if you need to get in touch with us after

the webinar, I'll have that contact information

for you at the very end of the session.

So let's go ahead and just dive right in here.

So Gale In Context: Science first

off is a resource that we've built for secondary

and up science users, what I like to say

secondary and up. So really for

upper level middle school students. So once

your students are kind of at that upper eighth grade level,

getting ready to go into high school, you know, your higher

achiever middle school students may have success

with this resource. But really the sweet

spot is going to be your high school students are going

to get a lot of this resource as well

as undergraduate students. So those just starting

off in college. So you find gel and con science

of course in a lot of secondary

schools. But you also find it in a lot

of community colleges, a lot of undergraduate

universities. So this is a pretty

versatile resource. It's going to have a lot

of different

difficulty levels, a lot of different content

types that are going to support a wide variety

of users.

And while this is a broad resource that's covering

just kind of science in general, we do have

some key subject areas that we've really

focused in on. Those include biology,

health and medicine, engineering, environmental

science, as well as space science.

We do have a pretty large physics

and chemistry section in here as well.

So what we try to do is hit a lot

of the standards that you're going to see

in the kind of the K 12 arena. So your NGSS

standards and things like that, you're going to find

materials that are going to support the most

studied and most used topics

kind of within those standards.

In addition to that, we have some built in support

learning tools that we're going to take a look at today

as well. So as your learners are starting

to read through articles, maybe news reports,

they can highlight and annotate that text. So

they remember the key points in the article,

we have a full translation available on all

of our articles as well as captions on images

and things like that.

We have a read speaker that's going to read

the articles for your students. So if you have struggling

readers that read speaker is a really great way

to make sure this resource is accessible.

They can also change the fonts. We have

a citation tool that's going to generate a citation

for them. We also have Google and Microsoft

integrations. So if they want to save content

out of the resource, they can save them

to either one of their drives, their Google Drive

or their Microsoft Onedrive and they'll be able to

hold on to that information to take it out with them later.

Now, are there any quick questions about

Gale In Context: Science before we look at some of the different content

types we have available?

Ok, let's keep moving forward. Then let's talk

about some of the different content your students are going

to find here. So the first and probably

the most expected is going to be our reference

articles. So these are giving the facts

about whatever topic, whatever subject

your user is looking at. So

it's going to give both overview as well as more

detailed information that's really giving them

the foundation to learn and to kind of


with this topic. So before they

start looking at maybe, you know, current

events or opinion pieces, these

reference articles are going to give them that solid

understanding of the topic so they can kind

of come to their own conclusions about

different opinions on different topics

and things like that.

We also have a pretty extensive multimedia

collection within the resource. So they'll find

things like videos and images as well

as a big collection of audio files. So things

like podcasts are often highlighted

in the audio file section.

This is great for users who just prefer to get

their information in a different way than reading

a text. Also great for learners

who are struggling readers or maybe those

who are

at a lower reading level than their grade

level would suggest who are still trying to get information

from this resource.

The videos, images and audio files are really going

to help them find the content and the information

that they need. And a lot of these videos


audio files are going to be news reports

and current events and things like that. So it's

really bringing whatever topic they're learning about,

kind of into the forefront and kind of bringing the

the world into the classroom.

Something that's unique to gale in context science

as opposed to all of the in context suite

in general is going to be our interactive simulations.

And these actually allow students to input information

and edit variables for this little interactive

experiment that's going to help them see

outcomes related to physics, chemistry

and biology. So a big

part of the collection is going to be physics. So if we're

talking about,

you know, potential verse kinetic energy,

if we're talking about

forces of or motion or things

like that,

they're going to find these really cool interactive

simulations here. This one is a roller coaster

about um the slope angle

and it's just something nice for them to go through,

they'll be able to enter an information, they'll hit the start

button and they get to see it play out in real time.

So it's not like they're just getting, you know,

a formula and they're getting a, an example

piece of text. They're actually seeing it happen

in real time and they can edit the variables to

see how the result changes.

So it's a nice feature we have here in this resource

right now. We've got, I believe over

300 of these interactive simulations.

So we cover quite a few topics in that

300 collection.

We also have fully developed experiments

within the resource and this is great for

any educators who are on the line or anyone

working with educators. If they're looking

for something to supplement a units, this

one, you'll see, I've pulled forward on acid rain.

Um But if they're just looking for something to supplement a unit,

they may want to take a look at these because again, they

are fully developed. So they include

a list of all the materials that are going to

be need be are going to be needed

a budget, a difficulty level

to make sure that students are actually going to be able

to run through the session, step by step

instructions and a trouble student guide as

well. So, you know, if something goes wrong,

we provide a little bit of background to try

to help figure that out. So again, these are great.

They're ready to go. Your teachers can download

them or they can print them and share out

the instruction with students and really

get to work. It's kind of a one stop

shop print and go.

We also have a news and magazines in this resource

as well. So if teachers are trying to pull

the Real World into their lessons, this

is a great place for them to go. They'll be able to see,

excuse me, more scholarly

resources as well as places

like the New York Times and some other

magazines and newspapers

like that, that are going to give kind of that

current event feel and these are

updated continuously. So

they'll be able to see the most current information,

the most current news within the resource.

We've also got some great statistics found within

the resource. So if you're working and helping students

understand how to read charts

and graphs, they're going to find a lot of those here

in this resource. What's nice is they are

highly visual and we do provide

information around the chart.

So we're going to explain

what's on the X axis, what's on the Y axis

and how that information is actually

lined up for them. So it's really going to help them


different scientific topics

both from a US point of view

as well as a global point of view.

In addition to that, we do also have academic

journals. So again, if you have higher

level students, maybe your upper

high school students, your 11th, 12th graders,

or if you're working with undergraduate students

and they need academic research, they'll be able

to find those scholarly journals right

here in the resource. And we do let them know if

something is peer reviewed, we have a nice little

check mark that shows up, that we'll

take a look at once we get in the resource that's really

going to make sure they understand that the materials

they're looking at are in fact academic peer

reviewed and appropriate for research


And finally, we have a

pretty extensive collection of biographies

within this resource as well focused on

both historical and contemporary

scientists. So if

your users are more looking for maybe

inspiration, they want to be a scientist as well and

they want to see, you know, what other scientists

have done. Maybe they want to find someone like them

in the the science field, their topic

of interest, they'll be able to do that within

this resource here. We've got a pretty

a nicely built out set of biographies

and they'll be able to kind of see the background on scientists,

what the scientists did in their lives.

Um Any awards they won the discoveries

they made is a really nice way for them

to find representation in science

right here on this platform.

No, I

excuse me, I want to spend the rest

of our time here actually clicking through the workflow.

So you guys can see it in action. You can better

understand what your users are going to see.

Well, I switch over here to my

platform though. Does anyone have any questions

about the content we have available

for you

or anything like that?

Ok. We've got a quiet crowd today. So

let's go ahead and get started. Then this is the home page

here of Gale In Context: Science

right here towards the top. You'll see. We've pulled

forward topics of interest and these change

generally monthly depending on what's going on for

anyone watching the recording. This

is the double brood cicada year.

So the 13 year and the 17th year

are both going to emerge. So

it's gonna be pretty loud. So we've decided to pull forward insects

for students who are maybe be interested in seeing what's going

on and I can click through and see what else

we've pulled forward. We have game theory here as

well as bees this month.

So again, this generally is going to change monthly.

If some, you know, big thing happens in

science in one month, a lot of times

we'll pull that topic forward because of course, students

are most likely going to be searching for that.

So the eclipse was highlighted earlier

things like that

then scrolling down here still on the home page.

We have this nice browse topics section

and each of these links are links to topic

pages that we've created for these topics.

And topic pages are organized

kind of landing points about different topics

that we've curated. We've pulled together

all of the different results related to that topic.

We've provided an overview. So it's like a nice

landing point for your students to learn about a different


And we built these topics for the most

studied the most search and the most used topics

within the resource.

And you see here on the home page, if I don't know exactly

what I'm looking for, you know, I'm just kind of browsing around

seeing what I see. This is a great place to

start here so I can choose whatever

section I want to take a look at. Maybe I'm

looking for something related to biology.

I can click here into my biology which has 246

topic pages

and I can scroll down to see whats available here.

Now, these topic pages are not

the only content found within this resource.

If your students are looking for something that's maybe

a little bit more specific. What they're going

to want to do is run a search and they'll most likely

find information. They just won't have

that hand curated topic page.

Those topic pages are just save

for those most searched and most U used


And while browsing topics, I can also

click here in my little drop down. So I clicked into bio

biology. Maybe I actually want to know about

health and medicine.

I can move forward here and see my health and medicine topics.

Now, I'll also be directed to topic pages

when I search here as well. So I'm going to jump

back to home just for a nice landing point

and I am going to run a search here


let's do climate change.

So once I start to type in here, you'll see,

I have some predictive text that's giving me

um suggestions about what I might want to search

and you'll see these top two are bolded.

Oops, we have a quick question. So I'm going to take a look here.

Um I noticed interactive models as a content type

and the, and this it took me to Gale

Interactive Science.

Um Mary Jo. So the interactive models

found within Gale In Context: Science

are separate from Gale Interactive: Science.

That's actually a separate resource.

So you won't find any Gale interactive Science

activities within this resource here.

That's only going to be in that platform

and vice versa. The interactive simulations

are only going to be in this platform.

OK. So again, I started typing

in here. My predictive text is providing me

with two bolded options

and these bolded options are topic pages.

So instead of running my search and getting just the basic

search results page, if I click into

one of these, it's going to take me to a topic page


which I do always recommend for your users,

especially if they are kind of in the younger

high school age. And they may be

struggle with search with search

terms and pulling their own information. These topic pages

are a great way for them to get started.

And I will mentioned we have a nice get link button up

top here. So if you're actually pulling

content for your students, you can use

this get link and share it out to them.

So instead of having them run a search, try to find

climate change information. If you just want them to

start on this landing point,

they can use that get link and pull a person

URL right to this page. So that's another nice

feature we have here.

Now, while they're on this, our topic pages

here at the very top, they're going to see an over

overview of the topic. So this is going

to give them that quick background knowledge

to make sure they know what they're kind of researching.

Then underneath that, you'll see we have

pulled forward here. All of the different content

types we have available for this resource,

you'll see them all listed here. So we pulled

forward some featured content if we

have reference statistics, images

experiments. And what's great is if

let's say for this topic, I actually didn't

have any videos, let's

say this video option would actually disappear.

So they're never going to see like a zero next

to any of these. They're only going to see content

types that we have for this resource.

I'm sorry for this topic.

And now as we scroll down here, you'll see, we pull them into

different content buckets here as well. So it

shows usually around the first


entries for whatever content

bucket here. So you'll see our experiments listed here,

a simulation

and then scrolling all the way down. Da da

da. We also include related topics and each

of these topics are also a topic page

as well. So as they're moving forward,

you know, they're learning about climate change and

it's talking a lot about carbon dioxide

and they just don't know what that is. They can click

into our carbon dioxide topic page,

learn about that. Maybe they want to move

from there to learn a bit about the

greenhouse effect.

They'll be able to do that as well. So they can actually

click through these topic pages and not even

have to run a search. So this is really

guiding them to the content that they may need without

them having to build search terms. you

know, maybe struggle with that a little bit because of course,

our beginner researchers sometimes

have a difficulty running searches. So this

is helping to kind of relieve

that pain point a little bit.

Now scrolling up here, I mentioned we have those


simulations and experiments. So I wanna show

you what those look like. And luckily with this topic,

we actually have both. So our

simulations you'll see they have their own content bucket

right here.

So I'm going to click into this first one

and you'll see right away. It gives me a warning that

I'm not viewing this at full size.

It starts off at the smaller size. So

we can see this little bit of information at the top

here and we can see our explore panel, but

we can actually choose this blue open activity

button and

it's going to be bigger here. So this is talking

about the greenhouse effect. Of course, we're not going to read

the whole thing here, but we can hit our start

button and this is starting to show us

what the greenhouse effect is. So

you say they're just going to walk through step by step,

you'll see they changed here, the albedo that's

being seen,

they will go through all of it.

And once I kind of run through the premade activity,

you'll see it is at first having them

set things to specific sets here.

Once they actually complete the full thing, they'll be able

to mess with these little

these little bars here

to change this up. So they'll be able to see

how temperatures are changed based on these

different features here.

And again, we've got over 300

of these. So they're going to be covering a lot of different

topics here. This is just one that's related

to greenhouse gasses.

And I just click out of that and then that pulls me back to

this main page for this activity. Again,

gives me that attention. It will work

in this smaller window you see here.

But um it is a little bit harder to see.

So we do have that open activity button listed underneath

there. Now,

I'm just going to go back to our topic page here because

I want to show you what an experiment looks like as


So again, our experiments have their own content

buckets listed here

and I can actually click into all experiments if I

want to. You'll see, I have six here related to

this activity.

And what's nice is some of them are traditional experiments

that you would think of, you know, where they're running

something in a lab, you know, they're actually physically doing

something, but some of them are closer to like

scientific projects.

So like this Disappearing Island speech,

this is

more of a research activity where students

are actually going to research an

island that's currently at risk

to become a disappearing island with the sea level


And they're going to kind of research

that island and they're going to present

a speech that's trying to, you know,

convince world leaders to change what

they're doing.

So if

I scroll down here, of course, this one, the approximate budget

is going to be free. The materials are just

going to be materials needed to research this topic.

Again, we have our troubleshooting here and our step

by steps.

So we got a nice simple way to just

have another activity. You know, if your teachers,

I know they don't frequently have days where they just

have nothing to do. But if they need a sub

plan or something like that or they just need an experiment

available. This is a nice place for them to look under

this experiment section.

Now, I'm going to jump back to our topic

page one more time this time. Instead of using the

back button, I do want to mention you'll see

you have a nice little breadcrumb trail here. So

you'll see, I can jump back to my topic page

right here

and get pulled forward. So let's take a look

at some of the filtering tools and other tools

that we have available on documents. I'm

just going to click into my reference materials here

so we can take a look so related to

global warming climate change right now. I have

272 reference articles

which of course is, it's too much,

it's too much for your students. They're not going to go through 272

articles. So we include some great filters

on this right hand side here. That's really going to help

your students out. The first one I like to mention

is the subjects drop down. So, of course,

the main subject,

oh my gosh. Excuse me,

the main subject

is going to be global warming and climate change. Of course.

But then if they want to get a little bit more specific,

maybe they want to learn about how

um you know, the humans are interacting with the

environment. They can click here

scrolling down if they're interested in sea level

or maybe how fossil fuels are related to climate

change, they can really narrow it down right

there to pull it forward.

We also have the option to narrow down by document

type. So this is getting a little bit more specific

than just being a reference article. You'll see

there are topic overviews, brief


disease overview which

will be somehow related to climate change. I'm not quite sure,

but you'll see they have some different options here.

It looks like we even have a primary source listed,

which is interesting

so they can change that up top here.

For any educators who are using

this resource, if you are kind of looking

by lexile level, if you have students who

need a lower level bit of information,

you can do that on the resource here as well under

that lexile measure.

So let's go ahead and click into one of these, I'll click

into greenhouse effect and greenhouse

gasses. Now, I will point out

you'll see this little gray flag listed down here

that says leveled. That means this

document can actually be found at two different content

levels. So one higher level and one lower

level. So if you have

a, a class that really needs those

two different levels, you know, you have a wide variety of students,

some struggling readers, some

who are a little more advanced,

you can find a lot of articles in this resource

that have those two different levels. You see, I can

toggle between my reading levels up top here

and they are al exile levels.

But you see there is a a lower

level reading option

and a higher level. And these are going to both provide

the same information for your students just

at the at the different levels. The one will

have shorter sents, shorter

paragraphs, easier vocab while the other

one will be a little bit more advanced. So that

toggle is a great way to make sure that your students

are getting the content that's going to be best for them.

Now scrolling down here, I do want to point out all of the

tools we have available when we're on an actual

document here. So our citation

tool is always available in our little toolbar

up top here.

And this will provide citations either at Mlaap,

a Chicago or Harvard versions.

They can export this out of here or they

can select it and copy and paste it into

whatever they're working on this

is a great way to get by in both from teachers

and students because, you know, students

don't want to build their own citations, they don't like it.

So if they're in this resource, they don't have to,

they can copy and paste, they're ready to go.

All of our citations are also found at the very

bottom of a page here as well. And again,

same functionality, they can copy and paste it,

they can export it, they can choose

what edition or what type of citation they

want up top there,

scroll back up here

and they can also get this information out of the resource.

So if they want to save this for later, they

can use our send to download or print

options. So our send to button

lets them send over to either a Google or

a Microsoft Onedrive or it lets them

email this document.

So this is great if they are, you know, going to

be using it for a project, but they don't have time

to get it all done while they're sitting in front of their computer,

they can save it to one of their drives. So they don't

have to come back and look for it again. It's already there

and ready to go for them.

And these options are also found down here with

these buttons. You'll see, we have our Google button, our

Microsoft and the email, download

and print these. Do the same thing. We've

just added a little bit of redundancy to make sure students

can see them one place or another. If they

don't see them up here, hopefully they'll see them down here.

Again. We have our get link which is going to provide

a persistent URL. So if students

maybe want to share this with their peers,

if you wanna share it with a student,

um if you wanna share it with a colleague, you

can use this get link, send it over to them and they'll

be able to click directly into this article really


Now, in addition to all of those sharing tools, we also

have some great accessibility tools here

and they are listed down here under the title

under this Little Black Bar.

The first one is going to be our translate option.

So we'll be able to translate the article into whatever

language we need

and we can also set our interface language.

What's that? What that's going to do is it's going to change

all of the buttons and the resource, the

search bar, everything is going to be in a different language.

Let's go ahead and change that so we can take a look.

So you'll see now my search bar is in Spanish,

which is what I changed it to all of my tools up top

here are in Spanish,

my explore panel, the buttons here are in

Spanish. This is a great

feature for your students to use, right? As

soon as they click into the resource. So if they are

struggling with English right

now, they are not necessarily able to navigate

using English buttons, they can translate

over to Spanish. What's great is

they can actually do that at the top of the page here as

well. You see where it says Spanish,

they can drop down

and they really change that and that does follow

along throughout the duration of the session.

So all of their navigation will be in whatever language

they need. Moving

forward from our transit option, we also have the

option to increase or decrease the font

size as needed.

Next to that. We have some display options.

So I can change the background of my text

here. I can change the font.

I do have a dyslexia font if needed

and I can also change the line letter and word spacing.

So this feature I think is

really handy because this is letting them fully

customize what they see. It's not kind of

a you know, pick option A or pick option

B. It's really change your font, then choose your spacing,

then choose your colors. So it's

really helping them kind of see this the best

way they can. And this follows them along

throughout a session as well. So once they get to their

first article, they can edit their

their settings to make this exactly

how they want to read it and moving forward, it's going

to be the same deal

now, right next to that. I do have my listen

tool here as well. So if they prefer to have the article

read to them,

they'll hit that listen tool and they'll play through it and

I'll read the full article to them, including

the sidebar here. Um If there's

an image, I don't think this has an image in it

does not. But if there's an image with a caption,

it's going to read that caption as well, it'll

read the full text to them. And

what's great is it reads in whatever language

you have this translated to. So if your students

translated this article to Spanish first

and then wanted to have it read to them

when they hit this play button, it would read that to them

in Spanish as opposed to English

and one last tool on this resource

before I show you one thing under advanced

search is going to be our highlights and notes. So

this is great for students who are trying to just

remember key bits of information and articles.

They can just click and drag over any piece

of text they think is important,

highlight it. They can put a note if they want to

and they can save it and they can do that as much

or as little as they want to, as many documents

as they want

within the resource. But this is session

based here.

So if they do decide they want to annotate and they

want to highlight, they need to make sure they get this

out of the platform. They can do that by

sending to their drives by downloading or by

printing. It's going to hold on to those highlights and those

notes for them.

Now, I have just one more feature. I wanna show you before

our session ends for the day, but before I do that,

are there any questions about any of the tools

we took a look at or any of the topic,

page navigation or anything like that?

OK. I don't see any. So I want to show

you one more kind of little feature here.

It's found under our advanced search. So if you're

ever curious about,

you know, everything we have in our simulations

content bucket, if you want to see all of the experiments

we have available or if you just wanna search

through experiments or simulations, if

you do go to our advanced search and

you scroll down here,

we have all of these great content types listed.

So I can click into simulations and I can,

you know, run a search maybe for physics or something

like that or if I just click into it

and run a search without entering in a search

term, I'm actually going to see all

of the simulations we have available in the resource.

So if you're ever curious,

just what we have available in those different content

buckets, or if you just want to make sure

you're only pulling experiments. Maybe again,

if you're an educator just looking for something to supplement

a lesson with,

use our advanced search. So then you're not trying to

weed through, you know, the reference articles that

we may have available as well as the videos.

You can just click into experiments, run your

search and you'll just pull that content

type. It's a great feature we have here in the resource.

OK. Now, I'm going to go ahead and jump back

to my slides here because I do have some wrap up information

for you. I haven't seen any additional questions,

but if you have them, please put those in the Q and

A for me and I can get them answered.

But if you have questions for me, once the session

is done, feel free to send me an email. It's just

[email protected].

If you want to talk a little bit more about how you can

use this with your learning community, maybe you want to get a little

more specific, wanna talk best practices.

Your customer success manager can work with

you on that. If you don't know who your customers

success manager is, you can

send an email to [email protected]

we'll forward you

to the correct individual and you could talk a little bit

more about how it's this resource is going to

best work in your learning community.

If you don't have Gale In Context: Science,

but you want to talk about it, you can reach out to your sales

consultant. If you don't know who that is,

you can go to

you'll be able to put in your information and

we'll find the correct person for you

if you need additional supports. If you

want to take a look back at our recorded webinars, if

you need a

student activity, a flyer, a tip

sheet, a resource guide, you're going to find all of that

on our support site, which is

You'll find some great information there.

And finally, I have included technical support here

as well. So if you have any tech questions or

any tech

issue that you need to talk to someone about,

you can reach out to them. Their email is just [email protected]

They can help

you out there.

Now again, I've not seen any questions come in.

So I'm going to go ahead and end our session here today.

And I do appreciate everyone for being on

the line. If you think of any questions,

please feel free to reach out via one of these channels

and hopefully we will see you all in future sessions.

Bye bye now.
© 2024 Gale, part of Cengage Group