Welcome to your training today. Today's Gale training for the Florida Electronic Library is enhancing adult learning.
Discover the riches of Gale Literature Lip Finder. My name is Tammi Burke.
I am your senior Gale trainer. Any questions that you have today, please feel free to ask in that Q&A box.
It is open and available. Our training today will focus on one of your Gale resources and as I mentioned that scale literature lip finder.
We will explore the content that you have available, different search options, and tools to support accessibility to inspire that love of reading and learning among adult learners.
I will also model the functionality of the resource with the tools that we have available to share content for programming for your adult learners.
So let's get started on show. I'll just show the brief agenda where we're starting with an overview of Gale Literature Lit Finder.
So you're familiar with the resource. And then as I mentioned, we will be exploring content features and tools.
Any questions that you have? You can ask throughout today's training or you can ask at the end of today's session.
I'll stay on the line at the end if there's any additional questions. And I'll share with you 2 if you need one-on-one support.
The folks that you can reach out to at Gale that are there to support you in all things scale.
First, access to your FL resources. You can use the Florida Electronic Library website.
That link is here and available. And if you're utilizing this site, the nice thing is, is if you're a public library, the usage will roll up to your public library.
So meaning that if someone in say Port Orange area is accessing the resources it'll roll up to the port orange library, their public library there.
So keep that in mind. If you're a higher ed or also K 12 you might want to use your own individual links and it's really easy to get those links on the site.
If you're again accessing through the site, this is what it looks like today. It is getting refresh revamp here that you'll see a new updated site coming soon.
And I know we are in the final stages of that, but you can go to the support site to access all of your direct URLs.
I'll share a little bit more about that at the end of today's training. First, let's talk about Gale Literature Lit Finder.
So you're aware of what you're going to find within this resource. So, Theip Finder is full of original literary works to from poems to poetry citation, short stories and novels.
There's essays, speeches, inaugural speeches, plays all available within this resource.
So Gale LitGale Finder, or I should say, Gale Literature Lit Finder provides access to a wealth of literary works and also secondary source materials.
Covering world literature and authors throughout history. So we have more than 102, 132,000 full-text poems, 670,000 poetry citations as well as short story speeches in place.
What, our researchers or patrons can find is everything from the sonnets of Shakespeare to the poetry of Maya Angelou.
I love poetry of the thirteenth century to contemporary poems by African-american women. Inaugural speeches of George Washington through George W.
Bush, short stories by Edgar Allan Poe to stories by up and coming. Writers such as Elizabeth Weld or essays on such subjects as the arts, science, and religion.
And since we're talking about adult learners and we wanted to explore this idea, utilizing your digital resources.
And, and again, as I mentioned, really encouraging that love of reading. So adult literacy we know across the country is something that our, our libraries are working hard to help and support and combat and those patrons that are coming into your library, you're looking for different ways to support them.
And with Lip Finder, you are going to find those fictional works or literary works.
So I'm going to share with you a tool that's available within the resource to listen to the text being read aloud, but also there's a few other features with it tool that can be helpful that has the translate option available too.
So I'll talk to you a little bit about that today and then we're going to, I'm going to talk to you about how you can find content to then share in your library programming.
So if you want to highlight some of these different literary works, you have some tools available and functionality within the resource.
So really our goal today is for you to get a better understanding of what is available in Lit Finder and we're taking a little bit of a twist on it and showing how it could possibly be used for your adult learners.
So with that, let's go directly into the resource. I'm going to, let me share that screen with you.
And again, we are going into Gale Literature Lit Finder.
Lit Finder is in, you know what, let me do this real quick. I'm gonna share.
My desktop just to make sure you see everything. Okay, there we go. So Gale looked at your lip finder.
As I mentioned, I talked to you about what you're going to find within this resource. And a few things I want to point out on the homepage.
You do have the ability to translate the navigational tools into over 34 languages so that Is it a tool that can help support adult learning, that translate feature.
And these are tools and features shared across all of your Gale resources. I can sign in with Google or Microsoft.
If I sign, I'm going to sign in with Google as an example here. I'm on my own computer so it remembers all my information.
I signed in with Google now at any time if I wanted to send. A document to my Google Drive.
I could do that. It turns it into a Google Doc. Same with Microsoft. It turns into a Word doc.
So I can send that information directly to. So I have. Full text novels available here if I wanted to send that to my Google Drive I could.
Some of these 2 we have the PDF version available. So if I wanted to send that, I would have that available too.
So if I wanted to send that, I would have that available too. So, but when we're talking about adult learning.
We really want to know what tools are available within this resource. And I want to talk to you about some of the contents that you also have available within this resource.
So let's first take a look at basic searching. So basic searching, you have your search bar here at the top and advanced search which we'll touch into and you're going to find titles.
And let me, let me go to the title list first actually. Let's start there.
So you're going to find titles on our title list page. So looking here. So maybe there's certain titles you're looking for.
Maybe you're looking for, as I mentioned before, Maya Angelou or maybe you're looking for novels like little women or weathering heights or Jane or pride and prejudice.
We have those or short stories such as the Telltale, HAR by, Edg, and Poe.
We have those types of content available or maybe you wanted to do a search looking at a particular author like Jane Austen or a literary movement like Romanticism, we can do all of that in this resource and you have the ability easily share that content with your users or bring it into your public library programming.
So first let me share with you the title list because if there are certain titles you're looking for, you know your users, your patrons coming into your library are looking for, I'm going to show you where you can find that so you can see what is of available within this resource.
So in your contextual toolbar, you're going to see title list. When I click on title, It's going to take me to this page.
And this is all of our title lists. What I'll want to do is I want to filter down by product.
So I'm going to look for Lit Finder. And when I access lip finder, I have title lists for all of the novels, all of the plays, the poetry, and short stories.
So I have 4 individual title lists. The overview is that it's an overview of the resource. Some of what I talked about today will be in that overview.
But if you're looking for title lists and you want to highlight some novels that are available, full text novels that have all of these great tools to support accessibility available.
This is a great way to do that. Is to look for those individual novels. And all it does is download as an Excel spreadsheet right on to your computer.
So this is again where you can find all of those great titles that we have available within the resource.
So how I again path I took all I did was open up Gale Literature Lip Finder and I clicked on title list once I accessed title list I filtered down using the filters on the right hand side and started to type in Lip Finder.
And that's what gave me these results.
All right, let's go back and close that out, go back into. Let find her. Okay, so a basic search option.
If I were to do a search. And let's say my Angelou.
And I'm gonna use this first one at the top, but you can see it gives me a lot of options here.
And the reason why I selected that first one is because I wanted to show you everything that I have available for my Angelou.
It takes me right into the primary source and literary works. This is going to be those full-text documents.
Now you can see some. Have document types of poems, but also a brief article or an excerpt.
Here's an actual poem. And you can see the author information. This is written by Maya Angelou.
And and it came from and still I rise. Here's still I rise. And what I can do is when I click into that title.
Here is where I can listen to the text being read aloud. So it does read the title. It does read this text feature and then it goes directly into the poem itself.
Let me talk to you about these tools to support accessibility that you have available. So I have the ability to translate the text.
So for our adult learners that need maybe this article or this poem in another language such as say Spanish, we have over 50 to choose from here.
I can quickly scroll to Spanish. And translate this article or this poem into Spanish. Now we do get this, give this a little tidbit here.
We want to make sure that they want the entire document translated, before we translate the entire document.
But it's thankfully this isn't a very long one. That is really helpful. When you select a, like if you were to select Pride and Prejudice, for example, and you wanted to translate the whole thing, you'll want to make sure that you do want to do that before you translate it because you accidentally hit that you have to wait for it to translate and you know that's quite
a large document to translate this is only 240 words so it's not not horrible.
Can't so let me cancel that out. So we do have that again. It's step one is choose the language.
Step 2 is complete the translation if you want it translated. You have that ability to decrease or increase the font size.
Both options are available. You have display options where I can change the color behind the text. I can change the font if I want open dyslexic.
I can increase the line letter and word spacing. And this will stick with me throughout my session.
If I want to remove that display option, I just open that box back up. And go back to default settings.
Now the feature that I think is really helpful for our adult learners, so they don't, you know, that some of them may have, and my discussions with our folks in Florida is that the reading levels are low.
And, and they don't, can't find things besides children's books, sometimes at their reading levels.
So can they listen to text being read aloud? I'm sure you have some text in your library, but here's another way and to use this as a learning tool.
So not just listen to A book that's being read aloud to them, but also use this as a learning tool.
For example, if they need the ability to translate or if they want to listen to the text but also have it highlighted as they're listening to it.
So this is the feature that I think is really helpful when you're talking about adult learners. Is let's when you click this listen button.
It will start to read the text. Let me show that with you. So you can see it does and I'll share the computer audio.
There we go. So let me show this again.
About this work. Title, still I Rise, Poem
So you can see it does read all of the text features too. Now what I want to also share with you is a couple things.
Under the settings gear. So I have to click on the Listen button. And then the settings gear here.
This is another feature that will stick with me. Throughout my session. This is where I can change what's being highlighted or the colors that are being used.
What I want to point out is the enhanced text visibility because it's pulls the text out onto the page.
So I'm going to turn that on. And I also have the ability to slow down the speed.
Now it does slow it down very slow. So be prepared for that. Let me turn that on. And then I also want to turn on the automatic scrolling.
So as the text is being read aloud to me, it will move down the page. So let me now share this with you.
I'm going to close this back. So all I did 3 things, enhanced text of his enhanced text visibility, I turned that on.
My reading speed, I slowed it down. And then I turned on the automatic scrolling. And all of these features, again, will stick with me throughout.
My session today. So now when I click play.
Enhanced text visibility. Enhanced text.
Oh, hold on. I highlighted that. That's, I've never had that happen before.
Let me do this again. When I highlighted it, it was, and that's the other thing.
If you highlight a chunk of text, including something like that in the tools. It will read that text aloud.
Visibility Enhanced text visibility
So let me try again. Yeah, something's going on with, Close this out. I'm gonna refresh my screen.
Something is going on with my listen button today. I noticed that a little earlier it was something completely different, but Let's hope it works this time.
Still I rise.
About this work.
Click play. There we go. That's what I wanted to see. So you can see it pulls out that text box, it puts it on the page, and I did, I slowed that speed down so you can hear that it is quite a bit slower speed.
Now if I wanted to.
Title. Still I Rise, Poem. Published, 78.
I wanted to jump over this. Maybe I want to have And this I'm just going to share with you for today's training purposes.
Maybe I just want to.
Hi, highlight all of this and then now click play what it'll do.
You may write me down in history. With your bitter twisted lies You may trod me in the very dirt.
So, and I can pause this at any time. I've heard the I've heard the text being read aloud to me.
I have this enhanced text visibility turn on which pulls out this text box onto my page. If I want to speed it back up so you can hear just regular speed.
And I'm just gonna highlight this first chunk of text. Whenever you highlight. You get that.
It'll just read that.
You may write me down in history. With your bitter, twisted lies. You may trod me in the very dirt.
But still, like dust, I'll rise.
So if you notice too, it's quickly scrolled down the page because I turned on that automatic scrolling.
So again, what I did was I clicked the Listen button. I went into my settings. I turned on the enhanced text visibility.
Originally I had it on the slowest speed. I just changed it to medium and then I turned on my automatic scrolling.
If I don't want my automatic scrolling on that's completely, I mean, if you're using the enhanced text visibility and you don't wanna see the page jump every time, then that might be an option as you don't wanna turn that on.
You may write me down in history.
It's completely up to our users, but then I still will have that. Medium speed. I highlighted a chunk of text.
That's why it's just reading that one chunk of text, but again, turned on that enhanced text visibility.
Okay. Let me know if there's any questions about that. I think it's pretty straightforward.
Once you know that it's there. So what we do have also, if this is something you're looking to highlight in your library, we do have video tutorials on our tools to support accessibility, short little 2 to 3 min tutorials that you can put on your library page or you can share with folks that are coming into your library or anyone that's working with your adult learners.
They're really good tools. Those short little video tutorials are great to share with your patrons that are coming into your library.
Okay. All right, so we talked about the the features that you have available. Another thing too is this can be downloaded as an MP 3 so they can listen to it.
Later we are mobile responsive so our. Adjust depending on what type of device are on. Now if I wanted to save this poem.
I can send it to my Google Drive, Microsoft Onedrive, email, download, or print are all available.
My, I also have those tools in my contextual toolbar. So at this point, let's say I decided I definitely want to save this.
I don't have to scroll all the way back up and imagine if we were on pride and prejudice, for example.
Scrolling all the way back up would take a little bit, you know, it's not gonna take that long.
I can just use my bar on the right hand side here to scroll up and down but it's nice if I don't have to because I can just click this paper airplane and send the entire full text document to Google Drive on Drive. Email.
I also have the ability to download or print. Now, if I wanted to, let's say I were, I was doing a, let me go back to my results.
I'm doing a bit of a poetry study and I only want items written by Maya Angelou.
What I can do, and I'm going to talk to you about sharing content now, what I can do is I can filter that content down so I can filter author items by and if I only want the items that were written by Maya Angelou, I can select that because you're going to find biographies and work overviews or some multimedia available here.
So now this these are all the poems that I have access to. Some are citations only for Maya Angelou.
If I wanted to only show my full text documents, then I just select this box. And it'll filter that down for me.
Now I have all those poems. I filtered that information down. How can I share it? I can use my get link tool.
And I can pull this into my library programming. Maybe I'm doing a poetry study. For my adult learners and we are picking individual authors and this is here are the works I have available for Maya Angelou.
I grab that get link tool. Grab that URL and share it wherever I am sharing that information.
You can always pull it into bitly or tiny URL if you want to make it a little shorter.
Do that all the time. Another thing that folks are doing. Is they are connecting these URLs.
Into a QR code. So they're using just a QR code generator. And pulling in this URL and then folks are able to come up with either an e-reader, an iPad, or a phone, and scan that QR code and it takes them directly to the spot.
So you can use that get link tool in this way where I have a collection of information I want to share or maybe I want to remove.
Just the items written by my Angela. I just want anything related to her if I'm doing an author study Then use Get Link.
Or it could be to an individual poem like Still I Rise. I could use get link this way too.
So all options are available to share that content. Now let me talk to you a little bit more about searching.
So we did a basic search, which is very straightforward and intuitive. But let's talk about some ways that you can use advanced search, person search, work search, and topic finder and where they live.
Some of them live on the homepage. As you noticed here, we have topic finder. Term frequency is also here.
But they all always live under advanced search in any of your Gale resources. So advanced search is our first one.
We're going to touch into each of these search options. So this is for you all to help support your public library programming.
Or if your higher educate well obviously these work the same way for all of you but the reason why I'm sharing this with you is to help you find that content.
So first I shared with you all the where to find all the title lists. So if you're looking for certain collections or certain literary works, you can find that.
Now I'm showing you how to use advanced search. We did a basic search. We talked about the tools that are available for your adult learners.
And let's say you wanted to pull some information together. Let's stick with the idea of poetry.
So let's put in spring. So if I want the term spring. And if I scroll down.
Maybe I want to filter digestible text documents, but you might want the citations or abstracts also.
Just depends on what you're looking for, but I'm going to filter to full text today.
You can see some of my research limiters that I have available. I'm going to go to the type of work because I know that I'm interested in in poems.
If I wanted speeches, I could choose a speech or inaugural speech. If I want to filter to a certain document type, remember all of your full text.
Literary works are going to be here in primary sources and literary works. Overviews, topic and work overviews self-explanatory.
We have some multimedia and again biographies. These are the content types that you have available in Litfinder.
Now I click search. And this takes me to all of the poems I have available over 13,000 poems on the topic of spring.
And I use keyword. When I did my advanced search, if I go back. Make sure that poems is still.
Selected here, it is okay. Maybe I want to do the subject of. So I have keyword.
And this looks at It's like the top hits. But if I wanted Let's see, I could search through all of my texts.
I have literary movements here available.
Subject theme. You can see quite a few options under advanced search. Now I'm going to put in spring again.
And let's see how this changes our results. So now we're a little bit more manageable at a little over 1,000.
200 literary works. And these are all our poems, full text. You can see over here to the right, full text.
Poems on Spring. At this point, if I wanted to share this, I could use my get link tool.
And then my users, I would want them to understand how to use. That tool does support accessibility, the listen feature, and then if they wanted to turn on that enhanced text visibility.
So that's like a two-step once they click into one of these documents or one of these literary works.
And at that point, they can continue to explore once they set it up. They will have that tool.
Stuck sticking with them throughout their session.
Okay, so that's an option. In advance search. Let's talk about another option. And this time, let's talk about person search.
So in person search, I can put in a person's name. I can choose their ethnicity, gender, nationality, occupation, genre, literary movement.
You can see the list goes down. So if I wanted to put in a certain person, I could do that and let's keep it simple today.
I'm going to put in Jane Austen.
Click search and you can see here. Over on the right hand side, my number of results that I have available.
So Jane Austen, and this will take me to not only her literary works, but also biographies and topic work overviews.
Again, I'm seeing some abstracts. I know some of our higher ed folks like to have the abstracts only, and show that along with their full text, but if you're interested again in just full text.
You just simply have to select that option below your filter your results. And there's all kinds of options with filtering your results.
So if you're looking to share this information, Again, using that get link tool, then if you need to filter it down a little bit more for your adult learners or to work with your library programming, then doing this on the right hand side, utilizing these tools is going to be really helpful.
So you can see very intuitive subjects person about name of work author items by publication title document type and then I do have that ability to search within and drill down.
Even further.
Let's go back to Advanced Search. And I wanna talk to you about work search.
Because in work search you can put in a title or you can look for a type of work.
Even put in a literary movement. So there's quite a few options here. So if I want
Romanticism. And click search. I didn't put in anything else. You can see all of the titles that are brought back.
Including even Frankenstein.
If we have a, I'm going to show you one more search option. But again, you can select and move forward with.
Any of these by you can see if it's Like here's the novel. If you see this hyperlinked information below, that might be the path you want to take.
So they it does make suggestions for you. This is the area it's taking you to next.
So it does the hunchback of Notre Dame. It gives you that suggestion there too, which is really helpful.
Going back to advanced search. Okay, we went into advanced search, person search, work search. Now let's do topic finder.
Topic Finder is a visual representation of your search results. And it's interactive. Let's do Frankenstein.
And this would be, you know, for your little bit. Higher adult learners, right?
This is a skill if you're teaching research skills, maybe you have folks coming into your library because again, this isn't your all of your Gale resources, so you'll find this in Gale and Context Middle School and your one any of your one file resources like academic one file from the Florida electronic library and then you know here in Gale Literature Lit Finder.
So it's a shared tool and feature, but you can see how I can view my search results.
It's visual and interactive. I click into Monster.
And maybe I want good and evil. I know definitely something that's studied. So One term, 2 clicks, I have 2 documents.
So it's a really quick way for users to find content too.
Okay, if their reading level again is as at that elementary or middle school, this is going to be obviously too much for them, but I want you all to know what's available because you might use it for your public library.
Public library programming or higher ed or again K 12. So it's a really helpful tool for you all to find that content and then share it with your adult learners that are coming into your library.
Alright, we are right at the end of our time together and we covered all of this information. One thing before you leave me today and I do have just a few more slides to share with you where you can go for additional help.
I wanted to point out if we have like little women. We do have the full text. Novel. So you'll see that novel.
Here to the right hand side or if I were putting in a search term again I put in spring and I wanted everything related to spring, I would if you're looking for that subject I would definitely use advanced search but I could use my document type on the right hand side and select novel shorts stories place so you can use that document type in your filter options.
So just keep that in mind, but we do have those full text novels, short stories, poems, speeches, all available.
And Gale Literature Lit Finder. All right, let me go back to my PowerPoint and we'll wrap up here.
And share with you. Where you can go for additional support and that is on your Gale support site.
We have created one specifically for FL. The links at the top here on the page, but I'll also include it in the follow-up email.
For those watching the recording, here's the link, those that are attending the live session. Again, thank you for attending the live virtual session.
You'll receive the link in the follow-up email. But I can also share it in the chat real quick with you all.
So let me do that. And what you'll find there is you will find all of your materials that you need for your FL resources including your direct URLs.
So I talked about that at the beginning. So if you're looking to you want to add the direct URLs for your library to access the resources you're going to find them.
Here it's really easy to find your library. From the dropdown menu. So access URLs, title list, mark records, you'll find all the database icons, widgets, and ability to contact us directly.
In the training center, you'll find tip sheets and tutorials, recorded webinars. I mentioned those video tutorials such as accessibility.
This is one of them, the Gale tools here. Accessibility to support all learners. Here's 1 on topic.
Finder. We also have resource guides. We have marketing materials, national poetry month, here's some suggestions of titles that we have available in Gale Literature Let Finder.
So you'll find all of that type of information. Available on your Gale support site.
And again, my name is Tammi Burke. I'm your senior training consultant from Gale.
Your one-on-one support in all things, Gale, is your Gale customer success managers and they can help you with any questions that you have or if you're looking for usage reports or if you want to walk through the Gale support site.
I mentioned all these great materials that are there, but you want a little bit of help walking through it, your customer success managers can help you with that, help you with your access URLs.
Training survey should pop up when you leave me today. If you could just click continue, we would love your feedback on today's training.
Or if you'd like to add some comments on future training, something you'd like to see, feel free to take any of those fields.
I look at those comments and I do. Also share some of that information internally. So if you're sharing a success story of how you're planning to use what we covered today or, or you are using it currently, please feel free to share that in that survey because we all learned.
You and I can't thank you enough for your time today. And that wraps our session. So thank you again for your time.
I hope you some new sessions. I think I added all of them. To this link, I got I need to double check and make sure the last one is there.
But we have sessions scheduled throughout. The next couple months here and if you happen to be going to FLA, I do have a session that I'll be facilitating at the Florida Library Association Conference.
So I think it's Thursday afternoon at 1 30. I'd love for you to join me.
All right, thank you all. Have a great rest of your day and if there's anything else I can help you, just let me know.