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Last Updated: January 10, 2019

Gale Literature - Literary Analysis

This tutorial shows you how to use Gale Literature to take your literary analysis to the next level.
Whether you've just finished reading the latest work

by a contemporary author,

or need to find a unique angle for

covering a classic,

Gale Literature provides critical essays,

author biographies, overviews

and more to take your literary analysis

to the next level.

Read biographies and work overviews

to build an understanding of the personal

and historical influences behind a work.

Use the insight into key themes and

literary elements to narrow a broad

topic into specific research questions.

When you've developed an initial thesis,

examine literature criticism to refine

and support your investigation.

Continue brainstorming and exploring subtopics with Topic Finder,

or limit search results based on key themes

within the scholarly discussion of a work.

You may even uncover authors' views

of their own works,

which can provide valuable evidence for your analysis.

As you discover useful sources,

cite, download, print, or send your sources and

citations to Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive.

Gale Literature simplifies the process

of starting and managing your research so

that you can focus on writing a paper that impresses.

Learn more at
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