Welcome everyone to Gale Business Demographics now. This is part 3 of our dynamic business series and this is the final part of our dynamic business series.
This training is for the Florida Electronic Library. And my name is Tammi Burke.
I'm a senior grain training consultant at Gale. And I thank you for spending 30 min with me today to talk about demographics now.
I want to give you a little bit of background. For this session we will be focusing on as I said the third part.
In this resource demographics now is a resource that is great for helping folks either public library patrons or if you're working with students at the higher ed level or you're working at the K 12 level with students choose a business location so small business owners but you may have students that are looking into that.
Any entrepreneuring classes or courses choosing a business location is very important and why. Right? So if they're student learning or a patron that's looking to open a business, this resource can help.
You can analyze the market size with this resource. You can use this. Resource to forecast trends uncovers consumer buying patterns and so much more.
And I'm going to share that all with you today. And not only that, but also the functionality of demographics now.
So our brief agenda is we're going to start with an overview of Gale Business Demographics now, and then we will explore the content, the features, and the tools. Any questions?
Please feel free to ask in that Q&A box. It is open and I will stay on at the end of today's training if you have any additional questions or.
You'll have my follow-up email which will have my contact information and I'll also share my contact information at the end of today's training.
So you can feel free to reach out to me. Any questions that you have? Of course you have the great folks at the Florida Electronic Library.
If you have any questions, you can always go directly to them also. They're a great source of support for you all.
Accessing your FEL resources. If you're not familiar with the Florida Electronic Library site, it's a great site and it is going through some new organization that you'll see here.
Is an easy way to find all of your Fel resources. And also if you are Using this site, what will happen is your users will automatically be able to access the content.
So because they are in the state of Florida, there won't be any password that will be prompted, they'll automatically go right into the resources.
There that you have on the floor. Electronic library site. But you can also use your direct URLs if that's a process that you would like and that something I suggest because if you're looking at usage reports, if you go through the Florida electronic library site, then what will happen is the nearest public library to that where that person is accessing, that's where the usage will
go. If you're using your direct URLs and let's say you're coming from higher ed or K 12 and you would like that usage to roll up to your school district or.
Your institution, then you would definitely want to use your direct URL. So keep that in mind of the why.
If you are not or are using them. Kill business demographics. Now let's talk a little bit about this resource.
So with the demographics now. You will have or your patrons will have instant access to demographic.
Demographics, maps, and also fantastic reports. It's really simple. It's pre-formatted demographic reports that can help choose a business location, research competitors, analyze market size.
I shared some of this at the beginning of today's training. Bill Direct marketing lists, profile, current and potential customers, forecast trends, uncover consumer buying patterns.
That's probably my favorite to take a look at. The features within this resources, it's mobile responsive with like all of your Gale resources, this is a mobile responsive interface, you can download.
Reports to cloud based storage like Google and Microsoft. Then there's a great mapping technology. Available within this resource.
So we have not really a heat map, but you have a mapping technology that you can utilize in the resource.
And I'll model that for you today. And you can customize or upload your own geography.
And that's where we are going to start. Just talking about geography and what you can do.
In that with that section. If you're curious who uses this data that we have available in demographics now, from our partners at Altrex and Experian.
Here are all the different companies. That utilize that same information. So again, you will have this available all this information in demographics now and you can see other companies that are utilizing that same information.
So good to know how it's being used by those some of those bigger businesses that you're seeing here.
Institutions it's not limited to we have a lot of libraries that will use the information and demographics now for their programming to kind of target their programming.
Yes, even if you're offering like time of day, you can see even, you know, how many people are home during the day in this geographic location.
So very interesting ways to utilize that information that you can find within demographics now.
So what can you do with the data? You can create a business plan. There's one example.
You can discover new customers or users. You can provide insight for marketing or advertising spending. You can assist community leaders and nonprofit organizations in research.
You can provide insight into your community. And so much more. So keep that in mind that the why or what why would you use this resource or what can you do with this data?
Keep that in mind as I'm showing you how to utilize or how to use this. And the functionality of the resource itself.
So with that, let's go live right into Gale Demographics now. And let me grab that page real quick.
I've got a couple tabs open here. There we go. I'm gonna share that with you now.
So demographics now, you do have the ability to sign in to Google or Microsoft. And I did sign into Google to save us a little bit of time.
Also in the top you will see it says to start here. And you will want to enter in a geographic location because if you don't it's going to give you results for the entire US.
Maybe that's something your users might want. But looking at a specific location can be a very helpful tool because especially if you're looking to open a business or as I mentioned if you're looking at library programming or maybe outreach to potential students, that's something to take a look at.
But you can look in other zip codes, other cities. It doesn't have to be just limited to Florida.
It covers anywhere in the US. You have some location options where you can create locations. You have a geography list, you can put in multiple locations, or then there's the reset to the entire US.
So I'm going to actually put in a location and I'm going to use Orlando.
And you can see search assist pops up here for me. I'm going to select Orlando.
As a place and my location is now set. Now anything I do moving forward is specifically going to look at Orlando, Florida.
Okay, really easy to do to get started. Now on the homepage you have some information scrolling here at the top.
But you also have demographics, maps, and reports, a little bit of a summary of what they each are.
I can very easily click into what they each are. I can very easily click into demographics of what they each are.
I can very easily click into demographics here or use my navigating the demographics here or use my navigation at the top of the page, which is what I'm going to do.
And I'm going to start with demographics.
Yes, it's loading. Oh, there we go. And there are a few different report types that you're going to see that are available.
So you want to select a report port type first. It defaults to summary. And then you will select a report name.
So I have comparison rank or summary available and I'm actually going to start with comparison.
Then my report name so you can see that just changed when I was in summary. My first selection. Oh no, there we go, age bisects summary report and each one each report type has different report names.
Now some might be similar in in title, but this is going to be a summary report rather than a comparison.
Or a ranking. So we selected comparison. We're going to do run a couple different reports so you can see the.
And we are going to just do a basic demographic comparison chart. Right here. And run the report.
Now anytime I have any questions, I do have these little information icons where the question mark is.
Where it gives me a little bit more information like a comparison report. Compares the comparison report displays multiple geographies as columns so you can easily compare them.
A summary is a summary report which delivers demographic information on a single geographic area or a group.
Of geographic areas and a rank is a report that sorts geographies based on a single demographic variable.
So from high to low. So we did basic demographic comparison chart. I can download this if I would like to download this information.
And I can see my median household income in dollars.
Per capita, first population. And then I have population density, total households in the area. And you see some projections also.
So as I mentioned in the PowerPoint, where we're getting this information from Experian and All Treks, but also the Census Report.
You'll see that information in here from that too. So.
And these are displayed. This is the comparison and this is displaying them in this graph view. So you can see I can grab some very helpful information if I am looking to maybe open a business in the Orlando area.
What are the, you know, what's the income of folks in that area, household income, I can grab that information and that was just as I mentioned a basic demographic comparison chart.
So if I wanted to do. Let's do a different. Report. Let's look at expenditures.
I always like to take a peek at expenditures. And for this one, let's go to.
The detail comparison for restaurants. So maybe I'm looking to, I see that the demographics are here.
Orlando is looking good for the income, but let's see, what are they spending in the Orlando area at restaurants?
So again, I'm just doing comparison and all I did was change my report. So I can download multiple reports.
You can see how this can be really helpful if you're working on a business plan. Or maybe you're looking for you have a business owner or future business owner that's looking for funding.
You know, that's always really helpful. We talked about in the part one of our series. Angel funding and traditional funding in Gale business entrepreneurship and how you can find all of that type of content in that resource.
Here now with this one, you can bring it all together and pull this information together for your geographic location.
To present to a potential investor. When you're looking for that funding. So again, this is a consumer expenditure restaurant detail comparison.
And this is in the places Orlando. And of course I can download this information. So you can see the download options.
I can download this as a PDF, a Word DAC, HTML. I have an Excel file saved to Google Drive and Microsoft Onedrive.
So all options are available if I save to Google Drive and download. It will put that information directly into my Google Drive.
So it makes it really easy. It's not just downloading on your computer. You have some options.
And like I mentioned, that cloud sending it to the cloud with Microsoft or Google is really helpful.
And then what happens is a Holders created that's titled just like with all of your other gale resources.
It's titled Gale Business Demographics Now, and every time I send a report into, into Google or Microsoft, it'll be titled with the or land in that same folder with it with the resource title there.
And then below you can see here the household demographics, summary totals, and then the expenditures.
So where do people spend the most money? Looks like dinner, not not surprising there. That we have.
Money spent or the most amount spent in the dinner area in the in Orlando.
And you could see here food away from home, food and beverages away from home. Information that we have.
Okay. Let's look at a different type of report. Now let's talk about some of the summary reports that you have.
Because there's a couple unique ones I want to share with you there. So if I change the report, some or the report type to summary.
This time, let's look at expenditures, but we're going to look at a summary.
Report. So consumer expenditures. I see where it is here. There it is, summary report.
I can run that report.
Just couple seconds here, there we go.
And here I can see, and this is just spending, consumer spending. This is a summary. Where we're at in 2,023 and where the projection is.
And total households population. Medium, household income, I can see that information. Again, this is based strictly in the Orlando area.
And then where are they spending money? Clothing, footwear, how much in 23 how much of that is percentage of the total.
How much on entertainment. If I'm looking to open a restaurant, do I want to make sure I have a liquor license?
Is that going to put play a factor in that? And you can see that information here. So you can see I can grab some really helpful.
Tools and information and market information. The top 10 categories is here at the bottom. With transportation being number one.
Another type of report that's a little different. Is that our mosaic reports. And I want to I'm jumping into a mosaic.
Population summary index report because it is a little looks a little different. I want just to make you aware of it and also share with you.
What it looks like when you're not only when you're here, but what this information on the right hand side is.
So we have a lot of information on mosaics in the help center. So you can see here the Mosaic U.S.A. details, but the nice thing is is that all of my, oh, it took me all the way back out.
Let me go.
Oh, I apologize. I didn't think it bumped me all the way out like that. Let me go back to run that report real quick.
And what did I say? It was on summary mosaic.
There we go. Okay, let's run that again.
Should have waited to share with you the help option. It's okay. So I run the report again, download options are there.
Geography still Orlando, but these are a little different because each of these descriptions you can find, okay, so what exactly for mosaic, what is American royalty?
And if I select it, it'll open in a new tab. This information from Experian.
Who are they? Here's the age group, the type of property. Estimated household income, the size of that household.
So you can get great information in this you know, wonderful document that you can print or download. And this is specifically explaining what is.
American royalty and you get an idea of some of the information here that rolls up to that title.
But it is a fluent influential and successful couples and families living in prestigious suburbs.
And each one is hyperlinked out and then you also have over here in the clusters different the different groupings.
And as I scroll down, you can see and you can see the population here. The household current estimate for this year.
On the right hand side.
So helpful information when you are looking to either open a business or as I said, you have students that are coming in and they're maybe they're writing business plans or they're exploring ideas of opening a business.
It's part of their classes or coursework. But really, you know, and even for you all, if you're looking at different programming.
There's so many different reports that you can look at in the demographics section. We also have our report section.
So we are going to switch gears. We ran 4 different demographic reports, but now let's go to reports and let me share with you how this is a little different.
So you have your report type here. This is specifically coming from the census report. So if you want to quickly find that information digitally and remember we're mobile responsive.
This is a really easy way to do that. You have a batch report or if you're looking at sizing your market.
Sizing your market looking again for an area to your competitors. You're not just looking at is this a good place to open my business, but how many coffee shops exist in this area?
You know, am I gonna be right next? I want that I want to do something unique with my coffee shop, but am I gonna be right next door to Starbucks?
That doesn't make a lot of sense, right? So thinking of that, thinking of those types of sizing your market and seeing you know what what the competitors what's out there what's happening in the market this is a really easy way to do that.
Now let's go into batch report. Because these 2 I feel like are a little bit more self-explanatory.
Now batch report, you can actually run multiple reports. So we have again comparison summary and rank. But I can run multiple.
So you can see here's my comparison. If I wanted to look at that business, if I wanted to look at that business comparison.
All I have to do is select it and again I can multi select other reports too. Then when I run the report I will get all of those in one location that I can then choose to download.
So I'm just gonna run the one report for now.
And oh, it's working down here.
My closed captioning box was blocking it. I didn't see it working. So here we go, business comparison.
And you can take a look at those numbers again. Total employee or this is an Orlando total employees total establishments you know, is there a Agricultural services, but we don't have a lot of fishing hunting and trapping in the area, right?
So looking at that type of information, building construction or looking at, you know, insurance agencies. I chose a coffee shop, but maybe looking at, you know, food and kindered products, that type of how much is it oversaturated area for what I'm looking to go into or is there it could mine you know could there be a niche for me in the area.
So, and some make sense, you know, no coal mining. That makes sense. And in Orlando, Florida.
But look at there's a There are mining enquiry of non metal minerals. In the area.
Oil and gas extraction. So Great information as you can see in one single report. I'm pulling this all together.
One spot and again downloading or sending this to Google or Microsoft, whatever you're using, all those options are available.
And if you're creating a business plan, having these documents can be really helpful printed off. Or again in your cloud in Google or Microsoft really helpful tools to have.
Please let me know if you have any questions. I am, I am going to go into sizing your market.
And as I said these, these reports are slightly different. Demographics is specifically looking at the demographics of the location and you have so many different choices.
To choose from. I was looking a lot at the expenditures, but also we were looking at the population summary and that type of information.
We're here. These reports are slightly different where you are pulling directly from the census report or you're pulling a batch report which is you can as I mentioned run multiple reports at once and this last one sizing your market.
Now this one's a little different. Where sizing your market, you have a few more choices that you will be making.
So if I'm looking at average expenditures, let me open this up. Well, let's take a look at.
So I was thinking about this with libraries and as a library I might want to know if I'm doing some programming around students.
How many students and if it's maybe it's specifically. Pre kindergarten, eighth grade, so elementary going into middle school.
How many students are in my area or if I'm doing some. Looking more at who's home during the day.
Like homemakers, but also daytime population, but that you know who's home who's home during the day where my programming during the day might really resonate with certain folks.
Do we have people that work from home? And if so, how many and what programming can I do to support those folks?
So you can see where this one sizing your market for libraries can be really helpful, but then also switch that and think about businesses.
Who am I going to target? Who's in the area? Right, so that can, this is all really helpful information.
So let's say library programming, let's stick with the student population. Run the report.
And this is would be around elementary age going into middle school.
And then here's that information below.
So we have about 50,000. In and I don't know why the dollar sign is there but 50,000 in a hundred 34,000.
Households. Are pre kindergarten to eighth grade. So quite a good population there of younger kids.
Okay, the last area is we're right towards the end of our time here. Before I jump into maps, I do want to point out that you have great tutorials available where you can quickly jump into any of these.
These are short little video tutorials. They're also each of them have their own link. So So if you wanted to highlight this map section that we're going to go in next, choosing a business location, you can watch a short video tutorial, you can pull this onto your library webpage and share it with your patrons that are coming into your library or with your students.
If you're at the higher ed or K 12 level. So Maps does live here, but remember tutorials are there and then you've got some helpful tools in the help area.
It's already
Because I put in Orlando, it's already given me that area on my map. I have some thematic controls.
Where I can enable. Or disable them. I can choose my variables. So if I'm looking for specific information like consumer expenditure for the current year.
And I want maybe I want total. I'm specifically looking at, let's do food and beverages.
Additional variables, let's see. I'll call it total wine. Let me go back.
Total food and beverages. And then it'll work. So every time I add.
Any of that information. It's going to and this would have pulled it for all the whole area.
I can change the colors too. It's still working right now. I can change the colors. And I will say purple and yellow seem to be the easiest to see.
If you want to change the color scale rather than what it's, you know, just a bunch of, there we go.
It's, it's. A lot of yellow right now. Oh, let's go to Purple and I'll show you the difference.
Yeah, I prefer this is my preference, but then here you have this scale where we're if larger areas like around the airport you can see below 637,000 but you can see some higher density areas in this in the darker purples.
You can see that how many folks in that total food and beverage area there that I selected that variable I selected.
And there's quite a few different variables you can select from in this map. I just I can do basic business summary.
Consumer expenditures the route I went, but daytime population, remember I was talking about that.
For your programming that might be helpful, you can see as the list goes on.
Okay, so, semantic controls is one option. You also have some geometry tools, meaning that if I don't like this area that's selected, maybe I want to have a little bit more focused area.
I can draw shape or I can use an image or I can use a pinpoint on the graph. So if I wanted to draw shape.
And specific area.
I would make 2 points.
And I can just, I'm just clicking.
On each point, maybe I want to extend it over this way a little bit. This one I can drive.
Create any old shape I want. I can name the shape.
Maybe this is a certain area in Orlando.
Hmm, I'll just leave it as Orlando, okay, cause we are gonna run out of time here.
And then it will update that area. Zoom in and you can see.
Area a little closer. And now we're focusing on one area. So those tools are available. I can delete that if I want to.
Remove that shape. Add a different shape if I want. Oh, it actually removed my other shapes.
And then I have the ability to, let me share with you. So geometry tools. Export all my options that are available.
I can download again. I have some options with download print. I can email that information off.
I also have as it's loading. Traffic count and it downloaded right onto my device here.
I can download this report. Can enable or show counts but I can take a look at the traffic count in the area.
So let me enable that.
And then I can again download that report too. So I'm looking for a busy intersection. I want to know where folks are coming.
So here you have, sorry, the. I should share this. The export. You're downloading onto your device, but with the traffic count, you have the option to download to.
You know, PDF or any of your cloud based. Options that you have. So that's the export one.
Is strictly exporting it directly onto your computer. So this one has the regular options that we see throughout the rest of it.
But your traffic count will show you areas. You know, this is a great, I see a lot of traffic in this area.
So this might be an area where I want to. Place my business. I wanna look for a rental or something where I can have my business there.
Maybe I wanna build a site, which is quite expensive. But you never know, there might be something they're interested in.
I can download my geography.
And I have some a couple different options here at Google. The KML is the Google One format and download.
Or I can also, if I'm working with a specific geography, I can upload a file.
Into this map also.
So all different options available. The map section is is really unique. And great to work with. I'm zooming in and out with my mouse there.
But you can see all the content that you can pull together. It's more visual. And as I mentioned, looking at that.
All the different features on the map or like we were just looking at the traffic information. It's can be a really helpful tool along with all the other reports that we have available when you're doing that that analysis of an area or looking to market.
As I mentioned earlier in the in the session. So again, a great resource for business patrons and students.
And you are going to find all of the highly detailed demographic data within this resource with millions of of information on consumers, I should say reports, but information on consumers that you can really pinpoint to a information on consumers that you can really pinpoint to a certain area or you can open it up to a larger area.
If that's what you're looking for. So you're not limited to just one area.
All right, I'm trying to, there we go, share my PowerPoint. So you can go to the Gale Support site for any additional support that you may need.
You can access your direct URLs here. But here's the link at the top of the page.
It will be in your follow-up emails. And you'll find tip sheets and tutorials as I mentioned.
There are quite a few tutorials already in the resource itself. If you click on that tutorials tab at the top of demographics now.
You can access all of those tutorials it takes you right into them, but they do live on the on the Gale support site in the training center.
So you have them there also. And you'll see in that training center when you look down the first section you'll see if you utilize this link will be all of our recorded or we have quite a library of recorded webinars for Florida and then it goes into each product and each product is specific information.
So if you want everything on demographics now, including any resource guides that we may have, those tutorials I mentioned or other webinars, you can access that information there.
And just it opens a drop-down menu. So just click into it. Marketing materials, you if you're looking for bookmarks or posters or social media posts, we have you covered it all lives on this support site.
That we've created for FL.
If you need one on one support, you have your Gale customer success managers and they can support you in all things, Gale.
Training survey should pop up when you leave me today. If you could click continue and give us some feedback.
I'm always sharing that information internally. So like I said, product. Managers, but also with a lot of groups in internally and we'd love to hear how you're using or how you plan to use the resource in the future, especially because this is the end of our three-part series.
And if you were here for all 3, thank you so much for joining me. If you're watching the recording for all 3, thank you so much for watching the recording.
Hopefully you've gained a lot of knowledge on your business resources that you've from FL, your gale business resources.
And again, my name is Tammi Burke. I'm your senior training consultant and I thank you so much for your time.
We are planning sessions next month. We are have an adult learning session. So if that's something that you're focusing on in your libraries, we're looking specifically at Gale LitFinder and how you can utilize that with adult learners.
And then we have sessions scheduled throughout the rest of the spring here. Into summer. So keep a lookout on though for those sessions that are coming up and I hope you join me again all of the training sessions will be posted here both upcoming and those that are recorded.
So thank you so much for your time. I hope you join me again in the future and have a great rest of your day everyone.
If you have any questions just let me know I'll stay on the line.