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Last Updated: December 16, 2022

Business Insights: Global - Companies

Select Company Finder from the Companies tab

to search for companies by location,

by industry,

either by SIC or NAICS,

by revenue or by number of employees.

Expand the categories,

and then select a search option

or enter a term to build a list of companies.

Use the arrow to sort your results

in ascending or descending order,

by location, number of employees,

or company revenue.

If you want to narrow your results,

simply select another category.

For example, from the Revenue Selector,

enter a minimum and/or maximum number of employees,

and then click Update.

Your search terms are displayed at the top of the page.

Click the X next to the search term

to undo that piece of the search.

Click the Download as CSV button

to export up to 500 results.

Click on a company name to view the company profile.

Select company histories from the company tab

to access detailed histories of hundreds of companies.

From here, browse the alphabetical list,

or you se the search box to find a specific company.

Use the pull-down menu to sort the list results

by publication date, by article title,

or by publication title.

Use the links along the left of the page

to limit your results to full-text documents

to peer review documents,

by publication date, by subject,

or to content from a specific publication.

The number of items found for each is displayed.

Click the star icon to save a document

and return to it later.

Select the Saved Items tab from the menu bar

to view a document you've saved.

Click on a title to view the company history.

Select SWOT Reports from the Companies tab

to access strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,

and threats reports for hundreds of companies.

From here, browse the alphabetical list

or use the search box to find a specific report.

Use the pull-down menu

to sort your results.

Use the links along the left of the page

to limit your results to full-text documents

to peer reviewed documents

by publication date,

by subject,

or to content from a specific publication.

The number of items found for each is displayed.

Click on a title to view the document.

Click on the PDF icon

to download a PDF of the document.

Click the star icon to save a document

and return to it later.

Select the Saved Items tab from the menu bar

to view a document you've saved.

Select Investment reports from the Companies tab

to access stock valuation reports, forecasts,

risk assessments, financial snapshots,

as well as company and earnings updates

for publicly traded US companies.

Browse the alphabetical list

or enter a company name or ticker symbol in the search box

to find a specific report.

Select a company name to view a list of reports.

Reports are arranged by date.

Click on a title to view the document.

Click on the PDF icon to download a PDF of the document.

Select Financial Reports from the Companies tab

to access interactive balance sheets

and cashflow statements,

as well as market conditions

for publicly traded US companies.

Browse the alphabetical list,

or enter a company name or ticker symbol in the search box

to search for a specific company.

From here, select either the Fundamentals Analysis tab

or the Financials Dashboard tab.

Select the Fundamentals Analysis tab

to prepare a company's income statement,

balance sheet, cash flow,

or ratios reports over a period of time

to its major competitors,

or to specific companies.

Select the Financials Dashboard tab

to view general market news, videos, exchange rates,

and a currency converter,

news from international market,

and treasury and bond information,

stock news and analysis, including a stock dashboard,

news on mutual funds and exchange traded funds,

and major sectors.
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