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Last Updated: July 11, 2024

For NOVELny: Empowering Research and Learning: Exploring NOVELny's New Gale Resources

Tune into this engaging webinar as we unveiled the new Gale resources available through NOVELny. Dive into a world of possibilities with your new tools for health, small business, reader’s advisory, test and career prep, and research as we show you how to navigate through a variety of resources, access trustworthy content, and make the most of valuable features that will take your exploration and discovery to the next level. This webinar provides quick tips for putting these resources to work! Audience: All Libraries
Duration: 60 Minutes
Alright! Good morning, and welcome everyone. I'm Stacey Knibloe, your Gale trainer.

Glad to be with you all virtually this morning for our empowering research and learning, exploring novel, New York's new Gale resources so.

Really excited to share these resources with you this morning, and I'm thrilled to be joined by my 2 colleagues, Amber and Sarah. They'll be handling the QA. That's where you can ask questions or give us feedback. Um! The chat.

Will be just used for us to push out content to you.

So any questions you have any feedback you have for us. Go ahead and use it in that. QA. With amber and Sarah periodically. See if there's anything I may want to address with the group. Um, you can get hopefully, get all your questions answered there, and of course we are um serving our library, so we know where to go to get answers to questions if we don't have them right now, so we, of course, will follow up with everybody.

Um, we are again recording the session. So you can review this later. It's available for folks who um aren't able to be here. You'll get a follow up email from us around this time tomorrow. That will have a link to the recording as well as links to handouts and some other handy info, as well as.

Uh how to get in touch with us. Uh, I think your Gale team.

And uh, you'll also receive later today a certificate of completion for attending the session live today. So that'll come a little later today.

But let's go ahead and dive in. I have just a brief agenda.

Uh, because really, we know what we're here to do. Right? Look at these new resources that are now available through novel New York. So we're going to talk about what they are, and then pop into each of them to show you around a little bit. Give you some quick, best practices. We've got a couple of other sessions planned for later this month, and then we'll put out a full schedule of sessions for this fall that will dive deeper into each of these new resources. But what we want to do with this session is really just give you a little.

Bit of a taste.

Um of the resources, and of course, answer your questions. Um, in case you have any around getting them set up and using them and the like. So.

Got a little few details. We'll cover on a slide. But really, we want to spend most of our time in these new resources.

And uh as always, we'll wrap up with uh any remaining questions and your Gale support team so how you can reach out to us when you've got questions going forward.

So that's our plan again. Make liberal use of that. QA. I've got Sarah and Amber right there, ready uh to help you out with questions so thrilled to be able to pull from their huge amount of knowledge around our resources.

So let's go ahead and dive in. And I'm just going to disable my video uh for the rest of the session. Just so it's not blocking any portion of the screen at all.

Alrighty. So up first, what are these new resources? So sort of? You've seen them in communications from the State Library. But just to recap. We have a readers advisory resource called Gale Books and authors.

We've got a great new business resource for small business owners and operators called business Gale business entrepreneurship.

You've got Gale health and wellness, which is a really great consumer driven health tool. You, of course, also still have access to Gale one file in medicine, which is um aimed a bit more at. You know, academic learners and professionals. So this is a great tool for um.

Works more like me. Um, who have no uh help or medical uh background.

Gale. Legal forms is a really exciting resource to help uh your users get. Take care of kind of everyday legal issues.

Gale. One file health edition is a periodical Sorry Gale. One file high school edition is a period collection aimed at a high school students what you might find in the high school library. So helping them to, you know, work with periodicals a little more. I'm working with a small curated collection of content aimed at them.

Deal. One file. Leadership and management is also a periodical uh collection. Great for folks in the business world are looking to become leaders, to manage people.

Um. You have me great use, certainly, in an academic setting in different business courses, but also again, for folks out there in the workforce.

Um looking for maybe some professional development.

And then, lastly, Yale presents Peterson's test and career prep. We're really excited to uh partner with Peterson's to provide this content to libraries.

Um. I remember being at the reference desk myself and answering a lot of questions related to the help that Peterson could provide, and the books didn't always come back to the library in the same condition they left it in. So it's great to have all of this test prep and college research and career health all in one place, electronically, for access, anytime.

So again, we're going to pop into each of these. I've given myself an outline so I can make sure to cover a few things. So.

I'm going to be checking that frequently, so I don't miss anything.

Uh as we go through. But if there's anything in particular you want to see, do feel free to share that in the QA.

And um, I'll be sure to include it.

Alright, so just a reminder. Of course, we still have the continuing Gale resources available through novel New York. You've got a great collection of periodical resources, you know, really something for everybody, for academic libraries, for public, for um.

For K. 12 for special libraries.

You've got newspaper collections. You've got a resource related to kind of the larger corporate and industry type research you might need in Yale business insights.

And then, of course, a few of our Gale and context resources that are most often used in K 12 settings but really are for everybody. I always like to.

You know mention them is for folks on personal learning. If there's an issue I'm you know, thinking about not sure how I feel about it.

I pop into Gale in context viewpoint. So if I need general, you know information about maybe a country I'm going to visit, I pop into Gale and context middle school. So uh again, they're really for everybody. And these, of course, are still ongoing. Just wanted to remind you that they're there.

So let's go ahead, though, and get into a few of the details that may come up. You might have questions about.

With the new resources. So we launched these early on June The official start date was July one, but we wanted to give libraries a little time to get them set up and posted on their on their website. So they officially uh launched technically on June

And libraries can visit our support site, support Gale, com, slash Novel, New York, to get your access. URLs and a whole bunch of other resource support.

Um. I'm going to share a little bit later about what else you can get there. But.

The most important use of it right now is to get those access URLs for your institution, so you can get them posted. And hopefully. Many of you have done that already, but if not, of course, that site's always available. So you can grab those.

Those links.

And of course, if you have any questions about how to do that, I'm going to be sharing all our contact info when we wrap up. And in my follow up email, um, so you can always reach out if you need a helping hand with getting set up.

And then for individual Member libraries who may have subscribed already to some of the new resources. Your Gale representative will be in touch to talk about a credit for um, those resources.

And then we had a specific question come up for Peterson's a few times. So if you were already subscribing to a Peterson's resource, Peterson's Test Prep, Peterson’s Career Prep. Or Peterson's Test and Career Prep. Which is again the resource it's now available from New York.

Within those resources. Your end users create their own user account to create a resume track. Their test uh test prep results. Things like that.

They shouldn't in most cases have to create a new user account. Some libraries are set up a little differently, though so.

Um again. If you've got more specific questions about that, you can always reach out to us. Uh with uh those questions.

And then I always like to promote our blog. It's a great way to stay informed on what's going on with Gale resources, you know new content being added. New bells and whistles. New uh interface updates, I love to read the success stories as well see what other institutions are doing with the Gale resources. So uh, is a great site to visit. You can also subscribe to you automatically, get updates.

Uh that come from that page. So good way to stay informed about what's happening with the Gale resources.

So I'm just going to pause here quickly. See if there's anything, maybe in the QA. That I should uh.

Should address.

Looks like we're in good shape there. So.

I can't feel free to use that. So let's get a quick peek at these new resources. So up

Um for public libraries. I thought, this is especially timely. Books and authors is a readers advisory database. So helping your readers find something great to read next.

Um, you might remember a print series we published at Yale, called, What do I read next? This is basically the online version of that. So with Gale books and authors, you've got recommended reading from.

Genre experts. They're often authors themselves. They provide a quick summary of the book and share details about it. You've got recommended reading for children, young adults and adults for fiction and nonfiction. We've also got lots of great lists in the books. Um, and it is a really great way again to discover, maybe a new author or a new read.

Uh, and find, you know. Keep that uh that summer reading program uh moving right? Helping folks find things to read. Apologize. You think it was Monday morning. Folks, I'm tripping over my words a bit.

So they're really engaging searches you can use to. So for those folks who come into the library and ask, well, I know I read this book, and it had an artwork in it.

No problem. We've got a search, and we actually can find over 70 books that have a subject of artwork. So.

Let's go ahead and check out Gale books and authors.

So I'm just using our Gale common menu here to access.

You, of course, can, will be setting up links to each of these resources yourselves, or you can always, of course, use uh the novel New York Portal.

Uh, but we always like you to use your own links, and that way you can track your usage and um, you know lots of other kind of.

Uh benefits from using your own link. So again, that site I shared earlier, the support site will get you those links.

So here's Gale books and authors. The homepage is intended to kind of grab your curiosity. We create a new list of books every month on the home page. So you can grab a great find. American history, titles, and honor. A 4th of July uh what we have going for uh for this month.

But just a fun way to maybe discover something new. I love having the great cover images cause. That's always, you know, engaging. But.

Lot of folks are going to be using this, maybe to find another book similar to something they've read and really liked, and the resources full of what we call reader likes. So the easiest way to find those is to actually look up a book that you'd liked.

And I'm going to go ahead and use a.

Title that his oh, website.

There we go!

Um forgive my typing. There.

Very popular series lately we've got both a series record which will show you the number of books, and in order, or, of course, the individual works breakdown.

And again we give you a brief summary. And actually, I'm going to make things just a little bigger folks.

For your end of the webinar.


With the 2 reminds me that uh, the databases are all mobile, responsive screen size responsive. So you can always use the zoom options. And then we've got some bells and whistles within the resource as well to make the most comfortable reading experience. But.

Um. Here we have the quick summary never gives away the ending of the book just gives you enough to maybe what your appetite for it, and you can link into reviews. These are coming really from the one file resources you can read. Uh reviews of the work.

And then the reason I came here those Rita likes so.

You know, for really popular titles you might have it ready a few um to recommend, but I love having the option of popping into the resource, and finding more.

And then, of course, you can jump right into.

The summaries for those.

So really easy to move around and find new details about the ones you're interested in can send these.


OneDrive or Uh Google drive. We can email this to someone to show them the recommended titles.

And, uh take advantage of over here on the right, the about this book. So these are kind of the details that get indexed within the resource. These are all searchable later. So seeing the genres, the sub genres, you can actually perform searches on those as well, and they're actually hyperlinked now. So you can.

And I click in and get a list of books as well. So.

Really discoverable content. I love the way you can kind of hop from one thing to another really easy, and books and authors.

So you can always search as well. Let me go ahead and pop back for a second.

Uh to original work.

Now, uh, you'll find E. Most cases the author's name is going to be actually linked to a bio. So you can read more about that author, and then get a link to their books. This is coming from contemporary authors, so you can read more about the uh author themselves, and one of my favorite.

Features of this is, there are addresses for.

The authors often, so you can send them fan mail. Of course you can probably reach out to them via Twitter or Instagram nowadays, but I love a letter, so I would like to point out. The addresses are included. There.

And uh find out more about your favorite. So the bios are a really good.

Way to get to know them.

As well.

So let's pop into a couple of the other features here, and then we're going to go ahead and jump into another resource. So.

The quick search there at the top of the pages. Handy can search by author uh title as we did series name and just use keywords, but we can browse the resource which I think is.

For me kind of the finest way to discover a new author. A new book.

You look over to the left, you can select a genre uh, based on fiction or nonfiction, and.

Go ahead and select historical fiction. It immediately just brings up every recommended title.

In the collection for historical fiction. But my favorite feature here is, if you look over to the left.

You can actually break it down into subgenres. So if I like historical fiction. But really, what I'm after is maybe a cozy mystery. I can 0 in by selecting from those subgenres.

Before I do that, though, let me point out. And I'm actually going to use my annotate tool here. So.

You see exactly where I'm going with this.

We have collections for children, young, adult and adults, and when you search or come to the browse like I did, it's searching across them all, but you can always then filter. So if I'm really looking for something for, say.

A younger reader, I can take advantage of this filter, so let me go ahead and get rid of that. Uh.

Circle. So I can actually click. So just going to deselect young adult and adult. So it's only showing me children's titles.

And then from here I can jump in, and of course get to those book summaries.

But it's a great way to be able to 0 in and kind of isolate.

And we launched a feature within the last year or so that actually allows you to.

Set your collection to just children's titles, just young adult titles or just adult titles. So that's something for maybe our elementary libraries. You might want to consider um.

That's who's mostly kind of taking advantage of that feature. But something to think about uh it's available. Just so you don't always have to filter your results out uh to children's results. So.

Handy feature and again reach out. If that's something you're interested in doing.

But let's go ahead and play around with another genre here. So.

I'm going to grab, say, mystery fiction I mentioned before. Maybe I'm interested in cozy mysteries or something like that. If you look over on the left again. I've got those options to filter it, still using my children's filters. So I'm actually going to switch that maybe I'm working for reading for an adult. So I'm just going to focus there and grab. Say, amateur detective.

And again, I've got a list of over 4,000 titles to recommend. Now they're sorting by the newest published titles. But you can always change that over there on the right upper right hand corner.

Um. The books mostly stay, that I should say the recommended titles we um have mostly stay in the resource. So I like that, you know, if it's a new book and it's a best seller. Maybe, you know I've got a hold list for it.

I can go back and look at older titles that I might have better look finding on the shelf, so you can always.

And I'll look for something a little older as well.

So I like to point out to again, we've got nonfiction recommended titles here, so I can actually browse by nonfiction to just selecting over here on the left.

And we could choose say biographies. Maybe I want to look at science.

And can isolate.

So for those folks who like a little nonfiction reading as well.

Lastly, I want to point out the list, so.

Back here uh, or sorry to the right here in our toolbar, you'll notice a book list button.

And we've got a few different types of lists award winners. So if I'm looking for all of the Agatha awards, I can see.

All those award winning books and get the list. Maybe if I'm going to do a special at the front of the library display, or something like that. This is an easy way to grab those.

But I liked. Those are, you know, often kind of easy to find online. It's nice to have them here in one place, but I like to point out. We look over to the left. Here we have 2 other tabs to pick from your expert picks.

And these might be Ala Booker Book recommended lists, or from, you know, different publications and things like that.

And you can browse.

The entire list. If I just kind of scroll a bit here you can see.

Maybe some familiar list. You can also see the data on them. Which again, I like that way I can, you know. Maybe.

Find something I'm more likely to find on the shelf. But really my favorite of these lists are the library and favorites. So these are lists.

That we've gathered mostly from public libraries across North America who have created a list of Missy medieval mysteries or books about mermaids, and you can jump into these lists and see where this came from. So.

There's also a little search here, so cause these lists are. The list of lists is pretty long. So if I'm looking, I want to see. How do we have any books uh book list where vampires uh are happening?

I've got.

A couple I can find, and we find the vampire.

Fiction at its best.

And then can link into.

Those overviews.


Again, fun way to discover new titles. And again, the lists are really handy for thinking about doing any displays or special collections, or anything.

Good way to uh to organize.

So let me pause here and see from Sarah and Amber. Is there anything maybe I should cover with the group that has maybe come up about books and authors, or anything else.

Hi, Stacey, we do have one question. It's not exactly about books and authors, but I think it'll be relevant to a lot of people on the line.

Um, we have a question about accessing gill resources through their BOCES. Um! Where would they get the login information for that? Or should they go reach out to their bosses, or should they go to the support site like you mentioned earlier.

I for a quick way to do it. I would visit our support site and see if your school actually is listed, because often with a lot of our BOCES. They get you set up.

So often. The BOCES are going to already have that access information for you, and if they do, that means, of course, we have it too. So if you visit and actually let me pop back to that slide so I can give you that uh.

URL! Again!

I would check the support site first, just because it's the quickest you could go. You could go to it right now and see if your school is listed, if it's not, though, then I would reach out to your BOCES. I think there are a handful of BOCES that do. Have you go through their pages to access.

But in most cases um, while they handle kind of the administration of the resources.

You can put your own links up on your website. And if that can be um arduous, I know not. Everybody has easy access to maybe updating their website, their school website. You can always take advantage of Gale pages, which is basically a destination for all of your Gale resources that you can edit on your own and add in other resources. We've got you set up in New York City. So the Britannica uh data.

Would also appear on your Gale page.

Uh, and that's something you can definitely, if um, you're interested in.

For K. 12 for folks. You can work with our customer success team to uh, to make sure you've got access to your Gale page.

So that's a great question. Thanks, Anne. Are there any others.

Um, we have a quick one that just popped up about uh books and author as well. We're still on the uh the line about that.

Um? Are there linking capabilities to search library catalogs within books and authors.

No, you know what, let me confirm. We used to offer that feature, but I believe it was disabled, kind of due to.

To not much use. Let me make a note, though, and I'll get that in my follow up email fortune that you'll all receive tomorrow. That'd be a quick one to get an answer to all. I don't believe we do anymore, but I just want to confirm.


With our team. To be sure.

So unless Amber, do you know for sure? Or Sarah, I'll double check.


I believe you're correct, Stacy.



Um, yeah, I believe we no longer have the capability, but I don't think it hurts to double check with our team.


Well, it even just asking the question is good cause that looks.

Let's our team know that folks are interested in that feature. So.

We'll just confirm.

Okay. Anything. Else.

Alrighty. Then let's go ahead, and we're going to pop back to the slides for a minute, just to give you a little more thorough.

Info about our next resource. So I know already there was uh interest in in this one.


Wanted to take a look at Gale presents Peterson's test and career. Prep. So.

This kind of hits on a few different areas that if you've got the Peterson's books on your shelves, you're probably already familiar with, and having this available.

Um, you know, online is a huge benefit. So.

Again, this is a partner product with us and Peterson's, and what you'll find in it is the ability for college and career related tests. So you can take online test prep.

Often the eBook goes along with it so they can.

Also study. We got someone looking to make a career change. Or if we're talking, maybe about high school students, and they're trying to decide what they want to do uh next. After school you've got a career assessment. You can even review uh open positions and look for jobs here and then all the things that come with applying for a job and getting ready, you can create a resume. Got a really great tool for that.

Um can definitely make a spiffy looking resume. Um, which I appreciate cause I have 0 creative uh inclination. So.

There's also lots of great advice within the collection. So if you're preparing for an interview, or something like that, it can help maybe calm those nerves down a little bit and get some good advice.

And then, of course, uh something that might be very top of mind. Uh, certainly now, and within the last several months, finding a college.

Looking for scholarships to help pay for school looking for financial aid help. This can be a huge resource for students. Um, certainly entering college, but also going into grad school, or maybe a career related school.

So this is really a resource that's kind of for everybody. It kind of hits on everybody's needs. So.

Let's go ahead and pop in and take a look.

And again, I'm just using our Gale common menu here to get to these.

Now Peterson's does. Unlike the rest of your novel, New York resources from Gale Peterson's does require.

Your end users to create an account within it, and it is just to keep track of what they're doing in Peterson's. If they have taken a test.

It keeps track of their progress. If they've created a resume and they want to create 3 more, you can keep all of them in one place, it does require the user account.

We don't. I'm going to go ahead and show you the sign up procedure just so you can see.

Can be very simple here, just upper right hand corner, where you normally find a login or create an account option.

You'll find ours.

And you have very little info to provide to create user account. And it does ask for an email address. The main reason, or the only reason I should say we want that.

Is to help you reset a password should you forget it? That's the only thing the end users email address is uh needed for.

We don't use it for anything else. Peterson doesn't use it for anything else. It is strictly to reset your password. However, not everybody likes to share that info. So you'll notice there is the option to sign up without an email address.

So in that case, you just create a username instead of giving your email address.

Create your password, you can even have it. Send you an email that remind you what your user credentials are. So.

Because, of course, if you get it, we don't have your email address. It's a little bit harder to reset it. So.

Have a little email you can save, but that's all the info folks have to enter. It is your accounts immediately created. You can start using it immediately. Um, that's very simple. I am going to go ahead and log into an account I've already created. Just so I can show you kind of some of the.

Features that maybe take a little time to take advantage of.


We're on it.

Tight schedule this morning. So I went ahead and did some pre work. So I'm going to go ahead and log in.

Hi! So the homepage is almost a way to.

Kind of like books and authors a bit. You can browse around and find what you need, or you can use the browse menu here to kind of get you to very targeted areas. And they're grouped around improving a test score, finding a school exploring careers or vocational test prep.

And you can see you can kind of follow the path so as you select.

Just takes you to all the different tools that are available. So practice test for the LSAT, I can jump right in.

If something is interesting and you're going to keep coming back to it, we're encourage you to add it to my resources.

Then you'll see it.

On the homepage, and can be just a click away almost.

So my resources right there in the homepage, there to the left.

Will get you to the items that you had kind of set aside for yourself. So we can see I've set aside the online course.

I can get to um.

That really easily.

And move around. So my resources pretty handy.

Down below again. This is a bit more browsable. You can kind of jump into the different areas. So let's go ahead. We do have. There's, of course, a lot of interest in the test prep. So I'm going to go ahead and start there. So prep for vocational tests.

Is going to group together, you know, post off exam. Real estate, exam. Medical, and so on. Firefighters exams.

You know we add new ones. So certainly, if you're looking for one, you don't see here, let us know that there's interest. We'd love to hear that feedback, and we share it with Peterson's.

Uh the medical and nursing.

Is where we've actually seen a lot of growth. We get a lot of feedback from our libraries about different tests here. So this is really grown over time. I think one of the more recent additions here. The certified Dental Assistant Exam. Prep. Is newer.

Kind of scroll a bit here. So all the different nursing exam the t's exam. To enter nursing school.

We've got a lot of uh.

List here.

To be able to pop into.

And each of these we go ahead and jump in.

Are going to open in a new tab.

So we kind of leave the database.

On a previous tab, and then jump into.

Everything that's available for that test. Prep. So if there are flash cards, if there are some overview topics, you've got those. But really what most folks are into here are the practice tests themselves.

And if.

Uh, we're going to model the test. Of course, after the real life test. So if it's times, um, however many questions there are, it's going to mimic exactly what they'll be doing with the real test.

So if I go ahead and grab uh one of the examples over here now, you'll see there are usually multiple practice tests doesn't recommend taking the same practice test over and over, so they offer multiples. You can, however, reset your results and take a test again. But.

Um. We prefer to offer multiple versions, so folks don't have to do that too often.

And you get a little bit of detail around the test itself.

And then we can start.

And jump in.

And I'm actually going to go ahead and close that panel on the left. I can focus on the test here, it even mimics being on paper. You'll see we're on the far left here. We've got the pages.

Oh, although actually, maybe this one doesn't, I'm guessing there's probably not 200 questions on one page. So maybe issue there. But as you go through. You know, a lot of these are multiple choice. Those will get graded. If you have any tests.

Like, say, the sat where it has maybe short answer or essay questions. Those don't get graded. It's more the practice of performing the test.

Um, and then the eBook, or often there are other ways to kind of, maybe assess how you did there. But all of the multiple choice questions will get graded.

And of course I don't recommend randomly selecting, like I'm doing here.

But I do want to show you what grading looks like. So I'm going to go ahead and get a few answered. Here.

And then scroll all the way to the bottom. Now you can always oh, actually, let me mention you can always change your answers before you submit them, you can notice as you're answering them. It Mark saves so your progress gets saved. You never have to click a save button. It's automatically saving your progress as you go through.

And if you get to the end of the test and submit, it.

It's letting me know. I have a bunch of unanswered questions, which, of course, I would normally go back and answer. But let's go ahead and submit. I do want to show you the grading.

Getting it.

Created there.

And my work has been.

Saved and submitted. Go figure, only answering 3 questions randomly, did not get me a high score, but.

I can find out where I went wrong. As you go back and review your answers, you can. Oh, I did get one right.

There we go! Um! Oh.

It got too. Right? Okay, there we go.

We have uh more better feedback when you got an answer uh incorrect. So I selected be the answer, or I second A. The answer was, B. And I get an explanation for why? So you can always go back and maybe see where you went wrong, and study up on that topic, and hopefully do better the next time.

And again, with this test we had 3 practice tests. You'll see up to 8 or 9 for other tests. It really varies kind of depending on how popular they are, but.

Um great way to help prepare, particularly for folks who maybe suffer from a little test anxiety. Good way to get comfortable and see how you do.

So popping back and just keeping an eye on the clock. Here, let me know if uh amber, let me know if there's anything in particular. Folks want to see here, and I can kind of jump in there.


Hi, Stacey, one question has come up just about the tests and how they're updated. For instance, the NCLEX. So the nursing um test prep information. Um, you know. How does it stay up to current standards in the current? Um, testing board, etc.

Absolutely so. Peterson's.

Making changes and updates.

You can kind of keep track.

Let me again. I'm going to use my little annotate tool here.

Why is it not.

Hang on!

There we go!

The upper left hand corner.

We have a title list that will show you. Let me get rid of that arrow. Now.

Actually click, it.

The glass, content, update.

So I can tell you the most recent example. I'm sorry I have a nephew who graduated this year, so I was very aware of the sat. I know not. All schools require it anymore, but he was taking it. So I was helping it out with him, and they had a big format change. Right? It's different now. So.

Peterson's have that ready to launch in advance. Of course the actual test.

Uh being offered so kids could practice. So they do try to stay ahead of that. But.

The um title list will give you that data, and then Amber and Sarah, I don't know if you guys have anything you might want to add to that as well, but I always think the title list is a good place to check

Okay, alright good. Sounds like we'd agree. Then.

So, and you can, of course, always reach out if you've got questions specifically about a test we uh.

Always happy, to.

Uh, get in touch with our product team and get you answers.

Okay. So a couple of other things I wanted to mention the sat and a sat exams. Both have um.

If I go in through prep. For an exam we'll find them both here. So if we look at the college test, prep.

Both the act and the sat offer digital courses as well as the practice tests.


I always like to recommend these. I was able to take one in high school, you know, I said. Of course, a few years ago um had played a bigger role. But.

You know, cost money, and that's not always easy to come up with, or even finding the time to be able to do it. So the digital courses for the act and the sat are really valuable. Folks can do them on their own time. Of course there's no cost so.

Something to be able to uh take advantage of. Really nice. There.

But let's take a look at a few other courses or a few other paths here.

So exploring career options is going to get us to a lot of the different tools here that folks may be looking for the test prep and the resume builder often are most popular pieces in this resource. So I'm going to pop into the online resume builder. And it might actually look a little familiar Peterson's partners with partners, with visual Cv. To provide.

There uh.

Resume builder tool here, and what's great is.

Out in the world. If I were to visit visual Cv. They do have a free version, but normally it costs to join their site and get access to all of the different formats and all the support that's there. Here you get basically the.

Full membership, with the exception of kind of the live help that they provide on their site. So you get almost the whole shebang here at no cost. Inside Peterson's testing career. Prep.

And you can keep track of multiple resumes. You can go in and edit. You can.

Create uh cover letters. You can create websites about yourself.

And it's got a ton of help to get you to do all things, cause I'm not creating my own website, but I can certainly do it right here on visual Cv. But.

Again the most popular spot here is the resume. So let me go ahead and show you. Now I've got one here that I've pinned. Maybe this is my regular resume. I go in and update it frequently.

So I've pinned it there to keep track of it.

Hey? I imported.

A resume from word here, so I didn't have to recreate the wheel. So if your users have resumes they work from, maybe they've got it in Pdf. Or word, you can import that content and not have to retype it.

If you are creating it from scratch, though there's a ton of help to be able to let you do that.



Not great. Um amber is our expert in creating documentation. She can make things look good. I'm always looking for help from her to check in and see if it looks good.

Here, I can actually take advantage of the templates. If I look over on the left.

Where they've already got a bunch of work done here to make it look good, and I can just select the ones I think, work best for me.

Hi! You can download your resume into Pdf or word, and then, you know, kind of have a hard or sorry, a offline copy. Um. I should say you could also, of course, have a hard copy. You could print it out.

Um, which is really handy, but there's also a neat feature here. You can share it through and have folks be able to uh share the kind of E version of it, as well with the share button here.


And when you choose to share, you've got options for privacy. So by default.

You have unlisted meaning. Someone would have to have this URL.

To find this resume, I would have to give it to them, maybe put it in a cover letter, or something like that.

You can change that, though, and make it public, and then it becomes searchable by search engine. So if you are looking for a new job you want your resume out there, you can actually make it public.

And then folks can find your resume online by just doing, you know, Google or a Bing search, or something like that. So.

You can make it yourself kind of more available to being found for hiring opportunities.

Now popping back, though, to a resume, I, you know, was able to upload one, but that's not always going to be the case, and even for someone who maybe has one. If they're looking for a new career, they may want to rewrite the resume and make it more appealing for whatever industry they're looking for.

So if you want to create a new version of your resume, if you click the create new button here, it is going to give you the option of uploading one. You can also start from scratch kind of a blank piece of paper or my favorite option. Here, use example content. There are hundreds and hundreds of example resumes in this collection.

So you can browse through, you know, if I am um.

Looking to be a technical writer. Boom! I can. I can start right out uh. You can also go search. So let's say, I don't have a ton of experience in uh.

You know, a particular area. Maybe I'm you know.

Just getting started in career, and I've done some waitressing.

Hi! I can.

Select it, and it fills in all this information. Now, of course, I go in and edit.

But that's where I feel like I do better. I can edit well, but writing in a blank piece of paper is sometimes hard to get started. It's also, I think, hard to sometimes define your duties.

In a way that you would write it on a resume. So reading guests and escorting them to seats. Yeah.

That's how you might put that.

Um. So you've got all of this kind of pre work done, and then you can edit it to put it into your own voice, or it may remind you, you know, maybe there's some other bullet points you want to add here, but you can kind of avoid that blank piece of paper and that kind of you know.


Panic you might have. Uh, when confronted with that. So.

Really great way to get a resume started is to take advantage of all of this example. Help so.

Love, that feature.

Alright. So I'm going to just keep an eye on the clock here. I do want to pop into a few more of the resources. So I'm going to go ahead and jump. Unless Sarah Amber anything in particular, I should uh.

Point out here, and Peterson's.

Stacy. We do have one question that I'm.



Honestly not sure of the answer of. And since you are the New York expert, I figured you could help us out.



Forgive me a second. Here, I have to pull it back up. Here we go.

Um. If high school students sign in with their Google account, is this Ed. Law, 2D. Compliance.

Oh, um! So I think.

My guess is you're referring to a Google account.

To use as um.

Authentication which is one of our options.

Um, I would guess so, but I'm not sure. Let's see, I'm wondering actually, if Sarah, this maybe comes up to you for you at all.






I can. I can share the privacy uh policy that we have in place. I'm not, you know. I'm not a legal expert, so I can't comment on that, but I would, I would assume, since we distribute this, and it's been approved by the State that it would comply with the law. Um, but uh, certainly I can share the privacy policy with you in the.


That'd be great. Yeah. And then we can dig in later again, we're going to share our contact info. So feel free to email me, and we can get a firmer answer.

But my guess would be, yes, uh, just because, you know, of course, we have our statewide uh program with New York. My guess is that would have been a requirement.

Uh. But again, I shouldn't guess. So let's yeah, we can kind of dig in um. A little later on.

Well, if you can reach out.

Alrighty, so let's go ahead, and we will.

Move on to our next resource.

So Gale health and wellness. This is again the one I mentioned right now, or you have had access to Gale, one file, health and medicine which skews a bit more towards the professional. The student, you know, maybe moving into a career in medicine.

Um the professionals looking for, you know.

Medical journals, and the like.

And there is some consumer health content here but there. But really, where that's going to shine is here in Gale health and wellness. So this is.

For me the patient, not the professional.

There is, however, academic and scholarly content in the resource.

Which I appreciate. Because, let's say, you're someone who maybe suffers with a with a chronic condition. Maybe you've, you know, had asthma your whole life. You may want to be reading the same thing that your doctors and other professionals are reading. So you've got a mix of that content here. But.

Really a lot of this is aimed to towards the consumer and written for them. So you've got a wide variety if you think about the Gale and context databases where you've got a mix of reference books and multimedia and periodicals. That's the same idea here in Gale, health and wellness. So we're going to have a lot of different types.

Uh, of sources.

So let me go ahead and jump into Gale. Health and wellness.

Now again, like we've seen with the other resources, we can kind of jump right in with a search or browse around.

I particularly love to see the Browses here, because while this is a resource that might be top of mind when you're thinking about a medical condition, or a disease, or something like that.

This database is about health and wellness. So there's a lot of other content here. Nutrition, exercise.


You know, mental health and the like. There's a lot of different uh variety here, and the browse topics here kind of gives you a look at that. So if we go ahead, I'm going to jump in. One of my favorite areas to explore in this resource is the therapies, treatments, and surgeries, because.

It is. I think you know.

Again. Top of mind if I want to know more about a particular disease. But what about if you're approaching a diagnosis, and you've got to undergo certain test.

You want to know more about those, and I tend to freeze up in the doctor's office. So, having a resource like this, this is written for me that I can read through is really helpful. So kind of scrolling around over here. My younger sister is considering Lasix. So I'm actually going to pop into there, because I've shared a few things from the resource with her.

And we start out with reference which I like reminds me, back in elementary school learning kind of start with the Encyclopedia. Same idea. You have several large Gale encyclopedias here related to health matters.

And again one of my favorites Uh is coming up here at the top of the list. The Gale Encyclopedia of Surgical and Medical Tests.

So I can read more about basic for me. It's going to be a bit more in depth, and maybe just a pamphlet I pick up at the doctor's office.

And I can read and learn more about the procedure, and one of my favorite features in the Gale Encyclopedia titles is, let me just get down to the bottom here again. This you know, fairly lengthy, more in depth than you might get from. You know your doctor's office.

Keep scrolling here.

Questions to ask your doctor, or you'll see maybe questions to ask your surgeon. You know things you haven't thought of. I don't know that it would occur to me to ask my doctor how often they you know, or how long they've been doing this procedure. How many have they performed, you know. You just kind of assume everybody's very experienced at what they're doing, so.

Questions like this can be really handy. I could print this out, bring it with me uh to the doctors, and remind myself, or.

As our.

Favorite bell and whistle uh send to. I could send this right to Google, drive Microsoft OneDrive, pop it up on my phone when I'm in the doctor's office and ask those questions. So.

Um. You've got. You kind of your analog options as well as your E options for getting this into uh your hands.

So you have a lot of um.

Again varied content here. So we've looked at a procedure. But I mentioned before, a lot of this is kind of health and wellness related. So maybe you're considering.

Signing up for some hit workouts. You want to learn a bit more.

We've got a bunch of articles here about.

Those types of workouts and how they might be handy. Even find one here, you know, if you're planning surgery, you can pre have, instead of just rehabbing so kind of getting ready for that surgery, maybe getting a little stronger. So you recover a little better uh, and find out, you know some good stuff about uh the benefits of hit workouts.

There's also a lot of multimedia in the resource. So.

Maybe we're thinking about Yoga, we can jump into video content.

5 min morning. Yoga. Something quick. And what I appreciate about these is.

As with the Gale res all of Gale resources, you know, privacy is important. There's no ads or anything like that. I can quickly watch this video.

And I'm not tied to a bunch of stuff following me around on the Internet about Yoga. So.

Lots of good ways to uh kind of recommend uh this resource rather than just say a random Google search. Right?

And one of my favorite features in our resources. I'm going to pop to our advanced search, which exists in most of our resources. It is.

Just the best place to go when you've got kind of restrictions around your search, or you want to give it a bunch of info and narrow down. It's got all of our options available. So let's say I'm looking for.

Some high protein recipes.

Hi. So I'm just going to search for high protein. But I can take advantage of one of our filters. The document type here.

Because our indexers, along with assigning subject headings and the other work they do assign these document types so that we know what we're going to find.

And I can 0 in.

And again, what I like about this rather than just doing a random Google searches are appearing in magazines. They kind of had to be vetted and tested, so.

I kind of already have a preset list of ah.

Recipes that have been vetted.

For high protein.

There we go can jump right in.

So lots of good stuff here. I kind of wanted to hit on some of the things that we're more again, is the database named health and wellness related. But of course this is a great place to go a new diagnosis, or you just want to know more, maybe about vaccines or something like that.

Lots of great coverage here. Um.

Uh in the collection.

Okay moving on. We're going to pop into. And I'm going to save my slides. I'll share my slides in my follow up email later.

So in case you want to reuse those, I'm going to pop into Gale business entrepreneurship. So this is about all about starting, owning and operating a small business. So.

For the folks who maybe are inclined towards entrepreneurship. They've got a lot of great support in this resource.

And again.

Our home pages are really an outstanding way to get to know the resource. But what I like particularly for this resource.

Is, it's built around 4 ideas planning for that business, funding that business, starting it and then managing it. So really, this resource can help the users throughout their businesses. Lifecycle. It's not just here. Get it started. Here's how to own and operate it as well. So we've got some big areas of coverage here. Funding is often, maybe something that's going to stop folks from starting their own business. So we've got lots of different ways. You can kind of consider.

Consider funding a business so traditional, lending sources, self funding, government funding options, you know, not an area folks may occur that are open to them. So.

You can jump in and read more. And this is a little like the in context resources as well. You've got reference content periodicals.

Uh that focus on entrepreneurs and small business.

You have a wide variety of help. And again, what I like about.

He, uh this resource the same way I like it about health and wellness is.

It's written for that.

Person who is not already an entrepreneur. So these recommended resources, the reference articles are again a great place to get started and learn more.

The other big piece. The reason we've actually had a lot of libraries end up.

Purchasing this resource, let me jump back to the homepage.

Is because of the business plans that are included. Some of you might be familiar with our print series or eBook series.

Uh business plans, handbook.

The entire series is in this collection. If you come from the homepage and click on business plans.

You're, of course, going to get a whole portal dedicated to creating business plans. But what you will also get are all of the example. Business plans, from business plans, handbook.

And if you're unfamiliar with that series, let me fill you in. These are real life business plans. We have just changed the names and addresses of uh the businesses.

These are successful business plans. Folks got their businesses started with these business plans so we can go through. We're getting the entire list here.

So you can, of course, though, search within these and find something to maybe model your own business plan, or really just learn more about a business.

Uh, I'm going to use the search within over here on the right for event, Planner.

Friends. Daughter is actually starting her own about planning business. So.

Done this. Search a time or 2 before.

And we can find real life business plans here. What I like about these, as well as of course, having a model.

It also gives you an idea of kind of what it takes to start and run a business like this. So the things maybe you haven't thought of you right? We don't know what we don't know. This can be a good reminder like, Oh, I am. Going to have to think about marketing my business. How am I going to do that? And what are some options? So the business plans, again, can be a great model, but also just reminders and really informative about what it takes to run that business.

So the format's going to vary a bit, you know. They're often very similar. But if you look over to the right, the article contents gives you a little breakdown. You'll see most of these things in most business plans, but folks use different formats, and that's again where the portal can come in handy.

Talk about the different ways to create a business plan. Sorry, going too far back here or not going far back enough.


Back and grab everything.

Oh, no, I'm so sorry in the business plans. Sorry, folks, I'm not using my back button to great effect. Here, let me go ahead and get back to the main portal here. So you can read up about writing business plans, what it takes, how to do. The research.

Lots of great support here.

Okay, getting short on time. I want to get into Gale legal forms. So this is a resource that.

Is very well named. It is full of legal forms, and you have the forms that are available nationwide as well as forms that are specific to New York State. These are created by law firms.

So these are forms that are in use and have been used.

And when you come in, let's just do a few quick searches here, and actually again, let me make things a little bigger.

So I'm going to do a quick search here for.

A lease. So maybe I'm going to lease out an apartment.


Found over a thousand forms, with the words lease.

This is to show you how great.

You can't, or how you can kind of narrow down, because they're all different types of leases, right? I tend to always think about them in terms of places to live, but.

You know you can lease a boat. You can lease a brood. Mayor. Um! You've got all these different options so.

Throwing in extra search terms is always, I think, a good idea. Here, get more specific. You know, we're certainly we're talking about legal issues so as specific as you can be, is good.

And then you have different options for the lease. We can see.

Several actual lists are available.

But the other big piece of this resource is all the support that comes with it. So certainly there's the lease, the legal document itself. But if someone is applying for a lease, you need an application, right? So we've got an application questionnaire.

Now the forms are available, usually in a few different formats. Word Pdf, rich text. You can just.

Download and open as many as you need.

There's no limit here.

And oh, sorry I have to drag.

This window, open.

Folks can edit these. If they're at the library, they're going to probably want to get the offline, copy down it onto a flash drive or something like that, or maybe they can upload it to the cloud. But.

Here's only I don't have to recreate the wheel. I don't need to go to office depot and buy a package of these. I've got it right here, right? I can just print these out or again, make it available electronically.

Many of the forms if we pop back to the results here are going to be available in Spanish as well. Just look for the asterisk sign that indicates we have it in Spanish, too.

Alright, but there is a ton of content here.

And again, it's all editable, so they can kind of make it specific if they need to. Folks may not be sure. Kind of how to approach a topic like this. You know, legal issues can be tricky. I remember being at the reference desk. Folks basically wanted a legal consultation which was, you know, not my area of expertise.

So that's when you want to take advantage of the tools that are over here on the left. If you look in the.

Box here in the upper left hand corner couple areas. I want to point out helpful topics and legal life articles are a great place to get folks started. Someone comes in. They're thinking about, you know. Maybe.


The State planning. They've got aging parents. They want to plan. These articles are a great place to get started again. Kind of like the health database. This is written for me. This is not written for a lawyer. It's written for the average person. And you read about these topics and kind of what you may need to think about and what you may need to do, and then, of course, you can get to all of the content itself. If we go ahead and go back.

Certainly I could do a search on wills, but from the homepage there's also a browse tool.

That can get you into these areas in more of a guided approach.

So if I click on wills rather than taking me to a list of wills.

And forms. I get kind of broken down into the different areas that Will's may cover so certainly last will and testament. But.

Or over to trust. I don't know what that means, but I could look it up in the law digest or the uh legal definitions tool, which are also very handy when you're working with these forms. But you have.

Kind of a more guided approach and a more targeted result. So if I'm looking for a well for people with children.

Here are some options.

The other thing I want to point out is when you are looking at your search results.

This control number to the left of the title of the form.

Is, going to start with either an Ny meaning, it is specific to New York State. It's for use in New York State, or it will start with a Us. Which is a more general kind of the nationwide form. So.

By default, your results will come up with the New York forms in your list, and then the Us.

So that's just important to look for. The control number otherwise doesn't really mean anything except for.

Uh as a tracking tool. It's not a, you know, official number or anything. But that New York part is important. I like to point out why you're seeing the Ny. There versus the Us. So again, this is for use in New York.

So okay, again, keeping an eye on the clock. I did wonder if this might happen. So I am going to go ahead and uh, just mention the last 2 resources.

Briefly. Let me just jump ahead in my slides here a bit.


Because, uh, these are both one file resources.

Interface wise. They're going to work like general, one file like academic, one file. They're just, you know, targeted towards particular audiences. So Gale, one file high school edition, like we mentioned before, is for secondary age students, things you pick up in the high school library great way to kind of get them ready.

We're using periodical resources a bit more specifically if they're, you know, headed into career and college and are looking for professional development and research.

It's a good way to kind of get them started with small targeted collection.

And then Gale, one file leadership and management focuses on 21st century skills, leadership, adult learning. So a great tool for folks who want to, you know, again, develop professionally. Um, and certainly particularly really handy resource in a business programs in schools.

And just a reminder. I do love our topic finder in the Gale one file and Gale and context resources. So given a little shout out, Here uh is a reminder. It's a great way to get more of a visual search result. It's a bit more engaging and can help you discover new connections to different topics, so.

Okay, I'm going to go ahead and start wrapping up. But then I'll ask for final question. So.

[00:58:18.000] slash novel, New York. We've shared this site before. This is again where you can go to find your access. URL. But there's a lot of great other support related to tech training and marketing. Here we have a lot of content on the support site. No need to recreate the wheel we have ready to go.

Marketing materials. You want to let everyone in your institution know that you have access to Peterson's. We've got bookmarks. We've got social media images. You can use.

You want to get so folks ready? You want to start spreading the word. Take a look at our training center. We have training decks. You can go out to a department meeting and let folks know about these new resources. You again don't have to recreate the wheel. If you're in a K 12 setting. We've got activities. We've got lesson plans. And then, of course, for your own learning, recorded webinars. You know, we have a huge calendar.

Of upcoming sessions, but even huge or backfile sessions that we've offered, you can always go back and find those.

Um for academic folks who are maybe more inclined towards live guide. Sarah has a great live guide tool out there, so visit the support site. There is a lot of great content there for you to discover, as well as all of the support it's great, for on demand, you know, support.

Um, we've got a couple more webinars coming up. So we're going to focus one again to maybe help with that summer reading uh on uh books and authors, and then.

We've got a session dedicated to uh some of the new resources uh, that will be especially popular with our academic library. So again feel free to sign up for those um, and if you can't attend, of course we record all of them.

And then, when you want to get in touch with a person, your Gale team is here and available for you again. I'm your trainer, if you're not sure. Well, to start, feel free to start with me, and then I can direct you in the right place. I'm a library myself, so always know where to go to get the answers.

If you are with a K 12 public or special library, you have uh access to your Gale customer success team and for academic work with the academic outreach and engagement services, teams.

Both great groups of folks. Really, they have kind of endless ideas for what you can do with your Gale resources and how they can support you. Uh, at your institution.

Tech support is, of course, always available. You can always reach out to your sales team at Gale if you're interested in looking at something new. And then again, as we've mentioned, the support site has lots of great on demand support uh, for your Gale resources and all the things that come with them. So.

Thank you so much for attending. I am going to go ahead and take a few questions. Um! See if there's anything else I should cover if I've run a minute over. So I apologize for keeping you late. If you're all set, go ahead and feel free to sign off. I'm hoping we'll catch you on another session. Keep an eye out for that. Follow up email that will come tomorrow uh, and again, your certificate for attending live will come later today. So thanks, folks. Hope this was helpful, and uh.

Uh! Enjoy the rest of your day.

Uh, but for those of you that are sticking around, let me see if there are any questions from Sarah and Amber, maybe that I should address with the group.


We don't have any more in the QA. Stacey. So I'll of course, ask everyone to go ahead and type those in there. If you have any. But right now we are all clear.

Excellent. We'll go ahead and yeah, keep things open for a few minutes. See if any more should come in. But.

Oh, thanks, Diana, I would love seeing familiar names in the QA. And also in the participants list.

Oh, thanks, Susan!

Uh! Oh, let me show you Sophia!

I'll go out to the support site. So.

There are a couple of different ways. You can come at it.

So if we go to the page, I've been kind of.


[01:01:58.000] slash novel, New York. When you get to this page, the 1st thing it asks you to do is find your institution in the list. And the nice thing about this is that.

When you do that, it kind of condenses the support site to just the things that you have access to from Gale rather than showing you support for everything we offer. It just condenses down to what you have access to. So I'm just going to go ahead and grab a school here.

And the 1st thing we show you are your access. URLs.

But it also provides links to each of the resources.

And if you click on one, for example, if I choose, say, I'll go with Gale. Legal form or no. Yeah, let me go with Gale. Legal.

I use one of the new ones. What it takes you to is our product. Support page.

And this again kind of gives your access info. If you look over to the right, you can find the marketing and training materials available. Oh, you know what sorry I chose a school. I shouldn't have picked legal forms. Sorry folks give me jump back.

Stacy, you can change it. Um, right in that.

Oh, that's right.

Yeah. And that's a new.

There we go! There we go!

Uh, if I switch over here on the far right under school materials, I can switch that to public.

It's legal forms is more of a public library resource rather than K. 12. You get all of the different training materials, and if you look under the train, your staff section. That's where you'll find our training slide decks.

You can also get to all of them, though, if you go up to from our support page in the banner across the top, we have the training center.

And there you can kind of break down all the different training materials, does the same thing for marketing, for product, and so on. But if we go under um.

Training center, and then choose browse by type.

You can get to say specifically recorded webinars, tip sheets and so on. You can look for under professional development materials. That's where you'll find the training decks.

Slide, deck.

So again, I've kind of condensed it to just the resources I have.

Access to. So we do have more than this. But.

Again really handy to be able to kind of sign into the support site and not get overwhelmed with the everything we offer. Again.

Oh, and I'm still said, I'm just going to click to view all. So we can see all of the materials. There we go.

Oh, you met.

Alright! It looks like that. Might be it, for.

Q. And a.


I'll go ahead and just lastly put up our again our support info, in case anybody wants to grab that when you leave the session today the survey should open automatically. But if you want to grab it, if you don't have time uh for it, now that QR. Code and URL will get you to the uh evaluation. You can let us know what you thought of the session today can also share ideas. Other training. You'd like to see materials, but also, you know, live sessions like this.

Happy to take that feedback.

All right. I'll thank you so much for attending Sarah and Amber. Thank you so much for handing the QA. We had a. We had a lot of uh registrants for the session today. So I'm so appreciative you were able to uh to help out with those. So thanks all and have a great rest of your day.
© 2024 Gale, part of Cengage Group