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Last Updated: March 15, 2024

For FEL: Gale Business: Entrepreneurship - Part 1 of a Dynamic Business Series

Experience the first installment of our dynamic three-part business series featuring Gale Business: Entrepreneurship from the Florida Electronic Library. Explore the wealth of resources available through FEL, specifically tailored to entrepreneurs, small business owners, and business students. Learn how to access industry insights, business plans, funding options, and more. Gain the knowledge and tools needed to support users on their entrepreneurial journey. View this recording now for Part 1!

To Support your Gale Business Resources from FEL, use this FEL-Gale Business Resources: Your Key to Business Success tip sheet.

Duration: 30 Minutes
Welcome to your training for the Florida Electronic Library. My name is Tammi Burke.

I am a senior trainer at Gale and I am the trainer that facilitates. The trainings for Florida.

I am excited to talk to you about your gale business resources. Today we are the topic of our training session is Gale Business Entrepreneurship Part One of a dynamic business series.

So we have a three-part series for you and this is part one. Today I am focusing on Gale Business Entrepreneurship.

It is one of your business resources that you have available from the Florida Electronic Library. And And my goal is for you all to walk away with a better understanding of not only how the resource functions, but really the content that you're going to find within this resource and how it can support the either the public library patrons or if you're coming to us from higher ed, our our faculty members and business students

and then of course in the K 12 if we have any K 12 folks our middle school, but especially our high school students.

This is a great resource to use with them also. So I'll talk to you about and I'll work in that type of information best practices for utilizing this resource in ways that you can share information.

From within this resource in your within your library programming or with your students.

Our brief agenda, we're going to start with an overview of Gale Business Entrepreneurship.

And then we are going to spend the majority of our time exploring the content, the features, and the tools.

Any questions? That you have, I encourage you to ask in the Q&A box, but I will stay on at the end of today's training to answer any additional questions.

I will leave you with contact information. My contact information, but also you have one-on-one support at Gale, your Gale customer success managers are there to support you in all things, Gale, and I'll share their information at the end of today's training.

If you're looking for access information, direct URLs, maybe you're looking for usage reports or marketing materials or training materials, they can help with all of that.

I will share with you some of that at the end of today's training, but if you would like a walkthrough or a one-on-one meeting with our customer success managers.

They are fantastic. And great to work with and I highly suggest connecting with those folks. So let's get started and talking about access.

Access to your Florida electronic library resources. Hopefully you're already familiar with the site or maybe you're using your direct URLs to the individual resources on your library.

Website or in your learning management system because we are integrated and available to be within your learning management system such as Canvas or Schoology.

D twol if you're coming from higher ed. So we do have those direct links available. Where you can add them to your learning management system or your library website or if you're accessing through the Florida Electronic Library website, I just put that link in the chat.

When you access that link, this is what you will see. And you will find your business resources that you can obviously do a search for by or a search term, but the easiest way is to go to subjects and go to business.

And you're going to find all of your business resources there and I'll model that for you today.

Let's talk a little bit about Gale Business Entrepreneurship.

This resource has real world business plans. So you may have the business plans handbook, multiple volumes at your library on your shelves.

You could very well have them there. You also have unlimited access available within Gale Business Entrepreneurship to the Business Plans Handbook.

And we have the most recent available, the 2,024 is available that volume is available within this resource.

So it's unlimited access, you have the ability to translate, the ability to download or print off business plans.

It's all available within Gale Business Entrepreneurship. You're also going to find reference works like the encyclopedia of small business available within this resource.

Great directories that are related to establishing, maintaining or otherwise managing a small business. And I will show you those today.

And then over 300 full-text entrepreneurial and industry-specific magazines and journals are available within this resource.

So with that, let's jump into, I want to just first show you access and then we're going to jump into the resource itself.

So if you are accessing from the Florida Electronic Library website. You can click into subjects.

Once in subjects, just simply go to business. And here you will find. Gale business entrepreneurship.

You also have one file. Business, scale one file business and Gale demographics now.

And those are going to be in our other 2 parts of this business series that will take a deeper dive into those resources.

So let's go into Gale Business Entrepreneurship. I have already signed in. You can sign in with Google or Microsoft.

If we have any K 12 folks that are using Google Classroom, I am set up as a teacher so I can easily post and share information directly to my Google Classroom.

I also have the ability to translate the navigational tools. So these navigational tools into over 34 languages.

To help my users navigate through the site.

Of course we have our basic search and advanced search here. I'm very intuitive. Advanced search, something I want to share with you here, is you do have the ability to filter by field, but also you have a lot of research limiters available.

So if you are looking for peer review journals and that's all you want, you can select peer review journals.

You're going to find a lot of those available here within the resource or maybe you're looking for certain content types like directories.

I can select directories. And then do my search. There's also document types. Publication titles and publication subject here.

The Search tips, operators, and special characters. We have some search tips available. For example, quotation marks.

Some examples there of how you can utilize or what you know when you use quotation marks what it looks like.

Also, subject guide search and publication search are here at the top. So if there's a certain publication that you know is very popular in your library like say the economist and you want to share that publication with your users.

You can do a publication search or list all publications. We have some research limiters here too.

So let's look up. The Economist and I want to share with you. Sorry, my fingers are off on my keyboard. There we go.

The economist. Click search. Here is my publication title and you can see we have everything from January ninth of 1988 to current.

I can search within this publication. Or if I want to share this, I can use my get link tool.

Now Get Link provides a persistent URL back to any spot within the resource. And even including publications like this.

So I can grab this URL and I can share it. My library programming and come and access any of these titles.

So this is a great tool to have. We'll talk a little bit more about publications when we go into, I think, I don't know if it's my second or third part in the series, but when we cover Gale business or one file business.

Because that is a periodical. And that is a great one for industry information. And that one you can really take a look at.

And that one, you can really take a look at creating those journal alerts. So anytime a journal is added or new information, journal alerts.

So, anytime a journal is added or new information is added, you can create an alert

Actually, I don't know if we're, we might not be covering that one because you have demographics now.

I apologize. I don't think that's when we're doing gale business insights.

Then Gale demographics now. So but one file periodical resources are available and they are here, this one here.

They are available. But let's focus on the resource today. There's so many that you have.

It's hard not to squeeze them all in. But today, again, gale business entrepreneurship, I just wanted to point out some of those features that you have available in advanced search.

You have your contextual toolbar here. One of the features I love in this resource is you have a glossary of business terms.

That can be really helpful to your users, especially if you have a small business owner that is looking to either start a small business or continue to manage, great for your students.

Faculty members also are teachers you have this great glossary available and of course our researchers that are working with in this resource.

So that glossary is really helpful. Below on the page you're going to have topics of interest here at the top of the page.

And then we have these 4 categories and we're going to work through each of these categories today. Where we start with a plan.

And then maybe we're looking for funding. Then we want to start our business and then manage. So that four-step plan really has very helpful to our users when they're accessing this resource.

We have a few topic pages and topic pages if you're not familiar, our curated collections of information based on a certain subject.

And we have a few of those listed for each one that we suggest or that our users have access regularly.

We see a lot of usage on these topic pages because they're very helpful to our users.

So with that, let's jump into our first one. And that section is plan and that is you know focusing on these topic pages that are focusing on business planning.

For our budding entrepreneurs or small business owners and we are going to look at those, business plans.

So you also have business ideas, budgeting and market research and marketing. Of course, if these topic pages aren't what I'm looking for in when I'm looking at planning.

Then I cannot always do a basic search. Or advanced search to find that information. But today I am going to use our topic pages and I'm going to go directly into business plans.

Each of our topic pages has an image and an essay overview. And then below I have all of my content types so you can see here

All of our business plans. Of course, we're on a topic page of business plan, so we're going to see all of them available here.

But we do have some recommended resources and some magazines and journals.

There's 205 safe vetted websites. These are websites that we have taken a look at before they are posted here with in the resource so they are available and news articles and audio files and some in some video or one video available too.

But we're focusing on business plans and when you look at a topic page, let me talk to you about the features here that you're going to see.

You do have the ability to search within just this topic page. So if I am

Looking for all kinds of information whatever I have available on say

Owning a coffee business.

Or a coffee shop.

Put that here and that would filter down all my results at once for me. But it would only

This page. Where if I go back into my basic search, that's going to look at

Having with

Entire database. So you have both options available if you want everything or if you want to stay within the topic page, then you have that ability to As I scroll down, you can see how the each content type is organized into these boxes.

With a summary each summary has information for example this news article is a brief article I can see how many words when it was published and a brief summary on that article.

When I click into business plans, and I'm going to go to all of them to start, I do have some options with filtering my results.

So anytime I click into any of the content types, I have the ability to filter down my results.

So let's say I were looking at newspapers or newspapers and magazines and journals and I want to filter by publication date.

I want everything from just the past year. I can easily select that, apply it, and it will apply to not only magazines and journals and my news articles, but it'll apply to everything on the page.

I also have subjects, document types, publication titles, and the ability to search within for that a search term similar to what I just shared with you.

If I want peer reviewed journals, I can select that. Or if I want to make sure the document contains images, I can utilize that that feature tool.

Over on the left hand side, my sort by is the set to newest, but I also have relevance and oldest available.

So you can see here volume 59 was published and these this is published for 2,024 and you already have it available here within your resource.

I can look at one thing I really like to do too with my business plans. I like to look at trending business.

That's a great topic page that we have business ideas. But I also will come in here and look for the newest business plans.

And our business plans, if you're not familiar, are from true businesses. They're businesses that are very successful.

And we may have changed the title in the address for their privacy, but it is a real-world business plan that your users can take a look at.

So if I'm interested in taking a look at, let's look at the cat sitter.

Kitty sitter. Actually there was, let me see if it's here.

There was an one, yes, there it is. No mobile hairdresser. This one kind of was very impressed with the details that this business owner had taken.

So, Mobile hairdresser Melody's mobile salon. And you can see here as I scroll down the page that the business plan, what it contains.

So there's an executive summary and on the right hand side as I scroll down. There's the article contents.

So not only do I have the executive summary, but industry analysis, market analysis. I'm gonna scroll down so you can see some of these.

The growth strategy is all laid out here. Here's the market analysis. Senior market, which I think a mobile hairdresser.

I lived in Florida for a little while and I worked for actually an in-home healthcare agency there in the Daytona area.

And a mobile hair dresser would have been very, very popular with the patients that we worked with there.

So as I scroll down, you can see competitors services. Men, women, what's available?

And this is a plan of what you're going to offer, how much you're going to offer, what you're going to charge and what tools are needed.

But then as I scroll down, you'll see growth strategies to personnel. Do we need additional personnel?

Here's my growth strategy, year one, year 2, year 3. Marketing in sales.

So complete business plan that we have available. And now if I wanted to share this as an example, what I could do is I could use my get link tool.

Get link creates again that persistent URL back to any spat within the resource. What's also really helpful is our Explorer panel.

So if this is a business plan I'm interested in, I may find additional articles in this explore panel.

This is supplemental information related to the article or document that I am on. To So that explore panel is a really helpful tool to have also.

Alright, let's go back out to our results. Please let me know if there are any questions that you may have.

And we talked about business plans and sorting by newest or if I'm wanted to look for a certain subject or search within is what we covered on this topic page.

Let's go back out. To the home page and now let's talk about funding. So you can see we have some topic pages on angel investors all the way to traditional traditional lending sources.

I am going to choose angel investors and venture capitalists.

And what we have here, you can see a lot of magazine and journals. There are some great audio files, some video files available too.

So if I go into magazines and journals and maybe I do want to filter everything down, I want everything just from the last year.

It will apply it to all of my content at once and I can see here any of those magazines and journals that might be helpful.

Here's the Boulder Ventures Investments. And I can read some additional information about this investor.

And like this one supports technologies. And technology solutions. So this probably wouldn't be a good match for my mobile hairdresser business.

But again, I can find what I'm looking for. I can utilize my tools to filter that information down.

And find exactly what I'm looking for.

So we have magazines and journals. We have some directories here available. Websites available, audio, quite a few audio files available in this one.

Always like to take a look at what are those audio files on big money firms abandoned states for ones with more favorable terms, interesting articles, and you can see a lot of these are coming from, this is the weekend edition Saturday weekend all considered and we have morning edition so we have quite a few different publications.

Here's one from NPR. That we use. For our audio files.

Alright, so we talked about planning. We talked about funding. Let's talk about starting a business.

Now I can look at trending small businesses or maybe I'm interested in I'm a women own business.

Maybe that's something I'm interested in finding out more about. On what resources are available. Here's some recommended resources, small business facts.

Here's women, one on women entrepreneurs. Is small business ownership your next mission. Now what I can do too is if these are things that I find are would be really great for my library programming or to use in my classroom.

I can use that get link feature or if you're coming to us from K 12 and you wanted to share this information with K 12 and you wanted to share this information with your students, you can use Google Classroom, and you wanted to share this information with your students.

You can use Google Classroom if you're using Google Classroom and post it right to your class.

You can make an announcement or create an assignment. All the features that you have with Google Classroom are here and you can share that information, easy way to share that information with your students.

If you're using a learning management system, Since you're sharing a large amount of information, the get link tool would be how you would share this large collection of information with your students in a learning management system.

If I were at the document level, like women entrepreneurs. Then, after my resource, gale business entrepreneurship is set up in my learning management system.

Then I would see 2 blue buttons here. I would access through my learning management system. I would access this resource and pull in it.

I could embed this article right into an assignment, a discussion onto a page. I could do that once the resource is set up.

Within my learning management system. So there is a little bit of setup. Our tech a lot of times.

I know our customer success managers work with, technology folks at libraries to help with that setup or at higher end if you're coming from higher ed or you're coming from K 12 they work with your tech folks to make sure that these resources are integrated.

And you have everything you need. To set them up in your learning management systems. So. Keep that in mind that that is an option available.

Let's talk about the tools that you have available to support accessibility. Always really important when we have all different types of users coming in to utilize these.

And remember, your resources are mobile responsive. So. Doesn't matter what type of device you your users are accessing the resources from, be it a phone all the way to a computer.

The resource will automatically adjust. I don't know if you've ever been on a, on a site that is not mobile responsive, kind of frustrating because you're trying to move your screen around.

This you don't have to worry about the screen automatically adjusts so a user could access this information directly from their phone.

We do have the ability to translate the text into over 40 languages. And we are using Google Translate here.

We can decrease or increase that font size. You have the ability to change the displays. So the display options are changing the color behind the text.

We have some font options including open dislexic. I can increase the line, letter, and word spacing.

And once I set this up on one article, it'll stick with me throughout my session. So it's always a helpful tool to have.

But I want to go back to my default settings and just open that box back up. And change it back to the fault.

I also have the Listen feature. Now if I've translated the text and then select the listen feature, it will read the text in the language I've selected.

Let me share this though. We are at 40 languages here for translating the text. We're at 24 for listen.

They are the most used. Languages. So if I'm, let's say I'm choosing Spanish here and I want to listen to the article being read aloud to me in Spanish.

It will read it to me in Spanish. Another little feature I want to share with you is underneath our settings gear.

So once I click on that listen button it opens up it'll start reading the text aloud to me.

And you can see it's highlighting the sentence and the word. Under this little settings gear, I have the ability to determine what I want highlighted.

What colors I would like to use, what text colors I want. I also have this feature, enhanced text visibility that I want to share with you.

I'm going to turn that on. I have the ability to slow down or speed up. But let me show you when I turn on The Enhanced Text Visibility and then click play.

It pulls out the text out of the page. So you can see how that could help. A lot of your users that are accessing this resource, they can listen to that text being read aloud and it also pulls it right out on the page for them.

So again, that's under this little setting skier. I'm gonna turn it off now.

I just have to turn it on and that one also sticks with me throughout my session. Actually, it sticks with my computer overnight.

Even so I have to always remember to come in here and turn it off otherwise that, box will pop up.

I can also download this as an MP 3, always a great option to have. So you can listen to the text being read aloud to you.

I have my quick send options if I want to save this article I can quickly send it to Google Microsoft email download or print Let's say I'm reading the article.

I get down to this point and I'm like, oh yeah, I definitely want to keep this article.

I don't have to scroll all the way back up to the top. My contextual toolbar is here and I still have those options.

Sun to gives me Google, Microsoft and email, download and print. Now what happens is when I send it to my Google, let's say I'm sending it to Google Drive.

Remember I already signed in. If I wasn't signed in, I would be prompted to sign in before I could send it.

But what happens is when I select Google Tribe, what a folder will be created in my Google Drive titled Gale Business Entrepreneurship and anytime I send information to my Google Drive from this resource, it will land in that same folder.

So I'll always have whatever I need. I also have a great tool and it's called highlights and notes where I can click and drag over a chunk of text.

Highlight that text. Maybe I want to take some notes on it. And I can send this now marked up document.

To Google Microsoft email, download or print. What's also happening in the background is my highlights and notes is being built out.

So once I've been on it once I'm on a document that I have done some highlighting on best practice send the entire document somewhere so you have it.

And if you just want the highlights and notes, Let's say you've marked up multiple documents and I like to call these digital notes and I just want this section to remember best practice send the whole document so you have it no matter what because if you forget to come in here and send your highlights and notes to Google, Microsoft, email, download, print.

Then you will lose this information. This is session based. And that's what this disclaimer is here, just a note that it is session based.

But if I were highlighting in multiple articles, I would have all those digital notes and I could send those directly to my Google Drive.

My citation would create a bibliography for me. I would have all those articles that I was working in here.

So really a great tool to use. If I needed to label the colors I used for each article. I have that option and that I would want to create before I send it to my Google Drive, Microsoft One Drive.

Bibliography is also attached to the bottom.

All right, let's go back to that homepage. We touched into small businesses and trending businesses.

Let's look at manage. Let's say we want to manage our employees.

What you're seeing here is I wanted to point out the directories. So there's 248 directories.

And let me talk to you about these directories. Directories are really helpful because you're going to find great information.

Here we have, you can see these are some consulting firms. That are available. We have sometimes it's just a like for this example.

It's just an individual firm, but you can see the revenue, you can find out more information.

There's also there contact information. Some of them have email addresses and Facebook pages and I think it was this one let me click into it.

Yeah, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, you could see their address if there, you can see the officer.

So great directory information, especially like these are consulting firms, but if you are in a certain field, like I am looking to open a car wash and I want a directory of information on car wash manufacturers or I'm looking for I want to network.

I want to grow my business. I need those that type of information. Directaries can be great for that. Very helpful.

And again, they're all listed here within the resource. So not only do you have business plans, you also have directories.

Then you have recommended resources, which is encyclopedia information. The most up-to-date news, magazines, and journals are going to be be available here.

Plus, you've got some multimedia with videos and audio files. So everything that you need to either start your business or all the way to manage your business can be found in gale business can be found in gale business entrepreneurship.

Let me know if you have any questions. We touched on a lot. This was a bit of a deeper dive into this resource.

I hope you're excited to share this content with your with your library, with your patrons or with your students, let me go back to my PowerPoint because if you need additional help or additional training materials, We have the ability to access your product information and I'm going to post this link.

It'll also be in the follow-up email, and I'm going to post this link.

It'll also be in the follow-up email, but this is a really good one to bookmark.

On your computer. For our administrators but also for our folks that are here today that if you're one of the librarians and media specialists, you can put or save that link because you will find all of your access URLs.

Mark records, database icons and widgets, the ability to contact your customer success manager is there the training center you're going to find this recorded webinars and upcoming webinars will be there but toutorials, training decks, we have PowerPoints ready to go for the resources.

We've also recently added training toolkits and these are one-page documents that take you from the basics all the way to where you can go to find help.

Would you like to deliver your own training? Are you in charge of that at your library? We have curated all that information on the training site and put it here into a one-page document for you to easily access this comprehensive resource and really deliver that expert guidance that you need.

And that you may need in your library. We also have resource guides, some short video tutorials.

Our tutorials are under 3 min long and some of them focus on specific tools. Like this one focuses on accessibility tools.

And then great marketing materials. Bookmarks and looking at posting on social media, maybe you're doing some small business programming coming up here in the next month.

I know beginning of the year is always a great time. Health is one thing and then we have a lot of people that are like, all right, I'm ready. This is the year.

I'm gonna start my business. So sharing the business resources that you have from the Ford Electronic Library.

We have all those promotional materials available. Every type of image size for every type of social media that you can think of.

Are listed there. We also have communication templates and email templates or blog templates all available so you don't have to reinvent the wheel.

So that is on the support site. I shared that link in the webinar chat. It will also be in your follow-up email.

Customer success managers, remember they are your one-on-one support. I have included their contact information information in the follow-up email.

Training survey should pop up when you leave today. Please give us some feedback. We would love to hear how you're using the resources or how you plan to use them, any comments you would like to share, please feel free to share that on the training survey.

If you'd like to use your phone, you can use the QR code here. And scan it and fill out that survey.

Either way works for us. Again, my name is Tammi Burke. I'm your senior training consultant from Gale, and I thank you for taking time out of your day to spend it with me and part one of our business series.

I hope you join us for part 2. Next month. So thank you again and we look forward to seeing you at our next session.

Have a great day. There's any additional questions. I will stay on the line to answer those.

Thank you everyone.
© 2024 Gale, part of Cengage Group