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Last Updated: July 15, 2024

For NOVELny: Unlocking Opportunities: NOVELny's New Resources for Academic Success and Career Advancement

Tune into this recorded webinar showcasing NOVELny's newest resources: Gale Business: Entrepreneurship, Gale OneFile: Leadership and Management, and Gale Presents: Peterson's Test and Career Prep. Discover how these powerful tools can support your students' career development, enhance their leadership skills, and provide comprehensive test and career preparation. Learn how to navigate the databases, access authoritative content, and utilize features to empower your students on their academic and professional journeys. Audience: Academic Libraries
Duration: 60 Minutes
Good afternoon and welcome everyone to our unlocking opportunities. NOVELny’s new resources for academic success and career advancement. I'm Stacey Knibloe, your Gale trainer. I work with the State Library to provide sessions to our libraries across the State.

And I'm glad to be joined today by Sara Tarpley, our Director of Academic Engagement. She is our academic expert, so I'm thrilled to have her along today she'll be keeping an eye on the QA. And sharing a bit about what her team can do for your institution.

I do have a brief agenda, but it's.

You know, we're going to get right into the resources and spend most of our time there with just a little bit upfront here, refreshing everybody's memory about what's available from NOVELny with the new resources are, but then we're going to focus on 3 of those Gale Peterson's sorry Gale presents Peterson's Test and Career Prep, Gale Business: Entrepreneurship and Gale OneFile Leadership and Management, and just share how you might put those to work with your.

Professors with your staff.

As well as of course, your students, and the benefits that will come from all of those.

And then, as we always do, we'll wrap up with final questions and Gale support. So where can you go after today when you've got questions. So we're going to start, though. Hearing from Sarah and a bit more about her team.

Here we go, the academic outreach and engagement team.

So, Sarah, I'll let you take it away.

Great thanks, Stacy. Hi, everyone. I wanted to introduce you to the academic and engagement team. We are a group of training and engagement specialists really here to help you implement your resources. The NOVELny resources, as well as any resources that you individually subscribe to or purchase from Gale.

We offer a bevy of services, and if you visit the URL, which is in the second bullet on the screen Gale, com forward, slash, academic engagement that will actually walk you through all of the services that we offer academic institutions.

The services that we offer are, you know, really highly focused on the needs of higher ed institutions.

So we do all sorts of wonderful things like guide integration. We can create, bespoke lib guides for you. We have reproducible guides that you can copy, augment and edit for your use.

We can help supply A to Z list import files. If you're using the spring system, we can provide you with access. URL, help discovery, information, help.

And of course, our favorite thing is following on in regard to training and utilization at the account level. So I know Stacy's putting on this wonderful novel, New York specific session. But if you find yourself in a in a need to have a account based training session for your faculty. Students.

Or library. You can reach out to the academic outreach and engagement services team. And we can do specific training sessions, both virtual and on site.

As well as deliver asynchronous training opportunities to you that are bespoke to your specific account.

Which can incorporate. Your direct purchases and subscriptions, in addition to representation of the novel resources.

So again visit that site to learn a little bit about what support we offer. You can also find bios on the academic outreach and engagement specialists on my team.

And if you're interested in reaching out to us, we do have an a team email box. And that's the 3rd

Bullet on the screen. You can email us at Gale academic outreach com, if you prefer that as well. So we are here to support you and so happy to be partnering with Stacy on this quest as she introduces you to some of the newest resources that are going to be really great and helpful for academic success.

Alright, thanks, Sarah, and I would just encourage everyone to work with Sarah's team. She's got a great group of folks and can really do a lot deeper dive than we maybe are able to do on these webinars that are, you know, kind of addressed for the whole State. So.

Definitely get in touch. I've included the link to the site that Sarah mentioned in the chat. We can send items to you all through the chat. But for your questions, and any feedback or statements, or anything, go ahead and use the QA. The chats really, just for Sarah and I today. We can address the questions a lot easier when they're organized through the QA. Tool so feel free to use that to communicate with us throughout the session.

And we don't have answers to questions. We, of course, know where to get them. So we can always follow up. You'll receive an email around this time with, Follow up from the session, we'll have a link to the recording as well as lots of handy links.

To get out the support materials and your Gale team that will come tomorrow again. Around this time later today you'll receive a certificate of attendance for coming to the session. Live so.

Couple things that will be coming to you.

So let's go ahead and dive in and again, just give a little refresher about what's available from Gale through NOVELny.

And up first, of course, very exciting. We were thrilled to be able to add some resources. This July they are up and open and available. You can, of course, put them on your sites.

We have a support site where you can find your access.

And hopefully, all the things you need to get these up and running for your faculty, your staff, your students.

We're going to be focusing on 3 of these today that might speak more specifically to uses in an academic setting. But know that you also have a fund readers, advisory tool called Book Gale Books and Authors. If you're looking for something fun to read you've got Gale, OneFile high school edition, which you know. Maybe if you maybe need to dip down reading level wise might be a periodical collection you might want to use with incoming freshmen.

You have our.

Yale legal forms, which you know, certainly could come in handy with different law related classes, but also a great personal use tool something. You maybe want to let.

Again. Faculty and staff know about, you know, can kind of take care of a lot of personal legal issues with that collection. So.

We are also happy to offer our kind of consumer health, driven tool, Gale, health and wellness.

So while there is content there that speaks to maybe an academic or professional audience, it's a great tool for just kind of the average person, maybe wanting to learn a little bit more about a you know, disease or condition, a prescription, maybe a new prescription they're getting, and really just overall wellness.

So lots of great stuff added to the collection. And again, we're going to focus on 3 of those.

And then, of course, just as a reminder.

We are continuing with the resources that have been available through NOVELny. Nothing has changed here. These are all still open and accessible lots of great support on our support site. For these, as well.

And we won't really be talking about any of them. But do feel free if you've got any questions, use that. QA. Speak to any of these in particular. So really nice compliment with the new resources and the continuing resources. Kind of fits fill some gaps, maybe, that we had. And

Of course we are very excited about the new resources, but these are kind of tried and true, and have been around for a long time, so.

Let's go ahead and dive into those new ones, though, so.

We're going to start out here with Gale presents and career prep, which is a partner product for us at G.

Thrilled to be able to partner with Peterson's. I remember them from my days at the reference desk.

And back. Then this was not available online. So it was, you know, those big books with paid really thin paper that maybe didn't always come back to the library, and the condition that they left the library in lots of books, filling in their test answers, and then returning the book to the library, so.

Great to have this content online. And really, what you can do here is, of course, so much more.

Possible with this kind of E version of that content. So we can, of course, prepare for college and career. Related tests. There are online practice. And we're going to go over how to find what you need. Of course.

There's also great tools for folks who are looking for a career, or maybe need a little help in deciding and looking at what's out there.

So with the career assessments, the overviews that are available can help folks find a path.

When you're ready to start taking on that path, we've got a tool to help you create a resume cover letters, and there's lots of great advice in the resource. So you know, if the student is maybe creating a resume for 1st time, or they're going on a job interview, you know, after they've graduated, and they want a little help, little reassurance. And what happens in those? You've got lots of great help articles. For those items.

And then, of course, finding schools. So if maybe if you're at a community college and you've got someone headed to a 4 year institution, or maybe onto grad school, or just in general, you're looking for ways to help pay for your college. There are scholarship tools, financial aid help, but also just helping you find that next school that you might be interested in so.

Lots of good stuff. Here, we're going to go ahead and take a look at some of the most popular.

That we found with our academic institutions. So let's go ahead and jump in.

So Peterson's test and career prep is a little different from the other NOVELny resources from Gale, and that your end users and yourselves when you really want to make use of the resource.

You have to create a user account. You know, if you create a resume, if you take a practice test, you want to be able to kind of.

Start where you left off and pick up you know the path from there, so.

Each user will want to create an a user account.

And I'm going to show you how to do that.

Just here in the upper right hand corner, where you often find a login or sign in.

We've got our button as well.

And let me show you what it takes to create an account. I'm going to log into an existing account. I have, because I've done some work ahead of time to show you what things look like.

But it really doesn't take much to create an account name, email, address, and password. That's it. Your accounts immediately created. And you can start using it right away. We don't do anything with the information that's gathered here.

The email address is asked for just to make it easier for account management. So should a user, they can easily reset it through their email. However, not everybody wants to hand over their email address. And we understand that need. So you'll see there is the option to sign up without an email address.

And in that pre, in that case you create a username. It might take another step or 2. If you forget your password to get it reset, but it is still possible. But.

You have that option? But again, we aren't doing anything with the email addresses that we gather here other than creating your account.

So just a little fyi! There.

And I'm going to go ahead and log in again to my demo account, so that.

Show you a little bit of the work that I've done ahead of time.


Get logged in.

Alrighty. So once you're logged in, you have full access to the resource. You can kind of browse around a little bit before you actually log into your account. But again, to take test, create, a resume.

You're going to need that user account. So always good to kind of get, I think. Get it out of the way right here at the top.

So the homepage is designed to kind of help folks discover what they're after. The browse menu is handy. It can be a real quick way into what you're looking for, but I like to kind of pop around the homepage a bit. So folks get an idea of what they can expect from the resource. So we've got a couple of paths here, prepare for an exam. Explore career options.

And then, as you scroll down, you get a little taste of what each of these might do, so the types of things you might expect to find.

In the resource. So you know, a nice kind of informative homepage. Let you know what's here. So there is always a search to those. If you know exactly what you're after, you want to jump in here and look for the Hessie exam. You've got a search. You can just send that right out and see if it's available.

We also have, just in the upper left hand corner, there a link to the title list for the resource.

And this will show you, for example, how many practices we have. The last time the content was updated for that particular test, the last official test update so.

You can kind of get an idea of what's here. And this is updated as we update the resource. So it's new tests come in new eBooks. Come in. It'll be reflected on this title list page.

And we've got an excel out on our support site if you'd like that as well. But this one really stays very current. So.

So let's go ahead and dive in. I did a couple. I did some research to see kind of what was most popular in Peterson career. Prep. In our academic institutions.

And one that jumped out at me was the brush on brush up on foundational skills. So we go ahead and jump in there. This can be a great path for maybe your incoming freshmen, or maybe students who are returning schools returning school after a break, or maybe adult education. They want to brush up.

On some of their skills. Maybe they need a little extra help from courses that they're taking. We can go down the path here for math and science, reading and writing and computer basic skills. So go ahead and take advantage of the reading and writing basic skills. I like this, too. If you've got any learners who are maybe English is their second language.

Pardon me.

You have some great tools to kind of get them a little more comfortable. So we have question banks that they can take advantage of. Now these are assigned secondary grade levels. But again, for folks who maybe need to dip down a bit or just need a refresher, I certainly would need a refresher. If I had to perform any algebra work I would absolutely jump into that grade 6 through 8 for help there. But of course, again we're looking at reading and writing here.

But you've got some questioned at grade levels. But then there are also tutorials to go along with this content. So basic English and writing or basic skills, English and writing tutorials.

Is where I'm going to pop in.

And these really work through like a little, almost like a little online course, we actually use a course management tool here to get folks into this. You can kind of.

See the almost the table of contents here for the help.

So you can jump in, maybe where you need it. Nothing has to be done in a particular order. This is really up to the learner.

And I, if I choose one that I've started, I can see I've done a bit of work here in text.

So maybe I'm taking a lit course for the 1st time. And I'm you know, maybe struggling a bit. This is something I could pop into.

I can see the work I've done. You can always go back.

And check it out.

But it's a really kind of quick, tutorial type tool. So it just bolsters a little bit. They don't have to. It's not taking a whole other course, but it can help supplement maybe, a course that they're taking, or help to get them ready to take a particular course.

And what I like about each of these is, if I go ahead and pop in, you can see again. They're.

Issue about a page or so worth of learning. Often in this case you'll read a text, and

Taking a minute to load there.

And get some help. But really, you know, handy tool, most of them offer knowledge checks along the way, so you can kind of see how you're doing and what I appreciate. Here, this is a little different. What we'll see with the online practice test that we'll look at later. You can select your answer, and immediately gives you feedback.

And if you were wrong.

You immediately can kind of learn from. You know that mistake. So.

Really great piece of the resource, and pretty high on the list of

Kind of usage for our academic institutions. So.

Wanted to share that. So keep an eye on those.

For your users.

Now, second highest use was of the online practice. So we're going to explore those for a minute. You've got our prep for exam, which is.

Lot of those are. Mostly they're mostly related to school in some way. So whether it's high school college grad, school, prep for exam is going to relate to, you know, entrance exams and things like that.

Over to the right. We have prep for vocational tests. So, heading into the workforce, got a lot of tests for that as well, and we'll go ahead and take a look at both of these. So prep for an exam is then going to break down into.

Basically the type of school you may be entering. So grad school prep.

We can find the GMAT. Help the Elstad help, and so on, and if we go ahead and say, maybe for the GMAT, if I've got a.

Maybe college senior who's headed to grad school. Maybe they're going to get their MBA.

When you come into the online practices, and really most of the resources

The cards, as we call them, in the and the usage tool.

You'll find there are tabs to kind of get you to other pieces. The practice tests are by far the most popular place, but you know, of course, that most of those practice tests come with.

A book.

That you can study.

So often. You're going to find that book option here so we could, you know, do a little studying there, even, of course, in the books practice test. They're not online. So maybe something we print out and fill them. But you know a great way to kind of get.

More practice, in.

Any articles we may have about the Exam.

And then just a quick about so.

That pork.

So if we are, though interested in the practice tests, I can add this to my resources. And what that's going to do, we'll look at it later, it adds it to my homepage.

So that I can easily, within a click or 2, get right to it when I'm coming back to, you know. Continue on with taking practice.

So this is actually going to look a little similar to our tutorials that we saw reading and writing here, though we just have the practice test, so not as much to weed through.

And over on the left you'll see again. We have multiples of the practice test. So.

Peterson's does not recommend.


Taking the same test over and over.

You, of course. Then get into a memorization, which is what you don't want when you're actually taking the test. So they're usually going to be multiples. And again I mentioned, if we have the eBook you'll find test there as well. Of course you have to do the grading yourself, but.

If we want to start in one, you get a little kind of welcome. Speaks to kind of the rules around the test a bit.

And forgive me, folks, my zoom.

Control bars kind of getting in my way. I'm going to go ahead and move that. Let me go ahead and start the quiz.

And this will mimic, of course, the real live test. So if there is a time limit, we'll have that.

I don't believe this part does so we can just see how long it's.

When questions are like this, where you're kind of filling in and answer, maybe short answer. It's really more the act of doing it that wouldn't get graded. But if we go into grab another test.

Where we've got multiple choice.

That will get graded, and you can go through.

You can always change your examples or change your answer. This just has the one you could always go back and change your word.

And then, when you're ready, you submit.

And that was one question. So of course, if I had missed it, it would be reminding me that I hadn't answered a question, so, of course, a little more helpful when you've got, you know, 50 questions in a in a test, but go ahead and submit.

You immediately get the feedback.

And can see how you did.

So you can always go back and review, maybe see where you need a little more work. And of course it gives that explanation of the correct answer versus the wrong answers.

So can always learn a lot from taking a practice test. You know.

Kind of recreate that environment you might have with the real test.

So. Oh, actually, I'll just go ahead and close out of this town and jump in. Let's take a look at some other test options.

So. Oh, let me point out so, I added.

The gmat to my resources. Here's that my resources button that blue button right at the top or right here on our homepage.

And you can always get to the items that you want to go back to. So others that I've shared, and you'll see if you look over on the left here, I can actually keep track of schools. I'm interested in scholarships, even jobs.

That I might be interested in. There is a job search tool here, so.

Can keep track of what you're working on pretty easily from that. My resources.

So let's go ahead and take a look at the prep for vocational test. So.

By far with our academic institutions. Medical and nursing tests. Were the most popular. But just want to give you a sampling here. You can see this is really wide ranging. So if we have, you know, maybe someone who's thinking of going into firefighting. Maybe they're going to head into the military, you know, making a change. They've got a lot of test rep, real estate exam.

Teaching, and so on.

Lots to work with here, but medical and nursing were by far the most popular with our academic institutions, so.

Let's go home. Scroll along here now. This has grown

Over time, I would say. We've probably quadrupled the number of medical and nursing exams that are available. So dental admission is more of a recent addition. The certified dental assistant.

Of course we have the nclex and.

Several person. Other nursing related the t's.

Test prep. To enter nursing school.

Pharmacy technician is a fairly new one. That tech also new.

And you can keep scrolling through these. Again I mentioned there was a search.

As well.

But one of the most popular exams was the exam. So go ahead and grab that one.

And it's going to mirror. What we saw with the Gmat you will see again, usually multiple practice.

Some of them will come with flash cards or other kind of supportive material, so you might see a few boxes on a page like these to give you some other tools, but.

The practice are usually where everybody's most interested. So again, multiples of this test.

You can pop in and we'll see again. Just get that little welcome, and then jump into the test.

And this one, of course, more questions going on here, so you can see over on the left. It kind of treats it like a paper test. So you can kind of page through these again. As you answer, you're always able to go back and make adjustments, can always review your work, you'll notice. As I select an answer, we get a little saving pop up so it's immediately saving your work as you go through. So if you get interrupted, taking an Exam.

It's saving the work that you've done so far. It doesn't great it until you choose to submit.

You just keep moving through the task. This one

You know, has just a few questions per page. Others may have more. It's really going to vary.

Try to mimic what the real test would do.

And again, as I mentioned, let me go ahead, and I'll just submit this so we can get an idea. Not the best way to take a test here. I can see even at the bottom. It's letting me know. I've only answered 12 out of 50 questions. If I go to submit. It's going to let me know the ones that I've missed, so I can jump back. So if I inadvertently forgotten one.

I can just jump right back to it and get an answer. You can always go back and review your work until you click that. Submit.

And again we'll get that immediate.

Grading. See how we did.

Look at that randomly selecting my answers, did not do me very well here, so we've got our.

Support again to help, you know. Write that wrong and see what I did wrong.

Now you can always, if you've gone through. Let me see for the exam. How many do we have here? I think. Yeah, looks like 2 practice exams. So.

Should I want to reset that exam? I can, and take it again. Encourage doing that too much.

But that is available. You can kind of reset a practice test and take it again.

So let me pause here and check in Sarah. Has there been anything in the QA. That maybe I should address with everybody.

Sure. Yeah. So one question is, once you complete the questions for a practice test, can you redo the questions for additional practice? And if so, are the questions in the same order? Or have they changed order.

You can reset and take them again. Let me.

Let me!

Make sure I get this path right.

This going to? Yeah, is the yeah, this is giving my attempt to. Yeah, okay, I just wanted to make sure I had that path correct.

Before I showed everybody, so let me pop back.

To kind of the starting page here. So yes, if you go into the practice test.

Or no sorry, not from there. You want to go up to the toolbar here at the top, under quizzes.

And then just select the test that you've completed, and it will start it over for you. It will. However, it doesn't randomize the questions on that second attempt. But that's a great suggestion. So I'm going to pass that along.

To our product manager who works with Peterson's.

Okay? And the follow up to that is just, you know. Can you? Articulate? Your. I think you're sort of showing it right now. If you're able to re when you reset the test. How would that represent in your account?


Let me!

You know. Well, let me let me actually test it out here.

Just going to answer a couple.

And then submit.


48 unanswered.

I might have to get back with you on that. I'm not. I can't remember if it shows it here.

I think it. Oh, there it is! Sorry.

Immediately left it. So it will after your second attempt. It does bring you right to. This is what I was hoping would happen, and then I went ahead and clicked away from it. I couldn't remember the exact path of this, either, so here we have. After your second attempt, it will immediately show you how you did again, like we saw with the 1st one, and then take you to this screen when you're done reviewing, so you can compare those attempts, and I think if we let me.

What I wanted to double check is, do we see that here from.

Wanted to see if we can get to that from the quiz as well. Yes, okay, that's what I want to double check. So yes, if we can again come from in the toolbar, the quizzes, you can just open up that arrow next to that second attempt, or the that test.

For the practice, and then choose submissions.

And you'll see those separate attempts.

So great question.

It's good to do that. Any others I should.

No, it looks like we're pretty good.

Okay, alright, excellent!

Alright. So again, lots of tests to work with, and.

I believe this list is shown in kind of the most recent ones we've added. So it's not alphabetical order which I'm going to let you know my librarian brain doesn't love, but if you're unsure of, maybe even what category to look under for a particular test.

Cause. That's kind of how they're organized. Again when we pop into vocational tests. I'm not sure where something might be found.

That's where the search up top really comes in handy. Just do a quick search. Say, we're looking for the Emt exam, which is.

Actually one I recommended for a friend lately. Who's in that program. You can just do a quick search.

And land right there. So the search is a great way to kind of 0 in now. It would take us to if there were.

You know, an eBook or something like that, too. I can get. Always get to those through the search. It's looking across the resource.

So can use that search for really anything.

Alrighty. So let's take a couple of other paths, and we'll start into the other resources. So the finders find a school or scholarship.

Is going to allow you to search for undergrad programs. You're going to be able to search for scholarships for both as well. And then we've got our financial aid. So you know, not always easy to or, I should say always rarely easy to pay for college. So those 2 bottom ones are great paths to Pat to go down. We're looking, though, for a school If you pop into the school, search.

Over on the left. You actually can get to a few other things. They've done a lot of work with the school and scholarships. So you look on the far left there. We're set to look for schools, and we're set to look for undergraduate schools.

So I can always just adjust that if I'm looking for program again, maybe going back to a student who maybe is after their Mba. You can select the school type you're interested in can enable the distance learning only if we're looking to do that.


And then lots of other settings. So location area school size, all of that. Say, we're looking for our Mba. So I'm going to go ahead and search for.

Business, and can grab the business, administration and management.

And it's just going to filter over on the right and bring up the schools where that's available. And again, maybe that distance learning.

Can enable and see what schools are available. Right? And then, as you pop into these.

Go ahead and grab one. Here.

Again. If you're familiar with the Peterson's books, these will look familiar. We've got, you know, the overview of the school.

Location. Majors and Degrees offered the gallery pull some photos, and then there are links out to various spots that might be popular on their on their website and links out to their social.

Social, media.

And again, like we can for the test prep and the other tools we can save to our schools. So I can quickly revisit and come back.


We take a look. I'm going to go.

Back couple screens show you the scholarship.

These, then, can relate to again, we've got filters kind of for each item. So the award amount we're looking for award type, is it a fellowship? Is it a Grant scholarship.

School type.

If those scholarships are tied to the ethnicity of the student, the gender.

I can tie in study type, state of residence.

Area of study.

Can 0 in there as well. So similar to the school. Search just the filters are going to apply for scholarships.

So very handy.

Easy way to kind of get a quick list to assess.

Alrighty. So let's say, we've got those graduating seniors, and they're starting to put together resumes, they're looking for jobs.

You have a lot of career help as well. So explore career options, or actually let me go in through the browser. Haven't used that yet so browse menu gives you kind of the 4 main paths to the resource. So if we go under, explore careers.

There is a find, a career that offers a career, assessment.

And it's I went ahead and did this ahead of time, just because it takes a little time there, I think, are about 50 or 60 questions. So I've gone ahead and done that. And then what it's going to do is match you up.

And these may look familiar. Test. Use these

Shoot. I'm forgetting the names of these

Areas of interest, of the.

Tool that we're using here, but again, may look familiar, social, and so on. Where I kind of scored the highest.

And then it's going to drop me into careers. Now, you don't have to stay on those paths.

Oh, sorry! Forget this step.

Select a job level to learn more. So for this particular queries that I might be well suited to what level of preparation is needed. So do I need.

A Ged, do I need a Master's degree like you can select, and it gives you a little bit of the breakdown here. What might be expected? So.

Then, as you go in.

It's going to match you up with careers, and you're not limited to those you can always use the filters over on the left. So again. Maybe someone starting out their freshman year. They're just maybe taking some general interest courses. They're trying to decide what they like. This can be a great tool to kind of lead them on a path.

You'll see for each.


It's going to give you the Median yearly income. What the education level needs to be.

And if we pop in to learn more, you also get the outlook of that job. So in the next 10 years are there likely to be more jobs like this, less jobs like this, or maybe about the same. So.

You know that kind of gives them an idea for the outlook for that career, as well.

But what I really love to show here.

Under our career path is.

To. Oh, sorry didn't mean to click on my resource. So let me go back to the Browse menu and the online resume builder. So what Peterson's has done here is partner with visual Cv. Which you might be familiar with. It's out there. It's a website you can, you know, as an individual sign up to and subscribe to.

This is at no cost, and you're getting almost the same experience that you would out on there for pay site. The only thing we're really missing. Here is the kind of the live help that they offer where? You know, someone, a person will look over your resume, or you know they do some other things too, but.

Other than that you're getting access to all of the.

Different templates. They offer all the different tools up here at the top, you'll see along with the resume. We'll actually also let you create a website about yourself. But you don't have to know HTML, or anything. It's going to create it for you.

Can write cover letters.

Keep track of the career. Journal.

Then you can explore the services that visual Cv. Offers. But I'm going to stick to the stuff that's offered in the resource. So.

Now I've gone ahead and created a few different resumes. And that's 1 of the things I love about this, too. You can keep track of different ones. If I'm applying for different types of jobs and want to have different options, I have that here.

Keep track of all of these, you can always go in and edit and make changes.

You have a lot of different kind of things to make it look good, which is a definite bonus for me.

I like different fonts. So you know, love to play around with the different options. Here you can change the colors you're using, and if you look over to the left.

There are templates here that I can pick from. So if I decide I like the look of this one better.

I can just immediately change that format.

But the hard part of a resume is the actual writing of it. Right? So let me show you a really handy tool to help you do that. You can import a resume if you already have one.

You can just pull in your regular from word or Pdf.

And it will format. It might need to fix a you know a couple of things here and there to get the formatting correct, but you can upload a resume and then work from it there. Or if you have never created a resume or just need a little help, you can use example content. And this is a huge piece of the content that's out there on that for pay site, it visual. Cv. Being able to see all of these examples.

A blank piece of paper is tough, right? And even describing the job. That you might do right now is sometimes hard. What do I do every day. And how do I put it in that resume? So having these examples is a huge plus.

And it shows a few popular examples. But you can always just search and.

You know again. Maybe I'm a.

Student who's, you know, maybe just worked as a as a catcher, and I'm heading into my new accounting career with my new degree.

Let me go ahead and find a way to kind of work with that content so I can preview it. I'll go ahead and select, and we'll grab it.

And it pulls in.

An example resume. So yes, that is what I did. I rang out customers fast and efficiently, and I can, of course, change the wording here again. It's always editable.

So I've got a lot of kind.

Flexibility and what I create here. But I'm not creating it from a blank piece of paper. I've got some help here to get writing this right.

So of course you can always download what you create. You've got the here in the upper right hand corner.

I like to show off, though, if you look over on the left in the settings tool.

You have. You can, of course, name it helps differentiate if you've got different ones. But the privacy, I think, is really cool. So by default. Everybody's export only meaning I'm going to have to download this and give it to someone if I want them to see it.

You can also, though, create an unlisted resume, and what that does is.

Put this resume on a URL.

So that I can maybe put that in a cover letter or an email and share it.

You can also, though, if you want to go a step further, make it public. And then it becomes online, you can find it. Someone could find this resume by just doing a Google search on you.

So again, privacy is always set at the most private by default. You have to change that if you want to adjust, but gives you some options for kind of getting this in people's hands in a few different ways.

So there's, of course, a lot more you can do here. I just wanted to hit some of the high points here.

Kind of.

Sarah anything I should. We're about to wrap up here with Peterson's test and career. Prep. Anything I should address before we move into our next resource.


No, I think everything is clear from the standpoint. We've just answered some questions about finding access, and I've noted the support site, the novel specific support site.


Things like that. So I think we're in good shape.

Okay, excellent alrighty. Let's go ahead and take a look next.

At Gale business entrepreneurship. So any students in a business program, whether they're thinking of becoming an entrepreneur or not are going to get a lot out of this resource.

There is so much here around just running a business. Then it's going to come in handy and management courses and marketing, and so on. That. It's a huge, you know, plus really to have access to. Now we're thrilled to be able to offer this in New York State and just keep an eye on the clock here. I'm going to go ahead and just jump right into it so we can see it in action.

And give me just a minute to grab it from our common menu. Here you all may not see the common menu very often. We like you to drop right into the databases directly.


I'm going to make things a little bigger here on your end. So Gale business entrepreneurship, much like Peterson's did is going to give you a home page that's browsable. So you can kind of get a taste of what's here. The topics on the homepage here in the carousel change every month or so.

And then down below, we break it down into 4 major areas. The database is going to cover planning for business, funding it, starting it and managing it so this can take folks through a whole life cycle of a business.

And again, it's going to be beneficial for those just studying the way businesses are run.

But I will say by far the most popular bit of content in this resource are the business plan. So some of you might be familiar with our.

Print title, business plans, Handbook, and those are all included in this collection. We're going to find it under planning. If we go under business plans.

And business plans are, of course, a huge piece, too.

Getting a business, operating right?

It's also, though, even for someone who is not planning to do that, a good way to get to know what it takes to run a business. So these are, you know, come in handy a lot of different ways.

And we've got a whole page dedicated to business plans. So the recommended resources are going to be coming from different reference sources, mostly from Gale. We scroll down. We're going to have periodicals that cover a small business industries. And you know, business in general, we've got some directory tools.

And so on to help support. So you know, as new things are happening as people are, maybe including things in their business plans. It's great to have those periodicals, but if we look to the left here, the business plans.

Coming from business plans, handbook are.

Real life business plans. We've changed the name and the address, but.

People use these business plans to open successful businesses. So you're getting a real world business plan here. And we can see. So what does it take to run a hot dog stand?

And we've got an industry analysis leaders in the business and so on. Kind of the a lot of these, of course, are going to, follow a similar format. You know there's pretty standard things you include in a business plan. But folks may discover something new, you know, looking at these real life ones.

We look. Actually, we scroll back up to our explore panel, we can find more content.

Relating to business plans like this one, but you also get the article content. So that gives you kind of a breakdown of what's going to be covered. You can jump around within those spots.

These are all browsable. They're, of course, going to be search, too. But I love browsing in our databases because you just discover things. Maybe you didn't even know you were looking for. You know we don't know what we don't know. So that's a huge benefit to having these as well.

So you can look, it's going to start the newest. So you're seeing the most recently added business plans. But if you look over to the right. You can always.

Within our resources and area results down. So, working with over 1,200 here, I could just use a search within and find a business plan.

Now you can also maybe look at something a little bit broader, maybe by subject.

And even publication date, you know, if we only want things that are more recently published.

But let's say we've got someone interested in.

You know. Maybe up.

Some business related to pets. It's been, you know. Market share is kind of market interest is kind of grown over the years around pets. People spend a lot of money.

On their pads. So let's go ahead and try search.

And see if we can find related business plans.

And again, this is what I like about browsing, because if I just scroll through, there are 52 business plans that mentioned pets in some way.

It can expose me to different types of businesses. So pet psychologists underwater

Dog greeting and training. So areas you may not have thought of right. So.

It's really.

In a big piece of the resource, and certainly for students who have to write a business plan. That's often an exercise.

And different business courses. They're going to have a model to use. And again, if they are interested in being an entrepreneur, this is giving them a great jumping off point.

To understand what it takes to run this type of business, to what it start, to, what it takes. To start a business like this as well.

Now, as with all of our.

Content here in Yale business entrepreneurship. You can kind of pull this out if you look over to the.

Right hand side. Here, just underneath the citation details, we can pull this into Google drive and keep copy there, or Microsoft OneDrive and email it download, print. All those are always available. And what I love about the 2 Cloud versions is then yours to do with what you like. You can edit out, share it.

Lots of great ways to take advantage of those cloud tools.

Over to the left. Here we always have our standard kind of article option. So I can translate this. We've got over 40 languages to pick from here, actually more, even more than 50. Now we can change the font size of the text, make it a little more easy to read, get the most needed experience reading, experience. We need. I have a nephew who.

His comprehension is better when he's looking at a green or blue background, so I can easily make that choice for him.

And change the spacing of the text.

And it remembers those settings. So if I go back out to my results and choose another one.

Always keeps those in mind, and then, of course, you can have it read to as well our text to speech feature very popular, and you'll see it for better than half of the languages that are available for the text translation. Better than half of those you'll be able to have that.

Cat, sitter, Kitty, LLC.

Audio as well.

So there we go.

So standard features. We're going to see him here, and in our next resource.

Alright again, keeping an eye on the clock. Let's go ahead and look for a couple more things here, and then we will

Branch off into our last resource. So again, see, we've got someone interested in the pet industry.

Try that as a search. What I love about these databases that are subject is, you can go with a pretty broad search term and still get a pretty manageable search result, because this is curating content right around entrepreneurship. And those areas of business where we find small businesses most often so.

Would your search result? It is always going to show business plans. First, we're set there. We already looked at those. If we keep scrolling, though recommended resources are great reference. Materials a lot. You know several of these from Gale as well, some for dummy series, and so on. But just.

Help. Kind of understanding different topics.

The Directory sources are,

Great places to go to look. Oh, I'm going to reset our.

Reading display there.

The Directory. Search is a great places to go for more information. So if there are different associations that serve the industry, I'm interested in.

Can lots of find lots of good info usually out on their website. If they're handbooks and manuals, maybe periodicals, I should start subscribing to or looking for.

You've got those recommendations here. So, looking for more info.

And again, the periodicals. Just kind of.

What's happening in the pet industry right now. So, looking at the magazines and journals, the news content. And of course these are bigger pieces of the resource. We've got a lot more hits here, but that's where that filter tool comes in handy. We can again kind of narrow down. If I want to maybe decide. My area of interest is going to be more you know, pet food. I can isolate and use that subject limiter to really narrow down.

If you want to get really specific, though, we always offer an advanced search, and this lets you be the boss of your search path. So advanced. Search gives you all of the search paths available, plus all of the filters all at once, so you can.

You know. Throw everything into this search.

We know we've got a subject heading.

Of pet industry.

So I can make that my search. The other thing I always like to flip this. I choose the field I'm going to search in

When I do that, the suggested search terms that pop up as I'm typing.

Are only going to be subjects. So we use the index that you are searching the field, that you're searching.


Suggest your search terms in that in that dropbox, so I'll go ahead and grab industry.

And let's say we specifically are after. You know, what are people doing? Maybe around social media marketing? Right? I can go down to the next field, and I'm going to search entire document that'll search every word out of every article, and I'm going to give it some.

Search terms, and I can use and or not here. So social media marketing or.

Facebook, or.

Instagram, or TikTok.

And there I want to misspell it, and I'm not sure if it's 2 words or one. So I'm going to give it another tick and tax separately.

And send my search out.

And again we found some business plans, but I scroll down. We've got some periodicals as well, so advanced. Search. Just let you be more specific with your search.

Or really, you can be very broad there, too. It's really up to the user. But often folks are going there because they, after something specific in mind.


Okay, lots of good stuff here. The other thing I'll just point out that's kind of unique. Not all of our databases have it is, it's got its own built in Glossary. So here in the toolbar, at the top of the page.

We have our glossary tool. So if I'm reading an article, and I don't know what we mean by.

3 PL.

We've got it here on the Glossary.


The last thing I'll mention.

Is we offer. Let's say I really want to show off these business plans to you know someone in the business department.

Alright, or we've got a live guide around business plans. If you look in the upper right hand corner of most of the pages in the database you're going to see our get link tool.

This gives you a persistent URL, or pearl.

That will always bring you back to the same place in the resource. So if I share this via email, if I put it on a live guide. Wherever I want to take a URL. I can take this URL.

And my users are going to be able to click in and land right here on the business plans. It will, even if you set up your institution with Gale, so that we are taking advantage of your proxy server.

It will even fill in that information into the URL. So your user prompted to log into the proxy server 1st and then get full access to the resource.

So if you're not already doing that, and you're interested in doing that. That's, of course, a reason to reach out to your Gale team. So the get link is a really powerful tool to drive folks into content. So again, it's going to appear.

Almost all over the place.

So if I jump in to say all of the business plans, we're going to have that get link there, too.

And the neat thing about it, when it's a result like this is.

It will update and give you the new content. So as we add more business plans, this list will just keep growing, and that get. Link will keep bringing me, and show me the new stuff, too.

Okay. Sorry folks feel like I'm talking a mile a minute. Let me pause here and see if there are any questions about scale business entrepreneurship that I should address with the group.

I think that was a great overview. There's nothing in the QA. At this time.

Oh, alright! Good deal, alright! So, lastly.


This one may look a little familiar. OneFile leadership and management is actually one of our almost kind of sub collections of the other Gale, OneFile resources. So if you've been already using Gale, OneFile or sorry Gale academic, OneFile you are probably going to be pretty comfortable in moving around. In this resource it uses our standard kind of periodical interface.


Lot of the same bells and whistles that we saw, and actually Yale business entrepreneurship. Or, again, that you would find in the other OneFile resources.

What we've got here, though, is a targeted collection around.

Is, it's well named leadership and management. So if you are hoping to be a people leader, you want to build your own professional development build up skills. This is a great kind of professional resource. I think we actually used to call it professional before we did some name change. So.

This is an excellent resource for again, students who are maybe in a business career, but also just in general, it's a great tool for profession, so let me go ahead and grab it. It course lives.

Again in that OneFile world. So.

Sorry folks. I'm.

Forgetting how the alphabet works. There we go.

Here. So here we have Gale, one leadership again, probably going to look very familiar. If you've already been using academic OneFile or one of its cousins in the one family. So this is very.

Search oriented. We can dive right in. Say, we're interested in reading about different leadership styles.

This is again a targeted collection. It's a curated collection of sources.

The one thing I'm going to recommend, though. So I'm using a general account for NOVELny. It's actually the account you would get if you go right to the NOVELny portal and access the resources there.

And that is set up.

To mostly be geared to kind of general interest. Users.

So when I get my results back in the OneFile resources, it lands on the magazines.

If you're an academic institution, my guess is, you either already have, or maybe interested in making your OneFile resources default to academic journals.

So that's something to think about.

If you are you know, of course, at an academic institution. Just so. You're starting out with those academic journals you can isolate to peer. Reviewed from these pages.

Something to think about for the OneFile resources if it's not already doing that for you. So again, another reason to reach out to your Gale team. But.

You know. Of course, we have a wealth of information here. We're going to start here with the academic journals.

And what I like about these results with our periodicals is again, you are immediately getting that academic audience. But if you need to step it up a bit if we need peer review. That's often, you know, part of an assignment. You've got a site peer reviewed publications. It's just a click.

Over there on the right, and you can isolate right down.

However, looking at a block of text, isn't always the most engaging way.

We've got a lot of, you know good results here, but I always like to point out the topic finder becomes available on your search result. You can also start a search with it.

What it's going to do is take our search results.

And create a visual results around the keywords most commonly found in our results, so it can give you.

Different search terms. So maybe looking at leadership and performance is a path to go down. Maybe I can create another search around that you can find these connections between different.

Topics, and maybe again.

You know, find something you didn't know you were looking for. So that serendipity of research, I think, happens really nicely with.

This topic find, or this visual search.

And what I like about using it from a search result is, I can apply all those filters and then use it. So if I'm just looking for peer review publications.

And I only want them to go back, maybe to. Let's say I'll go back to say 2015.

I. I can just make those adjustments in the date fields.

And I'll go to say the end of the month.

And apply those, and then it's going to work with that set of results.

So I can start the topic. We can see how our options may change here. So.

In a lot of the same terms, but some new ones as well.

And you have.

These kind of visual cues. So if something is red and bigger, it's going to have more articles attached to it. So for some terms like, you know, maybe not one, maybe not a path we might need. It's not as specific as something like development or benevolent leadership. You know, we can select these and again find some connections. So.

I'm a big fan of topic finder. I always mention it in my OneFile sessions. It also makes things a little more manageable rather than looking at a huge list of 2,000 results.

You know, this makes it a little less overwhelming. So especially like it, for those you know, incoming freshmen or you know, folks, noodle using academic journals. It's a great way to.

Dip your toe in a bit and start to get comfortable before you start doing your really kind of.

Our core research, and that is always available right from the homepage. You can actually start a search.

From the topic finder. So when you.

And lift off right from there.

So alright. Let's try one more thing I always like to show with the OneFile resources. So let's say, we're thinking about maybe starting up a PLC. With different faculty and staff. So professional learning committee.

And again going to use my or operator here.

Do a search.

Lots of good stuff about kind of learning, together with your peers. And this is maybe something I'm interested in.

I can set up a search alert if I look in the top.

Toolbar of the page.

I have.

The ability to set up an email or an Rss feed. So with an email alert.

Just give us your email address. Tell us how often you want the search run. And we'll email you when there's new content to go along with your search.

You do have to be 18 to apply this tool just because we're asking for the email address and.

You know, different requirements around the world are going to enforcing that that rule. So do you have to be 18 to take advantage of this, but it's great way to stay up to date on what's happening.

And if you use an Rss aggregator, you can just take this URL, feed it into your Ss aggregator and it will do the Updating. There.

A really great way to stay informed on a topic.

But also to not have to keep running the search again and again. If it's something you are studying for a long time, you know. Maybe you're working on a dissertation or something like that. Let the resource do the work for you, and you can always just set up that search alert, and it'll take care of it. You can do the same thing for a periodical, if you choose.

A title if you just click on it.

You go to our about page for this publication, and you can see how often it's published, and so on.

There's a journal alert. So rather than you know, coming in and looking for the New Market, I can just sign up for gym alert. It'll let me know when it's there. You can also.

Get to that right from our publication search on the homepage.

So there's actually a publication called Training that I discovered and gone ahead and signed up myself. So.

Easiest path.


The last thing I'll mention here is, you do have access to our subject, Guide Search, which is a much more guided approach to searching within the resource, because what it's going to do.

Start typing in.

It's going to use our subject guide index to match me up with search terms. So if I just select leadership.

Pretty broad term for this database. Right? That's named after leadership and management.

So that's you know, regardless going to kind of bring back a lot of search results. If I just used it as a basic search up here in the toolbar, but here there are over 8,000 hits, and I can narrow them into subdivisions.

And really narrowed down. So I love to do this can find case studies.

Look at demographic aspects.

Evaluation of leadership. You know, I've got all of these subdivisions to really get something more specific from a pretty broad topic, right? And then, once you select.

You kind of end up in a familiar search. Result.

Okay. Sorry. I have hit our 2 o'clock time. Let me go ahead and get you all.

With the rest of your day. So I think Sheriff Sarah has shared this URL in the Q. And A. Maybe a couple times, but [email protected] slash novel. New York is where you can find all of our support materials. Find your access, URLs, get all of our free marketing materials, lots of great tools.

For you to reuse and find and kind of make use of content. No need to recreate the wheel. We've got lots of good stuff out there, and of course we'd love to hear Feedback about what else you'd like to see there. So.

Your Gale team is always happy to hear from you. If you're not sure, feel free to come to me, and I can always either get an answer or point you in the right direction. Of course, talked about Sarah's team, the academic outreach and engagement services team. You can reach them via this email or the site we shared earlier. And then we did have some folks from other types of libraries join. So.

For K. 12, public and special libraries. You can always reach out to your customer success team so they can.

Help you be successful with the resources. So again, well named.

Tech supports always available. You can always find your sales consultant through our rep finder if you're interested in adding to your Gale collection. And then again, the support site that we've referenced. Lots of good stuff out there. We'd love to have your thoughts on the session today, and what you might what else you might like to see from our training team. So do feel free to share that in the evaluation that'll pop up when you leave and again beyond the lookout for the follow up email that will come to you tomorrow. Zoom.

Will auto. Send it tomorrow around this time, and you'll have a link to the recording. And all of this you don't have to, you know. Write all this down. I'm going to have all of our connect with us. Info in that follow up email as well some other handy links. So.

I'm going to stick around and see if there are any questions. Thanks so much folks for tuning in today. We run a little over but I will.

I'll be here to answer questions. If you're all set, go ahead and feel free to.

Log off, and we'll hopefully catch you on another session down the road.

So thanks, everybody.
© 2024 Gale, part of Cengage Group