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Last Updated: August 11, 2021

For FEL: Explore the New Gale Elementary eBook Collection from FEL

Gale In Context: Elementary has been enhanced to automatically include k-5 Gale eBook titles and you have a new collection from the Florida Electronic Library.! This update makes all Gale elementary content available in one place! Students are able to page through Gale eBooks in Gale In Context: Elementary’s kid-friendly interface, and teachers can discover curriculum-relevant eBooks alongside authoritative reference overviews, magazine articles, images, and more! View this session, to explore Gale In Context: Elementary and review the new FEL eBooks and search results.
Duration: 45 Minutes
The live transcript is now on.

Welcome to your Florida electronic library training session. This session is where we're going to explore the new Gale elementary ebook collection that you have from FEL.

My name is Tammi Van Buren and I'm your Gale trainer. And if you have any questions throughout this session, please feel free to use the q amp a box and or any comments please feel free to use that q amp a box I'm happy to answer those throughout the


Just a brief agenda. We are going to start with covering Gale In context Elementary, and this is going to be our focus today so the training is on how the K five students, your kindergarten through fifth grade students can access cross curricular content

in one place. So the new titles there 65 new titles that are available are all available in Gale In context Elementary, but they're also available in Gale, ebooks, so if your patrons or your students were accessing ebooks through Gale ebooks previously.

They still they're going to live there, so they're automatically loaded in on that platform. And I'm specifically thinking about our public libraries and academic libraries with our future educators that are studying they can also benefit from this ebook

collection for K- 5 students or k-12 we do have students that are at the middle school and high school level that access this resource specially are Exceptional Children special ed students English language learners.

They can access all of the Gale In context elementary content in one place. and now their ebook collections so that's going to be our focus we're going to go through that resource, so that you can see what your younger patrons or younger students will be

able to access from that resource. So just wanted to clarify that information we're going to talk about some of those enhancements, explore that content and all the great features within the resource, and then questions and support I will leave you with

who you can contact if you want one on one support, of course you have the great folks at the Florida electronic library that are there to support you and you also have one on one support with folks at Gale so I'll leave you with that information at the

very end of the session. And if there are any additional questions, I will stay on the line to answer any questions that you may have. First and foremost, access to your Florida electronic library resources you can access through the FEL portal.

Here is the link if you're not familiar with it, I encourage you to check it out. There's all kinds of great content right away on that homepage to. You may be already accessing through your direct URLs, then you already have them posted on your library

website, which is fantastic I, I definitely encourage you to do that, especially if you're looking for usage report some that's always really helpful.

You also are going to see on the Florida electronic Library website. This access my library so this has been updated it was actually upgraded the end of February, and if you weren't using access my library before it's a great app that users patrons, or

you know students in your school can add right to their cell phone, and they can access that the app and be taken right into all of your library resources at the very end I will share with you someone that you can contact if you're looking for additional

information on that, but we do have it linked out there on the website and there is some if you're looking for just some brief guidance on how to add your library, please be sure to check that out but it has been updated so if used it previously, and

steered away from it. It has been updated in is actually really easy to add I was able to add my public library within seconds, and it's so nice and clean and it took me into all the resources, very exciting.

Alright so let's talk about Gale In context Elementary.

This resource has over 16,000 indexed images 600 videos and 1700 charts and graphs. I love how everything has been pulled out onto the homepage, so that our younger users or students and patrons can easily access news articles pictures, videos and now

their ebooks also right from that homepage.

There is interface dictation if you're if you weren't aware of this, it is right on the homepage, you can toggle the sound on or off and wherever you move the cursor.

The or move your mouse, the text will be read aloud to you and this is different than the listen button which turns the text into speech. This is helpful when your students are looking to read the under the buttons here are the navigational tools, it's

helpful for your students in that respect. We've added great I wonder questions. These are updated daily and they encourage especially with K-5 users that included inquisitiveness and spark that curiosity.

And we still have the beautiful topic tree. Most of our students at the elementary level are point and click so accessing this topic tree and it is very visual it takes them through all the way through into our topic pages can really help their searches

in there, and finding specific search results. Okay, so we've added the books the K five titles, there are 65 titles that you have from the Florida electronic library that were just added.

There were some additional titles that were already there so you're going to see quite a collection. And if you've purchased your own for your own individual library or maybe you're talking to your sales rep and and working on purchasing some more k five


They will automatically be loaded to this one spot so it's very easy for your younger users to be able to access those ebook titles, and I can't wait to show you what they look like when they're accessing through Gale In context elementary news publications

are here right on the homepage, this is something that we heard that was very important to have those publications very easily accessible on the homepage.

Also, if you remember those fun facts that used to exist when you click on the little information icon on each image, right on that homepage. That's where they live now so the fun facts are there and they're updated every month.

So be sure to check that new section out pictures was something that we were asked a lot for because a lot of students use pictures in their, their papers or their presentations, so that is right here on the homepage easily you can search on through results

just putting in a search term and filter down to just the pictures you need and the same goes for video content. I also love video content for brain breaks in the classroom.

When you're doing something called group or maybe you're introducing a unit and I'm going to talk a little bit more about that today, great to use with your younger learners, because they are able to listen to that content and watch it so it's very visual

but there's also a transcript there too, and closed captioning if they need it.

Our topic overview page you can see right at the very top of the page that so this is the animals, topic overview, and you're going to see that high level overview of information on animals or whichever topic you happen to go into.

And then below is the topic tree, and this will take you to if you click into animal related subjects it's going to take you to a whole other page that has topic pages related to animal related subjects.

Our topic pages, you'll see have that high level, high level overview I call them essay overviews where you have an image, and you have an overview of that topic.

You also have the ability to change the levels so you can change it from a level one to level two or vice versa. From level two to level one and it'll automatically change that overview.

You're also going to see quick facts there's three on every topic page and these are great for students to use right away and any research they're doing or maybe they are just, you know, curious penguins is a great one that we always study in the state

of Michigan, because we do birds and so in January penguins was something I, I studied or my students studied in the first grade classroom. And I would have students that would devour everything they would go to the public library they would have their

parents go on the internet or on the web to find information, the school library forget about it I had, you know, every book, if I didn't have it they found it in the library I mean they just wanted all the information they could find, and to have a resource

like this with this organized content thats related to the curriculum is extremely helpful and now having the ebooks within this this resource to even better so it just keeps improving.

Here's that level of content I had just mentioned, where you have that ability on those essay overviews to change it from a level one to level two, very helpful when you're talking about Lexile measures, and I will share with you to the content level

as it compares to Lexile measures.

Just to let you know elementary is primarily level one and level two, but if you're looking for an exact Lexile measure range, I can prove I'll share with you where you can find that information within the resource itself highlights and notes is right

at the top of the page and our contextual toolbar. And this is a great way for students to annotate and track their questions, different ideas. Maybe they you want them to look at content and just, I don't know if you ever have students use post it notes

when they're reading through even their fiction or nonfiction, and thoughts that they have highlights and notes is a great way to use kind of that post it note feel where they can highlight some content and send it to their Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive.

Listen, so they can listen and translate the article so they can listen to the text being read aloud to them. Great for especially kindergarten through second grade, but they can listen to that content.

And they can also translate the articles we're over 40 languages now, so you can translate the text, and not only does it translate the article, but it also translate the read aloud.

At the same time,

you have the ability to save share and share content. So with your kindergarten through fifth grade users really important, especially because a lot of virtual learning is still happening.

So utilizing the tools that we already have built into the resources can be really helpful for your teachers, so get link is one of those tools and what get link does is it creates a persistent URL.

Back to any content within the resource so you can post this on a syllabus maybe you're using a learning management system like canvas or school social media posts, live guide for your library if you're especially I know academics use a lot of lip guides,

guides, email, maybe there's a newsletter you send out and you want to link out content, get link is a great tool for that. I've also had some of our K five, or I should say our elementary schools use the get link tool and generate QR codes, so they,

this was librarian in California shared with me that she has a classroom set of iPads, and they actually use the get link back to the I don't know what they were sticking around what they're studying let's say they're studying penguins back to the topic

page of penguins. And the students would come up and scan it with their iPad, and then be able to go right into that topic page. So, just an idea of how other schools are using it.

You can send content to Google Drive or Microsoft One Drive, including Google Classroom. So you can send documents audio files, images and if you've mark them up or you annotated them using our highlights and notes.

Not only will the entire article but everything you've highlighted will also go into Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive, and then Google Classroom we have the integration with Google Classroom super easy to pull content directly from the resources into

google classroom and share it immediately with your students. Let me know if there are any questions that you have. But from this point we're going to dive into the resource, and we're going to take a look around.

So accessing through the Florida electronic library.

You will see right on the homepage you have the ability to go to a to z, you can go to subjects grade levels, all of these areas are going to take you to this resource if we go into grade levels, and it's going to stop me because I, as I mentioned, I

am in Michigan. But if we go into grade levels you can see we have Gale and context elementary here in the center of the page and then you're going to see a lot of those ebook titles over on the right now there's quite a few.

So not all of them are listed, but you can see some of those titles right from this point, and you can click here and access that information. For today's training we are going through Gale In context Elementary.

So now I get to this point and of course I am stopped because, again, I'm in Michigan. But if you are accessing through the Florida electronic Library website, then you should be taken right into the resources because it is looking at your geographic

location so if you're in the state of Florida, it'll take you right into the resources, and all of your users at any age can access all those resources.

All right, so right on the homepage couple things I want to cover I am already signed in, I am using Google for today's examples. And since I'm set up as a teacher, it automatically signs me into Google Classroom.

You have the ability to change the language so this will change the language of the navigational tools and you, we are at 34 languages here, so you can change those navigational tools, the language there, few items I mentioned, you have that ability to

turn the sound on and off. And again, wherever my mouse goes it will read that text underneath the mouse. So that is how you do it right here in this contextual toolbar and you're going to see this toolbar changed slightly as we go through.

I'm going to cover a few things and we're going to spend a lot of time on the ebooks because that is the newest item topics that you have available you can see the topic page here list or topic pages here listed below.

I wonder questions as I mentioned, change throughout the month or change, often so you'll see them even every time I log in it. What I'm seeing on the homepage changes.

So we have a lot of those I wonder questions throughout this resource.

Let's take a look at each of these sections first and then we're going to go into do some do some searching now remember I mentioned this age group is primarily point and click but we do have a lot of teachers and librarians media specialist that use

it basic search for Advanced Search.

We go into our book section. This is where I am now currently seeing all of my titles so over here on the left hand side, I do, they are broken into different categories, but they are the soon as I click on books, it takes me to all of those titles, I

do have the ability to search for certain books if I wanted to. So that search bar that is available in, you'll see it in news pictures, videos, it'll only search through these book titles.

So, it will if I if I do that search from this point, it'll just search through the titles if I go into basic search though appear at the top, that's going to search through everything within the resource, including the book titles, so you have both options

options available. As I scroll down, you can see some of the titles that you have access to through the Florida electronic library.

You're going to find under education. There's going to be I think this is where a lot of the social emotional learning titles are landing and I am seeing them to in general reference.

But as I scroll down, we've got some literature, some medicine, nation and world there's a lot of great science titles I love the science titles and social science and that's another area Social Sciences is definitely a unique term, and you're going to

find some social emotional learning there too so a lot of these titles may end up in multiple spots. So if you're looking for some of those titles from your Florida electronic library collection, then you may want to check out those new those individual

subject headings.

Okay, let's go into I was going to take you in through a different route but let's actually access one of the book titles today.

And then I'll show you when they where they show up in your search results and will access it again, remember if there's any questions use that q amp a box, please.

So when I click into a title and I just selected Siberian tigers, it takes me right into the first page of text, so I'm not on the, you can see it starts me on the page for I'm not on the cover.

It takes me right into that text.

So your younger users able to access it and get right to reading the beauty of accessing these titles from within Gale In context elementary is your users can actually listen to the title being read aloud to them, while viewing the actual book.

So that's a little different than Gale ebooks Gale ebooks, you have to be in the text view which let me show you what that looks like here. So here's the text view.

Again, we're in a K five title.

When you're in the text view in Gale ebooks, then you can select the listen button and it will read the text allowed to you, but in the book view because it literally is a PDF or a picture of an actual book that that capability isn't available but it

is in our Gale and context, elementary because we definitely know that our younger users benefit from this information, and the you know and we have there's agreements with publishers and so on and so forth so it does take a lot to add that.

Listen, option to a PDF or to the actual book itself.

But we did that because we know our younger users definitely need that information.

Okay. So when I click that listen button it will just read the text allowed, it doesn't do, or I'm sorry, I had.

I have enhanced text visibility turned on so that option is still available here and I'll talk a little bit more about that but let me show it to you without.

So it is currently on it reads, all of the text it turns the page for me as it continues to read.

And again I can hear that text and look at these pages so great for our younger users.

On the left hand side, you have a few options here so if I click into the the three lines or the hamburger button. If you work with elementary you know that it's probably called hamburger button with them.

You can jump to any pages within, so the Table of Contents is here. You also have a search option if you're looking for a certain word or phrase.

Here you can, if you're struggling students are struggling with the word, they can put in the first letter or enter in a word that they're struggling with, and it will search through Webster's dictionary.

Here all the titles under environment. So we have all five titles here. And then if you want that full citation. That is also available on the left hand side.

Now we do also have the site button, and the get link appear at the top, in our contextual toolbar, even at the book level. So text view I shared with you It just gives us the Texas on the page which is one sentence.

The citation provides you with the entire citation but now I don't know how much you're teaching this at the elementary level hopefully you're teaching students about citations, more than likely you're probably using the MLA eighth edition, maybe a PA.

I'm not really sure elementary but usually MLA eighth edition and maybe you're introducing noodle tools and easy but you have that ability to export the citation directly to noodle tools and easy but now this is, and we have some of course some other

Now this is, and we have some of course some other options here too. Now that citation tools, always existed in your guild resources so it should be very familiar to you but I wanted to share that it is also available for your ebooks.

If you want it to grab a link back to this title.

You can use the get link, which remember creates that persistent URL right back to this title so if you're curating a collection, or maybe you're creating text sets and you want to use some of these ebook titles, get link would be a great option for you

to use.

Now you can download just the audio using it as an mp3, just as you can.

And any of the content within the resource, and you also have under those settings a few tools that I'm going to go over once we do a few other additional searching but I wanted to share with you what that ebook looks like.

Close that listen button, I can make this whole screen if I want to.

So if I were viewing this on maybe a smart board with my students and reading it as a whole group, this would be a great option for that. You can also zoom in or zoom out.

So those plus and minuses or they're pretty straightforward tools there at the top right let's go back.

All right, let's go back. I can go to all books.

And that will take me right back to this page.

Okay, let me know if there's any questions on that. Let's touch into news pictures, videos and then we're going to go into our topic tree. So news I just wanted to point out, you do have that search bar at the top, And then here's all those fun facts

they were just changed to August.

Will honey be days coming on national Dog Days coming up on August 26.

You can see pictures same idea if I wanted to do a quick search and look for all the pictures I have available on plants.

It quickly filters down that content for me you can see I've multiple pages of images, videos, same idea maybe I'm looking for the life cycle.

Here's all of the video content I have available.

Okay, so let's go back to topics. And then we're going to explore each of those categories once we go into a search on each of the content types. So you can see right on the homepage some popular ones, obviously animals really popular with our students,

plants is a popular and people because you have a great biographical information for presidents, or athletes or actors or inventors you're going to find all of that there.

You're also going to find some great content under science so if you're looking for maybe motion is, is this topic that you're studying I know that's part of the curriculum in Florida, something that you're studying, take a look at the topic pages we

have available there. So for today though we are going to go into all let me show you animals before we go into plants because we have a nice long session here, because animals is definitely one that's taught mammals, birds, fish, those are definitely

areas that are taught at the elementary school level pretty much every curriculum covers them.

We also have some great animal related subjects that I like to point out where you're going to find animal adaptations extinction habitats. These are all areas that are studied within our schools.

And then here's some more I wonder questions. So these are all of these sections here at the top happen to have topic pages for them if I go into mammals I want to share with you real quick.

mammals, you have the featured mammals at the top, cats and dogs are always number one and number two, sometimes dogs number one. Number two, we see sharks.

Jump up and searches when it's Shark Week. And so, that always increases in usage too, but I want to point out at the bottom that you may find topic pages, the most the feature the ones that are most popular and our access the most are here at the top

with images, but we do have some additional topic pages here at the bottom.

Okay, so just wanted to point that out to you on the animals page you can see quite a bit of information there.

So let's go in through plants.

And I like to talk about plants because when I was a teacher, we would do a big unit study on plants, and we would start it a couple of weeks before Mother's Day, and we would end the unit with this all about plants learning celebration which I loved

and I would invite the students, families in.

Obviously this is pre coven. So students, families and to enjoy everything we learned, and during that unit of study we did a lot of reading and research on different types of plants on the parts of a plant on how important plants were to the environment,

and even insects like ladybugs that would help, or those insects that would harm plants. So, a lot of content was covered on plants, and so today I want to go through types of plants because you may have teachers that are teaching this information, and

there's so much great content here that's available now because the state of Florida has purchased these great ebooks, you've got a lot of great content here with those ebooks that they that they purchased for you all.

So if we go into types of plants, where those ebooks land right here. So now you still have all the same content types of book articles are there news magazines videos, images biographies, are all still here, but now you have this new one of books.

So all of those ebooks will land automatically on those topic pages in any searches you've done Basic Search Advanced Search, it'll pull back on that content and be readily accessible for your younger students or your younger patrons that are coming into

into the to your library, all through one place. So I just, just love it I love this resource so much I don't think it's because I taught elementary or I just get excited about the resources in general, but I love that everything's in one spot and our

product manager did such a fantastic job and that whole team, incorporating it all here.

Now I want to share with you when you are on types of plants.

Because we're on a topic page we do have that sa overview I mentioned where you have an image. And then you have the information below.

So this is a level one.

You have words to know here level two, you'll be able to tell it, you're in a different spot because the image changes, and from words to know are those vocabulary words that changes to main ideas.

So, love the text features. Again, this is a little bit higher level because you are at that level two. And you might be thinking okay well what are the Lexile measures.

Let me show you real quick where you can find that information.

Now there is a document that is available on our support site. um, it is also available here within the resource itself.

But if I go back out to types of plants.

Okay so question was asked Hi, Jessica.

Maybe this was covered do we get big records. Mark records, I think, is that is that what you mean by probably Bibliography records Mark records yes sir Mark records available they are on the support site, where all of your mark records live if you've

done pulling them already. They do live in the on the support site, but I will share with you where that information is but they're already, they will be, if they're not there yet they will be loaded there soon I know that all of these titles are currently

installed on the Florida electronic library account, and they will be installed in each libraries account very very soon there's some customization that's happening that we that they're working on at the, at your State Library, so we're just, you know,

working with them and we're real close, they're real close to having it done and I'm excited about what they're doing and they're, they're not just covering the 65 titles they're going through all of the collection of titles that you have access to.

Okay. Thanks, Jessica for asking hope you're doing well.

Okay, so back to this, I think I went a little too far out Hold on, I did back to the topic page types of plants, you do have those three quick facts right at the top, and I said I would share with you where you can find that level of content well if

you click into any of these content types book articles, books, news any of them by just click I can click the, the title here at the top, or select more book articles in the bottom right, I tend to use the one at the top.

You have the ability, you can still access any of those content types so you have news magazines videos books pictures biographies, all here. But where the content level information is is in the filter box so you do have to be in one of these content

levels, it doesn't matter which one I selected book articles, and when you click on content level then you can see our level one is up to a 500 Lexile and our level content level two is 512 850.

Now remember you have that listen option on any article or ebooks that you're on. So your students can listen to that, that content, but the to give you an idea of the reading levels for one and two, you can see the Lexile measure here.

And it's always there, in any of your Gale resources, and if you're in context resources, you'll find that information. Okay, so let's say we're my students are really excited about studying plants and finding out more information about types of the plant

and I want to kick off and encourage that excitement. By accessing some video content.

So I'm going to click into videos here.

And what I'm going to do is look for a video on maybe the kinds of plants so I have plant life cycles.

Here's kinds of plants so different types of plants, here's the video.

And it starts right up. so it is muted which is nice because I haven't headset on, so it's always really helpful especially when you have younger students if you're in a shared computer setting where all your students are accessing from your computer

room, and they have their headsets on it is muted so they do have to unmute it. So that's just a little tip they're closed captioning is available. It is set default to off but you can turn that closed captioning on if you select to turn that on.


I'm sorry it's set to English you can turn the captions off I'm sorry it's automatically on, I can make this whole screen to, as I shared the E book you can do the same thing with your video content, and then the transcript is blow.

And same with the citation.

If we go back to that homepage.

I pointed out to you the different levels but let's take a look at the books. So if we go into book articles because I know we did it. We did take a look at the actual ebooks and what they look like.

I will touch into them again. Here, in the next couple moments but looking at our book articles you can see I have some level twos and level once again we're an elementary so this is perfect for my students.

And here we are in that that types of plants so that's actually that sa overview, you're going to see a lot of those which is really nice because you do have them at multiple levels so here's flowering plants.

And we have them in a level one and level two.

When you use the features the enhanced text visibility and the listen feature the Translate over here on the right hand side, let me share with you I know what popped up when we're looking at ebooks.

So, I have turned on.

I have, or I am just click the listen button it automatically starts reading my text to me.

If I turn on the enhanced text visibility which is lives under this settings that little gear there have to have that list and button open to access that gear.

I can turn on the enhanced text visibility. I can slow down the speed, I can turn on automatic scrolling. I can change the colors here if I want the different you know right now, the sentence colors highlighted in green and the word is in blue.

I can change that if I want, I can even select different you know if I want a different option for highlighting sentence only or word only or no highlighting I can do that.

The, I love the enhanced text visibility especially for our younger users because of our emergent readers. So you are pulling out that tax, you can slow it down, which I think is really helpful too, but pulling out that text and highlighting it for students

to experience, listen to comprehend and then apply it to whatever they're working on.

Or maybe it's your discussions in class, but it is all here in the enhanced text visibility supports that and supports meeting the needs, the varying needs of your students.

What I love also is that it is available in the ebooks, so you have this tool this feature that we have within our guild resources, not only one we're on a document in a text view, but also when you're in an E book, and you're, you click that listen button,

it also shows up for you. So it's a great option to have. Now you may want to when you're when you're viewing the E book just listened, or just look at the book, as it's being read aloud to you because that box will pop up so it is going to get out it

it will be on the screen so we'll black some of the visual you're getting. So keep that in mind too if it's something you're suggesting to your students.

You have the ability to enlarge the text.

again meeting the needs of our students and translate translate we are at over 40 languages. It translates the article, and the content, the listen button so that text to speech will also be translated.

We also have the article information it's still here you might be wondering where did that go article information is under this information icon.

And you can even see the actual Lexile measure, because this is one of the articles were on a level one so this is a Lexile measure of a 440 You do have to click on that article information icon to see the Lexile measure.

But here to you can change it to the level two. If you don't want to use these buttons at the top, it is available there too.


All right, so we went into our book articles.

Let's go back out.

And I want to share with you how to filter down some of those magazine articles because those can be at a little bit higher level. So again I can go into any of these but I know I want magazines.

And I want to filter my content to, you can see I've got some higher level ones here on the left hand side if you look at the results.

Content level, and I want just level one and two and apply that. And it will apply it not just to my magazines, but it applied it to all of my information that I have access to so to book articles, even my ebook so I can see which ebooks are to level

one level two. That's really helpful information. So I filter down all that content. This is a great time to grab that QR code. Now, the more filters I add the longer that I'm sorry not QR code.

The get link for a QR code if you're using it that way. Or maybe you're sharing it in your.

If you're using, you know, on a learning management system and your Gale resources aren't set up yet because they can be integrated with learning management systems you just want to quickly grab a link, put it in your learning management system and a

syllabus, you, you can grab that use it get linked to and grab that information. Now, the more filters I add the longer that URL does grow.

If I look at the. So that's a quick way to filter down that content, if I go into books, and that's going to take me into the ebooks I have available.

And these are all at a level one or level two.

Going into flowers, it takes me right into that ebook, just as I shared with you earlier.

Now, I did turn that enhance visibility on so if I click that listen button now let me just show you.

If you don't remember. So you can see it does black a little bit of that, that screen, but it's a great option to have so the students are hearing the text read aloud to them and they can see it here.

If you want to utilize that enhance texts visit visibility feature.

Okay, so that's how they can access level or filter down their content access that filter content. We looked at the different types of books book articles magazines, let's take a look at pictures.

So let's go back to our results. Now if I want to remove the level one or two. All I do is to remove that filter, click on the X here in the box, and it takes me right back to all of my content.

I can go into pictures I have 208 fabulous pictures available here.

and the pictures will have a little bit of information.

So field of flowers I can see this field of flowers and it will have, you'll have a little bit of a caption here.

Another thing I want to share with you and pictures.

And this is unique within this resource if I go under document type, and I click into drawing so I want to filter down to just the drawings.

It does take me to all the drawings, but part of those drawings are labeled and unlabeled illustrations.

So you're labeled illustration parts of a plant.

You can see here, all of the parts of the plant are labeled. Well, you also have, which I love. I go back to my results is the unlabeled illustration and this is a great way to check check to see check their knowledge, maybe you want to maybe teachers

are doing this at the beginning, maybe they're doing check in at the middle to see where students are at, because what can happen is you have the ability here below to create a word bank with the information that we have Can you identify and it gives

you the parts of the plant so you could create a word bank here for students to use as their labeling this this unlabeled image. Now, a great thing to do is send it.

If you're a teacher you can send it right to Google Drive, or one drive.

You can also email it you can download you can print you can grab a link back to this to this document if you want to, all those options are available or maybe you want to pull this into Google Classroom.

Now Google Classroom you can do hold on a second, it does open in another screen I have to share that screen real quick.

With Google Classroom.

You have the ability to not only just pull a document in, you could be at that topic page and pull the entire topic page into if you're kicking off a unit and this is where you want your students to start.

That's a great way to do it, pull it into Google Classroom. Or maybe you've done that filtering right you've filtered all of your content down to a level one and level two you've taken anything higher up right off the table you've curated that content

for your students. You can pull that directly into Google Classroom, or you can use get link, so I could be at a document level or I could be as high up as a topic page, or I had could have filtered some content down to differentiate my instruction scaffold

that information for my students, and pull it right into my Google Classroom. Okay, so here's my second grade class, I can choose my action.

Maybe I want to create an assignment, click Go.

label this is label.

Okay, and then I can leave instructions below, and assign that.

When I click Assign I have that option to view.

So let me go back and share my other screen because it'll turn everything to black if I don't.


And I can view in my classroom.

And here I've created a new assignment.

And I can view the instructions and it takes me right to that unlabeled image.

Okay, just an idea of how you can utilize the content that's available within your resources for your students and your teachers are able to do utilize that content to teach to what they're, they're working on in the curriculum, or in their in their classroom.

Okay, so we covered a lot of tools and features. We also took a look at the books, I'm sure you want to explore those collections a little further. Remember if you want to look at your entire collection, that is available, go through the Florida electronic

library portal or the website and you can access the ebooks here in your gallon context elementary that's the quickest way to look at that, that smaller view of just the K five titles.

But they're all here and available and you can go right from that homepage, to see what you have available now go into that books section, and you can see all of that content.

And by clicking into any of the subject headings, it does take me to what ebooks I have available. So if I go to social science say, I can click up here at the top, more books at the bottom both options are available.

I used, I like to use the buttons at the top.

And you can see some of those titles that we have available.


I also, and I want to mention this too, and I have that ability, you're going to find most of your titles are going to be at a level one or two there may be some at a level three.

It does take you into all if I wanted to filter down to level one let's see what I have. So I do happen to have these five titles available that are at that level one now that's going to be more for our early elementary students remember that was I believe

up to a 500 Lexile measure.

Okay, so hopefully that's really helpful to you as you're filtering down that ebook content to.

All right, let me know if there any questions you all are a little quiet today, but we are right at the end of our session. The only other thing I wanted to share with you is where you're going to find all of your mark records because that question did

come up. So if you go on the support site and I'll share this link with you I have a few more slides, I'm going to share real quick but if you go on the support site and you log in, you can find all of your mark records under product support.

Okay so that is if you're looking for Mark records, you can go under product support. You also have folks at Gil that can help you with that they can guide you through that process and help you with any questions that you may have.

Now remember right now all of the titles are available on the Florida electronic Library website, but they will be loaded onto each individual libraries location information or onto your site into your eBook Collection into Gale and contacts elementary

very very soon.

We do have another session coming up, and that is enhanced Middle School Diversity, Equity and Inclusion education, we're going to cover Gale In context middle school and really look at the content that's available for di, and that is coming up on September

16. I'm also we will also be adding another ebook session in probably October, that will be covering it's focused more for public libraries and academic libraries, and that session will be covering all of those additional titles that were added for public

and academic so they're definitely higher level than rk five students are k even k 12. So those titles will be added for so there's more content coming that's available for that higher level, but I will be hosting a session.

And I believe we mentioned, October, so we're working on that to find all of your upcoming Florida electronic library sessions you can go to the support site, and its support Gale.

com forward slash FEL and if you do another forward slash webinars it'll take you to all of the upcoming webinars and any that have been recorded. This link will also be available in your follow up email but for those that are watching the recording.

I wanted to also go over that again with you all.

Support site we've kind of touched into that I just want to share with you again a little bit more information you're going to find not only your mark record sir but training materials short tutorials that are two to three minutes long, that provides

you with a quick walkthrough of individual either looking at the resource itself or looking at individual tools within that resource. You're going to find a lot of content available for training on the support site that we have for fFELel, as I mentioned,

including the webinars. There's printable tools resource guides tip sheets lesson plans scavenger hunts all available in the training center. And then we also have in our marketing materials, you're looking to promote these resources and you want a web

banner or image for your social media post or you're sending out a newsletter and you want to email template we have it all for you. So be sure to check out the market marketing materials on the support site, we have everything created for you.

And that wraps our session. Again, my name is Tammi Van Buren, I'm your Gale training consultant, your customer success managers, these are the folks that can help you with those Mark records can walk you through the support site help you pull usage

reports on their your one on one support for your Gale resources. Of course you also have the fantastic folks at the Florida electronic library so please feel free to reach out to them.

And then this should pop up after the session but your training survey love to get your feedback. If you are looking for any sessions on for your for your Florida electronic library resources in the future, there's a comment section, feel free to leave

information about this session there, but also if you're looking for additional training on something, let us know or send me an email directly because I do share that with the flow.

The folks at your district or at your State Library, and we're always want to make sure that you all are getting the most out of your resources that you have from the Florida electronic library.
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