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Last Updated: March 07, 2023

For Discus: Discover Gale in Context: Elementary and Resources for Educators

Explore Gale In Context: Elementary and give kids a safe place to find answers to their questions, practice research skills, and explore age-appropriate premium sources about their favorite subjects. We will also cover resources for educator’s available on the Gale Support Site. View this webinar, to discover engaging multimedia, articles, and facts, and highlight features and project materials to help instructors increase student engagement and enhance instruction.
Duration: 45 Minutes
Welcome to your training session for discus. Today's training is discover gale in context, elementary and resources for educators.

My name is Tammy Burke. I'm your Gale trainer.

Any questions that you have, please feel free to use that. Q.

And a box. Today's training will focus on kindergarten through fifth grade students and the resource that they can access.

That is a cross-curricular content all in one place our rear session will focus on the content features, and any enhancements, or, I should say, new content.

I've got some hidden gems I want to share with you today.

Within Galen context, elementary will also cover the projects lesson plans, scavenger hunts, and we have a few other items that we have available to support learning in your library or classroom.

We've been adding a lot of new content to our training center on our Guill support site, and I'm excited to share all of that content with you.

So let's start with our brief agenda. We'll start first with access to your discus resources, where you can find the information for Gale In Context.

Elementary. Then we're going to touch into fully understanding what exactly is Gale In context elementary.

In case this is new to you, I want to make sure you understand what you're going to find within this resource.

And then, after we explore the resource, we will go into all of those materials I mentioned that are available for teachers and libraries, and librarians and media specialists, and then, if there's any questions, I will stay on the line at the end.

I encourage you to ask throughout, but I'll cover already covering those training support resources.

It's in the in the previous section on our agenda, but I will touch into it a little bit more, because we are going to cover everything on the support site.

So I will share with you what else you'll find there, and then I will also share contact information.

So of course you have great folks at discus that can support you.

And I'm gonna provide you with their email address. And they are going to be your first form of first 4.

First point of contact for any questions that you may have, or any support you may need.

To access your discus resources. You can use this link here. It's very simple.

It's sc discus org, and it'll take you to all of your resources.

You can utilize the A to Z list. But there's also great support, information, contact, information, training information all available on this site.

So not only can you access the individual resources that you have from discus, you can also go there for supports.

So hopefully, you're already familiar with this link those of you that are attending the live session.

I will share this in the chat box. So you have this link.

It is a great one to bookmark a great one, to bookmark on your browser.

Let's talk about Gale In context, elementary. So Gale, in context and elementary, is student centered user experience.

It is a very kid, friendly site. You're going to find rich content that allows your students to search through over 16,000 images, 600 videos and 1,700 charts and graphs.

I believe that charts and charts and drawings has increased.

We have some new infographics that have been added to.

They were added last summer, so I'm excited to share where you're going to find those within the resource, and more are continuously being added.

The interface dictation gives your users the ability to toggle on the sound, and what that does is it'll read wherever the mouse is, so to help your users navigate through this resource.

They can easily toggle on the sound. It's in the contextual toolbar on the homepage, and then, wherever they move, their mouse they will hear that navigation read to them.

Now this is separate, the our listen. Feature is, and the listen.

Feature happens at the document level, but this is a great tool that's available for our younger users.

The I wonder? Questions you'll find here on the homepage, and they are also within our topic tree.

And they those questions are updated daily. They really encourage that inquisitiveness and spark, that curiosity, the visual topic tree, is how students can visually find content related to their search.

They can use the picture queues to find content that they're looking for to do some exploration, to answer those questions that they may have, as we know at this age, especially students are asking a lot of questions, and to support all of that curiosity, utilizing the topic, tree is a great way for students to

find content. There's a great user experience where you'll find rich content.

You always land on the topic pages as soon as you log in.

But the new section. You're going to find news from publications that are designed and written for kids.

You'll find pictures to really enhance research and presentations.

And then great video, content to further engage those young learners.

The topic overview pages. You start with the topic tree to find content.

So once I click into the subject of animals, I can see other additional topics.

So this is what we call our topic tree here that you're seeing on the page, and you'll find the topics as soon as you click into one of those high, level subjects like animals.

You'll see that the topics provide a high-level overview of that topic.

You'll also find this visual topic tree, which again makes it really easy for our young users to explore those topics.

The soon at centered experience topic pages. So once you've your users have drilled down, they've clicked into a subject.

They've used the topic tree and selected a topic page.

And let's say they've selected penguins.

What they're gonna find here is that high-level overview on the top.

What I'll call essay overview or topic overview on each subject.

So this one happens to be on penguins, and then your topic pages are curated collections.

So they all have an essay overview, and the essay overviews are leveled.

So we have a level one or level 2 level one is early elementary level 2 is upper, elementary, then you'll also find quick facts in the center of that topic.

Page again, everything curated on this page is for that's the topic of penguins.

So it's a curated collection. But you'll find those quick facts that really provide that ready to use information it's great for students reports or any research research that they're doing group projects that they're working on and they're always going to be right there on the home page or on the topic

page. Once your users select a essay overview or content from the resource.

This powerful platform, when the publications, when we publish our own information.

So, for example, the essay overviews on the topic pages, we have that ability to change the level.

And I mentioned that on the previous slide this is what it looks like, and I'll model that for you more.

So you'll find that lexile and leveled content great for differentiating instruction.

With those level topics, the ability to change in real time, that content immediately for students on anything that's been published by Gil, we do publish a lot of our own content.

And then you do have some tools and features such as highlights and notes, and I love highlights and notes for elementary, because it really provides that ability to annotate and start teaching.

I mean, highlights and notes can be used as a mini lesson, and students can learn to annotate their articles, their documents.

What they're reading or listening to, because we who do have that listening feature available. And it's a great way to track any questions or ideas they may have.

There's more that they can do with that highlights and notes, and save that marked up document.

And I'll talk to you a little bit more about that.

Once we get into the resource you can listen to and translate articles into over 40 languages, and you can just click on the listen, button, and it'll read the text allowed to your users some tools.

I want you to keep in mind to share content. You have some options.

You can use the get link tool you can share to Google classroom.

If you're using Google classroom, or you can send to send to Google Drive or Microsoft one to support accessible learning, we have a few features available, such as translate font size, display options which I'll share with you more.

You can share. You can change the font, including open dyslexic and the listen feature.

All of our tools to support accessibility are available at that document level.

To encourage analysis. I touched on this a little already is that highlights and notes.

It really promotes that deeper learning and offers it color coding and annotation, and then to develop those research skills, we have the topic tree topic pages.

And we also have the siteitation tool. So I's are automatically attached to every document video image that we have within the resource all content.

There'll be a citation automatically attached.

But if you are teaching your students about citations, they can export just the citation.

If that's something that you are teaching in your building.

One last thing before we jump into the resource is, if you are using a learning management system.

Such as canvas or schoology. You can add your resources, your Gale In context elementary can be added right into your instance.

So there is some setup on the backside. Our customer, success.

Managers can support you with that one-on-one support that you need, or your tech person needs to add these resources into your learning management system.

Once they are loaded or available within the learning management system.

It's very easy to embed content or add a link right into an assignment.

So it's a very seamless way to have your students right where there're learning, and right where your teachers are creating assignments to pull in or embed content right into those assumptions.

Alright. So with that, let's jump in. If you have any questions, please use that Q&A box.

I will be checking it throughout the session. And let's start with accessing these resources from your discus page.

So the link I already shared with you the sc a lot of great information is available.

The quickest way to find. Well, I shouldn't say the quickest way.

There's 2 options you can go to a dizz or you can go by grade level.

I would suggest grade level and going to early childhood in elementary.

And then, if you scroll down here is Gale in context, elementary.

Once you get to this point, I'm always Prime in Michigan, so I'm always prompted to log in with the information.

If you have any questions about that, you're getting that prompt, just let us know.

You can always again reach out to your the folks at Discus, and they can help, and I'll share you their email address at the end.

But hopefully, you're already very familiar with the access and and getting into your resources that you have available from desk.

So let's look at the homepage before we dive into the topics.

I wanna point out a few items. First of all in the upper right.

You do have the ability to sign in to Google or Microsoft I am set up as a teacher.

So when I sign into Google, I automatically am signed into Google, Google, and I can post and add content directly to my Google classroom by just clicking on this green icon.

There, the class, Google, classroom icon. I also have the ability to translate the navigational tools.

So the in the contextual toolbar here I can translate into over 34 different lengthages.

This is separate, then our defin-level translation, tool.

So we do keep these separate. We have it, you know.

It's English learners. So they are building their knowledge.

So we do leave it separate for that reason to for users to make that decision.

It's also really helpful for parents to have that information, but you will see that everything on the page is currently in English by change it to Spanish it would change my navigational tools here to Spanish and over on the basic search and advanced search now your users when you talk about

students. The majority of the time. And this is based on our analytics.

The majority of the time. The students are going to be pointing and clicking so they're really using this topic tree to find their information or clicking into any of these subjects or topics that we have here content types.

But we do have those of you that are doing searches, or your teachers, where basic search and advanced search are available.

And I am going to show you some hidden gems.

At the towards the end of this session, under advanced search.

Because there's some great information there when your users need that additional support toggling on and off the sound. And let me turn on my computer audio.

So you should be able to see here this. So when I turn on the sound, remember, this is wherever my mouse goes, it will read that text to me.


Okay, there, we go.

Pictures, videos.

So this is a great way to help students navigate through the resource.


Maybe some of these content type terms are a little bit more challenging.

So turning on, that sound can help with that process, the contextual toolbar is here, and this will change, depending on where I'm at.

Within the resource and what tools I need, what you'll always find at the end is the get link and highlights and notes.

Now browse topics is going to give you a list of all the topics pages. Title list is going to give you executive title.

Take you to the title list. What your users are primarily going to do is they're going to use that topic tree or go into news pictures, videos.

They might choose the, I wonder question to find out more content.

What is climate? We will enter in through one of these topics.

But before we do, I just want to point out what you're going to find under news.

Now you can search through any of your new content, and we are I just want to mention you're going to find some of the publications that you're seeing here.

You're seeing young instead of magazine. It's young Zine, but we also let's see, we've also you're going to find kids, posts.

And then I did want to mention that coming this summer we are adding the New York Times for kids. So that's gonna be a new publication that you'll find underne and magazines.

And there's so many more. I just wanted to mention a few there, and one that is coming over the summer fun.

Facts always live here. So they're in the new section, and our fun facts and their monthly.

So this is March. So we have the first telephone call happened in 1867.

That's coming up also this week is the fight of the century.

Mohammed Ali and Joe Frazier, and you have more below world water days coming up national puppy day, very celebrated and important because typically with our with our usage, what we see is cats and dogs always to see that be number one and 2 search for within this resource so national

puppy days and nice one to point out if that's something you think your students are interested in when they're first starting using these resources, why not peak their interests?

But you're also going to find this resource again.

It's designed for kindergarten through fifth grade.

It's cross-curricular, and you're going to find that the the curriculum standards support available here within this resource.

So what you're teaching in the classroom, or what you're teaching in your library.

You're going to find great content to supplement those units of study, and to supplement your curriculum pictures.

You're going to find a very long list, and you can scroll through all of them, or you can quickly do a search.

And find all of your content on plants.

Same idea for the videos. Everything's listed. But if I want everything on, say, life cycles, I can do a quick search, and it will filter down that content.

And these are shorter videos. I'm seeing some more.

We've been adding a lot more video content. And they're getting a little longer.

4 min. This one's 8 min long, so you're going to find some of those video content here.

I did see one today, and I'll share it with you.

That was 29 min, and that's the longest one.

Well, we've been adding more content, more videos. These are great.

I love the videos for that buy-in when you're talking to students, and your you want to share this, you're kicking off a unit, or you want to advocate video content to support a unit of study to get that buy-in from students project-based learning video content is great for or just a brain

break, why not utilize the videos here that you have available in Galen context, elementary from discus?

So just some ideas of how videos can be used within your classroom or within your library.

Alright! Let's go back to that topic. Page let's start diving into some of this content.

Since I've given you a bit of an overview of the tools available here.

And some content on that homepage. Now you can see the subject categories that we have available plants as a newer one, and it is so under animals you'll find a lot of the plant content under science also.

But we did pull it out because it is one that helps hit those curriculum standards.

So it does live here on the home page. But you'll find like in people, for example, the ability to drill down.

Here's that high level information there, but then I can go to any historic figures, and this will take me to a list of all of the topic pages.

Like Anne Frank or Amelia Earhart, for example, I can go into athletes here's one on Simone Files.

You can see the picture here, and we've got a list of athletes and actors and us presidents and scientists and inventors.

I'm all here under the topic of people.

We are going to go into animals.

And from animals you can see, in, you know, in elementary.

You're teaching mammals, birds, fish are part of the curriculum which you can also see.

Animal related subjects put in farm animals, and these again will take you to the next page, which will have all of the topic pages on it.

So right now we're exploring. We're going down that topic tree path.

We're going to go into mammals again.

We get that information that higher level information about mammals, and then below, we have all of the topic pages and remember, a topic page is a curated collection of information.

You have the quick facts on the topic. Page. I'm gonna scroll.

We've added more. Okay. So there's more, even more content.

The I wonder? Questions here are related to animals. So once you do click into a certain subject that I wonder, questions are going to be related to an animals.

These ones, yeah, or mammals. These are specific to mammals, and then you will see at the bottom we do have additional topic pages.

Some of these just don't have images. We have some of the most popular ones here that are access the most.

So let's dive into dogs.

So looking once, I click into that topic Page, you can see I have that image and essay overview here are my quick facts.

There's always just 3 quick facts. And then below I have book articles, magazines, newspaper buyographies.

This one has a great amount of pictures. I also have great video content and then at the very bottom, I have additional topic.

Pages. So these are related. Topic pages.

I'm gonna scroll back up. I wanna take a look at that essay overview.

Click on the keep reading.

And this is where you can see. I have in my essay Overview.

I can choose from a level one. This one landed me in, or a level 2 level one.

Each one has an image, but level one has, sometimes it has words to know, sometimes it has important ideas.

So you'll see some of those text features available. And then here is a very brief article.

And this is on dogs. If I switch that to level 2, the image changed, and this one has main ideas.

And again, there is my text.


No, there are. I am going to touch in the tools to support accessibility.

But I'm gonna save that because I want to go back to that topic.

Page, and I do. Wanna point out when I go back to dogs.

I'm gonna use my breadcrumb trail at the top.

There when I am on this topic, page something that you can do so you can use the get link, tool variety of different ways.

If I wanted to share a persistent ul back to this topic, page, and maybe I want to use the get link tool.

And again this creates a persistent URL, or we also call it a perl back to this topic. Page.

I've seen a lot of libraries that, especially with our younger users.

They will take this this quick link or this link we have available, and they will pull it into a QR.

Code generator, and then all students have to do, especially if you have it.

Maybe a classroom set of ipads. They can just come up and scan that QR code, and it'll take students directly into this topic.

Page. So it's a great option for students to, especially if you're helping your working with teachers.

You're helping curate information you know. They're doing us.

They're focusing on mammals. They're doing a unit study on mammals and do you want to pull a couple topic pages together?

Because I, as librarians, you know, and teachers, you know what your students are looking for.

The devour books, and the library? Why not support them with digital resources that you have available from discus to?

So keep that in mind utilizing that get link tool.

Now I can also pull this topic page directly into Google classroom.

I just click on classroom. I choose what I would like to do.

Maybe I want to make an announcement. Once I select, make an announcement, I can pull this content directly into my Google classroom.

It's very simple and intuitive. If you want more information, and want me to go over it. More detail. Let me know.

But it is very simple to you. Looking below, and that and that both ways the get link and the Google classroom.

Those are both great ways to share that, content with your students.

But you can also do this at the individual content type level.

So content, type, meaning book articles or magazines. So if I wanted to look at all of my video content, and this one actually only has 4 videos.

But I want all of this video content. And I want to share these 4 videos with my students.

Again, I can use that gitlink tool, or I can pull everything into Google classroom.

And here you can see the time of those videos. And let me see, I clicked on this one earlier, and it was timing out a little bit on me.

Zoom tends to bog it down all good.

It started right up, and it does start right up close. Toioning is available.

It is muted. Here, let me turn it on.

States of America. There everywhere.

The closed captioning. And that was in the video.

Wasn't my dog barking here at home, close captioning is available.

You can turn it on or off. You can make this video whole screen and the transcript is included.

So that video does start up right away as soon as you click into it.

And this one is 2 min, and oh, no! This one that I've already.

I've only got 2 min left. I think it was a 3 min video.

If I click this, listen, button, which I'll talk more about when we're at the on a document, it will read this text allowed to me.

So keep that in mind. If you are doing that, if you're using the translate, it'll translate any text on the resource are on the page, but not the text here in the video. And it won't translate obviously that video that you're listening to.

But great video content. We also have wonderful images available to.

So let's take a quick peek at those.

So great images, and something I want to point out, and this is a hidden gem.

I'm gonna share with you one other way that you can find this content.

But we do have these new infographics that we've been adding.

For example, this one is most popular. Us. Dog breeds 2020, and we have a retriever in Number one, which I have a black lab.

So it's nice to see that there. But you can see the top dog breeds that you have available in these great infographics.

You're gonna find they're in animals. I'm also seeing them a lot in sports, and we have one for every state.

So state symbols, you'll find an infographic.

And those that's what I'm gonna that's one of those hidden jumps I'm gonna share with you.

And Justin so great picture content we have available. Each picture does have a caption.

So you can see this is a Humane Society worker.

Rescue and care for rescues and care for a dog. And you can see I've mentioned the source. Citations are attached, and you also have that citation tool up in the contextual toolbar.

All right. So we talked about pictures and videos. And we're focusing on mammals.

Let's go into I'm gonna switch gears and let's go into another topic.

So I want you to see different topics and what we have available and we'll explore more tools.

So let's go back to that homepage. Let me know if there are any questions.

Oh, great question, Linda. So our videos, coming from a particular publisher or producer, or various, it's various.

We're adding more content. We just started adding, I think it was visual learning.

Vision was from visual learning. We're adding more Spanish content.

There so a variety of different publishers.

Okay on the homepage. Let's go into plants.

We're going to go into types of plants.

One more time. Here. Okay. Now, I want to talk to you about filtering down your content.

So when I'm in types of plants, I can go into book articles.

I can click into a document. Let's start there, and then I'll show you how to filter.

Click into a document and choose wetlands, and then I have all these great tools to support accessibility.

I have the ability to listen to the text, and it will highlight the word and sentence as it's reading aloud to me.

I can decrease or increase the font size. I can choose under display options.

That's this third one here. The color behind my text.

If I want to use open dyslexic if I want to increase the line letter and word spacing.

And the nice thing is, if I've made those selections in that display option again, you have to be at the document level to make the changes to the document.

But once I make these changes, it will stick with me. Throughout my session.

So I go into one article. I make the changes. Now it meets my needs to read through every document as long as I'm within this session.

So it is a session based option that I have available.

I also have the ability to transmit the text into over 40 languages, if I wanna change my display options back to default, I can do that.

So those tools and features you will find again at the document level.

Now let's say I wanna filter down my content.

Let's go back to types of plants this time.

Let's go to.

This is probably gonna skew a little higher. But let's.

Go into. I had magazines picked, but oh, no, let's go to magazines, cause we have 5,000 magazine.

So that's quite a bit so what I can do is anytime you're in any of the content types.

You have that ability to filter down your results over here on the right hand side, I can filter by publication date, so if I just want everything from the last year, I can quickly filter that information down.

So we want from 5,000 to 269.

I can filter by subject, document, type, public health, title.

And you can see all the publication titles that we have available in magazines, and 2 Linda along those lines for the video content.

If you want to see on a certain subject, on what video, what publications are available.

Once you click into the content type of video, you can see all the different publishers that we have there just to give you an idea.

If you want subject specific information about publications, content, level.

Remember level, one early elementary level, 2 upper elementary level 3 is middle school, and then it goes up.

From this I can also search within. So let's say, I want to filter down my content and I might be limiting myself here pretty much ones and twos cause magazines do tend to oh, good.

We got a good amount still, so we went from 5,000 to 269, and now I just want everything that is just elementary, which I have with those filters that I've added just from the last year I have 71 different documents available.

This one's coming from National Geographic kids, story, monster.

The week, the week. Jr. Stone soups. You can see some of those publications time for kids.

Don't forget New York for kids as come New York Times for kids as coming this summer, but if you notice that filters don't everything at once.

So I was in magazines, but it filtered down all of my content at one.

So keep that in mind, too, when you're sharing this information.

But it's a great tool to really filter down that content.

Okay. I did talk about highlights and notes. And I'm just gonna click into this article real quick.

Oh, it's just a citation. Wait. It's just a citation that's interesting.

Usually it only shows full text. Let me remove some of these filters.

And we're gonna go into biographies. Oh, and I loved him by graphies.

Where is she?


No, that's not what I want. Oh, I'm in book articles.

Okay. Well, we'll just use this article. I can highlight click, control over any chunk of text.

Choose my color, save that information. If I am marking up a document, best practice is to send the entire document to Google Microsoft email, you also condemn or print, and it sends the marked up document, into Google, let's say in turns it into a Google Doc so for elementary i've

heard I had a librarian share. Oh, this is a great idea!

If students are looking for information to add into their opening their body or their conclusion of their paper, or maybe they just need information for their body of their paper, and they can use multiple colors, they also have under highlights and notes when they've done some highlighting again, best practice send this

article. So you have it. But you also have this highlights and notes. Section.

That is being built out. Okay, now, this is a whole great Mini lesson.

We have some 15 min to mastery sessions on just highlights and notes, and also video.

Tutorials on using highlights and notes. But keep in mind that that's a really simple process on how to utilize that tool available within your resources.

Okay. Let me know if there are any questions about the resource itself.

We covered a lot, the only other thing I wanted to share with you are quick, hidden gems.

If I wanted to find all of the State symbols.

Under pictures is where I'm going to find all of those infographics.

Okay. Another hidden gem.

I'm gonna type in unlabeled, and I'll show you why.

Under pictures we have, if we have an unlabeled image, for, say, plants parts of a plant, we also have the labeled image, so we have both.

So I search for, unlabeled to quickly find.

C. Okay. What unlabeled illustrations do I have available and I know that I have a labeled one too.

So if there's an unlabeled, there's automatically a label now, if I were to do a search on plant or parts of plant, then I would see both images would come back in my search results.

This was also. I don't know if you noticed it, but it was on the topic.

Page 2, but that's another hidden gem, isn't doing a quick search on unlabeled and finding all of those images that are unlabeled.

Pulling this into. Let's say, a Google Doc, or a word Dck, and you turn it into an assignment.

The word bank is attached there below. So just an idea of how you can utilize what you have available within the resource in your classroom or in your library.

One other thing I want to share with you is under advanced search, and this was, this is along the lines of resources for educators, so for teachers that are available, you have under document type.

So I clicked into advanced search I'm scrolling down to document type, and I know that I have some lesson plans available.

I'm not going to filter by subject. I'm just gonna click search, so I can share with you.

There are 97 different lesson plans available, and these are coming from magazines.

Another item in advanced search. Maybe you're again under document type.

Let me look up poems hopefully. It didn't keep my other selection.

We'll see real quick document type poems. Yeah, okay, hold on.

Let me clear that out. I think this should clear it.

Try that again!

There we go. So over 11,000 different poems, and the great thing is with these poems. Is there.

A lot of them are written by kids, and then maybe or maybe you're looking for place.

That's another option. Go into advanced search looks for place.

Maybe you're using place for fluency. I know that's great.

It's a great option to have a play, a narrative, and with a narrator, and the play has each of the individual players or the characters within the play.

You can use your highlights and notes. 2, I mean highlight. You know.

Maybe the duck in the play is in yellow and you highlight his part, and yellow, and then you are able to hand that out to your students, and you can reuse those every year, too.

So keep that in mind that under advanced search you have all kinds of great different document types explore what we have.

We have some cartoons. We have all kinds of different document types available here.

So you said advanced search to your benefit, to utilize and help support what you're learning in the classroom.

Okay. The other thing I wanted to share with you is the support site and then we are gonna wrap our session.

So right at the end of our time here, and you do have access to.

Nope, that's not the one I want. Your support site.

So you have to make and large. Add a little bit. Here we go.

I'll put this link. It is forward, slash!

Discus. I will put that in the chat, and this is where you can find all of your information.

So if you want to enter in your your name and find your direct Urls, you can do that.

Maybe you're using the discus site for all of access into all of your resources.

Then don't worry about this part. You can go to the training section and find all of the upcoming training webinars or you can go directly to the general support site and let me take you that path I just want to point out that you do have a support site. For discus.

Here but if you go to the general support site, so I drop the discus portion.

It's just support that Let me share with you where you can find your materials for Gale In context elementary. Now, I don't have to log in to access our training materials or our marketing materials.

We're focusing on training materials today. And you can see, I can quickly filter by bye type, byproduct, video tutorials, webinars.

And we also have some content, specific materials. Let me start by product.

All I have to do to find all the training materials on Gale In context, elementary.

I just start filtering to elementary click on. So I went to Training center browse by product.

I filtered to elementary select Gale In context, elementary.

And here is everything. Digital assets, live training, printable tools, lessons and activities on demand training.

So you're going to find here some upcoming webinars that we have scheduled, and these are just open webinars.

They're not discus specific. Here's lessons and activities.

So here's a graphic organizer. Here's and I'll share this one with you.

Developing early research skills. So we have documents such as this that start with a tip sheet for teachers.

And then move into choosing a topic. So this is ready to go to use with Galen context, elementary in the classroom, investigating.

And planning. So we have documents such as that available.

We also have something new, we added. Where is it? A skate room?

We have an escape room template available. So this is something brand new.

We just added, you can download. It's a Powerpoint, but we have the template to go along with building and designing an escape room.

We also have a recorded webinar. This webinar launched last month, but we do have those templates available.

You're going to find projects like a library activity guide for solar system.

And there's trading cards. There's also scavenger hunts.

We had a focus on bees, the honey bee, and so we have skavenger hunts available.

Here's a lesson plan to support Galen context, elementary Vis and honey lesson.

We also have additional tech structure, graphic organizers that look like this.

These are newer tools that have been added to the Gale support site down below is where you're going to find recorded webinars.

Short little video tutorials and longer webinars, too, the 15 min to mastery.

We have a couple here at the top. They are exactly that. Just quick.

15 min!

Alright! Let me know if there are any questions on any of this content.

What I will do for those of you that are attending the live Session.

I will share the link here, and this will take you to all of your training materials for Galen context, elementary.

Now, are you tasked with training folks in your building?

We have Powerpoints ready to go for you. So the very first one, this is a Powerpoint slide deck, with all of our trainer notes ready to go.

You don't have to use the whole thing. You can pick and choose what you want out of it, but it's ready to go for you to work with.

Maybe your meeting with teachers during their Plc time, or during a faculty meeting, or maybe you're gearing up for next year, and you're carving out time.

You're telling your administrators I need time. I need to talk to the teachers.

Consider that, consider using that Powerpoint also consider a signing a scavenger hunt.

So they're short. They're short and sweet, these scavenger hunts, and we provide you with the answers to let me share this one with you, so you can see there are only a couple of questions long.

I think this one's 5, usually 5 questions. So. But this is a great way to get your teachers in the resource.

Maybe you have the opportunity to do that, and you can share something like that.

But they're great. They're designed for your students.

Okay. So that's the type of content that you're gonna find available.

The last thing I wanna share with you is the content. Specific materials.

So again, that was under training center content, specific. And we are adding here monthly materials.

So now they don't always all apply to all of the resources, but you can click into them and, like national honey month in September you can see what to what 2 resources this curated content applies to elementary and then another in context, resource and right in the title it will tell you this one

is, for Gale In context, elementary. Okay, but keep an eye on those content.

Specific materials, because we're always adding new content.

And we aren't working hard to add content in both Spanish and English, like our day of the dead.

For example, is, I know documents are in Spanish and English.

We just added or another one's coming. There's another one coming, I think it's in March, and it's going to be in both documents, and both Spanish and English, and that includes a document for students, too.

So a lot more great content is being added. All right. We are going to end our session here real quick.

I just want to share with you where you can go for additional support.

You can go directly to the great folks at Discus and contact the help desk here's the email address.

You'll also find this on your discus site. It lives under this, the contact us, or the under support.

2. No, it's under the contact. Us. Section. You'll find this email address.

And I can share this email address with you real quick in the chat box in case you need it, sharing a lot of links today.

There we go!

Just a quick review. I had mentioned already to you the training center. But what else?

You'll also find on the support side are any title list. Mark records the access.

Urls database, icons, and widgets.

You'll also contact us we'll take you directly to your customer. Success manager.

Remember I mentioned you. There's folks at Gale that can help with that setup of your resources into your learning management system.

Folks at Gale, that one on one support for your gale resources we can help with, and then great marketing materials.

Looking to promote your resources, here's one here on the bottom right are on the bottom, left.

You. We have great marketing materials for this resource, scaling context, elementary.

You'll find digital assets. There's all kinds of social media posts, we have templates, blog and email templates available.

So great way to reach out to your school community and share this information.

So that wraps our session. Gale, customer, success manager information is right here on the screen.

It will also be included in your follow-up email.

Again need help with that learning management system, or pulling usage reports or anything laws along those lines.

They can help with first point of contact is always discus, so please reach out to them.

If you have any questions, my name, again is Tammy Burke.

I'm your senior Gale trainer. I thank you so much for your time today.

I will stay on the line if there's any additional questions that you may have training, survey.

Should pop up when you leave us today, but if you would like to do it on your phone, there's a QR.

Code right? There, feel free to scan it and give us your feedback.

I do share that feedback directly with discus, so please feel free to share any information you have in that comment.

Section if there's any type of training you're looking for, we're always looking for new ideas.

So please let us know how we can help you. So with that I am going to end the session again.

I'll stay on if there's any additional questions.

But thank you again for your time today. If you have any questions, let me know or feel free to follow up with me.

You'll receive an email in 24 h with my contact information.

Thank you all for your time. Have a great rest of your day.

© 2024 Gale, part of Cengage Group