Duration: 30 Minutes
Welcome everyone to today's training, Gale User Friendly Tools to Support Accessibility.
This training is for the Florida Electronic Library. My name is Tammi Burke.
I am your Gale Senior Trainer. Any questions that you have throughout the session, please feel free to use that Q&A box.
Just as a reminder, this session will be recorded and you will receive a follow-up email in about 24 h.
To a link to where you can find that recording. And, and my contact information will be in that email also.
Today's session is focusing. And the features and tools available within your Gale resources. I have selected a few different ones based on what I saw in attendance.
So those just support students. So if you have any students coming into your library and are looking for homework help.
So we have I have selected one of those and then I have selected 2 others that are used at both the public library K 12 but also academics so more of a general our general reference resources will be using today.
The beauty of the the tools that are available. The to support accessibility, they are across your gale resources.
So if you find them in an incant, Gale In context resource, you're also going to find them in a Gale One file resource.
So we can jump into multiple resources today. And I can share how those tools work and how they can meet the varying needs of your users.
We'll also be talking about best practices. And different search options. I'm gonna work in a little bit of everything today to support.
Our users that are coming into the library those that maybe they're, yeah, ESL or maybe they are a lower reading level.
And we have all kinds of different options to support all of our users. So first we're going to talk about access to the FFL resources.
An overview and then we will walk through the tools to support accessibility so I go we'll go live into the resources to share those with you and talk about best practices.
Any questions that you have again, please feel free to use that Q&A box. I'll also leave you today at the end of the session where you can go to find training materials.
And contact information. So you have one-on-one support. I'm at Gale. You have a customer success manager that is there to support you in all things scale.
They work closely. With us on the training team, but also with sales reps too. And they are there just to support you and make sure you get a return on your investment and they want to make sure that you have access to all your resources from FL setup.
In an easy way for users to find but also can help you with usage reports and walk you through all of the support materials we have available and just generally can help with just about anything.
They're fantastic. I'll share their contact information at the end of today's session. Access to your FL resources, you can use the Florida Electronic Library website.
It is organized very nicely for you. You will see featured. Resources on the homepage, but also the ability to jump right into your ebooks titles and you have quite a collection there.
Or if you wanted to browse resources by a certain topic. Of course you have different options like A to Z list or subjects.
Grade levels where you can find all of your individual resources and search through that content.
The page does look like this. And as you can see, I mentioned that you have some, and these have recently changed looking at my screenshot compared to the site you have a list of featured resources here now.
I'm available and we are actually going to go into 2 of them that are listed there on the homepage.
And then as I mentioned, you can jump right into your ebooks or you can browse by certain subjects or topics.
Let's talk a little bit. About the tools to support accessibility. So I'm going to talk to you about them here and then I will model them for you.
So Gale in context, and this is again available in your One File Resources in Health and Wellness, you're going to find in those product families you're going to find also literature resources.
Gale ebooks, all of these tools to support accessibility. So these great features. So, In addition to the consideration for color contrast that runs throughout your Gale resources, there's also consideration for content viewing customization.
So we call these display options. Where our users can change how they view their resources to meet their needs and their preferences.
And we have a few options here. You can, your, the users can increase or decrease the font size of any piece.
Now this is at the document level. And so they don't have to zoom in or zoom out or enlarge the whole page.
They can just increase that text size if they want to. Another feature is our display options which allows our users to customize each resource to their viewing preference.
So you have different font options. You can increase the line letter and word spacing. All are available under the display options icon.
Again, these are available once you click into any document within your Gale resources. As our users are working within the resource they these changes will carry throughout the piece so it sticks with them.
So if they've increased the size of the font. It will stay with them throughout that session.
If they have customized the text on the page by using a font or selecting one of our fonts including open dislexic or changing the background color behind the text.
It will stay with them throughout their entire session.
Translation features are available again in all of those products that I mentioned in those different product suites.
And the content, so all the content in the Gil resources can be translated. Help supporting the ESL.
Folks that are coming into your library and it really accommodates our student needs and preferences as well.
So the database does allow or provides that equity of access to classroom or library learning, independent research, you will find that option.
Available with our translate. Where our users can translate the entire document into over 40 languages.
There's also the listen feature where you can have the text read aloud to you. You can even slow down the speed of the text being read aloud to you.
There's also a few other features like enhanced text visibility that happen with that. Listen feature that I'm going to share with you today.
I'll model that for you. And you can also listen to the text being read aloud in, we're at 24 languages and you can see that that in the little pop-up on the right hand side here what languages are available.
Again, we're at over 40 for the text to be translated and then we are at 24 to listen to it in that translated language.
And then our in context resources have lexile measures and content types. So our one file resources will have the Lexile measure where our Gale In context, which is you have elementary and middle school available.
Through the Florida electronic library. You have content levels which are coordinated to our Lexile measures. So for example, level ones and twos are generally our elementary students.
Level threes are generally our middle school and then fours and fives go into high school all the way to undergraduate and graduate level.
So these icons are organized and attached to all of your documents. It within your Gale In context resources.
I'll show you what it looks like in your one file resources because it does look a little different, but the content levels are unique to the in context resources because those resources were really are designed for our K through 12 students.
So anything within context in the name is a great resource for your K through 12 students. Alright, so with that, let's dive into the resources.
And I do have, Gale In Context Middle School open first.
So let's go directly to that resource today.
If there are any questions, please feel free to use that Q&A backs. Alright, so on the in context resources I want to point out a couple different things.
I just mentioned content types. I also want to talk to you about On top of the tools to support accessibility, your users can find content.
Quickly and easily. So some of the simpler tasks of finding content, I want to point out to you because this also helps support.
Accessibility with our users. So being able to point and click. So being able to select a topic right from the home page.
Let's say we're going into US history.
From here, I can select a topic page. Now a topic page. Is a curated collection of information.
On a particular topic. So if I wanted to select the Great Depression. Here I have a topic page with an image, an essay overview, and then all of my different content that I have available for the Great Depression here on this page.
So it's organized into these buckets. Or boxes. I can see all of the different content types right here in the center of the page.
As I scroll down though, I can see each of those boxes with.
What it contains. So this one contains 22 videos that I have available. A few things I want to mention.
On individual. Documents to that are available. If you're noticing as I'm scrolling down, do you see the content types that we just went over?
So on our in context resources, you have the reading level, the Lexile measure. And the content level.
Now if you are needing a lot of level ones and twos then I would suggest sending your users to Gale In Context Elementary because it is an elementary resource that's designed for a kindergarten through fifth grade students.
And has the more levels level ones and twos. I'm within middle school you're going to find a lot of level threes but you may find some floors and even some level fives.
Don't forget we have that listen feature so it may be at they're a little bit higher than their reading level.
But they can listen to the text being read aloud to them. Now, if you have students coming into your library for homework help, and they are struggling with some of the vocabulary, even using that listen feature with in Gale In Context Middle School, that's another group that I would suggest going into Gale In Context Elementary to find content for their project or paper or whatever it is they're working on in
their classroom.
Another item I wanna point out is on our essay overviews. So I'm gonna click read more.
You do have the ability to change reading levels. So I'm at a 1030 if I needed to change it to an 8 10 lexile.
I could do that. See right now it's at a level 3. And I don't remember 8 10 if it might jump it down to a level 2 It just depends on the range for level one content level 1 2 and 3 there But I can change that in real time and it'll change the text.
To that lower reading level. So those that are needing those, the, you know, our low literacy.
Users they have that option to change it right here in real time.
Now since we're talking about content levels and we're starting there, with our conversation about tools to support accessibility.
I want to talk to you about how you can filter down this content. So, If I've done a basic search or advanced search or even using a topic page and I want to filter down my content by reading level.
What I can do, I'm just going to select reference, one of our content types. Because once I select any of the content types, I have my filter your results options here.
Now, advanced search will give you this also. So before you even put in a search term, you have some pre limiters that you can add in.
If you are curating a collection for a group of users that may need a different reading level. And that could also be a higher reading level, right?
So we're not just limited to those lower reading levels. But here you can see you have the lexile measure or the content level.
The lexile measure gives you that ability to select multiple Lexel measure ranges. The content level grabs everything within that range.
So if I want just level 3, Si want to eliminate any other fours and fives. And please note that sometimes with our level fours and fives, it could be a term that is bumping it a little higher and that's why I always like to point out we have that listen feature.
And so it may not be, it may be a. We have it set in as a level 4, but because it was a magazine or a news article and there's a term in there that bumped it a little higher.
We have to put it at a little bit higher lexile or a little bit higher content level. So I'm just going to apply the level 3.
And now it takes not only my reference content down to that content level 3, but everything. So my audio files, my creative works, biographies, magazines, images, news videos, primary sources.
If I wanted to share this with a group, I could use the get link tool in this creates a persistent URL to this curated collection of level 3.
Lex, I should say content level 3 to a lexile level range for a particular group that I'm working with.
So it's a great and easy way for you all to work with your smaller groups. Or work with those that are coming into the library.
It's a great tool also to share with parents that are coming into your public libraries. To help them understand that you can easily find reading level content at your students reading level.
Please don't go to Google or go to Wikipedia to find this information. You have access to great print text in the in the library, but also your digital resources that you have through the Florida electronic library.
So showing this information or showing how to filter content down is always really helpful. Then we have training materials and video tutorials to help with this process too.
Our video tutorials are short 2 to 3 min videos. That you can share and highlight on your library website.
Just as an idea for promotion. Okay, so that's content levels and how to filter down and how to share that information.
And this is again, we're in a gale in context resource. And I used a topic page to find my information.
I want to share with you another option that's available. And you're seeing it here at the top of my page topic Finder.
It's also here. I have start topic finder and what these 2 options will do from this point is pull in all of this Content level 3 information on the Great Depression into my topic finder search results.
So. Or you have one other option which is to do a basic search from the home page. I'll share that one with you in a minute, but let's just go use Topic Finder here in my contextual toolbar.
And you can see my search term. Is the if it would highlight over there. It's. Search term is the Great Depression and my limiter is content level 3 and here in this visual interactive tool, I have the ability to search through content.
So I was looking at the great depression. If I wanted to click into the United States and maybe I want to go to Franklin D.
Roosevelt. On the right hand side I have 7 different documents, images, videos all available.
So topic finder, again, is a great way for for users to, and this is a tool that's available in all your gale resources.
It's not available in elementary, but it is available in your one file. Resources, your literature resources, you'll find it your ebooks.
You'll find it. And so it's a great search tool and again it helps meet the needs of your users because it's visual, it's interactive.
Okay. So just some different options on searching to help support. Accessibility. Now let's talk about those basic tools.
So I'm going to go into another resource, one that's really popular in our public libraries.
And that's health and wellness.
Gale Health and Wellness is a great resource for consumers health. So you have your patrons that are coming into your library, they're looking for general information about a certain health and wellness issue.
Topic, maybe they're looking for information on anxiety and they want some more reliable authoritative content.
This is a great resource for them. For those that have medical students that are looking for information, I suggest going into our Gale One file, health and medicine.
That's great for our medical students and our health professionals. Health and wellness is great for your everyday folks that are coming in like myself.
And also it's really good for our K 12 counselors, our K 12. PhysED or health teachers, this is a great resource for them to utilize.
So similar to our in context, we do have some topic pages, topics and topic pages listed here below.
And I'm just going to select one of them. Let's go into, I'm not liking any of these on the homepage here.
Let's go into mental health. And we can go into anxiety. Okay. So image, essay overview.
Now, when we are a couple different things I want to share with you, when I'm at the document level, I'm just going to select this first one here.
This is where you have all your tools to support accessibility. So I have the ability to. Translate the language into one of over 40 different languages.
I have the ability to decrease or increase the font size and remember this one. Stays with me throughout this session, so once I increase it, it will stay at this size.
No matter what document I go into.
I also have the display options. So again, you have to be at the document level before you see these tools.
But I have the ability to change the color behind the text. I can change the font including to open dyslexic.
I can increase the line letter and word spacing.
This will also stay with me throughout the session. So if I go back to anxiety. And let's say I want to click on social anxiety.
There we go. It still has stayed with me.
Okay, another feature. Oh, and to go back to your default settings, you just open that display options backs again and in the bottom left hand corner is back to default settings.
And click on. Another feature is listen. So I'd mentioned we can translate the text into over 40 languages.
If I've selected and our listen button, if I've selected say Spanish and then click our listen button, it will read that text allowed to me in Spanish.
Now we are at 24 here, 24 different languages for the Listen button, but it is the ones that are the most used.
So I can click on listen. It will read the text aloud to me. And you're probably hearing it very faintly because it's coming through my computer audio.
Let me turn that up. And lean it. Anxiety disorder. So you can see that the sentence and the word are both being highlighted as it's being read aloud.
I have a few options under this little settings gear. So if you open the listen button. You click on the little settings gear here.
It opens up this box, this pop up. And in this Papa, I have some different options.
I can turn off the text highlighting. I can choose what I would like highlighted. Right now it's defaulted to word and sentence, but maybe I just want word or sentence.
Or just sentence, I can choose that. I can select a different word color when it's being highlighted, a different color when the sentence is being highlighted.
Losing greens are the most seen, easily seen, so that's why we're defaulted to those 2.
I can also change the text color if I need to change the text color. Another feature that I absolutely love is the enhanced text visibility.
And this is another feature that when I turn this on, it will stick with me throughout the session. So I'm going to turn it on.
I also have the ability to slow down the speed or speed up the speed of the reading. Slow is very slow, so I just want to warn you of that.
If I want the text to automatically scroll down the page as it's being read aloud, I can turn that option on.
And then there's the pop-up button. So where let me show you what that looks like too because some people like that feature.
I don't use it a lot, but maybe for others it would be really helpful. So I will show all of these to you.
So remember, I turned on the enhanced text visibility. I didn't do anything with the speed.
I turned on the automatic scrolling and I turned on the pop up button.
Now when I click play, This is my enhanced text visibility. It pulls the sentence out and the word that's being highlighted onto my page so it really helps support our users that have any visual issues.
But it's also great for our younger users like our kindergarten through fifth grade students because it pulls the text out on the page for them.
So even if they're in Gale In Context Elementary and there are emergent readers.
This is a great tool for them to use as they're listening to the text being read aloud.
So it helps support many varying needs of our users. So that's the enhanced text visibility that's being pulled out.
Now, if I scroll, let me kind of go down here. And I'll highlight that I'm going to move this back up and see if it works the way I want it to.
It should. Social anxiety disorder for social situations as much as possible. Okay, there we go. So that's what I was looking for is.
For the text to jump down so that's the automatic scrolling that I turned on
I'm gonna turn that off so it makes it a little bit easier on me while I'm working with this.
But if I'm listening to the entire text and didn't need to you go back up to the top and share all these tools with you it would be a great feature to have and again that it automatically scrolls down the page so it jumps the text down the page as you're as you're reading it.
I highlighted a chunk of text. To get the tool to do what I needed it to do for this session.
Now another feature is if I wanted to highlight a chunk of text and I just want this section read to me.
Here's where that pop-up button is really helpful. So if I were towards the bottom of this document and I wanted to listen to just that text being read aloud.
I can highlight it and then click the listen to selected text.
And you can see here's my I didn't turn my enhanced text visibility off so it's still sticking with me and then I have that option to listen to the text being read aloud.
So It's really great when you are down further on the page and you want to listen, but you don't wanna scroll back up and click the listen button.
It is a great feature for that. So, but really it's essentially up to our users if they want to turn that tool on or off.
I am going to turn off my enhanced text visibility and also my popup button and click close. Now, When I click the listen button, it will just read it.
As normal. Social anxiety. Let me start with the title and then goes right into the body of the text.
It skips over. The publication information.
Another feature that you have available is the ability to highlight text. So I was highlighting the text and then clicking the listen button.
And having it read aloud to me.
I can also highlight chunks of text. Save this document. So if I was working with group of users that were in my library.
Maybe I do have on a low literacy group that are coming into my public library and I want to show them some tools that they have available.
To support them. And we're looking at it maybe we're doing, I'm modeling how to look for main ideas within within resources.
I can utilize my highlights and notes tool where I can highlight a chunk of text. You can add any notes.
I can save this information. And what I can do is after I've marked up a document is I can send this that marked up document to Google Microsoft email download or print.
I have those same options up here at the top. So I can mark up a document. This is really helpful.
I know with our our students, our teachers utilize this tool a lot because they do like to show students.
How to chunk text, but when they're doing or teaching research skills, if that's ever anything you're doing, this is a great tool to use.
And then again, for those users that a blank where a larger document might be a little bit overwhelming utilizing the highlights and notes tool can be helpful.
For those users. So just an idea of how you can utilize one of our tools. Features that we have available.
I'm gonna go back to the anxiety topic page. I want to point out something else we have of available and that is in our videos We do have closed captioning.
And we have the transcripts. So I can turn that close captioning on or off. It is in English.
The transcripts are here. Now if I were to translate, it would translate the article or the transcript.
But it is not going to translate the video part portion of it. But I could translate the transcript.
And list still listen to that text, watch the video, and read along as I'm listening. So I just wanted to point out that you do have close captioning available.
They are in English. But you do have the ability to read through that transcript or translate the transcript.
Okay, so I believe we've covered everything. We talked about topic finder and topic pages, but then each of the individual tools here.
To support accessibility the last one I want to point out to you and I'm going to go into one more resource because we're right at the end of our time.
And that is Gale General One file. This is the last one I wanted to share with you today.
Looks a little different. This is our one file family from our one file product family. So a lot of periodical content, magazines, newspapers.
This is our largest general reference. And it is used at all levels. I will say this is probably used more with our public library patrons.
Our academic library patrons, our academic libraries patrons, our academic libraries like General One File, but they also really like academic one file, our academic libraries like General One File, but they also really like Academic One File, which you also have access to.
One file, but they also really like Academic One File, which you also have access to. And it has everything.
Washington Post, the New York Times, you're going to find things that you have within your library that you may only have one print copy of.
You have digital access, unlimited access, the ability to translate that information, change the font, do all the things that your users need to meet their needs.
So that they can enjoy these resources. You have those tools and features available and unlimited access. There's no check-in check out.
It's all available here to them, even on their cell phone, because we are mobile responsive too.
So it does look a little different here. I just wanted to point that out. You do have topic finder on the homepage.
So I had mentioned pulling topic finder in from your search results, but you can also kick off a search with Topic Finder.
So if I wanted to find everything on, let's say climate change.
I can kick off my search.
And here is that visualization. Of my. Search results. Again, interactive.
And I can click in and start doing some exploration on extreme weather. Maybe I want everything weather wildfires.
Which I know actually have a call with Hawaii. Coming up. So talking about wildfires and and how they're supporting students there.
So these resources can help in so many different ways. I know, you know, with the hurricanes that come through and sometime there in Florida.
You're students aren't able to go to school. So if learning needs to happen for longer periods of time, you can utilize the resources that your students have from the Florida Electronic Library, utilizing what they have from the public library.
So topic finder is available within this resource. And I wanted to point that out to you all. And understanding that Gale General One file is a great cross-curricular general reference resource that you have available.
Oh, one other thing I want to share with you and let's go into news and current events.
I'm just going to click into healthcare.
What I want to share is how it looks different. I mentioned that our in context resources have those content levels.
We're here in our one file. Resources, if you're looking at these magazines, we have the Lexile measures.
So this isn't a resource. If you have elementary middle school, I would highly suggest them going into Gale In context elementary or Gale In context middle school.
From the Florida Electronic Library. This is a little bit older. I think user-wise, but again, the tools and features are the same.
They're shared across all. So So just understanding that you do have those lexile measures and you do have the ability to filter down by lexile measure if need be.
So that's a great way to to help support your users coming into your public library. But may need that little lower lexile.
This is how they can do that. And not go into a middle school product. So you might have a patron in your library that needs that additional support for those lower literacy levels.
They can do that by filtering down and using that Lexile measure and finding content on that subject.
At their level. Okay, last feature I want to share with you and then I will take you back to where you can go for additional support.
You do have the ability to translate the navigation tools on the resource at the very top of the page.
You can translate them into over 34 languages. So that would be all of my navigational tools here to help me navigate through the resource.
Where you can go for additional support is your gale support page. If you have any questions, I will stay on the line and answer those questions.
Gale support page, you have all the accessibility features I mentioned today. There is a one-page document that you will find on the Gale Support site.
And it is support. Gale.com if you want to go specifically to the Florida electronic library support site then just add a forward slash and Fel at the end.
But this is where you're going to find all of your access URLs, mark records.
Tip sheets as I mentioned the accessibility features and we also have short little 15 min to mastery Webinars available and video tutorials.
The video tutorials are 2 to 3 min long and we have one on accessibility tools. So those might be really helpful to highlight on your library website.
And then you'll find additional activities. Also great promotional materials, marketing materials we have available. All on your Gale support site.
That wraps our session. If you're looking for one-on-one support, maybe it's a walk through that gale support site or you're looking for your direct access.
You want them on your library website so that you can track usage. You can reach out to your Gil customer success managers.
They can help with that one on one support. My name again is Tammi Burke. I'm your senior training consultant from Gale.
We'd love to get your feedback on the session. You should have a survey that pops up since you attended the live session, but if you'd like to answer or use your phone, you can scan this QR code and let us know what you think of the session.
If you need any support with anything else, you can reach out to me directly. I'd be happy to help with any questions that you have.
But thank you for your time today. We will be having another session next month. Our Peterson's career prep is.
Receiving some enhancements. So we are waiting for the launch of that to happen and then in October I will be hosting a training session walking through Gale presents Peterson's career prep and the new enhancements that are happening to that resource.
That's a great one for building resumes for those that are coming in and doing job searching. That resource is really, really great one for your public libraries.
And then we have a usage session coming up in November and then we will be doing starting our business series in January.
So we have some trainings coming up here over the next 6 months and looking for actually 7 months probably here.
I'm looking forward to training you on all those great tools. I'm in great resources. Let me know if there are any questions, but thank you all for joining me today and have a great rest of your day.
Welcome everyone to today's training, Gale User Friendly Tools to Support Accessibility.
This training is for the Florida Electronic Library. My name is Tammi Burke.
I am your Gale Senior Trainer. Any questions that you have throughout the session, please feel free to use that Q&A box.
Just as a reminder, this session will be recorded and you will receive a follow-up email in about 24 h.
To a link to where you can find that recording. And, and my contact information will be in that email also.
Today's session is focusing. And the features and tools available within your Gale resources. I have selected a few different ones based on what I saw in attendance.
So those just support students. So if you have any students coming into your library and are looking for homework help.
So we have I have selected one of those and then I have selected 2 others that are used at both the public library K 12 but also academics so more of a general our general reference resources will be using today.
The beauty of the the tools that are available. The to support accessibility, they are across your gale resources.
So if you find them in an incant, Gale In context resource, you're also going to find them in a Gale One file resource.
So we can jump into multiple resources today. And I can share how those tools work and how they can meet the varying needs of your users.
We'll also be talking about best practices. And different search options. I'm gonna work in a little bit of everything today to support.
Our users that are coming into the library those that maybe they're, yeah, ESL or maybe they are a lower reading level.
And we have all kinds of different options to support all of our users. So first we're going to talk about access to the FFL resources.
An overview and then we will walk through the tools to support accessibility so I go we'll go live into the resources to share those with you and talk about best practices.
Any questions that you have again, please feel free to use that Q&A box. I'll also leave you today at the end of the session where you can go to find training materials.
And contact information. So you have one-on-one support. I'm at Gale. You have a customer success manager that is there to support you in all things scale.
They work closely. With us on the training team, but also with sales reps too. And they are there just to support you and make sure you get a return on your investment and they want to make sure that you have access to all your resources from FL setup.
In an easy way for users to find but also can help you with usage reports and walk you through all of the support materials we have available and just generally can help with just about anything.
They're fantastic. I'll share their contact information at the end of today's session. Access to your FL resources, you can use the Florida Electronic Library website.
It is organized very nicely for you. You will see featured. Resources on the homepage, but also the ability to jump right into your ebooks titles and you have quite a collection there.
Or if you wanted to browse resources by a certain topic. Of course you have different options like A to Z list or subjects.
Grade levels where you can find all of your individual resources and search through that content.
The page does look like this. And as you can see, I mentioned that you have some, and these have recently changed looking at my screenshot compared to the site you have a list of featured resources here now.
I'm available and we are actually going to go into 2 of them that are listed there on the homepage.
And then as I mentioned, you can jump right into your ebooks or you can browse by certain subjects or topics.
Let's talk a little bit. About the tools to support accessibility. So I'm going to talk to you about them here and then I will model them for you.
So Gale in context, and this is again available in your One File Resources in Health and Wellness, you're going to find in those product families you're going to find also literature resources.
Gale ebooks, all of these tools to support accessibility. So these great features. So, In addition to the consideration for color contrast that runs throughout your Gale resources, there's also consideration for content viewing customization.
So we call these display options. Where our users can change how they view their resources to meet their needs and their preferences.
And we have a few options here. You can, your, the users can increase or decrease the font size of any piece.
Now this is at the document level. And so they don't have to zoom in or zoom out or enlarge the whole page.
They can just increase that text size if they want to. Another feature is our display options which allows our users to customize each resource to their viewing preference.
So you have different font options. You can increase the line letter and word spacing. All are available under the display options icon.
Again, these are available once you click into any document within your Gale resources. As our users are working within the resource they these changes will carry throughout the piece so it sticks with them.
So if they've increased the size of the font. It will stay with them throughout that session.
If they have customized the text on the page by using a font or selecting one of our fonts including open dislexic or changing the background color behind the text.
It will stay with them throughout their entire session.
Translation features are available again in all of those products that I mentioned in those different product suites.
And the content, so all the content in the Gil resources can be translated. Help supporting the ESL.
Folks that are coming into your library and it really accommodates our student needs and preferences as well.
So the database does allow or provides that equity of access to classroom or library learning, independent research, you will find that option.
Available with our translate. Where our users can translate the entire document into over 40 languages.
There's also the listen feature where you can have the text read aloud to you. You can even slow down the speed of the text being read aloud to you.
There's also a few other features like enhanced text visibility that happen with that. Listen feature that I'm going to share with you today.
I'll model that for you. And you can also listen to the text being read aloud in, we're at 24 languages and you can see that that in the little pop-up on the right hand side here what languages are available.
Again, we're at over 40 for the text to be translated and then we are at 24 to listen to it in that translated language.
And then our in context resources have lexile measures and content types. So our one file resources will have the Lexile measure where our Gale In context, which is you have elementary and middle school available.
Through the Florida electronic library. You have content levels which are coordinated to our Lexile measures. So for example, level ones and twos are generally our elementary students.
Level threes are generally our middle school and then fours and fives go into high school all the way to undergraduate and graduate level.
So these icons are organized and attached to all of your documents. It within your Gale In context resources.
I'll show you what it looks like in your one file resources because it does look a little different, but the content levels are unique to the in context resources because those resources were really are designed for our K through 12 students.
So anything within context in the name is a great resource for your K through 12 students. Alright, so with that, let's dive into the resources.
And I do have, Gale In Context Middle School open first.
So let's go directly to that resource today.
If there are any questions, please feel free to use that Q&A backs. Alright, so on the in context resources I want to point out a couple different things.
I just mentioned content types. I also want to talk to you about On top of the tools to support accessibility, your users can find content.
Quickly and easily. So some of the simpler tasks of finding content, I want to point out to you because this also helps support.
Accessibility with our users. So being able to point and click. So being able to select a topic right from the home page.
Let's say we're going into US history.
From here, I can select a topic page. Now a topic page. Is a curated collection of information.
On a particular topic. So if I wanted to select the Great Depression. Here I have a topic page with an image, an essay overview, and then all of my different content that I have available for the Great Depression here on this page.
So it's organized into these buckets. Or boxes. I can see all of the different content types right here in the center of the page.
As I scroll down though, I can see each of those boxes with.
What it contains. So this one contains 22 videos that I have available. A few things I want to mention.
On individual. Documents to that are available. If you're noticing as I'm scrolling down, do you see the content types that we just went over?
So on our in context resources, you have the reading level, the Lexile measure. And the content level.
Now if you are needing a lot of level ones and twos then I would suggest sending your users to Gale In Context Elementary because it is an elementary resource that's designed for a kindergarten through fifth grade students.
And has the more levels level ones and twos. I'm within middle school you're going to find a lot of level threes but you may find some floors and even some level fives.
Don't forget we have that listen feature so it may be at they're a little bit higher than their reading level.
But they can listen to the text being read aloud to them. Now, if you have students coming into your library for homework help, and they are struggling with some of the vocabulary, even using that listen feature with in Gale In Context Middle School, that's another group that I would suggest going into Gale In Context Elementary to find content for their project or paper or whatever it is they're working on in
their classroom.
Another item I wanna point out is on our essay overviews. So I'm gonna click read more.
You do have the ability to change reading levels. So I'm at a 1030 if I needed to change it to an 8 10 lexile.
I could do that. See right now it's at a level 3. And I don't remember 8 10 if it might jump it down to a level 2 It just depends on the range for level one content level 1 2 and 3 there But I can change that in real time and it'll change the text.
To that lower reading level. So those that are needing those, the, you know, our low literacy.
Users they have that option to change it right here in real time.
Now since we're talking about content levels and we're starting there, with our conversation about tools to support accessibility.
I want to talk to you about how you can filter down this content. So, If I've done a basic search or advanced search or even using a topic page and I want to filter down my content by reading level.
What I can do, I'm just going to select reference, one of our content types. Because once I select any of the content types, I have my filter your results options here.
Now, advanced search will give you this also. So before you even put in a search term, you have some pre limiters that you can add in.
If you are curating a collection for a group of users that may need a different reading level. And that could also be a higher reading level, right?
So we're not just limited to those lower reading levels. But here you can see you have the lexile measure or the content level.
The lexile measure gives you that ability to select multiple Lexel measure ranges. The content level grabs everything within that range.
So if I want just level 3, Si want to eliminate any other fours and fives. And please note that sometimes with our level fours and fives, it could be a term that is bumping it a little higher and that's why I always like to point out we have that listen feature.
And so it may not be, it may be a. We have it set in as a level 4, but because it was a magazine or a news article and there's a term in there that bumped it a little higher.
We have to put it at a little bit higher lexile or a little bit higher content level. So I'm just going to apply the level 3.
And now it takes not only my reference content down to that content level 3, but everything. So my audio files, my creative works, biographies, magazines, images, news videos, primary sources.
If I wanted to share this with a group, I could use the get link tool in this creates a persistent URL to this curated collection of level 3.
Lex, I should say content level 3 to a lexile level range for a particular group that I'm working with.
So it's a great and easy way for you all to work with your smaller groups. Or work with those that are coming into the library.
It's a great tool also to share with parents that are coming into your public libraries. To help them understand that you can easily find reading level content at your students reading level.
Please don't go to Google or go to Wikipedia to find this information. You have access to great print text in the in the library, but also your digital resources that you have through the Florida electronic library.
So showing this information or showing how to filter content down is always really helpful. Then we have training materials and video tutorials to help with this process too.
Our video tutorials are short 2 to 3 min videos. That you can share and highlight on your library website.
Just as an idea for promotion. Okay, so that's content levels and how to filter down and how to share that information.
And this is again, we're in a gale in context resource. And I used a topic page to find my information.
I want to share with you another option that's available. And you're seeing it here at the top of my page topic Finder.
It's also here. I have start topic finder and what these 2 options will do from this point is pull in all of this Content level 3 information on the Great Depression into my topic finder search results.
So. Or you have one other option which is to do a basic search from the home page. I'll share that one with you in a minute, but let's just go use Topic Finder here in my contextual toolbar.
And you can see my search term. Is the if it would highlight over there. It's. Search term is the Great Depression and my limiter is content level 3 and here in this visual interactive tool, I have the ability to search through content.
So I was looking at the great depression. If I wanted to click into the United States and maybe I want to go to Franklin D.
Roosevelt. On the right hand side I have 7 different documents, images, videos all available.
So topic finder, again, is a great way for for users to, and this is a tool that's available in all your gale resources.
It's not available in elementary, but it is available in your one file. Resources, your literature resources, you'll find it your ebooks.
You'll find it. And so it's a great search tool and again it helps meet the needs of your users because it's visual, it's interactive.
Okay. So just some different options on searching to help support. Accessibility. Now let's talk about those basic tools.
So I'm going to go into another resource, one that's really popular in our public libraries.
And that's health and wellness.
Gale Health and Wellness is a great resource for consumers health. So you have your patrons that are coming into your library, they're looking for general information about a certain health and wellness issue.
Topic, maybe they're looking for information on anxiety and they want some more reliable authoritative content.
This is a great resource for them. For those that have medical students that are looking for information, I suggest going into our Gale One file, health and medicine.
That's great for our medical students and our health professionals. Health and wellness is great for your everyday folks that are coming in like myself.
And also it's really good for our K 12 counselors, our K 12. PhysED or health teachers, this is a great resource for them to utilize.
So similar to our in context, we do have some topic pages, topics and topic pages listed here below.
And I'm just going to select one of them. Let's go into, I'm not liking any of these on the homepage here.
Let's go into mental health. And we can go into anxiety. Okay. So image, essay overview.
Now, when we are a couple different things I want to share with you, when I'm at the document level, I'm just going to select this first one here.
This is where you have all your tools to support accessibility. So I have the ability to. Translate the language into one of over 40 different languages.
I have the ability to decrease or increase the font size and remember this one. Stays with me throughout this session, so once I increase it, it will stay at this size.
No matter what document I go into.
I also have the display options. So again, you have to be at the document level before you see these tools.
But I have the ability to change the color behind the text. I can change the font including to open dyslexic.
I can increase the line letter and word spacing.
This will also stay with me throughout the session. So if I go back to anxiety. And let's say I want to click on social anxiety.
There we go. It still has stayed with me.
Okay, another feature. Oh, and to go back to your default settings, you just open that display options backs again and in the bottom left hand corner is back to default settings.
And click on. Another feature is listen. So I'd mentioned we can translate the text into over 40 languages.
If I've selected and our listen button, if I've selected say Spanish and then click our listen button, it will read that text allowed to me in Spanish.
Now we are at 24 here, 24 different languages for the Listen button, but it is the ones that are the most used.
So I can click on listen. It will read the text aloud to me. And you're probably hearing it very faintly because it's coming through my computer audio.
Let me turn that up. And lean it. Anxiety disorder. So you can see that the sentence and the word are both being highlighted as it's being read aloud.
I have a few options under this little settings gear. So if you open the listen button. You click on the little settings gear here.
It opens up this box, this pop up. And in this Papa, I have some different options.
I can turn off the text highlighting. I can choose what I would like highlighted. Right now it's defaulted to word and sentence, but maybe I just want word or sentence.
Or just sentence, I can choose that. I can select a different word color when it's being highlighted, a different color when the sentence is being highlighted.
Losing greens are the most seen, easily seen, so that's why we're defaulted to those 2.
I can also change the text color if I need to change the text color. Another feature that I absolutely love is the enhanced text visibility.
And this is another feature that when I turn this on, it will stick with me throughout the session. So I'm going to turn it on.
I also have the ability to slow down the speed or speed up the speed of the reading. Slow is very slow, so I just want to warn you of that.
If I want the text to automatically scroll down the page as it's being read aloud, I can turn that option on.
And then there's the pop-up button. So where let me show you what that looks like too because some people like that feature.
I don't use it a lot, but maybe for others it would be really helpful. So I will show all of these to you.
So remember, I turned on the enhanced text visibility. I didn't do anything with the speed.
I turned on the automatic scrolling and I turned on the pop up button.
Now when I click play, This is my enhanced text visibility. It pulls the sentence out and the word that's being highlighted onto my page so it really helps support our users that have any visual issues.
But it's also great for our younger users like our kindergarten through fifth grade students because it pulls the text out on the page for them.
So even if they're in Gale In Context Elementary and there are emergent readers.
This is a great tool for them to use as they're listening to the text being read aloud.
So it helps support many varying needs of our users. So that's the enhanced text visibility that's being pulled out.
Now, if I scroll, let me kind of go down here. And I'll highlight that I'm going to move this back up and see if it works the way I want it to.
It should. Social anxiety disorder for social situations as much as possible. Okay, there we go. So that's what I was looking for is.
For the text to jump down so that's the automatic scrolling that I turned on
I'm gonna turn that off so it makes it a little bit easier on me while I'm working with this.
But if I'm listening to the entire text and didn't need to you go back up to the top and share all these tools with you it would be a great feature to have and again that it automatically scrolls down the page so it jumps the text down the page as you're as you're reading it.
I highlighted a chunk of text. To get the tool to do what I needed it to do for this session.
Now another feature is if I wanted to highlight a chunk of text and I just want this section read to me.
Here's where that pop-up button is really helpful. So if I were towards the bottom of this document and I wanted to listen to just that text being read aloud.
I can highlight it and then click the listen to selected text.
And you can see here's my I didn't turn my enhanced text visibility off so it's still sticking with me and then I have that option to listen to the text being read aloud.
So It's really great when you are down further on the page and you want to listen, but you don't wanna scroll back up and click the listen button.
It is a great feature for that. So, but really it's essentially up to our users if they want to turn that tool on or off.
I am going to turn off my enhanced text visibility and also my popup button and click close. Now, When I click the listen button, it will just read it.
As normal. Social anxiety. Let me start with the title and then goes right into the body of the text.
It skips over. The publication information.
Another feature that you have available is the ability to highlight text. So I was highlighting the text and then clicking the listen button.
And having it read aloud to me.
I can also highlight chunks of text. Save this document. So if I was working with group of users that were in my library.
Maybe I do have on a low literacy group that are coming into my public library and I want to show them some tools that they have available.
To support them. And we're looking at it maybe we're doing, I'm modeling how to look for main ideas within within resources.
I can utilize my highlights and notes tool where I can highlight a chunk of text. You can add any notes.
I can save this information. And what I can do is after I've marked up a document is I can send this that marked up document to Google Microsoft email download or print.
I have those same options up here at the top. So I can mark up a document. This is really helpful.
I know with our our students, our teachers utilize this tool a lot because they do like to show students.
How to chunk text, but when they're doing or teaching research skills, if that's ever anything you're doing, this is a great tool to use.
And then again, for those users that a blank where a larger document might be a little bit overwhelming utilizing the highlights and notes tool can be helpful.
For those users. So just an idea of how you can utilize one of our tools. Features that we have available.
I'm gonna go back to the anxiety topic page. I want to point out something else we have of available and that is in our videos We do have closed captioning.
And we have the transcripts. So I can turn that close captioning on or off. It is in English.
The transcripts are here. Now if I were to translate, it would translate the article or the transcript.
But it is not going to translate the video part portion of it. But I could translate the transcript.
And list still listen to that text, watch the video, and read along as I'm listening. So I just wanted to point out that you do have close captioning available.
They are in English. But you do have the ability to read through that transcript or translate the transcript.
Okay, so I believe we've covered everything. We talked about topic finder and topic pages, but then each of the individual tools here.
To support accessibility the last one I want to point out to you and I'm going to go into one more resource because we're right at the end of our time.
And that is Gale General One file. This is the last one I wanted to share with you today.
Looks a little different. This is our one file family from our one file product family. So a lot of periodical content, magazines, newspapers.
This is our largest general reference. And it is used at all levels. I will say this is probably used more with our public library patrons.
Our academic library patrons, our academic libraries patrons, our academic libraries like General One File, but they also really like academic one file, our academic libraries like General One File, but they also really like Academic One File, which you also have access to.
One file, but they also really like Academic One File, which you also have access to. And it has everything.
Washington Post, the New York Times, you're going to find things that you have within your library that you may only have one print copy of.
You have digital access, unlimited access, the ability to translate that information, change the font, do all the things that your users need to meet their needs.
So that they can enjoy these resources. You have those tools and features available and unlimited access. There's no check-in check out.
It's all available here to them, even on their cell phone, because we are mobile responsive too.
So it does look a little different here. I just wanted to point that out. You do have topic finder on the homepage.
So I had mentioned pulling topic finder in from your search results, but you can also kick off a search with Topic Finder.
So if I wanted to find everything on, let's say climate change.
I can kick off my search.
And here is that visualization. Of my. Search results. Again, interactive.
And I can click in and start doing some exploration on extreme weather. Maybe I want everything weather wildfires.
Which I know actually have a call with Hawaii. Coming up. So talking about wildfires and and how they're supporting students there.
So these resources can help in so many different ways. I know, you know, with the hurricanes that come through and sometime there in Florida.
You're students aren't able to go to school. So if learning needs to happen for longer periods of time, you can utilize the resources that your students have from the Florida Electronic Library, utilizing what they have from the public library.
So topic finder is available within this resource. And I wanted to point that out to you all. And understanding that Gale General One file is a great cross-curricular general reference resource that you have available.
Oh, one other thing I want to share with you and let's go into news and current events.
I'm just going to click into healthcare.
What I want to share is how it looks different. I mentioned that our in context resources have those content levels.
We're here in our one file. Resources, if you're looking at these magazines, we have the Lexile measures.
So this isn't a resource. If you have elementary middle school, I would highly suggest them going into Gale In context elementary or Gale In context middle school.
From the Florida Electronic Library. This is a little bit older. I think user-wise, but again, the tools and features are the same.
They're shared across all. So So just understanding that you do have those lexile measures and you do have the ability to filter down by lexile measure if need be.
So that's a great way to to help support your users coming into your public library. But may need that little lower lexile.
This is how they can do that. And not go into a middle school product. So you might have a patron in your library that needs that additional support for those lower literacy levels.
They can do that by filtering down and using that Lexile measure and finding content on that subject.
At their level. Okay, last feature I want to share with you and then I will take you back to where you can go for additional support.
You do have the ability to translate the navigation tools on the resource at the very top of the page.
You can translate them into over 34 languages. So that would be all of my navigational tools here to help me navigate through the resource.
Where you can go for additional support is your gale support page. If you have any questions, I will stay on the line and answer those questions.
Gale support page, you have all the accessibility features I mentioned today. There is a one-page document that you will find on the Gale Support site.
And it is support. Gale.com if you want to go specifically to the Florida electronic library support site then just add a forward slash and Fel at the end.
But this is where you're going to find all of your access URLs, mark records.
Tip sheets as I mentioned the accessibility features and we also have short little 15 min to mastery Webinars available and video tutorials.
The video tutorials are 2 to 3 min long and we have one on accessibility tools. So those might be really helpful to highlight on your library website.
And then you'll find additional activities. Also great promotional materials, marketing materials we have available. All on your Gale support site.
That wraps our session. If you're looking for one-on-one support, maybe it's a walk through that gale support site or you're looking for your direct access.
You want them on your library website so that you can track usage. You can reach out to your Gil customer success managers.
They can help with that one on one support. My name again is Tammi Burke. I'm your senior training consultant from Gale.
We'd love to get your feedback on the session. You should have a survey that pops up since you attended the live session, but if you'd like to answer or use your phone, you can scan this QR code and let us know what you think of the session.
If you need any support with anything else, you can reach out to me directly. I'd be happy to help with any questions that you have.
But thank you for your time today. We will be having another session next month. Our Peterson's career prep is.
Receiving some enhancements. So we are waiting for the launch of that to happen and then in October I will be hosting a training session walking through Gale presents Peterson's career prep and the new enhancements that are happening to that resource.
That's a great one for building resumes for those that are coming in and doing job searching. That resource is really, really great one for your public libraries.
And then we have a usage session coming up in November and then we will be doing starting our business series in January.
So we have some trainings coming up here over the next 6 months and looking for actually 7 months probably here.
I'm looking forward to training you on all those great tools. I'm in great resources. Let me know if there are any questions, but thank you all for joining me today and have a great rest of your day.