The following courses have been discontinued. The MARC records for these courses may be deleted.
September 2024
MARC Control# (001) | Course Name |
ed2go220 | LSAT Preparation - Part 1 |
ed2go221 | LSAT Preparation - Part 2 |
MARC Control# (001) | Course Name |
ed2go293 | Singapore Math Strategies: Advanced Model Drawing for Grades 6-9 |
ed2go294 | Singapore Math Strategies: Model Drawing for Grades 1-6 |
ed2go295 | Singapore Math: Number Sense and Computational Strategies |
ed2go419 | Intermediate InDesign CC |
ed2go464 | Intermediate QuickBooks 2019 |
ed2go469 | Introduction to QuickBooks 2019 |
March 2024
MARC Control# (001) | Course Name |
ed2go360 | Common Core Standards for English Language Arts K-5 |
ed2go418 | Content Literacy: Grades 6-12 |
December 2023
MARC Control# (001) | Course Name |
ed2go107 | Intermediate C# Programming |
ed2go018 | Helping Elderly Parents |
ed2go163 | Introduction to Internet Writing Markets |
ed2go276 | Publish and Sell Your E-Books |
ed2go362 | Happy and Healthy Pregnancy |
September 2023
MARC Control# (001) | Course Name |
ed2go127 | Intermediate PHP and MySQL |
ed2go196 | Introduction to PHP and MySQL |
ed2go354 | Advanced CSS3 and HTML5 |
ed2go417 | Responsive Web Design |
ed2go425 | LPI Linux Essentials Exam Prep |
ed2go109 | Intermediate CSS3 and HTML5 |
June 2023
MARC Control# (001) | Course Name |
ed2go382 | Marriage and Relationships: Keys to Success |
ed2go455 | Intermediate QuickBooks 2018 |
ed2go456 | Introduction to QuickBooks 2018 |
March 2023
MARC Control# (001) | Course Name |
ed2go014 | Advanced Microsoft Excel 2010 |
ed2go115 | Intermediate Microsoft Access 2010 |
ed2go119 | Intermediate Microsoft Excel 2010 |
ed2go121 | Intermediate Microsoft Word 2010 |
ed2go146 | Introduction to Crystal Reports |
ed2go149 | Introduction to Database Development |
ed2go169 | Introduction to Microsoft Access 2010 |
ed2go172 | Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2010 |
ed2go175 | Introduction to Microsoft Outlook 2010 |
ed2go183 | Introduction to Microsoft Word 2010 |
ed2go355 | Advanced Microsoft Excel 2013 |
ed2go366 | Intermediate Microsoft Excel 2013 |
ed2go369 | Introduction to Google Analytics |
ed2go374 | Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2013 |
ed2go375 | Introduction to Microsoft Outlook 2013 |
ed2go384 | Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 in the Classroom |
ed2go401 | Intermediate Microsoft Access 2013 |
ed2go403 | Introduction to Microsoft Access 2013 |
ed2go407 | Introduction to Microsoft Word 2013 |
ed2go413 | Intermediate Microsoft Word 2013 |
December 2022
MARC Control# (001) | Course Name |
ed2go177 | Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 |
ed2go265 | Project Management Professional (PMP) Prep I |
ed2go266 | Project Management Professional (PMP) Prep II |
ed2go376 | Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 |
ed2go494 | Research methods for writers |
September 2022
MARC Control# (001) | Course Name |
ed2go138 | Introduction to ASP.NET |
ed2go267 | Practical Ideas for the Adult ESL/EFL Classroom |
ed2go281 | QuickBooks 2013 for Contractors |
ed2go313 | Teaching ESL/EFL Grammar |
ed2go314 | Teaching ESL/EFL Reading |
ed2go315 | Teaching ESL/EFL Vocabulary |
June 2022
MARC Control# (001) | Course Name |
ed2go179 | Introduction to Microsoft Project 2010 |
ed2go286 | Research Methods for Writers |
ed2go343 | Wow, What a Great Event! |
ed2go377 | Introduction to Microsoft Project 2013 |
ed2go409 | Performing Payroll in QuickBooks 2015 |
ed2go416 | QuickBooks 2015 for Contractors |
ed2go428 | Intermediate QuickBooks 2016 |
ed2go429 | Introduction to Microsoft Project 2016 |
ed2go430 | Introduction to QuickBooks 2016 |
ed2go448 | Intermediate QuickBooks 2017 |
ed2go449 | Introduction to QuickBooks 2017 |
March 2022
MARC Control# (001) | Course Name |
ed2go332 | Travel Photography for the Digital Photographer |
ed2go387 Photoshop CC for the Digital Photographer II |
December 2021
MARC Control# (001) | Course Name |
ed2go125 | Intermediate Photoshop CS5 |
ed2go126 Intermediate Photoshop CS6 |
ed2go159 Introduction to Illustrator CS6 |
ed2go194 Introduction to Photoshop CS5 |
ed2go195 Introduction to Photoshop CS6 |
ed2go371 Introduction to InDesign CS6 |
ed2go414 Intermediate Photoshop CC |
September 2021
MARC Control# (001) | Course Name |
ed2go015 | Advanced PC Security |
ed2go181 Introduction to Microsoft Publisher 2010 |
ed2go378 Introduction to Microsoft Publisher 2013 |
June 2021
MARC Control# (001) | Course Name |
ed2go050 | CompTIA Security+ Certification Prep 1 |
ed2go051 CompTIA Security+ Certification Prep 2 |
ed2go203 Introduction to QuickBooks 2013 |
ed2go379 Introduction to QuickBooks 2014 |
ed2go408 Introduction to QuickBooks 2015 |
ed2go129 Intermediate QuickBooks 2013 |
ed2go367 Intermediate QuickBooks 2014 |
ed2go406 Intermediate QuickBooks 2015 |
ed2go390 QuickBooks for Contractors 2014 |
ed2go123 Intermediate Oracle |
ed2go188 Introduction to Oracle |
March 2021
MARC Control# (001) | Course Name |
ed2go134 | Introduction to Adobe Acrobat X |
December 2020
MARC Control# (001) | Course Name |
ed2go395 | What's New in Microsoft Office 2013 |
September 2020
MARC Control# (001) | Course Name |
ed2go250 | Performing Payroll in QuickBooks 2013 |
ed2go385 | Performing Payroll in QuickBooks 2014 |
March 2020
MARC Control# (001) | Course Name |
ed2go373 | Introduction to Lightroom 5 |
December 2018
MARC Control# (001) | Course Name |
ed2go013 | Advanced Microsoft Excel 2007 |
ed2go118 | Intermediate Microsoft Excel 2007 |
ed2go120 | Intermediate Microsoft Word 2007 |
ed2go153 | Introduction to Dreamweaver CS6 |
ed2go171 | Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2007 |
ed2go182 | Introduction to Microsoft Word 2007 |
ed2go210 | Introduction to Windows 8 |
ed2go364 | Intermediate Dreamweaver CS6 |
September 2018
MARC Control# (001) | Course Name |
ed2go223 | Mac, iPhone, and iPad Programming |
ed2go388 | Photoshop Elements 12 for the Digital Photographer |
ed2go389 | Photoshop Elements 12 for the Digital Photographer II |
June 2018
MARC Control# (001) | Course Name |
ed2go027 | Beginning Writer's Workshop |
March 2017
MARC Control# (001) | Course Name |
ed2go116 | Intermediate Microsoft Access 2007 |
ed2go168 | Introduction to Microsoft Access 2007 |
ed2go209 | Introduction to Windows 7 |
December 2016
ed2go056 | Creating jQuery Mobile Websites With Dreamweaver |
ed2go136 | Introduction to Ajax Programming |
ed2go144 | Introduction to CorelDRAW X5 |
ed2go155 | Introduction to Flash CS6 |
ed2go166 | Introduction to Lightroom 4 |
ed2go184 | Introduction to Microsoft Word 2011 for Mac |
ed2go256 | Photoshop CS6 for the Digital Photographer |
ed2go257 | Photoshop CS6 for the Digital Photographer II |
ed2go260 | Photoshop Elements 11 for the Digital Photographer |
ed2go261 | Photoshop Elements 11 for the Digital Photographer II |
ed2go339 | What's New in Microsoft Office 2010 |
ed2go365 | Intermediate Flash CS6 |
ed2go368 | Introduction to Final Cut Pro X |
ed2go402 | Introduction to Camtasia Studio 8 |
March 2016
ed2go135 | Introduction to Adobe Edge Animate |
ed2go269 | Prepare for the GED Language Arts, Writing Test |
August 2015
ed2go128 | Intermediate QuickBooks 2012 |
ed2go202 | Introduction to QuickBooks 2012 |
ed2go225 | Managing Life as a Single Parent |
ed2go244 | Navigating Divorce |
ed2go249 | Performing Payroll in QuickBooks 2012 |
ed2go280 | QuickBooks 2012 for Contractors |
December 2014
ed2go002 | A Writer's Guide to Descriptive Settings |
ed2go012 | Advanced Microsoft Excel 2003 |
ed2go029 | Breaking Into Sitcom Writing |
ed2go036 | Certificate in Growth and Development Through the Lifespan |
ed2go042 | Certificate in Issues in Oxygenation |
ed2go043 | Certificate in Legal and Ethical Issues in Nursing |
ed2go057 | Creating K-12 Learning Materials |
ed2go077 | Explore a Career in a Dental Office |
ed2go087 | Get Paid to Travel |
ed2go096 | Guiding Kids on the Internet |
ed2go098 | Help for the Helpdesk |
ed2go110 | Intermediate Dreamweaver CS4 |
ed2go111 | Intermediate Dreamweaver CS5 |
ed2go112 | Intermediate Flash CS5 |
ed2go113 | Intermediate InDesign CS5 |
ed2go117 | Intermediate Microsoft Excel 2003 |
ed2go124 | Intermediate Photoshop CS4 |
ed2go133 | Introduction to Adobe Acrobat 9 |
ed2go147 | Introduction to Crystal Reports 10 |
ed2go151 | Introduction to Dreamweaver CS4 |
ed2go152 | Introduction to Dreamweaver CS5 |
ed2go154 | Introduction to Flash CS5 |
ed2go157 | Introduction to Illustrator CS4 |
ed2go158 | Introduction to Illustrator CS5 |
ed2go160 | Introduction to InDesign CS4 |
ed2go161 | Introduction to InDesign CS5 |
ed2go167 | Introduction to Linux |
ed2go170 | Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2003 |
ed2go173 | Introduction to Microsoft Expression Web |
ed2go174 | Introduction to Microsoft Outlook 2007 |
ed2go176 | Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 |
ed2go178 | Introduction to Microsoft Project 2007 |
ed2go180 | Introduction to Microsoft Publisher 2007 |
ed2go191 | Introduction to Peachtree Accounting 2012 |
ed2go192 | Introduction to Perl Programming |
ed2go193 | Introduction to Photoshop CS4 |
ed2go200 | Introduction to QuickBooks 2010 |
ed2go201 | Introduction to QuickBooks 2011 |
ed2go204 | Introduction to Ruby Programming |
ed2go211 | Introduction to Windows XP |
ed2go236 | Microsoft Excel 2007 in the Classroom |
ed2go237 | Microsoft Excel 2010 in the Classroom |
ed2go238 | Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 in the Classroom |
ed2go239 | Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 in the Classroom |
ed2go240 | Microsoft Word 2007 in the Classroom |
ed2go241 | Microsoft Word 2010 in the Classroom |
ed2go245 | Navigating the Internet |
ed2go247 | Performing Payroll in QuickBooks 2010 |
ed2go248 | Performing Payroll in QuickBooks 2011 |
ed2go254 | Photoshop CS5 for the Digital Photographer |
ed2go255 | Photoshop CS5 for the Digital Photographer II |
ed2go258 | Photoshop Elements 10 for the Digital Photographer |
ed2go259 | Photoshop Elements 10 for the Digital Photographer II |
ed2go262 | Photoshop Elements 9 for the Digital Photographer |
ed2go263 | Photoshop Elements 9 for the Digital Photographer II |
ed2go264 | Pleasures of Poetry |
ed2go275 | Protect Your Money, Credit, and Identity |
ed2go278 | QuickBooks 2010 for Contractors |
ed2go279 | QuickBooks 2011 for Contractors |
ed2go284 | Real Estate Investing II: Financing Your Property. |
ed2go326 | The Classroom Computer |
ed2go338 | What's New In Microsoft Office 2007 |
ed2go348 | Writing and Selling Self-Help Books |