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Gale Literature Resource Center: Primary Source and Historical Document Sets (For K12 and Public)

Gale Literature Resource Center has new enhancements designed to contextualize literary works for better student understanding. Our Primary Source and Historical Document Sets curate the over 100,000 primary source documents already found within the resource to allow for easy discovery and engagement. View our session to explore the content and workflows of this valuable new feature.
Duration: 30 Minutes
Welcome and everyone. So today's

session is focused on the new

primary source and historical document

sets found within Gale Literature

Resource Center.

My name is Amber Winters and I'm a senior training

consultant here at Gale

and I have just a quick agenda here. So first

we'll talk about the documents, the document

sets themselves, we'll get an understanding of what exactly

they are, why we built them things like

that. Then we'll spend the majority of the time

though actually clicking into the resource. So you can see

where your students or your patrons are going to find

those sets and how they can access them

as well as some of the different tools that are attached

to the sets.

And then at the very end of the session, if

I'm not able to answer every question as we move through

today, I'll get all of your questions answered and

I do have some wrap up contact information

for you.

So a nice simple agenda for us all today.

And again, I do want to remind you just one more time

if you have questions, put those into

the Q and A for me and I'll be able to see

and answer them right away.

So if anyone is new to Gay Literature Resource

center, I just want to give a very, very brief

overview of what to expect. So

this resource has been kind of built and designed

to focus on works, authors and topics

within literature. So it's going to have extensive

extensive coverage of all

ros movements and time. So really

anything from historical to contemporary

you're going to find within this resource. In

addition to focusing on the authors

and the works themselves, we also organize content

based on key topic areas. So

if you have someone looking for maybe

information related to censorship

or cultural identity or something like that,

we also organize our content that way. So

your user users will be able to find content

or writers, you know, related to

cultural identity or works related to cultural

identity right here on this platform.

And within the platform, we do have a nice variety

of content types. So we have a huge

collection of biographies for all

of the different authors we have within the resource. We also

have work overviews as well as kind

of brief descriptions of works, literary

criticisms, primary sources. And we do have

quite a few full literary works as

well and we have news and magazines

in here. So really,

we're trying to bring context to the works

we're providing what's going on currently

with news and magazines, we're looking at primary sources.

So we understand the context

in which the work was written and we're providing information

about the author as well. So really

getting a holistic view of whatever piece of literature

your user is looking for.

And finally, we have some simple research tools that

I always want to point out as well. So

your users will be able to highlight, take notes on

our platform. They can send information they find

to their Google or their Microsoft drives depending

on which they're using. But again, today,

we're focused strictly on our primary

source and historical document sets.

These are collections of materials that we have

actually had experts curate for us

that are focused specifically around

one novel or one work of

literature. So what we've done is pulled

for different types of primary and

historical sources. So not only are

you going to find, you know, pieces of text like

letters or things like that or maybe um

you know, letters from the author or work

overviews from the past? But you're also going to find

things like images, videos and audio

files. So we're trying to make this as engaging

as possible for your users. So they're going to

find the content that they need and they're going

to get a better understanding of what they're looking at

right now. We have 100 curated sets

we're continuously trying to build more. But

again, these are hand curated. So what we've

decided to do is we've pulled forward 100

of the most used and studied

pieces of literature within the, within

the resource to build these first sets.

And we'll continue to build out to kind of moving forward

some sample and title some sample titles

include the Absolutely True

Diary of a part time Indian, Brave New World,

the Crucible, the hate you give Hamlet.

I know why the Caged Bird Sings. As I mentioned,

I've pulled forward the Frankenstein one here

as well. So we've really tried to

have a nice inclusive list of

titles that we've started out these sets

with. So you'll find some that are a little bit

more current

like the hate you give and then some of course, that are a bit

more historical like Hamlet.

We've really tried to include all of those and what's

great about the more

ones that when I first started looking at this, I saw

how do we have a lot of primary documents for

the hate you give? But

when you take a look at these more currents,

these more current works, we

have information covering the

topics within the works. So it might take a look

at the civil rights movement have

some primary source related to that. It

may have interviews with the author. Of course,

they're not super old when we think primary

sources. A lot of times students think, you know, really old

stuff, but

you know, an interview with the author whenever

that, that piece of text came out

is also considered a primary source.

So they'll find those there as well. So it's a nice

mix of really kind of historical

text as well as more modern text

within this resource.

And each of our document sets have been hand

curated by experts in their field.

Most of them are professors at various

universities. So at the bottom of

each of our historical document

sets, we actually have this nice little kind

of background about the person who curated

the set just to give your students or

your users

a little background of

the person who chose these different

documents to highlight and they get a little bit

of information about the individual which might

help them understand why they chose those

documents. Because as you could imagine,

we have over I think 100,000

primary sources within this resource.

So, you know, you're going to want

to know why they chose these five.

Of course, there are much more than five that are related

to these resources. Why did this individual

think that those five were the most important

to highlight? So we have these little

kind of bios at the very end

of the tech sets to help students and

help your users understand that.

So let's go ahead and take a look,

see where you can find these, how you can use them, how

you can share them all that good stuff.

Um Do we have any questions before we get

moving here?

Here we go. This is the home page of Gael

Literature Resource Center.

And each of our historical text sets

are actually attached to literature

works pages.

So each of our pieces of text

are actually kind of pulled together

on nice organized pages for your

users. And that's where I've chosen to house

the historical sets. So what your

users will have to do is either you can

browse our works. You see, we pull forward a few

on our home page

or you hit our browse works button to

find a work that you're interested in.

Of course, I need to sign in

and you'll see it pull forward here or

we can search for a work to see if

it has a historical document set. So

I'm just going to search for, I know why the Caged

Bird Sings.

And you'll see when I start typing in my search bar

up top here. I get some predictive text

and the first one I have here is bolded. That

means I have that nice works page

created for me. So let's click into

that here.

And now while I'm on this works page, you'll see, I get

an overview of the work itself.

I get some information about the author when it was

published. All that good stuff. Some related topics

scrolling down underneath.

This is where you'll find our primary source

in historical document sets.

So the best way to find these sets is to first

choose what work you want to kind of

engage with. So if it's

a play, if it's a novel, if it's a poem,

you wanna first figure out which

you want to take a look at and then move

from there. And I will mention underneath this

historical document set is where

you're going to find all of the other bits

of content related to.

I know why the Caged Bird sings.

But now let's click into one of these here. So

we have five documents within this historical

document set that usually stays around

five. There may be, you know, plus or minus

one or two, but it's usually around five documents

when I click into this. Now I'm pulled to this separate

page here. So at the very top, again,

I'm getting a brief overview

of this piece, this

piece of literature.

And then underneath that, it's showing me what

primary sources we have listed on this page

here. So you see this one has the

film adaptation, a video

of Maya Angelou reading from a poem,

an excerpt from a television documentary

and another interview um

and some add additional writings by

Maya Angelou. So if I scroll down here,

now I'm going to see all of those bits of information

and we do split them up into two different sections.

So you'll see here. Multimedia is going

to be listed first. So that's going to include

video. Sometimes you might find

images, podcasts or other types

of audio, all of those will be under


And then underneath that, we list any

articles that have been attached. So this

article section is where you'll find like written interviews,

memoirs. Maybe

it's a news report from back in the day,

you know, related to something within

this piece of text, you'll

find those articles here.

And then again, as I mentioned

right here at the bottom, this is giving the information

about the person who created this,

excuse me, this

historical document set. So we'll get a little

bit of information about her.

And if you're trying to pull content, let's say for

students, if I have anyone in the K 12 arena

joining me today, if you're trying to pull

content for students and you really enjoy this document

set or any document set here and

you want to share it out with your students, we actually have a

really nice way for you to do that instead

of trying to direct your students on how to find it.

If you use this, get link button up top here

right next to the person search.

This is gonna provide you with a persistent URL

to this page and it's not going to break.

Um So if you want to put this

in a syllabus in a rubric, if you want to share

it on a discussion board. If you just want to email

it to your students, let's say

use this gut link and just paste

that wherever you want to go. And then students

will be, will be pulled directly to this page

to kind of start their learning

and I can click into any of these here. So if I want

to first click into the film adaptation,

let's say

I'll click into this,

you'll see this one. I hit play video because

our partner that we're working with has actually

kept it on their platform. So I'll


and you'll see now, I've got the whole video listed here, so

or showing here. So I'll be able to play this

whole video. So if you're looking like some looking

for something like that for students who are

going to be coming into your class, maybe you want them to

compare the, the

the movie versus the actual text

itself. They can do that here

if I jump back now

and let's click into one of these articles instead.

And we have a really nice question in the Q

and A here. So do students need to

log in first when directed by the URL?

So we're talking about that get link button that I mentioned

mentioned just a little bit ago. They

won't have to sign in to access

the link. So they'll be able to click into the link

and go directly to the document

set. But when they try to move forward

from that set, so if they decide they want to

learn more about this book or maybe look at a different

piece of literature at that point,

they'll be asked to authenticate. So, however, they do,

normally, if you use a password,

um if your IP authenticated, then they won't need

to worry about authenticating. But once

they try to click forward in the resource,

that's when they'll authenticate, but they'll be able to

get directly into the link, the link to the text


when you send it to them.

OK. So I just click it now into

a piece of text within the text

are historical document sets.

Just so you can see what this looks like. So this looks very

similar to what you're just going to find if you

just click into any piece of text

within the resource, this one looks like

is an interview here.

So your students will still be able to read through all

of this. And from here, they can use any of

the tools we have within the standard

literature resource center platform.

So you'll see they have all of their

text manipulation tools. Still, they'll

be able to send over to their drives. If they want to save

this content or download or print it, they

can still highlight and take notes. So

everything they would normally be able to do within the resource,

they'll still be able to do that if they go in through these

historical text sets.

Now, let me go ahead and click back here.

Another thing I want to mention, let me scroll down


I'm just going to click into this origin of the work

option here.

S no,

it's not popping up here. Um So

some of our primary sources can

actually be found in HTML formatting

or in the original formatting as a PDF.

Um I thought this one had that attached but it does

not. But what that does is if

it's maybe a letter written out that

has been sent somewhere, you'll immediately

see it in this html formatting where we're just providing

the text, but they will have an option at

the top of the page to change over to a PDF.

So they can see what that letter

or whatever other type of primary source looks

like have that available as well.

And you might not have mo no might not

have noticed, but we actually have a breadcrumb

trail at the top of the page here where I can easily click

back and forth from wherever I am.

So you'll see here. I'm on my primary source

and historical documents. If you want to jump

back to the main works page and take

a look at some of the other different types of content

I have available. I can just go right

here to the title

and then I'm pulled back to this main page

again where your historical document

sets are still listed here and the rest of the

content is found down below.

Now, I do want to mention that right now,

not every

piece of literature has one of these historical

document sets again, as I mentioned

right now, we're up to 100 of these hand curated

sets. So

there may come a time where your student

runs into a

um a piece of literature that

doesn't have some

attached, but we do still have primary sources

listed on our results page. So

I'm actually quickly going,

my head doesn't have one

of these historical documents set. So you can see what that looks

like. So all quiet on the western front

doesn't have one right now.

You'll see again. I ran my search up top here.

I've got my bolded options going to pull me forward

to this organized page

and then you'll see right here. This is where that historical

site would be. So, since this one doesn't

have one just yet,

if they scroll down on

our resource, our results

here, you'll see all of the different types of content.

We have some biographies, some

literature criticism. One of the options

is primary sources and literary works

so I can scroll down and find that content bucket here

and you'll see we do still have some primary source

content. The difference is this isn't hand

curated. So

um it's not kind of organized

and nice and neat for your students and it may not

be as

directly related or as kind of

organized as what you would see in

those historical document sets and

a lot of times within those sets as well, we're pulling

forward primary sources that are

not directly related to the

literary work necessarily. they

may be a primary source related to a political

movement that impacted the work or something like

that. So that's how that set

development is just a little bit different than the standard

results you're going to find here under

this primary sources box.

Hm. Ok.

No, that's been a pretty quick session today

even with our technical difficulties. So again,

if you're looking for those historical document

sets, you need to find your piece

of literature first, either by browsing

works or by searching for it

when you click into it. If we have one available,

if I clicked into ferns

sein, it's gonna

be right here,

I'll be able to click in

and pull it forward.

So again, best way to find these content,

figure out what piece of literature you want

to take a look at first and then move forward from

there. Now,

that's what I have for you all today. I'm going to go ahead and

jump back to my slides since I haven't

seen any questions come

up here.

If you do have questions, go ahead and pop those into the Q

and A for me.

And I have some, just wrap up information for

you as well. If you think of additional questions

once we're done on the session today, feel free to send

me an email. It's just

[email protected]. I thank everyone

for being on the line with me today and hopefully we'll

see you all in future sessions.
© 2024 Gale, part of Cengage Group