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Last Updated: September 14, 2022

For NMSL: Support Beginner Research Skills With Gale In Context: Elementary

Gale In Context: Elementary provides K5 students access to reference materials, multimedia content, biographies, newspapers, magazines, and more in an age-appropriate platform. Students can study many of the main elementary subject areas including science, health, history, SEL, DEI, music, and art. Join this session to review how the platform layout and tools can develop beginning research skills in these content areas and beyond.

Duration: 30 Minutes
Hello folks and welcome. I'm Stacey

Knibloe Gale trainer for New Mexico. Glad

to be with you for our support beginner

research skills uh with Gale

in context elementary. So

with this session, what we want to do is

just provide an overview of the resource to

start. But then we're really gonna get in there

and show how you can find content and

help build up skills in students as they

start to learn about research

and learn about the library and all the things

that come with it

Um this is a perfect database to do that with.

We've got a great looking interface, lots of

great uh reading level appropriate

content. And um

Little tools and bells and whistles, bells and whistles

that they can kind of take with them up through

into adulthood when they're uh you know, performing

any sort of research. Uh We'll also

talk a bit about how you can share content from

the resource. So if there are particular things

you want to get younger kids started with

with their research and you want to point them in exactly

the direction you want them to go. There are a few different

ways you can share content in the resource and we want

to talk about those too

and then as always with our sessions we'll wrap

up with uh support where

you can go at gale, both kind

of on demand but also when you want to talk to someone

uh we have a lot of support out there

for you to take advantage of. So we'll

talk about that as well as

we go through. Jump in with questions any time.

Uh If you see something on the screen you want to know more

about. Or want me to click. I'm happy to do that.

Uh just jump in at any point.

So let's go ahead and

dive in here.

so again just an overview of the resource.

Just a little more pressure maybe you haven't used it in a while

Gale and in context. Elementary.

Um some of you may know it as kids

info bits. We had a name and interface

change a couple of years ago and

I will admit I still tend to call it kids

info bits here and there but uh it's official

name Gale In Context: Elementary to kind

of identify its main audience. Um

But really if the reading level

is what you need, of course any user can

go into this resource. Um it

is uh

gonna be the reading level that's really

the most important for your user. So

what you'll find in this content or

or within this resource is content aimed

at curriculum within an elementary

uh grade range. You know what's

being studied in the classroom?

and then uh supporting that are a variety

of different sources. So uh reference

books, magazines, multimedia

all in one place, lots of

different subject areas covered here.

Um Again, looking at what's studied in curriculum,

but then additional, you know, content as

well, things to help students, you know, learn

about social media, learn about technology

and the like. So uh lots of good

stuff here.

and it is let me advance

my slide here. There we go. Oh, I'm always ahead

of the slide. So again, supporting curriculum standards

as you can imagine a lot of research in this database

done on animals. Uh we'll find lots of

great content there, but again it's gonna hit

every major curriculum area as well

and then and lots of tools to help

them kind of narrow topics find

answers to questions and just

explore the things they're interested in

and again kind of building up those research

skills, their information literacy skills

and kind of these subtle ways and all the different tools

that you have in the resource as well.

So we're gonna spend really most of our time

right in the resource. So let's go

ahead and dive into the live database.

and I've already got us logged in here to

get started,

So the home page for Gale and context elementary

really does

encourage kids kind of natural curiosity.

There is always a search but

we like to encourage kids to

have a look around. So there are

uh we're gonna actually spend a little more time here back on the

topics page, so I'm gonna go to the rest of the tabs

here first

there are highlighted

con uh bits of highlighted content from

some of your eBook collection, whatever's reading

level appropriate, will show up here. So

coming from Gale eBooks, you have a nice

collection from the state library

aimed at those reading levels so we can

kind of browse the books that are here.

and this um collection has been

pumped up a bit this year, some new titles

were added. We actually offered a webinar

on those sessions um a couple

weeks ago uh when uh

you received the follow up email from

this session, I'll put a link to that session

as well in case you want to explore the recording for that

so just kind of piking their interest with any

of these books and if we go ahead and say jump into


you're uh able to browse the eBook

like it's you know sitting in front of you on

the table you can just

use the uh the next page

or if I want a mobile device or any sort

of touch screen, I'd be able to swipe to get through

it, you can zoom in and out,

You've got our text to speech tool here,

you know, some really handy uh ways to explore

the content

you can also browse through

uh some highlighted news articles coming

from um our kind of kid themed

or kid aimed newspaper sources

Hand pulled some images here to browse

around again just kind of peeking

interest here

on a bit of a bug kick. So I'll go ahead and grab this.

Uh harvest and image.

You can do the same for video content.

and the video content has really grown over

the last year we had a lot of great stem

topics but now we're working with some other providers

to bring in another video content. So

an eye out for that as well. But again just kind of building

their on their natural curiosity,

the home page though that you land

on is gonna be this topics tab

and this I think is always a great

tool when students are starting

to learn about research, maybe they're picking a topic.

I imagine a lot of times an animal

report is the first thing they're gonna do.

Or maybe a state report, something like


on the home page. What we've done

is just kind of started to organize

some of the coverage of the database by

subject area. And I say that because

our In Context databases are

built in kind of this portal

format where we take a topic

and dedicate a whole home page to

it. And that's really what you're gonna browse

as you work with these topic pages or topic

tree. We often call it as well.

And it's a great starter for ST students

to kind of learn about how information

gets organized. So we don't

just kind of throw everything up on the shelves

of willy nilly right. We don't we do the same

thing in our databases, we start breaking

them down by category. So if we choose something

like animals

We start narrowing down. So again,

we don't just go to a list of animals. We start

choosing well do we want reptiles? Do we

want birds? Do we want dinosaurs, mammals.

And you kind of take on these big topics and

start narrowing them down

and then you'll get to a list.

So this is especially handy when kids maybe

have a choice in what they're doing a report

on. So they can go through these pages.

They've all got pictures. So you get that kind

of visual cue of what you're looking

for. Especially handy for kids who may

struggle with reading

or any students where maybe English isn't their

first language. Uh you've got that

option as well to uh have those

those pictures to kind of zero in

and then once you select

You land on this dedicated home

page. So this is the giraffe section of

the database. The same way we might have a little giraffe

section on the shelves. So you

line up with everything we've got for

giraffes here and we start out with

some quick facts. So giraffes have long

nets, they are very tall, they eat plants,

we get these facts right off the bat

and then a few extra ones here in our quick facts


and then all the different pieces and

a page layout like this where we're identifying.

Well these are book articles, these are magazine

articles, these are news articles,

you're building up kind of learning about different

types of media, you know different

ways we're kind of gathering information and

what different sources of types are out there.

So we start building their knowledge around that.

And so if they've got a report and they have

to find

You know two books and they have to find three

magazines. They're gonna be able to easily

identify those on the page here.

As well as of course the multimedia sources

too. So pictures related topics

and videos. If there were any we just all

see it gathered here on this kind of home page

and you can start here. So

let's say I'm gonna go back actually to the home page

I mentioned I'm gonna kind of blend in

everything all at once. So I'm gonna about to talk about how

you can share out content with students.

So let's say they have to do a state report

if I go ahead and go through geography.

I can then again start breaking this down

so we're talking about you know different land

formations, we've got some of that but then we've

got the way that geography is made

out around the globe. So say if we go into U. S.

States again we just get these lists.

So state capital is showing here

well grab New Mexico

and say I know all of my

say third graders are gonna

be studying

and do I have to do a report on new Mexico.

I want them to land here rather than

coming into the database

and searching or going through the browse

tool. I just want to put them right here.

the way you can do that is

to take advantage of our get link

tool. Get link is gonna

appear in this toolbar that

goes across the top of the database

and you'll see it on most pages. What

it's gonna give you is a persistent

U. R. L. Or pearl

that you can then place wherever

you would normally put A U. R. L. So link it

on your library's website a teacher could

put it on their web page. Or if you have a learning

management system you could post the link

there, you can put it

in an email again wherever A

U. R. L. Would go.

And what's great about it is when kids

click on it, they land right here, they

kind of jump over those other um

you know longer paths to get to this

content and they're there with your shortcut just

like this. So

It's a great way to draw them into

the library resources. It's a great way

for you to push content out. So

let's say you're at the public library and you know

that this is what's happening in fourth grade.

You could put it there, you could share

it on your uh web page

to kind of push out to parents or even into

a newsletter that you're sending out

in school libraries. You could push this out,

you know, to your teachers in fourth grade

to let them know the library has this great resource.

So get link is really powerful.

It's a great way for you to draw folks in

to your library provided resources

So we're gonna talk about some other ways but get link

is probably the simplest.

It just gives you U. R. L. That you can then take anywhere

Not that the others are that difficult but

um the U. R. L. It's kind of universal.

Right? So All

right, let's take a look. We're gonna now

use the search tool or actually, you know

what? Let me show you around the topic trees a bit more.

I want to uh talk about some of the newer

content and uh recently updated

content. So, we're never done with

our databases. We're always continuing

to work on them. And we listen to feedback.

We get from our libraries from

our school libraries,

our teachers and fill

in what's needed. We're also

been undergoing and looking, doing a biased

review of our content and that'll be ongoing as

well. So did things need rewriting?

Um we're working with different groups to kind of advise

us on those things. So there's been a lot of work going

on in the resources um as

there always is, but um been some special

attention. So I wanted to point out under the people


and you'll find some of this under the history as well.

We have uh bumped up our coverage

of Native Americans. So this is and

there have been a few other areas we focused on too.

But this is just um

I wanted to highlight here. It kind of goes

along with some of the new content in your

in your new eBooks from this year.

So we've built up this list as

well. We've also done

some work to round out jump


coverage for kind of English

classes. Um we're gonna have,

you know, of course, still the study of literature. But

if we jump to say reading writing and language, there's

a lot of great content to go along with

other things we may talk about when we're when

we're, you know, looking at E. L. A. So,

you know, different.

uh topics. But some of these, I wanted to

point out because they'd be really handy in terms

of building research skills. So here

on our main idea. We talk

about what a main idea is

and you know the way it plays a role

in text.

The other thing that's good to look out

for is when you are

uh looking at your book, articles

or biographies.

You might notice a lot of articles

like this where it's the same title. It's

the same source. It's the same copyright.

What's different is the content

level indicator. There's a box next to

it. Level one and level two here just with those


Those are our two uh content

levels for elementary kind of level reading

level one is gonna be kind of K through

two and level two is gonna be grades

three through five, you know, kind of broad strokes.

What we've done is level

this article, we've taken it and

rewritten it at two different reading levels.

So this is handy for reading level differentiation

when you need it in the classroom or in the library.

Um you can kind of point the students to the ones you

think fit. If we take a look at say the level one

We start out right away with the words to no

glossary. So I don't have to look

up a definition. It's gonna be right here in the database

for me.

And you can see we've got short sentences, short


and when you're in an article that's been leveled,

you're gonna have the option to

Switch between the two. They're always linked


so I can switch over to the level two

and here's the same article just written at a slightly

higher level. So rather than starting with the glossary,

we start out with a few ideas

we can see the paragraphs are a little longer


or we're still talking about the same thing.

So you're gonna see that throughout the resource

and really and most of the Gale

and context databases. So that

leveled content is another thing we've

been working on and because we're our own

publisher at Gale we can do that.

So that's why you'll see it. I'm just gonna jump

back out to that

main page again, that's why you're

gonna see it with book articles and biographies,

because that's what we write at. Yale, we write reference content

so we can't take an article from, say, scholastic

news and rewrite it ourselves.

Right, So you're just gonna see it under book articles

and uh

and biographies.

All right, let me pause here see if anything's come into

the chat or the Q. And A.

No, we're in good shape. Alrighty. So let's

go ahead. And now I do want to uh dive in with the

search because when students already know what they're

doing their research project on, they

can of course dive in with the search

So let's say they're working on the rock cycle.

and again, whenever we've got a dedicated

page like this, a topic page we're gonna

land right on and I'll show you another search later

where that doesn't happen. So you can get a uh

look at that format as well. But

again, nice layout here. We start out with

some information,

And again, break down the content by the types

of sources it's coming from.

And I did want to share some video

content. You have

um always a broadcast transcript

to go along with the video.

But then also the video


is gonna have those captioning enabled,

just gonna jump ahead. So we can get past the opening

music there.


shift. And we have of course

options for changing that.

Sorry, I'm just gonna ahead and pause that. So I'm not speaking over

the video, but these can be a great way to

introduce the topic. Students can maybe some

ga gather some key words from,

you know, the short uh broadcast transcript


and come up with keywords to search on

and help build up uh again,

kind of skills around using

information sources like this.

and then you'll also see, I'm gonna just go ahead

and jump in to say some of our magazine results

here, move in

The articles are uh

gonna be text based although if we

have the rights to the images for the magazines, those

will show up here too.

What's great about though having a text

based article is you get to take advantage

of all of the tools that come with that

text. So things like the text to speech

tool. So we could have the article read to us

There's a font size tool here, display

options, translation

and then the info button is important, especially

if we're learning about research skills.

The info button is gonna give us all the details

about the articles in the elementary

database. We like to keep the article display

as simple as possible. So that's why

the info button kind of pops open

these details at the top.


It is uh

you know,

and I kind of have a cleaner look without

it. But in our other databases,

this information is always shown at the top of

the article but you do have to enable it here in the

elementary database. But this is the kind of thing we

tell kids to look for, where is it

coming from? Who wrote it? When is it coming

from? And you get those details? So

when you're in any article just

jump around here into something else.

Just a quick click of that info button will

bring it open and you can uh get

those details

now the others. Um Actually let me show you display

options. This is a bit newer.

This basically will set the

article view so what does the text

look like on the page? We can

make adjustments based on the needs of

our of our learner. So I have a nephew

who um has a processing

issue and he needs text

to be on a green or blue background to really comprehend

it. So there I could set that green

background for him. I can change

the font that we're using if you know he

reads better with something that's got serifs, I can switch

to Garamond

or if you've got um students

with uh dyslexia, I can switch

to open dyslexic.

and it's just setting the stage, you can change the spacing

to make the reading a little easier.

And when you've done that,

it sets a cookie on your device. So if

I go out to another article

you choose something else here, I'll grab

uh century, it just

remembers, and it keeps

those display options intact.

So, really handy.

Now. I'm gonna go ahead and set these back to their defaults

and I want to share really one of our

favorite features. Um for

or at least I should say for students is our citation

tool. So of course in the research

pro process, students are gonna have to keep track

of where they're getting information and then they'll need

to, you know, include that in their report

bibliography work, cited, foot notes, whatever

sort of citation method they're using.

We've got a site tool, it's gonna be up here

in the toolbar just you know, near the get

link. and that's gonna

give me different citation style options.

So in elementary school we may not get be

getting as specific as this you

know they need to use M. L. A. Ninth edition

or something like that but it starts them thinking

on that path. You really need to include

where you found your info and

these are all ready to go

and if you have a tool like noodle

tools or easy bib or something like that, you can export

these out but always showing this.

It will also go with the article.

So if I print this article out, just

gives me a nice clean print of the article,

The citation is always embedded

at the end of the article. You're always gonna be able to

know where you got your content


you've got some other tools here. I just kind of to show

you the breadth of the database. I want to do a couple

of searches so you can see some of the content

areas. So I'm gonna do a quick search here. I mentioned before

we've got support per se.

Learning about digital citizenship

and things like social media and the like

there's lots of great support here. So

we have a page dedicated to social media

and let's say I've got a student who

is, you know, studying this as

they're reading through an article. We

have a feature called highlights and notes.

So, you know, if I've got a piece of paper in front of me,

I might go through it with a highlighter marker and make

notes in the margins. That's essentially

what I can do here. As I

I'm reading content if I find something

I want to use or call out

in some way I can click and drag as if I'm

gonna copy it.

And then the highlights and notes bar pops up

and I can use different colors. So

maybe I might be identifying

my uh, you know, yellow items

as something. That's a fact. And

I might identify something that

is more. And I'm just randomly

selecting something here. So don't hold me to

this because say I'm gonna use green for things that are


so I can make little notes here.

and can do that throughout my time in

the resource. I can go into another

article. Let me just grab something


Oh looks like this was probably looks like we might

be missing the image, grab something.

we can again

just kind of keep Mac

marking up the articles as

you go through and as you're doing this

it's keeping track of everything

in the background

ok. That we're marking up

and as you come across something

You wanna make sure to grab it

Ok because

the next time you log in these

will have been cleared out. Our highlights

and notes are good for the user's current

session only

meaning that we are not tracking

users past their session. We clear out your

search history, we start a new

session every time when you log

in we don't really know

that I'm me doing this, it doesn't

really know that this is Stacey doing it.

So I need to take all this

with me before I go and I can

do that a couple ways I mentioned the print.

Print will bring my highlights and notes. It's

gonna highlight the text

and the print out. And then at the bottom it

reprints the highlighted passages and

shows your note.

ok? You can also

Use it from highlights and notes up in

the corner here. You can see I just have

one for this article but then it gives me the

option of viewing all highlights and notes

and we can see the other highlights and notes

I've created through those three other articles.

And if this is all I need, if I just want my

highlights and notes, I can print this,

I can send two

which is gonna send it over to google drive

for me or one drive or email,

And this is a really handy feature. It's

a great way to kind of keep track of all your research

in the cloud if you are a google

or Microsoft user

and send all your research to one place.

Let me show you what. Oops. Didn't quite

finish typing the U. R. L. There.

You can find it in a data

error in a folder named after the database you

were using. So Gale and context elementary.

There is my highlighted articles

that I just sent over.

and there they are.

And notice how there are links. These are hyperlinks

to get back into the full article. If I need

that, I can also send

the full article over if I go back into

another one.

OK, we have the send to option

here too. So I can send the whole article

over if that's what I want.

And again, it's gonna land in a folder

named after what you're using. So here

in my Gale and context elementary,

Here's the whole article. If uh

let me catch up with me here,

it'll be the whole article. It will be if we have

the rights to the images. It'll come over too.

It'll have the citation in it. It's

all gonna be there.

it's like it's taken a minute to load

well, while it's working on that,

once the articles are here,

it's mine to do with what I like.

So I can take this article, these highlights

and move it to a folder.

You know, maybe create a new one for my research



It moves it over there. I can

go ahead and move this one too.

right. And then that's where they live. Once it's

here it's mine to do with what I like. So as

a student, I can keep this organized

by my different projects or my classrooms.

It's just going to, oh might

be at the bottom here. Where's my newest


Oh I might need to refresh.

Oh, oh maybe I I'm sorry, I might

have put it somewhere else. I thought it was on the home page.

Well I'll have you trust me to

go with that folder I created but looks

like it's lost in my folder structure there. But

it's a great way again to keep track of your

research and make sure you have access to it any

time. But again with

highlights and notes you've got

to grab it somehow. The

articles are gonna blank

out again when you leave the database. We

just clear everything out. So good

thing to keep in mind

Right? So there are other

ways you can share content too. If

I go back, let me go ahead and grab uh Actually

let's browse some more. We've gone into

a few subject areas actually I'll use animals because

again, lots of searches

here, so we'll go ahead and grab another one of these.


You can also take

advantage say we're gonna Eagles


of sharing content

via google classroom if

you are a google classroom user, this

icon may look familiar if you are

basically what it does is take

that get link

and embed it in a classroom

item so you just choose where you want

this to go,

make it an assignment. And these will be familiar options

if you use google classroom

and then I'm gonna give a very brief

uh bit of instruction here. It's embedded.

The link to this Eagles


and just can confirm that it went through

and it takes a minute for it to pop up here. I'm always

impatient. So I'm gonna go right to the classroom

so we can see it embedded there and then with

a click your students land right where

you want them to.

So great way again to get

them into library resources.

So All right, I'm gonna pop back. I'm gonna close out

some of these windows. I've got a lot

of them open


So let me check the chat. We're gonna go ahead and start

wrapping up here and I'm gonna check

my notes. I think I've covered

everything I wanted to.

in good shape. So,

that was a look at how you can kind

of spark research skills and help grow

research skills and Gale in context. Elementary

just a quick recap of the different

ways you can share content. So get link

is again kind of the most universal

to U. R. You can put it wherever you need

it. send to google drive

and Microsoft one drive. Especially

because they are often in everybody's workflow

already. They're using them for one reason

or another, whether it be personal

or school or work related. A lot

of these are familiar tools and folks already

are comfortable, can just send our content

there and continue to work with it.

And then of course google co uh classroom

is linked right in our resources, but you can

actually import content into other learning

management systems like canvas and

and school if you're in a school setting.

Uh blackboard, you know, tends to be more

academic, we can work with that. There are,

you know, lots of these out there that that we can work

with and pull the content into so you can get it into people's

hands easily.

so when questions should come up

you can feel free to reach out to your Gale team.

We've got lots of great on demand, Support

for our resources out at support dot Gale

dot com slash n. M. When

you get to that page, it will prompt you to choose

your library from the list and then we customize

the support site to your library. So

you will get support from wherever you have

from gale. Uh which is really nice.

We have over 100 databases, so this would just

pair down to the ones that that you actually have

in your collection.

and I've just linked a bunch of um listed

a bunch of the Gale and context elementary

uh support we have but there's much more than

this, we have training uh decks

that you can use if you're gonna go out and maybe

spread the word about this resource, we've got

a presentation that you can just customize to suit

your needs and you're off and running.

We have tip sheets, we have recorded sessions

and we've got lots of great free marketing materials

that you can use um and share

uh the or spread the word about these

resources. So lots

of good stuff out there, no need to recreate

the wheel. We've got a lot of good stuff going there.

but then of course when you want to talk to a person

you can feel free to reach out to your team at gale. Again

I'm your trainer, you'll get a follow up

email from me, feel free to email me or give

me a call any time. Uh Our tech

support is available, they're at the 800

number, you can also email them

and then your account rep is always a good person to

get to know uh at Yale. They can,

you know, help advise you if you're looking to Bring

any other resources

but I would say probably the best person to get

to know at Gale is your customer success manager.

They just help you be successful with the resources.

They can help you with uh marketing ideas,

they can take your feedback on the resources.

They are really just a huge

font of knowledge and if they don't have the

answer they know where to go to get it. So

excellent resource in them

so do not suffer in

silence again. Do reach out.

and with that I'll say thank you so much for tuning

again, tuning in. Uh Again I apologize

for the mix up. Uh that was completely my fault.

I am not very time zone friendly

so I apologize uh for starting the session

an hour early and I'm being surprised when nobody was

there. So

my mistake. Uh but do keep

an eye out once I've made that mistake, I don't tend to

make it again. So um to keep

an eye out for other sessions. We have a few

more coming up this month to help support the start

of the school season. Uh But then you can

also just keep in mind our general calendar

where we offer uh really interesting sessions

uh all the time. So definitely

keep an eye out for those and of course we record all

of these as well so you can always tune in after. It's not

something you're able to attend live. So

Thanks everybody for tuning in. I'm gonna stick

around and see if there are any questions. I'm happy to take

those. But again, thanks so much for

your time today and hopefully we'll see you on another

session down the road. Thanks everybody
© 2025 Gale, part of Cengage Group