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Gale OneFile: Educator's Reference Complete

Gale OneFile: Educator’s Reference Complete contains more than 1,100 periodicals and 200 reports focused on K12 and post-secondary pedagogy. The resource contains information for every level of educator, as well as insight into administration, funding, and policy. Join this session intended for library staff, educators, and administrators to explore the tools, features, and content within this resource.

Duration: 30 Minutes
Lindsay Barfield: Alright, everyone I think we're going to go ahead and get started well, first of all, thank you very much for joining us here today for a session on Gale OneFile: Educator's Reference Complete.

Lindsay Barfield: My name is Lindsay barfield i'll be your trainer today.

Lindsay Barfield: If at any point during our session, you have any questions, please feel free to use the Q & A box i'm going to do my best to answer them as they come in, but we're also going to have a little time at the end to answer those questions as well.

Lindsay Barfield: Alright, so just a quick agenda what we're going to be doing today first we'll have an overview of Gale OneFile: Educator's Reference Complete.

Lindsay Barfield: we'll talk about what kind of content you're going to find this resource and what you can expect when you're doing the research.

Lindsay Barfield: But we're going to try and jump into our research or resource walk through as quickly as possible, to show you all the cool tools and features that we have available.

Lindsay Barfield: And then, at the end i'm going to save some time like I mentioned before, for questions, but also to point out where you can find training materials and contact information if you have any questions after today's session.

Lindsay Barfield: Alright, so in this resource you're going to find more than 1300 publications with trusted reference material and a variety of content types so i'm going to discuss more of what those content types are on the next slide.

Lindsay Barfield: But really there's something for everyone within the education community in this resource and so, with that in mind.

Lindsay Barfield: there's more for others more in this then there's more resources in this than for just educators, so we also have things for administrators if you're looking to host a PD session.

Lindsay Barfield: Or maybe just kind of see what's current in education, and then we also have so for those seeking a collegiate and graduate level degree, so if you're doing a research paper or typing you know, one of those fun 10 page thesis statements you can use this to do that research.

Lindsay Barfield: And then, lastly, Educator's Reference Complete, just like all of our OneFile resources as enhanced with Google and Microsoft integration.

Lindsay Barfield: So this means that any work you do within the resource, whether highlights and notes or if you just find a piece that you want to save you can do that quickly and easily.

Lindsay Barfield: And then we also offer other sharing options like download email get link so there's plenty of ways to save and to share your work.

Lindsay Barfield: Now looking a little bit closer at the content that's available within Educator's Reference Complete.

Lindsay Barfield: First you're going to see that we have reference material and academic journals so once you're inside the resource you're going to see that you have the ability to also filter these by those that are peer reviewed.

Lindsay Barfield: it's a really great feature, to make sure you're getting trusted and relevant material.

Lindsay Barfield: We also have newspapers and magazines from over 1300 publications so i'll show you once we're in there, how you can search for a specific publication, if you already know what you're looking for.

Lindsay Barfield: Or you can browse what's available if you want to find something new, using the publication search tool and then Lastly, we offer a variety of multimedia content, so that includes more than just pictures, as also videos podcasts transcripts and more.

Lindsay Barfield: Alright, so let's go ahead and jump in and explore.

Lindsay Barfield: Okay, so once you log into Educator's Reference Complete, you are going to be brought to our homepage.

Lindsay Barfield: Right up here at the top best practice, I believe, is to go ahead and log into your Google or Microsoft account so.

Lindsay Barfield: As I mentioned before, we are integrated so once you login it's going to be really easy as you're doing your work to quickly same and send things to your Google drive or your Microsoft one account, I have Google so that's what i've gone ahead and already signed in with.

Lindsay Barfield: Next underneath you're going to see our basic and advanced search, I think this is probably where most people start so we're going to go ahead and start with a basic search, you can type in any topic keywords anything that you want to find right here so i'm going to do classroom environments.

Lindsay Barfield: is usually a big topic with teachers.

Lindsay Barfield: Once you do your search it's going to pull up all content that's relevant to your search so you'll see here we have quite a few academic journals available magazines.

Lindsay Barfield: Books news and even an image there's one here on cell phones in the class i'm going to go back to news, though, because we've got quite a few returns there.

Lindsay Barfield: Because I have so many options here for news articles to read or any articles really here your best option is going to be, to use your filter options over here.

Lindsay Barfield: So you can see, I can filter my results by a number of different things, the first being a publication date.

Lindsay Barfield: You can get really relevant and timely information this way by just you know filtering for the past couple years.

Lindsay Barfield: You also have the option to filter based on a subject so within classroom environment, I have the subject of teachers, students, education and so on, and it's going to show me how many returns, I have for that, next to it.

Lindsay Barfield: You can also filter based on document type so within newspapers, I have articles editorials columns but this would be different, based on whichever content type your end, so this is just specific to news right now.

Lindsay Barfield: I can also search for a specific publication title, so if you know what you're looking for you can scroll through and see if it's available.

Lindsay Barfield: I can look for a specific section within the newspaper.

Lindsay Barfield: And I also have lexile measure available now, because this is geared more towards.

Lindsay Barfield: Adults so you know those in college teachers administrators, most of what you're going to find is going to be a higher lexile level, you know college and above.

Lindsay Barfield: But there is some in here if you're looking to find something that you can share with a student or for your high schoolers maybe to use, you can still filter and see if there's something available.

Lindsay Barfield: And then we also have search within so if you're looking for a specific term within your search, you can type that here and it's going to bring that up.

Lindsay Barfield: Alright, so what I actually want to do is go ahead and filter by document type.

Lindsay Barfield: i'm going to filter based on editorial I see there's 32 returns for that.

Lindsay Barfield: And when I apply it, I see I got those 32 news articles, but it's also gone ahead and filtered the magazines and academic journals based on editorial so I have more than just 32 things to look at.

Lindsay Barfield: I also have the option of scroll through and see if I find anything here that I may want to use now really great feature, you know if I did this search and I wanted to share it with a colleague because they're also interested in classroom environment, I can use get link up at the top.

Lindsay Barfield: Get link creates and persistent URL and it's available at any point that you're in the resource, so if you have a really great search you find an article that you like.

Lindsay Barfield: You have anything that you want to share with a colleague or send to someone you can click that link selected copy it and then paste it and send it to them, so that way they are going to be brought back to the exact page that you were on when you got your link.

Lindsay Barfield: Alright, the next thing i'm going to show you is how to do an advanced search.

Lindsay Barfield: I kind of go back to the homepage to get there, or just click it up at the top, like I did.

Lindsay Barfield: Advanced search allows you to basically do what we just did, but with a lot more detail so you can see here, I can put in as many terms, as I want I can add additional rows if need be.

Lindsay Barfield: automatically it's set to search based on keywords, but I can change this to author, if I have an ISP and number, I can use that word count anything that I like I can change that to.

Lindsay Barfield: I also have different limiters below that I can use so as I mentioned before you can search based on what's peer reviewed, or I can look at documents just with full text or ones that contain images.

Lindsay Barfield: I can also change my date here to it before on after or between date, and then I can select the document types, so if you already have a type in mind, you can type that in or you can scroll through and see what we have available.

Lindsay Barfield: I can type in my publication title subject and then again our lexile measure is still available.

Lindsay Barfield: Now i'm just going to do a really quick advanced search here to show you I think kind of a hidden document type that we have, I mean not a lot of people realize is available which because we have periodicals we have cartoons available.

Lindsay Barfield: When I do that, based on cartoon it's going to pull back everything I have available, so of course there's images.

Lindsay Barfield: Speaking as a former educator myself I can't think of a single PD session I went to the didn't have some sort of funny comic or meme in this slideshow somewhere This reminds me a lot of that.

Lindsay Barfield: um but you're also going to get news magazines and journals that include cartoons or just have fun jokes and then that are related to cartoons it's kind of a cool piece to show.

Lindsay Barfield: Okay i'm going to go back to our homepage now so we've done our basic advanced search but you'll see here below I also have three more search tools that are available.

Lindsay Barfield: topic Finder subject guide search in publication search i'm going to start right in the middle, with our subject guide search.

Lindsay Barfield: When you go here you're able to search based on a subject that you're interested in.

Lindsay Barfield: So, as I said, i'm a former educator myself and I taught math for every year, so i'm going to go ahead and search math but.

Lindsay Barfield: If I didn't already have a subject in mind, or if I wanted to use some limiters with that I also have those available below as well, very similar to our advanced search.

Lindsay Barfield: When I type in math it's going to pull up some related subjects here, so I can see the first couple of recommendations mathematics education is interesting to me so i'm going to click there and hit search.

Lindsay Barfield: And it's going to pull back any subject terms related to what I selected.

Lindsay Barfield: it's also going to show me next to it, the results that are available, which you can see, obviously one of these has far more than the other so i'm going to go with this one, just so I get a good variety.

Lindsay Barfield: But I have other options available as well if I didn't want to use that now, because this has so many results, I want to use this little subdivisions option underneath it.

Lindsay Barfield: What this will do will sub divide that subject into all the different topics related to it so as I scroll through, I can see it much more manageable number of results, based on these topics.

Lindsay Barfield: So once I find one looks interesting which methods still has quite a few results but i'm interested in mathematics education methods, I can click that.

Lindsay Barfield: So now i've got all my results, based on that at the top again and because I have so many I do want to filter once again.

Lindsay Barfield: i'm going to filter based on relevance, so I want to go to a specific date may only want things from the past couple years since we know education has changed so much in the past two years, I can filter back to June 1.

Lindsay Barfield: To today and apply that.

Lindsay Barfield: And then I also want to make sure I only have full text documents.

Lindsay Barfield: All right, once i've done that again i've got a nice usable amount of information here, I can share that link with a colleague, if I want to, but i'm going to go ahead and click on this very first result, right here.

Lindsay Barfield: Once I do that at the top you'll see, I have all of my article information so i've got my author, the data was published where it's from and then information about the the article itself, so how long it is and what that like sound measure it's.

Lindsay Barfield: underneath we have some really great accessibility features for you, so the first one being translate their over 40 languages that you can translate all of our documents here into to pick your preference if you'd like to translate it.

Lindsay Barfield: You also can decrease or increase the font size.

Lindsay Barfield: And then we also have some display options this really allows you to customize the way that you're looking at the piece so right now it's set to default, but if I like the color green maybe I can change the background color.

Lindsay Barfield: I can also change my font types we've got open dyslexic, which is a really great feature.

Lindsay Barfield: And I can also change the spacing so i've got different lines facing letter and word now for the purpose of this i'm going to go ahead and change it back to the false by clicking this button here.

Lindsay Barfield: And clicking done and the last feature is that you can also have a piece read to you so once I click on this it's going to load.

Lindsay Barfield: There we go as it's reading it's the highlight the sentence design and the word that it's reading so you have many different ways that you can customize how you want to read or listen to the piece.

Lindsay Barfield: Now, once I start looking at the actual piece of writing the first that sticks out to me, are these blue words that are underlined.

Lindsay Barfield: What i've done here because we did a subject search it's going to pull words related to the subject that I originally searched.

Lindsay Barfield: and offer recommend for a recommended articles for me to use So if I click here and education, you know, maybe I started reading this and it's not exactly what i'm looking for.

Lindsay Barfield: I can click here and it's going to recommend a few more articles related to that search, so you have the option as you're going through to pick something else continue your research based on your subject search.

Lindsay Barfield: All right, another thing to think about is maybe i'm reading it, and I do like this, and I think my calling down the home i'd be interested instead of getting a link I have other sharing options that I can use now them on a specific piece, I of course can send it to them via email.

Lindsay Barfield: So I can type in their email here, Thomas from send a message, and you have the option to send as a full text PDF or just a citation.

Lindsay Barfield: Or, I can save it to my Google drive and share it with them that way via my Google drive or my Microsoft one drive.

Lindsay Barfield: You also can download to your computer.

Lindsay Barfield: Or you can print it out and hand it to them, so a few different sharing options, these three are exactly what I just showed you and send to.

Lindsay Barfield: Alright, so now let's go ahead and look at our next search option, which is a publication search i'm going to get there by clicking advanced search.

Lindsay Barfield: And up here we just did subject guide that was over to publication.

Lindsay Barfield: This is what I was talking about in our introduction, if you already know, a publication that you're looking for you can type it in here and it's going to pull back all those results.

Lindsay Barfield: But if you're not sure, one of the search limiters would be a great place to start or just by going to list all.

Lindsay Barfield: Once you're going to list all still intimidating again it's over 1300 publications there, but you have some more limiters available that are more specific.

Lindsay Barfield: On the right here so i'm going to limit my publication search by a subject, but we also have format audience country and language available.

Lindsay Barfield: i'm going to limit it by arts and humanities and you'll see now, I have a much smaller number of results that I can choose from, and i'm going to go ahead and pick the second one, which is the American music teacher.

Lindsay Barfield: Once you select the publication it's going to give you all the information that we have on it, so you can see that we have index coverage dating back to 1980 but then we have full text coverage going back to 2001.

Lindsay Barfield: Are you have the choice to pick which year you want to look in i'm going to stay current with just 2022 and then it's just going to give you the background information so description what the publisher is where they're located all the information you may want about that publication.

Lindsay Barfield: Right clicking on the most recent issue here once you've clicked on publication it's going to break that issue down into it says academic journals but it's kind of like articles so within that issue, these are the topics that were being covered.

Lindsay Barfield: And I can scroll through and pick one since there's only 17 and I, like this one, right here equitable access to private lessons.

Lindsay Barfield: Alright, so we've got our accessibility features still available sharing still available, but what I haven't shown you yet.

Lindsay Barfield: is how you can highlight and annotate a piece of writing as you're doing research so as you're reading through a piece, if you see something that you really liked so.

Lindsay Barfield: See, maybe right here for teachers who want to provide this kind of lessons to their own private studio music link is an excellent resource.

Lindsay Barfield: So I think this is kind of interesting I haven't heard of music link before I can highlight that and after I let go I can choose any color highlighter wants so maybe like the color green i'll pick that and then I can add a note to it so i'm have not heard of this before.

Lindsay Barfield: And then I can save that note and it's going to keep my highlight there, even though you can't see my note anymore once I click on it again.

Lindsay Barfield: But it's going to come back so I can change it, if I want to and get rid of it whatever I want to do.

Lindsay Barfield: I can say there's a lot of options for highlights, you can color code your notes, you can use them for different parts of writing it's, whatever your preferences, if you just want to use your favorite color that works too all right i'm gonna go on and make just another highlight here.

Lindsay Barfield: This one's about instruments and students community can also be a great resource i'll just say good to know.

Lindsay Barfield: And i'll save that one in purple since I like purple to.

Lindsay Barfield: All right, once i'm as i'm reading is kind of scroll past this and my highlights and notes are gone if I look up here you'll see it says highlights and notes to.

Lindsay Barfield: When I click on that it's going to pull up any texts that i've highlighted the note that i've made so I can go back and see what I have working already, and what I may want to add still for my piece.

Lindsay Barfield: When you get to the bottom of an article you'll see you have citations available, we have four different ones that you can choose from.

Lindsay Barfield: Whichever your preferences, you can select that copy it and paste it directly into your piece of writing or you can use this as well the site button up at the top, for the same exact experience to select what you want copy it and paste it.

Lindsay Barfield: Okay, we also have on the right here the explorer box, this is available in our last piece of writing as well it's always going to be here.

Lindsay Barfield: Because we have some other articles like this, you can select any one of these to click and continue your research so it's going to keep recommending more pieces for you and all related articles are available below.

Lindsay Barfield: All right, going back to advanced search our last option here is topic Finder topic finders pie my favorite way to do research within this resource within most of the resources that we have it in.

Lindsay Barfield: Because the very visual way for you to research, so you can type in any topic that you'd like and it's going to pull up all the related information so an example would be lets say student behavior that is always a big topic, I feel, like every year.

Lindsay Barfield: And you'll see that we have these titles available now very interactive very visual It shows you which ones, have the biggest returns down to the smallest, but you also have another option, which is the wheel veal.

Lindsay Barfield: And then we'll have you it's going to give you the exact same information just the different format and different kind of view which, whatever your preferences, but I prefer tile so i'm going to stick with this.

Lindsay Barfield: All right, once you're in a tile we'll go ahead and click on the biggest one which is school students.

Lindsay Barfield: You have all these kind of Sub topics within school students, that you can choose from, so I can see about school discipline challenging behaviors student teacher relations, but I want to click down here on helping, how can I help student behavior within my classroom.

Lindsay Barfield: On the right is going to give you all the results for this topic so you can see, with helping i've got five results, I can scroll through choose what sounds interesting for me, but I like leading by example that sounds really great.

Lindsay Barfield: And then, once again once you're in the article, you can read make your highlights and annotation so i'm going to go ahead and do that now let's say mentoring.

Lindsay Barfield: provides opportunities, I like that so we'll put that one in blue I can make a note, if I have one for this I just thought it was nice so i'm going to leave it as is and continue on reading.

Lindsay Barfield: I can make a highlight for the entire paragraph if i'd like.

Lindsay Barfield: And then save that.

Lindsay Barfield: And after i'm done reading once I go to highlights and notes again you'll see, I have my text no notes this time, but if I click view all.

Lindsay Barfield: it's going to bring me kind of like to my own little page of notes here, I can see the article that I was in any of the highlights and notes that I made for that article.

Lindsay Barfield: And if I want to go back to it it's hyperlinked so I can, so this is back to that music article that we were looking at before.

Lindsay Barfield: Once i'm back there my highlights and notes are still available, so I kind of continue doing my research train those or change those if i'd like to.

Lindsay Barfield: Or, I can just go back to that page and keep working now something really important to point out here is our say warning so for privacy, we do not save.

Lindsay Barfield: Your highlights and notes after you have left this resource so once you exit out.

Lindsay Barfield: This will be gone so what's really important is that you go ahead and save this to your Google drive or Microsoft onedrive whatever it may be so that way you can keep your work now when you save from here it's going to say kind of like a citation page so.

Lindsay Barfield: let's save it to my Google drive.

Lindsay Barfield: let's see here it's going to appear shortly, I already have my Google drive pulled up, so I can show you how this looks we'll give it another second it's still loading on but it's going to create like a citation page for you.

Lindsay Barfield: to refresh there we go anything that you save is going to go into a folder called Gale OneFile: Educator's Reference Complete so it's nicely organized for you.

Lindsay Barfield: And when I click on it here is what I just saved.

Lindsay Barfield: i've still got my color highlights i've got my notes, and I still have these hyperlinks So if I want to go back to it later I can and it's still available.

Lindsay Barfield: Alright, so let's head back to our slides now.

Lindsay Barfield: Okay, so how to connect with us after today's session.

Lindsay Barfield: On you always have your Gale customer success manager available, you can email [email protected] to get personalized support they'll connect you with who you are actual customer success manager is.

Lindsay Barfield: You can go to for support and training tools so you'll find webinars like today's available.

Lindsay Barfield: What the upcoming webinars are you can check those there we've got marketing materials tip sheets all kinds of great products specific materials that you can use.

Lindsay Barfield: you're also going to receive a training session survey and after an email coming to the next, about 24 hours or you can just go to this website right now and it gives me feedback on how I can improve my training.

Lindsay Barfield: And of course we want to say thank you for joining us today, and we hope we see you at our next session on if you have any questions feel free to stick around and ask those, otherwise we will see you later Thank you bye.
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