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Gale 101- Gale In Context: Elementary

Gale In Context: Elementary is an online learning resource designed specifically for elementary school students. It provides a safe environment for students to explore and learn about key subjects like Science, Social Studies, ELA, Current Events, and more. Varied content types including reference articles, news/magazine reports, images, and videos provide and engaging experience.

Watch this beginner webinar to learn the basics about the content, platform, and tools within Gale In Context: Elementary.

Duration: 30 Minutes
All right. Hello everyone and welcome to

our Gale 101 gale in Context


Uh I'm Stacy Niblo, our team lead

for the Gale training team. And I'm

glad to be with you virtually to show off

this resource. Uh We started offering

these one on one sessions to kind of give

folks just a good baseline of information about

the resource and all the tools within.

Uh So I'm happy to uh to share that

with you all today. What we're gonna look

at is giving an overview

of the resource kind of how we put

it together, who our audience is

and then walk you through a couple product

integrations that we have. We can actually bring

in some other content from other gale

resources into Gale and context elementary.

And then I'm gonna walk you through the platform. So different

search paths and different tools that

you and um

uh students and young users

can take advantage of. And then as always,

we'll wrap up with our contact info at gail,

how you can reach out to us if you've got questions after

today. Um I'll also

take questions though throughout. So feel free to

send those into the chat or the Q and A any

time, uh, happy to take those as

they come to you rather than having you wait to the end

and, um, you know, maybe

forget what you were gonna ask. So, feel free to

ask those or if there's something you'd like to see

anything in particular, um, feel free to

share that in the chat or the Q and A as well.

Um, I am happy to take

a left turn. So please don't hold

back. Let me know what you'd like to see and

we'll wrap up then and get you out of here

on time. Uh So you can move on to the next part

of your day. So

um let's go ahead and dive in with our resource overview.

So gel and context elementary and let

me apologize at this point.

Um I that is how

I pronounce elementary. It's um

how we do it here in Western New York where I live.

So uh you'll hear it a lot more

through the session. So let's

go ahead and talk about what this resource offers

you. So gale in context

elementary is built as you can imagine

for our elementary age users.

So I, I say users,

but I should probably really define that better as

elementary reading level uh

users. So it is content

geared at grades K through five and

of course reading level within those ranges.

And we're gonna talk about ways you can make that a little more

specific when you're using the resource.

But along with building that reading

level appropriate content, we're also building in content

to fit what's happening in the K

five classrooms. So we look at

uh curriculum

across various states and

uh sorry, getting a little ahead of my slides here, we look

at curriculum across various states to

meet the needs of that classroom

and any research that's being done

um as well as providing materials that

teachers can put to use in the classroom. And of

course, it's a perfect fit in the library where

kids are getting their feet wet around research

and using online resources like this.

Uh The database is made up

of periodical articles,

news, upcoming various news and magazines

aimed at younger users. We've got

lots of multimedia and images and video

and uh you'll also find a good

base of reference content.

So good articles to start them

with to get to know about a topic,

you know, similar to what they might find in a textbook.

We also want to build in tools

that make this resource

reach everyone. So there are a variety

of ways you can work with the content.

You can listen, you can translate it, you can

uh change the formatting of an article

to help fit the user.

You've also got integrations that hopefully

fit into your workflow as well. So if you are

a Google or Micro, so school um

or user, we have ways you can send your

content right to those tools. And

of course, we want to build good researchers,

right? So you're gonna find tools in here like highlights

and notes and our citation tool to

help kids do those things they need

to do when they are researching

and, and really just kind of build their media literacy

and, and information literacy.

And then lastly here, I'll mention again,

this is a great resource to start

getting kids used to doing

research in databases like these and maybe

staying away from some places that

uh you know, like Google or Microsoft, uh what's

they called bing? Um That could be really

overwhelming or sending them off to sites

you may not recommend for their readings.

Um This is a safe place to send

kids to do research. It's again

targeted to their age ranges. So

again, appropriate as we talked about in reading

level and content and curriculum,

it also gives them a good place to start getting

comfortable with searching and maybe filtering

and again, using all those tools that they

might need um

in the research process. So

we are again, gonna take a look at everything.

I've got just a few slides to give you kind of the basics

though of how this database is built.

So we have a search of

course, but we also wanna make this

resource brows we find especially for

younger users as they're building their information


It's a great way to kind of show them how we deal with

information. You take a big topic

and start narrowing it down. And as

you can imagine, we target these topics

based on what's being studied in curriculum.

So you'll probably see some familiar topics

here. Animals is probably, are

always our most popular, uh uh path

to go down here. So we see we

start breaking down. So animals as a whole,

then mammals, reptiles and amphibians.

So we're learning a little bit maybe about classification

there, but also just how information is


And then we drill down to a third level

to get a little more specific. So here we're getting

at types of animals

and then we land on a topic

page. So the topic pages are

kind of where we pull in all the information

we have for a topic.

It's a good jumping off point to learn

about something. It's often maybe a unit

you'd be covering in the classroom or in the library.

And the way we organize these is to start

out with a topic overview. So

you get this simple

overview too, in this case, Tyrannosaurus

rex and even just that first paragraph

that we gives us a little info,

then we've got some quick facts we can take a look

at. So some good information around

um some few, you know, some trivia, maybe almost

um around the tyrannosaurus rex.

And then we organize the content the

same way that it might be organized in your

classroom or in your library, we

keep reference books together. We keep

our nonfiction books together. We keep

our magazines, our news and so on

and they can work through those various spaces.

So of course, we're going to see this in action here in a

minute. But again, just to give you an idea of how

we put this database together,

we also the one to integrate with

other content from Gale that is

aimed at that K five age range.

So if you are also a subscribe, oh sorry,

not subscriber. If you are also a p

purchaser of Gale ebooks,

those that are within that reading

level are gonna be available

in your gal and context elementary

if that's not happening at your library and

you do have access to both resources.

Again, I'm gonna share our contact info, you'll want to reach

out to us and let us know and we can work on that for

you. So where you'll find the Gale

Ebook content integrated is actually right on

the home page. We've got a few browsing

paths for a specific document

types or, or uh types of, of information.

So you'll be able to actually browse those

ebooks there and then they're also

integrated with your search results. They'll just get dedicated

in a books uh content type. So

you can grab the, the books you need that relate

to the topic you searched on

right, we also provide this similar

integration to National Geographic

Kids. So again, if you're a subscriber to National

Geographic Kids, this should be happening

for you as well. And same thing you're

actually on the home page from Galen Context Elementary,

gonna be able to browse issues of the magazine

and then within your search results,

you're gonna find content from, of course, the magazine,

but then also from NET GEO kids

books that are in that collection and then

audio and video will be integrated as well.


um I'm gonna demonstrate from an account that

has both of these integrations. So we can, we can

see them in action. Uh

The content does go to specific

places. So if you're not a subscriber,

you wouldn't maybe see the or not, maybe

you wouldn't see the uh books

content type on your search results.

So, um I'll and again, I'll share that when

we, when we get in there. So let's go ahead and

get in the la in the library source and

take a look.

So I've already gone ahead and logged

in here. I'm on the home page and let me

just, I'm gonna make things

a little bigger for your end of the webinar. I'm also

gonna just turn off my video. Uh So

it doesn't distract or block any of the screen here while

I'm live in the database.

All righty. So

uh Gill and Context Elementary home

page is going to offer a search

so you can dive right in, but we like

to encourage curiosity. So

on the home page, we do have some brows

areas here relating to specific

types of content. So we're gonna come back

and use the topic tree a few times. So let me just show you a

couple of these others.

Again, books is where content

from Gale ebooks would live. So if you've

purchased Gale ebooks,

those that are appropriate for K five

reading levels will flow to this

brows page. So you can open up this

Amelia Earhart book

and actually just start reading it cover to cover

right from the home page. So again, nice

and browseable can again, encourage curiosity

and and find some great content.

So take a minute to load here.


Let this fill in. So apologize,

folks. My internet may be a little slow. I hope it's not interfering

too much on your end of the uh


So letting it load up here while

it's loading, let me share. We do offer some tools.

Um This is a um

mobile responsive resource. Really all

of our gale resources are. So regardless

of kind of what

kind of size screen you're using, what type of device

you're using our resources should work just fine.

One of the neat things about the book content

is of course, we're seeing it as if it's laying

flat on the table. If you're working from a touch

screen, you can actually swipe to turn the pages.

Of course, we've got the arrows here, little progress

bar at the bottom to be able to move through,

you can zoom in and out and take advantage

of our listen tool, which I'm gonna go into a little more detail

later. The other feature I like

here when you're working with our ebooks is you

can switch to a full screen view. So the book

just takes over your page, uh

which is a great way again to immerse yourself

in the content.


again, if you have gale ebooks,

you will have that option there.

We also pull in news content

to browse through. So maybe looking for current events,

we've got pictures to browse

as well. So again, just trying

to, you know,

share some ways to discover new content

and get in, I'm gonna ahead and jump into its picture of an Alpaca

and there we have it our images.

If you do right, mouse click over kids can copy

and paste these. So if they're preparing some sort of presentation

or something, they can take advantage.

And of course, we want them

to cite where they got this content,

right? So we give them a little helping hand here

with our citation tool. Now,

in elementary school, it maybe

isn't the time you're talking about the difference between

ML A and A P A and all the various.

But of course, we do talk about needing to

site where we found our content.

So you've got a few different paths here.

Um But it, it gets them thinking about

that citation and building a work cited

page. And again, uh should

you need specific citation styles? You can

s select the text and copy and paste

that right where you need it?

Um Your citation will also go with

you to other places. So if you have

a tool like noodle tools or easy

bib or even can send this out to Google Drive or Microsoft

Onedrive can send that citation

out. So we're gonna talk

about those integrations a a little more later

we can, oh, I think I need to, sorry, I need

to, to go all the way back to the home page. Bear with me just a second

here while I get all the way back out there.

And again, I apologize, folks, things that seem to be moving

a little slowly which is of course

what happens when you are on

a uh

webinar rather than when you're just in the database

for yourself. So we pull in some of our multimedia

content as well here on uh the videos

you can flip through these

and I'm gonna jump into

one here again. I love the animals

content. So taking advantage of a few of these,

most of our videos are gonna offer a transcript,

which is nice. I tend to be more of a reader.

So I, I love to have the transcript but

uh of course, I think I'm in the minority, especially

with younger kids. So the video is always appealing.

They'll all have time for some more amazing

animals and they're fairly short,

you know, good way maybe to introduce the topic

and, and pull a few facts.

And then lastly,

if again, you have an integration

uh with Nat Geo Kids,

you're gonna be able to browse issues

of the Nat Geo Kids Magazine right

here from the home page as well. So gonna

dive into an issue, it actually displays

just like the ebooks do. So like we've

got the magazine flat on the table.

There is a bit of an embargo with Nat Geo

Kids Magazine. We do have to wait

um a certain amount of time before

we can have the newest issue, but you can go

back through the entire back file as well.

We have available.


we do want to take advantage though of the

topic tree. So I'm gonna jump all the way back to

where we started here.

And again, we like curiosity. So

there's always an I wonder question on the home page.

Every time you come back, it pops up a new one,

but this is where we're going to do some work here

is through our topic tree. So this will get you into

all of the content and

topic pages that we talked about before.

So as you're browsing these, you can

see, of course, these are tied to curriculum

areas. Um And if you start

down a path, I'm go ahead and select social studies.

Again, we see how this starts to drill down.

So we take the large topic of

social studies and break down into world history

into us, presidents, us, history,

native American tribes,

and then down to our third level where we get

more specific. So we are finding a

list of native American tribes.

And then again, all of the things that you

start with on the topic tree

uh are going to end up

on a topic page or portal page.

You may hear me call it that as well. We

start out with that great overview. So right

away, we find out where the Iroquois um

live. We have the ability

to jump in and read more of that

overview and we're gonna, we're gonna go into

more articles and talk about our details here, but

just a click gets into that, of course, that


and then again, some quick facts so

we can grab some some quick info

and then we get into all of the

information we have for the Iroquois

and we break this down by content type.

So we've got book articles, we've got magazine

articles, we've got biographies, pictures,

and so on. And then at the bottom

of the page, you will find related topics.

So again, great discovery tool, we

can branch off into

another tribe, you know, maybe go down another

path. But always there are ways

to kind of get to more content. So

love to encourage that curiosity

and discovery in our our younger users.

So let me jump back to the home page.

We're gonna go down a few more paths here from the topic

tree. And in this case, I'm gonna go into


And again, we start breaking these down

and then get to our, our lower level

list of topics I'm going to weather

and climate here.

So it has been a interesting weather

season. Uh, overall, I think regardless

of where you live, so

take a look at this.

So I'm gonna jump into weather as a whole.

And again, we're gonna land on that topic

page. Start right out with an overview,

get into some quick facts, but I wanted

to show you and here we go. Actually,

here's what the integration looks like.

If we have Gale ebooks or Nat Geo Kids,

the nonfiction books, um,

from NASA Geographic Kids. And

then again, any age appropriate ebooks

that you've purchased from Gale will actually go to this content

type over there on the right. You can see the book covers

everybody though will have our book articles.

This is the reference content that's coming out

of Gale and Context Elementary itself.

And one of the great things about it, actually, let's

go ahead and look at the entire list of results here

is we keep it really simple if you've

attended any other Gale webinars or maybe subscribed

to other databases.

You'll see Gale and Context elementary has

really its own look and feel. But there are a few

things we do in all of our databases. When you're looking

at search results, you can always see the date where it comes

from. And, and I'm gonna use

my little annotate tool here. Our

content types, our co or sorry,

not types our content levels.

So these boxes, we have five

of them. They are

gonna be found in all of the gal and context

resources and a few others.

And basically what they're telling you is

a range of reading level. So

when you're in gal in context elementary, you're gonna see

a lot of the green and blue boxes. Green

is a level one with just one dot

And level two there in blue,

it has the two dots.

If you look over to the right, we have

ways to filter our results which we'll we'll

talk about a little more but one of them is

content level. So

you've got the ability to filter your results

into level one or level two. Again,

those are our kind of Oh sorry, not again, I haven't

explained. So level one is generally gonna be lower

elementary reading level and uh level

two is gonna be upper elementary, then middle school

for level three,

level four is gonna be more high school

and then level five more, you know, scholarly

or academic.

So it's got a, a lexile

range there assigned as well. We're gonna talk about

um which you can get even more

specific with when you're looking for reading level

too from advanced search. But let's let me,

let me show you another feature around what

we've done with reading level. So Gale

is a publisher,

we have a lot of our own content

in these databases. And the great thing about

that is we can do what we like with our own


So what we've chosen to do

is level

a lot of our reference and biography


So you won't see this for every single article

that that is in the database from Gale,

but you'll see it for a lot of them. Again in

reference and biography, we can't

take an article from say The New York Times

for Kids and rewrite it. You know, that's,

that's gonna break some permissions them. So

we can only do that with content we've written. So

that's what we've done. We've leveled it, taken

the same article and written it at two different reading

levels. So you can always get

from one to the other. They'll both show

up in your results list. And again, you wanna look for that

content level indicator

to show you which, which you've got.

So let me clear these drawings so we can

uh I

get back to

looking at this content. So I landed

here in level two and over here to the far

right. We've got a row of buttons and we're gonna get

back to most of them. But the one to the

very far right article info

is gonna open up and show you

the lexile measure. So for this article,

I'm working with an 840

I can open that up and I can switch from here

to that level one that is at a 470

you'll see my tab changed up above

and jump to that lower reading level so I can

make the call, right. What's gonna be most appropriate

for the the student that I'm working with

or my classroom or

you know, the group of kids I have in the library. So

our level one article here starts out with words to

know. So we've got a glossary built in. So

we know what atmosphere is, we know what temperature

is and you can see we've got short

sentences, short paragraphs

and we do a lot of work kind of behind the scenes

too about how the article looks

what, you know, the, the size of

the text. But you can always

play around with this too.

I scroll back up to the top of the article.

Remember those four but or not

four, those uh six buttons over

here to the far, right?

One of them is a text size tool.

So if I scroll down a bit, so you can see this again,

you can see the text has gotten bigger you can

also take advantage of like I did at the

start of the session, the zoom options

in your browser and make the whole thing bigger.

Uh But if you just want to work with the text, we've got

the button there for you to do it,

you can also change the way the text


So I've got a nephew who has

a processing issue where he really needs

text to be on a blue or a green background

to see it clearly. So I can switch

to the green background for him. I

can make different font choices. If I prefer

something with some SARS on it, we've got Gammon

there, I could work with, we offer the open dyslexic

font as well, which was a big request

um from our users. You

can also change the spacing

of the text. So I'm just gonna put these all to most.

You can kind of see the um

work that it does. So let me scroll down back to

the text here. So you can see the whole font has changed

again. Our spacing has changed

and the great thing is it

will remember those settings. So if

I switch over to level

two article,

it's gonna apply those settings, right?

So looking at our level two, which

I think was an 870 lexile, you can see

here, longer sentences,

longer paragraphs, you know, we've got more

texts to work with here, right?

So it's

jumping up that reading level

uh in a few different ways.

So very handy. Again, you're gonna see

this quite a bit for reference

and biography uh and your results.

So let me jump back out to the rest of our results

and we'll take a look at a few others.

So we looked at book content already. You've also

got periodical content, we've got magazines

and news sources aimed at

our younger users. There might be a few in there

for our professionals for say our librarians

in the elementary library for our teachers.

But most of the content is really aimed

at that younger user with that younger reading level.

But jump into news, we've got a few

news sources aimed at kids like news or sorry

like kids post.

But if I wanna seek something out, you'll see

again those filter options over on the right. One of those

is to be able to isolate to publication title

and we were able to add the New York Times

for kids in the last year or so.

So I'm just gonna go ahead and isolate to that

narrow down to two entries here. And as I jump

in again, we're gonna see,

I've got those

uh display options that I set before

it's just remembering them.

Now, I am gonna go ahead and set those back

to the default because I want to take

advantage of a couple of these other tools and it just, I think

appears a little better

when I'm demoing it from here.

So another way we can make

something more readable for students, maybe raise

their, um, comprehension of it is

to have them listen. So one,

they might just be maybe better listeners than they

are readers.

The listen is also handy if you've got students

where maybe English isn't their first language

and they hear it a little better than they do

yet. The listen tool is gonna

let us read the entire article.

Now it acts like summer weather is going

to the extreme. It acts a little differently

than a screen reader does. Um It

isn't going to read, you know, from

the banner and all of that, it just starts with

the article title and goes from there. You

can also see it's highlighting as it's reading

and then there are settings, you can go into that little

gear icon will let you make other

adjustments. You can make this the most comfortable or

needed reading experience.

You can also translate

our text. So this is an on demand translation.

So it's, you know, not how I want to learn to speak

a different language, but it can be a huge help

when you've got kids where maybe again, English

isn't their first language. And you want to

give him a helping hand,

we can translate it, gives you a little preview of the

translation, then you can choose to complete it

and there we go

and you'll see that listen button sticks around

for, I think, better than half, I think about three quarters

of the languages in our list.

So, um, we can also hear this

in Spanish.

Hi. So you're gonna see those options for all of

the articles, uh, that are available

in their text. Face. The books that come from

Nat Geo Kids and the, uh, books that

come from Gale ebooks won't have a translation

option, but you will have the listen option.

So they're there. You're working with kind of a PDF

there. So, all

right, let's go ahead. We're gonna try search. I love

the, the brows

chic tree, but of course, we often can see

a search box and we use it. We know what we're after.

So just gonna do a quick search here for Ruby Bridges,

we have a search assist. I'm a terrible speller.

So that's a big help. Um But

it also can just help you find maybe more specific

search term.

So again, we start right out a bit of an overview

and so on

and we've got again,

a lot of great content here again

at varying reading levels. So again,

we can always go in and take a look at that content

isolate by content level.

But let's say I wanna start with that, you

can always apply these filters after

you've performed a search. But if you start

with advanced search, you can actually put those filters

in place to start. So if there's a particular

source, you know, you want your results from,

we can come to advanced search and


Pardon me, we can limit our search

by publication title. If I choose from the

dropbox here or um some

of these also, you'll see duplicated down below.

Uh But a couple of my favorites here

are those content and uh lexile

limiters. So content level is gonna use

those gale defined levels one through five

lexile measure though, gives a bit of

a range for you to pick from. And you

can see you can, you can multi select,

OK, you could also put in your own

lexile measure or score. So you

can really target reading levels. The

other thing we offer here that

is very popular to use is

there's actually a filter for and I'm gonna

circle it just so we

let me see it.

Sorry folks bear with me while I,

I'm debating if I want to use the annotate

tool anymore. It always takes me so long to get started with it.

Here we go. The level documents

limiter. So this will make sure

I'm gonna have my articles at two

different reading levels. So if I've got a

mixed classroom, maybe I've got some advanced readers,

I've got some readers who maybe need a little help.

I can isolate and get

only level documents. Now,

this is fairly limiting because again,

we can only filter the content

that we publish at Yale. So this is really gonna

limit me to, uh, articles

from. Oh, sorry, I, I apologize.

I had the, um,

I think I had my lexile scores selected

there too.

Let me stop. Let me jump back to advance search and,

and, uh, start fresh.

Sorry about that folks. I thought I cleared them.

Right. Yeah,

that is. There we go.

So again, this will be biographies,

maybe some reference articles and

there we have our leveled content.

So again, we always see both in the search results,

but you can easily switch back and forth between the two.

And if I wanna target this for my

students, if this is a biography, I want them to

read, you know, maybe a homework assignment or we're gonna

read it together in the library

and I wanna make sure my kids are getting this

level one biography of Bridges.

There are a few different ways I can put it right in their hands.

One is and probably the simplest

because it works with everything

in the upper right hand corner here

in our, our toolbar,

we have our get link and

this is a persistent URL

or pearl

that was sorry, let me get rid of that circle.

That will give me

a way to link this, say if we use

something like seesaw or even just,

you know, if I've got my own web page or

I wanna link it in um you

know, another L MS like clever or

something like that.

Oh, sorry, not clever. Um

Am I thinking of?

Well, I'll uh canvas.

That's what I was thinking of.

That URL will go anywhere.

It is just a URL, but it always

comes back to the same place. So I would always

be sending whoever clicks it right

back to this level one biography. So

it's even something you might share

with a colleague to let them know it's there

um really handy. So get link really

simple gives you URL, you can use it wherever

to guide your users, right? Where you want them,

those of you that are Google classroom

users, you might have recognized

our Google classroom

icon up here at the very top of the page.

Similar idea I'm gonna be

able to put my students right where I want

them. But it just starts me down the path to

adding to my Google classroom page.

So you choose your subject

and uh you know, basically

it's the same path you use when you are

adding something to your Google classroom anyway,

and forgive my very brief instructions here.

What it's gonna do is embed a link

actually that gap link to this

article. So when I sign it to my students

and it gives me a chance to view it just to check

things out.

I can't, oh It takes a minute for it to

show up there. Oh, did I not?

Yeah, make an assignment


instructions that's important. See, there's that

link embedded for my students. So

you land right there.

So really handy.

The other integration I wanna mention and

we're gonna wrap up here in a minute to let you go

is you can pull content out to

your Gale or sorry Google Drive

or Microsoft Onedrive.

There's a little send to button here at

the top, send it to Google Drive or onedrive is a great

way for kids to keep track of their research. Before

they do that, you can take advantage of our highlights

and notes tool, they can mark up this article.

So again, another kind of skill they're

learning as they're learning about doing

research and

I can give myself a little note. And

when I send it to Google Drive or when

I print it, those highlights

and notes are gonna go with it,

they only last for your session. So you do

wanna print, you wanna send it to Google or Microsoft,

you want to

uh maybe download it. So you

keep those highlights and notes to protect

user privacy, we clear them out when you leave the database,

which is, you know, user privacy is always important,

especially when you're working with kids under 18. So

can take advantage of our highlights

and notes tool to help again, build up their

uh their research skills. So

lots of good stuff here. I'm just double

checking my notes. We hit everything I wanted

to share with you. So let me pop back to our

slides and we'll wrap up and get

you on your way.

So this information will be in

my follow up email. So if anybody has to scoot,

I apologize. I see we're a minute over. Um

uh, this will come in a follow up email that'll

uh arrive around this time tomorrow. But you can always

reach out to me again, Stacy Nibble,

I'm your gail trainer today.

Uh Feel free to also go reach out to our

customer success managing team.

They are folks who help

you be successful with the resources. So if you've got

a project going on in the library or maybe

you wanna raise usage, you're getting ready

to show this off to you teachers. Um

We have a great team who can help you,

you know, uh solve a lot of problems, but

also, you know, create some success

and then technical support is available. If you

have questions, you have a trouble getting into the databases,

questions about authentication, uh database

usage, senior stats, things like that.

Tech support is always there. You could of

course, always reach out to your gale account rep

if you're interested in looking at more content from Gale.

And then we've got lots of great materials

out on our support site, tutorials about

using the databases. We've got lots

of activities you can use in the library or the

classroom. We have escape rooms, we've

got scavenger hunts

and there's a ton of free marketing material as well.

So if you're trying to draw people into these resources,

we've got lots of bookmarks and uh digital

signage and, and things you can

post your social media all ready to

go uh on the support site.

So that's everything I wanted to

share. I'm gonna stick around and see if there are

any questions. But thanks so much folks for

tuning in. I apologize. They did run a couple of minutes over.

Um I can never, you know, hold back

from showing you all these things in our databases.

So I appreciate uh if you're able

to stay. But again, questions should come

to you later. Again, feel free to reach out to me

or someone else on your gale team.

Happy to hear from you. So thanks

everybody for tuning in.
© 2025 Gale, part of Cengage Group