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Last Updated: September 28, 2022

For NMSL: Support Advanced Research Skills With Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints

Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints provides viewpoint essays, statistics, news, reference materials, and more on today’s most debated topics. The resource supports advanced research skills for high schoolers with peer-reviewed and scholarly works, and fact- checked information. Students can also filter results for better discovery, highlight and annotate on the platform, and send to their Google or Microsoft drive. Tune into this recorded session to review how this resource can support research in your learning community.

Duration: 30 Minutes
All right, welcome everybody. I'm Stacey

Knibloe, your Gale trainer. Thanks

for joining me for our Support Advanced

Research Skills With Gale In Context: Opposing

Viewpoints. What we want to do in this

session is share what you can do with this

resource but actually others as well,

a lot of the tools we're going to pick up here are transferrable

between your Gale resources that come to you through El

Coral. But we'll start with a quick

overview of the resource and then

share skills for searching

and finding what you need on a few

different ways. We've got lots of different

search paths in the resource and

we also want to spend some time on how you can share

the content out that's found. Um But

really we want to talk about the best way

to get what you need out of this resource.

and help meet the needs of your researchers.

So we'll always er as

we always do we'll wrap up with support where

you can go to at Gale when you need help

with. certainly Opposing Viewpoints

but also any of our other resources.

Um as we go through, do feel free to ask

questions any time. This is your session.

So Stop me if there's something

you want to learn more about the Q. And A. Is open

as is the chat. So feel

free to send in. Um you

know anything really if you see something on

the screen you want to know more about some feedback

for us or of course a question. I'm happy

to take those at any point. So

well let's go ahead and dive in

so we wanted to for

those of you who maybe haven't used Gale In Context Opposing

Viewpoints before or maybe it's new to you

or just refresh your memory

about it, I'll give you a brief overview

of the resource, it's part of our Gale In Context

product family. So if you used any

of the others it should hopefully be pretty simple to

move around um and find what you need in

it. But again, we're going to share you the best tips for doing

that today.

It is a collection of a lot

of different, types of sources all in one.

So it's almost its own little online library

things you would find on the shelf in the library you

can expect to find in this resource.

We've got great reference content

but of course for a database called opposing

viewpoints, you can guess we have a lot of

viewpoint essays as well. So really

helps students build up their own kind of critical

thinking skills and then help them develop into

critical writers um and be able

to back up.

you know opinions that they have.

the content is also though getting

rounded out with lots of current periodicals.

So you can see what other people are saying about particular

issues. There's multimedia

statistics. Lots of good

info here. It's a good database for just general

research. But of course when you've got that


opinionated writing to do is going to be a big

help too

The database is like all of

the galling context resources built around

curriculum standards. So we look at what

needs to be studied in school, we look at state

standards, we look at national standards

and then build our resources around that. We also

go of course talk to librarians

to teachers, we keep an eye on what's being

served. in the database so we can see what people

are currently interested in and

build our resources around that.

So it is um

you know frequently updated with content.

And as we'll see we're going to get into the home page

here in a minute. You can actually see when we

we've done some major updates on particular topics

or when they're new

We have lots of great tools built

into the resource to help fit into the workflow

of a student or a teacher or librarian's

life. We've got um tools

that they would use kind of as standard research

skill research skills as

well. So we're going to share those

But what's nice is those kinds

of features go across our databases

so we're going to pick them up here in Opposing Viewpoints

but it's something you could also accomplish in Gale

and context middle school or again

really any of your other Gale resources.

So hopefully those skills will be transferable.

with that though, I think it's time to dive right

into the resource. We're going to spend most of our time

live in the database

and I'll walk you through it. So again if

there's something you'd like me to click on or even a search

you'd like me to try. Just let me know in that chat or

or Q. And A.

So the home page here, like most of our resources

is intended to give you an idea

of what's here, right. If

someone just comes across this on your web

page and jumps in, we want them to get

a sense of what they're using. You know, the name is of

course a clue. But if we scroll

down here on the home page, we're always cycling

through between three and five different times. topics

and this changes as

the month changes. So usually

around the beginning of the month we'll change things

up. Could have something that's has some sort of historical

significance or something

we're talking about hearing about in the news. Certainly like

inflation right now. that

kind of draw users and pull on their

curiosity a bit.

And then I scroll a little further,

our Gale In Context databases are built

around portal pages. We also

call them topic pages and sometimes even issue

pages. But basically these

are home pages for

a particular issue

and we list a few here grouped by

some large subject areas. But if we

click into a few more of these

These are all links to

issue pages. And if we jump in

grab say

their energy, we land on

a page like this where you have

really everything we've got for

this topic pulled to a central place.

we always start with an overview.

So you get comfortable with what the topic

is. Doesn't it isn't really going to have an opinion itself.

It may mention that there are different viewpoints

but the overview essay that you start

with is really just intended to inform

and let you know what this topic is about.

And then as you scroll down, you see all

the other pieces we have and like you would find

in a library if you group content the way

it kind of fits together by the source type.

So viewpoint essays are kept together,

reference articles, magazines,

academic journals, statistics,

video, all of these have

their own content types. So you can kind of easily

navigate between these different types of sources.

So it's also handy when students maybe have

some sort of assignment, they've got to find three

newspaper articles to work with.

Boom you go right to the news section.

so these are all brows and what's

great about these lists is they are

ways for students

to get comfortable with here, but also

if they've got a choice of what they're working

on, you know, they've got to pick a topic

and write an opinion based paper about

it or they're going to, you know, suggest topics for class

debate or something like that. You

can browse through all of these issues

and these apply to a lot of different types

of classrooms. Certainly we're going to have content here for science

class for social studies,

health class. You know these broad

categories that we can pick from. Kind of give us the guides

along those ways

and then you can jump into these portals

All right. And we add new ones.

These get fed into the database pretty frequently.

Um Also content stays very up to

date. So say for example, U. S. Iran relations

you know, our friends in the news a lot recently

considering what's going on there. So this

might be a topic we want to explore. And what I like

about this is

we're going to get content if I scroll

a bit further down here.

around the background. You know

there's a long history between different

countries and certainly different phases

of U. S. Relations with various countries

with the reference content, you get all

of that. You know when you're tuning into the news,

you're kind of hearing what's happening now. But

the reference content and even the periodical

can kind of go back and show you the history

of in this case this relationship.

So the content lets

you look back. But then we also are covering

current content. So if we're looking at

news and the like you're going to see, you

know, recent um articles

here, these are updated daily.

So the resource stays very


All right, let's go ahead and

jump back. Now. The other thing I wanted to point

out is you'll see these little red tags updated

or new. So that means we created

a space for inflation. Not that it wasn't

covered in the database before. But

now it has its own dedicated space

in the database, its own dedicated portal

page and that can happen

where we, you know, there's content in the database for

your topic, but it may not have a topic page.

It could end up getting one. again,

certainly something we're talking about now,

But this is

just a dedicated place to gather it. But of course

there would be content here even if we didn't

have this dedicated spot. So

the new tag, let me jump

back and show that one is again for

newly created portal pages may not be a new

topic in the database, but it's a newly created

portal page. The updated tag,

we assign that when we've added a good

amount of new reference content

statistics, something like that, because

technically the magazines, newspapers,

those get updated daily, we're feeding new content

into the database every day.

But if you get that updated tag it's because

we added more viewpoint essays, we added

more infographics, something like that. We

added some of these additional pieces

um or updated the ones we have

so you get that tag as well.

and if we again just jump back,

you can see there are a lot of topics here that might appeal

to teens. Again, one of the reasons they may be coming

in here is they get to pick what they're, you know, writing

an opinion piece about. They might have something

in mind, but something like e sports

or school uniforms or students

in homework, there are a lot topics here that that may

appeal to their interests as well as things

they might be studying in the classroom. So it's a really

wide ranging database. And

again, I like it as a good general reference

as well. If I just want to know more about

fossil fuels. It's not that I have an opinion

or maybe I'm looking to form one.

This can be a great informative place

to get started,

now you can of course, as I've

said browse, but when folks

see a search box, they tend to go for that. So

that's what I'm going to do here. Let's say

we want to do some research into paying college.


And I'll be honest this is actually a

something I helped my nephew with last school

year, now,

we don't have a dedicated place

for this topic. There isn't,

I shouldn't say place. So we don't have a dedicated portal

page for this topic. We came to our more traditional

search result. So across the top it's

letting me know how many hits I have for the different

content types

and I've got a reference article,

so I can just read about the topic again with kind

of without an opinion

and some video content. And

you can tell a lot often from the titles

of, you know, the different magazine articles, the news,

the audio, the opinion of the author.

If it's, if it's got that, um, you

know, it's going to have a point of view.

Uh, so we've got some

opinion based articles here too, but we

don't have a ton of content, right

And this is one of the things I wanted to share

is when you're doing research in our databases,

your results can be really targeted,

but sometimes you need to expand them a bit


we're trying to zero in on

your topic, but we're also using the

search terms that you gave us. So

this is kind of specific

paying college athletes, right? It's

looking for those terms. Maybe I want to vary

that up a bit and then this is a good skill

for students to learn. You know, certainly

if they're going to be headed into research and college

and career at all and will be doing research

in their job, it's good to pick

up on how you search for content.

Even google offers, you know, an advanced

search, so

it's I think a good time to start introducing

students to that idea, especially

in a control place like this database

where you're getting content from a publisher

that would appear in your library

and you know, gives them some parameters to work

with rather than the whole open

uh, you know, internet

So let's go ahead and take a look at advanced search and see

how we can, you know, play around with this search at

all. So

with advanced search, you are the boss,

you choose the field, you're going to

search in, you know, when we use the search

up in the banner here, it figures

all that out for us. But here

I get to choose where I search for my search

terms and we're going to come back and use this. So we'll

we'll spend a little more time on that.

You also get all of the limiters

you may want to place on your search. So

if you're searching and maybe

you're working within a student who's in a an

a. P course and they want peer reviewed journal,

you can just enable that

if you want content that is really

just viewpoints and news articles

and videos, then you can isolate by those content

types. You can actually even get more specific

choose things like document types. So if I'm looking

for an editorial, I can choose that.

If I'm looking for a video, if I'm looking

for an interview. The document

type tool comes in really handy.

you can also search by content

and lex measures. So if we're looking

for targeted content, maybe working with

a teacher who knows they need something

and you know, maybe a certain Lexile

range for their students, you've got a few

ranges here to pick from. And then you can also enter in

your own, you can use our Gale content

levels which also tie to lea

scores, but just a bit broader.

So we could isolate to these

Any of these filters can be placed on

your search when you issue it. Or as

you're going to see, we can actually place them

after we're looking at results and you know, decide

to use them, then

So let's go ahead and go and talk about our search

a little bit more? So we've added

a little search tips tool here. So you can

talk to kids if you want to kind of get into how search

engines work at all. We've got um help

for how ours works and what and or and

not do and that type of thing. So search

tips, help is really handy

But let's talk about terms first, Right?

So if we're searching we want to read more about

should we pay college athletes, right?

We can vary up our search terms a little

and for something like this, you

know, paying was this term I used before.

I still think that's a good one, but we may

want to throw in an or operator

and say we'll also look for pay or

compensation, you know, other words that

may mean something similar

and our search engine will read this

and knows what or does

it doesn't look for it as a search term. So it's

going to look for paying pay or compensation

in this search

Where do I want to search for those terms?

Well, as you select fields from the drop

box, you'll see over on the right. It just filter

it just filters and tells you what that

result or where those terms are

really searched for. So you can select

and it will tell you I like keyword.

It's our default. It's kind of a happy medium.

It hits all the key fields of an article.

So it reads the title, it reads the subject

settings that we've assigned. It reads the

um abstract if it's got one or

about the first paragraph, it

just looks at those hotspots. So I find that that's

a good happy medium between doing something

really specific like say subject and

looking only in subject settings or

something really broad, like entire document

which reads every word out of every single

article. You may need that sometimes,

but I generally don't like to start with

it. I like to go with keyword and again, it's a nice

happy medium.

now. We want to tie this to students. Right?

So I'm going to go down to the next field and I'm going to connect

these two search fields with an and which

is also the default, but notice you've got

or and not here if you need it.

and we want um you know, college


but again, thinking about other phrases, they

might use

student athletes

Hi. So, oh, sorry, I don't want that to be

in, I want that to be four.

and this is going to tie

those two fields together.

So it could find a phrase like paying student

athletes and pick that up or I could say

college athletes compensation.

Um actually they wouldn't even need to be that close

and it would pick it up so we could end up

with some things maybe we need to weed out,

but this has given us a wider scope,

you know, it's going to find similar terminology

that we need. So let's I'm going to go ahead and leave

it as is, I'm not going to turn on any of the filters, although

limiting a full text documents is always on

by default, which I want anyway,

so I'm going to ahead and leave it

and off we go

and just looking at the hit count here at the

top of the page. I got a lot more hits

with this right viewpoint essays, we

didn't have these before and

we can see, you know, we've got nine

of them now.

looking at viewpoint essays,

these are going to be of

course an opinion based article and

you'll notice we don't label them

pro con opinion, a

opinion B The title really

tells you the opinion of the author.

This is a critical

thinking database. We don't want to lay

it out for students. So just taking the time

to read the title of the article, they kind of know the

opinion the author is going to have and where they're

headed. Now, these are also

if we go ahead and jump into um

One of the entries you'll see.

They all start with an article commentary.

Because what we've done is rather


commissioning our editors, our writers

to write an opinion piece about

this topic, we go out and find

content that's been published elsewhere. So

people who have studied the issues

have an opinion

and then we get permission to republish

that opinion. So it's coming from the real world,

but we always want to let students know that,

right? That's part of a you know, a tentative research.

Where are you getting your content from? Who

wrote it? When does it come from? All those details

we want students to look for right, when they're

thinking critically about their research. So

we're going to tell you that in the article commentary

and it introduces the author. Now

the commentary may vary if I go back out

and choose another one.


sometimes they may offer their own

questions to think about as

you're reading the question, those can be great,

critical drinking kind of jump starts

or even something a teacher might use in the classroom

to have students, you know, read the

article and then think about an answer in a class

discussion or maybe a written form.

Um but the commentary is really just

setting the stage for them to then read

this article. So in this case

it's really interesting. It's written by Kareem Abdul

Jabbar which, you know, made

be very appealing for

for students who know him,

and we can go through

and as you're working with content in the database,

we want to offer all of these additional

tools to help you with your research.

So as you're reading through an article

back in, you know when I was doing research,

I would probably be printing this out and then going through

it with a highlighter marker, making notes in the margin.

You can actually do that within the database.

So as you come across something,

If I click and drag,

Like I'm going to copy when I let go

of the mouse, it pops open our highlights

and notes bar so I can

use my highlighter marker. I'm going to make this yellow

and add a note to myself to use

this paragraph as a quote.

I always make sure to click save

and now that is part of this article

for my session.

And let me say that again for my session

when you're in our databases, we're keeping

track of what you're doing during your

session. So we're keeping track of your highlights

and notes. There's a search history

that's getting built in the background. So I can go back

to a search I did five minutes

ago and run it again quickly without having to

recreate it.

It's keeping track of that, but

we don't track our users at all. So

it doesn't really know that I'm Stacy

and that I'm going to come back into the database

in four days and give me back the same highlights

and note

it clears it out when we leave the database.

So the highlights and notes only last

for the session that you're in. We don't

track our users past their session

and truly we don't even know who that

user is. So there's no way for us to do it.

privacy is important. It's especially

important when you're working with people who are under 18.

So we just don't

do it in our databases. Right?

So I need to take this with me before

I go these highlights and notes that I may build.

I want to take them with me. So let me add a few more

here. I'll just add some more highlights and I'm

going to show you a neat feature. The reason

you may want to choose different colors. I'll show you how

we can we can work with that later.

but let me just create a few more.

this going?

Yeah. Now when

I say you want to take this with

you before you go. There are a few different ways

to do that.

I'm going to use my little annotate tool here.

To point to them.

So any of our, what I would call,

forgive my clumsy arrows here.

What I would call our retrieval tools

allow you to take the content with you before

you leave the database. These are

all right here in the toolbar bar.

They're also going to appear if I'm up

at the top of the article right underneath

the article info here. We've got a string

of icons out in the middle of the page

here that will do the same

thing. Ok, send to google drive in one

drive email. those also all

live under send two up in the toolbar

and then download and print all of these

will let me take this content plus my

highlights and notes. So even just

a simple print it's going to give me a nice clean

print out for the article. And if

I scroll down I can see the highlighted text

and at the very bottom it reprints

those highlighted passages and gives me my

notes. what's

become the most popular way though to pull

content out and take it with you is to

use the cloud based storage tool, google

drive Microsoft one drive. Often

these are already being used in a school

setting, but often outside of

it too. Just you know myself, I have both

a google drive and a one drive account so I can keep

track of content in the cloud

so I can send this right over to my google drive

I'm already logged into my google account

and what it does is create a folder

named after whatever database you were using.

So Gale In Context Opposing Viewpoints

and there's my article, it's time to pay

the tab for America's college athletes.


Open up and I'm going to have all that

text. If it had any images, I would have those


I can again see my highlights and then

there at the bottom it reprints them

for me

and gives my notes

so this now lives in the cloud, it's

mine to do with what I like. I can move it to

another folder, I can share it with

someone on my project team, whatever

I need to do, I've got it all there

right. now

as you're marking up documents, I'm just going to go jump

into another one. Let me go grab a

newspaper article,

Ok, I can.

jump in and keep marking things up.

Right? I'm in the same session this whole



Note to myself, this list

is growing in the background. And if

I print, if I email the article,

it all goes. You'll also see

though when you choose highlights and notes from the

tool bar up here in the upper right hand corner

it gives you the option to view all of the highlights

and notes you've gathered so far.

and here. I have them all coming

from a couple different articles and it's just

the highlights and notes. So maybe all I need

is this, I can print just this

and grab these highlights.

The other thing I wanted to show you though here is

you'll see it mentions

highlight legend, click on labels

to create the legend for your highlight. So I was

using yellow and blue is my colors here.

If I go up to the upper right and go to those

labels, I can actually assign

what those colors mean to me. So if I was

using yellow for again, quotes

or something like that.

I could do that. Forgive my spelling. Here.

There we go. If blue, I want

to do more research on the things I marked in blue

or I could even you know, maybe I'm using

pink to note facts and green

to note opinions. You can kind of create

your legend however you like.

and then that becomes part of your highlights

and notes here and to remind yourself those

different colors used. So

again, really neat feature but take

all this with you before you go

Hi, so let me check and

see if there's anything in the chat or the Q and A

in good shape. All right,

so let me go back. I actually want to grab

this search again. I want to show you how you can use

the filters.

So I'm going to go back to my advanced search.

Oh no, sorry. I didn't want to go back to advance search. I want to go to my

search history

And I can pull this search again. It just keeps

track of it here. This is again something we clean

out when you leave the database.

And here we are. All those results

in front of me

notice the filters are available

to me over on the right. So when I've got

this in front of me, maybe this is a much a bit

much to go to. Maybe I only want a articles

published in the last 10 years or so

publication date is right there.

I can just open up the drop box here,

go back to say January 2012.

and then push

this out, you know, to the end of the

month here

and it just works with those results and resets

them. There we go

Yeah. Now the other neat thing

you'll find in the database you can

use to help students build up their research skills.

I you know kind of knew ahead

of time. I wanted to talk a bit about using different

terms to expand your search

of it. So paying or pay or compensation.

That type of thing. One of the ways students

can find search terms but

also just make use of a really neat search

is to take advantage of our topic

finder. So you see it over here on

the right after you've performed

a search

what it does is create a visual

search result of your hits

and it creates this

you know kind of word cloud. So of

the terms or sorry of the

articles I had in my results,

it picked up these terms

that are used often. So

specifically collegiate athletes. That

was a term I didn't think to use. I'm just in college

athletes so I could have made that part of my search,

Um but it also though is allowing you to narrow.

So if I want to read more specifically about

college football or basketball,

I've got those places to

zero in on here.

it's kind of a heat map too. It shows you the terms

that are used more often

in red or orange and then the ones that aren't

and in the cooler colors, it also

is kind of showing me these cell sizes.

So again the bigger ones, we have more articles

associated with those and you can

zero in it is sometimes giving

you terms that maybe aren't as useful. Something

like N. C. A. Byline. Um

Well actually know that

no by line by that. They do mean who wrote it

but um that kind of thing. So you can kind of ignore

some of those. It's not always smart enough to know what the

the best key terms are but it's a great way

to you know, find more search terms,

find relations between topics

and of course zero in on a result.

And you can always start a search this way.

If you come into the database

and go to advanced search

topic. Finder is act actually an

option right from the advanced search page.

You can just start right there. Um

It is a really popular way for

a lot of our school libraries

to kind of get students started with research.

So I could even put in

That original search I used to

help me kind of find some other terms and find

some articles. It can be a little less

overwhelming too than a big results list.

You know, you have something visual, something you can interact

with to help you? zero in.

Really handy.

And then just the last thing I wanted to mention

here and we'll go ahead and wrap up is

another great research tool.

Um I mentioned before of course

we're always telling kids they need to know where they got

their content and when well part of the reason they need to

know that is so they can create their work

cited page, their

bibliography. You know,

we've got help for that too. You'll see right

in the tool bar there's a site

tool and we show


the citation for this article and

they can pick their style. So M L. A.

A P A Chicago Harvard

copy and paste that right into their bibliography

or actually export it out to any of these

tools and they've got that citation.

Now the good news is I'm going to go ahead and

right here. If I scroll all the way to the bottom

we actually make the citation part

of the article. So if I sent this to

my google drive, if I emailed it,

if I printed it the source

citation always prints with the article.

So you're always going to know where you got it.

Um when you kind of again are pulling

content out of the database so it's part

of the article.

So all right, let me check my list

here. If there's anything else I wanted to be sure to show you.

Ok, good

Um are the tool features still available? If

they decide not to create an account, they

actually don't need to create an account.

Um I should mention that once you

and actually I can show you here

if you come from el portal or if you come

from your own website and

link to the databases, what

you see. Let me see if I can back up here.

Yeah, I want too far. Um let

me see if I can recreate it

Yes. You

usually see a screen.

Oh shoot it went past it because like ok bear

with me just a second. I'm going to

I'm going to force this not to recognize

me. all

right because I'm still ok, bear with me

just a second, I'm going to do

try one more

thing I'm going to grab

from another window here.

there we go. This is what I was looking for. Normally

you get a page like this, we call it our authentication

page, it's asking you to and this is

what it's saying for me. For you all,

it may say something like please enter your library card

barcode or enter, it might even ask

for google or Microsoft,

we offer that as a as a single sign on option.

But regardless of what you enter here,

we don't really know who you are.

As I mentioned it just is to so

we can make sure you are a user of

these databases

and then once you do that

you don't have to log in. Again, we don't

have any sort of requirement for logging

into these resources. You just

get in there and start searching


you can have all of the tools

that I've just shown you without any sort

of login. Only that authentication

just to make sure you're a user of the resource.

So there's no need for your end

users to create an account.

So in question

All right, let me

see again. Let me just double check this list.

Hit all my spots. So OK, let me pop back

to the power point and we're going to talk about

a few different things you can do to share and save

content in our resources.

So we talked about send two

but these other two options. Get link

is if I pop back into one of the

articles here, let me grab one

of the windows I have open

Oh there we go.

Get link here in the upper again

portion of the page, right in that tool bar gives

you a persistent U. R. L. So you can put

users right in an article you want them

to read or onto

a portal page. So

if you are about to start,

you know, a discussion in the classroom around


you could actually go to get link,

grab this U. R. L. And post it to

the library website to your teacher page

wherever you would normally put A U. R. L.

And it will drop your students right here

on this inflation portal.

It's a really handy way to get him into the content.

Now the one thing again remember

highlights and notes are only good

for your session. So say if I went into this

article on inflation and marked it all up

when students click the link that I gave them, they

wouldn't see my highlights and notes because it starts

a fresh session, you could send it

to google drive or Microsoft OneDrive

and share it from there and they'd see your highlights

and notes. But whenever you send them into the database,

they're starting a brand new session on

their own.

hm So again

send two is a great way to share content

right there from the cloud and then if

you use google classroom or another

form of learning management system you can always

link our resources from in within there as

well. So, great way

to put you usually get right

where you want them

So let's talk about Gale support, we've got lots

of good stuff out on our support site,

ready to go. Marketing materials,

training materials, lots of good tech

info. And I'm going to be sharing

this via email when we well

actually you'll get it about 24 hours from now.

Um but it will have the link for our support

site for um our portal

libraries and lots of

other good info but definitely

check the support site, no need to recreate the

we've got a lot of good database information

but also materials you can use and

repurpose for however it fits your needs.

And then of course when you want to talk to a person we

are happy to hear from you again, I'm your trainer

and you'll get an email from me tomorrow again about 24

hours from now. And you can feel free to send me any

questions if I don't have the answers I know where to go

to get them. But we've got tech support

available. Should you run into a say a problem

using the databases, your account

rep is always a good person to get to know. So I've got

a rep finder here and then

your customer success manager is

there to help make sure you're successful with our resources

so they can answer questions about

the databases and how you use them

about all of the materials on the support

site. Um They can talk to you about usage

reports, all that good stuff. So your

C. S. M. Is another really good person to get

to know at gale. And if you use this email address

it'll get routed right to the right person

for your library or


So definitely reach out. Don't suffer

in silence

with that. I'll say thank you so much for tuning

in today. Um feel free

again to get in touch with any questions. Keep an

eye on our webinar calendars to see what might

be coming up next and we always

record these so you can always tune in if

you're unable to attend live the

recordings, go on these same pages. So

feel free to seek those out as

needed as well.

I'm going to stick around and see if any other questions

should come in but if you're all set again, thank

you so much for tuning in today. Hope

this was helpful and what you had in mind

and again, hopefully we'll see you on

another session down the road. Thanks everybody.

© 2025 Gale, part of Cengage Group