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Last Updated: January 27, 2022

For FEL: Popular Periodical Publications in Gale OneFile Resources

The Florida Electronic Library offers unlimited access to popular publications such as the New York Times, the Washington Post, and USA Today. Gale OneFile resources provide a mobile-responsive platform that allows unlimited digital access for users even from their cell phones. View this session, to explore the periodical content, the tools and features, and learn how to automate publication alerts and search alerts for these popular publications and so many others!

Duration: 30 Minutes
Welcome everyone to your Florida electronic library training session, and this session is popular Periodical Publications in Gale one file resources. My name is Tammi Van Buren and I'm your Gale trainer and any questions that you have throughout the session,

please use the q amp a box, I'm happy to answer those or go back and review anything that we went over. For today's session we are going to focus on two of your Periodical Publications that you have from the Florida electronic library, and that is general

one file and academic one file. Now it has come up a lot. I'm looking at usage, a lot of searches for particular publications so today My goal is to share with you how you can quickly find or how you can direct your patrons or users to quickly find publications

in these two resources, the beauty of your one file resources, is they all work the same. So you'll find this capability in all of your Gale one file resources and you have quite a few.

You'll also find it in your income tax resources. So you have it in both. So know that that tool is there and available, but we are focusing on periodicals because there's a certain one that keeps popping up in the search results, pretty regularly, since

the summer so we're excited to share with you how you can quickly find that information, and also how you can set up journal alerts or search alerts with your one file products because that is unique, with your guilt products that is unique to those one

file resources. And then how you can share this information, you have a good link option if you want to directly link out to certain content, especially if you have certain publications you know are popular in your library, And then you want to share

them digitally, we have probably have them in at least, you know, both or one of these, or one of these resources, we're going to explore the publication search options and how to create journal alerts, and then questions training materials and contact

information. I encourage you to ask questions throughout but I will stay on the line at the end and then training materials and contact information, I will share that at the very end of the session.

So let's first talk about your to one file resources, I'm sorry. Let's first talk about access and then we'll talk about your one file resources. So access to the Florida electronic library resources if you don't have the direct URLs for your resources

on your library website you can direct your users to the Florida electronic library site, and it is very well organized, I will show that with to you today and also show you if you are accessing from the fel site where you can find these two resources

that we're going to cover today, so I'll give you that path, so that you can show that to your users.

Looking at the homepage there has been some updates if you haven't been in here lately, you may want to take a peek around a lot of new ebooks have been added and those are nice and organized in different categories.

So please take a look and see what you have available next month we are going to look at self care I have a session on self care and your resources so kind of in this mind, body and mind section.

So, we'll take a look at that and again, I'll share with you how you can find the two resources we are going to talk about today. So your Gale periodical resources and these are the larger resources where you're going to find general all your Gale general

one file this is Gales largest general interest periodical resource. So, this is the resource is, I would say is your go to resource for everyone so for K 12 if you have high schoolers maybe middle school but I would really say more at that high school


Definitely at the higher ed, with your undergrad and graduate students faculty members and when they're looking for up to date information from periodicals, this is one of the resources that they can go to, but really it's a great one for patrons to that

are coming into your library or are accessing accessing your resources digitally, and we have a lot of folks that are no longer able to come into the library or if libraries are having to limit their hours as they are in my area here in Michigan.

It would be great to have access to this resource which I do through my through my library and also of course through Gale, but I can keep up to date on the periodicals that I'm interested in different magazines or news articles on there are some academic

journals within here images and video so you have some multimedia you have millions of articles available and then there's publications such as the New York Times and The Washington Post.

So, these are publications and, again, as I mentioned, there's so much more within this, but these publications we have full text and are available to our patrons along with quite a few others, and you don't have to wait to come into the library and read

those or you can access them digitally you can set up alerts, so that you know when the information from your favorite publication has been added, and it's unlimited access and the have the ability to download to print off this information to save it

as in any of our workflow tools Google, Microsoft so it's a great tool to utilize including that get link option is a great tool and feature to showcase some of these periodicals and also content within articles within those now academic one file.

This provides millions of articles from over 17,000 scholar scholarly journals. So, this is more focused at that academic level, General one file is used at the higher level, but academic one file is heavily used at the academic one file so or at the

level higher ed. It is really one of those resources that faculty members that are looking to be published where they're finding finding great content here you've got a lot of peer reviewed content available extensive coverage and key subjects so it's

not just for you have some general interest but it's also very focused where you're looking at biology and chemistry and political science and science, psychology, or just to name a few of those subjects that are being studied at the higher level, and

and then you're also going to find publications like the economist, The New York Times is also an academic one file. Financial Times. These are just a few that that I mentioning.

Let me know if there are any questions, because those are the two are going to focus on and now I'm going to share with you how you can find those popular publications so we're going to look at some content, we're really talking about how you can find

the quickest way to find publications within your one file resources. So, I'm accessing Gale general one file first before I do, let me show you the path if you're accessing from the Florida electronic Library website.

You can go into subjects or a to z both of these categories will have these resources.

If I click into subjects.

And there's one other area I'll share with you. I would want to if I go to general reference, I'm going to find both of them Now am I going to find them in other categories like multicultural or science, chances are I will, but general reference has both

academic one file and general one file right off the bat. So you can see both of those here and then you can see all you have quite a few one file resources available there from the same product family but they're a little bit more specific so you have

Gale one file psychology.

The parent we call academic one file and genuine file or more of the parent, resources, and the more focused resources like Gale one file psychology is a subset so you're going to find there may be a few unique publications within Gale one file psychology

that are not in one of these two parent resources, but chances are the majority of content is the same so if you're directing your users to you want them to find all the periodicals, then definitely send them to general one file or academic one file,

but if you know that you have a group that's really focused, then having more of that bite sized piece is using one of the other one file resources like psychology would be really helpful to that group.

So that's the difference between the two if I go back to that homepage. I am going to find them listed in the A to Z. And then you have magazines and newspapers browse by and you have these different categories magazines and newspapers, because these

resources are periodicals, and you can look at the magazines, newspapers, or go into products.


Alright so let's dive into general one file.

And right away on the homepage you can see I have some features available. So I have the basic search and advanced search. The nice thing is, is I have topic finder Subject Guide search and where we're going to spend some time today.

Publication search pulled out here on the homepage. Now publication search Subject Guide search and topic finder also always live under Advanced Search.

So, if you are in any of your Gale resources and you're looking for topic finder or subject guide search, you can go into advanced search and you will find them their publication search is also available in the advanced search.

Looking at the bottom here I just want to point out how many articles, and how recent the content has been updated within this resource. So you can see millions of articles, and then it's been updated today and it gets updated throughout the day, every

day, you're going to find new content here, and keep that in mind because when I talk to you about journal journal alerts and search alerts, that's going to be an important important item to remember.

Okay, so looking at the homepage, I can go into any of these subject categories and access periodical information so if I go into computers and technology.

I can see here I have some organizer curated information, maybe I want to go into social media or let's go self driving cars.

Now I can see all of my content. Well if I wanted to from this point, find a certain publication related to self driving cars, what I would want to do is use my filter box here on the right hand side here I have publication titles.

And I can multi select as many as I want, I can also search by publication. So maybe there's a certain publication I'm looking for, like, automotive news.

I, if I were to type that in.

You can see I just start to type it in and I have a list of anything with auto in it and I can multi select those.

Okay, so that's one way from a search term to filter down by publication title.

Of course I can jump into any of these like magazines if I'm looking for a certain magazine, my publication title list is going to change. If I click into news again publication title list is going to change and I even have sections available here.

So keep that in mind depending on which we go back, depending on which content type you're in, you're going to see different publication titles. Now, if I knew I want everything from the New York Times, I want to know when something new has been added.

I want to be able to search just within the New York Times, that is my publication that I cannot wait to read and find content on well how can I do that, I can access publication search.

Now remember this lives on the homepage, and also under Advanced Search. I'm going to select it from the homepage.

And here is where I can type in the New York Times, and search, before I do that I want to share with you a couple other items below you can set some limiters.

So maybe if you just want peer reviewed publications, or publications that are full text because we do have citations available here also and abstracts, but if you just want all the full text publications, I can select that below I have dates subject

country of publication language of publication, all available.

If I wanted to View All my publications. If I click lists out publications now this isn't a title list, a title list if you want are interested in a title list, we have those on the Gale support site and I will share with you where you can find those

it's really straightforward you click in the title list, you select your resource and then you can choose your format. And you can see all of the titles, we have an all the information related to them including how far back they go, what is our most current

most current volume or for current publication that we have from them.

You can see all of that there. What I love about the list is yes you have a list of over 14,000 results, but on the right hand side I have some options to limit again.

So I can limit my search by subject format target audience country of publication language of publication so you can even see we have 22, Spanish, English of course is the majority Portuguese German, French, the beauty of this is these are publications

from Spain from their Portuguese publications there German publications.

You can still access any of the English publications and translate them into any of these languages.

But these are specific Spanish publications that you're going to find here or whichever one you select.

Now, I were looking for the New York Times.

I'm going to select the New York Times here, you can see search assist helps me out, I can select the New York Times Magazine, or the New Yorker, so it does help me out by what I've typed in.

I'm going to select the New York Times,

and my search results come back. So now I have nine results that have the New York Times somewhere within their title.

I am interested in specifically. The New York Times, not the magazine, not any of these other ones listed here so let me select that.

And then you can see what you what your results are so we have dated back to 1985 to current on the right you'll see the most recent.

And on the left, I can go back to any backdated information, just by selecting the year, it'll give me this information here where it's linked out, and it'll take me to that content from today.

So what I have available from today I even have one article for tomorrow already available.

What I can also do is I can search within this publication so if I'm looking for a certain subject, and I want it from the New York Times, I can do that here and submit it and then I'll see my search results.

What Another cool thing that you can do especially users that always access a resource or this publication is create a journal alert. So, anytime any new content is added.

They will be alerted, and they have some choices so if you're choosing by email or RSS RSS feed RSS feed is great because if you do get a little notice idle, little notice when I use my RSS feed.

In my upper right hand corner I just copy and paste this and I'll get a notice that I have some reading materials that have been posted or added so to my to my reading list, I'm in Chrome, right now, and I like to use that RSS Feed me mark down on that.

Oops. Let me go back, I want to show you email because with email. You don't have to get an alert every single day maybe you just want something weekly or monthly, you can select the format plain text or HTML you put in your email address.

We do need the verification that you're 18 years or older, before we can send that to two persons email so and we do have students that utilize this resource, but it is just part of our Terms of Use and Privacy statements so if you want to take a look

at that. That information is there, So you can set up those those email alerts, which is a fantastic tool to use, and this is at the journal level.

Okay, so if I click into let me click into January 27.

And here are my results I have 93 different news articles available.

And I can see the date how many words, what type it is it's an article. The Lexile measure is here also.

From here, I can scroll through the list of all 94, or I can use my filter my results, so I can use this information on the right if I'm looking for a certain subject.

The search within is also here.

Or if I want to know if the document contains images, I can do that I can pull this content into topic will find her and topic finder will give me. It's visual and interactive, and it'll give me a good look at key terms within this list, um, but when

But if you're looking at the entire public you know you're looking at multiple dates and you want you're searching within maybe pulling that information topic finders is a route to really depends on what type of research, your researchers are doing, right.

So, but that option is available just going in and going right to publication search so I encourage you to explore really if there's certain publications in your library that are really popular that you know are being used, either from your shelves of

folks are able to come into your library and read what's on the shelf, maybe highlighting some of those on your website or in your programming and sharing what they have access to digitally and the ability to create a journal or or search alert is a great

tool to. So, when I talk about search alert that's another option to so let's talk about that before I do, maybe I want to share the New York Times, I have maybe a group that I work with, or again programming that I do and I have a group that really is

interested in a certain publication, I can create get, I can grab a link, and this link will take me back to any spot within the database, including the search results.

So I went into publication search, I selected the New York Times I want everything from January January 27 so here's today's news from the New York Times, I can use get link, and share that.

So, great. This is also great at the at the K 12 level, if you have teachers that are looking at current events they're looking at certain publications, or maybe comparing different publications, using get link is a great tool there too, so keep that

keep that in mind.

Alright, so let's go back I want to talk about search alert, and then I'm going to go into academic one file and show you the difference between the two, and I, we talked a little bit about it but I really want to show you.

So this time I'm instead of going into publication search, I am going to go into one of these subject categories. Now, can you do a search for the New York Times and basic search, you can.

The difference here is, you're going to get articles written about the New York Times, not necessarily, and also by the New York Times, so keep that in mind if you have because that's what we're seeing we're seeing top searches on the New York Times so

it could be information about that publication, it could be articles about the new york times.

So keep that in mind that what that basic search does and the difference between doing a basic search, and searching for specific publication.

One thing let me just show you.

and I am not going to use search alert, because, or search assist here at the bottom. I want to pull back everything because I want you to see what I mean when I talk about that, because there is still an option, and look at it this is, again, millions

of articles and it's searching through them for The Washington Post, so you can see 61,000 magazines academic journals, so a lot of content but we do have news, images, videos, audio available, but you can see this is the washington post an article from

entertainment close up about the Washington Post, so that's the difference when you do that basic search. It's going to look at, look for those key terms those keywords and looking at the first, it's going to look at titles.

It's going to look at the first hundred words and pull back that that content. Also some information on the, on the backside. If I go into news Let me see if this will pull back what I'm looking for.

Okay. So if I go into news, I may get the option to click into the publication The Washington Post, now I could use the filter your results, and just select things from the Washington Post, but really the quickest way is to use publication search, but

this is still an option and you may have users and I, I hope that they that they learn about the publication search because they could get frustrated with the amount of information that's pulled back, especially if they're looking for a specific periodical


Okay. So if I go into and I did want to share real quick. If I were to access and let's go into personal finance and taxes and maybe investment research.

Now here if I wanted that publication title.

Here's the New York Times, and apply it, it will apply it to all my content and then I'm finding investment research from the New York Times on there's 45 articles right now available, but I want to set up.

I want to go Let me click into news.

Here is where I can and I could have from the last screen I can set that get link.

Okay. And I can grab that content.

If I remove the publication search.

And I just want to go to all content types.

I'm looking for any search alerts, have to go through a little differently so I went through a topic page, and I don't have search alerts appear at the top, so maybe when I do a search alerts, I think I did investment.

I'll just do investment

banking and search.

Now when I do a basic search or advanced search it would work with both, and any content has been added on this basic search I've done. I do have that same ability to set up a search alert just like I can have journal alert.

Now our focus is on publications today popular publications, but I do want to share did want to share with you, you do have that capability also.

All right, let's switch gears we're going to go into Gale academic one file.

And again it functions very similar to general one file we spent our time there, but I wanted to share with you. Same idea, the difference I wanted to point out is some of these subjects are very different biology, chemistry criminal justice because this

is a higher ed publication, you have students undergrad graduate students faculty members are utilizing this resource you're also going to find a lot of academic journals and a lot of peer reviewed content.

So if I were to go into the subject of biology. You'll also, I want to mention to, it's not just periodicals, you're going to find some encyclopedia content here also.

But if I go into biology and I want to go into bacteria.

You can see the first content type at the top is academic journals because we're an academic one file.

It was magazines in general one file. So you would expect to see in in Gaelic don't one file academic journals is our first content type, but you can see all the content that's available.

If I want peer reviewed journals which I want to point out in academic journals, we do have that in the summary if it is peer reviewed, but I can filter by peer reviewed journals.

And that's going to take me to all my academic journals that are peer reviewed and I have almost 3000 of them.

Okay. Publication search works the same way filtering by publication title works the same way so all those tools and features I shared with you work the same way.

If there is an article that I really am interested in and I want to share that. I do have the option to to use get linked but also I can send it to Google Drive one drive or my email.

I can also download and print and that's a great feature to be able to download this article right onto your device and of course we have some great tools to support accessibility here, and the Explore panel, I just want to point out for a little bit

deeper dive from this article so I'm admin the academic journal and if I'm looking for supplemental content, utilizing this explore panel can be really helpful to your users.

OK, so again, I'm going to find publication search and they go back to that homepage, right here in the bottom right. If I go under Advanced Search so let me show you that route.

This is where I have not only my advanced search Subject Guide search but here's my publication search and tactic Finder. And again, it's going to look just like where we were in general one file the differences, the publications that are here.

Okay, so you can see how many results we have and still you have that option to filter on the right hand side. Once I click into one. Let's go into

financial times.

You can see again looks very similar to where we were at, but I can, there's my journal alert so I have to be in the publication before I can create the journal or, but I still have that ability to search within the publication, and the Al receive that

content there on the upper right hand side. Okay. Pretty, pretty straightforward that part, but a great way to highlight some of this information and share it within your, your libraries, how you can find periodicals, and and the nice thing is too is

you can see below how often the publication is update like the frequency of the publication the language so you get some background information on that publication to.

All right, let me know if there are any questions I'm going to go back to my PowerPoint, and I want to share with you. And we do have an upcoming session next month, and I also want to share with you where you can go for additional training materials

webinar is on February 23 at two o'clock, it is another 30 minute webinar and this one is on self care for a strong body and mind so we're going to be looking at some of your health resources, but with the approach or the, the I our vision I should say,

of self care, and what tools are available and what content is available and then how you can share that content that's really important of how you all can share and how your users can keep that content.

Also, where you can go for additional training materials marketing materials you can go to the Gale support site. Now this will be linked out in your email and the follow up email that you'll receive, but you can go directly to the support site you can

go there right now if you'd like to check out and see what we have available but we do have tutorials or tutorials are just two to three minutes long they're not very long, short and sweet and really get to the point, they're very focused we have someone

all on our individual products but we also have some on the individual tools. So if you are want a deeper a little bit of a video tutorial on advanced search you can utilize their video tutorials.

We also have some shorter webinars, so we have 15 minutes to mastery series that we have there. And those are very focused webinars to, we have one on the access the tools to support accessibility, one on Advanced Search like those types of quick 15 minute

sessions that you can use or share on your library website we even have a specific page for the Florida electronic library, and this is where I post all of the upcoming and recorded webinars, including webinars that we facilitate that are open webinars

that may have some Florida electronic library resources that will be covering that day on a larger topic.

So be sure to check that out. We have printable tools posters bookmarks, we also have great resource guides our resource guides are step by step through the individual resources, you're also going to find scavenger hunts and tip sheets.

There's also lesson plans if you're working with any k 12 folks, you're going to find lesson plans there too. And then looking to promote your resources that you have your Gale resources from the Florida electronic library.

Use the electronic tools that we have available we have web banners, all kinds of social media posts. A great way to reach your students or faculty or patrons outside of the library.

We even have email templates so if you're reaching out to your library community and you want to showcase one of the resources, check out and see what we have.

We even to have some PowerPoints available for our resources so if you're in charge of training at your library, we have the PowerPoints and all the notes to go along with those PowerPoints, are there, and the Training Center and the marketing center

so check those out. I'm sorry the PowerPoints are in the training center marketing materials are in the marketing center marketing materials section.

And that wraps our session again my name is Tammi Van Buren I thank you so much for your time today. If you're looking for one on one support. Of course, if you're looking for support, go to your folks at the Florida electronic library they are fantastic

I feel privileged to be able to work with them on a regular basis, but your Gale support is you have one on one Gale support and their customer success managers, so feel free to send them an email if you want to walk through all the tools on the Gale

support site or you're looking at usage or you want help with setting up your direct URLs and access. They can help with all of that they really specialize and do a fantastic job.

And then the training survey should pop up when you leave this session today, I'd love to get your feedback on the session and if there's any other sessions, you're looking for in the future.

You need additional support on with your Florida electronic library resources, let me know I look at those comments and I do take that information back to our folks at fel.
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