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Last Updated: July 11, 2024

For NOVELny: Summer Reading Help with Gale Books and Authors

Tune into this engaging webinar on using Gale Books and Authors to support your summer reading and reader's advisory work. Discover how this powerful resource can enhance your programs and provide personalized book recommendations. Learn how to navigate the vast collection, explore curated reading lists, and find the perfect books for your readers. Audience: Public Libraries
Duration: 30 Minutes
Stacey Knibloe: Hello, and welcome everyone. I'm Stacy Knibloe, your Gale trainer for New York, glad to be with you all virtually this morning for our summer reading help with Gale, books and author for our novel New York libraries thrilled to be able to offer this session, and of course, very timely here, as you might be in the height of your summer reading programs. I would imagine so glad to be able to share this resource, to help your readers find their next great read.

Stacey Knibloe: So what we'll do very short agenda here going to give you just a little reminder about what's available from novel New York, because there, of course, have been some additions. And then we're really going to spend our time in books and authors sharing best practices for finding what you need, showing you great search paths and just what you can expect from the resource.

Stacey Knibloe: And then, as always, we'll wrap up with support so where you can go after today, when you've got questions, you will receive an email from me tomorrow. Zoom will automatically send it out about this time tomorrow with some follow up from the session. It will share my

Stacey Knibloe: slides, a link to the recording and other good info. Also, I'll try if we have any outstanding questions from the session to get those answered before that email goes out. But if it doesn't, I'll always just follow up directly on the questions, too. If it takes a little more time to track those down. Later today you'll receive a certificate of attendance for attending. Live. So keep an eye out from that

Stacey Knibloe: and I think that's everything I wanted to cover here at the agenda as we go through, do feel free to use the chat or the QA. Both are enabled today. Again, if you had attended our session on Tuesday about the new resources. We had a lot of attendees for that session, so I had a couple of colleagues here helping me. And they were handling the chat or the QA.

Stacey Knibloe: Today we have a more moderate amount of attendees. So I'm handling the session myself, and I'm happy to take questions from either the chat or the QA. So feel free to use those as we go through. I'll kind of pop into each. We've got a good amount of time to look at what we want to look at today.

Stacey Knibloe: Alright. So do share there. If there's anything in particular you want to see but let me go ahead, and we'll start right in with again. A little refresher on what's available from novel New York. So new resources became available. Officially, July one. But really we. We launch them a little early in late June. So libraries had time to get them set up. So 7 new resources became available. One, of course, books and authors we're going to be taking

Stacey Knibloe: to look at today. But you've got Gale business, entrepreneurship, great resource for small business owners and operators and folks starting a business Gale, health and wellness, great tool for consumer health research.

Stacey Knibloe: Gale legal forms, which is very well named. It is full of legal forms. It's also got a lot of kind of legal help tools, you know, translating legal language into something for the Layperson

Stacey Knibloe: Gale, one file high school edition, which is a collection of periodicals aimed at secondary age students. It's you know what you might find in

Stacey Knibloe: the teen section of the library, the high school library. Great way to get students comfortable with using periodicals and working with kind of a curated collection for them or not. Kind of it is a curated collection Gale, one file leadership and management really great tool for folks working in professional settings or students in, you know, business courses and the like, and then

Stacey Knibloe: Gale presents tape. Peterson's testing career. Prep, so a lot of with those big books that I know you took up a lot of the shelves in in my library. Great for test, prep. Helping to find a career, write a resume, find a school, help, pay for school, lots of great help for folks. In that resource. So we're going to again be looking at books and authors. I thought this one might be of good interest right here in the middle of the summer reading.

Stacey Knibloe: and then this fall we'll have a schedule that kind of dives deeper into these newer collections. We gave a peek in Tuesday's webinar into each of them. And I can include the recording from that session in my follow-up email, too, in case anybody would like to check that out. But

Stacey Knibloe: we'll offer again deeper dives this fall. That schedule should be out in the next week or so to be able to register for those sessions.

Stacey Knibloe: Alrighty. So let's go ahead and sorry, having trouble advancing my slides there, just give you a little reminder about the other resources that, of course, are continuing with novel New York. We have the Gale and context collection, Gale and context, elementary middle school and opposing viewpoints, great collection of periodical resources, and then our Gale business insight. So of course, those are continuing, and we'll build in some webinars for those resources as well this fall

Stacey Knibloe: alright. So on to one of our new editions, Gale books and authors. So some of you may remember a print series we used to publish called, What do I read next? And this is kind of the electronic iteration of that resource. So what it does is recommend book titles. Now, it doesn't have the books themselves in the collection. That would be wonderful, but it is recommended reading, so that you can find these at your library. For your users

Stacey Knibloe: to take home and again find that great. Read, what we do here is work with subject matter experts, genre experts. Actually, many of them are authors themselves, and they create these recommended summaries that we create for each book. You'll also find things like series records, author biographies. We've got lots of great book lists.

Stacey Knibloe: And then probably one of the main reasons to use this resource. The read likes. So if you've loved a book and you want to find something else like it, our experts have recommended other titles for you to read. So it is a great collection to use. Of course, in summer reading, helping folks find those books they want to read, but just in general, throughout the years, maybe supporting, or throughout the year, maybe supporting

Stacey Knibloe: book clubs, or your readers who are looking for something new. There's really fun ways to browse the collection of recommended titles as well. So we're going to get in there and show you around. There are some fun searches as well. So I can tell you that we recommend over 450 books that have a librarian as a main character. So show you that search a little later.

Stacey Knibloe: Let's go ahead and dive right into the resource, though. Spend most of our time there, and I am live in the resource. So if there's a search you'd like me to try, or a question something you want me to click on.

Stacey Knibloe: Just let me know again to use that chat or QA.

Stacey Knibloe: So on the homepage of books and authors. We have our pardon me, folks frog, am I through this morning? Oh, and actually, I'm going to disable my video. Just so it's not blocking any portion of the screen you might want to see. Sorry I meant to do that earlier. Okay.

Stacey Knibloe: so again, on the homepage of our resources, we always have a couple of different ways. You can come at the resource, and that is true. Here in books and authors. We've got a search so you can look up a title or an author, or a series.

Stacey Knibloe: and just 0 in right away on what you're after.

Stacey Knibloe: and then ways to browse. We're going to come back and take advantage of this selected genre tool and look at those kind of shelves that it offers.

Stacey Knibloe: And then every month we change what's here on the browsable homepage? So new and updated books is pretty standard. We show that every month, and showing new, recently published, recommended titles.

Stacey Knibloe: and then usually something to go along with the seasons, or maybe a monthly theme. So great Beach reads here for us in July, and then American history titles to honor the So that'll those will change every month, and you'll kind of can discover new titles, new authors. Kind of an interesting way, maybe to find something by serendipity which I always like to be able to do in our resources.

Stacey Knibloe: So we are going to go ahead and start with a search again. One of the strongest uses of this resource is those read-a-likes. So if you look up a book you loved. And I'm going to go ahead and grab actually a title that I used back when I worked at the library with a group of middle readers. I'm sure many of you are familiar with it. You from Saturday, and as you'll see as you start to type, it's going to suggest titles, and these are all titles that

Stacey Knibloe: are in the collection. So it's never suggesting a work that we don't cover. So I can always select it from that list, or just continue my searching, and there we have the view from Saturday. So I know a bit older title, but it really is a great book, so if you haven't read it or recommended, I highly recommend it. We can see here it's an award winner, so you'll see little tags for the book, so that maybe appear in different lists, but definitely for the award winners.

Stacey Knibloe: And you get a quick kind of peek at the book summary here, and of course, we get the book cover, which really, that's 1 of my favorite things about the resources the covers can often, you know, kind of convince you to read more about the book, so I love being able to see those.

Stacey Knibloe: And here we have our quick summary. So this is written by our subject, and genre experts

Stacey Knibloe: shouldn't reveal the ending of the book, or anything, just, you know, pique your interest enough. We have all of our standard tools that you'll find in the Gale resources. So things like the on-demand translation, we can enlarge the text. We can use our display options to make a better reading experience, and then, of course, our read speaker Tool. So I can have this read to me if I prefer. We recently updated this tool in the last the view from Saturday novel, 1996.

Stacey Knibloe: I'm going to go ahead and pause that. So not speaking over it. But so you'll see. Just a slightly different display here. It makes the options here in the menu a little more obvious that you can go into, and a couple of the ones that are used most often are available, but little update there. So our databases are never done. We are always trying to improve.

Stacey Knibloe: and then, of course, I can take advantage of kind of our exporting tool. So if I want to pull this out, grab, pull this summary to a Google drive or OneDrive document. I can email it. Say, I want to send it off to a patron or to myself to remind myself to pick up this book, can download the summary, and of course print it. So we'll see those for all of the entries

Stacey Knibloe: and then off to the right. And actually, I'm going to go ahead.

Stacey Knibloe: I've been Raj, the text of the entry. But I'm going to go ahead and just

Stacey Knibloe: make things a little bigger overall here in the collection. So it's a little easier to read on your end. The databases are mobile, responsive. You can use them with any browser. So

Stacey Knibloe: kind of continuing all those paths we do with all of the Gale resources. So if you're on your phone, there doesn't have to be any pinching or zooming or anything, it'll automatically respond to your screen size.

Stacey Knibloe: So again, sorry. Back to where I was about this book. The panel over on the right is going to show you basically what we've done indexing wise for this book. So all of the ways that our experts have assigned different categories to the book. So we're always going to put the setting the subjects of the book, the time period covered the main characters. So you can actually search by main character, name, and kind of description or occupation. You'll see when we kind of get to that character search. I'll show you what I mean there

Stacey Knibloe: and then. Here we can also see the awards that it's won, and these are all hyperlinks. So if I want to jump in and grab more books that take place in Florida, that's just a click away.

Stacey Knibloe: So we've done all this indexing. And later, we're going to use it to search. So you can always get to that. And then, of course.

Stacey Knibloe: our reader like. So again, these are recommended by our experts. They try to stay in the same.

Stacey Knibloe: you know, reading level for the title.

Stacey Knibloe: and of course these are all hyperlinked as well. So if I want to jump in.

Stacey Knibloe: I can quickly get to that book description, okay? And again, email that to myself, send it to Google drive and start keeping the list of these books I want to read.

Stacey Knibloe: Okay, you'll also find

Stacey Knibloe: we list the formats of the works.

Stacey Knibloe: So you know, if you want to use those, maybe as a search in your catalog, we can provide links to holding so that this can launch a search into your catalog from the resource from books and authors here, in the main account we have for the State. That's not something that's set up, but I'll but I'll include those instructions in my follow up email. You can also, of course, reach out to our tech support for help. In getting that set up.

Stacey Knibloe: and then another great tool here, just beneath that, we have links to reviews. So these are coming out of our one file resources. And if I want to read, you know, maybe the book list review publishers weekly. It's, you know, probably going to be a lot of familiar titles that you would use for reviews. Most often you can jump into those reviews as well and get a little more

Stacey Knibloe: info about the book.

Stacey Knibloe: see if it's something you want to add to your collection. Or, again, just choose to read.

Stacey Knibloe: So really, that's the layout of all of the book summaries. They're all going to be very similar. If this were part of a series we'd see a link to the series record. But other than that, this is pretty standard layout for all of the book summaries. And speaking of the series, I'm going to go ahead and show you how you can find those. Now you'll notice in the search box. We have a dropbox here to the left, so I can choose to search by

Stacey Knibloe: author series or keyword. So keyword is nice if you want to just throw some terms in there. If I know specifically, I'm after a series. But often you're going to find that with a title search, too, because the series is often named

Stacey Knibloe: That 1st book in the series is often the name of the series, or say the 1st name. The 1st book is the name of the series. But I'll go ahead and select series here. Say, we're looking for

Stacey Knibloe: Artemis foul titles.

Stacey Knibloe: and you'll see we tag it as a series. And I have icon here, and usually in the record title as well.

Stacey Knibloe: and again summary like we see for the books, and then a list of the books in the series.

Stacey Knibloe: so you can see what those are. Let me go ahead. I think I've got something in the chat. What about genre you can use?

Stacey Knibloe: Well, you know what. Actually, I'm not sure that I've tried it. Let me try it as a keyword. We don't have the option here. But what I normally use for genre searching is actually, if we pop back to the home page.

Stacey Knibloe: you can browse by genre here, and if we go to advanced search, which sorry, actually, I clicked on that, for I showed you where it was just beneath the main search box or basic search. We call it. There's going to be a link to advanced search.

Stacey Knibloe: And here's where you're going to be able to see all of those

Stacey Knibloe: kind of indexing terms that we can search by. So here we still have the standard options that we have in the basic search, so title, author, keyword and series, and then Gale, document number. Should you have that but not a popular search path. And then down below here are all those indexing options. And we have

Stacey Knibloe: not.

Stacey Knibloe: If I open up, let me see here. Okay, that's okay. I thought. That's what was going to happen. I had to double check. Where was I missing genre? So it's broad genres here. But I'm going to show you a neat trick. About over at the browse genre. So you can get more specific than these broader genres. We can go into sub genres, but that's available here in advance. Search as well, and you can combine these. So let's go ahead. And actually, I'll go ahead and do one while we're here.

Stacey Knibloe: The

Stacey Knibloe: search paths, or sorry the indexes that we saw in in the book records are now available for searching, and for many of them something like subject. You can open up and browse the list and then use a little search there to get in as well

Stacey Knibloe: something like location. If you click on the little tool tip that little question mark that appears next to it, it'll just give you a little helper. But as I start to type, you'll kind of see what it does here with location. So, for example, I live in Buffalo, New York. If I want to find book set in Buffalo.

Stacey Knibloe: As I start to type, it will show me the terms that match. So it is still using a field

Stacey Knibloe: kind of control here, so that it's showing you books that are going to have or sorry showing you locations that are going to have results. Now, I might have to be a little broad here. So I'm going to choose Buffalo just on its own hoping. Maybe it's Buffalo, New York. We will see it looks like our next, or there wasn't too specific. But you can choose more. So if I want to scroll down a bit, I can see all the other buffalo, so I know I don't want Buffalo, Wyoming, but I do want Buffalo, New York.

Stacey Knibloe: I can again keep working here. South Buffalo, you know. That's, of course, an area. I think of my buffalo. So I might have to do a little more filtering with my search results or a little more careful. Read of them, but you can see it's given me a little help here to find related or not related buffalos, but buffalo locations

Stacey Knibloe: and then send my search out.

Stacey Knibloe: Okay? So if I'm 55 books

Stacey Knibloe: and one of the features I want to be sure to point out when we're working with books and authors. It is recommending books for adults, young adults, and children. So it's by default searching the entire collection. But you'll notice over on the right, and I'm going to use my little filter tool here.

Stacey Knibloe: I have the option to narrow down a bit. So go ahead and get rid of that circle.

Stacey Knibloe: Yeah, so I can type again, one of the options is to

Stacey Knibloe: filter by audience level. So if I'm looking for books for myself, maybe isolate that to adult

Stacey Knibloe: and narrow that list a bit.

Stacey Knibloe: So, oh, looks like I've got something in the Q&A, let me check that.

Stacey Knibloe: is there. Okay? Oh, we had the same question there. So yep, we're going to look at some more genre options as well.

Stacey Knibloe: So pop them back to advanced search for a second. So I had that statistic for you on my slide that we had over 450 books with a librarian as a main character. And here's that character search that I use to find that. So again, like with our location search. If I type in a few letters, it will show me my matches. So librarian, librarian and an activist detective wizard. Also mail order bride. So couple different

Stacey Knibloe: options there.

Stacey Knibloe: And there's that title 456 books.

Stacey Knibloe: and again could take advantage of those filters over on the right. So here we could also use genre as a filter. You, we could use subject

Stacey Knibloe: so those tools can help you narrow down your results as well.

Stacey Knibloe: Alright. Let's go ahead and show a few other paths, so you'll see for each or I shouldn't say each, I would say most often, you're going to see for the books. There's going to be a link for the author to get to their bio. So if it's not a hyperlink, it maybe is that we don't have in a bio, but you'll see them most of the time.

Stacey Knibloe: so you can always click in and read a little bit more about the oh, so apparently we're now linking to let you know we haven't included a bio yet. So sorry about that. That's what I get for going off script. Let me go ahead and bring up my search. So I'm going to go ahead and do a search here, Jason Reynolds.

Stacey Knibloe: and you can search specifically for an author. We've got of course.

Stacey Knibloe: the list of the books we recommend. But again, if I pop in here, see that, bio, these are coming from contemporary authors, so maybe a familiar source to you, either in print or eBook, or from another place.

Stacey Knibloe: but we get the list of their writings. We get the sidelights kind of the narrative portion of the bio, so can read more about a favorite author. Get to their list of books from here as well, so really great content. Learn more. We do call it books and authors so really handy to have those bios here.

Stacey Knibloe: Alrighty, let me check something in the Q&A

Stacey Knibloe: are the tags being updated constantly, are only tagged when they are added. So we use a standard list of tags that are always in use. But we do create new ones when we need to. So if there's, you know, a character type that we don't have listed, they will be updated to match. So maybe a book set in a location we haven't used yet, because that location search, you'll even see it uses

Stacey Knibloe: fictional places. So if it takes place on Mars and things like that, we will add tags. I mean, certainly. Lots of books, you know, take place with Mars, but if we've invented a place you'll find those get listed as locations as well, but and that's true again, for all of the different tags. So great question, thanks.

Stacey Knibloe: And did you say we could add links to our catalog? I did say that you can do that. Yes, so unfortunately I do. That's not set up for the main account that we're using here for New York, but I will include that in my follow up email the instructions on how you can get that set up so it will just launch a search

Stacey Knibloe: right into your catalog. I believe it uses an ISBN as the lookup tool. If I'm remembering correctly, you can even upload a file to us, so we know what's in your holding, so that that link to your catalog would only be active

Stacey Knibloe: if you have the book

Stacey Knibloe: that's a little work to maintain, though, because, of course, your collections always changing. So it's not a lot of fun to have to come back and update that holdings file. So we usually recommend just the live link that launches into your catalog, especially if through your catalog you've got, you know, ill set up so they can get it from elsewhere. But again, I'll also I'll include those

Stacey Knibloe: instructions in my follow up email

Stacey Knibloe: humane. Oh, you're welcome.

Stacey Knibloe: And I've got something in the chat.

Stacey Knibloe: Didn't see Genre listed on the book level. Did I miss it? Let me go ahead and pop back on and bring up a book record. I'll just grab one.

Stacey Knibloe: Jason Reynolds titles here.

Stacey Knibloe: Oh, you know.

Stacey Knibloe: with

Stacey Knibloe: Hmm. Let me bring up another

Stacey Knibloe: table. I use pretty often. Okay, huh? That's funny that it wasn't listed

Stacey Knibloe: whatever, because it was a picture book. But you think that would be. But yeah, genre usually is listed in about this book. So let me just make a note to check in

Stacey Knibloe: with our product managers. Why, we may not have that

Stacey Knibloe: cause if I didn't find it for one, I'm going to guess there are a few others. So let me investigate that.

Stacey Knibloe: alrighty. So

Stacey Knibloe: let's actually go ahead and take advantage of some of the genre work that we do. So I'm just going to jump back to the homepage again and over on the left. We've got our browsable list by genre fiction and nonfiction and kind of taking on the big genres here, and as you select them, what it's going to do, I'm just going to grab Science Fiction. Here

Stacey Knibloe: is bring up the list of every title we have recommended. Title we have.

Stacey Knibloe: or Science Fiction, so huge list. There are over 9,000 recommended titles in this list. It sorts most recent to oldest, and you can always change that over on the right

Stacey Knibloe: alphabetical order, or show the oldest titles But really, what I like to do is take advantage of the filters here, because this is kind of like going to the shelves in the library, except in the library. Of course, they're going to be zeroed in by audience level, right? So we can do that here, too. So if I'm looking for

Stacey Knibloe: maybe Science Fiction for you, I can go ahead and deselect children and adult. And now it's showing me the Ya titles. So again, like browsing the shelves in the library. But I can get even more specific. If you look over on the left, we can go by subgenre as well. So what if I'm looking for in Science Fiction is really, maybe a dystopian story. I can choose that from the science fiction genres subgenres

Stacey Knibloe: and 0 in and get a little more manageable. So now it's just over a hundred or so that I have

Stacey Knibloe: is recommended titles. And this is where, again, I really love to see the covers of the books, because

Stacey Knibloe: these are kind of wide audience levels, children, young adult, you know, adult.

Stacey Knibloe: when we're talking about those younger readers, you know, from children and young adults, there's a lot of variant in there, and that's where I really feel like the covers can help a little. You can kind of get a sense of

Stacey Knibloe: of that audience as well from the

Stacey Knibloe: just the look of the cover. Right?

Stacey Knibloe: So if you pop in again, we're still going to get those book summaries and read-a-likes and all the details there over on the right.

Stacey Knibloe: Now, this is also a spot I want to mention. So I filtered to young Adult. You can also, of course, filtered to just children to just title. It's just adult. You can do that

Stacey Knibloe: always when you've got the whole shebang. But within the last year or so we launched

Stacey Knibloe: a feature of books and authors that some of our schools mostly have taken advantage of

Stacey Knibloe: where you can kind of create.

Stacey Knibloe: Well, I shouldn't say, create. What we do is create your version of books and authors to have only recommended titles for a specific audience type. So if you're in, say, an elementary library.

Stacey Knibloe: You can have a collection of books and authors. That is just the children's recommended title. So you're not always having to filter to those children's titles.

Stacey Knibloe: So that's something you can work with our tech support in if you are interested in that but again, no, with the whole shebang. You're always going to have the option to filter.

Stacey Knibloe: Oh, let's see, I

Stacey Knibloe: it was the 1st book that you showed. It is why, a considered 12. Let me actually get a firm answer from our

Stacey Knibloe: product manager. On that I apologize. I don't. That would be my guess, but I want to confirm.

Stacey Knibloe: if that's the case.

Stacey Knibloe: so I'll ho hopefully have an answer in that time. For the follow up email comes tomorrow. That should be a pretty quick one to track down

Stacey Knibloe: alrighty. So, keeping an eye on the clock here, just going to point out again. We haven't looked at any yet, but you can again browse by nonfiction, and of course they'll all. They'll always be searched as well. Sorry. Let me bring back actually, maybe I'll filter to adults here for

Stacey Knibloe: going to technology. So what I like about this is for the nonfiction. It's not going to be recommending like reference books. And you know, dictionaries and things like that. It's going to be something folks would kind of pick up to read. You know more of a narrative type, nonfiction or essay collections. Things like that.

Stacey Knibloe: That you know, you might read more certainly for knowledge, but not really for research purposes. Maybe. So the nonfiction collection is, is actually I think, a really interesting Co part of the resource. So can have options to narrow those by genre. And then, even more specifically. So I narrow to tech here. If I want to maybe look at aeronautics. There we go.

Stacey Knibloe: alrighty. So the genre browse. Great way to discover a new author a new title again. Kind of like going to the shelves and library, just picking books off the shelf that look good to you. Same idea here.

Stacey Knibloe: Oh, hang on! Got something in the chat.

Stacey Knibloe: Titles are updated monthly, so I can. I'll let me make a note to

Stacey Knibloe: ask about that title. There is usually a little kind of turnaround depending on

Stacey Knibloe: How long?

Stacey Knibloe: our well, no, the reviews are going to pop up pretty immediately. But no, I think I think we're on a monthly basis with books and authors. And it is recommended title. So it's not always every book is going to show up. But I can.

Stacey Knibloe: I can see if we have any more info around that kind of update cadence. But it's monthly

Stacey Knibloe: as far as I know, and then, if we check the database before the official launch date, would it have shown different results? We saw mostly titles from 2018 before when we tested it.

Stacey Knibloe: No, the official launch date and kind of the unofficial, the, you know, week or so that we had it available It it's the same version of the database, regardless when we launch it. So

Stacey Knibloe: I can see if we've got maybe a statement around the recommended titles. But

Stacey Knibloe: no, you should be seeing the same, you know. Again. We do add new content every month, but it wouldn't be overwhelmingly different from what you saw when it launched versus what we're seeing today.

Stacey Knibloe: All right. So last thing I want to share here is our book lists. So these are

Stacey Knibloe: broken down into 3 categories and sorry. I just clicked on the booklet links from the far right there in the banner

Stacey Knibloe: award winners which you know, a lot of these are certainly well known. Newbury, Caldicot are going to be listed here, but you'll find a lot of others as well. Maybe genre specific or even state specific. You know awards given out, for example, the beehive awards. I'm forgetting which state Utah. recommends these books. So these are kind of again, another way to discover new books, maybe create collections around

Stacey Knibloe: or displays in the library. But I find the 2 lists I like the most, are the expert picks in the library and favorites, so expert picks might be recommended books from Ala, or different publications, and be a great way to discover new titles, so these aren't updated quite as frequently. You'll see the dates on here are a little behind. I always add the silver linings

Stacey Knibloe: here is that hopefully, that means they're available on shelves where those new bestsellers may take a little more time to get your hands on.

Stacey Knibloe: And then the librarian favorites are actually lists that we've gotten permission to publish from libraries across North America for their recommended books. So nail biters to keep you up all night, so we can see.

Stacey Knibloe: Finds again some new titles that way.

Stacey Knibloe: Go away

Stacey Knibloe: for the non fiction. Can we filter by do decimal for the students. We don't have a filter by, Dewey Decimal or LCCN. But that's a great suggestion. I will pass that along to our product team

Stacey Knibloe: and looks like that's something. The QA. Oh, actually so is interesting because it was definitely different. We would have had a different home page. Probably if you looked at it in June we would have had

Stacey Knibloe: cause these the homepage here changes around the 1st of the month. So these just were updated. I'm going to guess. Maybe July since that was a work day. But

Stacey Knibloe: The homepage would have would have looked a little different definitely. But yeah, you I would think we would have had the same, or I. I know we had the same collection

Stacey Knibloe: the same version of the product kind of kind of launched early.

Stacey Knibloe: And then

Stacey Knibloe: but I'm hoping it's different for the better. So what? I'll what I'll take away from the from that hopefully.

Stacey Knibloe: So alrighty, I think. Let me just check my list. We did our advanced search.

Stacey Knibloe: Yeah, we're in good shape there. Okay? So the last thing I'll mention here before we leave there is, if you want to meet the folks who are working on this resource, you'll see in the very top of the banner. There's a meet the editors. So the experts I've been mentioning these are our genre and subject experts.

Stacey Knibloe: and we include our inactive and retired folks as well, because.

Stacey Knibloe: as you could see, we keep the content in the database. We rarely kind of take away recommended titles. So again. That's why we have those older books in the collection, so you can see the folks who kind of worked on it

Stacey Knibloe: in the past as well.

Stacey Knibloe: so, but good to know their background, you know who is recommending these books? Here's who they are.

Stacey Knibloe: so alrighty. Let me pop back to the PowerPoint. I see we've run a little over which does tend to happen when I'm talking about books. So let me lastly, share our support site for novel New York slash novel, New York. Many of you might have visited this page to get your access links to these new resources. Maybe you visited in the past to find other materials. We've got all of our great training tools. We've got our marketing materials. So if you want to start letting folks know about this resource. We've got

Stacey Knibloe: social media posts ready to go

Stacey Knibloe: so you can let folks know about books and authors.

Stacey Knibloe: We've got recommended

Stacey Knibloe: text to go along with those social media posts. So you don't have to recreate the wheel. We've got that ready to go. And then all of our training tools. We've got little, you know, tutorials that are handy for patrons to be able to kind of get a taste of what the resource, how they can use it. We've got more in depth, of course, recorded webinars that's probably more for library staff. But even things like slide decks ready to go for you if you want to go out and promote this, or maybe have a slide to put at the end of a program. Or

Stacey Knibloe: you know again, if you're having book discussions or things like that can take advantage of really all of this content to help support the reading in your library, so visit that support site, and what's great is when you get there it will prompt you to choose your library from the Dropdown list, and then it filters to just the tools for the resources you have access to. So you don't have to weed through all of our different materials.

Stacey Knibloe: At the library or at Yale, I should say

Stacey Knibloe: and can just work with the things that you have access to, which is really nice, cause there's a lot of stuff at that support site.

Stacey Knibloe: and where we find a list actually on this page as well. When you go to, and actually let me show you, and I'll share this link in my follow up, too. So don't you know you don't have to rush to write it down

Stacey Knibloe: when you get to

Stacey Knibloe: the novel support site. Here's where you can choose your library just from the dropbox. But if you look below, you can actually go right to our training. So this will show you.

Stacey Knibloe: Of course, there's today's session. We've got another one Monday, and then again, within a week or so you'll see the list of the fall sessions that are coming up and then down below that we've got all of the recorded webinars we've done for novel, New York. As long as they're still applicable. You know, we take down the really old ones. If you know, we've had interface changes and things like that. So they don't apply. But you can see all our past sessions as well, so those will get again. The new sessions for the fall will get added within the week.

Stacey Knibloe: and you can also not just get to all the training materials. We can also jump right to the marketing materials VPAT for accessibilities if you need, if you need those, and then just the list of the resources to is available. But you want to.

Stacey Knibloe: before you get those. It really would be better to choose your library from the dropbox and then get your the resources list, because that way you make sure you get everything you have access to.

Stacey Knibloe: all right. And then I did have a slide about the next upcoming resource. And this is the link I'll share. I'll share the link to directly get to all of those training materials.

Stacey Knibloe: And my follow up email.

Stacey Knibloe: And then, of course, how can you get in touch after today? Again. This will all be in my follow up email. So don't rush to write it down, although feel free to take a picture of the screen or anything. Lots of good info here. But I will have it in that. Follow up email.

Stacey Knibloe: So when you've got a question and you're looking for an answer. You have your Gale team ready, willing, and able to help, so feel free if you're not sure where else to go. I'm happy to take your questions, and being library myself, I know where to go to get the answers, so feel free to start with me if you're unsure where else to go. But really your customer success team. And when you're with an academic library the academic outreach and engagement services, teams are a good place to start, too.

Stacey Knibloe: They specialize in particular library types and

Stacey Knibloe: can really help with. If you're looking for marketing ideas, you want to know more about usage statistics. They are a great team, or those 2 are great teams. To go to tech support is always available. That's who I would reach out to. If you have questions about linking out to your holdings, not just from books and authors, but you can actually do it from our other resources as well. Once you set it up for one. It's or once you set it up, it really works for all of them.

Stacey Knibloe: We also, of course, have our sales consultants available. If you have questions about, and maybe adding something new or finding a new fit for the library.

Stacey Knibloe: And then again, as we've talked about that great support site provides a lot of on demand help. So always a good place to check to. And really the amount of materials there has kind of exploded over the last couple of years. I think the pandemic kind of helped out. Folks were looking for help when they needed it. Time was tight, you know you didn't have a lot of time to go to a webinar. So our on demand materials have really exploded over time. So definitely encourage you to check

Stacey Knibloe: out all the stuff that's available there.

Stacey Knibloe: So with that I will say, thanks for attending, I am. Going to stick around and take questions. But if you're all set, feel free to go ahead and sign off again, you'll get your attendance certificate later today, and then that follow up email will come around this time tomorrow. And we'll have you know, all these handy links that I've shared as well as all of our contact info, so you can feel free to reach out.

Stacey Knibloe: So thanks everybody for attending. But again, do feel free. I'm going to I'm seeing some questions come in. So I'm going to pop in and start answering those. But if you're all set.

Stacey Knibloe: feel free to go ahead and sign off and enjoy the rest of your day. Thanks, everybody.

Stacey Knibloe: Okay. Oh, you're welcome! Thanks, folks getting some thanks in the in the chat. Appreciate it.

Stacey Knibloe: Oh, sorry I marked. I forgot to mark this one as answered. So we cover where the and actually let me, you know I'll put the URL in this response, too.

Stacey Knibloe: papa.

Stacey Knibloe: thou

Stacey Knibloe: oh, no! Worries Margaret. I certainly understand those. So no issues. And again, the link to the recording to the session will be in the follow up email that'll come tomorrow. So you can always tune in and catch the beginning. If you like as well. So

Stacey Knibloe: we'll have the whole thing there for you.

Stacey Knibloe: Oh, great thanks.

Stacey Knibloe: thanks, Lucy.

Stacey Knibloe: Alright. Things seem to be slowing down in the chat, and I think I'm just going to double check my list of answered questions. Make sure I didn't mark anything is answered that I shouldn't have.

Stacey Knibloe: We're in good shape all right, folks. I'm going to go ahead and close things out again. Thanks so much for tuning in, and hope to catch you on another session down the road.
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