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Last Updated: September 28, 2022

For Minitex: Reaching Students and Patrons with Gale Digital Resources

Looking for new digital content for your classroom? Want to reach patrons who can’t attend programming with digital resources? Then this session is for you! The digital content in Gale resources from eLibrary Minnesota can easily be linked to learning management systems, websites, e-newsletters and more. Tune into this session to spark ideas on incorporating Gale In Context: Middle School and Gale In Context: High School into learning for all.

Duration: 30 Minutes
Hello folks and welcome. I'm Stacey,

you're Gale trainer. Thanks for joining

me for our reaching Students and Patrons

with Gale Digital Resources. What

we're going to do in this session is talk

about the ways you can kind

of push content out to

your users from

the databases that are available

from Gale.

uh we're going to hit on the sharing tools and

along the way we'll just share best practices

for you know, quick tips for finding what you may

need and the different tools you can you can

use to zero in on that content you want to share.

And then as always we'll wrap up

with uh where you can go to support

from Gail when you've got questions about these resources

or of course any others

as we're going through, feel free to jump in with questions

any time. Happy to take a left

turn if we need to. This is really your session.

So we want to make it as useful

as possible. So

I certainly have things in mind to show you

but I'm happy to adjust to

uh meet your needs

So let me start with just a quick

recap of the two resources that come

to you through Gale through uh mite.

It's Gale and context middle school

and Gale in context. High school.

Uh These databases as you can imagine

come from the same product family. Our Gale

and context databases focus

on curriculum areas and as you can tell

from their Names uh different uh audiences

as well. It's really all tied to a reading level

but you're going to have coverage here for a wide variety

of topics and of course they make a great

fit in a middle school

and high school setting. But we find these resources also

get used in high schools and

uh certainly public libraries to help, you know, middle

school and high school students but really they're great general

rep friends databases too. So if

you have patrons who are maybe history buffs

or you know traveling to another country

or something like that. These are great databases

to get familiar with and make sure they're aware

of them too. And one of the ways to

do that of course is to use the sharing tools

that are available within the databases and just kind

of drop folks right into them.

So I'm going to show you a few ways I've done that

as examples and

uh hopefully you can gain some inspiration

here So we're

going to dive right in with the different sharing

tools that are available. And

the one that I think is probably the most

universal is our Get Link

tool. This gives you a persistent

U. R. L. And the reason

I say it's so universal is it's a U.

R. L. It can go pretty much anywhere. You

can put a link on your web page, you can post

it to an e newsletter, you can

put it in a social media post,

you can put it in. Um

you know, email. I'm sorry guys already said that.

Uh but you know, it's just a U. R. L. It can

go anywhere. It needs to go and

you're going to find it all over the place

in our resources. And the example here, I have

a link to one of the videos coming out of Gale in

context high school but you could do

this for an newspaper article, you found a

search result uh a portal

page. Uh even a search page.

It really the Get Link U. R. L.

Is all over the place in our databases

and to give you a look at what it could, you

know, kind of the potential of it. Let me go ahead and visit

my uh

demonstration site here. And I am no web

master. I've used a tool

to help here to help me build a web page for

the Knibloe library as I like to call it. I

had and

named it after myself. Uh but this

is just an example of the way

you can, you know, put content into

uh your library web page.

so in this case this is kind of dedicated to

programming at the library, let's say you have a programming

coming, you have a program coming up about sustainability.

Not everybody, everybody is able to you

know, come to the library or attend a session live

and maybe they're curious about this topic area.

So there's certainly ways you can, you know, record content

and push it out to your users but you could

also push them into the resources.

So for example,

here. We've got the option, can attend, learn

more about sustainability with one of our library


and what this does is with the

Get Link U. R. L. That I gather. Just drop

us into search results around

sustainability from the databases,

Hello. now the way

I did this, let me kind of show you from

uh the uh the start

of how you might build something like this. I

used Gale and contact, oops, Gale and context

high school and just did a search

on sustainability

All right. Just a nice simple search here from the

home page.

And your search results

are going to have that Get Link option.

I'm going to use my little tool here

to just draw your eye to it. It appears

in our contextual toolbar

that toolbar moves with you as you move through the resources

and the buttons that are on it may change

depending on what you're doing. But Get Link is one

you'll see there pretty often. and

again, that's going to be that persistent U.

R. L. So I could go with the

Get Link as it is here. I've got the

search results in front of me. These are looking pretty

on target. If I scroll through

here, you know, got some good


I could though further narrow this down

if I wanted to, you look at your filter results

over here on the right. I could use something like

publication date if I want things that are

only published maybe in the last few years.

I could use subjects

to maybe narrow this down a bit. So maybe


sustainability which is what I think I picked

for my example.

And it just resets the results to make sure everything

has that subject setting.

And then again Get Link

when I click it is going to give me that persistent

U. R. L.

and you copy and paste it, you're

off wherever you want it to be. They're long,

you know, so it's not something anybody wants to type in.

But if you can link it somewhere,

you've now dropping people right into

Library Resource that then they'll get to know

and hopefully keep coming back to and using.

So the uh the search,

the other neat thing about Get Link when you do it here

from a search result page is

one of the reasons that U. R. L. Is so long

is it actually performs the search again

every time you click it. So as new content

comes into the database it will automatically

update here at this page. So

really neat feature of the search results

and portal pages as well. We'll look

at a actually let me go ahead and bring up a portal actually

we'll see one later. I'll mention it there too.


really handy. Get link again,

can use it all over the place. So just give you a couple

of other examples. Again, I've used it here

to support a program, but of course this is a perfect

fit in a school or

a college classroom. Uh,

it's going to allow

you to point students to reserved reading

support for research projects for

classroom work. And just as

an example here, let's say, we've got students who may

struggle with test anxiety.

Just linking right to an article

from Gale in context. High school about that

issue gives them some tips for maybe managing

it and you know, ways to kind

of look into it. So

Get link again. Really universal.

But putting things on your web guide or your

your web page a lib guide,

anything like that is going to be a nice

fit here. And if you use a learning management

system I'm going to speak to another way you can

incorporate later. But of course a link will

work there too. So you could post

this anywhere. Say for example if you are


Again, a high school and you're using canvas

or something like that, you can always add a

link to assignments and things like

that. So

All right, so let's go ahead and move on to

another tool. I'm going to pop back to the power

point again to just introduce

it. so another

way is to download content and

then have it available wherever you need

it. You're going to see the download option

for articles within our resources.

And when you do that it just gives you a P.

D. F. Version of the article that then that's yours.

You could of course just keep it on your hard drive and

keep track of it. But if you want to share

it with others there of course a lot a lot of different ways

you can do that.

And again just to give you an example here

from the web page, going back

to our programming example, that's what I've done

here. So again, not a webmaster.

So this doesn't look too pretty. I'm sure other folks

could do much better, but I've just uploaded

two articles here, a general one about sustainability

and then another as well. and then

I've just made that available

right now with a P. D. F. The other great


or the other, the thing like uh

Get Link is a P. D. F. Is kind of universal.

I could load this to the cloud and keep it there.

I could load it on to my Kindle

wherever a P. D. F. Could go this

document could go and really kind

of going way back are we could

just print this out and hand it out if we want to share

content. Right? It's a nice clean print of

the content. So something maybe to go along

with the people who come to the conference or

to the program and just you know, give

them a takeaway right,

So again really handy way

to keep track of stuff. So within our resources,

how you're going to do that? Let me just pop back into

the resource.

Oh sorry, keep going to middle school, we are going to jump

into middle school here in a minute. But same

idea just going to bring back that sustainability


and when you find an article,

you'll see. And again let me just

use my annotate tool here

The download button appears here.

If the header of the article, anything

you can kind of do with the article flows

to this top of the page here. So

all the text interaction

and all of those as we call them retrieval

tools here.

So this will let me

again, just download

Right, just as you would any other

file offline or excuse me, when you're

online just download, save it where

you want it and then it can again upload

wherever you need it. Now when you move down

the page in our databases. Actually

let me make things a little bigger. I'm going to zoom in on

my page over here. Um when you

move down the page, I don't see that download

button anymore, that's ok. Again

we're going to go to the toolbar, just like we did with get

link, the download button is here too.

So it's always just a click away when you're looking

at an article.

and again just is going to do the same thing, we can

download that entry.

right? So nice and easy again,

a kind of universal tool because it gives you a P.

D. F. Which can go a lot of different


So let's go ahead and keep looking at different sharing


and I'm going to uh again just

pop back to the power point.

we've also integrated with google

drive and Microsoft one drive,

two cloud based storage tools that I can

just send content over to

and keep track of it there.

The Clou cloud is great, you can get to

it anywhere any time from your phone

from someone else's computer,

it's just always there and then you can organize

your content the way you want, you kind of

are in control of it then right


This has become probably our most

popular tool in our database. It's kind of folks

grab out their research and keep track of it.

But because it's a cloud based tool,

you can also share directly from it.

So let's take a look at an example of how we might

do that again. Just going to pop back to

uh Sorry we have a lot of windows

open today to keep track of what we

want to look at.

Um so I'm going to pop over to google drive

to show you what this looks like. Now I will say google

drive and Microsoft OneDrive. Both handle

this content exactly the same. I'm just

going to be using google as my example today.

So what happens is when you send content

over using our send to button,

it flows into a folder

named after the database you're using.

So for example I can see

there's a Gale in context high school folder, there's

a Gale in context middle school and

these are documents. I sent

before the first time you do this from

a database first it will ask

for permission. You know, so make sure we can

send content to your to your cloud. But

then what it does is create a folder named

after whatever database you're using. So

I've got you know, some other gall resources listed

here that I've sent content over to.

you know, that's just where it lands now. It doesn't

have to stay there. So what I actually did

was I was building some research for the american

revolution. Let's say that's a unit we're covering

in in the classroom

I built a folder for the American revolution

and sent a doc and moved a document

there because once it's here in the cloud,

you can do whatever you like with

it. So if I wanted to send something else.

Um, let's say we're going to be well,

I don't know why we would during the American revolution,

but if I wanted to send this article about paying college

athletes over. I would just use the move tool

once documents are here, there are no digital

rights management tied to them. So

you can do what you like with them. So

let's go back and look at that American revolution



I've just added a note here at the top

to my students. I've highlighted

it to draw their eye to them. But what I've got

here is this primary document

uh regarding

uh basically diary entries from a surgeon,

uh who was stationed at valley forge during

the Revolutionary War. So

you know, I love primary source content

and something personal like this too

that really kind of puts you in that person's

shoes. I think it is so valuable

and you know, it's dated right. The language

is a little dated here. So it causes some critical

thinking. Students have to kind of think about what they're

reading and

you know, it's just an interesting way to, to learn

about history and make and make it real

and again because it now lives in my google drive,

I can do what I like with it. There's a share tool

here so I could push this out to students

to colleagues. Maybe we've got

a history club at the library, I want to share

it with everybody in that group. You would

just use the normal tools that are right here in google

drive and again would have the same tools in google

one drive or sorry, Microsoft one drive

So let me show you how I found this. I'm just going to

pop into Gale in context, middle school,

and we do have a portal page

or topic page. Have a lot of different names for these

about the American revolution. So this is

just a dedicated space for

everything we have regarding the American

revolution. So we of course have, you know, some

reference content, biographies,

multimedia periodicals

and as we saw primary sources

before I jump in and show you how I found

that one.

Let me just mention this is kind of like a search

result. So if I were to use Get Link from

this page.

it would automatically update every time

someone clicks on it. So as we have more and more

info for the American revolution, it would just

populate to this portal.

All right. But let's go ahead and seek out some primary sources.

Now of course we're going to have the big ones. We're going to

have, you know the Gettysburg address, the

Declaration of Independence. You know,

those are kind of easily found online.

But what's nice here is with our primary documents.

You always get an introduction to them too.

So you get the context for what you're

about to work with. Um, but you also

find things that aren't as easily available

online or other places. So the

filter tool here is Again,

one of my favorite ways to kind of isolate. We've got

over 100 primary sources here and again, could

use something like subject uh to

kind of focus on a particular topic or

my favorite is to isolate by document

type. I can see all the different types of documents

that are in this results list. So

diary entries, memoirs,

my uh personal account

diaries. And then just apply those


And we come down to 24 we can go through

here and again the one I was using was life

at Valley forge.

So again, when you're looking at the document

right here in the header, we've got the ability to

send this to google drive or Microsoft

one drive. So I'm just going to go ahead and send

it over. Takes just a minute. If I weren't

already logged into my google account, it would just prompt

me to log in

and then we get a confirmation that it's been sent.

And if I go over to google drive,

and this was again coming from Gale

and context middle school. That's always where it's

going to go first. It's it doesn't know

particularly that I have an American

revolution folder so it's always going to send

it to the database I'm using

and there it is now.

And I did a little work to this article

first before I, I uh messed

with it. I just, I took away we have at the bottom

of every article is a full citation.

So you know where it is and or what it is

and where you got it all those details that we would want.

So I got rid of some of the text here. I added

that note to my students and

then again I moved it right into the American revolution


So very simple and


let me close some of these windows I've got open here

we have the google and Microsoft icons

right here at the header of the article. But again, if

I scroll, scroll past them, I don't see them anymore.

Again look to the toolbar. So send


is going to give me google drive and Microsoft

one drive. So the send two button is

what you want to look for, let me just circle it.

There is always going to give you those

two options

. so

you can choose your cloud based storage tool

and we of course got email there too.

So great content and

can push it right out to. Again,

folks who need it,

All righty. So

one last look that we're going to demonstrate

or one last sharing tool that we're going to demonstrate.

Oops, sorry folks, again, lots of windows

open here. Here we go

to the slides,

we have a direct integration with

google classroom. So this has become

of course a really popular tool

uh particularly during the pandemic,

A lot of schools were signing up for different. Um,

uh google classroom like tools or learning

management systems. And we've had an integration

with google classroom for a while.

This appears in the very top

of the banner.

and what it's going to do is then just create

a google classroom item

with a link to whatever you were working

with. So let's go ahead and kind

of see the result again.

So I have my google classroom page open

here let's say I teach eighth grade English

or maybe I'm the librarian supporting an eighth grade English

teacher. I've created a google classroom

here with some items and this is the end

result right here in my classroom stream.

I've got an announcement

about citing sources and what it's done

is in that google classroom item, it's

embedded that Get Link U. R. L.

So if I go ahead and click it,

it acts just like it did when I embedded

it somewhere myself. It's just we have this

little tool that kind of does it for

you when you're using google classroom.

So let me show you how I did that.

And I'm just going to pop back into

uh Yale and context middle school. Oh no. I

mean I keep doing that going into the wrong resources

at the wrong time.

so just a quick search on citing sources

and we've got a, we've got a few good things here. I

have um, uh, some overviews.

I think we've got some,

let me scroll down. Oh no. Oh the,

sorry, I think of the video content. we have distinguishes

primary and secondary sources although this would

be a good one too. But

we'll go ahead and take a look here

and what's nice actually before I choose

one let me point something out

So I've got two articles here.

the main difference between them are the

lex scores. So this is something

to keep an eye out as you're deciding what to share.

Uh So you can, you know, share the appropriate

kind of reading level for your audience. If I'm working with eighth

graders, I may want this lex score

the 10 40 it's tied to our

level three icon here

uh or content level, pardon me. Uh which

is targeted to middle school as well.

So this is looking like the one I would want

and again, just look for that

icon up in the very top

of the tool bar.

I might look familiar if you're already

a google classroom user

Hi, this will open up a window

to start me creating

a uh google classroom item to post it

right to my stream. So I choose the class. I want to

post it to

and I'll go with

we'll just kind of do the same one here and

do I want to make an announcement create an assignment.

These would all be familiar options if

you're a google classroom user. And again

what it does is embed

that link to this article. So

it's using that Get Link U. R. L.

And let me give some very brief

instructions here

and it again goes to work and you get

a confirmation that it's been posted and you go ahead and view

the results.

and there it is again.

So really simple. We

also have the ability

let me pop back to the slides here.

to have further integration with

other learning management systems

if you use school

canvas blackboard any

of these L. T. I. Certified.

Uh Learning management systems

you can actually integrate your databases

into them. It does take a little setup.

Uh but this would be the end result

where you could create an assignment

inside one of your courses

and post an article, a video.

Again, whatever you may find in the resource

that you want to share uh embedded

in the L. M. S. So those students never

leave that environment

Again, great way to, you know, embed reserved.


things like that at an academic level. But

of course for k 12 students uh as

well, this is what that would look

like. Now the I've mentioned, it does take

some set up, we have to kind of connect to these

resources. That's where the L. T. I.

Um uh compatibility comes

in so this is

going to be some work on our part at Gale

and at your part the L. M. S. But talking

to your customer success manager at Gale

we can get the ball rolling and help you get this

set up and then spread the word for how

to do this. So really great

way to again

kind of get people or not again

but to get people into your work or get these

resources into the workflow of

your institution.

So the L. M. S. Integration is really handy

All right, so let's do a quick recount.

on the ways we can save and share content.

So Get Link again. Very universal.

It gives you a U. R. L. That you can put

anywhere. So again embedding

something and maybe an e newsletter that the library

sends out to let them know about a database

or even just a topic. Um

you know, ways to support what you're doing in the library

to support outreach. The resources

are here

ok downloading content again

generates a P. D. F which very

universal. You can then upload it wherever

you need it, attach it to an email.

Great way to push out content. And

it's familiar, right? People are familiar with

P. D. F. S and uh comfortable

Send two sending documents

to the cloud. Both google drive and Microsoft

11 drive are integrated

right into the resources so you can keep track

of all your content there. But of course

you have the ability then to share it with others

and you have

again, our last option integrating

into a learning management systems and things

like google classroom where you can just

fit right into the workflow of

of what you're doing already.


great ways to bring in our push

out content from these resources.

so let me just check the chat and Q and

A. I think we're in good shape.


we'll go ahead and start wrapping up and

share with you Gale support. So when

you've got questions about these resources

or the tools in the databases or

really anything else, you have

a lot of great support out on our out

on our support site support

dot Yale dot com slash meta.

is a dedicated support site for our Minitex

libraries. And what's nice about the page

is when you get there, it prompts you to choose

your library from a list and then it

filters and adjusts the support page.

So it's addressing just your content from Yale

rather than our over, you know, 100

databases. So very

handy way to work with the content

there. You can of course get all of your

tech kind of info there. Access

U. R. L. S. And Mark Records, stuff like that

But then also lots of great free training

materials. So tutorials around how to use

Get Link or a training

deck that you could download and use

to present to a group of middle school teachers,

Gale and context middle school, there are projects

scavenger hunts. We've got some neat stuff that just

went up last week to uh help celebrate

day of the day dad with some activities in the resources.

Uh really fun.

We've got lots of free marketing materials.

No need to recreate the wheel, we've got bookmarks,

we got digital assets, you can use in social media

posts, things like that. Check

out the marketing materials if you're looking for that kind

of stuff. Lots of good stuff uh to

work with there

but of course you may want to talk to a person

and I mentioned a Gale customer success manager

before that's who you want to talk to. If you want to talk about

integrating with your L. M. S.

They are probably the best person to get to

know a gale. They help you be successful with

your Gale resources so they

can answer questions like that but also questions

about the databases content,

uh technical issues, They can

help advise if you're maybe going to do a promotion

push, they can give you examples

from other libraries they've worked with. They're

a great group of folks. So you can use

this email address or if you visit the support

site and choose your library, it will actually tell

you who your customer success manager is. And you

can even make an appointment on their calendar

to uh chat with them

so tech support is also available.

Should you run into errors or anything like

that? You can always get to tech support.

Um, your account reps are always happy

to chat with you as well. So you can use the rep finder

on our site to zero in on who that may be

if you don't already know them.

And then of course as your trainer, I'm happy to hear from

you too. So feel free to give me a call, shoot me an

email that 800 number will get you anybody

in the company. So don't suffer

in silence. Lots of support from your Gale

team. We definitely want to hear from you

So with that I'll say thank you for tuning

in. Um I hope this was helpful and

what you had in mind, Keep an eye out

for our webinar calendars. We provide

sessions specifically for me,

but then also from our at large calendar and

you can feel free to uh, you know, tune

into anything upcoming. But we also

record all our sessions. You can always check

these pages and look for the recordings as well.

So we hope to see you on sessions

down the road. Um but also happy to

have you tune in when you've got a minute of

those recording sessions. So I'm

going to stick around and see if there are any questions but

if you're all set. Thanks so much for tuning

in today. Again, I hope it was helpful and

and what you had in mind and uh again

hope to see you on another session down the road. Thanks

© 2024 Gale, part of Cengage Group